Oracle TV from CloudWorld 2023 Doug Kehring

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foreign [Music] welcome back and I also want to welcome our social audience to the conversation you're joining Oracle TV live from cloud World 2023 and we're here with Oracle Executive Vice President of corporate operations Doug caring thank you for coming on Oracle TV again second year in a row it's always good to be here appreciate you guys inviting me yeah yeah we love having you now I want to start off with by talking about I think everybody here's favorite topic Safra spoke about customer success how it's at the heart of everything we do so can you help us understand how we bring that concept to life here at Oracle yeah I think it's it's something that's always been at the heart of what we do but as we move to being a cloud provider it's become more and more important to our customers so um when we sat back and thought about it over the evolution of our transformation we thought you know what we're really missing a key Link at the end of the uh like the last mile if you will which is once the customers made a purchase decision who's with them with their throughout the entire Journey from end to end and we realized it was a very fragmented uh approach so we decided we'd centralize all of these Services together put another wrapper of customer success services and go help make sure that no matter what happens that the customer gets value out of the out of what they purchase from Oracle and um it's a it's a revolution concept I think the entire company has gotten behind it and Safra has been the been the first person uh uh in front and center to help us help us get there yeah we talked with Rupert earlier about it as well and he talked about the customer advocacy part of that organization which I thought would and we have the city of Tampa here as well talking about how they use customer success success Services successfully I shouldn't put those words together it's a good run-on but uh but but it's it's a great way of thinking about it we're not just here you know helping fix a problem we're their Advocate we're trying to help them be successful well I think that's the way that we measure whether we're doing a good job or not which is I try to encourage everybody to ask the customer are we doing a good job for you and if the customer says yes then will you reference for us will you go tell other customers about how great the experience is and the great thing is if they say no then we say okay what do we have to do to get you there and I think that helps us because we can then fix whatever are the issues that are in front of us because we're being open and transparent with the customers that they're giving us honest feedback we're using it to get better and make sure that they succeed because ultimately as a company we can't succeed if our customers aren't succeeding absolutely now speaking of customer success we have the customer able to have a race track on the floor here in the Hub at Cloud world but how are we bringing that experience to the Oracle community at large even the virtual audience who's tuning in right now well it's like a little test bed if you will it's a it's a great way to have customers come and and see this the steps and the phases they have to go through when they're adopting the cloud Technologies and I think that's the cool thing why we call it a circuit which is it's actually a phased approach and we've sort of gamified the process and it's amazing the buzziness that's going on over there people are really learning and and and and and getting an understanding of what it takes to be successful throughout the entire journey and so we're going to take that we're going to put it in the in out on the internet if you will and and uh we'll we'll educate all of our all of our CSS folks to go to go engage with customers and and and really take it around the globe you have talked about um sharing our own secrets about how we're successful what do you mean by that well we call it the Oracle Playbook which is we like to think of it as uh you know using using our own Technologies drinking our own champagne use your favorite analogy on that front but um you know Larry's always been a huge advocate for hey before we let our customers use our Technologies let's make sure it works on us and and so we actually have adopted for instance the Oracle Cloud end to end top to bottom applications and infrastructure and we use it to run our company uh so what we try to do is not only take that experience and and and and and show customers how they can do it as well but actually incorporate the best practices and the Lessons Learned not just at a technical layer but at a business process layer so our our accounting team and our legal team and our HR team you know anyone who touches how we run our business actually get very involved in our advocates for our for our Cloud Technologies and go out and meet with customers so we sort of wrapped it all up into what we call the Oracle Playbook and said here customer here's here's how you do three things help you with your process change help you with the culture change that goes with it and finally help you with the automation you need in order to power it and my understanding too is is that a lot of customers come to us and ask us how we do some of what we do whether it's closing the books faster or automating and then processes um you're you're I understand you get a lot of those customer questions coming your way yeah we do and we love it we actually want to encourage them ask us we'll show you the way you know again I think everyone can run their company more efficiently in terms of Revenue growth as well as more uh profitably in terms of margin growth at the same time in fact funnily enough you know uh Mark benioff has been a big advocate for what oracle's been doing and and Larry Ellison himself was helping Mark through hey how do I drive profitable growth and so we we kind of think of it as uh it doesn't matter what company you are you could be our our biggest competitor and we'll still help you because ultimately there are also Oracle uh Oracle customers too sure right exactly um what are some specific examples of benefits Oracle has been able to really achieve with Oracle playbooks with Oracle with the Oracle playbooks oh oh sorry the Oracle Playbook yeah yeah so a good example is you know uh on the finance side right because I think most accounting groups would really like to announce their earning as quickly as possible and why is that because every day that goes by your numbers are more stale they're they're sort of out of date but you're also expending a lot of energy resources time external fees going through and reviewing the numbers and getting them getting them out Oracle reports their earnings faster than any other company in the S P 500 what that means to us is not only again can we inform our investors faster than anyone else but we can save a lot of time and money because we're not spending as much energy in weeks and weeks and weeks post the close of the quarter trying to get the books closed and and announced and uh so that's one example you know and it goes through everything we do HR supply chain customer experience applications how we run our uh how we run our I.T organization so we've kind of taken the playbooks and broken them down into those various segments to show customers not only the the results we've achieved but how we got there right and and so these are available as actually downloadable assets we're doing webinars I think you did the first one yeah yeah absolutely again we're uh we want to get it out there it's so there's no um there's no sort of pride of authorship to say gee we want to keep those to ourselves you know gee we did it ourselves why would we let anybody else get in in fact we want the opposite which is we want everyone to see how the power of the Oracle automation can help them get there so whether it's deploying it in the through the internet so people can download it or talk into your sales person or engaging with customer success Services you know there's a range a wide range of ways in which we can help help companies out yeah that's fantastic thank you so much Doug it's always great to sit down with you and learn about everything and you know again we have so many more playbooks to come uh webinars and uh every you know I know you guys got some eBooks coming out right yeah we've got I think uh financials the financial one is out uh we've got an HR One an operational excellence one and and like you said the supply chain one I haven't seen that one yet yeah they're all on their way they'll if they're not here today they'll be here tomorrow that's right that's right we're just breaking it down step by step all right thank you again so much for joining us and talking about the playbooks and all of our great customer success and uh right now I hear that burchin is going to bring us one more segment of winning strategies Burton where are you now hi friends I'm at the customer Cafe well welcome everyone this time we're going to talk about winning strategies and I want to talk about embracing change change is hard we all know we all have to deal with it in our lives also at work and the things we do we deal with that all the time this time I'm also going to tell another personal story we built a facility in Chicago it is a 30 000 square feet facility that's our lab that's our Oracle industry lab and while we're doing that we use it as a test bed we brought a lot of Technologies and one of them was actually a robot the robot allowed us to scan the site we work with our partner Pharaoh Technologies and they brought the robots and use the site so first time it showed up it was quite interesting when the robot showed up everyone stopped working literally there were probably 50 60 people on the sides everyone stopped walking working and they wanted to see it they wanted to see how it works they had lots of questions but something happened as it went you know the robot kept working every day and doing other things people got used to it and they no longer stop working so they were doing their job so it just become like a new other tool at the site so how did we achieve this how did we achieve this change when workers showed up at the site we actually have them do specific training a technology training and if you think about Industries you know we give them the tools to use but not always we actually spend the time to explain them what the tools are so one of the Technologies was about worker locations so when we actually do the site orientation that's what every worker has to go through especially for safety training we were able to train them and explain them what the technology is how it works what it does and what it doesn't do that was quite unique because it was the first time that I know that we were actually spending time to explain them what the technology does especially worker location they were people who were skeptical you know wasn't sure what it would mean for them when we explained the worker location allows us to know if they fall we'll be able to identify the location it wasn't as accurate as they expected so it wasn't gonna identify if they're actually sitting for an hour or actually physically working but it will give us an idea where they're on the site so these tons of technology is continue to improve our lives and when we are managing the change that's what we need to do we need to actually help people understand especially the workers who are in these industries to understand what these Technologies are what are they used for what kind of data is collected so now we're gonna go back to the studio [Music] we could measure anything we had so much complexity and it took a long time to get answers it is something that you must do as a company if you want to be Progressive if you want to be competitive if you want to retain your talent [Music] the world next door is a modern Financial technology company we are servicing Banks and retailers around the world [Music] we want to be Undisputed leader of self-service Technologies in the world with our customers I'd like to do that for employees so what does that look like [Music] so we decided what were the 24-25 data elements that would help us answer our most important question we wanted to make sure for every single employee record we had those completed and accurate one of our goals was to figure out how could we put answers in the hands of employees faster and Oracle obviously is a champion when it comes to HR Solutions we started off with core HR we partnered with Accenture in 2020 and we added Workforce compensation globally Oracle recruiting Cloud guided learning HR help desk we also had talent management Suite that we added that time so there were about 10 different modules or capabilities that we added in a 12-month period across 62 countries foreign we created employee service centers five of them around the world I am very proud to say that 96 of our service requests are self-service there's been a greater emphasis on reducing the number of steps it takes to get something done our head count reports used to take three weeks to produce you can now get a headcount report in about five minutes what's next for us is really taking advantage of the talent profiles capability as well as progression and succession Oracle partnership is one that's going to be a long-term partnership for us as Evo next door [Music] there are so many new challenges impacting Supply chains like supply shortages or unpredictable demand you need to be able to make better decisions faster to stay ahead of your competitors and keep your customers happy but when data surrounding your supply chain such as weather conditions shipment data and material capacity is siled across your organization or trading partners it takes too long to get the information you need to keep up rather than wait your customers will find someone who's ready to deliver a supply chain that helps you detect decide and execute quickly no matter what the world throws at you or where your data is housed in your business is the key to getting ahead this is how a supply chain Command Center can help the command center connects multiple data sources like Finance planning and Logistics so you make decisions from a single layer of consumable internal data it also brings external Market signals into the decision process providing only the essential data you need to address your specific business challenges this combination of consumable internal and external data feeds predefined use cases such as detecting at-risk demand for solving manufacturing constraints to use case has a set of predefined data actions and recommendations related to a common supply chain scenario this helps you make the decisions you need to keep your supply chain operating at Peak Performance Center completes the decision-making cycle through pre-built continuous Improvement learning from the data in each supply chain action and enabling decision automation should the same scenario occur in the future with a supply chain Command Center you optimize your supply chain data make critical decisions faster and arm yourself with the answers you need to navigate challenges and come out on top [Music] welcome back to Oracle TV this is always the worst part for me I'm sad to say that this is our last time welcoming you back to Oracle TV and before we close out I've got to ask what were some of your favorite moments from the past two days start with you Kendall honestly for me it is always with our customers hearing their stories hearing the challenges that they're overcoming and of course hearing the ways that Oracle is helping them and overcoming those challenges and really putting their success at the heart of everything we do Monday what about for you well we really covered a ton but my favorite thing is probably you know I love checking in on the social channels and seeing what everybody's talking about and hearing from our audience yeah I mean it just feels like we've only scratched the surface though it's been such a wonderful time and I've enjoyed every ounce of it being on the floor with our team and being here with all of you wonderful people Shawna what about for you you were over at Oracle Health conference you know I loved everything about that conference and just being able to talk about the future of healthcare was so exciting to sit down with those experts and I feel energized yeah yeah absolutely and Brendan oh for sure back in the suit honestly I thought I'd go through the Finish Line as I started I love that oh it's been great so many great conversations with people that I've met along the way so many good jokes too yeah that's what we're here for up on the podium Fortune well I think my favorite was talking about the winning strategies I know our customers cares about and telling personal stories and you know how we can achieve that that was my favorite last but certainly not least well I don't know if I can pick a favorite but one thing that stood out I love the idea of growing my own food I do it myself to this notion that Oracle is helping change a ten thousand year old industry in agriculture and using AI to make it more efficient and use less water very inspiring bye for now Oracle TV will be back for many more things in the future including more Oracle events more Formula One events with Oracle Red Bull Racing more sale GP events more live streams and really just more of everything so do yourself a favor and subscribe like and on social platforms and on YouTube too so we have a lot to share and I think we're missing one more thing guys what is that a drum roll please Power all 2024. oh yes you know since you brought it up I'm gonna let you do the honors Brendan well thank you coming in 2024 from September 9th September 12th we'll be right back here in Vegas love that and you can expect to meet us right here too bringing you everything you need to know from the heart of the event so this really isn't goodbye it's just we'll see you later that is exactly right Shauna but before we start planning for next year's awesomeness we need to raise a glass to the past few days the second year of Oracle TV from cloud World Fritz obviously I can't do this so can you please kick off the toast all right well first a huge thank you to our amazing crew you can't see them working tireless tirelessly behind the cameras and everywhere else here we also want to thank and send a shout out to Lisa McDonald John King tandem blacksheared Johnny Bridge Hill Tanya mager and Brian Pope also Matt Hayes Matt gens Chris Reeves Maya Joven Doro sieber and the rest of the team as well as Haley Moore Nick Jones Manny King Abby deedman Anna Hulker thank you so much and again every single person in the crew in the truck in the work room IVC everyone brought this together to make the magic happen you're all amazing and so are all of you our correspondents Noel Mundy Brendan Burton Shawna you're so skilled at this thank you very much for joining us and most especially thanks to all have tuned in where would we be without you it is our absolute honor to hang with you over the past few days thank you so much for tuning in thank you for letting us bring all of our vision to reality and thank you for being a part of cloud World on air and hey next year come here let's see in person well shall we yep yeah and and that's a wrap from Club world 2023.

oh [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] foreign [Music]


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