Office 365 Onjob Training | preparation for IT Admin & Cloud engineer | M365 Realtime Training

Office 365 Onjob Training | preparation for IT Admin & Cloud engineer | M365 Realtime Training

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this hello everyone good evening and welcome to this session so I just um made you that you cannot unmute yourself so could you please drop a message on the chat whether you whether you're able to hear me on the zoom chat can you just drop a message whether you're able to hear me I may audible all okay all right okay cool good all right so first of all thank you very much for joining this session and uh thank you very much for choosing Joy address as your Learning Partner so this course is all about Office 365 Administration and troubleshooting let me introduce myself my name is Sheikh dawood I am a Microsoft certified trainer so I have close to 14 years of experience working as an administrator at various levels and at different organizations so I have taken the same training for diff for multiple mncs and uh I have got the migration experiences as well so it is about me so let's quickly have uh you know introduction to Office 365 and the plan that I have for the day is that I'm gonna take you through introduction and then I will open for questions for five to ten minutes and then we are going to get started with our class so this is the plan uh for today so let me let me just go through the importance of Officer 65 and then we'll open for questions Okay cool so now first we need to understand like why do we need Office 365 and why there is a huge requirement on Office 365 so that we need to understand so Office 365 first of all is a software as a service so when you when you know about software as a service you will also understand so you should actually know the what is the drawback what are the problems on the on-premises so you just imagine an organization which is having a data center so what will happen is like they have to manage the data center they have to manage the space they have to manage the cooling solution they have to manage the network uh the network connectivity the servers and the softwares everything needs to be managed by that organization so which is which is a very very simple example like owning a motorcycle and renting a motorcycle that is the only difference owning a motorcycle you have to you have to take care of everything you have to take care of the insurance you have to take care of the road tax and your to pay the uh say like the maintenance the the service charges everything you become the sole owner of it so whereas what is a rented bike you have to pay only for this service someone else is gonna take care of it and what is it you enjoy is it you enjoy Only the Good Ride you don't have to worry about you don't have to worry about the service you don't have to worry about the maintenance of that particular bike that is the same concept which is applied over here so the companies they do not want to manage they do not want to maintain their own Data Center instead they want to give it to a much much reliable resource which is Microsoft so every every companies they have a very good tie up with Microsoft because like they have to have their service okay so in that case yes so they wanted to hand over their services to Microsoft and when Microsoft came up with an option that they are going to start Office 365 many many organizations happily has taken this service okay that is the idea of the uh Office 365 and why many companies are preferring that is the reason for it all right okay so now I'll just give a hint on saying like after you complete the course probably if you're having questions saying like how the job opportunities are so if your organization is planning to move to officer 65 and that's a reason that you have joined this course means yeah like as in when your organization is moving as in when you are going to learn it parallely it will be it will be a very very easy way it will be very very easy way of learning and you will be able to you'll be able to understand it and you'll be able to perform it very clearly that is the idea all right so if your organization has already moved to Office 365 then depending upon the access depending upon the axis you will be able to uh you know like you'll be able to manage the environment in a much much better way okay so that is the ideas all together once you learn this concept once you learn this technology you will be able to manage your environment in a much much better way that is the idea and also like as I told you I have worked on this technology so being an administrator I know the uh you know the the bunch of steps that you need to be performing I mean like you need to know to manage the environment so I will be concentrating on that and I'll help you on that so that is the idea all together okay that's a logic and so and uh if you are looking for a job let's say like you are you are you are looking for a job and uh and say that uh you are planning to start your job search it's like so what is that I generally do is like as in when okay as in when we are going to talk about this course I will tell you about a lot of interview questions that you should that that you will expect and also say that how to answer those interview questions what are the points that an administrator or an interviewer will be expecting so we will be talking about that and you will be able to answer it very precisely and definitely we are going to talk about the interview preparation as well okay that is the idea over here okay and uh yeah pretty much so talking about uh talking about the course content like what is that we are going to cover over here is that we are going to cover these technology because like software as a service this officer is 65 is a package so when it when we say that it is a package Dharmendra don't scribble so when when we say that it is a package so it is a package of it is a package of many different applications okay it is a package of different applications so what are the applications it is it is having is like it has got the Azure active directory it has got exchange online SharePoint online security compliance teams and also Microsoft Office as well as InTune so these are the applications that that are available uh as a bundle as a package so that like we will be able to learn the complete package over here okay that is a logic so this is what we are planning to do it all right so okay so nothing comes for free if that if something comes for free that does not have uh the right amount okay so definitely it is not free so I'll just unmute I'll just help you to unmute so go ahead with questions on and also if you have any questions please put it onto the chat as well I think that would be easy so why don't you just uh put your questions on the chat I'll answer it so let's do it for the next five ten minutes and then we can get started with our class so on the chat okay so fee structure so get in touch with Amit Amit will help you with the fee structure so Office 365 and M365 both are now it's not the same so what is that Microsoft has done is like so okay who's who's scribbling team you're all professionals don't behave like a kid okay yeah so yes we will cover InTune as well and internet is part of our course and uh so I was saying that Office 360 and M365 currently it is not the same office 365s only about the MS office package all the other applications come into the M365 category just that Microsoft has categorized it into in that way so Ms ferrose Ms Dynamics is not part of this course so yeah I'm not good at Ms Dynamics so what are the openings currently so pretty sorry Kumar so yes there is a huge requirement in the market for office 365. so yes there are definitely openings available so you can you can definitely apply for it you will get lots of lots of calls so Veera yes we will talk about L1 L2 plus L3 issues and troubleshootings as well yes we will talk about yeah we'll talk about all the troubleshooting steps as well okay so now the fees Amit will get in touch with uh okay so the course duration is around 35 to 40 hours of course so that 40 hours will be split into weekends so weekends we will start at around 6 30 around 6 30 PM IST to 8 30 or 8 or 9 o'clock every day we will take around two and a half to three hours of course and then we'll be able to complete it in around six or six to seven weekends we'll be able to complete it that's the plan Okay so Abhishek which account you are talking about so is that a very normal Outlook account or NS I'll guide you how to create an account I will guide you on that so that you will be able to understand one should be yes we are going to start day one class uh manso yeah so Jagdish after you complete this course you will be able to support uh L2 and also a bit of L3 so Deepak yes I can guide you if you want me to help with the exchange on premises installation yes I can help you on that not a problem I can guide you so duration as I told you around around uh six to seven weekends for total of 40 years so exam so Kingsley yes exam preparation is also covered but I can help you uh with my experience of attending the exam okay say like what are the exams like when I attend the exam what are the questions that came up I do remember a few questions from that and I can help you as in when I cover the you can recover the topic so I can I can help you with some basic ideas on the certification part and uh yes we will talk about so because yes we will talk about the Azure ad authentication we will talk about Azure ID connect so we will talk a lot about uh Azure ID connect so timing is going to be same 6 30 PM is what we will start okay so so Sagar I think I already told the difference between M365 and o365 so course length is 40 horsepower so out now out with Outlook account you cannot you cannot log in you need to create a different account double check we will talk about that so so James no classes does not happen every day so we have to go on weekends only so Varun yes you will get a course completion certificate when we are done with the course you will get the course completion from Joy address so as you could see that the recordings that the session is getting recorded after completing every day session yes you will get access to view the recordings okay so you can definitely view the recordings but yes the download is restricted but you get a lifetime access you get a lifetime access for the recordings so that is that is definitely it okay so practical work as per scenarios right yeah that's true someone has logged in a Samsung so first we'll change it to your name so uh yes everything is going to be practical because like uh this is this is completely a portal based one so you should know what is happening on the portal I will be doing it and I will be giving tasks for you to perform it as well so yes it is going to be like 100 practical scenario based one so course content so which is what I kept it over here so this is going to be the course content uh chaitanya so exam price exam price is around how much one forty five dollars something around 145 dollars it is going to be Okay so yes all topics will be email security and email Gateway yes email Gateway email Security will be covered UOP will be covered exchange online protection will be covered but not uh email Gateway which is which is email EOP covers both so so yes it will be covered so yes Jack this you will be able to get the recorded videos during this course itself you'll be able to get it okay and then so yes we will talk about the mailbox migrations as well Prashant yes it is possible to cover it in 40 hours you can easily do it not a problem can we set up an old Azure account with uh o365 sign up so I don't think so it is possible so yes email migration will be covered Amit recording is available uh pages should we have to do any Azure certification no there's no need of any Azure certification to do this so if you know the on-premises ideology if you know if you if you have the idea of on-premises setup yes you will be able to understand this Office 365 concept as well okay so so Deepak there is no separate course for I mean like this course does not cover the exchange on premises so if you want a dedicated one please get in touch with Amit we can talk about that so Jacob I think no you cannot do with the old Azure account so you have to sign up separately so it's a weekend class size okay so the exam code is ms030 is the exam code in case if you're looking for the code yes ms030 is the exam code so yes we will cover most of this one so on this topic says we will cover the importance on this topics all right so I think so yes you have to pay separately for the for the certification after this course is done yes so will it cover ms500 it won't cover it won't cover ms500 but few topics from ms500 is also covered over here the topics the topics within the security and the complaints the the topics within the ATP Advanced threat protection exchange online protection everything all those things are covered over here ms030 okay so I think we are good so we are we are good with the Q a session I think it's good time to start it all right so okay I hope everyone has got amit's number so please get in touch with Amit and he will he will guide you uh you know he will guide you with uh the time I mean like like any information that you wanted he will definitely guide you in case of like a fee structure or anything he will definitely guide you on that okay so stop sharing and foreign Okay so what is the idea is like first we would like to create a tenant okay we we need to create a tenant over here what do you what is the meaning of a tenant is like tenant is nothing but an account that we need to create it within the Microsoft data center so Microsoft data center is is same like the concept of an apartment concept so the apartment concept is like Microsoft has already got a huge apartment setup available all we have to do is like we have to just start you know taking those spaces all right so now what is the ideas like we need to have a unique ID created so that unique ID is called as a tenant and that unique ID is called as a tenant ID okay and that is what we are going to we are going to create it over here so now what is the concept is like first I'm going to search for something called as the Office 365 E3 trial account so you all try to create something you all try to search for this something called as E3 trial so what are the different licenses available in Microsoft are like e-licenses e stands for Enterprise E stands for Enterprise licenses and there are like different different licenses available so now E3 license is a very very common license which many organizations which which many organizations take it because E3 is a mid-range is a mid-range license okay which has all the features which is required for a person well it can be a user also to to make use of all the features which is available on the on the Microsoft side okay so that's why I've just gone through this E3 trial account over here so let me just go over here at this place so what is the challenge what is the challenge currently Microsoft is is giving is like Microsoft is is not providing a trial so can you can you go to this link and tell me how many of you are seeing there is an option called as a free trial on the right side anyone seeing free trial on the right side check and tell me so people outside India might have it so yeah so anyone accessing it from outside India do you see that do you see that the free trial is available yeah good so this free trial is available for people outside India but not in all the countries so what is it we can do is like you can change this to Au Aus for Australia so let's change it to Australia and see if that is helping okay there you go so as you could see over there at this place please change it on the address bar on the address bar change it to Au let's change it to Australia and then check if the free trial is available search it search for it on Google Office 365 E3 trial search for it and you will get the link okay so after you are on you're on to this page so click on free trial okay so click on free trial okay and then here it is going to ask for an email so this place you provide your your email IDs said so it can be any ID it can be a Gmail ID or it can be Outlook ID it can be any idea over here not necessary to be here not necessary to be a Hotmail or Outlook ID it can be any ID okay at this place you go ahead and type in your email ID and then say next and then over here click on setup account so click on setup account and then fill in the first name last name and your phone number and the company name the company size can be anything just randomly mention it as like two to four people you don't have to verify it no verification is required so just mention some number okay and then the company size I'm just selecting something and then so here it's not that uh you know you need to have some Australian number or something if you have India number just put in India number over here on the next page we will be able to select the country code not a problem okay so here just type in some number and then move on to the next page so on the next page you are going to perform the verification either by a text or either by call so on that particular page you change the country code to India or whatever country you are in so when you're done you're going to see like this it's gonna ask for you to choose the domain can you drop it on a message how many of you are at this at this uh how many of you are on this page so mobile number you have to give your number only Okay so what is this ID so what is the ID that you see over here is something called as a domain name which is going to be your tenant ID so what is the tenant ID a tenant ID is a unique tenant ID is a unique name which is very specific to your environment okay so this has to be unique and and you cannot take which is already available something like this so for example an essay check availability so it is already taken so as I told you that it has to be unique completely so that is the idea over here so I'll just add the same one which was there already so check for availability say next so how many of you got a chance to install an operating system on a VM and what is the name of the very very first account that gets created what is the name of the very first account that gets created when you install adds a server operating system administrator right so you will not be able to change it okay you will not be able to change that account name at least at the time of installation you cannot change it but once you complete the installation you can change it that is a different scenario but at the time of installation you cannot change it all right so but here what is the option that it is giving over here is that it is giving you option to provide or to have any name as per your liking so that is what it is it is showing over here so this ID is going to be your very first ID which is an administrator's ID okay and this first ID is going to be an administrator one which is what the way how the administrator gets a full level access same way over here this account is going to have the top level priority which is a global administrator access we will be talking about all the roles okay in which like you will understand what is the meaning of a global administrator and how much of access that Global administrator has it you will get an idea so when it is prompting for a password provide the password so after this it might ask you to set up the payment mode okay yeah there you go so what was the scenario before was that Microsoft gave officer 65 as a free as a free trial for 30 days all right but what happened is like probably Microsoft might have seen so many accounts getting created so that's why they made Office 365 also like Azure so what is azure in which lake you have to you have to add the credit card and you will get a hundred dollar of credit and uh after that if you want you can you can disable it that's the idea of azure right same way what is Microsoft has done for Office 365 is that same way they are now asking for a payment method to be added which is mandatory you will not be billed okay you will not be billed for 30 days and once after completing 30 days you will be billed for 25 licenses okay that is the idea and as I told you that one license is approximately around twenty dollars one license per user per month is around twenty dollars okay that is the idea okay so yes so in case if you are going through the configuration please remember that it is very clearly telling that in order to avoid charges cancel it by the specific time 30 days of time is mentioned over here so you have to cancel it way before 23 of October you'll have to you should cancel it okay that is the requirement over here okay so if you want to add a payment method you can definitely add it or if you already have a company or organization provided account you can use that one okay so now let's uh see on this on this web page what are all the what are all the benefits that we get it when we are going through this E3 license over here so it gives it says that it is going to give you an unlimited personal and cloud storage with the qualifying plans which means that which means that you're gonna get a one terabyte of storage you're going to get a one terabyte of storage uh which is available for all the users which is by default few plans has got more than that okay that is the idea over here and it says that you're gonna get a 100 GB of mailbox okay you're going to get a 100 GB of mailbox for your users okay that is the idea and uh once that 100 GB is full if you want it you can use the archive space which is another 100 GB so that is the idea so on papers you get around 200 GB of space for your users okay so that is a very very advantageous one that is the reason that many many organizations go for Office 365 the primary reason is the primary reason is this exchange mailbox because like we all know that emails we all know that emails are the entire one service if emails are down definitely the whole organization communication is down so Microsoft do not want to take risk on the emails part because because like there are a lot of Advantage as I told you saying that the user mailbox is only charged the shared mailboxes the room mailboxes that you have in your environment which I'll tell you what is that so all those mailboxes you can host it for free okay you can host it completely for free is the idea with the Office 365 so that is reason because that is a huge savings for the organization so so so much of data storage so much of backup will be saved when it comes to this shared mailbox storage okay so that so that is a reason that many organizations are going for it and you get an you get an option like online and the desktop version of Office 365 applications you can install it so so can you tell me how many on how many devices you can install Office 365 on how many devices you can install Office 365 okay yeah the right answer is 15. okay so if you go over here say this I'll tell you how it is 15. install MS Office for Mobile on up to 5 PC or Mac and then five tabs and five phones so all together you will be able to install it on 15 devices so that is this so if you're saying five probably that is the old information so earlier when it all started it was like my like Ms was allowing only on only to install it on five devices later they later they upgraded okay so that is a reason for it okay so coming back over here and then the fourth Point says that free fast track deployment anyone is using Fast Track in your organization anyone using Fast Track in your organization okay so what is Fast Track is that yeah so what is the idea of Fast Track is that if your organization has purchased more than 150 licenses okay if your organization has purchased more than 150 licenses then you are eligible for a fast track what is the meaning of FasTrack is that Microsoft is going to allocate a dedicated technician for your organization so that you will be able to perform your migrations in a better way so that like the the the expert is the expert is going to help you in all the steps in a procedural way so that is the idea of something called as a fast track so which means like you're going to get a dedicated technician from Microsoft provided only classes that your organization should have purchased more than 150 licenses that is called as a fast track okay okay so and also what is the idea of trial is like you get 25 user trial license you get it so that you will be able to host uh 25 users in your organization okay minimum minimum is 25 and later once you add like once if you want to say like continue with the trial what is it you can do is like you will be able to add up more users okay unlimited users you will be able to add up through that okay that is the idea over here so it says like the free trial will be automatically converted to a paid annual subscription after one month okay that is what it is saying over here okay that's the logic that we see it so these are the benefits of a trial and this is all so this is a this introduction to The Office 365 tenant all right now now after you complete your after you add your payment method how the portal is going to look like it's like the portal is going to look like this okay the portal is going to be looking like this in which this portal is the actual management portal okay so on to which day in day out you're gonna you're gonna log into this and you're gonna manage all your all your users so how to login or how to uh say like access this portal I'll just uh write it over here so every time every time when we when we catch up in the class I will create a notes like this and I'll be creating notes like this and and I will you know forward the notes and the video recordings together so that like you will be able to use the notes and the recorded videos as well so login page I'll show that to you hold on pharaohs so yeah so you can log in through these portals saying https portal dot or you can go with something called as the https and then admin dot you can either go through this website in which like when you go to a when you go to portal you the normal users will be able to access the portals the administrators will be able to log into the admin portal so for example if you go to this portal at it is

going to look like this so this is the page where are normal users they log in I'm going to show that to you so is that saying something happen please contact support for assistance is it okay so try it from a different browser so what is it I'm trying to tell you is like if you go to this you will be able to see this kind of a page which is a page which is a page used by the normal users okay which is used by the normal users so if that person if an administrator is logging on to this portal there will be an admin icon over here okay there will be a admin icon over here if it is a normal person then there will not be then there will not be any admin icon so that is the difference so that is the difference between a normal user and the administrator over here okay so so remember the links because links are very very important links are very very important when it comes to the Office 365 so that is the idea so let me go back over here so let me just quickly run through this and and then we can we can call it for the day so this portal so this portal is the management portal in which like we will be able to manage the users groups and the roles sites everything can be managed so this is like a so this is like a front end this is like a front-end page over here okay so through this we will be able to manage and once you make the changes over here it will be changed on to the backend so so like on to the respective onto the respective Technologies this will be changed I'll tell you at the end okay don't worry I'll tell you at the end of it so now I click on this active users over here so what is the meaning of active users just like the users who are available in the environment and the users who are who are like having an active license and also sometime without license also users are also available okay so we can definitely do that so as you could see that the bunch of users are available over here okay so now let's go create a user so generally what gen like what happens uh is that like on active directory on the on-premises active directory what happens we create a users anyone who wants to okay anyone who wants to uh say like join the organization what is that we do is like we okay anyone who wants to join the organization we create an account okay so that's the same thing is going to happen over here saying that here we are going to create an account so this account is going to be called as a cloud account okay this is going to be a cloud account because like it has nothing to do with the on-premises okay so anyways we will talk about the different type of identities available okay we'll talk about the identities so now let me go create a user I click on add a user over here and then so the same way like how it is how it generally shows on the active directory it is asking the same thing over here asking us to enter the first name last name let me just take some random name over here let's reduce the rate and then generally it will be like this okay so the domain that you created it will be like this it won't be having the domain so it will be like the tenant that we created and we have an option called as automatically create the password so the option that we don't have it on the on the local ad is that it's like automatically creating a password we don't have it on the local ID but here we do have it so it will create a random password and and it will provide it to you whereas we can also go with something called as a customized password according to your organization requirement you can have it and then if you want to change the password next long all these things are like same okay that that we see it on to the on-premises say next so these are the licenses that are available in the environment these are lessons that are available in the environment saying that how many license are available and how many are free is what it is mentioned over here so it says like 14 out of 15 licenses are available for the user so deep so it's it's like multiple subscriptions are added over here so that is the logic as you could see that is E5 licenses subscribed Office 365 if I subscribe Windows 10 11 E3 is also subscript so one tenant can have multiple subscription is what I am trying to tell you plus one certification not a certification question has such an interview question is that is it possible to create a user without a license answer is yes it is possible to create a user without a license and you can create a user and you can assign the license later it is totally possible so that is what is the idea over here saying that you create a user and then you assign license later okay and then I say next is the user whom you are creating is going to be part of some administrator team or not is the question if that person is going to be part of an administrator team you are going to Grant him the administrator access like this let's say this person is going to be part of a helpless team you grant him the help desk administrator so so what is our back what is rbac rbac mm-hmm so our back is a role based Access Control same thing so here that is what is mentioned over here saying like whatever role the person is taking depending upon that role the access will be granted that is called as the role base access control which is what we are granting it over here saying like this person is going to get only the helpless level of access so I say next and then this is going to give you a summary page over here and then I say finish adding it so it is going to give you a summary on what is the role that is like what is the user that is created and then I click on close Okay so the step that we saw was that just to create one user so if if your organization has a requirement that it has to create multiple user yes we do have that option as well so we can create multiple users using a using a CSV file we can create it okay all right fine so I'd like to stop right over here to just as starting of this course I don't want to go uh too much into it so so please get in touch with Amit this is his uh is WhatsApp number as well so please get in touch with him and he will guide you uh on on the questions that you asked say like whatever is what what is the fee structure and the course timings course duration everything everything he will guide you on that so bring him call him and he'll he'll be available and he will help you with all the questions that are available okay so any questions that you have so please feel free to drop a message on the chat I will quickly answer it and then we can call it for the day so yes tomorrow we do have class same at 6 30 PM but it will be only for the enrolled candidates okay so what is the roadmap after ms030 so ms030 is kind of an introduction okay so saying like it will cover the courser it will cover the topics from the course MS one zero zero one oh one it will cover from ms203 Ms 500 ms700 it will cover from multiple courses so when you when you go through this ms030 I I can say that all the courses will be covered so now next you have to decide saying like you want to get into which technology you want to become you want to become an exchange online administrator you want to become a Security administrator so you have to decide like on to which particular domain you want to get into so depending upon that you you go through your certification you go through your certification which means like if you want to be into security so go for Ms 500 if you want to be into into exchange go for ms203 so like that you decide which technology that you want to be and depending upon that you take the relevant certification that is what is what I will tell you okay so yes I told that tomorrow the class is going to be only for the enrolled candidates Home Service enrolling we are going to have class only for tomorrow like only for them tomorrow so nothing is a mandatory certification so if you are looking for a job change yes certifications can be an added Advantage for you Okay so so this is just a start today right so we did not go too much deep into it so just an introduction just a demo session I just wanted to give you okay so please get in touch with Amit and please enroll yourself and I'll talk to you tomorrow evening at 6 30 pm okay thank you take care bye

2023-10-01 05:47

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