تازەترین لایڤی ئینگلیزی پۆلی12 یونیت1/2 م کەیفی عەزیز englizi poli12 m kaifi aziz centeri poli12

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Tu dois ton genre de raisin là. The university occupies a space of 127. 127 thousand 127800 square meters and includes buildings, gardens, supreme courts, dorm, and gymnasium to form one big university units. The campus includes nine buildings of 1800 square meters to 2400 square meters which includes class halls, laboratories, assimilating courts, conference halls, two libraries, internet units, two TV studios, and radio studio for media purposes, cafeterias, sport facilities, Roman Theater gardens, and green spaces. The university includes seven colleges as follows. College of

law, and International Relations, College of Science, College of Administrative and Financial Sciences, College of Arts and Letters, College of Education, College of Engineering, College of Medical Technology. The university has given special attention to laboratories for their importance and for the development of teaching with high qualities, there are thirty-one specialized laboratories and nine engineering aces The university attempts to form a base for creative people in all fields of specialization who have a great deal of knowledge and skills compatible to the requirements of growth of the society and all sectors. It also seeks to cover the needs of the labor market through several specialized centers such as Ji Universities Center for developing and advising Jehan University Center for Information Technology and Awarding I Cdl Jehan University Language Center, Jehan University Legal Clinic, Johan Health Care Center, the engineering advisor, Career Center Incorporation with Usa. The university is keen on communicating and building good bilateral relations with the international universities and sign cooperative protocols and agreements in the cultural academic fields. This is to have knowledge about the advancement on the fields concerned Johan University. RP is considered as a role model in developing E learning through using a sophisticated platforms and techniques like learning management system mole, Google apps for educational purposes, and others while supporting the academic staff's teaching and students learning achievements.

All academic staff have an official page on the online platform that promotes all teaching activities through uploading course materials and communicate with their students effectively. On the other hand, students can access the online platform that consists of personal information and academic courses in order to complete their learning process efficiently. The university also provides an electronic system that supports students to apply for online feedback. follow their timetable, show their grades, and track their financial status. Johanna University Avenue has always been on applying the educational modern system. It's

one of the pioneering universities in Cosa, region of Iraq in implementing the bologna process, employing highly qualified local and international staff along with implementing up to date technologies lead to enhance the university deposit among deprived universities in the area In addition, the unique administrative system used by the university Why should you choose Gianni University? Of course, there are several reasons. Ghani offers high quality yet affordable studies in RB. Kurdistan. One of the most developing regions of Iraq. It

also offers a degree in a variety of academic fields. We operate with a safe and friendly environment living among the people who have a tradition of welcoming students from other cities or countries. Ghani University provides an exciting campus life and a secured and pleasant place The university of the future of Science and Kurdistan. I want it. have great the

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