A Guide for Laboratory Systems Management Part 3 Technology Planning & Education

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As. We've noted in these webinars this. Companion, volume, will. Provide useful background information, on, the technologies. Support. And other. Factors, that can impact your ability to effectively use these systems it. Should prove to be a useful reference as the, webinars get into more technical details, the. Previous, sessions, have, introduced, the major systems, and laboratory, informatics and looked. At how the return, on investments, can be measured and evaluated. This. Session is, going to begin looking at the planning and educational. Requirements. For modern laboratory, work over. And above the scientific, backgrounds needed, the. Distinction between educational. Needs and planning, isn't a clear line but. More of a blurred transition. Moving back and forth. If. We look the claims and potential, of lab technologies. And, individual, applications, of their use we. See a lot of opportunities, for transforming. Streamlining. And advancing, laboratory, work. Those. Changes, include the integration, of lab results, with other organizational. Systems, including. Multi laboratory, research, databases, and production. Environments. The. Realization, of that potential, has been spotting, it's, been good in some industries, less, so and others we. Need to take steps to make the technology productive. Every words needed, that. Means change, particularly. In the way work gets done and in, the nature of the work itself. These. Tools the system that should support people's work and your ability to move projects, forward. Job. Descriptions, will change as well the educational, requirements, needed to carry them out so. We have a lot to do and a lot to get ready for. Let's. Assume that you've decided to improve your labs operations. Using some of the tools we've already discussed, in the previous, webinars. Management. May have approved a request for funding to, evaluate, the project's potential, and come. Back with recommendations and, a plan on how to proceed, so. How do you start that work. Our. Initial. Goal is to, put together a project plan that can be presented for funding, and implementation. The. Overall purpose for the work is shown as as. The bullets on the screen these. Are essentially, the goal is discussed, in the previous return-on-investment. Webinar. Planning. Is the most critical part of a project a failure. Here, largely means failure of the project. There's. A lot on this slide and I just wanted to get it all in one place I'll look at it with you the. Point of the plan is to provide those in the lab and those. With. Managerial. Oversight. Budget. And support. With. Documentation, on a set of planning elements. If. Anyone, has questions about, what is being done the document. Will answer them. Everything.

Relevant Should be there and, I'll get to why in the next slide. That. Set of elements includes number, 1 the goals of the plan and any. Subordinate, elements. What. Problems, or issues existed. What, their impact, was and, what. Do you see happening is results in this work. Second. How, laboratory, technologies. Are being used. Third. What their purpose of each of those technology, systems, is and how. It contributes to the labs operations. Fourth. Why, particulars. Were being made this. And the previous two points, lay out your labs functions, whether they be research, quality, control or something else and how. The information infrastructure. Is set up, what's. The central element, what feeds into and so on if. You're not sure what all that means we'll, get to it. The, interconnection, between systems. Within the lab and with other groups is the fifth point and, number. Six a rollup of product systems requirements, needed. To make the plan of functioning, reality. Each. System, and product use will need a requirements. Document, essentially. A description, of what, you expect those components, to do and what. Their key functionality. And characteristics. Are and, any. Critical, elements, that would guide your choice of one item over another and, finally. Developing. A budget justification. And, ROI. Evaluation. All. Of this comprises, a lot of work a lot of thinking, discussions. Arguing. Whatever. It takes to get the job done in. Order to carry out lab computing, and automation projects, a lot. Of resources, are going to be required and you, oughta make sure the plan is solid and well understood, before you proceed with it. What. We are considering, is the, transformation, of laboratory, work from. A set of largely experimental, processes. To, one that includes a fully functional, information. Infrastructure. The. Structure, the planning document could, look something like this, the. Actual format, and organization. Is up to you but. This at least is a starting, point, the. Planning process, and the resulting, documents, can be described, as dynamic, planning. Dynamic. Planning may be something you haven't heard of but it's really just a recognition that, any plan you come up with will change over time as your, needs change and, as new technologies. And opportunities develop. The. Potential, for change should, be encouraged, with periodic perhaps, quarterly, reviews. Of plans updates. And the, potential, for changing recommendations. For solutions, as new. Tools present, themselves. The. Basic idea is not, to wait for we. Need a solution to this problem now, and then start the process is to. Realistically, anticipate. Possible needs, and being. Prepared with recommendations, when the time comes to put those plans to use. It, is work with incremental efforts, but. It's far better to be ready when the need arises than. To be caught unprepared the. Overview, document, is a guide to lab operations, and their management plus. A summary, and index into supporting, materials. There. Are detailed, user requirements. For each system in the laboratory. Those. Can be instrument, data systems, sample, preparation and so on but. They don't exist, in isolation. Each. Has to be tied to one or more lab processes, test. Procedures, or experimental, methods, those. Processes, dictate, needs that. Are met in systems and equipment and, in. One additional note as the. Plan of Falls and changes, are made history. Of those changes, should be maintained, so. That those reviewing, the plan can understand, its evolution. The. Questions on the screen are. The things that are expected when you're considering a large planning, effort you. Don't want the planning to get in the way of labs. Day-to-day, operations, work, still has to get done so. We'll start with the benefits first. These. Two major points play into the goals noted, earlier as well, as those in webinar, 2 in. The, area of cost reduction the, plan will help guide purchases, towards products and systems that. Are compatible with each other reducing. Implementation. And engineering, costs, and avoiding. The need to replace products, because they don't fit well with other components, basically. Dead, ends in the workflow. For. Example if a Lim's was in the plan you look for instrument data systems, that would work with it either, directly, or through intermediate. Products to improve data flow, his. From data systems, that couldn't work with that lens might, need manual data transfers, and as a result, reduced, productivity. This and other points we'll get to contribute to more effective data management within the laboratory. The. Planning methodology uses. Up to you what. I'm considering here is for a lab that has little or no informatics. Systems so. We're building things from scratch you. Can adapt it as you see fit, the. Problem, with avoiding, the higher level planning is. That you can implement several systems in your lab that work well but.

Cause Problems, when you decide you want to integrate their data flows, the. System is maybe incompatible. And require a lot of development, work to, tie them together or. Into. A centralized, data flow into a limbs or eln. That. Work will have to be managed the systems change and be reimplemented, frequently. This. Is a common issue with plan as you go approaches. Components. Are fort fit force fitted together and users. Bear bear the costs, and responsibility. For their support. To. Be fair there. Are always going to be to some degree of engineering needed, to make products work together the. Point of the plan is to minimize those efforts and avoid them if possible. The. Laboratory, products world in general is not built around robust standards that facilitate, integration. There. Are there, are close matches and complete, mismatches, by. Planning, ahead you'll, know what you're looking for and what you want to avoid. Laboratory. Informatics describes. A collection of technologies that, range from sample, storage management, to robotics, to database workflow, management systems, such as laboratory. Information management systems, and electronic. Laboratory, notebooks, with. A lot of task specific tools in between. These. Components were designed by a number of vendors who, saw specific, and specific, needs and develops. Project, products, to address them, those. Products, in turn were presented, to laboratories, as a means of sell and solving their, instrument, data collection, and analysis, issues, sample. Preparation data management and document. Management problems. Vendors. Developed these systems based on the world as they saw it often. Without regard to your need to connect things together, there. Are lots of needs lots, of ways to address them, so. How do you go about choosing a set of products that will work for you, effective. Planning is a means of setting guidelines for, making those choices. The. Initial phase of the plan is responsibility. Of lab management and personnel, they. Are the experts, on the labs operations. Needs. They. Need to look beyond the current stage of things and where things might go at least three, to five years out, things. Change and it'll take a while for the plan to develop. Six. Months to a year isn't, unreasonable for, staff that is familiar with the technologies. Longer. If they need more education. If. You focus on current needs the plans will be out of date when this phase is completed as the. Plan develops, you have an idea where you're going IT. Support, groups will become involved and you, might need outside support, but, at first it's a lab issue. If. You want to put these tools to work in your lab there are a few things we need the. People you are working with have to understand, the capabilities, and the tools you're thinking about using what, they are what they can do what.

Are The limitations, and how realistic, are some of the claims and. Are, you really ready to do the work necessary all. Of, this has to be guided by an understanding of the laboratories, purpose, goals, and the, issues that need to be addressed in short, where. Is the lab and its technological evolution now, and where. Does it want to get to what. Are the benefits and how. Are you going to justify the cost of the work you. Need an interest an initial, direction for that work that, correction, will change as you, learn more and evaluate, solutions, but, you do need a starting point. One. Reaction, we may get from lab personnel, who are not familiar with these technologies, is, that. While we're scientists, not programmers, or IT people is, this really an IT problem. At, this point we're focusing, on the labs operations. And the issues that need to be addressed. Once. We have those we'll understood, we'll. Have something to talk to IT about. Ultimately. The planning and evolution, of solutions, to needs are the lavish responsibility. There. Is a need for change for, change in thinking about the education, needed for laboratory, work. Most. Of us had our initial exposure to how labs work in school we. Were taught scientific, theory and part, of that getting. That understanding. Was. Working on the lab bench and in some cases fieldwork. That's. What we carried with us in the graduate school research. And industrial labs. That. Exposure was about how experiments, are done usually, manually, and sometimes, with instrumentation. But. That is just part of how labs work. Lab. Work isn't just about running experiments, and procedures, but, executing, them within an operational. Framework of a laboratory organization. Which. In turn, operates. Within a larger organizational. Framework. That's. Where these systems come into play it's. Also why. We need a next level of education that, goes beyond scientific, knowledge to, the use of that knowledge in. Accomplishing, a larger purpose that can include answering, research problems. Evaluating. Materials, and products, basically. Meeting, the objectives that the labs were put in place to do. We. Need to add a layer of Education, so. That people can acquire the skills needed to be productive, using. The technologies, available and have. The ability to plan for the inclusion. In the normal course, of laboratory, work. It. Is easy to understand, why their personnel. Might want to have IT take, lead on some of this work because. It involves technologies, they may not have had experience, with, well. IIT may have a good understanding of computers, networks, operating. Systems and the. Underlying infrastructure. They, don't unless, they've been specifically, educated, for it understand. Lab operations and, the systems and technical, requirements of lab work we'll. Get into that in more detail. The. Better answer is to, get lab personnel, and management, the education, they need so. They can be effective, users and planners this. Includes the operations, of Istra data systems, that may already have in their labs. One. Area the lab personnel, have unqualified. Expertise, in is, the nature of their labs current, and future work. Their. Understanding, of the labs purpose, workflow. Processes. And future direction is. Essential, to the planning effort if. You don't understand, the labs role where, it's going in the future any planning. Effort will be a wasted effort if. Your lab supports, a production operation, are they going to new products, coming that can change the nature of lab work is. There an interest in shifting any testing. To in-line operations, and will. You be outsourcing. Any lab work will that be a factor in. Research. And development are there, new projects, or technologies, coming is, it possible, or likely that. Your lab will split into two groups or, you'll, have heard your operation, with another labs is there. A need to merge your labs results with the larger corporate research database, structure. If. You're, part of a multinational, organization. Will, language issues arise or will you standardize, on one language, these. Are just a few points that need to be considered for future systems, planning. Once. The scientific, mission of the lab has been established legwork. Is divided into several areas. Administrative. Work including, report preparation. Data. Information. Management workflow. Management, planning. Experimental. Work including, method development and the attended documentation.

And Validation. Experiment. Procedure, and task execution. Laboratory. Computing, and automation complete, will role in each of these points the, effectiveness, the tools depend, on preparation, planning, and the, capabilities, of those carrying out lab work. Some. Of the planning will have cost laboratory, considerations. But. Before we get to that level of concern we, have to deal with each lab individually. You. Don't want to get into a discussion with other lab managers, or corporate IT until. You have your labs needs well understood. This. Is a map of the levels and elements, that should be considered in the planning process. Eventually. If you're in a multi lab facility, in our lab considerations. Are going to have to be evaluated, for. The moment we'll, focus on just one laboratory yours. Within. The lab there, are multiple sets of considerations. Administrative. Tools for it can be lumped together as, typical. Office applications. Plus. The ability to access the data information, workflow, components, used. To manage lab operations. In. Addition, we, have the lab processes. Experiments. And test procedures that. We used to conduct the date the data information, generation. Collection functions. Within. The laboratory. We're. Going to focus our attention on the data information, workflow, management line, first where. Limbs or laboratory, information systems, e.l ends and STM, s's find their home, the. Reason for it is straightforward, effective. Data information, workflow, management is, central. To labs ago to accomplish, its mission. All. Of your experimental, and lab processes, flow, into these systems they're. Usually slow to change and may remain in place for years while, the system is feeding into them will likely change over time or frequently. And. Many labs have visited, considerations. For these systems only become apparent when the workload reached, a point where something had to be done, the. Existing, paper methods the spreadsheets, would accommodate the workload.

Experimental. Work has been going on with results recorded, in a variety of places paper. Notebooks, spreadsheets. Electronic. Documents, and so on. Once. The central data system is put in place all, of these recordings, have to either be entered into the data system, or, the lab gets split into results that are in the data system, and then, those, those, that came from the way we used to do it. That. Makes data analysis, difficult, in the long run and all. The results may be pushed aside or lost, productivity. Issues, can be significantly, impacted, as any. Manual, data entered, into a database system has to be verified. If. You find yourself in a pre centralized. Database, environment. Organize. Your results, into standardized, formats, like a spreadsheet or symbol database these. Elements, should be standardized, across, the lab when. It comes time for integration, into a more sophisticated database. Structure, the, import mechanism, can be designed and tested as an electronic, transfer. Realistically. Have come across few labs that, have recognized, the centralized, dated data, organization, as a priority. Although, that's changing, most. Start with office applications. For proposals, and reports and, then, concentrate, on the lab bench because, they believe that's where the lab work is focused, they, have to produce results. There. Is a growing awareness that results, organization, and utilization should, be a priority, the. Lab is no longer isolated, within the corporate data structures, as it had been in the past, with. The advent of large-scale data mining and analytics. Organizations. Need to have their data accessible, electronically. So, that they can work with it efficiently. Granted. Your initial choices for centralized, informatics, make changes, as the labs mature, but. That just means the system's either have to be able to grow as your needs do or, be able to export, their contents, into a, new structure, efficiently. Our. Primary, focus is going to be on the labs needs then, the illustration, on the screen shows the main categories, that will be considering, the next few slides. After. That we'll look at the education need education, needed to. Address these topics. Among. The items usually discussed with these technologies or, element elements, like, private, cloud computing, shared, databases. Vendor, managed systems along. With other points, those. Considerations, are, not what we're talking about just yet. Let. Me put things into some perspective, if. We were looking for a new vehicle for our families, we'd, be at the point we'd be looking at our needs and choosing between a sports cars sedan, then. Pickup, truck or something more interesting the. Details, within those types of transportation. Would come next size. Of the engine whether it's gas diesel hybrid. Or electric the. Number of passages and so on would come later we're. Looking at the general needs for informatics that will let us choose between limbs ELN. And SD, ms once. We have that direction we'll. Get into more details, but. That may require discussion, with other labs and IT groups. Understanding. How your lab works and how that work may change is a very first consideration. As, we've. Noted in the first webinar not, all informatics, systems are, the, same or are interchangeable. Although. The vendors strive to gain market share those distinctions, becoming, blurred. Some. Systems actually fall into particular organizational. Structures, like limbs and testing, and QC, Oriel. Ends in research but. That isn't always as, clean and clear as that might first appear. Annie. Elaine could easily find a home in testing, groups that support, research for method development, those. Methods, could find their way into quality control. Limbs. May be an appropriate choice, for research, if, there's a lot of testing going on, first. Determine, the labs operational. Characteristics and, then, pick the system that best supports the method of operation. If. Your lab has different aspects to its operation, you, may need two connected, systems to. Meet, that need or one. That. Can address both sets of requirements. Just. Be careful of compromises.

That May hinder fully meeting the labs needs. Does. Your lab have any special considerations. Is remote data entry a possibility. If, it, is your informatics, choice has to support, that and support. Any security, issues that go along with it with remote. Or wireless access. If. A Lim's is being used in a lab that supports, routine testing, and non routine work. Including. Method development for QC does. That put any constraints on choices for the QC. Environment. Other. Special, considerations. Include, the type of testing, being performed. Formulations. Work stability. And other, test protocols, have particular demands, such, as setting up test matrices, that. May not be supported by some systems. Do. You need access to external databases. These. Can include vendor. Systems for ordering materials, standardized. Methods, chemical, structure, property. Or reaction, databases as well as those, set up by organization. To harmonize work across labs. Who. You want the system to include a document, management facility, they. Can keep track of methods and standardized, operating procedures. Hazardous. Materials, documents, personnel. Information and so on. You. Will likely want some material to have restricted access methods. To be readwrite access for, developers, and read-only, for, everyone else, personnel. Information has, to have restricted level of levels, of access as well. You. May want access to third-party applications. Such as chemical drawing or statistical, packages, such, as SAS or the our statistical. System. Where's. Your data coming from are, you planning for manual, entry which can reduce the productivity effectiveness. Due to the need for entry, verification. Or, automated. Entry which can significantly, improve lab, operations. This. Is an important, decision since not all informatics. Systems directly, support, all instrumentation. If. A key instrument is not supported, that, may redirect your choice to a centralized. Data system, or face. The cost and effort of interfacing, the system as part of the project. This. Is an area where issues with IT crop, up most. Corporate IT organizations. Aren't. Familiar with instrumentations. Let, alone interfacing. Systems. Vendors. Have worked to make this as easy as they can but. There still can be significant, pushback on this kind of work. Finally. What. Will happen to the results, and work, that are stored in your system, well. You need to generate reports give. Some people outside, the lab access, to view results or. Send results to other groups. Will. You need work list part in descent to instrument, systems and will, methods have to be sent to have. To be exported, and sent. To other groups. Overall. For most labs this is going to be an essential effort, there. Are three main areas that need to be addressed before the work gets done, change. Management, education. And regulatory. Guidelines. We'll. Cover those in a bit more detail and then a few, slides with. More to come in later sessions. Change. Management is going to be one of the trickiest jobs you'll have to face in the project, you'll. Need to have lab personnel, working with you anything. Else and you're dead in the water, let. People know what's going on why, it's happening, and what their role is gonna be both in the project, as it unfolds, and what. Their jobs will look like when it's done, my. Project, like this starts the first question in their minds, and they may be reluctant to admit it is. Going to be what will happen to my job that. Means going back to basic goals, if.

Reducing, Headcount, as part of the goal your project is done before it starts. Avoiding. Adding people is, useful. Part of our my planning. Telling. People that their work is gonna cost on their roles in the organization will, create barriers to being successful. What. They need to hear is that. They will still have their jobs even, though this jobs may change and they'll, be educated, to meet the needs of those new positions. Lab. Personnel, had, need to have sufficient understanding, of these technologies. And how, they work to, be able to make informed decisions about, their potential role in life work and be. Able to evaluate vendor, offerings, they. Should be able to articulate, the differences, in these technologies, how. And where they can be applied and, why, they might or may not be suitable for their use, the. Education, should not be event based, on vendor driven courses, but, be from an independent source. The. Purpose of guidelines, is, to provide an understanding, of how a well-run, lab operates. Where. Attention needs to be paid over, and above the basic science. Look. At the purple list on the screen which. Ones will you drop and still be able to have confidence in your labs results, and. That's only a partial list we'll. Cover this in more detail in later sessions. The. Key difference, between regulated. And, non-regulated. Labs is who, carries, out the inspections, and evaluations. And enforces. The guidelines. For. Non regulated, labs it, would be an internal group in. Regulated. Environments, it is whoever has jurisdiction over, your organization. The. Management, the technical, side of lab operations needs. Education, and attention, there. Are a number of courses on personnel, management but. Less so on the mechanics, of running a laboratory. Laboratory. Work, in research. And industrial labs is often. Fused a continuation. Of what was done in our formal education. That. Perspective, needs to change with educational. Processes processes. To, upgrade skills to meet the needs of the modern workplace. This. Is what my planning, in education. For application, of informatics, and lab work is, essential. The. Technologies. Are best used when a well-considered plan is in place. Patchworks. Of problems, and solutions don't, deliver the productivity, ROI, and, utility. That is needed in today's work environment. Now. We've covered a lot of ground although, lightly, the, next session is scheduled, for March first and we'll. Continue this discussion on, planning, and education, at the, Lim's ELN SDM s level with. Multi laboratory, considerations. And begin. Looking at working relationships, with IT support, and the role that they can play are. There. Any questions. Okay. Great thank, you for all that in for me. Oh time I don't see any questions but I'm sure that maybe people, might just need a little bit of time to type them in if you, have any questions, or Jo go. Ahead and type them in the chat box and we'll. Be more than happy to go, ahead and address, those. Ok, well maybe while we wait for individuals. To maybe type in any questions, or maybe even comments, about any, of the information that you presented. Are there any guides, for, informatics. Requirements. Documentation, that you'd like to share uh yeah. One a good one is, the ASTM. Guide for infant for. Laboratory. Informatics I put. That on a slide in case the question came up, there's. A link to it on the screen this. Is something that's been in the works for a few years and I think believe is currently being revised. Originally. It was called the Lim's, guide when, the focus was primarily on, limbs but. It's expanded, to conclude, and to include, elands. SDM, esas and so on and one. Of the things you'll find useful in it is an. Outline, for, a. Requirements. Document that. You can adapt to your needs, you. May also find, that informatics, vendors, offer. Guides, as part of their support, marketing materials. Programs. Those. Can be those. Can work out fairly well, but. You may want to supplement them with the ACA ASTM, materials. Okay. Great and are there any other references. Available that, you might suggest to go along with that uh yeah. There's a slide as well the. Book I mentioned at the beginning actually, is a good reference, it. Provides a lot of material. And covers a lot, of the stuff we've looked at in a lot more depth. There's. Also a Lim's. Buyer buyer's, guide and limbs in this context, is not laboratory. Information management system. But. Really covers a broader context. Of the Lim's forum, and. That's available as part of the Lim's wiki and there's. Again there's a link. There. For, you and if. You search for limbs buyer's guide through, Google or whatever search. Engine you, I should, pop up as well. Scientific. Computing, world for, several years, produced. A, set. Of, documents. Called the laboratory, informatics guides, they're. Hard to find I know that they created.

A, Ones. Up through 2018. But. It's hard to find the links on those the. Earlier ones, 2015. 2016. For example are more. Easily found and available. Okay. Great and all of this will. Be in your slides of course that we'll be sharing with everyone who registered, of course we'll be sending a follow-up email so you'll. Certainly be able to come. Back into it slides and dig in back. Into this information, so. For those who might be working with a consultant, like yourself you know should they ask a consultant, what informatics. Systems to buy. Basically. No. This. Is the one the lab. Is responsible. For the tools that it works with an. Outside, consultant, can help guide the process that, can help educate, you, a bit can. Help tell you what they've seen in other areas, and other applications. But, if. You're gonna do this right you've got to take the responsibility on, yourselves, to make sure that the work gets done because. You're the ones who are going to be accountable for it it's. Not gonna be a case if somebody says well why'd you do that because, so-and-so said, so isn't. A good answer, you. Should know what you're doing while you're doing it and, how it applies to your lab quickly. As needs may change over time so. Consultants. Are useful. To. Help you with planning. To. Advise, you with things you might have missed but they're, not a replacement for your own understanding, of what's going on. Ok. Great that's certainly something that we should keep, in mind then, ok. Well Joe. I'm not seeing any questions or, comments, in here. But. I, do want to maybe, share some. Additional. Information. If. Anyone's, interested in, some. More of the technical details of, betray technologies, you. Might be interested in computerized. Systems in the. Modern, laboratory, a practical, guide and it's available the, through. A, website. Link here which I'm going to go ahead and share so I'm going to go ahead and just simply paste, this into the chat window. And. You. Should be able to gain. Access to that give me just one second. Looks. Like my paste feature is not working, okay well it looks like I'll have to send this in a follow up I'm sorry about that, but. I also want. To provide some more detail about, part. Four for. Our webinar, we. Have, a date set for March. 1st. 2018. That is a Thursday it'll, be at the same time at 1:30, and we, will be sending out a registration link for, that, to. Everyone who registered for this webinar or, attended, a previous, webinar and so. We'll provide some more details, anything. Else that you'd like to share Joe before maybe we close out today's session, like I said I don't think I see any questions coming through yeah. The next session, number four is, gonna be getting into an, area that a, lot, of people find interesting and, that's, working, with ie groups, how, they fit in. What. Their issues, are how. You deal with support, issues between IT. And, vendor support, and the kind of tools, you need, to have access to in order to reflect to really work with new systems so. We're gonna get out of local. Plane we're gonna start looking at things such as how cloud computing comes. In. Whether. You should use a local system with. The trade offs are going, to be as far as instrument, hookups, and things like that so a lot of issues that. People. Worry about are. Going to start popping and popping up in the next session. Okay. Great and I know you welcome any feedback from, anyone who would like to learn a little bit more about any of the topics that you're covering, so I know that you can certainly email Joe with. Those details it looks like someone might be I'm submitting a question so I'll we'll wait just another second here to see if it comes through if. You can just hang tight okay. Joe. The. Question that's coming through asks. Are you getting, into the new requirements. With NGS. Sequencing. Labs uh, no. If there's. Enough, interest in that we may have to do that in a separate session the. Sessions, right now are. They're. Kind, of limited to half hour and in, length and we're. Trying to keep them general, so that they can apply to a large number of industries, and applications groups. But. If that's something you're interested in, and there's enough other people interested in them we. Can put together a session on that. Okay. I'm just gonna ask the, group if that is a if that is a topic, that they'd like to have covered. So. If you can respond in the chat window and let us know your thoughts on that then Joe, can certainly consider that and see if he can add that to a series.

Okay. Okay. Thank you for that question Anna. Okay. I don't know if I see any other responses. Oh it looks like someone, might be typing in right. Now so we'll wait for that response. Okay. Joe if you can hang tight it looks like a question is coming through here. Well. Quite welcome. Thank. You Dennis. All. Right okay. Well if, you do have any further questions. Or may have a question that you may not necessarily want, to. Submit. Through the group certainly, go ahead and email. Joe, at Joe. Dot Laskowski. At gmail.com, and, like, I said we'll be sending out a follow-up to, everyone who registered and attended, so, again. Thank. You Joe and everyone, and we'll, see you next time have. A great day yes. Thank you. You.


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