D A Duyunov on zero cycle completion Day 64

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Good afternoon, dear investors, partners, colleagues, viewers, haters and everyone interested in the project! Today we are again at the construction site, site No. 16 in "Technopolis "Moscow", Zelenograd, Alabushevo. There is a foundation behind me, you can see it, you have already watched a lot of videos, but today there is a slight difference - these are the last foundations of this kind that we see in this building. Part of the work on the zero cycle is being completed, and the foundations for the installation of metal structures of the future office and amenity building (O&A) are being completed. Technically, it was impossible to do this work before, because if you turn the camera around, you will see that the building comes right up to the work trailers. We had to dismantle some of the trailers, the area has just been cleaned up, you can see that some of the slabs have been dismantled, and now the workers are removing the remaining soil. We can already see that the backfill has been partially completed, everything will be finished here literally within two days. This will end the concrete work, here are the loose concrete footings, in 2 days they will be buried deep in the ground. Look, this is one, two, three, four foundations, on the rendering you saw this part overhanging over the entrance, this will be the entrance to the building. And you can see that the trailers are close, there is very little space for work, the area is not so large, so this work had to be performed only at the final stages. Previously, it was impossible to do this, because it was necessary to use the area, previously there were six cranes here, now we cannot use that many. These areas where the foundations are now installed for casting were previously used by the builders to perform installation, now you can't place a crane here, there is only one central track for installation, where the cameras and me are now standing, so the area and the scope are no longer the same, and only one crane is now operating to install the metal structures. We've taken a look at where the O&A building begins, and now we'll go and see where it ends. Now we are right at the end of the O&A. Behind me, behind my back, you can see a concrete wall, this is a firebreak that separates the production part from the O&A.

If you turn the camera around now, you can see the workers dismantling those slabs that interfere with the backfill work. Some of the slabs are being removed, previously there were trailers there, now they are gone. They are clearing the space to put the cranes and, basically, if nothing interferes, then on September 15 we will see the fully completed installation of metal structures for the whole complex. Look, you can clearly see the edge of the cast foundation and then there are the trailers, we can't go any further, so everything is very close, there is no way to scale up, there is no opportunity to do a large amount of work now; therefore, there are fewer installers here now. The workers will soon finish the foundation and all their efforts will focus on the building in front of us on the left side, the elevator shafts, stairwells, and so on. All the efforts will be put there, and here the installation will take place. So, as the saying goes, "Every cloud has a silver lining," the failure to receive funds was compensated for by some minor failure in the work progress. This is not even a failure in the work progress, but the completion of one part of the work and the beginning of other activities. Though at the end all the amounts are covered, because before we worked relying on the advance payments, and now the acts of completed work are submitted and very large sums of money are paid. I have informed everyone that we work on the as-received basis, in real time - the money is received and on the same day it goes to pay the bills. The tension of the situation remains, but we are slowly finding ways to mitigate this severity. Behind me, behind my back, there is a shaft, it has formwork, and this is one of the most difficult parts of the job, because if the workers had cast the shaft with concrete and deviated by 2-3 cm, then the metal structures would not have hit their place, so we had to do things simultaneously - work with the shaft and assemble the metal structures. Therefore, now there is a coupling of metal structures and concrete, while the biggest difficulty is the installation of the formwork, feeding concrete with pumps is not a problem, the problem is to ensure correct installation of the formwork, taking into account all the features of the concrete, reinforcement, and so on.

But, as you can see, we have already come to the ceiling between the second and third floor, here the workers are assembling the roofing elements on the low part of the extension, so everything is being prepared to begin the roofing work. The guys from the quadcopter are showing you the scale of the building and the scale of work on the floor slabs, because from here you can see that the profiled sheets are fully laid out, now it is ready for waterproofing to ensure that the concrete does not leak. Now we are coordinating the prices for the mesh which is being spread out, and then we will start preparing for casting the floor slabs, this will be the next large-scale work stage, the floor slabs cast will be 16 cm thick. You will see all this, everything will be shown and everyone who did not believe in the feasibility of the project, here it is - the real thing. Maybe for someone it is made up, unreal, dramatized and staged, maybe this is a completely different project, but if the operator now rotates the camera by 180 degrees, then you will see the name for all the non-believers - the SEZ "Technopolis "Moscow ", so that everyone who can read, everyone who has eyes will see, everyone who has ears will hear, as they say. This is the confirmation of where we are. Now we're going to walk around the building a little bit, towards the warehouse, and approach an interesting place, the operators will show it to you. These are the input wells, everything is prepared here, the reinforcement is in place, the formwork is set up, everything is ready for casting, and in front of me there is a bucket with concrete, the workers are waiting for the mixer, it will be here soon, and then they will continue to cast further. You can see it here. Show the warehouse, please, it's a warehouse with reinforcement bars, it's almost empty, almost all the reinforcement bars are gone. As the concrete work is completed, the reinforcement is also completed. Look how spacious this place has become, behind me there is the warehouse that was crammed with metal structures for the building, there are very few left now. Although, as they were used up, more metal structures were brought in regularly. And those that didn't fit before are already here now. Take a look this way, from this angle, you can already see what a beautiful building we have, and here, from the back of the building, you can see that the shaft has already passed the level between the first and second floors, the formwork of the second and third floors is being done, and then the exit to the roof. Part of the work here is nearing its logical completion.

Now let's go to the other end of the building. There's a shaft behind me. It is also visible that the interfloor structures of the first and second floors are done, reaching for the second and third floor. For this shaft, too, the difficult work stages are already behind us. You can see the view in front of me, two elevator shafts connected by reinforcement, the formwork has been brought to that shaft, the fourth stairwell is also being prepared for the installation of formwork, behind me the shafts are also prepared and the formwork will be installed here, then it will be cast. We see that in the back and on the left side the basement slabs are installed, and here the basement slabs will be cast and closed. The crane is now unloading the interfloor structures, they are stored there. Ahead, the roller is compacting the level, and we see that there's one more layer left and we'll reach the floor level. This is the picture that we have, a crazy amount of work has been done, very extensive and difficult, and since it was hard to start, it will be hard to finish. In the early stages, when the risk was high, many people invested thanks to the discount, not knowing if it would work out. There are such people who are quick off the mark, they appeared and provided a start to this project, followed by those who trusted them. The people who joined at the first stages are pragmatists driven by the discount opportunities, and it is the right thing to do, because for 1 invested ruble it was possible to get 3 rubles by using the discount, it is profitable. Now the discounts are lower, and the SOLARGROUP team is looking for other options to attract another category of people. There is also a group of low-income people, so it makes sense to make packages smaller, let's say $250 each, broken down over a long period of time, so that the monthly payments are low and affordable for these people to become co-investors as well. Now it's clear that with a building of this scale and with this kind of investment, there's no turning back. The only road here is to complete the construction, put the facilities into operation, and make a profit. Now everything depends, as I said earlier, on the investors, on their capabilities. We have demonstrated our expertise, our knowledge, and our experience to you. And what the team can do is obvious from everything that you see. It was very difficult, hard and challenging to convince people having nothing more than the idea itself and unconfirmed experimental results. The rewinders demonstrated the feasibility of the technology, but few people believed that the team, in addition to inventing the technology, was capable of launching such a center. I hope that there are many interesting events and exciting moments lying in store for us, that there will be something to show and tell you, but what you can see now has its price and is already liquid. But, as they say, it will not work to make a supermarket, a warehouse or a car service here, because this building is not intended for this.

To make offices here is way too desperate a step, because the building is designed for the tasks that we plan to implement here and only for them. Follow the reports, the film crew will shoot and show, Alexander Sudarev will share information, and listen more to your mind and heart and less to different opinion authors. There are many different opinions on Youtube channels, and for some reason people really believe them, although some of these people are failed cooks, carpenters and managers. People who have ruined their business, who have failed to do anything and read some literature written by those who have never created anything like this and have no expertise, no knowledge, no experience often try to join the project. There are a lot of such people, and they like speaking a lot, because there are no other sources of income and they parasitize like suckerfish on large fish (sharks, whales) and this is their only chance. Parasites need to be brushed out from time to time and kept at bay, so dismiss the authors of some opinions and trust yourself and your eyes. Good luck to everyone, have a good week, be in a good mood, have a wonderful time the rest of the summer, and see you all again!


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