Oracle TV Presents Industry Innovations - Disrupting Industries with Communications

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welcome to Industrial Innovations welcome to Chicago today we're going to talk about Communications communication Technologies has been disrupting many Industries we're going to talk about use cases we're going to talk about the technology itself and we're even going to share with you how we turn a vehicle into a communication device all of that starts right now welcome to Industry Innovations I'm your host and head of Oracle industry lab Rin Capo today we're going to talk about Communications communication technologies have a huge impact on Healthcare construction utilities many Industries when we look at these Technologies we're going to actually share Public Safety as an example we have three experts today Andrew delor VP head of technology for Oracle communication a Carlos castanos who is master principal consultant for Oracle Communications and Arvin Singh from Verizon who's head of and he is VP of engineering for Verizon which is a US telecommunication company before we get going I want to remind everyone engage with us ask us any questions you have we want to hear from you and if you don't have any questions tell us where you're from we want to engage now I'm going to go find Carlos and have discussion about the public safety use case follow me hi Carlos great to see you good to see you so Carlos can you tell us a little bit of yourself sure I am a master principal sales consultant I work with key customers such as Verizon with a specific focus on some enablement technologies like 5G core Network and with some specific features and capabilities such as Network slicing 5G roaming orchestration Automation and most recently starting to work on network anal and monetization awesome so what problem are we solving here today well as you can imagine the iot evolution has been underway for many years however many Enterprises are still struggling to make the lead from proof of concept to productization so as iot becomes more prolific and more accessible we're seeing that some of the key iot challenges which we see today frankly have been there since the beginning y but as we continue seeing the trend this becomes more pronounced so what this creates Enterprises are really struggling to when they have to integrate an nend vertical solution is really a key undertaking for them so what we're really doing is creating a platform that would enable us to help them Sol or redo some of these roadblocks with a platform that will enable enable us to create a a ecosystem that could be better integrated and then can allow us to create easily endtoend vertical Solutions wow so it's a platform you mentioned Partners you mentioned providing endtoend solution so how does it really work well the main function that the platform platform fulfills is a vertical stack component and it provides Communications accet and capabilities that are basically facing the application layer and this allows to basically create Communications enablement um the platform basically focus on two key areas one of them is iot control and command and video and audio management and the other key area is in the commun realtime Communications with provides video and audio conferencing and I see some Hardware here can you explain us what we got sure uh the solution in the ecosystem has two key components one is the Cradle point which essentially you can think that as a LT uh or 5G router Y which is connected to the existing roof antenna this is basically a device that is giving us the capability of providing endtoend connectivity or routing throughout the entire ecosystem and also allow us to communicate to the uh external network and then be able to talk to the cloud on the other hand we here we have a what I would consider the actual brain of the the solution which is the H capability or the H compute what this does is basically allow us to locally be able to pre-process filter compress and securely save the data right because we have in the ecosystem large amounts or of information that we need to actually pre-process because all of this is time sensitive yeah so then what we need to do is do this locally securely and then from here be able to transmit this back to the uh Oracle cloud or the government cloud in a secure manner for preprocessing so storage this is how it makes sure the data is secure and communicates securely correct so our solution basically is able to give us the uh the capability to do encryption at all layers of the solution y as well as basically giving us the uh the ability to do uh secure U signing with hashing yeah and that is exactly what we do right basically data is critical so we got to make sure the data is fully secure locally and then be able to do that in the cloud as well and let's see if I got this right so the cameras are on the car it collects the data or other sources it comes to this device it encrypts it does the processing and then the traal Point actually communicates it to the cloud that is exactly correct yes so that's a that's a very unique path so it make sure that the data is secure and it can be able to achieve that exactly right yeah because I think uh again the uh the whole ecosystem is giving us the ability to collect you know huge volumes of information from the sensors on the light bar the integrated cameras within the vehicle as well as the body cameras y right with the connected officer and so all of this is critical right for us to be able to create situational awareness which is really the key goal of of the environment right create situational awareness real time yes and be able to do uh streaming or video and audio as part of the uh the solution and there's other things that uh we could do with the uh age capability which is basically be able to do um license plate recognition yeah we could also do a j management system we could do a recording system and even giving us the opportunity probably to uh recognize potential threats as well so that's like with the computer vision other things that we could actually process precisely exactly right so you know I think part of the potential new capabilities will be able to do is probably replace the body cameras radios and then be able to provide a 5G enable computer right to basically uh enrich the environment so we just turn this vehicle to into a communication device I exactly right to just to simplify it like that's what it turned that's exactly right you can think of the the connected Patrol right has ability to connect with the Dispatch Center and then be able to have the level of communication right again our goal is to create situation situational awareness where eventually we want to be able to create or provide an environment that allow us to completely transform the way we deal with situations in the field right and and this is one use case this is applicable to multiple Industries it's from construction to utilities to healthcare it's about collecting data it's about processing it providing it securely with the live de so we could do you know multiple Industries absolutely I think our goal is to essentially create a a platform that enables us to do exactly that right to be able to support multiple vertical multiple industry Solutions uh and have the ability to uh the underlying goal is to create uh application enablement and furthermore be able to do 5G monetization through exactly that vertical application enablement thank you Carlos my pleasure thank you for coming appreciate it great this was great earlier today we did an interview with Andrew Dela from Oracle and Evan sing from Verizon let's check it out hi Andrew and Arvin uh thanks for joining us today hey burin how's it going nice to be with you both hey burin and Andrew great to be here well you guys are both experts in telecommunication technology and I want to actually start with the biggest challenges that industry is facing today yeah buron before we get into challenges I must acknowledge um mobile Communications is one of the most democratized and accessible Technologies in the history of humanity with about 8 and a half billion subscribers on the planet today right and when you think about 5G and the rapid pace of global adoption of 5G what 270 plus global networks that have launched commercially over 1.2 billion subscribers using 5G and then on top of that the fact that the technology is scaling two years faster than previous generation of Wireless Technologies it poses exciting set of challenges and opportunities right so in terms of challenges um there's few uh one is you know trillions of dollars are being invested in this next generation of networking technology and the 5G monetization is a massive opportunity in front of us while we're seeing great success with mobility and with fixed Wireless Broadband connectivity uh there's more to be done in terms of bringing next generation of Enterprise public sector services and capabilities right uh additionally I believe there's an opport Unity to further modernize uh the OSS and BSS systems for service providers to capitalize on Market opportunity to unlock new set of capabilities and services right so um I feel uh this is a phenomenal opportunity to uh make discipline Investments um modernize infrastructure and enable new set of possibilities that previously were out of our reach when it came to mobile communication technology how about you Andrew so you know Arin I really agree with the points that you just made and actually what I would probably add to this birin is I'm observing really in the industry that 5G is is really a transformational moment um and it is introducing what I would call sort of three incrementally difficult challenges that that the industry is needing to cope with the first one is maybe the easiest one which is actually deploying 5G now I say it's the easiest one because the industry is used to deploying the latest gen generations of technology so this is the piece we're well practiced on but what is kind of behind this of course is that 5G is a cloud native technology and the adoption in the industry of cloud native is a significant challenge in itself because that is a technology that we're not typically used to in a telecommunications environment and then I think the third and probably the hardest one is that 5G is really taking the industry into an entirely new place from an ecosystem perspective it's moving away from the consumer established space that we've got and really the technology is specifically purposed to be able to you know enable industrial applications and and Target Enterprise customers and that is requiring a transformation not just on the technology that I spoke to but actually in the business processes in the way that the business operates in the business models that they deliver into the market and all of that is a significant challenge for any company to have to reinvent the way it's worked for decades well I heard the challenges but every time I hear challenges I think about opportunities too so I I can clearly hear you guys are mentioning it as you're speaking so let's start with you Arvin what are the opportunities uh when it comes to this technology yeah significant opportunities and excellent points made by Andrew right as as we think about the Investments that are being made in Spectrum in modernizing the fiber infrastructure pulling uh M millions of miles of fiber um right to enable this nextg infrastructure pairing it with Edge compute Fabric in the public 5G network but also in the private Network deployments this opportunities this opens up in terms of taking the capability to Industries in ways like never before to to the point Andrew made it's going to require Downstream Transformations within different Industries right and uh when I think about private 5G networks the ability to bring dedicated on-prem networks indoors or Outdoors to unlock new set of use cases right uh traditionally um you were at the mercy of where the public 4G 5G infrastructure was built and you would operate within the confinements of that now there's an opportunity to design the network based on the business need and business problem and work backwards into the platform layer the application and the enablement of that so as I think about uh Network slicing and the sophistication that will bring the ability to reach different business problems in a meaningful way with with this uh macro Network infrastructure as I think about um the acceleration of the ecosystem with apis with the opportunity to integ uh interrogate different functions within the network from the application from the end device that opens up the possibilities to do a lot of industrial grade applications uh using carrier grade Network infrastructure be it public or private uh so that that makes it super interesting and Andrew yeah I mean look at the core of this is the fact that 5G represents um an incredible opportunity to really scale the connected World um I think it's the first time in history that we've seen a technology um that can can operate at the scale of a global cellular technology that is purposely built to be able to support these industrial opportunities um you know I think for for any organization that is trying to make a success of 5G the the the big real opportunity is around how do you make it simple how do you make it easy for industry to adopt these kind of solutions and if I look at Oracle in particular you know I can give a few examples of of how we're trying to tackle that problem and support the rest of the industry in in going on that journey I think the first one is let's go back to the public safety solution um you know that we were looking at earlier in in the session um from an oracle perspective you know we are focused on really bringing together an Integra hardware and software suite um it's giving that realtime situational awareness to the First Responders which is really going to transform how that that whole environment is able to operate but more importantly it's presented to that end customer as a fully integrated solution really easy to consume really easy to use everything is integrated you're overcoming the data silos the complexities of building these you know very sort of involved solutions that that happen and and even if you look at you know what is out on the edge in that solution um you know a single Patrol is consisting of four cameras in the light bar they've got the cameras which is on the officers themselves we have Edge Hardware in the in the vehicle itself which is taking care of media routing and management and also a place where we can deploy Edge applications all of that needs management and so our goal in Oracle was how do we make it really easy to build and Pres present these applications and and so that's actually why we embarked on building a new Cloud native platform we call it Enterprise communications platform and it really is a way of of making applications be able to access the connected device environment to be able to access Communications in a super simple way and you know extending to what Arvin said earlier that platform is not just cellular focused it's extendable to other Technologies it's certainly Embraces the opportunities to to do things with private networks so it's all about really how do you make it simple for both the application developers the end customers and the communications providers to be able to bring the world together Arvin do you have any additional comments yeah absolutely excellent points by Andrew I think one of the important things we have to recognize is United States is one of the leaders in 5G right I mean Verizon started on the 5G Journey some 8 years ago even prior to standards being ratified and since then there's been tremendous progress that has been made in the United States in terms of spectrum policy um uh right of way um you know uh sell site regulations turning up sights and things like that uh I think to continue and maintain us leadership additional midband Spectrum will be required to continue to build upon the 5G future we're embarking upon and uh to really unlock 5G Advanced capabilities to come right uh pre 6G so so so I I I think um you know midband Spectrum High band Spectrum the the opportunity to build ubiquitous 5G coverage and the public 5G network uh today we've we've built this on a cband um Spectrum midband Spectrum that's reaching about 200 million Americans two out of three people can pick up uh the signal uh with their phones tablets jetpacks but again the the big opportunity is how do we influence Industries and uh really incentivize them to adopt this new capability uh and further modernize the the innovations that are within the organizations that quite frankly might be a century old but is so robust so reliable it still does the job phenomenally well so I it it really presents an opportunity to reimagine the business reimagine Industries reimagine possibilities well I think it has to do with most of the use cases right you we all discussed um about use cases what that means and those use cases are really different depending on the industry so I'm actually curious you know we talked about Public Safety but I'm going to start with you this time Andrew which Industries is this applicable if you can give us some examples and Andrew Arin after that would like to hear from you yeah I actually the harder question to answer would be which Industries are it not applicable to um but I I guess what I would do is is perhaps I'd zero in on a few different Industries and and particular industry solutions that were already focusing on as Oracle Beyond Public Safety and the one I'd probably start with is Healthcare and it's because you can draw the most immediate parallel between what we're building in public safety and health care um with the recent cner acquisition oracle's already at the center of transforming the way healthc care is is done in the industry but the enrichment of those Solutions with realtime Communications you know can be the difference between life and death just like Public Safety so augmentation around Telly health and patient care is an opportunity that we are you know definitely looking at and and really can be gamechanging from a point of view of the role that Communications plays um if I move on to something like uh the hospitality industry you know we are working um inside of Oracle to develop a restaurant in a box solution pretty much as the name suggests you receive a box you open it up you have a hub which is really a Communications device at the center of the entire restaurant infrastructure which is connect Ed via 5G back in into the communications Network gets you to the cloud and all the applications but in that box you have the point to sell devices you have the greeter tablets you have the restaurant ordering systems you know the Hub can even provide a Wi-Fi network so some really powerful new Solutions which are leveraging technology um in the construction engineering space we are working to censorize construction site environments that gives you the ability to put realtime information into the applications that are running those con construction projects giving you awareness of where are your construction workers what are they doing what's the productivity what state is the equipment in are we going to see imminent FES soon so you can really make a huge difference to the effectiveness of the projects that way in energy and water we're looking at metering Solutions we've got some really cool technology that we're helping to develop around Optical monitoring of power cables it's a non-intrusive mechanism but it allows you to do some really refined analysis of the waveforms that flow through the cables really helpful for predictive analysis and fault finding and all of those kind of different things so you know the list kind of goes on but I think you know manufacturing is an interesting one because here you have a really interesting opportunity to look at the ability to build in a private Network environment all of those automated Factory for solutions that can drive productivity but actually to be able to then Embrace wide area Communications so that you can track the supply chain and the logistics components you can throttle and adjust the factory for processes based on where your equipment is and when the deliveries are expected avoiding downtimes avoiding interruptions so a wealth of opportunity there and I have to say that kind of takes us nicely into the private Network thing which is something we're seeing increasingly um you look at k manufacturers like Ford they're using 5G private Network Technologies to collect data from their production lines um their electric vehicle production the the motor and the Battery Systems require about a thousand WS welds in the construction phase that generates over half a million data points every minute so you need a strong technology to be able to collect order that up helps you optimize and do quality control and all the different things and then you have people like Financial Services organizations you know to help Drive the transactions on on their financial trading floors so we are seeing this technology appearing in multiple Industries in multiple ways and really helping to change the way that those applications and services can deliver value this is really exciting Arvin yeah excellent points I mean it's phenomenal I'm on the same page as Andrew I'm not sure if there's an industry out there where this technology is not applicable to and what's what's exciting about it is it's sort of the foundational layer right it's the collection of Technologies and tools that write on the backs of this next Generation public or private 5G infrastructure I mean we're for last three years we've been delivering private dedicated networks on Prem uh using licensed Spectrum using unlicensed shared Spectrum right cbrs uh uh 3.5 gahz band uh and it everything from classrooms to boardroom to and Andrew's Point uh this network can coexist with your existing Network Fabrics if you have a wireless land infrastructure in place Wi-Fi 6 or what have you you could have public cellular uh 5G infrastructure in place now in addition to that a private dedicated on Prim cellular infrastructure for very precise set of use cases right that are business critical in nature Mission critical in nature uh everything Andrew pointed out very eloquently those uh I'm starting to see um crop Sciences using this in remote deployment where there it's a it's a wi space there's no coverage but we have Spectrum assets Nationwide There's an opportunity to now with the softwarization of networks with miniaturized components to come and deploy something TurnKey purpose-built for a fraction of the cost of what it would typically cost uh to do something like this from crop Sciences to Transportation distribution facilities warehouses uh retail for and Outlets that are looking for store with store within a store Concepts uh bringing in nextg of retail Innovations right when we think about Factory floors manufacturing facilities uh that Andrew referenced I'm also starting to see new set of tools being used on these private 5G private 4G networks and sometimes it's complementing the Wi-Fi efforts but other times it's uh really enabling tools like arvr to be used in a meaningful way to promote worker safety to teach the next generation of Workforce capabilities and insights that are decade long expertise that's been built within the organization it's a fastest way to immerse uh people into the kind of work that we need to power forward with right so the opportunity for industrial metaverse to flourish the opportunity to for nextg smart manufacturing and we're just barely scratching the surface quite frankly I think there's so many uh part partners and vendor providers in that ecosystem and and Burch and you and Oracle team is doing great work on this front to really invite the ecosystem to play together and and really kick the tires and possibilities on on a public and a private five 5G sandbox right so I foresee every industry has a potential to be transformed it's really a matter of uh ideating upon defined problems or doing Discovery with il defined problems in that you know where you don't have a Clarity on what you want to solve for but it's an opportunity to start with a clean slate well all those questions you mentioned actually really brings up the topic that you know we're using cloud and applications and being able to communicate because you mentioned the augmented reality virtual reality all that the feature of that or actually the feature is here right all the compute is done on the cloud and everything is actually being communicated with those you know networks that we have now that brings up a another important topic which is the security and reliability so to make these things work because in the past everything was on Prem or on site you know the communication issues all those things now we're talking about a world where it's secure and it's reliable so I want to start with you Arvin U you know how important is this to have an increased level of security and reliability on these networks yeah it is security and reliability is super important as pioneers of bringing next generation of Network Technologies at scale uh this this is Paramount right the opportunity to now go into industries that will be powering the future of organizations powering the future of uh America and and globally for that uh matter um some of these are mission critical life and death type of environment so the high reliability networks the high security uh fabric is going to be super critical going forward and the good news there is 5G in itself is inherently more secure than previous generation right uh with uh better airlink encryption with new appliances in the network with secure Edge protection proxy uh you know as you connect to Legacy networks pre uh you know uh preventing uh security threats from those uh and in addition to that just this notion of zero trust Network architecture right there's a lot of capabilities our two organizations have that we bring to bear that can address the needs of security and reliability in a meaningful way regardless of where on the planet you architect that Network and whichever industry you want to serve Andrew yeah I mean for me we have to sort of start by re-emphasizing that the world is moving into a place where the applications are now Mission critical um and and that I think is really the stimulus for why this topic is so important uh when you are developing solutions that are around Healthcare around Public Safety you know you're no longer having the convenience of doing firmware updates for an innocuous device or remote monitoring of a a burglar alarm system you know this is now monitoring the blood sugar levels of a diabetic patient or dealing with an armed situation out in the field and you can't afford for your you know your solutions to in any way fail or in any way you know suffer any kind of security breach so I I think that's kind of really for me the the important thing to note as we move into this world as Arvin said you know we're lucky in that 5G as a technology is intrinsically already highly secure um from our perspective as Oracle all of the applications all of the Enterprise Cloud platform capabilities that we're building in the communication space they're all Native in oci and and that already gives me a huge benefit because believe me there is no other company in the world more fixated on security than Oracle so being able to leverage all of the security and reliability that's built into our Cloud infrastructure is extremely beneficial um I think a final comment would be um even beyond the cloud even beyond the solutions themselves it's also creating a platform for where the communications providers have to put more effort more energy into monitoring and guaranteeing the services that they're able to deliver that contribute to this and this is where you see products like Oracle Communications is Unified Assurance product which allows service providers to to these connectivity Services you know at a very granular and real time level and and be able to do all of the Performance Management that's needed all of these extra capabilities are really part of the journey that we're going on now we have been talking that future is here right so it's now but I also do want to kind of look at the near future so what does future look like let's start with you Arvin predicting the future is much harder than creating it right and that's the opportunity I see organizations like ours that recognize uh the need to take collection of capabilities uh artificial intelligence machine learning uh taking uh immersive capabilities in this business or Enterprise grade or industrial metaverse type of applications creating digital twins right A lot of these things um there's ways to give tools and capability in the hands of organizations uh like never before and um particularly I think uh Wireless was something that was a nice to have um in the past today it's so much so robust like Andrew touched on previously there's so many more Dimensions to this network fabric so many more millions of connected things in the same general area same square kilometer right um Ultra reliable high security High Fidelity super low latency Network you could be doing a ton of creative things with this in terms of uh um the network the public network fabric but also the private Network fabric video is just one example that I'll touch on um that I that I failed to mention previously when you think about video that was something on wireless network Technologies it wasn't as uh acceptable of a use case today 2A video is by default uh the standard which we put on on cellular Wireless Communications and in terms of 5G powered video the the notion of using computer vision to enhance uh production to enhance predictive maintenance to to do anomaly detection um to be able to promote worker safety Inventory management right uh you guys are doing some creative work using drones for inventory management and things like that all of these things combined I think makes it um the future super exciting and promising and Andrew yeah I I mean look we we've spoken today around um some really exciting examples of how we're already seeing industry being transformed and that journey is going to continue uh I was looking at a recent IDC report that basically forecast that just two years from now we will already be at over 55 billion connected devices so you know we're we're more than 7x the entire population of the planet I mean this is going to be an Unstoppable Journey that we're going on in connecting things and building more and more transformational Solutions and I suppose I'd probably finish by saying that means the technology itself can't stand still either and so you know we're kind of looking forward to the continued Evolutions around 5G as of Technology um we have the release 17 uh upgrades which are coming out towards the end of this year they're going to further drive down the latency levels in the network which mean we can develop even more demanding applications after that release 18 which should be surfacing around 2025 we've got some reduced capability type Solutions in there which are going to drive significant reductions probably more than half for the cost of of the 5G devices themselves and also significant benefits in terms of energy consumption which allows you to do a lot more with battery powered off- grid type Solutions so I think as the technology continues to March as the appliations you know continue to be developed we've got some really exciting years ahead of us in terms of the changes that this will bring to society absolutely and the last question is to you Arvin so Verizon has been one of our key Partners at the Oracle industry lab in Chicago we have your 5G Network running uh for testing and trials why did you choose to participate yeah great great question Bon um for a few reasons uh frankly Verizon has opened the doors to 5G Innovation hubs we have about 15 or so and we've targeted different Industries different uh opportunities that we want to unlock and we quickly realized as we got on the Journey of 5G pre- standards and then early ratification of Standards um not everything around 5G was uh just consumer-driven right and Andrew brought up this point earlier there's a massive opportunity for industry for business for Enterprise and public sector and uh we really wanted to give the keys to the kingdom to our partners to uh the innovators out there to our customers to create uh 5 Innovation Hub Footprints the industry lab uh uh footprint that you have at Oracle uh along with um uh experience zones that many organizations have created so everything from immersive learning opportunity using new set of tools and uh elevating um uh The Learning Experience to Health Care elevating the the patient care experience and next generation of hospitals and the the different set of technologies that can be riding on on top of this amazing U networking infrastructure uh we saw the power of partnering with organizations like Oracle that have a established ecosystem of partners that are already transforming these industries and bring a native set of capabilities that can immediately start to benefit from this right because the last thing we want to do have is this fascinating Tech capability that is uh waiting for that moment and the match uh to solve problems and uh I think the immediacy behind this is to really accelerate the ecosystem and that's the work I think that that got us excited when we saw the potential to partner with Oracle uh is you you're already in these organizations you already have applications and platforms that are uh are being used by customers and the opportunity to further accelerate uh that ecosystem with this next gen of capabilities and bringing um the the collaboration the co- Innovations together I think that that in itself was uh was a no-brainer that we we need to get started rather than waiting for the future Andrew brought up an interesting point that this is not a standstill technology right that that is the single most important thing we want businesses and and industries to recognize that uh 5G brings about a journey of possibilities there's capabilities that are here and now and many of which to come right some of which Andrew touched on uh when you think about time sensitive networking industrial ethernet type of experience for for Industries uh being able to go after Robotics and and many of these use cases that traditionally were uh were not within reach of Wireless connectivity this becomes really promising so it's it's important that organizations have champions for this NextGen networking technology within um their shop and they start the work today so they can build upon the possibilities to come because this is an opportunity to make investments that are future proof right uh it's not going to require a tremendous forklift to go from 5G capab abilities of today to the feature sets that will come as Downstream enhancements uh will be brought to bear well I want to say thank you and I also want to emphasize that working with Verizon has been great so we've been not only you know putting videos and talking about this like we're doing right now we're actually physically doing them I think that makes a big impact to taking those use cases and physically trying them and making putting them to work putting the network to work putting those use cases to work and actually bringing them to market so I want to say thank you Andrew thank you Arvin thank you thank you fantastic interview if you ask any questions we're going to continue answering them please continue asking us more questions I want to thank Carlos Andrew and Arvin we learned a lot from them about how Communications is disrupting other Industries and if you want to learn more about the lab I want to encourage you to go to inovation and if you want to find more episodes like this you can go to connect see you next time


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