Old World Technologies and Lost Ancient Civilizations Jake Castrey Podcast

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there were babies like and and there were orphan trains and it's not like um oh this is a theory um it's it's it's like uh it was a real thing it was a real thing and there's there's very little logical explanation first of all like why were there why were they shipping babies you know what I'm saying why were they dispersing infants exactly and why were they putting them on display you know like those are two questions that that no one really has an answer to [Music] [Music] welcome to far out with fast everybody I am Faust Chicho and today I'm excited to be joined by Jake castry let me tell you let me tell you about Jake and he's also known as the improbable dreamer aka the doctor generated most of you listening probably follow him on either Instagram or YouTube or Tick Tock he's a remarkable content creator I followed him for quite some time on several platforms and his he's amassed tens of millions of views across all his platforms and likes and follows and all that happy happy Jazz um and I've learned a lot watching his his content and I and you know I was I'm so fascinated by what he posts about and what he teaches about so I was like I've been trying to get him on for a while we finally connected uh Jake so thanks so much for beaming in brother thanks for having me it's a pleasure to finally be able to stop in awesome man you see do you hear that voice everyone you probably recognize that voice um yeah it's awesome to have you on man and and you know I mean you know you show up in a lot of your videos so um and sometimes you just do you know you record over slides that you make um but um it's always good for people who maybe only caught a few videos to put it put a face uh to that voice so and you I was telling you you know you've got a great voice for your particularly for the content you create and and you the your video is really complement your your voice and your style speaking so it's awesome and so basically the world's fairs are in my opinion like the introduction of The Narrative of after the last reset um you have like a lot of Firsts like um Chicago World's Fair introduction of hot dogs hamburgers uh anchor mimas uh coffee or tea um like iced tea and stuff like that it's like a lot of Staples like peanut butter and stuff like that they introduce a lot of these you know Staples that we still you know consume daily like Dr Pepper and stuff like that and at the same time you have things like these baby incubators which is where they're literally pretty like babies by the hundreds in these incubator Chambers um the alleged story was there a carnival uh Barker turned philanthropist doctor uh came up with the idea for these incubators and the hospitals wouldn't give them funding or the time of day so apparently his solution was to make these big elaborate Carnival exhibits with you know baby incubators now with live babies um and charge admission for these you know babies to be gawked at and parents were just donating their babies by the hundreds and thousands and that ties right in around the same time period of the orphan trains the orphan asylums it's and it's all connected there's also the time with these orphan asylums that the adult asylums were popping up all over the place and I mean you're looking at these asylums um but the time period when America was especially relatively new um you're getting these asylums that look like palaces or castles right out of European royalty and they were being built in areas like Ohio uh with the population under a million built this big giant elaborate asylum in one year's time um again you have these impossible build times with all of this whether it's the world's fairs or just you know like the Empire State Building also built in a year um they were apparently really getting things done without OSHA back then um it's just so unbelievable like so we gotta stop like so so that but the roughly the the the decade with which these were introduced do you know like um the the exact year when they when they started popping up or were they always a thing and they just you know but we started to get we started to see memorabilia real memorabilia that lasted from then you know uh around what year well they went on like I'd say um before the invention or the you know rediscovery of the camera um so you would have them in the mid-1800s is when I seen them start to really pop up like it's like 1860s somewhere around there of course you would really get too much photos or pictures of them until the late 1800s and that's where you'd really start seeing these over-the-top exhibitions um certain from like I would say really the big highlight point you could say is like uh Chicago World's Fair which was like 1893. uh they were just popping up every year since and they kind of stopped right after uh right before World War II there was supposed to be a big one in Rome they dug out and unburied Rome essentially because Rome was abandoned at that time um so they all got it mostly unburied for this World's Fair and then it's not because World War II obviously uh but with that said there's these in all of these world's fairs there's these zoo of people which again ties right into this whole you know presentation of the old world presentation of a new narrative like these indigenous zoos of people by the thousands people were packed in and you know just like these baby incubators they would just go and Caulk at them and if it was quite a baffling display like how any of that would be socially acceptable at any time period and yet they were just doing it yearly like it was nothing and and so for everyone watching on YouTube um you're gonna be you're gonna be looking at a lot of real pictures for of this uh and for everyone listening um if if you want to see the the evidence of everything we're talking about you're gonna have to come over to the YouTube channel and check out the video um so like literally there were there were babies like and and there were orphan trains and it's not like um oh this is a theory um it's it's it's like uh it was a real thing it was a real thing and there's there's very little logical explanation first of all like why were there why were they shipping babies you know what I'm saying why were they dispersing infants exactly and why were they putting them on display you know like those are two questions that that no one really has an answer to you know and you know we we're gonna return to the world fair and the fact that that somehow they were putting up these you know huge structures and you can see the scale of them if you're watching you'll be able to see um I think Jake's gonna bust out his slideshow a little bit for us I think too um but you know the theory is I understand it a lot of these um fares and in fact a lot of the these cities were run by a completely different Energy System an energy system that had to be annihilated the same way all free energy systems have been annihilated over the last hundred years the same reason why we've lost the last century and we've you know all been duped into thinking that we live in a free market with with technology advancing you know as fast as it can when really true technology has been ruthlessly suppressed you know um and people have been killed who have come up with free energy devices which would put the the oligarch monopolies out of business you know I mean uh it would it would render their power over the people Obsolete and that's a problem and government agrees obviously they they are cooperative and they're run by the same oligarchs so overnight you know so and that's that's the theory right Jake like virtually overnight they were like uh this all has to go this all has to go you know I mean you're talking about the Rockefellers he's the same fan the same families you've heard the names you know over him is that the gist of it Jake essentially yeah there's a you know there's a few controlling Elite families um whether it's you know the Rockefellers Rothschilds uh the Morgans um and really they are the less than one percent that run it and Rule it all and um they're the ones that withhold all this free energy um you know they're withholding all this technology anything that's been brought out you know there's been like cars that run completely out of water um those people of course are quickly dealt with either silenced in the worst possible way or they go away get bought out um you know monies Money Talks and even people that have good intentions are oftentimes swayed by the almighty dollar and this Matrix we live in and that's exactly it all this architecture was you know free energy designed and built you know with cymatics um you look at like all these churches all these um cathedrals and they all have these cymatic patterns these cymatic energy designs and they were all connected to you know these temples were healing with energy you know with you know cymatic energy um there's you know like in the modern times uh Dr Rife invented a sound device that could cure most diseases and ailments by just basically blasting you with sound frequencies and vibrations that's right it's also the inventor of the modern microscope um he of course died mysteriously have a heart attack because there is no profit in a cured patient that's right that's right I have a friend who um was suffering from Lyme disease and uh I was like dude you just stop saying that you have Lyme disease and go out and don't and do what you need to do you know and then he he finally was in California and he was he did like a week like he was doing a bunch of stuff but he he knew he he could get rid of it he knew he wasn't this was not going to be a a long-haul thing and he and he finally met up with a guy who had who had a Rife machine and and like a week or so of that gone good good to go yeah to go yeah she was like an image of a Coney Island right here that's that was kind of one of those world's fairs that actually stuck around um they've and of course Coney Island now as you know in New York is nowhere near what it used to be but I mean just look at the Grand illustrious lighting and this is in the early 1900s wow moonlit Towers um you know just these towers that were powered by the Moonlight themselves amazing technology that we have that is just lost to us today and and you know it it's amazing I'm getting a cymatics tattoo I'm like well I have this geometry tattoo on them and then this side is going to be this is a water crystal but then this set is going to be all cymatics going down in my arm and you know the inspiration for the tattoo was many fold but but we were looking at this temple in India um which the the stone was chant was chain linked okay you know a thousand years ago the stone was chained like and it's like how did they they do that and and they're they're these gorgeous cymatic designs just like just like on the cathedrals you were just showing and you know like it's just so it's becoming so clear to me how cymatics was so like absolutely necessary to whatever technology they were using it had to have been had had its roots in in cymatics and sound in in that kind of power it's just it's the only thing that makes sense same with these um same with these star forts here um I got one pulled up that's been a real interest of my my lately uh Fort Jefferson dried Tortuga knob in Florida so the official narrative here and kind of show you a little location this is where the Ford is in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico and it is the largest Brick Mason structure in America and the craziest part about this is it was never actually completed they decided officially in the narrative to just build this fort in the middle of the call for defense though it really I mean you look at it strategically like what are they defending over here way away from Florida anybody coming from the East you know uninhibited I mean yeah you got Cuba but obviously you can just go right past that fort but you have this big giant fort in the middle of the ocean and they actually just came out with an article the other day that they found a whole city right next to it that's been underwater it's amazing what they just will brazingly brush off here just kind of half give you a story about it and like this fort is really truly an impressive feat itself there's some images of it again All These Bricks by the millions um they just kept building and building until one day they just stopped 30 years of work here and it was never finished uh they say because of the change in Canon technology but um I and again I think this is just another repurpose for these star forts you'll get some of these old pictures of them I mean right here it's already in ruin right it's supposed to be relatively new construction at the time this is in the you know 1800s and again back with my background in you know Logistics Imagine All These Bricks they could I mean they couldn't line the lineman make the bricks right there at the island they'd have to ship them in yeah and they just kept building and building this fort and they apparently used like prison labor and stuff like that but it never actually was built to completion they just decided to stop one day because Canon technology changed you can see even here like there's a whole nother covering of what was actually in the fort like these archways and they just pricked them up and that's what they do with a lot of these old world buildings is they just kind of put a new facade over them re-brick them up and move along tell us that oh it was just a monument or a memorial or something like that or some some military fort that never saw any action but these star forts are hidden all throughout America Europe especially even in Star forts Japan and they all have more and more like just intricate cymatic patterns with them and they're just I mean they were building stuff in in this time period that just it would be something if we could replicate it today or even anywhere close to it but like all of these archways these were all carved by hand and they almost looked 3D printed yeah I mean just we don't put any level of detail or sophistication in any of these type of things no this was an archway you know 1900 New York they tore that down all these old world structures buildings architecture they destroyed you know in most cases literally replace why would they destroy that I don't understand you know it wasn't practical the upkeep Etc um they they never give us any good reasoning much like these Whited out Skies that you see here this is you know constructions of some grounds of DC as you can see TC is um quite an interesting story in itself oh yeah this was a supposedly the original capital before they redesigned it but this looks like a completely different building here does it does see I got like so many uh particular images it's sometimes hard to pull out like a certain set I try and organize them the best I can but yeah now it's uh you know and look for people who are listening like if you want to understand the the depth the literal depth of of these kind of anomalies then then all you have to do is take a look at Graham Hancock's most recent series on Netflix the one that has caused a big to do in the Arco archaeological community um and and watch as he goes around the world and visits these sites you know which we can see and and some of them were known others are are newer um only recently uncovered um but you know the the thinking up until just recently was that they were between you know five and seven eight thousand years old and and what what he's what Graham is forcing them to discover and they're bringing in technology to to scan what's underneath the fort is that those those sites those you know their forts their grounds they're they're the very very top of of what what seems to be you know one after another after another just one thing that's built off you know layers yeah layers basically um exactly so yeah just incredible um yeah I know exactly what you're talking about here um so they got like those pyramids um I believe it was in Indonesia that one episode of graham.com and they would literally have pyramids underneath pyramids underneath pyramids and they're all like just layered thousands of years yeah apart from one another and exactly kind of ties into the whole reset Theory and mainstream science and Archeology does not want to you know they'll grudgingly kind of acknowledge the great flood of Noah in a way but um they leave out all these other resets like this you know Sodom and Gomorrah um the more recent one I'd say you know the mud flood but you can easily see when you start having the eye for these things um buildings like you know in modern times you know you go down any Main Street in any City and you're going to see buildings that have completely sunken floors yeah that used to be ground level um and then you go even further back you know temples and you know Grand coliseums that look like they've been outright melted or destroyed deformed brick bricks like literally just bulged out um so there's many different resets and it seems like every couple hundred years yeah like in this instance and this kind of ties these images kind of tie into the um the orphan terrain and those baby incubators they had such an abundance of kids back in the late 1800s and this was again before any of the great Wars or anything like that where parents just seem to disappear and we would have these little kids in some of these you know the most dangerous factories textile workshops with very little adults around and you know they would just have instances where they would literally raffle children away raffle orphans away you would see them you know just lined out like here just paraded out for adults to come and kind of gawk at and picked through picked their choosing essentially and you would think now as they say our population has exploded since then that we would still have these asylums we could still have these large sloths out of Company Kids but that's not the case um you know we obviously have child labor laws where we don't send kids like this into factories and stuff like that but the oil prior to that where's all the adults right where's all the adults out just send these kids under these textile bills you don't even see like adult supervisors in these pictures they're just all children and these are some of the most dangerous pastel factories you would think that these would at least be reserved for the adults but not the case and so so that's unbelievable what's what's so Jake the theory is that there was um I hate I hate the phrase great reset they've ruined it kind of yeah but but the theory was there was a tremendous reset um and that so that what happened was a repopulating um that went on uh in basically every nation particularly I I mean I don't I don't know how it TR how it transcends to Europe but I know that in America you know and kind of the land masses that are all connected to the Americas um that there was the theory is that it was there was a great repopulating that went on and and the reason why they had these orphan um trains and uh they had like literally like orphan shoots like yeah and they they look like little mini Railways I mean pneumatic tunnels they were they they weren't pneumatic tunnels and like what like you know what were they building them for I still think they were in use so the pneumatic tunnels yeah um connected to all these uh big towers and these big um orphans asylums I still think they're in use by the elites today but they're basically like think of those uh shoots at the uh the banks yeah where you put the money shooting it shoots right up they have those but with carts and um apparently it was just a failed experiment a small scale one they tell us but they were all over they were in New York they were in London and these tunnels were just like anything else abandoned and then recently rediscovered and again yeah it goes right with these children that you would just show images yeah and one of them just scary as you see images of like them with the babies by the tunnels like so they can make up [ __ ] and say oh well we you know I don't know we were creating a new Pony Express or you know like a new male says whatever the the reason was like you see you there are pictures of adults with infants by these tunnels which is very suspicious and and inexplicable right um so there's that you know the the the mud flood theory is I mean it's backed by hard evidence you can see I mean so it's like the question is you know how much is built over how much is how much has has been systematically deleted from our history so that we don't know better right what goes on and on and um there's players like I've talked to people um you know sanitation Works in Chattanooga Tennessee and talking about their underground cities and that's another crazy thing especially in America all these um underground cities that they talk about that they just of course discover them they come up with some silly backstory for them and we're supposed to just Believe it or they discover them in a question and and make them off limits like charge admission to them or make them off limits exactly for you know our safety yeah for our safety of course like we have like Des sanitation workers in Chattanooga they tell me just these stories that kind of just make my own again kind of turn a little bit like they'll be in these tunnels that just have you know intricate bricks like just by the thousands just going on and on and then there's just drop-offs where you can see the brick just go as far down as you can see like it's just a black void wow and you know there's just portions of the city held up by big giant tree trunks and like tree branches right underneath all these like Bridge tunnels that just fall into the abyss and you see that with like these sinkholes that just pop up especially in China and stuff I think you know like all that sediment from the last Spud flood kind of settles and pockets of these underground cities and stuff are kind of re-emerging we just come up with some silly narrative oh it's an underground railroad or prohibition tunnels like you can go and search like YouTube I I have fun doing that like looking for news reports local news stories from like their versions of their underground cities there yeah um they had this whole one in Florida and of course Florida doesn't really do basements or anything because no they don't right but they had these big giant tunnels in um what was it like uh vegan Florida some small town there and they just had these tunnels and had no idea what they were you could see their whole like layers of the old city there was doorways Windows Etc and they're just saying oh yeah they're like for the prohibition like Florida yeah exactly really really interesting they wanted in Florida yeah you know but you'd see these same tunnels these same underground trick works places like Atlanta uh Sacramento um Seattle's got a really famous underground you know Denver does yeah Denver of course the story with Seattle is that the city caught on fire and they just buried over the burnt first floor but it's covered it in mud and leveled it all out and raise the street level but of course when you look at these old undergrounds and you can actually take a tour in places like Seattle it it's not the case of a burnt down City buried over there's like still Street signages and like teller signs and stuff like that just like right on the side of the road and it's just it's like we just got covered over with blood and sediment from a flood right you know I I started reading um you probably know this book um the One World yes you know yes and it's just amazing to me how how how things tie together and tie back to Russia you know um and how Society diverged from that and and you know it's it's enough it's obviously what would be considered alternative history um but there are some things in it which are you know which I already know are absolutely true and have been lied about you know so I it's always fascinating to me to read a book like this and and and put together pieces of the puzzle with what I know and what I know they've been lying about um but it's it's a lot you know it's a lot to try to [Music] um unravel you know and match with what you know but you know and it's I I know this is a challenging question I'm going to ask you but like you know if you could if you could talk about it you could sum it up in a theory you know people are like well I've I've heard about that like what are the tartarians and you know obviously Tartarus is you know Greek mythology it means underworld what have we been talking about right I mean exactly it's not a coincidence um exactly but there there's a lot to it and you know it it kind of I think begins in in Russia um it obviously was was a global more of a global Society then um but you know like what happened basically uh Jake if you could is there like a five to ten minute way you could you could try and explain it like what happened to uh to tartar to the to the Great Society that was Tartarus yeah so tartaria was um depicted on maps as far back as in the 1400s I found them all the way up until the late 1800s now officially the mainstream narrative for tartaria is that it's just a blanket term for Parts Unknown in the east from European cartographers but I have many maps from all over the world not just European cartographers Russian cartographers with tartaria listed in Russian um and it seemed like they were a far more advanced connected Universe unified civilization that seemed to have traces all the way into America and I believe that the land bridge from Russia to America was not too long ago they you know mainstream won't even admit to that but if they did they'd say it was all thousands and thousands of years ago I think it was much more recent and it caused this you know the Empire to go essentially Global um that's why when you look at the American natives a lot of them have close descendants and ties if you read that uh tartarian book to the Mongols and uh the Mongolians they're close descendants of them which would only make sense if they came over from that land bridge so this civilization which many cultures many people who believe Marco Polo discussed a great detail and they seem to have Technologies far beyond their time far beyond the mainstreams depiction of what they should have and then I believe the reset because I don't believe these mud flood resets or these resets are man-made I believe it's like anything else in this realm it's a cycle I believe the reset hit affected tartaria a conditionally hard and the global Elites of of the old world then the Europeans Etc kind of came together after tartario was the weakest and essentially took them out the rest of the way with that the technology was basically hoarded over divided up and you know what they could use for profit what they could use to ensnerize and control us they reverse engineered and you know it's like a lot of the stuff that we use today like the automobile and the gas powered engines um but the stuff that the free energy the ether generating Technologies they all took that away because there's there's no profit in that right and it would you know of course defunct the energy scheme that we have in modern time overnight right if people realized you know the extent of what how much Limitless electricity is in the air yeah and I believe that's part of what all these you know race you are you know cover up the tartarian technology is it was all just one connected energy grid essentially right and you know you see these antennas and stuff on these big gold copper Dome towers and then they just stick flags on them now and call them flagpoles but you can I mean you could do a simple test of The Ether yourself take a drone attach a copper wire on the end of it and set it up in the air and put a volt meter a volt tester on the other end of that wire you'll find the higher up you go the more of a charge that line will come back with and you know we're just covering it another technology that was essentially lost was electric culture gardening which is something anyone can do that's listening very simply just take a copper wire and some stick wrap it around the cup or wrap the copper wire around the stick and put it in your plants near your garden what it does is it attracts the energy from me through above brings it in and it electrifies almost amplifies your soil better than any fertilizer GMO or otherwise can reproduce and they were doing that with great success back in the 1800s and it was another thing that they just kind of cut out away from us cut out of common knowledge because again now we got all these fertilizers and chemicals and stuff that they sell us there's no profit if you find just how much you know the Natural Energy it's the same reason why you know you could take uh and and or organize you know coil Tesla coil and put it next to your plan which is ailing and watch as the plant becomes healthy again it's the same technology same reason you know I I have an arc crystal necklace that um what's his last name um um my brain that's right um which is Naseem made no that that thing is the crystals are positioned in a way that is generating energy measurable energy and it's not you know how long will it do that he has no idea all he knows is that there's no way to stop it from doing that I think you have to like I think you have to boil them um to change the molecular structure enough to to get it to stop doing that but I mean the the stories that that he has and what he's documented that these crystals do um it's no it's no different and this is what has been covered up and this is what has been lost and you know I I talk about this last hundred years that we've just we've been fighting over and killing each other over oil fossil you know the great debate over fossil fuels nuclear power and energy all we know how to do is smash divide and dig and then fight over what comes out of it you know and that's not how it's always been that is a that is a recent creation um that is right we started fighting over energy and oil fields and all that stuff and you know the war is the you know there's great money in war as a rocket yeah and that's you know World War II was being funded by the same people both sides were being actively funded by the same Elite bankers and after World War II and Germany fell then you know this whole globalist Elite system we have now is in place and I said stipends Innovation creativity any technology it's all through the governments and you know you come up with a great idea great invention you see so many inventors so many of them and they just you know either disappear either by nefarious means or they are just funding they won't get the funding they need because everything is so controlled like well it's you know that the shelling with global warming you know you get all these government sponsored scientists that get bags of cash to say yeah it's our fault and it's our jeeps and SUVs that are bags of cash yeah from the same companies that are that are creating the the the great garbage heap or whatever it's called in the in the Pacific you know the the same companies which are putting plastic on everything plastic is made by petroleum oil based products they subsidize even as they say oh we're going to switch to Electric you know that as long as everything is wrapped in plastic it doesn't matter they're not losing money they still they're still making the money off the oil and the it's the Plastics that are doing the probably the most damage next to the pesticides and a few other things which human beings have decided are are you know necessary to live you know exactly which is all insanity and the controls are like pharmaceutical industry too I mean there'll be no cures all the natural remedies all the uh and it's just labeled as new age medicine or holistic pseudoscience um you know medicine and cures that were used for thousands of years once we discovered petroleum-based Pharmaceuticals addictive a petroleum-paste Pharmaceuticals all these cures that were used for thousands of years were just labeled as new age and you know fake medicine basically and they were propagandized uh and they were smeared you know by the The Rockefellers who are excellent that even Midwifery even bringing our children into this world was slandered and you know the the they called Jewelers witches and you know they they they ridiculed people who didn't bring their kids to a hot to the mother to a hospital to to Bear children and we turned being born into a business there's a great documentary called the poisonous of being born if you're ever going to have a child oh yeah watch this documentary save yourself I mean scars heartache say know what's going to happen when you are if you're if you're thinking about or going to have a baby watch The Business of Being Born um you won't regret it it may make you uncomfortable and it may just you know wake you up as to the kind of society we're living in and it's and it's not even just like the the amount of money that you know from the birthing process itself which is ridiculous as parent myself here the amount of money that they got out of us but even afterwards like they were trying to upsell it it's like oh your kids had slightly misshapen so they tried to get us to go to the specialists in Chicago and spend well it wasn't our money because at the time we were having a state assisted insurance so it seemed like that was a big game for them they would send all these parents that you know newborn kids with State assists and insurance to these Specialists and you get this big giant headpiece mounted onto your kid oh man because his head was slightly misshapen I told I was like no yes that's fine yeah it does not look misshapen at all yeah I don't blame you and again it's just all it's just all a game you know people are getting paid money to Shell out these these things and that it's been going on since the late 1800s where they would go out and basically buy these medical schools um you know Rockefellers and stuff they would send out things like little Scouts to these medical colleges all across America and standardize them to their way of treatment um by Shelley alcash and essentially being like hey here's millions of dollars but we're gonna control how your schools operated and regarded what you can teach we're going to rewrite the textbooks exactly that's exactly what they did and you know the Rothschilds are transatlantic I mean they're even in Russia there's there's no place they have not you know planted roots in and uh you know I mean they found everyone they do and then and they profit off everyone there's no industry that they don't have their hands in um none I mean it's not one it's scary so you know money is not no longer their game it just can't be because if you have like 50 trillion dollars in assets what could you possibly I mean what are you gonna do put a little more with the rest what are you you know I mean saying that's right everything is just a game everything is just um how can we manipulate you know what's our vision of this Earth since it's ours and that's how that's what they do that's exactly yeah to serve them yeah and we uh and it's all of our labor and all of our time and energy and our spiritual self being sacrificed for their gain it's all this architecture nowadays like it's built to you know basically restrict us and keep us put down on inspired architecture of the old world was built to uplift built to inspire yeah and you see this this D you know notice the uniformity um and and the way things are built I mean there's literally there's no identity to it there's no culture to it there's no gender there's no energy boxes you know and that is that is for a reason you know that that it's not modern it's it's it's ugly it's artless there's nothing to it and and the sad thing is it's it's methodical it's as methodical as our shoddy school systems in America and how they they continue every year to lower the bar so that our kids know less and less and less true absolutely authoritarian dictator tactics I mean you know you you talk to not that you can but you know people who have survived the North Korean regime they'll tell you there's no dictator in the dictionary there's no word for dictator ignorance is taught you know in in those countries and that's what's becoming it our country unfortunately because these Powers have you know they've taken over honestly honestly you know but um yeah so you guys got you know this it's all it's all worth looking into I I always say you know it's like um all knowledge is particularly history is is worth learning you know even if it's something that seems unbelievable because how are we going to create a vision of the future you know when we don't even know where we came from exactly it's one I always tell people it's like what's when they say what's this what's the point of it what's the purpose it's in the past it doesn't matter I was reminded of the famous saying to understand where we're going we must first know where we've been and they've worked so hard to disconnect us from our past from our true past from our true identity and you can see that of you know reflections of our architecture reflections of how we are in school you know we don't we're not inspired we're not they're not we're not teaching the next generation of leaders the next generation of free thinkers we're teaching basically people to sit down shut up don't ask questions read from the textbooks memorize from the textbooks and do some scantra on a little test that's that's her school system free thinkers are often squashed in school yeah no they and even schools that um you know pretend well they they masquerade under you know we teach them to think now you teach you teach them what to think you don't teach them to think yeah teach them what to think about certain things how to think properly yeah um and and that's a problem you know really is because all of history is is simply his his story I mean it's nothing more than a set of Lies they agreed upon that's if you weren't there to make any decision about it um and it's amazing you know what you can instill in a in a person from a young age and have I mean that's how we're designed I mean the computer is based on the human the human brain the human capacity to think and store information a computer is program you know we made the most advances in algorithms and and AI even as you know as we continue on with AI because they figured out how to imitate the neurological activity of the brain that's yeah all the breakthroughs came when they figured that out you know they had to get the computer to try to imitate the brain and it's not an easy feat but um you know I haven't mastered it yeah and it teaches us about ourselves too and how programmable we are to believe certain things you know indeed all you got to do is talk to a Scientologist if you uh yeah I understand right um amazing you know another guy who hung out with the elites and figured out a way to create his own religion Scientology or I mean who was who was uh Jude's best friend was that created NASA and uh they both had their little goal of let's see who can create the best religion it seems like the dude that created NASA one because that's it's the only order the only Federal organization federal government organization we can't criticize yep like left or right it doesn't matter like that's the one side of the aisle that all sides will come again if you criticize their beloved NASA that's crazy to me and I mean it was oh you don't believe we went to the moon no yeah because have you seen the footage I mean you just don't understand camera technology okay well make me understand it please help help me understand it I don't you know it's funny because I NASA is such a joke there's such a front you know what I mean like um and they've always been such a front that I don't I don't get in trouble for criticizing them because I just assume that everybody knows that they're full of [ __ ] right you know what I mean I don't say anything but so I don't really know about the censorship but I know their marketing campaign picked up about five years ago because everyone started wearing NASA's shirts and I was like God this is what we've been reduced to we're selling t-shirts and hats now oh yes you know it's just part of the you know the the whole it lying front you know the CIA the FBI NASA all these organizations popped up right around the same time and they were created by the same people this is what people people think like you know oh the FBI have created so maybe if pu joined the FBI you've joined it for the right reasons and I and I would Hazard a guess that probably 90 of the FBI are guys who got into it to stop criminals to stop people who are hurting people you know and I'm sure kids who grow up and want to become astronauts get into NASA for this for the same thing they want to be you know they want to go and and be in space and the problem is though when they get in you know they they all probably learn the same thing that at the highest levels there's not much they're going to be able to do to change the lies you know that that have been perpetrated on the American people in the world and that's a sad thing you know but but you can trace the roots of all of these organizations including that behind the CIA you know to to the same people the same oligarch fascist ruling Elite you know who wanted an organized way that is detached from them to go out and you know literally execute their will and enforce their will on people what better way to do that than have a uh you know a a criminal fighting organization that happens to work hand in hand with the mafia right yeah you know we fought fascism in World War II and then uh all these you know mortal enemies and evil people became all of our top government officials the paper clip Operation Paperclip I'm just watch a special on that yeah yeah um it's like oh these are the enemies but now we're gonna have to run all of our government facilities in order and meanwhile does a lot like like bold-faced lies to the American people you know one after the next we're all the way up until Carter when Carter was still saying well if we're gonna find out if there are Nazis working Among Us like dude you know I mean you know damn you worked in the CIA you know damn well there's Nazis working for us they've been working for us since since the war ended and we smuggled them into the country right and the ones that we couldn't smuggle in because they were their faces were on every newspaper for the millions of people they killed you brought them to some place where you could use them and utilize them anyway they're in Argentina exactly Brazil Argentina you know like um it's atrocious the question is what you know like it's like what happened what what what happened because it seemed like a good idea America was at all at once built on these ideals and this dream right and they knew that in order to separate themselves from the queen at least at first they had to create a country with these ideals but you know even before the ink was dry already these ideals were in Jeopardy because the crown came a knocking you know um and the crown owns just about everything they were so Corporation under the crowd that's right that's right hi buddy [Music] okay I'm gonna let you have let you give him his bandwidth in a minute let's go far out before I let you go um yeah so so tell me my friend um do you uh do like what is the craziest most Supernatural experience that you've ever had and if you've never had one don't worry about it we can find another Supernatural experience like um they're kind of my own personal paranormal experience sure sure I mean it could be that it could be you know I mean it could be anything it could be experience with ghost or UFO or you know whatever whatever orbs are my pick is Fascination um my own personal experience with an especially the last couple years say my witnessing of them are you know quite exponentially High um and I almost feel like it's a I've heard other people talk about this like a kind of psychic communication between them like yeah I know when I'm going to see them and and I know where they're going to be ex type thing but yeah um and I've had you know my family over in all of them experiencing these two they're amazing they they look almost like there's you know satellites or whatever you want to see just little balls in the sky but then they'll start they'll stop they'll start flashing they'll start playing robbing and orbit and uh somebody told me wants to get a laser pointer and that's when the fun really began oh yeah man you hit them with laser pointers they'll communicate with you oh totally dude and it's wild but that's that's something that I've seen you know used to be like you would see one every couple days or so but now depending on the sky you can see like dozens in a single evening that's amazing and they're out there and they're they're quite amazing I don't know what they are but they're not they're not uh I don't think they're little green men and I don't think they're satellites yeah I don't I don't I mean I don't think the little green men although they they could be little people of sort who are now who are not physical but who are certainly I believe they're sentient I believe they're you know they're conscious and that you know the fact that you your intuition tells you where they're going to be and you know and I have some experience and I've seen orbs and you know um and I've seen you know what what would classically be called you know a UFO or UAP the reason why they changed them to UAP was because they were a phenomenon you know they were more of a phenomenon than like let's say that not everyone is looking at a ship and you know there's I mean um I've I've so I've been out and I'm you know you can certainly communicate in that way and and you can actually kind of consciously um tune in to and kind of connect with them you know I agree yeah and you know like sometimes you you're connecting with them and and it looks like they're going and you're like no wait don't go you know and then all of a sudden doesn't turn around you know yeah yeah you know it's just you just know it's not a coincidence it literally happens at the speed of thought you know and I believe in UFOs and um I believe that the sentient and I certainly don't believe that they're you know we were in any danger from them you know that a lot of people are like yeah I don't feel danger when I see them it's just like a weird sense of being watched almost you know yeah yeah that's cool though man that's cool I think that they're uh You've Got Friends in high places yeah it's definitely definitely it's comforting um but man this has been awesome dude I'm a big tell everyone the name of your of your channel I mean I I think a lot of people follow you who follow me but but uh my um my telegram or my Tick Tock page is uh the doctor regenerated uh Instagram you'll find me as the improbable dreamer um that's kind of my main my main brand name you'll find a lot of my channels like if you search YouTube uh Facebook telegram uh the improbable dreamer um you just click on my links you're in my bio too and find all my other pages but you know a lot of short-term videos I try and I'll post a couple every day almost and uh you know style format videos you know 20 30 minute sit down videos on YouTube here about once a week awesome man awesome so Jake I'm gonna have uh my editor reach out to you okay so we'll get some like because probably I don't I've never used this the screen sharing uh feature on this software okay um but you know we'll probably just reach out and get get some of the slides too yeah I got tons of images just let me know what I can kind of awesome get them branched out together and put them in folders for you I should have I should have sat down and uh kind of went through some of my images and yeah separated them a little bit out here and got some uh particulars but maybe next time if we if we do it again I'll have it more files set ready to go yeah no worries man um we can you know we'll we'll figure out what kind of order to put them in and um I love interest like introducing some of this to my listeners who maybe haven't heard about some of these anomalies and it's been a pleasure man I'm glad we found it absolutely we'll do it again brother and I'm sure I'll see you online sounds good sir thank you again have a great rest your day you too Jake thanks man bye-bye foreign [Music]


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