GPG Outbrief 10 - Plug Load Control

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Hello. Everyone and welcome to today's webinar on, plug, load control, I'm, andreas Silvestri, and before we get started with the webinar I'm going to go over a few webinar, logistics. So. During today's webinar will, be discussing results, from research from the National Renewable, Energy Laboratory, and, the full report, as well as a one-page, infographic. And four-page foundings, findings. And additional resources are available at GSA gov. Today's. Webinar, is one in a series of webinars in, March we'll be hosting a webinar on, one of GP G's reports. On LED lighting, LED. Downlight, lamps for CFL fixtures, being. A light bulb it's one of the simplest retrofits, out there. April's. Webinar, will discuss electrochromic. Windows to. Assess tenant, acceptance, of ICI windows GPG has assessed the technology, in, two buildings with glass curtain wall facades, as well as in a land port of entry and April's. Webinar, will present those results. From those three reports. In. May, will feature the honeycomb solar thermal collector. GPG. Evaluated. This technology, because, the 2007. Energy Independence and Security Act requires. New construction, and major renovations, to, meet 30%, of hot water demand, with solar energy, provided. It's cost effective, over the life of the system. Amazed. Webinar. Will present results. From that research. Today's. Web as all of GPG webinars, are offer one continuing, education, learning unit through the American Institute of Architects, to, receive credit you can complete the post webinar survey you, should receive this survey shortly after the webinar is completed if you don't receive the survey please reach out to Michael Hobson, Michael. Dobson at GSA gov. Today's. Broadcast is, set to listen-only, but. You can submit questions using, the chat box on the right side of your screen and you, don't need to wait until the Q&A session, at the end to, submit your questions in fact. We encourage you to submit questions well, in advance of the Q&A and, now. It's get started with the webinar Michael, Lowell a GPG project, manager, will be facilitating. Today's presentation. Mike. Everyone next, slide please. Today's. Webinar Kevin Powell will be giving a brief overview of GSA's, proving, ground program, after. This overyou well. As longer we'll share her presentation, discussing, advances, and plug load control. And. Jamming cutler from, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory will. Summarize, the research results. Daylan's. Presentation, will be followed by on-the-ground, feedback, from John Tegan from GSA, in region 3 which, is the. Philadelphia, region, lastly. Nasreen, will provide a quick overview of GSA's, nationwide, deployment of this technology.

We. End the webinar with, an interactive today's, session, is on Julie I just indicated, with. That doesn't take it away. Oops. Sorry, haha pulling. Myself off of mute here thank. You very very much. Mike. And, next slide. So. I just want to give a very, brief overview, to, all. Of you who are here. On this webinar first of all thank you for joining, and. Secondly. Just to say why GSA. Is committed, to innovation and. Why we're committed to having an innovation. Program, at GSA, even. In these budget constrained. Times. That. Innovation, program as you can see on the slide is called emerging. Technologies. There, are two, halves, to, the program, the first being the proving, ground program. Which we'll talk a little bit more about that's. Really the subject of today's webinar that is to say we, try out the most promising, next-generation. Technologies. In. The field in the real world operating. Environment, of our buildings, we. Use a balanced. Scorecard, approach. To evaluate, them that is to say do they deliver the environmental. Performance they, claim, do. People. Tenants, and our operators, like, them are. They. Cost-effective, and do. They really have, the. Ability to transform. How we're doing business on. The second half of the program we call pilot, 2 Folio those technologies. Really. Deliver, the. Performance, in that balanced scorecard, way I just referred. To and. Really the greatest bang, for the buck those, are ones that we are looking to, really roll out widely. And in fact advanced, powerstrips, are one of those, technologies. That have been part. Of the, pilot have been part of both halves of the program, next. Slide. Just. Sort. Of ABS as a, framework for us. To all think about what, it is that. That. Really keeps next-generation. Technologies. From reaching the marketplace, there's actually, a fairly. Rich, pipeline. Of innovation. There's, a pretty, reasonable, way. In which, investment. In research and development for, new technologies. Occurs, the. Challenge, is that the building industry by. And large is, relatively. Conservative, we, have buildings, where there's typically, large investments. Made. In. In. Those technologies and we need to know that they're going to work building managers, are a conservative. By nature and. There's an, old, adage that nobody ever got fired for. Specifying. IBM. So despite, the fact you're really looking to have improved, performance. From your building, stock. Trying. Out something new is just generally speaking and. Considered. Risky, but. That said gee the, GPG program, was established by GSA, to take, on that first use risk, that's. Exactly, what the program does and. When, we, published. A finding, we're really looking to say broadly. Speaking do, we think this technology can, deliver for. Those that do, we've. Actually as I say deployed, a number of them currently, nine, technologies. Across 200, buildings and, really. Some pretty significant. Savings, seven and a half million, dollars, of annual savings, from. Those GPG, technologies, we've deployed in the past couple of years alone. Next. Slide. Ah. Just a short. Overview, of the process, by which we select. Technology, so if you're thinking about submitting, one in the future this is how it works, to. Understand, how these advanced, powerstrips, was selected, this is how they were selected, first. Step, is we publish. Every fall, a request. For information, if. You're interested, in being on a mailing, list to receive a notification when, that request, is published, please. Submit. Your name in. The chat window. Those. Technologies. Are that, are submitted to the request for information are. Scored. By third party subject, matter experts, as well as our an internal. Group of subject, matter experts that we call the Technical, Committee on those. With the greatest promise, for our agency, are then selected for, piloting, within our portfolio we. Partner. With Department. Of Energy National Labs, in this case it would be Pacific. Northwest, National Lab. To. Really. Ensure. That, our, assessments. Are. Objective. Credible. Defensible. And then. Lastly. At. The end of the day we're not looking for reports. That sit on a shelf or one-off, case, studies, of hey it worked here we're, really looking. To generalize, those results, and say hey this is something that. We think has broad. Potential. For GSA, and potentially, for, the broader. Federal, community. As well as corporate, real estate. So. With that I think that's my last slide next. Slide. I want. To actually top my last slide because, we added this one I. Want. To just. Offer a few, broad. Words of thanks. And I think that's actually pretty important, in particular, for, this this presentation. There's. A lot, of folks who, have touched this, study and as I say it has been a deployment, campaign. For us a successful, deployment campaign, I should say, first. I want to really thank region, three that's. Our that's our region headquartered, in Philadelphia John, Tegan was the champion, for this he's going to be talking a bit later on, they.

Really, Conceptualized. This study they brought into to. Our program, and. They really, really kept. With it even when there were some some setbacks in order to help us get across, the finish line to a successful outcome. And, then, I want to also thank you, you'll be hearing from. NREL. They. And. I actually I think they may have misspoke, there earlier but NREL is actually, the national lab the National Renewable Energy Lab that did this study and. And. They. Really, and. Again I want to again just give them a shout-out for this when. We can when we started this study that you know sort of went down, a sort of path and wasn't exactly delivering. The kind of results that we needed, NREL. Really. Went. Back rethought. What we were doing. Reconfigured. This study and allowed. Us to actually, arrive at a result that's extremely. Useful. To us, essentially. To be able to break apart. Capabilities. To understand, what would be, essentially. In this case the 80%, of the value for 20% of the cost that, really allowed us to to. Engage in that deployment campaign. And. Then thirdly, I want to give a shout out to, to. Our office, of facilities management and, to nazarene. AAA in. Particular for. Really, spearheading. A deployment, campaign. That. That. That, that. Accomplished, a couple, things first of all it saved. Energy that's, important. Delivered. On the value and promise of these others technology, from, from from that perspective but, the second thing that it did and I think again I where I want to thank now as for this, that. It, allowed us to really reach, out to our tenants and to help engage, them. In a conversation, about. What, you. Know what what they can do to, help achieve. You. Know a better building, performance right, with something really really quite as, simple as a power strip essentially, and. Then last and certainly not least and, I don't think we have them on the phone today but. GSA. Has two halves to, our agency, one half is the building service the public building, service I, work for the public building service and, most of the folks on the call do as well all. Of them do. On. Our team. That's. The side that manages. All of those federal buildings have we talked about but the other half of GSA, is the, Federal Acquisition service. They're, responsible, for all of the mechanisms by which we can buy things and, in, this particular case, they. Really. Helped us, creatively. Leverage, that. Big buying, power, the. Federal government, to get a great. Deal on these. On, these power strips and also, to be, able to take. A product, that is typically, made in made overseas in China and have, it made in America, which was really. Again something. I think that's impressive and so with that I think that's my last lot, turn. This over to Rose. Great. Thanks Kevin I'm. Rose Wagner with, the National, Renewable Energy Laboratory, I'm, an architectural. Engineer and, building scientist, I've been with the lab for the. Past ten years ten, years eight years not. Quite tens yet, and. For. The past number. Of years four years or so I've also been the technical, lead of the Department of Energy's Better. Buildings Alliance. For plug. And process. Next. Slide. So. Today I'm going to provide. An. Overview of, what hug loads are. Why. They are becoming, so important, in regards, to building energy efficiency and. I'll. Also go through more. Of a high-level overview of the many, options that are currently on the market and, options, that are coming on to the market that, we have to actually, control plug loads. So. To start, let's, talk about Pablo so Pablo include, all plug-in. And hardwired. Or connected, loads in a building that are not associated, with the, heating. Ventilation, or air conditioning, system, the, lighting system water, heating, or any. Other building, equipment. Needed for basic building, operation. They can include equipment, used, for, commercial. Or industrial processes. As. Well as equipment used in power distribution. From, the grid to the building, so. Typically. These. Are all. These miscellaneous. Loads. All, these plug-in little, loads. That. Are often, used, by. Individual. Occupants, so. There. Is usually a large. Association, of plug load energy consumption, with both. The the mission of the. Building or the organization. As well as, individual. Behavior. So that's an important, piece of plug, loads, next. Slide. So. I like presenting this graph this is from the 2015. A I a and you allege e outlook, and. For, 2016. It shows that Mel's typically, consume, about 30 percent of. Residential. Buildings loads of the whole building energy and for, commercial buildings it's higher it's over, 30 percent at 36, percent and, these. This. Load is projected, to grow, if. You look at the 2030. Marks, we. See for residential, it's supposed to grow to 34 percent and, for commercial. Buildings to 43%. And something, that you'll notice too is that all the other building loads are. Decreasing. At the same time where have we see, more and more efficient.

Heating. Ventilation, and air-conditioning systems. More. Efficient, lighting systems, more efficient building envelopes, so, we, have this reduction in energy that's, attributed, to the other building loads but the plug loads are miscellaneous, electric loads and buildings are, increasing. Because. We're, not controlling them as well and, there's, more and more devices, coming, onto the market that, people are, purchasing. And especially. When we get to high-performance. Buildings, this percentage, is even larger so, for an example at, NREL research, support, facility which, is a net zero energy building. Our plug. Loads consume. I think. It's about 55, percent of our whole building energy right now so, it's a much larger. Piece of the pie and. There. Is a lot we can do and we can continue, to do to really, address that energy. Consumption, in our buildings next. Slide. So. Typically, when we do implement, controls. To plug loads we can see up to, about 30 percent energy savings for, individual. Plug, loads I've even seen this higher maybe up to 40 percent depending. On the type of equipment and, what, control strategy, you're implementing, for that and. This. Can translate I've, seen a number, of case studies and this is where this number is coming from, up. To 10 percent of, the, whole building energy consumption, so that can really be some. Large energy, savings, that these buildings, can see just from controlling, all. These miscellaneous, electric loads and plug loads next. Slide. So. As I mentioned I'm the technical, lead for, the. Better, Buildings Alliance. Plugin, process, load technical, research team. So. Most of the plug load related, work that, I do, is. Done through, the, Better Buildings Alliance. And and the alliance really served as a platform, for. Building owners and managers to discuss questions. Issues. Or. Even, successes. That they've had with building, energy efficiency and. They're, partnered, with, members. From the National Laboratories, and other subject, matter experts. And. We, help them address. Or come, up with solutions, to really further advance energy, saving technologies, in their buildings the. Next slide. So. That the, Better Buildings initiative has, a number, of sub programs, in there so this is just highlighting but the Better Buildings Alliance, is that, one sub program that really works directly. With the building owners and managers, to address these these. Issues, they might be having next, slide. The. Plug and process, load technical. Research. Team, we. Have our own webpage, and, this is where we. Host. All of our our resources.

And. I let me point out that there are a number of, Technology. Research teams and market solutions, teams that, are fall, under the Better Buildings Alliance, so plug and process flows is one of those, if. You would like to join. Please join. There. Is a join button on the website or you can also contact me, directly after, this call. Next. One and. Over. The years we've created a number of resources, that are dedicated to. Reducing. Plug load energy consumption, in buildings and. These include, decision, guides, technical. Specifications. Click. One-page. Reference, fact, sheets. Blog. Posts, etc so. Those can, all be found on. -, on our website, and. They're all really aim to support building, owners and managers and making better decisions around. Controlling plug loads and, reducing, this energy consumption, in their buildings. Next. Slide. So. I'll talk through some of the more established. Methods. That we do control plug loads just. Very briefly. We've. Talked a lot through. The Better Buildings Alliance, about turn it off campaigns, and we've seen a number of examples of this with, our partners, which are great and and, this is where companies, really actively, engaged, with occupants, to, raise more awareness about. Turning. Hog, loads off when they're not in use. This may include, incentive. Programs, or even competitions. Between individual. Tenants. Incentive. Programs can be in the form of giving, your, employees. Boxes. Of chocolate, if they meet their energy goals or it could even go as far as returning. Some of their rentable, square footage, fees back. To them if they come. In at their, goal or even below so, there's a number of ways to incentivize. Occupants. For their behavior, and actually turning off equipment. Of course we, can always upgrade, equipment. To Energy. Star and it. Really is important. To engage with procurement officers, here, and specify, what. Types of equipment, you, should buy and do some research on to what types you know not all monitors. Are the same. Monitors. With the USB. Ports, and the size of them can use a lot more energy than a monitor, without that so that might be a decision, that the procurement officer can. Weigh, in here. Built in low-power States. This. Is something, that comes with a lot, of pieces of equipment of course computers, and, multifunction.

Printers Or printing devices so making. Sure that, those. Built, in low-power States, are actually deployed, and devices, perhaps. That's the policy, rule. That the organization. Takes on and uses at a high level to, make. Sure that that those books and low-power States are being used you, know its I'll point. Out here, and also. Throughout, the rest of my slides that it is also really important, to engage with, IT, staff. And. Not, just with built in low-power States, but, especially, with, any of the, connected, devices that I'll be talking about in a few slides, or. The you know these IOT these, Internet, of Things devices. That are coming to the market where. There's always questions, to, answer about the. System, setup and especially, around. Cybersecurity. And. Protecting, private, data with those systems, so involving. Your IT staff up, front is. Really important, as. Well as having an energy champion, who's really going to focus in on, plug. Load energy, efficiency. And making, sure that, you're. Actually. Implementing. The right controls, and and. You're, keeping up with these turning, off campaigns, or making sure that that the controls, aren't being overridden, at. Times, when they shouldn't be. Lastly, we do through, some of our resources we talk about actual. Design strategies. For buildings for consolidating. Pub loads for. Instance, a good, example is. Having. Central. Locations, for, multifunction. Machines rather. Than having each employee having, their own separate, printer, at their desks, that's. That's one example another. Example would be for new construction if, you're designing a building design. That so people use the stairs rather than elevators. If it's not that many stories, to get back. And forth between places, so, so. There's a lot of strategies, for that to really consolidate, how. Many plug loads you actually even have in a building. Ok. Next. Slide. Great. So. Since. We're focused more on advanced, power strips here, I want. To highlight some. Resources. That we do have we do have a technical specification. For advanced power shifts I like to think about this more as almost. A procurement, specification. Because we talk through the many different. Control. Types and, what to actually look for in, an advanced power strip when you're purchasing, these for your organization. Coupled. With that are nicely paired, with that we have a one-page, how-to, guide. Which. Can be printed and distributed to, every employee or, hung up on walls and this, really tells you what. Types of devices should. Be plugged in, the different types of outlets on an, advanced, power strip, this, is extremely, helpful because mom, everybody, knows what should be plugged into the control, or the, switched outlets, or the always on in. This example, we're using office. Equipment, here, so, you. Know control, outlet would be your computer, your laptop or your desktop. Secondary. Outlets, or. The switch to outlet should be peripheral. Devices. Such, as monitors. Or, printers. Or task lights things that can be turned off when you're not using your computer. At the same time so that's where we get the savings and.

There's Also always-on, outlets, for devices. That do need to be left on like your telephone, or fax machine, or maybe, you do have a mini-fridge at your desk which, are, not allowed here at NREL because of our energy budgets that are set in our policy. But. That is that something that would be plugged into an always-on outlet. Next. Slide. So. I'm going to talk through. The. Different control, types for, advanced power strips and taking just a little step back you, know advanced power shifts are similar. To conventional power, strips that are often used to plug multiple, electronic, devices into, a wall outlet however. Advanced, power ships have built-in technology to, reduce the, pub load runtimes, and same energies when. The devices are not in use, so. There are different control types for, advanced power strips and really, depending, on what specific. Equipment you're trying to control, the. Different control types might, work better. For, that specific, device it's important to understand, what the options are. They're. Going to walk through these next slide. And. These are all outlined in the advanced power, strip technical, specifications. That I mentioned, earlier the. First one that we'll talk through is a timer, power. Strip, so a timer, power strip, automatically. Turns off outlets, based on a preset, schedule, this can be, done two, ways. One. Way in. You turn your power strip on and you have a set period of time that you have to work for maybe 10 hours from when you turn it on and then, it turns off afterwards, or. You. Can also set it kind, of like the the timer. Outlets, you have at home when you go on vacation for your lights so you can set it to turn. On at a specific time and turn, off at a specific time, that, generally. Aligns with your schedule, so that's one this. Will be one of the options. That Dillon will be talking about that GSA explored. Through, the GPG program. Next. Slide. The. Next one I already, talked about here. The master, controlled, power strip where you do have some, sort of master device typically. A computer, in a workstation we, have switched outlets for the peripheral, devices that can be turned off at. The same time as the master controlled, and then we have always-on. Outlets, so, this, is I've used these ones in the past at my workstation every, time I unplug. My computer, to go to a meeting all my other, peripheral. Devices turn off at that same time so you can see a lot of great savings with, this one as well. Next. Slide just. To, reiterate we, do have that one-page how-to guide, and this is really more focused for the master, controlled power strip. And. Again it's, a nice printout, that you can distribute to all of your building occupants. Next. Slide. The. Masterless. Power. Strip, so this is really focused, on what. We call vampire. Loads. So. These. Basically. What when computer, or what any electronic. Devices shut off often, or a lot of them still draw power so, the masterless. Advanced. Power ship turns off controlled. Outlets including. Parasitic, loads or vampire, loads when, all control, the like, electrical. Devices are turned off for this so this is really diving. Into those vampire, or parasitic. Loads in a building next slide. The next one I'll talk about is the remote switch power, strip. And. This basically. Just turns the entire power strip off with with a remote, switch so this is you, can have either a foot pedal or a. Wall. Switch so. That you can conveniently. Located, so. When you leave your office just. Like you're turning off the lights in your office you can also turn off your pub loads so, that's kind of another nice option a, lot of people like this based. On the convenience, factor of just having an. Easy to. Reach switch, to power on power, off there plug loads. Next. Slide and. This last one is an activity, monitor. So this one detects. Activity. In a room via. Infrared. Or. An occupancy, sensor, or some, other means and, it turns off the outlets if no activity. Is detected. And. This was kind of interesting because we're, seeing some advancements. And let's go to the next slide actually. This. Slide it's titled a tale of two tiers so. Our Tier one advanced. Power strips are all, of these power ships I just mentioned. Tier. Two goes. A step beyond. The. Tier one by using advanced, sensing, capabilities. To disconnect. Power to devices that are idle in. Addition, to master, switch control. Capabilities. So for, an office setting the. Advanced sensing capabilities, monitor, background, computer. Processes, to track inactivity or lack of engagement, and it, offers some additional savings, compared. To that Tier one so it's really look at looking. More at this occupancy, sensing, and, the residential, sense sector. Often. Times the. Tier two advanced, power strips are affiliated, with. Home. Entertainment, systems, and they, look at infrared signals, from remotes, and.

And See, the time. Between. When you turn the volume up or turn the volume down or turn. The channel, or maybe you're playing a game, so. They're looking at those infrared. Signals. As occupancies. So. These, are kind of the more advanced. Power ships coming on to the market. Next. Slide. So. I'm building, up here so there's. Also. Now. We're seeing connected. Advanced, power, strips, that, are on the market, and so these ones. Not. Only implement, controls, but they have the capability. To meter, and track energy. Consumption. And often. These companies, offer a, software-as-a-service. Business. Model, where they include. The hardware, they, have software, and they have typically. Cloud, services. Where. You can log, in and actually look at that metered data and implement. Controls, from, an online dashboard. Sometimes, these, devices. Even connect, to building automation, systems, so that's a. Nice, add-on, here. As well and, as. Far as the software as a service, business, model goes oftentimes. There is some sort of monthly subscription. That. Is applied to access, the data through, the online dashboard, and implement controls, as well but, it's a very very convenient. Way to. Really. Get a good understanding of. What. Your plug load data is consuming. And. Understand. What the best way is to control. And set controls. Next. Slide. So. We'll go even, one more step further and I will mention, that since, 2010. So, now, you. Know we're in 2018. So since 2010. ASHRAE. 90.1. California. Title 24, is, EC all these standard, has standards. Have required. That. 50% of, outlets in the. Specified, space, is listed on this slide. Have, automatic. Shutoff control, in new construction buildings. So. This is really you, know they it depends, on what. What code has adopted for, these standards, and, if, they're actually, being implemented in your area but this has been in the standard since since. 2010. And that's really important. One. Thing to know is that these. Automatic. Shot of control, cannot, be plug-in, control, devices so it cannot be at an advanced, power ship so. Next. Slide. The. Market, has really responded, to this and we're, seeing a lot of these wireless. Meter. And control, devices or what we call smart outlets that, are really, emerging. And. Oftentimes, these plug into a, traditional, outlet, but they they, come with some sort of screw, or way, to, secure. The the, smart. Outlet to the normal outlet so that it can't be removed and that actually, does comply, with these standards. So, these are. Really. Great. And, have a lot of applications. What. One good example is, I've talked to a lot of school districts, that are have. Requirements, to put, air conditioning, into every classroom and, when, you have these old schools. Those pneumatic controls. And, systems. These, smart outlets can really help to, collect, data on, window. Box air conditioners, that they're installing. And. Know, when. If they're being shut off at night by the teachers. Or not and if they're not they. Can, turn. Them off remotely, through the online dashboard. So. Again. You know these smart outlets come with connectivity. They're, IOT. Devices, you. Should absolutely involve. Your IT staff, when. You are selecting these types of smart outlets and implementing, them in your building, but, they really provide this convenience, factor, so that you can remotely. Look at data understand. What's happening, and implement, controls, from either an online dashboard or, often, they do integrate, into building automation systems. Next. So. This is my my last, slide here have kind of gone, through the. Gamut of what, we've we've. Seen, in the past or what we've traditionally been, using and and traditional.

Advanced Power ships and how they're evolving. To. These more. Analytical. Smart. Outlets, and. We're. Collecting. More and more data as, these. Systems are involved, but this really can help inform our decisions, moving forward. So. We can really, see what individual, pogos are consuming, we can set better schedules. To. Really. Tailor. To individual, equipment we, can use the data, to monitor. Device, health for. Efficiency. And failure, another. Example, would be in a hotel. In. The hotel looking. At all the mini, fridges or ice. Machines, to make sure that they are cycling, appropriately. You, can see all of us with this, these. These, little devices that can trend energy, data need to look at that data over time. We. Can also use, the, data to inform policies. Perhaps. That's energy budgets, for or people, or equipment this, can also go into procurement. Policies. And. That, ease, of controlling. Equipment, and managing, data remotely, is, really. Powerful. It just gives us that that real-time data, and we, can make more. Responsive, actions, to controlling. Our. Equipment, in our building, and. Lastly, of course, making. Sure that occupants, are aware we. Can certainly automate. The processes, but it's also important, to educate occupants. And engage, with them and how they can better control. Their own equipment, and. Understand, these new technologies. That are coming onto. The market and being. Implemented. In their cubicles, and their workspaces, so, that they understand, how it's, controlling, their equipment, and if they need to override it they. Can, so. I am, going to wrap. With that and, I. Think. We're taking, questions kind, of at the end, so. Next, up is Dylan Cutler, also here at Enron I'll pop it over to him, okay. Thank You rose, and, so. I'm gonna be taking it. From that kind of really, great. Overview of the whole technology space into, exactly, what we did and tested. In. GSA, region 3 so yeah my name is Dylan Cutler I'm a senior engineer here at the lab and and was involved I was involved in in testing this technology, next. Slide. This. Is the the. Report that was put out I think that's actually maybe the one page that's shown there but there's kind of multiple.

Documents, From really. High level overview to, a full, you, know 20. Or 40 page report on kind, of everything that we looked at this. Was done, in 2012. But. I think still has a lot of a lot of good data in it next, slide. So. This is what we saw when we were doing. The study as, you saw in roses, slides, that. 25. Percent of electricity, and use in office buildings. That has gone up to, I think it was 30 percent in her slides, for. For 2016. And is projected to continue to increase. You, know partly due to more connected devices and partly due to kind. Of efficiencies. And other end-uses. Kind. Of moving a little bit faster and so this this opportunity, is continuing, to grow for us to save energy on on the plug and process side the, next slide. And, so. This, is the. The. Power strip that we tested, so, this is made, by an metric, and. So. This, was one of the types I think, one, of roses slides actually, had this in there, so. A few features about this and. Then I'll explain kind of how we used it this. Is one of the. Advanced. Power strips that can. Sense-data, and, send it to a bridge, which you see pictured on the right there which, then sends, that data up to the cloud. You, can also program. Controls. Directly, through a web interface that, is then pushed, back down to the. Power strip so those, controls, can be based on schedules. On. A timer so turn, on it you know 5:00 in the morning turn, off at 7:00, in the evening or, something like that or, they, can be based on load sensing with the kind of master approach. Master. Outlet. Or. Both and so. I think, you. Know Kevin. Hinted at this a little earlier but I think what was. Nice about this, study is that we I wouldn't. Say we tested a metrics, technology. Specifically. That we didn't focus in on exactly the, only capabilities, that they could do. They. Have, a lot of strong capabilities, and, and. Those were tested, but we leveraged the ability to program, these these. Strips, to. Do different, types of plug load control to really try to evaluate, and. Compare what, timer based versus, load sensing versus, a combination, of the two delivered. As far as savings, next. One. With, the help of GSA's, region, 3 we, we. Deployed in eight different buildings, so this was a pretty. Expansive. Testbed. The. Buildings are listed here and. We. Split them up into four different groups which, i think is covered on the next slide. Can. We go down here. Actually. I guess it's on the one after that so I'll just explain right now that, the eight, buildings we split, them into four. Groups of two, buildings each one was a control, group one, was the load sensing group one was the, timer, based controls, group and one was the combination group, and, we'll get back to that so. The test plan those. Three control strategies, that we just kind of listed out and we. We. Kind. Organize. The data that we were getting back by, space types. Workstations. Printer. Rooms and kitchens. Or common common, areas I. Think. You. Know a lot of what, we ended up seeing and why it's interesting to, look at this by space type is that these. Common, areas such as printer, rooms and kitchens. The. Occupants don't have the same level of kind of ownership, over, over. These where. As you know you turn your lights out maybe when you walk out of your office or you shut your monitor. Down, but. People, there. Isn't kind of one person, that controls these to be shared spaces so. There they're often a good opportunity, for savings, next. Slide. This. Is kind of a diagram. Of the the. General project, flow. On. The. Top there you see the four different groups. That I mentioned so, those each of those kind. Of vertical, arrows. Down, arrows, there has two buildings. And and. Lots. Of different devices in, them being metered and so, the first one you know we didn't ever put in controls all we did was pull data they were essentially, the control group and we looked at kind of variation. Over the three months in that control group all. The others had this baseline, submetering section for. A. Few. Weeks and. Then we notified, the occupants, that these, controls, were going to get turned on and then. We in some places updated. The controls, based on trends. You. Know one, kind, of logical, idea, and what we wanted to do there in that last, section, is to tighten up. Or. Customize. Schedule. Based controls so you know. You. Know if you see that kind of actually. All the control the the, break. Rooms, are. Used, you know initial, controls are from six to six and really it, doesn't seem like any powers being drawn from that six to eight o'clock window. You. Can kind of tighten up some of some of the schedule controls this didn't, end up working all that well I think we you, know maybe.

It's Just a lesson learned that there is opportunity, there but, it. Can if, you're trying to tighten up too much you can end up with kind. Of frustration on the occupant side that things aren't on when they walk into the to the office, next, slide. So. This is just kind of one of the ways we looked at results. What. You're seeing here is the average daily, profile, for, all. Of the printers. In. The schedule, based controls. The. First graph. Is during, the weekday and the second graph is for, the weekends, and. So this is a lot, of different printers averaged, across, two. Buildings. But. Over, over that over all of those printers what you see is a high, baseline. You. Know never really going below sixty watts and then staying on sixty, Watts all weekend, and you, multiply that by you, know tens, twenty, hundred printers. And. That ends, up being a lot of energy. That's, being used. What. You see in blue is after we implemented the controls you know they're pretty much off on the weekends, off in the evenings, and mornings but. You know they're still being used, in the middle of the day you, know why it steps, down there, is there's. Probably some printers that were kind of just staying on all the time and didn't weren't, getting, heavily used but just kind of drawing that sixty watts or, somewhere. Around there all the time and so those kind of stayed off and. So you kind of get savings, in a number of different ways next. Slide. This. Is the same graphic, for laptops. Not. As dramatic. Of savings, but. Still some some reduction, on the shoulders, of the, of the weekdays, and, and. The weekends. But. But less of you know that kind of. During. The day reduction. People, still needed to either work, next. Slide. This. Is, kind of a look at the three different control, types and. And. The. Different. Periods. So baseline initial controls and then refinement. Of controls. We. Saw the biggest, savings and the schedule based controls. Relative. To the load sensing and the combination. There. Were still savings in the load sensing approach. And I, think it was somewhat complicated, by the fact that. Ideally. You want to control off of something. Like the desktop. Of our laptop computer, in. This case, we. Were having, trouble with it kind of booting back up quick enough and so, that I think those got switched to an always-on. Outlet. And we were controlling off the monitor, instead and we weren't able to kind of get as many, savings, so there's probably room for, refinement on that the. Schedule base though had really, strong savings. You. Know they did have a higher baseline and. So maybe there was a little bit more opportunity. There as well but, but. We we. Realized, a lot of savings through that approach and interestingly. Enough, that's kind of the most, simple, of these, control, strategies, and and, so you. Know in some ways that. Opened, up a lot of opportunities. For the further deployment, as we'll see. Next. Slide. Oh and. I should have noted on that last one that you know 26%. Savings at that workstations, and forty eight percent savings, and kitchens and printer rooms have really. Pretty. Pretty strong. Results, there sorry. Next slide. So. This was kind of what, we took. Away from this initial pass. You, know from our from our. Analysis. Here was that these simple and actually. What, you can do is with. These schedule, based timers, or. Schedule, based ACS's, advanced, power strips you don't need, everything, that n metric had, you. Know necessarily. To, achieve that savings, I, will. Say the ability to get that data, and do the analysis, of that there's a lot of interesting, opportunities there, you, know that feedback into the edge you know a feedback loop into education, of options etc etc. And. There's, a lot of power in the program programmatic. Rules. Approach, but. What we saw is you know we can get these savings from this that we've established from. Something. That costs, you know a lot less than that full system. With its cloud and you, know and software, side you. Know you can go get a, timer, based, plug. Strip at. The home depot or, lowes for you know a fraction, of the cost and so that's kind of what we identified, here is that there was a huge opportunity this. Seemed. Like a good approach. Majority. Of users didn't really want more control over their, individual, power strips when we surveyed. Them at the end of the project. And. You, know load sensing could. You know as it, improves, could. Be worth revisiting but, we, move forward with our GSA move forward with a simple and lower cost schedule based. Next. Slide. This. Is what we saw as far as kind of economics. Three-year. Payback, for. Workstations, and this is at $22. Per per, strip and half under, a year half a year for the common areas so really.

Strong, Savings. And payback and, and. A, very tractable. Deployment. Strategy nice, fun. So. Yeah we essentially, recommend, a broad deployment, that there was a lot of opportunities, and we were seeing pretty good pretty. Good results, you. Know some some, difficult, you know I think the occupant, engagement, side of this and John will, speak to this a little bit more it's, really important, folks. You know it miss Kate you had to reach under the desk to turns back, on strips, if they were in an off state that, wasn't great so, there's kind of some occupant. Engagement, occupant, considerations. But but in general recommending. Broad, deployment, next, one and. With. That I'll pass it on to John Tegan he was kind, of our our point. Of contact and and, supporter. In the in the region three and coordinated. All, of the testing and the GSA spaces. Thanks. Thanks. Yeah. I was. Kind of the central point of coordination but, I do want, to acknowledge a. Lot, of the people of field Scot Wooten John Lee Miss, Natalie. Dray Zach, Spears, and I'm. Sure I'm missing some others. That. Were actually living, through these tests and and, really. Put them on and, coordinating, for for me and and for a GPG next. Slide please. The. Time we tested, was pretty powerful the metric day-timer. It, was generating, so much data I know the annual guys were kind of complaining, and you could take a, reading. On what all of the four plugs and. The plug load was doing every second and upload, that into the cloud it was creating quite you, know three, big spreadsheets, so, you. Could program each plug separately. It was Wi-Fi accessible, and, the. IT issues, were pretty big when we first went to you. Know even though IT security has. Always been important, it's not as high as it was now in, fact when we tested this the IT people didn't want anything to do with it as far as putting it on our system and and we, had to come up with a workaround as far as, hooking, it up to cellular. Data, to collect, data. Another. Problem, we had when we first went sort of doing that was that we had just GSA had just in, Region three just. Removed desktop computers, and everybody had gone to a laptop, the. Savings were projected, to be significantly, higher with the bestop computer. But. We. All have brand-new laptops, and we were happily, not going to give them back next. Slide please. User experiences. We. We heard quite a bit a. Lot. Of our GSA brothers, and sisters did not like the aspect of. Having. Somebody know exactly, when they turn something on or turn something off everything, was being recorded. That. Was probably, one of the biggest problems the other problem, was the last one when if. You weren't sure if it was working or not you had to get down on your hands and knees and push, the button as we would placed, all of these to meet the desk a. Lot of them were getting kicked around pretty good but. That. Was a problem, the. Last thing was when. We started pressing the envelope and printers, were being turned off when people needed them that. Caused, a great deal of hate. And discontent, initial. Placement. When we were basically doing it with a you. Know a timed basis, and everything was was, loaded. Well. Users. Were very happy with it for the most part but, when, and. We had kind of let NREL kind of push the envelope to see what they could do with the load and the combination, base when. They started doing that people, started to complain, next. Slide please. Picture, there is one, of the units that was purchased and installed most. Of these units are in. Region 3 anyway, are still installed. And out, in field this, one is in a ops. Manager's office tom Ruffo down, the street the next building I want, to learn took a picture he. Took a picture and send it to me the other day when I forgot to take the picture but, yeah, they're still in school and he's still being used and that, is the picture of one when.

We First started you know got into distributing, these there, was a lot of thought that what are we going to do with all. These 2700, units that we had but it turned out at the end that a lot of agencies that we distribute them to Cole and went like, some more so. Getting. People to adopt and use these especially. When we were when, we were distributing, them at the time was, not difficult. Thing. To do, and. You. Know we, didn't really get any negative, blowback, once we distributed and put them in everybody. Seemed to be pretty happy with him, and then, the next slide. So. That's all I haven't going to introduce Nazarene. She, was key, and making the purchase of all these units. Thank. You John. So. My name is Nazarene, I get I work. With the office, of facilities, management back. In 2014. I helped with the, deployment, campaign, of the, advanced. Power strip. Next. Slide please. Okay. So this, slide. You. Will see that we, breakdown per, region how. Many devices, were. Deployed. And we had. Deployed. Over, 16,000. Just a little bit over 16,000. Of them. 280. Facilities, over 80 facilities, across GSA. Into. Nine regions and, central. Office they. Were installed, in workstations. And common areas within. GSA and, tenant. Spaces. Next. Slide please. Okay. So. This, slide, just breaks, down the details the devices, were purchased. From. Three wire system LLC. And the choice to go with them rather. Than GSA, schedule with the 35%, discount. And. The. Bulk. Purchase, was. Taa. Compliant and. The. Deployment, of it once. So in, the preparation, of the deployment in January, of 2014. We asked our regional, POCs. To develop, a distribution. Action, plan and determine, their regional, installation. Approach. Their. Action plans included, the, number of requested. Devices. Estimated. Installation, completion, date one. Of the devices would be going into GSA, or tenet space and if they. Would be in a workspace or a common, area so upon collecting their. Plans we determined, that 90% of, the, devices, would be installed in. Work workspace. Workstations, and 10% would be installed. In common, areas and. The. Estimated. Savings of these if these devices were, predicted, to be about. $200,000. Savings, annually. With. 1.7. Year overall payback and the breakdown of that, workstations. Is 26. Years common. Areas is, 44, years. Next. Slide please. Okay. So this is what the device, looks like, the, advanced. Power ship, you'll, see the, OneTouch, button, so. You. Turn that on and you're at the device stays on for 11, hours and. It will shut off after that there are two outlets. Two. Plugs in the. Front. In the top portion that, always. Stay on. That's. For the, computers, phones clock. So. Yeah that's just a overview. Of. The, deployment, and if you have any questions, or you want more details, of that please, reach out to me let me know and. That's. It for me. Thank. You. Legend. As ring. Now. We will go the Q&A sessions. Let. Me call that up. So. First, question from, Richard, is anyone looking at reducing the energy drained of plug-in. Refrigeration. And freezer units. I'm. Not aware of that but do. Any of the presenters have any knowledge about that, what GSA in OFM are. Doing in that arena. Yeah. But this is Rose Wagner from NREL I know there's been research, on. Equipment. Types to purchase, so, especially. For the deep, freezers, for, laboratories, that I'd rather spend some research. On there we. Might even have some up on the Better Buildings Alliance, that, you can reference. But. I do think that with the onset of these new connected. Devices, that, can meter. And trend data, then. You get a lot more information, on, exactly what those devices are doing you can monitor, their. Device, health and you can really see you know which ones are operating, appropriately, and which ones, end. Up having faults, in them so that does take, an. Energy champion. Or someone who can log, in and actually, look at that data make sense of it. There. You, know I think that's maybe that the next, frontier, of where these controls, are going is, is doing some automated, fault detection through.

For. Plug loads with. This data but the companies. Haven't. Quite gotten there yet was, with, enabling that function, to individual. Buildings and pieces, of equipment. So. There's certainly options out there and I, do think these connected, devices just offer a lot, of opportunity. To see exactly what's happening, with with. Individual. Pieces of equipment that. Sanctuaries. Silke afters, gia say you have a way to provide a rent reduction for, saving energy and. There's. A long answer to that thank you David Johnson for providing some. Insight to that I'm, going to paraphrase David. Which you should air but um in. Most buildings especially, office, buildings, GSA's, rent is based upon, market-based. Appraisals, and those appraisals are typically, on. Market. Buildings, and add what is called a gross rent where everything's kind of rolled into one price. We. Do have special. Use buildings, my. Courthouses and labs and sometimes I'll have more of a directory. Where different components, are broken out like utilities, but, um historically. GSA. Has, not been able. To provide an incentive for. Energy, reduction, that being said I have another GPG project, for smart meters where. I'm working there at GSA's. Office at the for portfolio. Management some. Controls, GSA. Is what is called pricing, policy, and they're. Looking at doing some pilots, to. Actually, provide incentives. To agencies, to, encourage. Them to reduce their. Energy consumption. In those spaces or, uses. If you will that bit control. And. Therefore, stay. Tuned I think. She is saying it kind of realizes, the. Fallacy, if you will in our pricing policy, and the limitations, it has it so we're looking to, the future to, what we can do to provide those incentives to our tenants. Hey. Mike this is rose from NREL, we. Also worked with, Jason. Belkin at GSA to develop, a case. Study on the Wayne Aspinall federal. Courthouse, building in Grand Junction Colorado and. That. Is a they, they did a Net, Zero historical.

Renovation. Of that building which was really impressive and to really get to Net Zero they, had to focus. In on plug, load energy, efficiency, and. I know that they do provide a. Percentage, of the rentable square footage, feedback, to their tenants if they, meet, their plug load energy, requirements. Or come. In under under, that and. And to meet those the I guess target. To meet those energy, targets, for pug loads I know, GSA, spent time with each tenant, to understand, their. Mission. And what types of equipment they really need to, use. To, meet their mission and. Came up with those targets, based off of that so. It was not. Just like a, blanketed. Target, for every organization but, they work to figure out what would really be appropriate for that organization. Great. Thanks, and the other thing I may add to what, Brody showed is that one. Of the difficulties, in, providing. Incentives dependents is just the way the building is metered you. Know typically, I mean GSA, has a big initiative right now to meter our buildings beyond. Just the building level utility. Meter that's, called advanced metering but it's. Rare, indeed, unlike. The Grand Junction building, where we have metering, at. The tenant level and so, that's one, of the other challenges. And. That's set on that issue. Let's, see next, question. Is Steve done the. Advanced power strips meet the Ashleigh 90.1, requirements. For 50% of outlets to have plug load control. And. Jeff. Chevron. Appreciate, your answer jeff says ASHRAE, ninety point one section. Eight point four point two states. Plug in devices shall now bite shall, not be used to comply with section eight point four point two which. Is automatic, receptacle. Control so. Aps, or automated pipes do not apply, to that requirement. Again. I think. Over that in my slides to so the you. Have the advanced power strips don't comply but we are seeing these, smart. Outlets, that are coming out and those, are the products, that that do complied, that can be hardwired, or, actually. Screwed into the wall so they can't be removed. Thank. You. Ask as information, about the savings been shared with the end users, and the buildings that incorporated, the APs, does. Anyone know that answer. This. Would be more of a facilities. Question. John. Did you have you counted at all at regional 3. Sorry. I was muted we we haven't really gone that far with it so I can't, really say. Ok. Thanks. And. Mike I can say that they did look at that in region 9 but they weren't able to. They. Weren't able to actually calculate. What those savings were it, was but. They did attempt, to but it wasn't it was inconclusive. Gotcha. Sharon. Carter asked so that's the extent of an answer apologize. Um James Carter as, GSA IT security approved, this kind of device for government facilities. China. Region-free, did you have to go through any kind of approval process. Um. Not. To do the tests no. Kevin. I don't know if you're aware of any IT. Security. Processes. We went through to do the actual deployment of. Course we went we are the planet was a non. Internet-based, it, so you know didn't have IT security. I guess, implications, when you look at what we actually deployed. I'm. Sorry Mike I was on mute and then I got four house, we. Basically. Yeah, IT didn't. Really want to have anything to do with buttons that kind of data load, go up into the cloud for our test and because.

Of The we were testing it was very, intensive, data wise so. We didn't even try to run, it by IT I I don't, know based. On, experience. That we're having right now with the DSN, if. This would be something, that would be behind the secure network, they, would let that go but I have my doubts. Thanks. Greg. Ass if all devices are shut down at night, we'll. Start uploads increase, in, the a.m. over, and above what I normally would have I. Can. Address that one this is rose again. You. Know I think if its. Traditional. Office, loads. You're I mean clearly, it's gonna go off and then just turn back on but there's no ramp up time I think. If there, is ramp, up time you might see more. Of an increase, and. Maybe an example of that would be these you know window box air conditioners, that they're using but. Typically that's something that you should you should think about if, it needs to be turned on an extra hour before, people occupants, are in the building that's something that should happen and you can implement. Automatic. Controls. Or remote controls, using, online dashboards. If the device, has that or not and. That. Should be you, know part of the equation when, you're considering these these new devices to. Both. Meter and control equipment, in your building. Great. Thanks. Then. James Nelson asked are all, of these flight, strips on GSA advantage and. If not can you send out the manufacturers. Links and David Johnson answers, there. Are many of these strips. On GSA, advantage and, David. Says he's purchased many of them several. Times. Jack. Seger asked to these devices when used on network computers, allowing Network wake. Up for nighttime backup, some updates. Does, anyone have any feedback on that the, presenter, team. Yeah. Yeah. I think there's a couple options for that, kind. Of there's like a wake-on-lan. Capability. In some cases, where. These will wake, back up. To. Accept, pushes and these, can also be scheduled, often, IT groups, are already doing that where the do all of the pushes on, Thursday, nights for example or something like that in. Which case you could you. Can schedule all. Of the strips to be kind, of back on, during. Those periods, potentially. Another. Option, for this that we do here at NREL is we do have scheduled, pushes. For these updates that. Happen, and then it's actually up to the user to update. Their, computer, themselves, so they're given about. A week of time to, update, their computer, at their convenience, and, if they don't update, at, that point then there is an automatic, update that. Happens. Which. I know I'm always guilty, of I'll do that later I'll do that later and then I shut, down my computer and updates and you that's just how it goes so I. Think there's a couple options for IT staff, to look, into this and. It doesn't, have to be. You. Know every night we need all of our computers on all the time because, we need to have this flexibility. And when we push updates it, can be scheduled, either, with that wake-on-lan. Technology. Or. Giving. The actual user. The. Choice to to. Schedule, those updates, when, they can of their convenience, within a week of time or so. Great. Thanks. Todd. Reader asks the inappropriate. Use of relocatable. Collar tabs on you power strips is a rather significant, fire prevention and safety concern, in our facilities, I know every, fire protection, engineering, survey I completed. Within region find I'm, finding. Daisy-chained. Overloaded. Power strips along with appliances and. Other heavy loads plugin which are required to be direct connected, to. A prominent, properly, sized circuit, has, this concern been addressed in any way as a part of this CPG, ApS, initiative. John. And I dream do you know if we address that issue during our deployment. I'm. Not aware of that being the case, no. We. Did not, you. Know most of what was plugged in was the best lamp computer. Power strip or something they load on that was very low except.

Or The. Printers. Which had a little bit of a higher load but. We never got close to. What. We could see and we're trending. Below, it on each plug and we never got close to what rated. Load was. Okay. Thanks and then. From. My perspective this is kind of a facilities, may be an issue it's that it's not the technology that's at fault it's the instrumentation, it's. At fault so uh, definitely. Something to be brought up to the. OSM. Office in Washington, you know and I'm sure you've done that. That's. An educational, issue that needs to be shared across GSA. And. Adding, to that. You. Know I know that at NREL we do have policies. That in place um standard, safety checks, so we. Actually have, electrical. Safety officers. That walk around, the. Entire building and check every single desk, quarterly. Or biannually. To, make sure that we're not daisy, chaining or plugging, in loads that are too. Much for the actual power strip so that can be more of a top-down policy. Driven type of thing like you just said Mike. Right. Thanks. And. Our way asks, on average, what you pay dollars, per kilowatt hour and GSA, and, frankly. GSA, because, we're such a large. Building, winner we can negotiate pretty, favorable, rates so our GSA average, cost, of. Electricity, is about 11 cents per kilowatt hour. Let's. See Mike I'm not sure we're not hearing I'm not sure if you're okay I'm sorry how would ask a question about them, operating. Cost, within, the the rent and as I explained we have different, rent. Structures, sometimes it's a gross rent with most office buildings and then we have some special use facilities where we do a more. Direct. Pricing. Words it, has components to it like utilities. Let's. See, Shane's. Cell, cask and GSA fund and purchase these devices, for other agencies. As. Written or China I don't know if you, had. Any instances. Of this within, our deployment. Initiative. I. Would. Defer to Nazarene, on. That one. To address, this at all during your deployment. Maybe. Come back to that okay. Next. James asked. Kind. Of in the GPG, program I had a dollar question, how secure, these online device, it seems like IP will have a major problem with them as. They would be prime targets for, hacking. And. James. As we alluded, to earlier we, tested, devices, that were very robust, and had. If you will these kind of online, cloud. Based. On. Capabilities. That, being said what we actually deployed, was what. I would call kind of a dumber. If you will ApS just was scheduled based. So. In this instance it did not become an issue for us I will tell you that with the knee the, GPG program. For. Every, technology that we taste we go through an IT security. Assessment. Process, so it's, an issue that the program, in general and, GSA. Is an agency is very familiar with and so. We do, go for every technology to an assessment process to, minimize, like. You said the potential for having. Let's. Say Gary, somewhat, perhaps. To. The. Issue about cost. Of these technology be a secure fair money could be used as an incentive to pay. For upgrades to, printing the pitch of the upgrades to each new see another equipment model for APS might fall under that, under. That. Under. The APS. Patrick. Waco. Asks, since the time the APS have. Been deployed has. That utility. Billing data band and like to see what actual savings have been realized. Possibly. Just looking at a few of 18 facilities. I'm, not aware of, any. Follow-up, to that. Anyone. On this is patient team no. Mic that was that that was in region nine wheat that was they did we did look at it but didn't, come up with any conclusive results, a. Lot. Of the buildings that we deployed, in were so big with such high energy usage it was hard to tell I mean. He was trending down in those buildings but.

To Say. How much of it was plug, loads equipment, how much of it was other steps it would be in taken was very difficult to parse out nothing. That we could put our finger on. Great. Thanks. Outside. Carlson asked the 2012. Study is dated other any plans for a new plug load study and, I. Will say at this time the answer is no. I. Don't. Know Kevin if you want to speak in that, currently. It's not. So. I will, mention this is rose again. Kevin, had mentioned that the GPG program, is partnering, with do E's high. Impact technology catalyst. Program, so. Through. The. Selection. Of technologies. NREL. Is actually doing, a technology. Demonstration, program with, one. Of the the, wireless. Meters. And and controls, the smart, outlet companies, so. We are currently conducting. That. Technology. Demonstration, right now and, are. Wrapping, it up. Hopefully, by this summer. To, have results that we can share with the public on on that product yeah. Great. Thank you and wrapping. It up both, Todd leader. And Scott Martin again. Speak. To the issue of inappropriate. Use of these automated plug strips and. I think it's fair to say that. If, you will does exist in our buildings and that's an issue that, moving. Forward that GSA, probably. Should take a look at. With. That gone drea I don't see any other questions. Can. I just address one more that I think was


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