NITRIC OXIDE - longevity - antiaging and how to not die young

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well the skin is an outward reflection of internal  health if you don't have good systemic Health your   skin is going to reflect that and look poorly so  that's why we create this concept of beauty inside   and out when that organ doesn't get sufficient  blood supply because of the deficiency of nitric   oxide you lose hydration you lose collagen you get  fine lines and wrinkles and you look old most skin   care and beauty products are designed to mask  to hide the wrinkles hide the fine lines hide   the age spots and the blemishes so we thought  well let's do something different let's get to   the root cause so as a biochemist and physiologist  I certainly know what the cell needs to function   properly so we make a topical nitric oxide that  overcomes the inability of the blood vessels to   make nitric oxide so if your body can't make it  we do it for you I like to say we've created a   new category in skin care and Beauty that's the  first and only topical nitric oxide on the market   and it complements anything else you're doing you  start with this anything that you apply thereafter   whether it's growth factors or peptides or any  moisturizing or hydrating cream is just going   to work better oh so it helps with absorption  into the skin actually penetrates that's amazing   see I did not know that learned something every  day hi guys today I have a doctor and Nathan   Brian in the house and he is a specialist in  nitric oxide you know better than anybody else   please introduce yourself thanks Jim it's a great  pleasure to be with you thanks for being here yeah   thanks for the invite so my name is Nathan Brian  I'm a nitric oxide biochemist and physiologist   I've been in the nitric oxide field for going  on 25 years my whole purpose was to really   understand how the human body makes nitric oxide  What goes wrong in people that can't make it and   then how do we fix these underlying problems  because today we realize nitric oxide is one   of the most important molecules produced  in the body wow so I have written a list like what is nitric oxide because just  a year ago I had no clue what the heck   is nitric oxide so it helps with the  high blood pressure you tell me if   it's correct right yeah so heart attacks  poor circulation lack of energy premature   aging cold hands and feet brain fog  achy joints high cholesterol immune   dysfunction and diabetes is there anything  else that I missed erectile dysfunction oh um yeah I guess so okay what is actually nitric  oxide actually we have here has we're gonna talk   about a little bit later but we do have his  products nitric oxide this is a lozenge yeah   and this is It's a topical we make nitric oxide  products and really what makes us different is   if your body can't make nitric oxide and you have  all these conditions you just talked about then   we have product technology that does it for you  and that's what differentiates our product from   anything else on the market we can detect we  can quantify we can verify nitric oxide coming   off that we do it systemically or internally  through an orally disintegrating tablet and   then we do it topically in our skin care  product called in one alone I love this why we need this like why our bodies need us  well it's a gas that's produced in the body   in fact so it's a naturally produced molecule  we're not giving something that the body hasn't   seen before but it's a signaling molecule it tells  our blood vessels to relax and dilate it modulates   inflammation immune dysfunction and oxidative  stress the Hallmarks of every chronic disease   but it improves blood flow and oxygen delivery  okay and so when we look at the function of   individual organs tissues and cells these cells  and tissues have to get sufficient oxygen they   have to get nutrients in order for these cells  to do their job so we we make nitric oxide when   you take this it dilates the blood vessels it  improves oxygen delivery and basically inhibits   vascular inflammation the earliest stages  of aging and the onset and progression of   cardiovascular disease which Remains the number  one killer of men and women worldwide so it's   really the Holy Grail in anti-aging so if we can  make nitric oxide it's the earliest stage in the   onset and progression of chronic disease so you  see cardiovascular disease Jesus is number one   killer for men and women in the United States  still despite all the decades and billions of   dollars in research it Still Remains the number  one kill and for me that's simply unacceptable   because we know what causes cardiovascular disease  we now have diagnosed it and we know how to fix it   so there's no excuses the problem is education and  awareness and you made a very good point you know   just a year ago you had no idea about nitric  oxide and you're you're entrenched in a in a   field of aging and anti-aging and healthy skin  passionate right now about nitric oxide because   I know it works yeah look at my nails look at my  nails I never had such a long nails when I started   taking this I'm like wow it's crazy I I always  had struggle of having like a longer this is my   nails no nothing like I was like man it works it  makes everything you do work better yeah amazing   thank you at what age and I know for women and  man nitric oxide actually declines well we if you   look at population-based studies we know that you  lose about 10 to 12 percent of your endothelial   function or your ability to make nitric oxide in  the blood vessels per decade and that starts you   know late teens early 20s and then this 10 to 12  reduction per decade is what really by the time   you're 40 or 50 years old you only have about 50  of the nitric oxide you had when you're younger   so our whole thought process why do people why  is there an age-dependent reduction in nitric   oxide production and if we can prevent that can  we prevent age-related disease and so now we know   that we can actually reverse that you know we have  50 60 year old people who have the vascular age of   the 20 or 30 year old we have 20 or 30 year olds  that have vascular age of a 50 60 year old so we   now know that we can basically regulate nitric  oxide production prevent the age-related decline   and prevent age-related disease whether it's you  know the aging skin or the Aging heart or the   Aging blood vessels low nitric oxide affects aging  more like towards the skin um especially in women   because most of my followers are in their 50s 60s  and they care majority of them of course they care   about the body and health but they care about you  know aging skin aging how that affects well the   skin is an outward reflection of internal health  yes so if you don't have good systemic Health your   skin is going to reflect that and look poorly  so that's why we create this concept of beauty   inside and out so let's get to the basics the skin  is an organ right it's one of the largest organs I   like that because you say it's not the largest  because you know it's not the language every   does I'm like me yeah that's right yeah so  when when that organ doesn't get sufficient   blood supply because of the deficiency of nitric  oxide then what happened you lose hydration yeah   you lose collagen you get fine lines and wrinkles  and you look old and then you start developing age   spots inflammation acne blemishes the tone texture  and Clarity of the skin gets worse so our whole   thought process was and you know this because  you've been in this business for many years   most skin care and beauty products are designed  to mask yes to hide the wrinkles hide the fine   lines hide the age spots and the blemishes yeah  so we thought well let's do something different   let's get to the root cause so as a biochemist and  physiologist I certainly know what the cell needs   to function properly so we make a topical nitric  oxide that overcomes the inability of the blood   vessels to make nitric oxide so if your body  can't make it we do it for you okay and then   what does that mean will we get blood supply and  oxygen to the skin we improve cellular turnover   so we have our own stem cells that actually go and  replace dysfunctional cells so we improve cellular   turnover we get new cells that are deposited and  build a new dermis we improve collagen deposition   you improve hydration fine lines and wrinkles  disappear in the age spots and blemishes go   away and we've got I think five published clinical  trials using the serum and those slides that you   show at the biohacking conference the differences  like insane it's it's incredible when I saw my   what especially for the scars it's really I  was like so we I like to say we've created a   new category in skin care and Beauty yeah it's  the first and only topical nitric oxide on the   market and it complements anything else you're  doing you know you have a great line of products   it's not meant to replace yeah anything but you  start with this exactly so we apply the nitric   oxide we open up the blood vessels we start  perfusing the cells of the dermis we improve   collagen now anything that you apply thereafter  whether it's growth factors or peptides or any   moisturizing or hydrating cream is just going to  work better oh so it helps with absorption into   the skin actually penetrates that's what you say  see I did not know that learned something every   day my question is which nitric oxide blend is  the best because they are they're more nitric   oxide on the market and yesterday you say that  you have that blend that you have a pattern for   that right why this one I will say this is the  best because it's you right that's right why why   this blend that you have is the best well  through 25 years of research and Discovery   we've identified a way that makes nitric oxide  and we do what's called restorative physiology   so we try to recapitulate what the body would  normally do and so we we created a whole class   a new class of supplements called nitraceuticals  and so these are products that I've patented I've   trademarked and copyrighted so that it's really  a differentiating factor so any product that we   bring to Market generates nitric oxide gas and  this simple composition of matter that uses   really some simple chemistry provides a source of  nitric oxide where all the other products on the   market are giving your body kind of precursors or  substrates and hoping they can inverted to nitric   oxide yes but now we understand that the reason  people are nitric oxide deficient is they can't   convert these products or precursors into nitric  oxide so it's like putting gas in a car with a   blown up engine what we do is we fix the engine  and we provide a source of nitric oxide that   your body can make completely different and why is  there vitamin C and magnesium well part of what we   do is basically generate nitric oxide gas and so  there's there's some basic some simple chemistry   here so the vitamin C and the magnuscorbate is to  do two things number one we need magnesium for the   nitric oxide synthase enzyme most Americans are  deficient magnesium so it's just a supplemental   dose we need to restore the normal function of the  enzyme and then two when you make nitric oxide you   need to prevent any unwanted chemistry there's  what's called nitrogative chemistry that can   form some unwanted metabolites it's a vitamin  C prevents any Nitro seed of chemistry from   occurring in that reaction and then thirdly  and perhaps most importantly is that vitamin   C actually extends the biological half-life of  nitric oxide oh so now once we take it or apply   it you basically have an extended release form and  there's a certain ratio of what we're using out   there and it's in both the topical salmon topical  and the fun of the science is fundamental to the   what form of vitamin C using here it's VI it's  ascorbic acid so we have this is how strong is it   well it's 20 in the serum so the the whole point  here is when there's a difference in pH of both of   these okay there's different components in these  so when you dispense these and mix it together the   final pH is five and a half to six so we want to  mimic normal skin pH okay this is vitamin C and   here and this is our well it's not a gas when you  mix it together it generates nitric oxide that's   oh okay so it's the combination of those that  create the magic this thing works I have tried   and I just fell in love I know it works it's it's  amazing well we've got the you know the state the   randomized clinical trolls clinical trials that  demonstrate that when you use this in our other   clinical trials or using this serum twice a day  for 30 days and you know maybe we'll show some   before and afters but it's really remarkable and  transformative results cool I like the info this   is amazing I'm pretty sure all of them are gonna  like it okay so how much nitric oxide do we need   is there a different dose when we age for example  like when you're 35 and 85 is it a different dose   that you need Well everybody's different I think  our individual demands metabolic demands are   different so obviously a 20 year old will probably  need less than say a 70 or 80 year old so it's   based upon how much nitric oxide your body is  normally making then how much do we have to give   to supplement the deficits like to say there's  two types of people out there there's people   like you and I who are healthy and want to stay  healthy and not get sick and so our requirements   for nitric oxide are going to be much different  than somebody to say as cardiovascular disease   erectile dysfunction diabetes and high blood  pressure that those demands are much different   than what our domains allow but fortunately we  know how much nitric oxide a normal healthy person   makes in 24 hours and we basically dial that into  our products so with the lozenge if you if you're   like us you're normally healthy and just want to  take kind of a preventive or prophylactic daily   dose of no then one law isn't just sufficient  if you've got someone a day one a day and so   that losing is designed to have a resident time  of about five to six minutes you put it in your   mouth let it dissolve don't chew it don't swallow  it but it's generating nitric oxide yes [Laughter] I have a friend he's 28 years old he has a  blood clots super young but he got the blood   clots of course after vaccine how much of this  he will should take you know we've done a lot   of Investigations into long covet and those  with vaccine injury that have the increased   susceptibility of the blood clots and really in  those conditions because it's the inflammation   of the blood vessels and the activation of the  platelets by the spike protein so we have to   down regulate those adhesive molecules we have to  kind of put the brakes on platelet aggregation so   for those the protocol is usually one law isn't  here for four to six hours and if the person is   taking over their blood thinners how that will  work you know there's no contraindications or   interactions with any standard medications we've  been doing this for 10 or 15 years and we've   never seen an interaction but I think obviously  you should consult with your physician let them   know any new regimen you're going on when you're  on any prescription medication the nitric oxide   that we deliver is completely safe it's very  effective in doing what nitric oxide does great   great what are the habits right Rick oxide that's  big have bad habits that's what I would like to   know at least like a few three four habits if you  think you know you know that reduces nitric oxide   some of these aren't bad habits right I think  people try to do things with good intentions   please call for bad coffee's not necessarily bad  I mean caffeine is a vasoconstrictor right so it   will kind of out-compete the vasodilatory  effects of nitric oxide so everything in   moderation the main things that contribute to  loss of nitric oxide are the use of mouthwash   oh this one is cool yeah this is the this is the  jaw dropper here yeah that's what I was when I was   listening to you when we were at the buy hiking  conference I was like what what and this is like   the information well not from the sky like he  has done research yeah and we've published and   other people have published on this if you use  mouthwash you eradicate the oral microbiome so   the bacteria that live in and on our body are  there to do things that we as humans can't do   one of those is provide a source of nitric oxide  so when we indiscriminately kill the microbiome   then we shut down my nitric oxide production blood  pressure goes up we lose the protective benefits   of exercise and all this is explained by a lack  of nitric oxide production is there any particular   ingredient like fluoride or just well it's for  any it's any antiseptic so it's alcohol based   mouthwash okay Listerine scope all the antiseptics  chlorhexidine the the prescription medication used   for chronic halitosis fluoride is an antiseptic  so you have to use toothpaste without any fluoride   without a fluoride and fluorides in our drinking  water it's everywhere so you've got to eliminate   fluoride as from ingestion both through toothpaste  and through drinking water the water we bathe in   so I encourage people to get a home filtration  system that removes the fluoride the chlorine the   chloramines all the bad stuff that's in Municipal  Water is coconut oil for mouth like okay I think   so I mean the short answer is we don't know okay I  know we've done all the experiments in the studies   using antiseptic mouthwash we put people on the  Apple watch for as little as seven days and you   know sometimes we see as much as a 20 millimeter  increase in blood pressure wow so this is a   dramatic effect so I tell people if you're using  mouthwash you have to stop get rid of fluoride   by fluoride free toothpaste and then limit your  exposure to fluorine so if you have a high blood   pressure ditch that mouthwash that's right two out  of three Americans use mouthwash two out of three   Americans have an unsafe elevation but crazy it's  not it's not coincidental it's crazy so what else   will you say mouthwash fluoride toothpaste what  else like one more really bad habit it's antacids   oh you know in the terminal step of nitric oxide  production in the body we need stomach acid to   make nitric oxide and there are over 200 million  prescriptions rooting foreign acids every year   and now you can buy these over the counter  things like Prilosec Prevacid Nexium all of   these drugs inhibit stomach acid production they  inhibit nitric oxide production and now we know   that people who have been on these antacids  for three to five years have a 40 higher in   of heart attack and stroke up steady up just  two days ago revealed that people have been on   antacids for four to five years have a 30 percent  increase in dementia and then if you go back 10   or 12 years we know that these cause increased in  bone fractures because you can't absorb certain   minerals and nutrients like B vitamins selenium  chromium zinc yeah so these drugs are very very   dangerous and they should not be used chronically  in fact they were never approved by the FDA to   use chronic wow so if you're on antacids you have  to absolutely get off of them it's killing people   dementia heart attack Strokes bone fractures  osteoporosis the list continues wow my sister used why is this amazing amazing so those I mean  those are very simple things you can stop   doing stop using mouthwash get rid of fluoride  get off antacids now your body can actually do   what it's designed to do yeah we re-flourish and  repopulate the the oral Flora we recreate stomach   acid production we're now endogenous systems  are able to do their job and make nitric oxide   nice so what will be then habits that helps  to like boost produce nitric oxide well it's   the things we've known for hundreds of years  it's a good balanced diet in moderation throw   in some more green leafy vegetables moderate  physical exercise it stimulates the production   of nitric oxide production and then you know 20  or 30 minutes of sunlight a day there's certain   wavelengths of life that come from the Sun that  will stimulate and release nitric oxide yeah   and no sunglasses no sunglasses I mean  I think in some in some cases there's   certain wavelengths of what we want to  prevent from getting in there artificial   light obviously but natural sunlight is  it's natural and it's healthy that's it should be doing this outside that's why I  don't film here too much these artificial lines   so tell us about your book um you're writing  one more I don't know which one you already   have published a couple of books what do you  what are you writing tell me about a little bit   about your books first second third and what  you're writing right now so I've published I   don't know two or three books prior both  academic medical textbooks and consumer   books this latest book is called The Secret  of nitric oxide bringing nitric oxide to life   the objective is kind of twofold it's partly  autobiographical because it it talks about the   discoveries we made on how we changed the way we  thought about nitric oxide and developing safe   and effective nitric oxide product technology and  then second it's to build awareness and educate   the masses on the importance of nitric oxide  because you're a perfect example you're very   well informed but yet you didn't know anything  about nitric oxide yeah so my objective is to   in this book tell the story of nitric oxide and  hope people help people to get an understanding   of why they need to know about this molecule if  their body's producing it and then what they can   do to restore the production of nitric oxide  because without nitric oxide you get Advanced   aging increased risk of heart attack stroke all  cause mortality all age-related disease and if we   can fix and restore and digest the no production  then the scientific and clinical data tell us   that we can at least delay or prevent the onset  and progression chronic disease yeah so many so   many women right now because I receive messages  every day you know women asking majority of them   struggling with aging and what I noticed right  now more women reach out when they're like even   in their early 20s yeah it's fascinating how you  know sometimes before it used to be like you know   when you're 40s 50s you start to have Fine Lines  right now I even see sometimes my friends posting   something my daughter it was looking lower and she  posted her daughter she says 16 I'm like man she   looks close to be 30 I'm like wow well we live in  a toxic world and the things we're exposed to our   daily habits just it seemed like everything  we do should stay on nitric oxide production   but you can't get blood flow and oxygen nutrients  deliveries to cells of the body then they become   dysfunctional and it's no different in the skin  cells yes and we have to restore blood flow we   have to eliminate toxin exposure and then give the  body what it needs the body heals itself what will   you say right now if someone has a premature aging  and watching this video what would you recommend   if somebody doesn't know like I didn't know about  nitric oxide and you know there is so many things   on the market so many skincare products so many  vitamin supplements people are just lost and   nobody is controlling this kind of part of the  of the marketing what would you say top three   anti-aging habits or products that woman and a man  should start doing it well I think it goes back   to what we discussed already stop doing the things  that disrupt nitric oxide production I start doing   the things that promote it so we already mentioned  get off mouthwash get rid of fluoride be on an   acids get off antacids and then drink you know  we have to drink our bodies you know 70 80 water   we have to drink good clean water so hydration is  extremely important most Americans are dehydrated   at the cellular level so you have to drink good  clean mineralized water for hydration obviously   taking a nitric oxide supplement one that actually  generates nitric oxide and fixes the ability to   make it is certainly a good routine and then  just eat a balanced diet in moderation you know   what you put in your body is basically how your  body is going to respond you put junk in you're   going to get junk out so I think we have to you  know watch what we eat eat good whole nutritious   foods and it's a balanced diet in moderation and  I think it can be really that simple you made a   good point consumers are confused I'm confused  I've been doing this for 25 years and there's   so many companies out there marketing so-called  nitric oxide products that are absolute junk and   they're either naive and don't know the science of  nitric oxide or worse there's companies out there   who are intentionally defrauding and deceiving  their customers to try to make a buck so you can't   get nitric oxide from chews or gummies or capsules  or so-called beets you know there's not much super   about some types of beets out there that are  advertising yeah so consumer beware follow the   science and don't get caught up in this deceptive  trade practice and marketing by a lot of companies   I have a last question okay if you knew that you  will die in one month what will be your regrets   in your life that you didn't do something  and what will be that you're very proud of   like it can be personal life wherever well you  know I tried to live without regret you know   because every experience whether it's good bad or  in different forms us and makes us the person we   are today so neither of us would be the person  we are today without our life experiences yeah   there's some things I'm certainly not proud of  the things I could you know if I had to redo it   again would I redo it I don't know because it  would change who I am today so I don't think I   have any regrets you know obviously spending more  time with with kids and family you know I travel   a lot and it's very taxing and demanding and it's  I think a good life is a life of balance we have   to balance things and I haven't been very good  at balancing my personal and professional life   so I would do a better job at that but the one  thing I would be most proud of is you know the   scientific Community has known the importance of  nitric oxide for 30 40 years and the Nobel Prize   was awarded for it so we know it's an important  fundamental Discovery in science and medicine   but the thing I'm most proud of is taking that  basic science and trying to to bring it to the   masses so we knew that nitric oxide was important  but what I've done in terms of developing nitric   oxide active products is one of my most proudest  moments because you know I get emails texts phone   calls every day from people that we've changed  their life I mean we've saved people's lives   we've changed their lives and for me there's  nothing there's no greater honor or reward for   doing what you do is hearing from people that  you've changed their life I minutes they say   if you've changed if you've changed one person's  life you've changed the world and you've certainly   changed their world so that would be what I'm  I'm proudest of you know I'm very passionate   about what we're doing I think what we're doing  will change the world yeah it'll change the way   you know Physicians treat patients for the next  several hundred years and I think once people   understand the importance of nitric oxide then we  give them the information and empower the patient   to heal themselves and our objective is if we can  make people understand that consumers and patients   then they take care of themselves Physicians and  drugs don't heal people the body heals people   the body the people people heal themselves  provided they have the right information   education and product technology to do it it's  really that simple I love it you guys don't   feel it but I just feel his passion you're just so  passionate about that look at it look at the smile oh this is so nice nice having you here where  people can find you I know you have an awesome   Vlog uh where can people find you on social media  email I have a YouTube channel where I do put off   you know great interviews like this to get the  information out there have an educational website   at Dr Nathan it's strictly educational  I'm not trying to sell you anything but I do a   monthly blog get some really cool educational  informative videos on there to learn about nitric   oxide my books you can find me on PubMed those  of you interested in Reading you know scientific   peer-reviewed Publications I'm on social media  Instagram Dr Nathan s Bryan on Twitter on Dr   Nitric uh LinkedIn I'll put all the information in  the description box yeah yeah I wanted to say for   those who are subscribed to our monthly secret  box in one of the months we are going to have a   this I have a secret I don't usually tell that  but I'm telling right now in advance probably   this is a longer secret yeah it's no longer  a secret probably we're gonna have that and   I believe it it works when I saw him when I came  to buy a hacking uh conference I came first day   I'm like is that all I'm like what the heck is  this because my hacking conference is great for   people that don't know like nothing about you know  aging and biohacking your body and and uh Health   it's great but I I will say I'm not a doctor  I don't have your knowledge you're just like   a master of that but I do have some knowledge I  have read I reverse many ultimate disorders that   I had and when I went to his lecture actually  I wanted to go there I couldn't and then John   tribes would ask Susan and it's just like I'm like  I'm not gonna go it's fine just like no no no you   gotta go you gotta go I'm like fine and then I'm  going with the safe my man I don't want to wait   in line I want to be the AP you know I'm like I  go there Susan she's like no stay here I'm like   see [Laughter] and then I listen to you on my jaw  drop about this mouthwash and anti-acids and when   you show the pictures of the scarf using  this serum before and after I was like man   that information is awesome yeah I did my job you  did great your job yeah so I was I'm like wow this   is amazing I learned something so you were the  only one person that I learned something new in   this attire by a hacking conference that's good  I know yeah people like it's information overload   you go to these events yeah and everybody's  trying to you know convince you this is the   latest greatest life-changing technology and some  of it some of it is or maybe but you know there's   some of it out there there's there's such quackery  that you have to be you know very discriminant on   what you do because we can spend our entire  fortune in time and resources and energy on   doing things that really aren't going to move the  needle so what we try to do is look for objective   scientifically validated technologies that move  the needle on human health and nitric oxide is   certainly foundational for everything we're doing  in terms of biohacking yeah since I started taking   it I noticed my skin looks healthier it's not  like that aging backwards immediately but I   feel my skin is healthier just plump her I feel my  hair getting stronger my nails getting stronger I   have way more energy I don't drink coffee anymore  and I still have the same energy actually I have   better energy yeah I one thing I don't have a  headaches I had chronic migraines and anytime   I will ask anybody and I even asked Dave when  we were in Peru it's like are you taking nitric   oxide I'm like what the [ __ ] is nitric oxide  everybody's talking about that you know yeah and   I don't have headaches and I recommend it to  so many followers and friends about that and   I I know it works because it helped me you don't  want to have headaches because probably migraine   is the worst thing that I have ever experienced  it's insane pain and it's just like really really   suffering so I'm so grateful for that because  I don't have migraines anymore no we've we've   heard that for many many years and a migraine  is a cerebral basis spasm so when you restore   the balance of these vasoactive substances  which Nitric oxides one then you prevent the   vasospasms you prevent the frequency and severity  of migraines yeah perfect well thank you so much   for being here thank you Gene yeah and I'm gonna  leave all the information about him down below in   description box thank you so much for watching  And subscribe if you haven't bye bye thank you [Music]   foreign


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