Panasonic CES 2025 Opening Keynote

Panasonic CES 2025 Opening Keynote

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Panasonic’s story began over a century ago with this: the double socket. This is the spark that ignited decades of innovation and passion, comfort and connection to every corner of the globe. Panasonic grew to take bigger challenges of the modern world, leading the transformation to sustainable technologies and solutions in factories, supply chains, in the air and on the road. Born in this tiny invention, Panasonic continues its core mission: To inspire a healthy society and that enriches the lives of people around the world.

Now, these efforts blossom across new landscapes, seeded by artificial intelligence. Panasonic has always thrived at the intersection of yesterday and tomorrow, of human with the technological. The fabric of connection and intersection makes Panasonic’s eco-system one of the most fertile in the world of technology and innovation. Today, you’ll meet game-changers and startups, innovating leaders and visionaries like Anthropic, AARP, Redwood Materials, and more. Panasonic is over one hundred years along on a 250-year plan.

And as we engineer and reveal our next phase, Panasonic is in great company, as you’ll see. You might look at this double socket and say, simple. It’s a no-brainer. But after a century, it remains the foundation of a company whose original mission remains true - unbroken by time - forging connections in a universe of disruption. As the Panasonic commitment continues well into the future. CES 2025 begins here and now.

Please welcome CEO of the Panasonic Holdings Group, Mr. Yuki Kusumi! Hi Gary, good to see you. Good morning! Thank you all for joining me here today.

I’d like to thank Gary for the kind introduction, and for entering in style on a Panasonic E-bike! And of course my friend Anthony Mackie, who seems to have covered a hundred years of Panasonic history in about ninety seconds! It’s an honor to share the stage with you, Mr. Kusumi! You as well, Mr. Mackie. Or should I say, Captain America? No! Come on, Kusumi-san. You call me Anthony. Thank you, Anthony. And please call me Yuki. You got it.

As anyone who comes to... As anyone who comes to CES year after year can tell you, technology moves ahead at an amazing pace. So, it’s important that we be intentional in our work. We all know that our current systems and practices are not sustainable.

Not for the planet and not for the mental and physical health of its people. The communities where we all work and live are dealing with climate change in different ways. This is certainly true in my hometown of Osaka, where my family lives. And where my first grandchild was born, just three months ago! Professionally and personally, I want to do everything I can to make sure that my children and grandchildren and yours and future generations enjoy a healthy environment. We must balance our drive to deliver innovation and creat abundance with the need to do so sustainably.

In today’s reality, everything is connected. This morning, you will learn the latest ways that sustainable technology solutions from Panasonic are driving the process in large-scale renewable energy solutions, EV battery technologies, and sustainable home technologies. You’ll also hear some exciting news about a fundamental shift in Panasonic’s business model. It centers on AI-led software and services, taking related investments and partnerships to a whole new level.

As part of this, you’ll hear about new solutions to support the wellbeing of families and societies around the world. The value Panasonic brings to this market is at its highest point, and it’s even getting bigger. We are fortunate that in every step of our journey, we have fantastic partners working side by side with Panasonic. In fact, a few of them will be joining us on stage today. The timing of all of these announcements couldn’t be better. It’s critical to the future of Panasonic and everybody here today.

The World Economic Forum estimates that manufacturing and production account for one-fifth of global CO2 emissions. Now, if Panasonic and its partners committed to net zero operations globally that would make a huge difference to the planet! Panasonic’s renewable energy journey is well underway, as you’re about to see. So, Yuki, tell us about how this journey’s going.

Yes. Currently, 44 of our manufacturing sites worldwide have achieved net zero status. Thank you. We are most excited about our fuel cell factory in Japan, which is the world’s first factory to be fully powered by a combination of hydrogen, solar panels, and battery storage units. This renewable energy solution is called Panasonic HX. Panasonic HX generates only the amount of power needed and uses our original energy management system to balance supply and demand in response to changes in electricity and weather.

We have also expanded Panasonic HX to our manufacturing UK operation in Cardiff. And we will be bringing the solution to our Panasonic office buildings in Munich in spring of this year. We are extremely motivated to bring these solutions to life in our own operations.

But what is more encouraging is that commercial enterprises and governments around the world are stepping up and want to make these changes, too. We are currently working with forward-thinking planners at the Greater Manchester Combined Authority in the UK to explore implementing our solution, Panasonic HX for net-zero energy at select public and government sites. It’s the world’s first agreement of this nature. Imagine the positive impact as these solutions become widely adopted! This is an opportunity to truly make a difference at scale.

Now let’s switch gears and talk about a different kind of power. I have asked Anthony to share more of our story. Thank you. I appreciate it.

This is really exciting news! In the EV battery market, Panasonic is a quiet giant, some would say, supplying 15 billion batteries with superior performance. Now that’s enough batteries to power more than 3 million electric vehicles worldwide and counting! In fact, Panasonic is the largest manufacturer of EV batteries in North America. They’ve been investing in battery technology for decades.

Their latest 2170 battery set a new benchmark for performance and capacity. Furthermore, the cutting-edge 4680, in line for production, has a capacity that is five times greater than the 2170 cell. And Panasonic continues to advance the state of the art, in partnership with leading global automakers Subaru and Mazda as well as the U.S. EV company Lucid and other prestigious brands.

The capacity and quality of their batteries has kept Panasonic at the leading-edge of EV battery technology. Take a look! Whether it’s the wide-open highway or a run to the market, zero-emissions driving has never been more innovative, efficient, and exciting. Panasonic is accelerating the EV revolution. Our batteries power millions of cars that are easier on the planet but built for muscle and speed. From the giga factory in Nevada to our new plant in Kansas, Panasonic has set a new benchmark for the industry with our 2170 platform.

Panasonic is now the largest provider of EV batteries in North America powering some of the world’s leading auto brands. And we are ready to begin production on our new generation 4680 platform producing higher capacity, five times that of the 2170 at a lower cost mile after mile. As ever, Panasonic is leading with sustainability at the core. Our factories employ a circular economy model with among the highest level of recycling solutions in the industry.

The EV battery market is just shifting into high gear, and Panasonic is driving it forward well into the future. Come on! Yuki, now I didn’t realize how massively Panasonic is supporting the adoption of electric vehicles. Obviously, the battery is a huge part of making that happen. Now I’m hearing more and more about this circular economy model for recycling in battery production.

Yes! Bringing battery manufacturing into harmony with our need to protect the environment is a complicated challenge, but it is absolutely essential. And we are fortunate to have the best partner on the planet to help us make it happen. Indeed, you do! Please welcome Redwood Materials CEO, JB Straubel. Hi, JB.

Thank you very much for joining us on stage today. As our audience probably knows, you were a co-founder and longtime CTO of Tesla. I bet they would love to hear about what led you to start Redwood Materials. Well, thank you very much, Mr. Kusumi.

I’d be happy to share a little bit if the Redwood origin story, and some of what we’re doing together with Panasonic. I’m an engineer at heart, and my passion for energy and sustainability is what drives me and what drives most of the things we’re focused on at Redwood. And while people often associate me with electric vehicles and cars, for me, it’s always been more about the battery and energy technology. And proving that the battery technology is now a scalable and a sustainable energy solution is core to my belief.

Today, the same mission drives us at Redwood Materials, where we’re tackling challenges within the ecosystem to enable a fully responsible transition to electrification. It’s a monumental shift for the industry that will unfold over decades, but I am convinced it’s inevitable, and Redwood, with Panasonic’s partnership, is here to make this as sustainable as possible, at every step along the way. My personal journey with Panasonic began when we were building the first Gigafactory in Nevada together, about a decade ago. I recognized both a challenge and an opportunity to reuse the batteries we were producing and repurpose the resulting production scrap material, moving toward a circular ecosystem for those battery materials. Today, the Panasonic and Redwood partnership extends well beyond recycling. And we’re taking old batteries and critical materials and turning them into functional battery components that Panasonic can use to manufacture new cells in the United States.

Material from the Panasonic Gigafactory in Nevada arrives at Redwood, multiple times every single day, just a few miles down the road. We’re recycling that material and recovering greater than 98% of the critical minerals like cobalt, lithium, nickel, and copper, and then rebuilding new cathode active material right here in the U.S. that will be returned to Panasonic’s value chain into manufacturing new batteries. This will be the first time that this has happened anywhere in the world with this level of recycled content. Cathode has never been produced with this type of closed-loop ecosystem so close to the factory.

And Panasonic will be the first to put it back into new batteries at this incredible scale. Panasonic is an amazing leader when it comes to technology and their commitment to sustainability, both in the U.S. and globally. And Panasonic has made tremendous commitments toward circular economy practices, both in the Nevada Gigafactory and now, in their new factory in Kansas. I believe they’re a model for the entire industry, and we need many more players to invest in this sustainable and sensible approach.

And I want to thank Panasonic for this opportunity to share our work together with you at CES. And my thanks again to you, Mr. Kusumi. Thank you so much, JB. I look forward to doing more great work together in the coming years. Likewise. We’ve seen how sustainable technology is advancing in the world of commercial facilities and EVs.

Now, let’s take a look at how Panasonic is bringing sustainability home. Sustainable home design brings together two broad areas of focus for Panasonic: renewable energy technology and the wellbeing of society. A core element in sustainable home design is efficient HVAC, and Panasonic is revolutionizing this space.

Air quality isn’t only about the outside air. The inside air has to be improved and is just as important. And our engineers have done something that just makes sense.

We have identified three Panasonic systems that heat, cool, and power homes. And we are bringing them together in a unified solution that is not only more energy-efficient and economical, but healthier and more comfortable as well! Today we are announcing OASYS. And here is why it matters. When I come home, and the house is clean and I can breathe fresh air, it makes my heart full. Being able to be energy efficient is really important and meaningful to us as we start a family.

Our home, to me, is a place for us to come together. It really says family when you have three generations under one roof. I love fresh air blowing through our home, but then during the spring time I get seasonal allergies, so that’s where air filtration, air quality is super important to us. As I think about the next phase and having kids, one of the most important things is modeling our values and our behavior. Wouldn’t it be amazing to actually be able to see how we’re using energy or if there were ways to inform and teach us to be more energy efficient.

Sustainability starts with awareness and knowledge. It is very important that our home is a healthy place. My son, Logan, has asthma. It’s important that our kids are able to breathe clean air, so they don’t get sick. We vacuum often. We change our air filter religiously.

When we open the window to get fresh air, pollen comes in, and then we have sneezing and coughing happening. It would be nice to have a better filtration system that can really clean the air. There’s seven of us in the house, eight with my dad. So, managing the temperature in here, it’s interesting. He’s always warm, and I’m always cold, so when I’m working, I have my electric blanket on. During the summer time, when we are running our AC, our electricity bill is ridiculous.

Yet, we’re still hot, still uncomfortable. We need a better unit. Better circulation. The world I hope my kids and their kids will grow up in is hopefully, each home is more sustainable. I want the world to be a healthy place for them to live in.

I don’t want them to have to struggle with the air quality. In starting our own family, we’re definitely thinking of what is the world that these future generations are going to inherit. And how have we contributed to either that more beautiful future or not beautiful future.

OASYS offers us a look at the future of home comfort and indoor air quality with wellness, comfort, energy efficiency, and resiliency, all under one roof. And in a few short weeks, we’ll actually be opening our first OASYS concept home here in the U.S. So stay tuned! That’s pretty good.

From factories to homes, from cars we drive to the air we breathe, Panasonic is the leading edge of sustainability efforts around the world. A few years ago at CES 2022, Panasonic established a major initiative, Panasonic GREEN IMPACT, that set some aggressive goals for carbon reduction. We are working hard to realize net zero CO2 emissions across all of our operations, including all factories worldwide by 2030.

However, Panasonic GREEN IMPACT aims higher. Panasonic aims to reduce total emissions by more than 300 million tons by 2050. That is equivalent to approximately one percent of current global CO2 emissions. So, that’s one percent being done by Panasonic alone. Now, imagine if 99 other industry leading companies joined us.

That’s one percent times 100! Yeah, yeah, I saw you. You just did the math. I saw you. That was fast. The first 100 million tons of this commitment involves direct emissions from Panasonic’s entire supply chain, including energy consumed by Panasonic products already purchase. The remainder will need to be achieved through avoided emissions. Now, this term describes emissions that are prevented by using a sustainable product or technology in place of a more carbon-intensive option.

By working toward avoided emissions, we can extend our impact far beyond the Panasonic supply chain to our partners, customers, and society at large. I’ve invited a colleague and visionary thinker on this topic to share a few insights about how our industry can work together globally, with a focus on avoided emissions as an important path to a carbon neutral society. Peter Bakker is President and CEO of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development.

He was recently named one of the top 100 climate leaders in business by Time Magazine and was a recipient of the Clinton Global Citizen Award. Please join me in welcoming him. Hi Peter-san. Thank you very much for being here today. Thank you. Well, thank you, Kusumi-san for this kind introduction.

Busshin Ichi-nyo no Han-Ei. Guided by this vision, Panasonic has committed itself to contributing to sustainable development and the advancement of society. Let me begin by expressing my gratitude to Panasonic and to all of you here in the audience today. Panasonic’s dedication to sustainability and innovation inspires global progress and aligns perfectly with WBCSD’s mission to accelerate the transition to a net-zero, nature-positive, and more equitable future.

We all know here that we are running out of time to prevent the most devastating impacts of climate change. Without bold action, global temperatures could rise by 2.4 to 2.7°C this century, far exceeding the critical threshold and safe operating space for humanity. But in this era of rapid innovation and growing consumer awareness, sustainability is not just a moral imperative to curb this warming, it is now also a competitive one. Businesses that fail to embrace sustainable practices risk falling behind in an evolving marketplace where consumers, investors, governments, and partners are increasingly demanding transparency and accountability.

That’s why over 20 years ago, WBCSD, in partnership with the World Resources Institute, developed the Greenhouse Gas Protocol - the global standard for measuring and managing emissions. Today, the GHG Protocol is used by 97% of all global companies and is an essential tool to measure and manage their direct and indirect emissions. Kusumi-san just spoke about the importance of Avoided Emissions - a powerful, new metric to measure the emission-reduction potential of low-carbon solutions and products of which so many are being launched this week at CES.

Avoided emissions accounting will make it possible to compare the potential emission reductions of innovations in low-carbon solutions allowing financial institutions to improve the allocation of capital on the bases of this impact potential. Panasonic’s leadership in this space is pivotal. Together, WBCSD and Panasonic are advancing the standardization of avoided emission accounting to ensure they eliminate the risk of greenwashing and are being recognized by governments, financial institutions, and society at large. This work is not just about measurement. It’s about innovation and disclosure; empowering customers, industries, and investors to accelerate decarbonization and innovation.

Collaboration is the key to success. We all need to work together to fully integrate sustainability into our innovation agenda and actions, so that we can make it the foundation of economic growth and resilience. Panasonic’s commitment to sustainability and its vision for ‘an ideal society with affluence both in matter and in mind’ can serve as a guiding example for all of us. The time to act is now, and the world is watching. Let’s ensure that the incredible innovations demonstrated here this week contribute to a thriving, sustainable future for generations to come.

Thank you. Thank you so much, Peter. It’s a great honor for Panasonic to be a part of your important work. Thank you. We couldn’t do it without you. Thank you.

Thanks, Anthony. Our commitment to sustainability will never end. Because we all have a responsibility to our future, together. This future is already here, today.

This is a time of enormous challenge and transformation, but also a time of hope. Our customers are now more varied, more globally diverse, and yet more connected to each other and the world around them. Today, I want to talk to you about our journey forward.

Building on Panasonic’s history. Building into a new future. You ready? Because here we go! Over a century ago, our founder, Konosuke Matsushita shared a remarkable vision - a 250-year journey divided into 10 periods of innovation and progress. Each 25-year period would build on prior successes and adapt to society’s needs and dreams. His mission was simple yet ambitious - to use technology to make a meaningful difference in people’s lives. For more than 100 years, Panasonic has been there in your homes, your businesses, your daily moments.

From the first radio sets to sustainable energy, we’ve grown alongside you, driven by our intent to build a better world. And now our world is changing. In the fifth period of our vision, we intend to rise and meet that change.

This is the spirit of Panasonic Go. We’re accelerating into an era where AI and data platforms will create new ecosystems that amplify human potential. We’re building a new portfolio of tools to improve the lives of the consumers, enterprises, partners, and shareholders that make up Panasonic, all while contributing to a more sustainable world. Panasonic products and services already make a difference in the lives of over a billion people every day. This is how we intend to expand our reach to the next billion.

This is Panasonic Go. Panasonic Go is a growth initiative that is driving the transformation of our business and creating new experiences for our global customers and partners. We are providing our global enterprise with AI tools and processes to serve our customers in fundamentally different ways. We are not starting from scratch. We have already invested more than 10 billion dollars in North America, including BlueYonder and Panasonic Well, which you will hear more about today.

Together, these investments are creating an AI Orchestration and Service Platform that will create new possibilities to serve our next billion customers. Moving from pressing a button to powering a business. From a microwave competing on wattage to an AI-powered sustainable home that uses almost no watts at all. From a refrigerator that keeps your food cold, to a food that’s just what you want, when you want it.

From just touching a screen to powering the touchpoints of every business.  And from a brand that you’ve known, to a brand that you need to know. Today... Today we are announcing a new commitment as part of a company-wide transformation initiative for Panasonic. By 2035, 30 percent of our revenue will be generated through software and AI-enabled solutions. And… Thank you.

And this transformation will change everything you know about Panasonic. This is Panasonic Go. Okay, so let’s dig in to it! Hit us with the details, Yuki. Now we’ll start with Panasonic subsidiary BlueYonder. They are reinventing the global supply chain using advanced data analytics and AI.

To tell you more, I am delighted to welcome BlueYonder’s Chief Strategy Officer, Wayne Usie. Hi, Wayne. Thank you very much for being here. Thank you, Kusumi-san and the entire Panasonic team.

It’s exciting to be here at CES! Modern supply chains are extremely complex. They are global. They’re interconnected. But they are also burdened with outdated technology and operational silos. Companies need to manage operations across the globe, collaborate on disparate systems internally and with partners, and they need to do all of this seamlessly and efficiently. Now, all of us know that AI is changing how we work and do business today. Whether you’re in retail, manufacturing, technology, or logistic service providers, every industry will benefit from these massive changes brought on by the use of AI in the supply chain.

This is where we come in. BlueYonder empowers businesses to navigate modern supply chain complexity with the most advanced and innovative technology. We’re combining predictive and generative AI to unlock the value in data to build autonomous supply chains. So, how does this translate into tangible benefits? Here are five key ways that we see AI will impact the supply chain: First, multi-enterprise ecosystems. BlueYonder’s AI-driven solutions provide end-to-end visibility across a company’s entire supply chain including its suppliers and its trading partners.

With predictive insights, supply chain for professionals can understand relevant information. They can assess scenarios and make informed decisions. Second, personalization. We’re building autonomous AI agents for various supply chain roles. These multi-modal conversational assistants will synthesize data, generate content, solve repetitive tasks, perform root cause analysis, recommend solutions, and even execute decisions. Third, inventory management.

Using our AI, businesses can analyze buying trends, inflation news, production projections, and inventory data to forecast better the balance of demand and supply. This helps them avoid overproduction of goods and reduce waste and carbon emissions right at the beginning. Fourth, on-time delivery. Our AI-powered solutions help organizations facilitate faster shipments while avoiding unnecessary miles.

And lastly, capital savings. As a result of all the improved efficiency, companies see an influx in capital savings which means an opportunity to invest more in innovation and growth. One of our global customers, Sainsbury’s, has implemented BlueYonder’s AI capabilities to transform operations across more than 600 supermarkets and 800 convenience stores to save time, save money, and future-proof the enterprise. Let’s take a look: There are probably three good examples where Sainsbury’s using AI and/or machine learning, the first one being our supply chain transformation program with BlueYonder where we’re using those platforms to enable us to develop a better store order, but also in our P&L going forward for a more sustainable supply chain. We’re also using AI in a very different way in our store environment. We’re using it to detect theft.

We’re using it through cameras, through an AI model that helps us monitor the behavior of the way that our customers shop with us, and therefore able to predict where potential theft might be taking place. The third place we’re using AI is in our forecast and predictive modeling of where we think customers might shop food products with us. So, in our marketing space, we’ve been using it to understand customer behavior, to help us think about marketing with those customers going forward. So, long before it became the buzzword it is today, BlueYonder has been offering AI-driven solutions for more than two decades. But it’s not about the most advanced technology, it’s also about one of the largest supply chain teams of data scientists in the industry.

And with over 400 patents and 20 billion predictions per day on the BlueYonder platform, we are delivering future-proof solutions today. As Kusumi-san said, Panasonic is not new to AI. But with Panasonic Go, you can expect to see a lot more AI-driven innovation as we continue to create smarter, safer, and more sustainable solutions for the global supply chain. Thank you. Thank you so much, Wayne. Great job!

One of the most exciting things about Panasonic Go is the expansion of products and services we will bring to millions of modern households around the globe. We have a new catalyst for wellbeing innovation, Panasonic Well, and a new service we are introducing today. Here to tell you more, please welcome the Executive Officer of Panasonic Group and Panasonic Well CEO, Yoky Matsuoka. Hi, Yoky, it’s great to see you here. And now, it’s your turn to share some news. Sounds great! Let’s do this.

We have some amazing announcements to share with you today. At Panasonic Well we focus on helping people lead a healthier, happier life. In addition to my role at Panasonic, I’m also a wife, a mother of four, and the only child that’s caring for my aging parents in Japan.

And as an expert multitasker, I’m also a proud caregiver of two dogs, a chatty cockatiel, and a two-hundred-pound pet pig. It’s a beautifully chaotic household, probably just like yours. And this chaos motivates me to create solutions to help families every day. I’m sure you can relate in some way because modern families need help. In fact, the US Surgeon General recently issued an advisory on the well-being of parents, sharing that nearly half of the parents are reporting feeling overwhelmed by stress and roughly 65% of parents are feeling lonely. When parenting has an advisory label like a pack of cigarettes, we know we’re in a crisis that demands our attention.

To understand firsthand what modern families are facing today, we went into the homes and lives of real families. I want to show you what we found. The days feel so long sometimes. Going to my mom.

IThe idea of consistency in life right now is out the window. I guess, you know, as we’re kind of coming to a close on this meeting… There’s very little downtime. Have a good day! Bye.

It’s just managing. It’s hard to schedule just life. How do people do this? Like I can’t do this. I feel so alone. Whenever, you know, it’s a rough day or feeling kind of mentally unwell, it’s so amazing to be able to just be outside in my element.

I got a promotion. My life is, is the highest highs and the lowest lows. When I achieve something, it’s a win, and I immediately feel calm. But if not, things start to shake a little bit, but the lowest are low.

Life has … almost everything will work itself out. I believe that. You want as much time with her as you can have. I don't think we figured it out yet. We haven’t cracked the code. Every family is looking for the same thing – more highs and less lows.

And when I say families, it could be any of the people you cherish. From you nuclear families to your neighborhood families to anything in between. And these families everywhere are weathering the same storm of struggles. This may paint a cloudy picture, yet it also highlights what we can do to achieve wellness together.

Science shows physical activity is good for your heart and is a natural mood booster. Sharing meals lower depression rates, and that’s just the start. I haven’t even touched on the wellness benefits of sleep, the power of play, self-care, or reducing screen time. These activities not only support personal wellness, but when you share them with loved ones, they enhance positive outcomes and foster deeper connections. This is why we created, UMI - an AI-powered family wellness coach to help families care, coordinate, and connect with each other.

Meet Umi. For my family, Umi will be a game changer. Creating wellness goals that we can achieve and getting help in a fun, easy, and creative way will empower us to have positive outcomes. Our current goals are to stay active and eat together.

But you know what? This holiday break with four teenagers at home, things have been a little on the tough side. So, let me show you how this can work for us. Hey, Umi! Hello, Yoky! Wow, your schedule today seems... intense.

How are you feeling? I’m actually feeling pretty good! I’m at CES in Las Vegas. Yeah, I saw that. Are you able to take a break right now, or a few deep breaths to relax? Not exactly right now. Actually, I was checking in on my family. Do you have any updates for me? I’m seeing it’s been hard to coordinate active time together without you in town.

Can I share a few ideas? Um... I’m a little busy right now. So, can you just schedule something for when I get home this weekend? Of course! Let’s do one of your favorites from All Trails: a family walk at Windy Hill and then everyone can make tacos together. Sure that sounds perfect. Great.

I put it on everyone’s calendar for this Saturday at 3pm. I can’t wait to do that. So, Umi, do you also have an update for my dad? Yes! Your dad has already gone to bed - it’s pretty late in Japan! He had a good day today, and he’s eating well. He told me he liked the New Year’s food delivery you arranged.

Oh, that’s great. I’m trying to keep him motivated to eat more protein in addition to his regular meals. Well, he told me yesterday he loves to eat while you’re chatting with him. Would you like me to set up a few more mealtime calls with him later this week? That would be smart. Thank you. Thank you so much, Umi.

Happy to help. Have fun at CES! Thank you, Umi! Whether you’re a working parent, caring for a loved one, or realizing halfway through a Zoom call that you’re still wearing costume makeup from set earlier in the day, wellness often takes a back seat. This balancing act to fit in wellness in daily life is extra challenging for families like yours, Yoky. This is called the “Sandwich Generation,” right? Yoky sandwich. People raising kids while caring for aging parents who are stuck in a constant balancing act.

And for most families, especially mine and yours, this is a source of huge strain on both emotions and resources. That’s really right, Anthony, there are millions of other families who are dealing with this every single day. And this is why we designed Umi to be at the heart of an ecosystem of partners to meet their wellness needs and goals. And one of those incredible organizations is AARP. Here to tell you more about it, please welcome the CEO of AARP, Dr. Myechia Minter-Jordan.

Good morning. I’m thrilled to be here at CES, where AARP plays a unique role in fostering innovation that helps make aging easier for everyone. As a non-profit organization we have an important social mission - to empower people to choose how they live as they age. Aging, like technology, is constantly evolving. In fact, aging is much more dynamic than most people think. And the realities of aging are unique from person to person and generation to generation.

That’s where you all come in. Technology is critical in every aspect of our lives. For people 50 and over, it is central to driving good health, financial security, and the happiness that comes from caring communities, strong social connections, and personal fulfillment. This, essentially, is what AgeTech is all about.

It lives at the intersection of longevity and technology. As you explore these halls, you will find AgeTech in almost every corner of CES. Why? Because aging is fueling economies around the world. In 2030 – a year before the first Millennials start turning 50 – the world’s 50-plus population is projected to contribute $65 trillion dollars to the global GDP. And that economic contribution is expected to nearly double by 2050. What are they buying? Everything. Especially technology.

And not just gadgets and wearables. They are seeking tech that enhances their lives as they age - from smart homes and appliances to innovative health and wellness solutions. This is why we launched the AgeTech Collaborative, a growing ecosystem of tech leaders, visionary startups, and strategic organizations, committed to making life easier, healthier, and more fulfilling for the massive population of older people and their families around the world. The AgeTech Collaborative is where we started our work with Panasonic Well, co-promoting the Family Wellness Innovation Challenge – which you’ll hear more about – and co-developing game-changing technology to support family caregivers. Many of today’s family caregivers are Millennials caring for aging parents or grandparents as well as young children. We’ve heard these family caregivers describe life in the “sandwich generation” more like life in a panini press.

Full of daily stress that is having long-term impacts on their physical, mental, and emotional health. And make no mistake... This is very real and very personal. You will likely be a caregiver or need a caregiver at some point in your life.

Yoky, all of us at AARP thank Panasonic Well and its partners for the collaboration, the ingenuity, and the tangible difference this work could have in the lives of family caregiver, today and in the future. Thank you so much, Myechia. With this relationship, families have access to content and benefits of AARP to care for each other with Umi. Umi is also proud to collaborate with best-in-class partners like Blue Apron, Calm, Thumbtack, and dozens of other leading companies who will help care for families, connect across all their wellness needs. But building an ecosystem requires commitment to innovation from the ground up. This is why today we’re also announcing the winners of our global startup competition, called Family Wellness Innovation Challenge.

With over 550 applicants from 7 countries competing for 1 million dollars in prizes, we saw groundbreaking technologies aimed at family wellness. Earlier this week, we celebrated five winners, including our grand prize winner, Hearth Display. Congratulations to all! Swing by our Panasonic booth to make sure to meet these amazing winners. We’re laying the foundation for a global wellness ecosystem, Panasonic Well Partner Collective.

It is where wellness meets world-changing innovation, and trust me, you’ll want to be part of it! Our partners are not just collaborators. They are integral to shaping the future of our business. With the launch of Panasonic Go, we are teaming up with the best in AI to deliver cutting-edge solutions rooted in our legacy of trust and reliability.

And when it came to embedding ethical AI into everything we do, there was only one clear choice. That’s why I’m thrilled to announce Panasonic’s global partnership with Anthropic, a leading... a leading AI safety and research company. And here to tell us more, please welcome Co-Founder and President of Anthropic, Daniela Amodei. Yeah. Let’s do this. Good morning, and thanks Yoky.

What an exciting vision for Umi! It’s such an honor to be here to talk with you today about Anthropic’s global partnership with Panasonic. Umi is Panasonic’s first consumer offering powered by Anthropic’s LLM, Claude, and today you saw a sneak preview at how our thoughtful integration delivers personalized experiences in family wellness. But this partnership goes beyond what you saw today. Together, as a global LLM partner, we’re advancing AI in a powerful and an ethical way that reflects our shared values. So, Daniela, would you like to share with the audience a little bit about what we’re working on together? Absolutely! At Anthropic, we build trustworthy AI.

For those of you who aren’t familiar, Anthropic is a company that is focused on developing safe and trusted artificial intelligence that millions of people around the world rely on every day. Today, our commitment to building safe, reliable, and transparent AI, aligned with human values, brings us together with Panasonic. These principles have guided Anthropic from day one, just as the commitment to human-centered technology has guided Panasonic for more than 100 years. Through this partnership, Claude - Anthropic’s LLM - will help transform how Panasonic works and innovates, with humans at the center. Throughout its century-long history, Panasonic has consistently evolved to meet its customers’ changing needs. You’ve already seen Umi in action.

In the future, and with Claude’s help, we’ll help bring that same personalized experience to more of Panasonic’s customers - making every interaction more human, more helpful, and available whenever people need it. Anthropic and Panasonic both believe in advancing technology responsibly. That’s why Panasonic is enhancing its consumer products with AI while also giving its workforce access to Claude.

Building on Panasonic’s tradition of innovation, the company will integrate Claude as a strategic asset to help teams work more creatively while delivering better business results across customer service, sales, marketing, and coding. At Anthropic, we’re building trustworthy AI that scales. Thank you to Panasonic and to everyone who supports this vision for ethical and trusted AI as we work to create a future where technology genuinely serves humanity. We can’t wait to get started. Thank you so much, Daniela. Umi is all about serving humanity, bringing wellness to the foreground to enable healthier and happier lives for all.

And this is possible in part thanks to the ethically-grounded innovation of Anthropic. We are so thrilled to be a part of this incredible partnership to bring our AI future to today’s customers, partners, businesses, and our global employees. Through Panasonic Go, we have big plans for Claude across the business.

I look forward to sharing more throughout the year. Thank you so much, Daniella and thank you, Yoky! Our time together is not about today. It is about the future. Our commitment to a sustainable planet is unwavering.

And with AI-led solutions and Panasonic Go, we will lead the transformations that will have a powerful and positive impact on society. From this simple socket a century ago to an organization that is advancing wellness around the world, Panasonic is building solutions to ensure that our planet and our global society can thrive. Thank you to our guests, and to all of you for spending time with us.

The moment is now! We are ready to go!

2025-01-14 03:10

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