Panel Talk Women and Power in California

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Thank. You all of you for coming out on a Friday night there's so many places that you could be beautiful. Night like tonight and we're just thrilled that you, decided to start the evening with us so, again. We're almost on the principle of Americans, consulting, and the. Proud host, this event will, say a bit more about why a guy like you would be hosting an event of this topic just a bit I'm. Happy to also report to those of you that live in the region that have just accepted the position to, be the artistic director and, she purely Studios. On the park and posture vocalist I'm, a founding artists their founding, board member really. Pleased, to be able to, pick. Up on some, really special. Content. In. Terms of tonight before I get into the, introductions. I want to just acknowledge I'm sure you'll join me in doing so. Over. Also. Want to thank Stacey Jacob Jacob of solteira, strategies, she was, very instrumental in providing free. Wine for us those, of you that are taking you can think Stacey for that I also. Want to thank officially. And Magnolia stork for their help in making this possible with dr. logistical, you know magic these, things just don't happen I hope, that we can all agree that this is a treasure here, on campus that we need to support more fully and it does a great job so. So. I thought from what I've told you about myself in my public life I'm a former member of the California. Community, Colleges Board appointed, by Jerry Brown some. Time ago I'm an artist and a writer. Those, of you who know me know I'm basically a kind. Of a professional. Trouble maker I'm sort of you, know person, always provoking, and, most. Important, for tonight I'm a very, crowd former, board, member and continuing. Supporter, of the Women's Foundation of California, represents. A night by Serena Khan well, I'll say a word about more. On just a bit, through. My long association with the foundation, as. First a funder and then as a board member over, many years I've really been. Able to, understand. The amazing leadership that exists in our women's communities I've. Learned about the power women sensibilities. And their inclinations on, matters of no, less than civilizational. Survival, and. Especially when it comes to understanding the, import of our children our families and our communities. Women. Really. Have really. Important, new ideas, and. They have the answers that we badly need we. Live in a crazy time I don't, have to tell you that but. We also have been a really. Exciting really. Hopeful, and an innovative, moment and I, believe that women are, at the lead of, the best of what we have to bring in those areas and. As I said in a recent event at the women's Legacy Fund. In, earnest Lo and, I. Quote it's, time for the men to step back and, let the women lead. Women's. Leadership skills, their commitment, and compassion their, care their, greater, magnetism, to pragmatism. They're. Healthy humility and their humanity, these. Are all of what we need more of in our public life we. Need to quickly evaluate, and turn our attention to what they have to offer we. Need to follow their lead to a better way forward so. To help me to, do that I. Thought. Who do I know that could tell this story in ways far better than we and it quickly became clear that I had some great resources to draw on and. They're all immediately to my, left and here you're, right, I. Thought. First and foremost of Serena college president, Women's Foundation California, they're celebrating their 40th anniversary this year something. To give. A round of applause. And. She's. Gonna tell you more about the marvelous work that the foundation, does from its grant making to its policy, advocacy, to its incredible, women's Policy Institute now. Responsible for nearly 40 bills have been passed by various. Legislators, since sign into law by recent. California governor's. Like. Me is Serena's a former member of the Ford Foundation staff, and someone that I just admire immensely, for her leadership. In the social investment space. Also, I want to acknowledge. Another. Resource that we're turning to tonight EMA Saperstein, the gallery director here our, host. She. Has brought I think since her arrival here just a dynamic, new point of view in terms of what art and society can be all about the. Julie Cochran exhibit. That, we were just seeing, I think speaks to the power of her artistic. Point of view and we need to support her more fully in their efforts to bring a.

New. Perspective and, particularly a woman's voice to, the creative offerings. Here at cuesta and throughout the region. Last. But not least I turned to our dynamic, mayor Heidi Harmon who is a, friend. And somebody who I would say is, easily, one of the state's most courageous and interesting, and innovative elected, officials, she's, been a national leader on climate and social, justice issues, she's. Become a good friend and I have, the utmost admiration for, her I was learning from her and her presence, and I know again, tonight some thanks for joining this man. Last. But, not least I want to acknowledge Barbara, George who has very generously agreed to moderate than the conversations, when Barbara is the, former director of the foundation, here in questa she's. An elected representative. A member, of the board of trustees of the College District and just one. Of the most impressive, and, enlightened. People that I've had a chance to work with as, a former member of the Board of Governors for the system she was always a great partner so. When. I think of the amazing, qualities and contributions, that women and girls across our region have, to. Offer that are still being undervalued, it. Angers me but it also inspires, me to think, about what would take to make the world a better place if, women leaders are truly our best hope for a happy healthy peaceful. And prosperous future the, women who will be speaking to us tonight embody. That so, without further ado I'm going to do what I advised. Earlier I'm going to step back and let the women. Thank. You Henry and thank you for bringing us together tonight it's important, for us to hear the story have, this conversation, together, and. He did not mention that he at one time was, a member of the board. Of directors of the cuesta college foundation. And that. Was a wonderful opportunity for all of us and. One. Of the most wonderful, members who, offered such good wisdom, and guidance as, a member of the governing board for, the California, Community Colleges were, so grateful for his term appointed, by Governor Brown and. And. Then of course as a member of the women's foundation, for. California, and. He's. Brought us here together because we are celebrating, the 40th, anniversary of, the, Women's Foundation of, California. Edison. Lee I think and that today is the International Day, of, the girl. It. Is also a day when the US Supreme Court, is. Considering. Cases, with, the potential, of profound change. It's. A day when the house is meeting, in the, ongoing impeach. Woori we. Live in interesting times, but. It's also a day when right here, we, reflect, on the changes since, 1979. When, the, Women's Foundation of, California, was created, by. People who knew they were more powerful together, and, together. They, have become, unstoppable. We're. Gonna hear more about this, from Sarina, as the evening progresses.

But. The. Women's Foundation of California, is a movement committed. To racial economic and, gender, justice. So, how appropriate, that this is also the day when. We're gathered, here to discuss, women, and power in, our region, and in our state and to consider. How we can join forces to, do more. Here's. How we will approach our panel discussion I have, a few questions that open, up the conversation and, any. Of you or each of you can jump in at any time and. Then. Others may add to the discussion, after, about 30 minutes we'll, open it up to the audience to, ask questions of, our panel, so. Audience. Be thinking of your questions and. Panel, let's. Begin, so. Let's start by considering, how. Our, institutions. And our quality of life has. Been improved and advanced. Because. Of. Expanded. Women's representation. And women's leadership. What. Are the one. Of the things we should be considering, about our institutions. And our quality of life and how we've been, by women's leadership. Well. I'm happy to start first of all thank you so much Henry, and to all of you for inviting. Me to be with you tonight I always like coming down, to the Central Coast or up as it may be sometimes, I get. Around around. Most of the state. So. I'm really happy to be here and I think to your question I just want to add to what Henry, said is that in 1979. We were founded by, a group, of women our origin, story starts, in both Northern. California, and Southern California. Because. In the 70s things, were pretty different, I kinda want to start on a positive, note which is that we've made a lot of progress. When. We were talking, beforehand. And the planning for this panel I was, reminded, because we're in our 40th year we spent, a lot of time going through our archives and, really trying. To, more. Deeply understand, their founders, vision then, in the, 70s, you, know women were. Not able, to hold credit cards and their own own names or mortgages. It was I think in 1993. When we, needed to legislate, in California. Governor Pete Wilson at, that time signed a law that said you can't discriminate against, women for wearing.

Pants To work so. Things have you know we've made a lot of good progress and yet, there's still so much to do so we know that California, is the, fifth largest, economy. In the world we're a global economy we have incredible, resources and, wealth in the state and we have the highest poverty, rates in the nation and most of that is you. Know in the in the rural parts of the state of the Central Valley and. Primarily, single. Moms and kids are, the ones of. Color living in poverty in our state and so, we still have a lot to do, and. And. At the foundation, we have three, strategies one, is to make grants to, based, organizations. That are working in communities, of color and low-income communities. To, train leaders. From, grassroots communities, to be effective, policy, advocates, and Henry, mentioned that almost 40 of their policy, projects, have been signed into law a few you'll recognize, maybe like the, domestic worker Bill of Rights and. Increased. Access to childcare subsidies. And. Then, we act as a convener, and a connector, so that we can really, work. With partners across the state and I'll just say, one more thing before passing, it on to my fellow, speakers here is that I just came today, from. I had to head from san francisco to, sacramento. Where. I was fortunate enough to be invited by the governor, to attend a bill signing ceremony. Which. Is. History. In the making here in california, and it really demerged, from student, leaders young, women, at. UC, campuses, who. Realized. That they did, not have access to abortion services on campus through their student health centers, and. They. Came. To the women's policy institute. And we, worked. With these advocates, to, it. Made it to the governor's desk last year Governor Brown vetoed we, did it again this year it got to Governor Newsome's desk and today not, only did he sign it but, he brought the students and the advocates, together for a bill signing ceremony, and what it does is it requires. Publicly. Funded universities in, California so, the UC system and the cal state system to. Provide medication, abortion, through their student health centers and. It's where the first state of the nation to do that and it emerged from student activists, and it comes. At no cost to the state because we have organized, a consortium, of funders to pay for the imitation, and. I will say that other. Colleges. And even, private, universities, can opt in and actually. Receive, funding, if people, if, those entities wanted, to Institute, that here so that is about the leadership and. Expansion, of leadership of, women. Across our state who are making these incredible changes, happening that, are giving, hope to really the rest of the country in these troubling, times I. Mean. And. I. Think. Back. To Barbara's question about how our quality, of life improves, and I will always speak, from, the personal and my experience. As a woman working with women and in. Collaboration with women and with women leaders is that and think. That there, is a unique ability that, women have to acknowledge. The, whole person, and to. Work within. That framework and I found that to be really helpful for me. Thank. You before. I get started on the question I just want to acknowledge, a. Couple, of things which I feel like it, does come from the feminine, or the, in perspective, and that is that we, are on northern, she mashed people's lands right now and, I. Want to honor that that we are guests here on their land and also just really want to honor questa, I, was, a question, questa honored alum last year and I think, I'm probably the only owner in LA honored, alum who have, has. A ten-year. History, at, cuesta as one. Of my teachers Margaret, Carr Shelly would can attest I was in the art department quite, a bit and. I don't think that at. That time she would have suspected that I would have gone on to be mayor of San, Luis Obispo. Taking. So long to get through quest up at questa is such an. Important. Resource. And questa, itself I think actually really, comes from, what, I see is a more feminine. Orientation.

And That is, the. Inclusivity. The. Accessibility. Of. The. Of. The approach that quest it takes that everyone can come here and that, there's a lot of opportunity, created by a space like questa so just, want to honor those things. You. Know I also just want to note that today is also in addition to being a guest a the girl it's also National, Coming Out Day and that, reminds, me talking. To my kid today who is gender non-conforming that. Gender on some level is a construct. And. Let's. Be clear women. Or female identified, people make, everything better, like, that's my answer you know Barbara to your question I, mean. That's. What I see you know you see that and from coming from a political space and a political, perspective, we. See that even, at the federal level, where there's, not a lot of positive, reports, that we could make but women. Have traditionally, been the ones that are reach across the so-called aisle and connect more. Collaborative. Really, about. Solution. Orientation. As opposed to a more competitive. Orientation. One. Of my favorite. Examples. Of, women make things better. In a real meaningful way as the. Country, of Iceland, - was hit, disproportionately. Hard, by the 2008. Recession. And when. They really took a look at how did this happen, what's really, going on here, what, they took away from that is that this was a. Human-made. Crisis. But it was a specifically. Masculine. Made. Crisis. When, they looked across their own country, they saw that the. Hedge. Fund firms that were very, masculine, they were really, struggling and had been actively. Participating. In what ended up being a failure in that country, there was one. Hedge. Fund group that was female, led. And they, were doing well and so, they really took a look at that and then the policies, that came out of this understanding are really, clear and meaningful they. Have gender, parity. Legislation. And both boards. Of directors of corporations, but also in, terms, of their political. Mandates. In terms of people, in elected office and it's, have real measurable. Results. And I, think that you. Know. Women. Bring, this, more what. I've experienced. Is a more nurturing. Inclusive. Attitude. That. Truly. Is about lifting.

People Up. And. So I. Hope. That answers the question that, that's what I see happening. Thank. You Serena for the announcement, about the bill was signed, into law today great work we've. Had some pretty powerful women, here in questa college some of you may remember dr., Grace Mitchell, who, made. Some great changes great, strides at cuesta college and in. Women, and leadership roles and our current president, dr., Jill Stearns, her. Son had the audacity to get married this weekend, so she's not here, but, she is a transformational. Leader and I think we're all, learning from her now. So. Good. Let's. Talk about the current status of women leaders across. Our region and across the state where. Do you think we're making progress. With. The. Status of women leaders across our region and across our state and where. Are we not advancing. As, well, anyone, want to jump in on that one. I mean. We're at this real precipice. On so many issues right. I mean you can feel it. Patriarchy. Is. In. Its death, throes right, and just like any other system that's, dying it's, very, very, dangerous, and that's. What, I see so we. Have made progress in. Terms. Of female. Identified, folks taking up space and, in positions, of power and leadership and. That. Is a part. Of what's happening, in the greater culture, in terms of this. Really. Heightened. Misogyny. Patriarchy. Racism. All of it, and. So. We're. Really at a moment where we get. To and must decide. What. Kind of world we want to create because all of these systems are breaking down right, climate. Crisis makes that really, clear, frankly. You know capitalism, isn't working in capitalism, frankly is a very masculine, approach to an economy, let's. Be real you. Know and so these, things are all breaking down and so the folks that have traditionally. Benefited. From these systems are. Not going. Down without a fight, so. Yes we are ascending, into more power than, we've had on some level and, there, all of this this ascension, is also. I think really causing. The whole system, to really, be. In a very defensive an attacking mode which we see every day. Yeah. I would absolutely agree. And. I, think that you know there are areas, of progress in the state for. Example. In. The last year, in elected, office we went from 23%, elected. Women at the state legislature, to 30%. So is it, good, enough no, as a progress yes, we. Have Heidi Hartmann, as the mayor of San Luis Obispo that, is amazing, in, LA we have almost. You know four out of five of the County Board of Supervisors are. Women. And maybe soon to be entirely, all women so there is progress. And it's important, that we make that kind of progress for the first time in the history of California we. Have Senate. President, Pro Tem Johnny, Atkins as a woman, and an out lesbian so, this is amazing. And for me you. Know I was in the hearing room last, year with our Policy, Institute fellows, as, we were doing some of the trainings, and in, that hearing room there were pictures of every, Senate, president from, the history, of, California. And one after, the other it was a white man and so when you see the vision a little bit it really, you. Know it really hits home and of course every portrait of every. Governor, in the state has been a man. We have progress -, there - we want to see a woman, and you know the highest elected offices, in our in, our towns and our cities in our state and in our country, so. I think that we're making progress and, getting there but similarly, you, know this is a story, that's true in the field that I work in and philanthropy, in the nonprofit sector, where you, know it's sort of like what I call the 17 to 25 percent problem, where no. Matter where you look women in leadership or. You. Know not, represented. Whether it's in in. Academia, in, the health care industry in. Media and, the corporate sector in, the nonprofit sector and philanthropy so. We do have a lot to do in terms of you, know how we, you. Know make, advancements. And at the same time there's this incredible. Work happening so in our policy, institute for example we've graduated, now more, than 500, community. Leaders through this program at the state level which is in its 17th year and each one of them are, connected to a network of thousands, of people so, when we do the math there, we know that they can we can activate, millions, of people for, progressive, policy changing for the first time we. Finally have somebody to coordinate, via, once and then I will just say that one of the things that we were done with, the California, budget Policy Center is the women's well-being index which has data, for all of California's. 58, counties, and so I brought, some fact sheets just for example recently spoke counties it's, an online tool that. You can access through our website or the budget Center's website and it's open source so you can put it on you know any of your websites, or organizations.

That You might work with, and. One of the things that I just really, bothers me ever since you've produced this tool in 2016, it's compiled. From data from the California. Health Information survey, in that American, Community, Survey and. It. Has five dimensions, health safety, economic security, and employment and earnings and political, empowerment and we're, in the process of updating it, so some of the data may not be accurate in particular the political, empowerment because we've seen more, women rise to public office but. The thing that bothers me the most is, that in every one of California's, 58, counties including, here a single. Mom pays, more. Than a hundred, percent of, what she brings home every month in two line items in her budget child care and housing. So, in San Luis Obispo, County it's 50% for housing, and 64%. For. Child care and the 50%, for housing, is actually better than most, other counties, in California, but what that means is not, only is she going into debt every month but she also doesn't, have basic. You, know money to cover other basic necessities like food transportation. Clothing and so, at least what, we know is that we have, these numbers, and. We know from childcare, advocates. That you know we really should be spending about 10 percent of our monthly income on childcare so, we have that we know where we need to get to and we have some baseline data so that we can hopefully watch. That needle move in the right direction. Shocking. Statistics. 50. Percent for housing and 64 percent that child cares is. Shocking. And, thank. You for bringing this data together and as, you said Heidi what, kind of world that we want to make and. What. Kind of leaders do we want leading us in this new world and I'd like to direct a question for, you, to. Open up another conversation. And I think you talked about your work with women and girls in the, creative, context. And the, social investment that. We need to make for. Example converting. Stem to steam. Would. You know thank, and. Yes. So I do, not have teach I sort. Of work, alongside. Our. Department, which is really. Fantastic and, does so much amazing work with students and so my relationship with students personally, is is. Very. Different than sort. Of faculty, you would have and but. I would say that the gallery and, the gallery's presence at cuesta, feels. Very important, for this area, and because. There's it's not like you're in Chicago or York City where students, who are interested in the arts and interested, in either. Becoming artists themselves but, also aware, of that other, opportunities. That are are in the art world whether that's Church Oriole like I, have or administrative, and, there's. Just not a lot of awareness of, what kinds of opportunities that are in the arts and how important, and that. Awareness is and and. So, I feel like the, gallery's presence on campuses, is.

Important. Because the space where you get to to, get your eyeballs on that on. Work and have those conversations and. The. Stems team stuff I'm not I'm not as familiar with but I will, say I started. An undergrad. As a bio, pre-med, and I got through about a half a semester of. Organic. Chemistry. And I said oh no, and. Decided to change directions and work in the arts and there. Are so there was so much repeated, support, I had. A very supportive department, that I was a part of and. Saw, time and time again how they were trying to support, girls. And women who are interested in becoming, artists, or becoming a part of the art world and, I. Find it I find it really important I mean that the, arts, have a haven't hard when my budget gets cut when budgets get cut and, and. So I think. Encouraging. Students. To be able to express. Themselves and, in other ways is really important. What. Was coming to me when you were talking is that the arts are such an essential part of how we, learn how to be human. And. Again. With. Climate, crisis it just is so clear to me that climate. Crisis is ultimately, in all these racism misogyny all of it is really ultimately. It's rude a. Spiritual. Crisis of separation. This. Other rising of people this other rising of gender this other rising of nature comes. From this illusion, that, those things are separate, from us and. We. Are really called on this really, unprecedent. Moment in a few minutes to, really. Be, present. For. This. And each other and art, is going to be is so crucial to. Confronting. And. Inviting. And thinking. About, what. It is to be fully human. And. That's. As. Important. As stem. Will, ever be. Well. I'll just add that I think it art is so, important, even though I will admit that when I was in high school I really. Felt that I was not, you. Know interested, in art and I wanted, to drop art to. Do so I had, to go see the Dean of the high school and. Ask him if I could drop our class so that I could take a lap because I thought that it would be much more useful to me and. It is one of my regrets because as I get older I find myself more drawn to art not only just to enjoy, it, but also to think, about my own creativity, and one of the things that we have done at the foundation, is also think about how art is linked to social justice and social change and. Because, you. Know one of our colleagues, in the social justice world, Jeff Chang says, something, that really, stinks with me which is that politics. Is where some, of us live some of the time and culture, is where most of us live most of the time so, whether it's what we're listening to. What. We're engaging with on social media what we're eating what. We're watching. You. Know Netflix. Or Hulu or, whatever it is that you know we're watching those. Are the things that really touch us, and. Yet, at the same time we know that in those fields, in the entertainment industry here, in California. 96%, of all films, are directed, by white men so, we see what's happening, in our culture, and. You, know rape culture and, the scenes that we see and so those, things need to change and, so we launched, this. Year in, July a culture, change fund, which. Has you, know three components. One is research, and interacting, with movement, leaders to figure out what it is that they, want so that we can be pushing, stories, and messages out to communities, that will really like, touch people, in our emotional. States. And so. And, so. It's really informed, by the movement leaders but what we also learn from some culture makers is, that some people like you may have heard of Fabiana Rodriguez is making incredible art. Affection, it's an ice, cream for. Ben and Jerry's called. Pecan. Resist, and. And. So she's making this incredible, art that she considers, to be movement our but, she doesn't know if it's actually useful to the movement and so, we, know from, them that we need to create you know connect movement, leaders and artists. And culture makers to each other so that we're coordinated. And using, art, in addition to, community. Organizing. Coalition, building policy, advocacy, strategic. Communications, as, a form, of social change in our theory is that it will accelerate the kind of change that we're trying to make.

And. We do want to take your questions, now but I do want to say one more thing and that is this okay this year six. Women declared, their candidacy for. President of the United States. We. No longer have six women in the race but we have some powerful, women in the race so. Why is accessing. And using power so. Important, to women and girls in our society. In, our economy, and in, our politics, if, you and each care to comment on that and then, we'll open it up so be thinking of your questions I. Think. We should ask our elected officials. Okay. So, when. Women run, they're as likely, as men to win. The. Challenge is we don't run as. Much as men do women, have to be asked at, these seven times if you further run for office before they're actually doing so, when I'm going to like this I always, ask if you're, already here tonight you're, probably a, good potential, candidate, so I'm gonna ask you to run for, office I'm. Looking at you saying. You girl, run. For office run. For office run, for office run, for office there's, five times, so. If you hear that two more times you, should probably consider, stepping up and running for office so, there's that. Why. Is it important, I mean. You, know. Representation. We know is so key right. When, we see people that we identify, with however we identify, we, can start to see ourselves in. Those positions. And. The policies, that we, create, are. Key. To, lifting, women up family. Leave. On. On and on the wave of women that came up after. Is. 1992. Help. Me. Joe. Biden was so mean to her help me thank. You I need to help you. Know. That way that women had some really significant, policy implications. And we're seeing that again now, and. Not only we've seen women but also let's also mean what hasn't been named here in this space is that women. Of color in particular have. A unique. And important, story and this. Is the most diverse house, I believe that we in history United States right now and, we're seeing those women of color, in particular. Sharing. And sharing, in a way that. Feels. New and that, is really rattling. People in a way that I think is really, important. So, it's. Not just about women but, it's about all of these underrepresented voices. Really. Starting. To come into power and taking up space and the, the policies. And and, on some level I mean no doubt the policies, are key because. The policies, drag the practices, that create our world but.

What We really need is culture, shift and these. Women and these women of color in particular since. The last election are. Such, an important, part of culture. Shift you, see someone like aoc you see young people all over the country there. They love, her right, you know they want to be her and that's, that's. How you make a culture, shift and, so. You. Know it's it's it's concrete things like policy, but it's also things that are hard to name and define that. Really, I think are making a difference right now. Well. That mighty run. For office. So. We'd like to take your questions. Yeah. My name is Manon Fisk and. I am teach. Art history at Cal Poly I'm. Actually here with my, students, who. Are studio. Art majors at Cal Poly and. My. Question, is what advice do, you have for, young, women or. Becoming. Artists. Not just in terms of kind of a general sense what you're talking about but individually, in. Terms of the world that they're, they're. Going into and. Anyway. How they can excel. And. Be. Part of this. Empowerment. You, have, to say about this. So. Your question is what advice do I have two young, women. Artists. And. Well. Be. A little pushy I'm. The, first internship, that I had in college I knocked. On the door on. Carnist I admired and I wanted to work with him and he. Opened the door and it's like hi I'm, I'm, here, for the summer I like your work can, I work for you and, he was like do. You know how to wash paintbrushes, and I was like no but, I can learn and. I did and that particular. Internship ended. A ton of doors for me and. I think I was, really encouraged, to just keep asking for those opportunities and, it is a small community but they still exist here and I, think that there's a lot of. Opportunities. To just get involved and that, can be going to all of my shows you should all come to all my buildings, all the openings here and and, also getting to know the, people in your your classes, and your, communities, because that's really they're, going to be they're, gonna provide the support, system to propel you and so. Just get very involved, and then everything you're doing and then travel, up. And down the coast to go to San Francisco go, to LA and look at as much art as you can and all. The galleries if, you need a recommendation. Of. A day trip in San Francisco, or LA and, galleries, to go to I will help you and and. Please come and hang out when you're here if you're local and come. And hang out with me in my office I'm always happy, and excited to talk to students about art and career, and Curtis, and all, things like that.

Tell. Us what you do here on campus because it's important. Thank. You my. Name is Andrea Dominic, academic. Counselor here at cuesta I've, been in public, for, almost. 30 years, one. Of the things that I think is super important, it was incredibly. Important, to me when I started college, is. Empathy. And kindness. And. One. Of the things I see first. Success in students, is empathy. And I think I've heard from the panel tonight is lifting. Each other up and, what. I've seen for. Its students and I. Guess. Contributing. To their success, or lack of success is. Their. Lack of support, system, or or. Their. Support. System I guess so, I, guess how can what. Advice would you give, to the, to, the audience, to. Help students. Or community. Members to. Help women. Were. Anyone. To seek. Out our, support. System to seek out. Villagers. To, help them find. Supporters. If. That made sense. Good. Question coming back while. I'm doing that I want to commend the men in the audience I see a lot of men. Sure. So no doubt I mean that really makes a huge difference. What. Advice, advice. For students. Well. So much of. Life I think. Is about paying attention in, general, and. Showing. Up and, being, curious I mean. Those are three of my main. Orientations. In my day showing. Up paying, attention, and being curious and I, think if you're doing that you will. Nexus, with someone. Who would benefit, from your support, most likely. But. It would be great and I actually there isn't a vet coming up I wish I had the date and. Right in front of me but there, is a local organization that's. Actually, constructing. And. A sort of a place, for people to land in terms of mentoring and is, calling people, to. Mentor, this is a women's organization so, it's, a. With. The intention of mentoring, younger women, are actually just women, in general you. Know we hear a lot about because. Of the, lack, of access. And. Resources and. Also. Because of the masculine, nature of the competitive, nature, of the our culture, has, created, a situation that you often, see women. Not lifting, each other up but. Instead being. In a culture, that creates. Or often, feels like it demands, that. You cut each other out because, there's such limited access, and, so. We definitely need to be, intentional. And, conscious. Of that and intentional, especially. As we are you, know some, of us that are lucky. Or good enough. Or. Whatever it is skilled enough to send it to these physicians to. Be mindful about that and reach, a hand up to, lift people up so I think there's a lot of work that still needs to be done there's a lot of work that's going on around that also. Though to, kind. Of to speak to what Emma was just saying a minute ago you know, there's. A real call, right now I think more than ever to, stand up for each other and to stand up for ourselves and, if, you're, gonna need you need support reach, out to people too so I think that there's an opportunity for students, and anybody to hear that message - I think people are really hungry to, help also so I think there's in this community especially I, mean I feel like you know in my position everyone, most every single night I met another event that, is about supporting, some, group in need you. Know and so that hard, we have a part for that here nobody, moves to San Luis Obispo to make money now. There's a lot of money here that's no doubt that's also true but. There's a real heart for. Community. And quality. Of life and that sort of thing here so there was a big opportunity to measure our ears I. Mean. Well said I think. The, first thing that came to me was showing, up being, curious I, think, listening, but. I think showing up is really important, if we want community. That, we have to be community, for someone as well and. So I think. That we have to seek, out support I, would say to young people, you. Know ask, ask. For help, if. You see an organization, or a leader or somebody that you admire or somebody that you want to get to know ask.

If, You can meet with them you, know I get those requests, all the time and honestly, they're. One of my favorite, things to do is to ensure. Because somebody, did it for me and it's, our job to support, others in, life. So I think that, seek. Out support and, for, me it really just means showing up. Any. Other questions thoughts comments. Hi. I'm Andy what's occurred and I work. At the county and I. Just wanted one thing I want to just recognize. Is, that in 2017. We. Just we have seen, that Millennials. Are now, the, majority of the workforce and I'm, really excited about that because the, last two employees. That we hired of my money. My. District. Were. Millennial, women and they are amazing. I I. Hire, one of them and she's. Leading programs. As. A. Mr. student that and she's just doing, an amazing work so I'm, very excited about. Women. In the workforce that. Were seeing though, question, the one thing I really, appreciated. About working, for County, is that there is equity, kind, of built into the system and. There's. Opportunity for that it's not perfect but there's certainly, opportunities for, that my. Question for you is on the private side we, see. Gender. Inequity we. See the. Social inequities, and. I want to see if you guys have some you guys have some interesting. Insight. In how we. Can shift to. Have much more equity, within. Private, workforce. Thanks. For your leadership in your question Andy why. Don't we start reverse order I. Think. It takes a really multi-pronged. Approach and, I think part of it is about the. Kinds of policy, change that we're seeing in, terms of pay equity issues. Shifting. Culture, and some of the mountain ated. Industries. That we see. Supporting. Women, and for a variety of ways and report more women more. Women than men these, days are graduating, from college and, have increased, graduate, degrees and yet still we see income inequality, so we have to kind of put all the pieces of those you. Know pies together. And. I think it really involves, in addition to that the kind of culture change that we want to see so that so. That women are you. Know entering. Industries, there's a terrific organization and. San, Francisco called women, Action, media that I toured, a while. Ago and they're working with young, women of young, girls. Actually in like you know elementary. And middle school, to, learn about everything, to do with music so, these are you, know kids. That are saying that, they love music and, so, they're learning how to be sound engineer, so they're learning how to you. Know make music. Saying or play, instruments. The, whole gamut, and yet, when they go into the music industry it's, a you know really harsh awakening. And so we have to kind, of get more women into these industries. But then that we have to also think about how the culture, is shifting and I think that me to movement and the times that movement has done you. Know called really, shine. A spotlight on, these issues and so it's just got to be a combination of things and again I think it really also comes down to supporting. And lifting each other up. Yeah. And I, think. That the. Art world is very well known for very. Heavily, dominated and even though there is just there. Are just as many women, artists as male artists, and and. It, really is quite simple represent, more women artists if you're in Calgary and work. With more women artists and. I try to be pretty intentional, about that here I. Mean. Frankly just gonna take policy about it what a period, there's no question, about that at the rate we're going I'm a haven't looked at the numbers lately but I feel like it is gonna be you, might know two or, five hundred years, thank. You Henry. Well. You. Can stay or you can stay around yeah, thank you 218 years before we get to parity or equity, right, at this at the rate that we're going and so that's not gonna work and, quite frankly at this point we probably don't have 218.

Years Left on this planet especially, if women are not in charge frankly, sorry it's what I said but that out there just. Say, so. That, we need the policy, to create that equity. Okay. I'm gonna take one more prerogative, and I'm gonna turn it back over to buffer for maybe a final thought from each of our panelists, Jana, Craig, Jana. Is right she's recently I didn't plan it that way and I wanted to acknowledge her because Jana was on the cuesta. Foundation board and is the liaison, to the LC gallery and has exercised great leadership in bringing us together tonight I, see. A. Question comment. Musing. Thing. About. Equity. That. Doesn't go so much to. Women. Having. This job and been having that job it's, more about the. Jobs. Themselves. The. Example, I can use as my industry, which is information technology, which I've, been in for 40 years and. As. Long ago as 25, years ago I was trying to get young women involved. Because it was such an amazing career for me because it was creative. And no one would listen to me that, computer programming, is creative, in stimulating. And satisfying, and I think we have to change the conversation, about. What the jobs are and what. They entail and start focusing, more, on steam. Instead, of stem there are there's, artistic. Creativity. In engineering, but, so many women are shied. Away from it because the language, that, men used to describe those jobs is, male oriented language, a, very, hot field right now is information, security, and, when, I was getting my certification. That field I was, one of four women. Sixty-five, men and, this was just four years ago and, it's, it's amazing, it's an amazing, career and, so we have to change the way we describe, these Cougars and, how. Do we do that who do we talk to to change the course. Descriptions, at school and to really, start, encouraging, these women to get more involved, in things you, know, what, was the last week was. Progress. Because. It's not just shifting. And saying they're going to be more women homecoming. Queens and more, men homecoming. Princesses, that saying we can do both and we're, looking for that value, in each of those so how do we where. Do we go to start changing those job descriptions so. That people, are, more inclined to, sign. Up. Thanks. Jenna well I'm going to turn it back over to Barbara maybe in the course of your final comments, each of you might want to address that point there, you go. Thank. You thank. You for the good question it's very good question general very nice I think you said it 8200. And how many years you were making 18, I think when I started working even though it was in the public sector. I was, thinking 67, cents on the dollar from. In I think I read recently it's up to 87, now, that's. All that's all the fur that we've gotten all those years. That's. True that's, another good point it's another very good point well, that. I want to thank our panelists, I've been very touched and very good by and I'm very proud that I've been able to be associated, with you tonight. So. Glad that I got to meet you Serena and. I was such a good catch for this College we're so lucky to have her and of course we're very blessed, to have Mayor, Heidi Hartmann thank, you all three for a. Very. Wonderful. Response. Tonight I appreciate, it what final, thoughts please, thank. Thank you very much and thank you for your comments a question I think we really, have to disrupt. The status quo so everything, that we see I think let's question and language, is absolutely so, important, and it's, one of the things that can keep people out as. You have so well pointed, out so I thank, you for that and I just want to again express. My gratitude to Henry and to, all of you for being here, and, invite you to, become involved with the Women's Foundation I brought some some. Of the fact, sheets all of this is available on, our website this is our annual, report and. This is an invitation to, our 40th, anniversary event, so we have one next week in. San Francisco on Thursday evening. And November. 14th, in LA so. And. Then we hope to be yes. And we could really hope one of our goals, in. Our strategic framework, is, really to have deeper. Regional, presence across the state which you, know ultimately we're, you. Know relatively, in the scheme of things a, lean. Operation. With about, 20 staff and our budget is grown to about twelve million dollars and that's.

Sizeable. And yet for a statement in California, with forty million people and the highest rates of poverty we. Need, you. Know to make a lot of connections. And partnerships across the state with individuals, with. Foundations. With other, organizations. And so we hope that you look get engaged with us and advise, us and get involved in our work so thank you again. Yeah. I will, just say that I think the, arts, are a. Really. Wonderful. Way to think about all these things and integrate, integrate, them into one, space and and. I I, really tried to program. The. Gallery to be, relevant and socially, relevant and. So I hope you'll continue to come and thank you all for being here. So. Art saves lives we know that I was, this whole conversation is just making me think of the 9/11, report which, you probably, haven't read or thought of in a while but after, they studied, all of the factors that went into. 9/11. The. First line of the 9/11. Or it is, this. Was a failure of imagination. And. We. Have such a failure of imagination in, our culture in general and. The. Arts. Obviously. Are such an essential part of grounding. Us in what's possible and. That's. Such. A key, part of, how. I am in this role. You. Know not, a, lot of people know I'm an art or what Amer was an artist. Um. And. Though I think it's so clear. How they operate. In this space, that, I. Don't, actually, have a failure of imagination much. To the staffs dismay, at times. And. That. Is so important. And so. I just want to just so appreciate, the the folks that are here that are in the creative fields, and that. That's real like, it just gets discarded, over, and over again but our, saves, lives. And, imagination. If. Anything, is going to save this planet it's going to be imagination. Because. We, are called now more than ever to imagine. The, world that we want to create. And. We're in a moment where we have the opportunity whether. We want it or not to. Do that and so. I, think. My call to action for, the people in this space is, to, pay. Attention and. Show. Up and, notice. That. When you are with someone. Fit. From. Your support. And subway do. That, this. Lean into that one person, and. I, think that's a really good place to start.


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