Concrete Block and AAC Block & Panels Plants / High-end Technologies made by MASA

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[Music] [Music] so dear ladies and gentlemen a warm welcome from bangkok for our webinar for today which is organized via the impact exhibition team so today i will have the pleasure in introducing the master group to you our history uh the when the manufacturing process when it comes to aerated concrete and highly compacted concrete products and also how to produce multi-colored concrete products my name is florian bamberger and i will be your speaker of today so before we dive into the history of master group and our technical slides uh kindly allow me to introduce myself to you at this point briefly i have more than 16 years of experience in the machinery business and i'm based in southeast asia since 2006. so i joined mazda in 2019 and we opened a new representative office in bangkok at the beginning of 2020. so during that webinar firstly i'd like to provide you a short overview about the master group itself our history and our global setup followed a visa overview of our product portfolio and introduced an introduction of our rig channel partner the technical part of our webinar will be basically divided in two parts firstly we will have a closer look at our asc technology how that product can contribute to a more sustainable future and secondly we will take a closer look at our highly compacted concrete products and how to produce a multi-colored concrete product in that regard so here you can see our founder who founded the mother company back in 1905 basically we have more than 100 years of experience in the field so this is the early beginnings of maza here you can see the first block making machines produced at the beginning of 1905. so here you can see the first expansion phase from the mazda basically this where the first phase when the master machine factory on the left hand side uh merged to the master machinery company on the right hand side that was in 1930 so indeed that is where we are now so where we are located our headquarters is located in andernak germany basically between cologne and frankfurt the development design and production of our heavy compacted concrete block machines takes 100 percent placed there so it's a 100 percent german product so during october 1993 the master move to our new and actor location as just introduced at the master street in ambernach our headquarters in andamak has approximately 300 employees who are manufacturing forging and constantly developing the best concrete block machines in the market so in 1999 mazda took over the former henke machinery company in puerto westfalika which can be seen in that picture so in puerto westphalica also approximately 300 experts are focusing their full potential to the manufacturing developing and constant constantly improving our aac technology so this illustration provides you an overview about our subsidiaries and the global setup mazda does have whereas our representative office in bangkok was delayed the latest expansion so this is a brief overview concerning our worldwide references our line installations basically numbers as you can see the main market for us is europe followed by usa and then asia so now before we dive deep into our technical solutions and the philosophy from maza when it comes to aac and heavy concrete block production we'd like to provide you an overview of our product portfolio as well as introducing our regional partner so illustrated here is the dedicated fire products of our machinery technology based on our two main manufacturing locations in germany so basically everything what is related to autoclave hardening like aac or sand lamp brick production is located in puerto westfalica you can see that on the slide here on the left hand side and our complete technology portfolio uh for our highly compacted concrete blocks is located in our headquarters in you can see that here on the right hand side of the of the illustration this is an example layout for asc production plant a layout for the esoteric resolution this is also an example layout for a heavy concrete block production as a turnkey solution provided by mother so now it is my utmost pleasure in introducing our regional partner the rothenberg group so our partner is not only assisting us for customer acquisition and services in the region but also takes over a substantial part of our scope of supply for our turnkey solutions that allows us basically to offer you a more economical package ms miramore who is the coordination manager of the rothenberg group will now provide you an overview of their products and services i am a representative from rottenville company limited in thailand our company is the turnkey expert for the building material factories such as fiber cement concrete proofing tiles cementite factory diamota plant and also the classic line and we also can provide you the serial work machine engineering fabrication installation and also the test line uh throughout the line as well okay we also can work like your partner like a one-stop solution with our 20 years of experience so now we come to the first part of our webinar the aac block and panel production and i would like to thank miss neuramore very much for the introduction of the rothenberg group so aac has been developed in 1945 and is basically a chemical reaction of the required raw materials in a combination in general twenty percent of the material consists of solids and the rest of arrest eighty percent is consisting of air therefore aac is a very lightweight and heat and sound insulation building material as well it provides a superior protection against fire in a class a1 here we can see the raw material requirements for the aac production the main ingredient therefore is natural sand with a high silica content which counts which need to be above 75 percent which counts for 50 of the raw material requirements the sand needs to come in a uniform grain size with a maximum of two millimeter and a d90 distribution of 1.5 millimeter for which reason we do have installed steel ball meals in our machines burnt lime provides the necessary calcium oxide and the co2 so the burned lion need to be burned at around 1000 degrees for the best reaction time cement in general any type of semen can be used whereas cement of portland cement 42.5 or 52.5 is recommended

gibson anhydride is also needed for the process in order to adjust the softness of the cake finally water is the low content of sulfate and chloride has to be used the ph value of the water should not be too alkaline so very interesting point for the iic production is that it is possible to subsidize the sand completely by fly ash if the silica content is above 50 percent the ash have a high quality and overall a constant quality plus what's also quite interesting is the burnt lime can be subsidized either way completely or to a certain extent with alternative materials who provide a high calcium oxide content and the reaction time t60 of at least two minutes in those pictures we can see aac products of one of our clients who is using fly ash as the main ingredient by using flyers those products become highly sustainable basically in the sense of a circular economy principle the only difference between the sand based and the flash based products is the colored as illustrated here in those pictures you can see the difference in the center picture quite nicely blocks and panels are also possible to be produced with the right quality of the fly ash to anthracite coal flash is the most common and the most preferred source therefore so now let's have a deep look at the layout of our machines so basically at number one you can see the same processing the wet ball mill at number two you can see here the dosing and mixing tower number three this is the fermentation area number five number four is the transport to the cutting line and the removal of the mold number five is the reassembly and the oiling of the of the casting model number six is the cutting line itself number seven you can see here the transport plant and the tilting tables whereas the tilting tables are optional feature so we will discuss that later in our following slide transport platform and the waiting area in front of the autoclave is number eight number nine is the autoclave and the steel boiler basically the hardening itself number ten is a retelling table as said this is optional feature after the hardening and the hardening carrier circulation point 11 is the separating machine of the blocks which is not needed if the separation is done in the green stage so we will look at that in a later slide number 12 is the block transfer device and number 13 is basically the packaging line so here you can see a ball mill in operation to get the feeling of the size of that kind of equipment a special sensory slump will pump the fine sand and water mix after the grinding in the wet ball mill to the slurry silo oversized particles and and wear out steel balls will be automatically discharged as illustrated here in the picture so here you can see a censulary including the planetary steerer to avoid sense segmentation in the xylo so this the stereo basically is a mazda know-how part the rest of the silo could be delivered by our partner rotenberg here you can see a mixing tower concept from mazar which is divided in ground first second and third floor so the third level is the hot and cold water as well as the aluminium dispersion located the second level is the waiting and the dosing equipment and the first level is basically where the mixing is located underneath the tower the continuously filling of the mode takes place particularly interesting for the process is that after each mold filling cycle we flashed a complete system with one thousand liters of water to make sure it's completely clean for the next preparation of the mix so the water will be collected laid down in a collection tank for reuse on the right hand side here you can see an example of our visualization concept and below that uh example for a possible recipe of ac product so here you can see a mixing tower in life operation a real-time example of one of our clients nicely visible here is the mixing and the fitting screws from the outside silos so here we can see the fermentation or the rising area for each mold containing the aac raw mix the fermentation takes depending on the raw materials two to four hours to the necessary cakes range and volume for the cutting will be reached the chemical reaction of the lime water and aluminium will produce hydrogen which generates the aerated structure and therefore is responsible for the volume expansion you can see here in that example how the hydrogen is leaving the cake the necessary cement in gibson will be provide will provide the necessary tenacity for further processing once the fermentation is finished we enter the green cake stage for further processing the mold manipulator will transport the mold with the cake to the cutting line turn it 90 degrees connect the side plate to a cutting cut roller and release the green cake the molds are slightly conically in design for easy release of the cakes after the green cake has been released each mold will be automatically reassembled with a side plate and automatically lubricated and put back in recirculation so here we can see an example for a lubricating station where we just are lubricating a mold once the lubrication is finished the mold will be taken back in operation now we come to a very interesting point of our asc technology the cutting line itself so the cutting line consists of several stations above special cutting trench to collect the cutting waste the cutting will be done with highly precise oscillating cutting wires so basically the cutting stations consist of firstly cake shaping and the profiling station secondly cake lengths or horizontal cutting for the block thickness thirdly cake grocer vertical cutting for the block height and optionally profiling knives for tanks and grooves would be available so here you can see the first and the second station the shaping profiling of the cake as well as the length and horizontal cutting to reach the nest the desired block thickness optically profiling knives as already said and grooving would be available at that point a highly accurate railing system is irresponsible for the high end tolerances of the cutting line itself nicely visible in that picture is the cutting trench which collects the waste by a high volume water circulation underneath and collects it in an intermediate mixing tank so once the necessary density of the waste in the tank has been reached it will be automatically re-pumped to the slurry silos for reuse here we can see the last cutting station with the following steps so obviously we will see now the vertical cutting to create the required block height the side layers or the side plates of the card will be removed and fall into the trench for collection and the top layer will be vacuum lifted and dropped into the drench once the cake has left the station so nicely visible here is also also the oscillating of the wires now we can see the cutting of the side plate and here is the vacuum lifting from the top layer which will be dropped late down in the range so here we can see a horizontal hardening process which requires the integration of a tilting and re-tilting table but it would offer further process possibilities on the raw material side so here we can see a vertical hardening process which is a more economical solution in terms of initial investment so the horizontal hardening process uh basically requires the integration of a tilting and retelling table to turn the green cake 90 degrees before hardening and return it 90 degrees after the hardening process therefore the initial investment is a bit higher but it would provide a wider bandwidth of materials to be used so here we can see a re-tilting table after the hardening process to to turn the white cake back to vertical position the horizontal hardening of the cake also provides the advantage to remove the bottom layer in the green stage and therefore no additional cracking or crushing is required so basically the process advantage for the horizontal hardening is related to the lower gravitative force between the blocks therefore a wider range of materials can be used since the block to block adhesion during the hardening process is reduced this is especially interesting for the use of alternative materials with the high calcium oxide content and the reaction time above two minutes another optional feature once we talk about horizontal are processing would be the green separation a table the green separation allows the separation of the blocks or panels after cutting but before the hardening and therefore we reduce the adhesion effect in the autoclave or the hardening to zero so this is the working principle of the green separator where basically a holding pin clamp will fix the product and the movable table with movable elements will separate the product to the predefined gap so basically the difference between the green separation and the white separation is the green separation happens before the hardening the white separation happens after the hardening particular interesting is the green separation for the production of very thin products so once we talk about panels below 75 millimeters or blocks below 70 millimeter width the green table provides particularly high advantages in terms of cracking or breaking after the hardening also the wristband are also the widest bandwidth of raw materials is guaranteed since we separate the product before the hardening and sticking is reduced to zero here we can see the loading of an autoclave which in most cases is 30 meter long and has a diameter of 2.9 meter basically this depends on the mold size which is used in the process so here we can see the unloading process of of an autoclave after the hardening is complete nicely visible here is also the heat which comes from the block after the hardening process here we can see an example installation of a mazda aac machine with 484 autoclaves so basically this plant could produce up to 850 cubic meters a day aac products so now we come to a very interesting point the ipc control of the autoclave itself the hardening process so once the autoclave is loaded the following steps will take place the vessel will be vacuumed to 0.3 or between 0.3 to 0.7 bar within 30 to 40 minutes to not damage the soft products the stream pressure will slowly be increased by saturated steam up to 12 bar that takes place within 120 to 150 minutes the hardening process is itself is predefined by a time between three to six hours depending on the raw materials at 190 degrees and 12 bar pressure so once the hardening time has has been reached the controller will slowly release the pressure of the saturated steam again in a predefined time between 120 to 150 minutes to not damage the products the generated condensate during that process can also completely be reused so you can see here on the picture on the graph basically a time diagram as it is shown in our visualization system to control the autoclave and the hardening process here you can see a steam generator a boiler for steam usually here in the region natural gas as a fuel source is recommended so this is the mechanical separator after the hardening process which is also called the cracker of course this system is not required if the products are separated in the green stage so the finished product will be taken by the master transfer device which you can see here and will be connect connected to a hardening car and processed further to the packaging area so in the packaging area completely automatic centering of the blocks on wooden pellets takes place also automatically strapping units would be available for steel-based or polymer-based uh strapping tapes additional another option would be to pack the blocks with stretch film pe-based stretch film or pe-based shrink hoods so the finished product in that example here is packed with a pe shrink hood and is conveyed for a pickup outside of the factory as seen the forklift truck here is picking it up and bringing it to the storage area so here we can see a typical storage area which should be as a rule of thumb have the same size as the factory or the manufacturing facility itself basically the size is depending on which products are produced so now we will come to very interesting parts which in in the industry which is already more or less a trend in europe and you and the usa and particularly interested for asia the production of reinforced panel and enlarged aac products so aac products who are enlarged or bigger than usual need to be reinforced by a steel grid so this steel grid or steel mesh need to be prepared beforehand either way manually as in that example or by fully automatic systems which are also available in the market the prepared reinforced steel grits or mesh will then be mounted on special frames as you can see here on the left hand side and are ready to be picked by the aac reinforcement insert manipulator which you can see on the rails on the right hand side on the top an exact position of the reinforced mesh takes place pre-order the fermentation process in the field molds by the reinforcement insert manipulator so once the mesh is fixed and the necessary strength of the cake has been reached the holding pills will release the mesh as you can see here on the left a left hand side picture followed by an automatic placement of those pins in a wax pass in the wax path is responsible in order to clean the holding pins and ensure an easy release for the next cycle so here we can see the final product for our high quality and large panels produced on a master production line ready to be shipped so in order to give you a better understanding what's the real advantage of those panels let's have a look at some typical applications for those products so the main advantage of enlarged panels is the fast completion of building structures a very high cubic meter capacity power and a more cost saving construction at the end user so basically a lower unit cost for ready to assemble elements compared to block production here we can also see a very nice example for ready to install wall and ceiling elements based on aac products so now we have reached the second part of our webinar where we have a closer look at the manufacturing of multi-colored heavy concrete products so illustrated here are some typical examples for a heavy concrete products fully reproducible on our master technology and the production of multicolored products in that particular industry is considered an art and every manufacturer who is producing those products knows that just too well so in the final part of today's webinar we will explore the master philosophy and solution for manufacturing of multicolored concrete products so firstly now we will have a look at the masa mixing plants itself and then we will take a closer look at the blending solution to produce the multicolored products itself so now in this section we will look at the mixer portfolio of masa the different concepts when it comes to base mix and phase mix preparation and the chapter will be finalized by having a look at our in-house developed water dosing system so the master base mixing concept the ph series is available in three sizes so basically we can cover their output rate up to 3000 liters the output capacity of our mixers is always defines the volume of the compacted concrete after the mixing process the minimum output of our mixers is always one-third of the maximum throughput rate as indicated and we do offer only one the s 350 slash 500 mixing out our portfolio for the preparation of the phase mix with our phase mix concrete mixers we can achieve outputs between 120 to 350 liters so all base mix mixing concepts for mazda are planetary type systems on one side of the main swiveling door which you can see here in the picture on the bottom left is the location of a sample taking port which allows the customer to take samples even during operation furthermore the drive has been mounted on top of the mixer in order to carry out a simple visual inspection and to easify maintenance and service tasks in order to protect the drive train in event of blockage or jamming the controller is also equipped with a soft start and automatic shed term to prevent mechanical damages so now let's take a look inside the mixer itself so the mixer is equipped with double hinge tools on both sides which allows easy cleaning by a single person those hints hinged to us have are highly appreciated by our customers in terms of product change and service tasks in addition to the mixing arms with the flow optimized mixing blades which can be seen here in a distinctive different color than blue the mixture is also equipped with two scrappers who continuously clean the mixing walls the mechanical emptying blade which is seen here in front drains the concrete to the following conveying equipment like a flying bucket or conveying belt after the completion of the mixing process of course in addition we see at the front left one of the four openings for the integration of a moisture sensor the function for this moisture sensor and the influence in the process we will discuss at the later slide so now we come to our phase mix concrete mixers the s350 slash 500 the basic difference between the s350 slash and our ph mixers is the mixing principle itself by the means of a 20 inclined mixing pan we separate in general the material transport from the mixing process within the pen the pan and the integrated spinner are counter rotating for maximum of mixing effect this primarily prevents the clamping of cement and collar pigments and enables an optimum of home organization even with this colored concrete fine aggregates and small patches in addition to the control the mixer is also equipped with a soft start and automatic shutdown in the case of blockage so the mixing element within the pen consists of a highly wear resistance rail which turns in the opposite direction as of the pen as already said additionally there is also a via protected scrapper which is permanently cleaning the walls and the floors of the pan so next to continuously cleaning the scraper is also responsible for emptying the mixing after the mixing process the mixing pan itself is equipped with a screwed stainless steel linings so this guarantees a minimum of adhesion of the of the materials and simplifies the cleaning uh of the mixer itself so the moisture measurement sensor for this mixer is integrated either as a hardwired version within the scrap by itself or a bluetooth version on the bottom of the pen if a bluetooth version is applied of course the energy supply will be done by a battery pack so now we can see a 3d animation illustrating the principle itself of the counter rotating and the higher mixing effect of our system followed by a real-life example so here you can see a real-life example at one of our clients now you can see the filling of the phase mixer and here you can see the counter rotating effect so now we come to the mother aquatos our in-house developed dosing system water dosing system the mother aquatos is an in-house development from maza and is characterized by the highly precise and flexible water dosing based on customized configurations so to clarify the function let's look into more detail at the different process steps itself so firstly the mixer will be filled with aggregates and the mixing will start subsequently the moisture of the mix is determined after the dry mixing time is runoff which is preset in the parameters at this point they already mentioned moisture sensors will perform their part and check the actual moisture value of the mix and send it to the control system in the next step the actual and the target moisture value is evaluated by comparing it to the water cement set point set in the control system and the additional amounts of water is fitted accordingly in addition to the mixing process also the calculated water quantities for each feeding sequence will be shown in the visualization so this allows the operator to have an easy overview and control about the process itself so now in the next section of this part we come to the blending technology responsible to produce the multicolored products itself illustrated in their pictures are our two solutions when it comes to the production of multicolored concrete products so on the left hand side you can see our premium version which is a more comprehensive and patented solution by mazda on the right hand side you can see the multi-color easy device which is shown here in combination with the large machine silo with double outlets for high volume production as well as a fast of filling of the filling car this you can see here on the right hand side the easy system is a simple solution from us which we will now discuss in more detail and afterwards we will have a look at the premium version so the multi-color easy device is directly mounted on the machine silo and is characterized by a minimum space requirement this also allows allows often a very simple integration in existing machines to expand the product portfolio of our customers the throughput measuring of the concrete takes place through load cells and can be continuously monitored in our visualization system the conc the concrete collar mixes at this versions will be placed in several layers on top within the easy device and afterwards this slider in the easy device will stepwise open in a controlled manner and generate therefore the random mixing effect in the silo itself we can take a closer look for better understanding of that process by the next 3d animation so basically here you can see the multi-color easy device so once the device is full the slider will open in a controlled and stepwise manner which is preset in the parameters and therefore generates the random mixing effect of the color pigments the multi-color easy device does not have an independent visualization page but is integrated into the visualization of the main machine as you can see here that illustration here is also part of our latest version of the live monitoring process representation so this is a real-time monitoring via our in-house developed visualization system which simplifies the monitoring of and the process steps and the overwatch of movable parts within our machines this allows the operator to repeatedly intervene into the process if there is any issue arising the control of the unit is directly integrated in the receive management for each product here the opening width of the slider can be defined for all five positions and the delay time therefore can be set so these two parameters have a significant influence on the final appearance of the product in terms of multi-color production the multi-color system can be integrated in both parts of this machine the main and the phase mix application this also applies for our patented version the master premium multi-color system by our patented premium version the system and the process has been designed in order to reach a maximum of reproducibility at any point in time the premium multi-color system consists in general of two assemblies firstly we do have some swiveling dosing belts on top which can be seen here on the left hand side picture and also a collection built below firstly we will take a look at the swiveling dosing units itself mazda uses only stainless steel silos with a volume of 2250 liter if it's on the main main mix application side and 580 liters if it's of the phase mix application each silo is equipped with a flap for easy access related to service and maintenance tasks which can be seen here in the picture on the right hand side for constant monitoring of the filling levels the silos are hung on a steel frame above the collection belt with four load cells if we talk about the main mix application and three load cells for phase make up mix application below the silo is a 5 800 millimeter wide for the main mix application or a 650 millimeter wide for the phase mix application dosing belt which is mounted on a swiveling device so this allows the dosing belt to pivot 30 degrees from the center axis to the right and the left side so in general the drives applied here are not equipped with the frequency converter but the frequency controlled option is available in order to also alter the speed of both the dosing belts as well as the swiveling device so here we see a general design of our system again in a side view with the upper part the three silos are hung on the steel frame with the dosing belt and the swiveling drives this is also a standard configuration from mazda for the production of multicolored concrete product systems for up to three colors an extension for one more unit to have up to four colors would be optionally available the swiveling drive allows the colored concrete to be placed on up to five different positions on the collection belt which can be seen in this picture underneath this swiveling unit the collection belt is individually movable and equipped with a frequency converter for speed for speed adjustment so the combination of both allows the concrete to be placed precisely on the collection belt therefore a uniform deposition in the machine silo is possible and the pile of cone is reduced to a minimum as a side effect pictured here is the control page within the visualization for the multi-color premium system so the premium multi-color system has its own control page of course this is also different compared to the multi-color easy system here too we will find the master life monitoring display solution which shows movement and values in real time and allows an easy monitoring of the control and the process for components which are not directly visible from the control panel or control cabin the life monitoring ability of our control system makes it especially comfortable for the operators to control the process in that particular example to check the actual position of the swiveling device additionally our system allows an easy and fast change to the to the manufacturing process through special embedded functions such as the sequence change which can be seen in the upper left part of the screen here what exactly is meant by a sequence change we will explore in the next slide so the control parameter for the different sequences are also embedded in the receive management for each product itself up to 10 sequences can be defined for each product in our particular example we have only highlighted three the colored concrete can be deposited on up to five different positions as already said and therefore the definition of one sequence is the deposition of the concrete on the collection belt at predefined locations each sequence consists of three main parameters the first parameter indicates that the position area as already said one to five by voting between positions during one sequence is also possible and the parameterization therefore can be seen with the illustrated example at sequence sequence 2 which is highlighted in blue so the parameter 15 means that the swiveling belt below the silo one and this sequence will pay vote between the drop position 1 and 5 until the defined amounts of material has been reached the second parameter for each silo is the delay time this indicates whether the dosing belt starts directly at the beginning of the sequence or the start of the dosing belt is delayed by the set delay time with the delayed start of a dosing build a certain overlaying or superimposing of the concrete and the on the collection belt is possible the third and last parameter is the amount of concrete for each silo per sequence to be placed on the collection belt so this parameter is defined by a weight factor this is kilograms per second and therefore determines the running time of the dosing belts itself so now we can see a real life example of those dosing system here we can see the filling by a flying bucket system of the silos here we can see the dosing belt in operation now we can witness a sequence change so if you focus your attention now to the red material you can also see a certain delay time which has pre-adjusted basically by that patented solution from maza you can create multi-colored concrete product in different shapes sizes and appearance and can save the parameters in a reproducible way alternative for an addition to multi-color system with swiveling device we do have also a multi-color system with linear movable belts in our portfolio we also offer this a system with three or four silos and as well enable the concrete to be positioned on the collection belt on up to five different positions so by comparing those two systems the main difference of the index system compared to the swiveling system is the higher space requirement since is it not directly installed on the machine axis but next to it so therefore a combination of both systems for example swiveling dosing belts at the main mix side and indexing belts for the phase mix sites is possible and would provide an easy integration for the concrete feeding itself so in this video we would like to illustrate you the function of the linear movable belts in operation for a better understanding so in that example our production of a multicolored product is taking place at the clip and the indexing belt is moving between position one and five so the main reason for doing that is to reduce the cone of pile to a minimum and have a more homogeneous position within the sailors so the main master concrete block machine itself can also be configured with additional features to even reach a higher reproducibility of multi-colored concrete products we could for example install a dosing belt instead of the xylo flaps or we could install the bottom removable bottom plate for the phase weak sides in order to control the filling of that filling box the participants basically now we have reached the ends of our webinar for today so if you recall the la are the main three points we have discussed firstly we talked about the asc production and technology from maza and why those products can contribute to a more sustainable future secondly we talked about new trends in the aac market basically the production of enlarged elements and panels for faster and cost saving construction on the construction site and thirdly we did talk about the production of multi-colored concrete products in the field of highly compacted concrete blocks so if you do have any questions we would be pleased to if you use the q and a functions or get without with us in touch via email or phone and i would like to thank you in the name of the master team and the impact team and you can also drop by at our booth during the pct exhibition in september so that was it for me thank you very much stay safe and stay healthy


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