Nvidia s New Computer Unleashes a TERRIFYING WARNING to Microsoft

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last week Apple was the most valuable company in the world this Monday it was Microsoft these are two of the most stoed names in Tech but now the stock market has a new king Nvidia a chip maker based in the US Nvidia has just exposed a new computer that sends a chilling message to Tech Giant Microsoft the Stark warning suggests a shift that could change how we view Technology's power with Advanced capabilities will this be the Catalyst for a major upheaval between these technological Titans join us as we delve deeper into this dramatic development the last warning to Microsoft's last days Nvidia unleashes Blackwell Nvidia has greatly impacted artificial intelligence with its new AI chip this advanced technology has sparked many discussions among Tech leaders about its future influence Nvidia originally famous for improving video game Graphics has now become a major player in the tech World alongside giants like Microsoft Apple and alphabet with a market value over 2 trillion the company's value skyrocketed from $1 trillion to $2 trillion in just 8 months due to the high demand for its technology which is crucial for the AI boom in March 2022 Nvidia introduced the hopper architecture which greatly enhanced the AI accelerators used in data centers this Innovation excited the AI sector throughout 2023 as AI became more popular the demand for nvidia's products grew grew resulting in long wait times of 36 to 52 weeks for h100 based servers by the third quarter of 2023 Nvidia sold an impressive 500,000 units of the hopper based h100 accelerators this success boosted nvidia's market value building on this Nvidia introduced the Blackwell architecture named after David Blackwell an American mathematician known for his work in Game Theory probability information Theory and statistics which have all influenced AI design and training in October 2023 during an investor presentation Nvidia shared the latest updates in its data center technology including the B100 and b40 accelerators with the new Blackwell architecture the shift to Blackwell previously called Hopper next was officially announced at the graphics technology conference on March 18th 2024 the event held in San Jose's Pro Hockey Arena attracted over 11,000 attendees including software developers Tech leaders and investors at the conference nvidia's CEO Jensen hang explained that Blackwell is more than just a chip it's a complete platform that goes beyond traditional GPU production Blackwell combines two dieses into one unit working with Incredible speed and efficiency with a communication speed of 10 terabytes per second and no memory or cash issues even though some doubted the ambitious goals for Blackwell Nvidia achieved significant breakthroughs with this Innovative chip Blackwell is designed to work easily with hopper allowing for simple upgrades and showing impressive abilities through a prototype board this board includes two Blackwell chips and four Blackwell dieses connected to a Grace CPU with very fast links marking a big step forward in computing power Nvidia also introduced a new feature in its fifth generation MV link within the new Transformer engine doubling the speed of the hopper and including computation capabilities within the network itself this is crucial as it allows multiple gpus to efficiently share and synchronize information significantly improving overall performance despite its rated speed of 1.8 tabt per second the actual performance is much higher offering much greater speed than Hopper the new format called fp6 boosts training performance by 2 and 1/2 times per chip and fp4 doubles the throughput for inference tasks these improvements are essential for saving energy reducing Network bandwidth and optimizing time usage all of which are key for the future of generative AI technology Nvidia has named this era generative AI marking a big shift in Computing technology with nvidia's newly designed processor at its core featuring ing the fp4 format that helps generate content tokens this processor is part of the Nvidia Blackwell AI supercomputer and is five times more powerful than its predecessor Hopper Nvidia is already planning to develop a bigger and more powerful GPU that will surpass the current model's abilities the MV link switch nvidia's latest invention contains 50 billion transistors almost as many as the entire Hopper chip designed with four MV links each capable of transferring data at 1.8 terabytes per second this setup allows all gpus to work at full capacity at the same time this leap in computing power gives us a peak into a future where such powerful systems are normal the journey from the first dgx model to the latest one is a story of incredible growth and ambition the first dgx-1 model started modestly with 170 teraflops of computing power now Nvidia expects its latest models to achieve 720 pedop flops getting closer to reaching one exaflop of processing power within a single machine a milestone that shows nvidia's Relentless drive for Progress the dgx series by Nvidia is a small but very powerful AI system capable of processing at exaflop speeds something usually requiring much larger equipment it stands out in high performance Computing due to its ability to handle an immense 130 terabyt of data per second with its mvlink spine this is more data than the total capacity of the internet showing its impressive processing power additionally it achieves this without costly Optical Parts saving on costs and energy it uses only 20 kW of power compared to the usual 120 KW needed by similar systems its Advanced liquid cooling system keeps it at a constant 25 de C ensuring Optimal Performance even under heavy use nvidia's innovation in chip technology continues to revolutionize the AI industry nvidia's technology is built around the GPU a complex piece of Machinery modern gpus are incredible with over 600,000 components and weighing about as much as a large car these gpus handle tough computational tasks like training Advanced AI mod models with trillions of parameters what used to take months and lots of electricity now takes just 90 days with 8,000 gpus thanks to the hopper architecture the new Blackwell architecture makes this even better doing the same work with only 2,000 gpus and much less power Just 4 megaw this shows nvidia's commitment to not just improving but revolutionizing AI Computing next we'll explore the broader implications of Nvidia advancements as they continue to revolutionize the tech landscape the rise of Nvidia Nvidia is expanding into robotics working on systems that let AI interact with the real world they're developing tools like the dgx for training AI models an agx for managing fast sensor data nvidia's Omniverse hosted on Azure Cloud simulates automated environments where humans and robots work together efficiently the company is also moving its technology into cars soon their Thor technology will be in vehicles from Mercedes jlr and byd enhancing robotic systems and possibly leading to humanoid robots their big project project Groot focuses on teaching humanoid robots to understand and follow human commands through Isaac lab a learning tool that uses Omniverse Isaac SIM for training Isaac lab uses nvidia's Osmos service for tasks on powerful systems enabling smooth training and simulation for robots project Groot allows robots to quickly learn from Human examples improving their ability to interact and perform tasks from simple gestures like high fives to complex actions powered by nvidia's Jets and Thor chips as humanoid robots get better project Groot is leading the way marking a new era of Aid driven robotics nvidia's focus on creating top-notch software and Technology sets the stage for a future where robots become important in daily life changing Industries and how we interact with technology this story shows how Nvidia has become a big player in Tech always pushing the boundaries of what Robotics and AI can do in the 1990s when technology was basic three Engineers from California Jensen hang Chris malikowski and Curtis PR had an idea to improve computers they wanted to make a special chip to help computers handle better graphics especially for 3D games meeting often at a local Denny's they developed the graphics Processing Unit GPU this chip worked alongside the main computer processor to manage Graphics making computers much better at displaying complex images this invention started nvidia's rise as a major tech company first focused on gaming seeing it as a promising Market founded in 1993 in a small condo in Fremont California they named the company NVIDIA a mix of NV for next version and and Nvidia the Latin for Envy their logos green color symbolize the Envy they wanted to create with their powerful Computing abilities Jensen hang with his deep tech knowledge was ready to lead Nvidia to groundbreaking Innovations nvidia's gpus revolutionized how personal computers manage Graphics enabling them to smoothly handle Advanced Graphics this breakthrough impacted not just gaming but also video production scientific ific research and professional design nvidia's continuous innovation earned it a reputation for advancing technology and improving computer performance the Founder's vision of creating a specialized Graphics chip aligned well with the increasing demands of computer users globally showcasing their forward-thinking approach in the early 1990s technology was changing quickly and in the middle of this exciting time Nvidia was starting out Benson hang Chris malikowski and Curtis PR who had worked at Big tech companies like HP Sun Microsystems and IBM founded Nvidia they knew a lot about technology but starting a new company was a different kind of challenge more complicated than the technical problems they were used to in 1993 Nvidia faced a big Turning Point with only $200 the founders knew they needed a formal business plan Jensen Juan made a bold move by investing his limited money to officially start Nvidia making sure he got a big ownership stake this wasn't just about starting a business it was a crucial gamble in a very competitive field finding investors was the next big challenge they needed to show more than just a good idea they had to prove they could succeed their early attempts to get funding were met with many rejections in a market full of 89 other hopeful companies standing out was very very hard but hang's past connection with LSI logic helped he used this connection to get a meeting with seoa capital a well-known Venture firm even though seoa was skeptical at first they eventually saw nvidia's potential and invested $20 million with their funding Nvidia developed their first product the nv1 which launched in 1995 unlike other products the nv1 used a quad- based image rendering method not the usual triangle-based approach despite Sega a major gaming company preferring the triangle method Nvidia continued with their quad strategy they believed it would make game rendering more efficient and lessen the load on CPUs which was crucial when computing power was limited as we've seen nvidia's impact in robotics let's now turn to how these Innovations are Paving the way for smarter safer autonomous vehicles rising from the ashes nvidia's goal with quadrangles was to render round objects in games more smoothly and efficiently considering the technology of that time the nv1 also had a unique feature it let users play popular Sega Saturn games on their PCS mixing console gaming with PC capabilities but the nv1 faced problems it was complex and expensive compared to Rivals and had trouble with new standards like Microsoft's direct X which focused on triangle based rendering and made Graphics development easier for software creators despite these challenges Nvidia persisted and went public in 1999 with its market value jumping to $600 million their initial risks and strategic choices paid off nvidia's Story shows how they navigated early challenges with Innovative thinking and determination it wasn't just about their Tech skills it was their ability to handle Financial complexities and make bold decisions that secured their place in the tech industry the nv1 project was nvidia's attempt to combine 3D Graphics video and audio processing into one chip however this ended up being more complicated than useful the chip like an octopus stretching in many directions didn't meet customer needs for simpler more focused devices this mismatch along with the rise of direct X favoring simpler Graphics Solutions showed the NV 's limitations this experience was an important lesson for NVIDIA as they adapted to the fast-paced tech world the nv1 Chip's Hardware problems caused big financial troubles for NVIDIA one of their main customers Diamond multimedia was very unhappy and sent back almost all of the 250,000 units they bought this huge return nearly bankrupted Nvidia leading to layoffs for nearly half of their workers and a financial loss of around $10 million at the same time Nvidia was working on another chip the nv2 for Sega but it also had the same design problems as the NV one in this tough situation nvidia's CEO Jensen hang took a bold step he asked sega's CEO to cancel their nv2 contract but let Nvidia keep the payments they had already received surprisingly sega's CEO agreed giving Nvidia the financial support it needed this critical help probably saved Nvidia from total failure the nv1 disaster taught Nvidia an important lesson about listening to customer needs and following industry standards it showed them the importance of aligning with Market demands with these lessons Nvidia changed its strategy to develop products that better matched what the market wanted after the nv1 failure Nvidia understood the need for Simplicity and aligning with market trends in their product development this change was key to nvidia's recovery eventually making them a major player in the PC graphics Market their Journey from the edge of failure to great success shows how resilience and adaptability can help overcome challenges by the late 1990s Nvidia not only bounced back but also made a strong re-entry into the PC market with a clear plan in 1999 a crucial year when personal computers were becoming common in homes Nvidia launched the GeForce 256 graph graphics card this card was the first to offer programmable Graphics introducing the GPU Graphics processing unit this Innovation greatly improved video game design allowing for better visuals with Advanced shading and lighting revolutionizing gaming Nvidia used this breakthrough to go public in the same year strengthening their Market position by 2000 they landed a $200 million contract with Microsoft to create Graphics hardware for the upcoming Xbox console this deal was a big step up from their earlier projects with Sega boosting their finances and securing their place in the gaming industry the Xbox launched in 2001 with the nv2a chip designed by Nvidia was a major success throughout the 2000s Nvidia expanded its reach Beyond gaming consoles they became key hardware suppliers for big tech companies like apple Dell and HP incorporating nvidia's gpus into their devices each strategic move and technological Advance helped Nvidia grow rapidly turning them into leaders in the tech world one of nvidia's smart strategic decisions was to work as a fabless chip company they designed chips but outsourced manufacturing to the Taiwan semiconductor manufacturing company this partnership lasting over three decades was crucial tsmc not only made chips for NVIDIA but also helped bring nvidia's cuttingedge designs to Life by focusing on design and Innovation Nvidia explored new possibilities Beyond traditional gaming and Graphics in 2006 Nvidia launched Kuda a toolkit that changed parallel Computing before Cuda programming gpus was very difficult Cuda made it easier allowing developers to use familiar programming languages to harness GPU power this expanded the use of gpus Beyond Graphics to areas like medical research and Engineering Cuda was a significant achievement that showed nvidia's strategic vision and played a key role in driving the tech industry's evolution in 2008 the Tokyo Institute of Technology used couet accelerated gpus for their supercomputer showcasing its impressive capabilities this wasn't just a technical achievement but also a testament to nvidia's role in shaping the f future of technology nvidia's introduction of gpus was a big technical step forward these Graphics processing units became essential tools for many areas like cloud computing machine learning and video streaming companies like Amazon web services Google Cloud platform and Netflix quickly started using these gpus to improve their technology in 2012 Nvidia had a big moment when artificial intelligence improved dramatically with alexnet a deep Lear Learning Network developed by Alex kvi a PhD student he used two Nvidia GeForce GTX 580 gaming cards to process 1.2 million images reducing the error rate in image recognition from 25% to 15% though these numbers may seem small now they were revolutionary at the time and changed how people thought about neural networks which were once viewed skeptically this wasn't just a tech achievement it started a new era in AI tool tools we use today like chat GPT Google Gemini and Google Lens the Nvidia GeForce GTX 580 cards played a key role in this change they were specially designed for Cuda making them great for running parallel algorithms needed for deep learning tasks like those done by alexnet this opened up many possibilities in deep learning putting Nvidia at the center of this shift their investments in Cuda and related software paid off in a big way nvidia's gpus soon became the standard for training and using generative Ai and large language models when chat GPT launched in November 2022 demand for nvidia's a100 series gpus skyrocketed with big tech companies eager to get these Advanced processors Microsoft for example bought an amazing 10,000 units each costing $110,000 despite the high price Nvidia sold hundreds of thousands of these these gpus greatly boosting their sales by July 2023 nvidia's sales had reached 13.5 billion double the previous year on May 25th nvidia's stock value shot up gaining 1884 billion doar in just one day a few days later on May 30th 2023 Nvidia hit a major Milestone by becoming the sixth company in the world to reach a market value of $1 trillion later surpassing $2 trillion this story shows how Nvidia became a leader in technology by introducing new products at the right time and understanding what people need Nvidia didn't just keep up with Trends they created them their ability to turn new ideas into big profits shows they really know how the market works from being just another company to becoming a top name in the tech World nvidia's story is about using smart strategies and Innovation to achieve great success nvidia's story is a great example of how foresight and Innovation can help a company dominate the market this tale of nvidia's Rise highlights their role in setting Tech standards and shows how strategic Market positioning can push a company to the top of the global economic stage did nvidia's breakthrough with the Blackwell architecture fundamentally change the tech landscape or are we just witnessing another hype cycle like And subscribe for more


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