MetaVERSE - The Post Covid Technological Innovation

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hello my name is alexander sharma nashville  i'm doctor professor in information technology   and today i would like to talk with you about the  metaverse as the postpony technological innovation   we are all uh somehow the victims of the  coffee ponder me and we are all looking for   where this fandom will be over and  life will come back to the normal   i would like to say from the beginning that the  life will not come back to the normal as it was   before the pandemi in 2019 the covet pandemic  taught us to stay at home and do our work remotely   in the digital world and it's happened that many  people don't want to come back to the normal life   in person life i would like to give you uh some  example uh what the covet pandemic did to the   largest scientific organization cern the european  organization for the nuclear research which is   based in geneva switzerland i'm working here and  i would like to tell you that this is unique uh   scientific body and unique uh collaboration of  thousands of the scientists scientific discussion   took place here everywhere in the offices  and the meeting rooms in the green grasses   restaurant area during the lunch and also every  day hundreds of people uh visiting cern where   were visiting sir and uh leaving this cern so it  was very high rate of the rotation and so and once   the uh pandemic uh starts the sun was closed  and it was a very big disaster because we move   remotely in the remote work and thanks a  lot for the remote technology developers   they save our professional activity but  we lose in-person discussion which is   very very important for scientific  life but once the pandemic was over   and certain reopened doors it happens the  another disaster that the people never come back   and they stay offline it's still mystery for me  and also some authorities also worry about it   we don't understand why people prefer to stay  involved so nothing is new in this case study   i just only give you an example which is  common to all of us as we know about this   uh there are is some postcard with prediction you  see the numbers on my slide 60 percent of business   travels will be halted this is prediction and  30 percent of in-person work will be pulled out   at the end of the last year the microsoft  announced that 150 000 of their workers   will stay at home they let them to stay at home  and continue their professional activity remotely   from from home this is also a very notable case  study so where it's going it's going to the new   remote era new remote technology which is uh  the metaverse what is the metaverse in popular   words the metaverse is the combination of the  multiple uh technologies these are the virtual   reality technology augmented reality and video  technology so this is the combination of those   and in this digital universe people can work and  present it by its own digital avatars and avatars   are the members of the metaverse society and  through the avatars the people also become the   member of this universe and people can transform  all kind of activity into the metaverse i mean the   social activity professional activity scientific  activities sport and cultural activity everything   in ideal case could be transferred into this  digital universe from technology point of   view metaverse is foresee the continuous  connectivity to the three-dimensional   virtual scene uh through the special  equipments and hardware and software platforms   and through the high-speed internet so many  people consider the meta versus the future of   the internet in the metaverse it will be possible  also to have so called the hybrid synth as well   hybrid is the combination of the real scene with  the virtual scene as we see here in the video there is a meeting in the real environment  the environment is real and the lady is real   but the guy on the right side is unreal so i mean  he is not presented physically there it's just   only digital avatar of someone who is physically  presented and stay somewhere in the different   uh geographical area and this is the example of  uh so-called the hybrid scene i bring you some   example of uh the metaverse scene and uh  here we see the guys are playing the chess   and this is the real scene the guy is real  who's playing the chess the uh chair is real   uh the table is real but the opponent is  not real so this is digital avatar who is   presenting in this thing and in reality this guy  is presenting somewhere outside and the desks   are also unreal but it's uh it's no obstacles uh  the guys playing the chairs and they looks like   very happy so this is the hybrid scene and now  about the virtual scene we see the sportsman guy   who is equipped with the 3d headsets and he  hold in his hands the manipulators and through   those manipulators and headsets the guy feels  himself in the virtual unreal digital scene and   there is in opposite side there is his  opponent he's also equipped with his uh   headsets and manipulators and those two  guys and meeting each other and playing   the table tennis and this is a hundred percent  real table tennis uh we can feel uh here uh   so sensitive field uh thinks of this great uh  sportive game like the ball rotation and the   changing the directions and uh so it's a  real experience uh playing the table things   and another example uh about the hybrid scene as  well we see here the uh meeting where we have the   two real person and one avatar and this is avatar  of lady and the lady itself is somewhere outside   uh and another scene where we have the two real  persons and two avatars discussing uh together   and uh through this technology it's possible  to schedule the examination with doctor if   we put the special gloves on our hand then the  doctor will be able to examine our hand remotely   through this technology so as we see these  technologies those technologies are quite   good developed and this is not new it's  more than 10 years they are developing   but from where it's starting and let's go back a  little bit to the history the first time the word   the term of metaverse was presented by the neil  steffensen uh he's presented here on my slide   in 1992 in his famous novel uh snow crash this is  the story of the two teenagers uh who uh they have   their digital avatars and they're entering this  virtual world and very soon they have a lot of   followers and the full society finally goes to  the virtual universe and it's happened that the   economic will collapse and the federal government  will lose their power that's that's the right very   uh good predictions of the neil steffensen from  1992 and since there this virtual technology was   developed quite uh well and uh the famous project  second life in 2003 and the different virtual uh   reality equipments and technologies  were developing uh more than 10 years   some example of those developments first of  all let's talk about the oculus rift headset   which is not new it's very popular right now  but it's not new about five years it's already   on the market and we already see that uh the  guys are feel very comfortable to play the   table type tennis and uh here is another  guy stay in his room and uh he feels himself   in completely different environment and indeed the  environment his box make his boxing and physical   uh work movement and at the end he said that uh  that was the most real and exciting uh his boxing   experience but have a look to the prices and uh  the oculus headset price is starting from the 600   dollars up to 800 another also the famous  technologies from microsoft this is the microsoft   hololens here we have the different concepts  we don't have the headset we have the glasses   and through the glasses we feel ourselves in a  real sea in a real environment but in addition   we have some holographic objects  in the real scenes and this is the   uh various objects for example it should be menus  it should be even the keyboard and we can type the   text on those unreal keyboard we see the two  two engineers are discussing the engineering   solution they would like to find out how to trace  the services in this construction and they are   measuring all the distances they are making the  engineering uh solutions there so it's it's really   very very useful uh technology what is bad here uh  the bad is prices because it's quite expensive the   base cost the hololens is the 500 and it's  rised up to the 500 5000 uh dollars and also i   i forgot to say that hololens and oculus  requires quite powerful computer and notebooks   okay the next what i would like the next one i  would like to represent you is the haptic gloves   and this is more than 10 years it's developing  this technology so we can put our head   in the gloves and we can feel our hand inside  of the virtual scene where we have the objects   and i can play with those objects i can feel  their weight as well depending on the materials   and i can met with other guy who is  also equipped with the same gloves   and we can shake the hands there and i have the  sensors and through those sensors i'm able to   just feel the shape of the geometry spheres or  prismas or etcetera but unfortunately i cannot   feel the surface and the texture of the surface  it's it should be a upcoming development for   this technology and also have a look it's quite  massive and from the gloves i have quite massive   cables this is data cable and also power supply  cables and it's not good and i'm not sure that   the ladies will be happy to have these clothes  because they are quite massive so another thing   development this is so-called smart clothing  it's very also exciting development this is the   ordinary texture which is equipped with  the number of the biological sensors   and through those sensors uh the  t-shirts which can be made from this uh   textile will become the electrical units so if we  put this t-shirt on our body uh then the t-shirt   will be able to measure the different parameters  of our body like the temperature like the   blood pressure we can monitor or the state of our  body having the connectivity with the computers   and you see here the guy intensifies his physical  work and we see how it's affecting on the monitors   because all those signals are measuring from  this smart clothes the leader of the smart club   development nowadays is mit and they have very  strong development in this direction we all know   about the 3d printing this is the technology which  give us the opportunity to print very precisely   very very thin things and chinese for  example use 3d printing to produce   the pattern the grid pattern which has this  special feature if we put this pattern on our   body and move our body then this pattern  generates the electrical power uh grabbed   from our body and the power it can be  used as a alternative power supply source   for the equipment i already discussed and  this field is also very very challenging and   there is a consortium from uk from germany  and portugal and the researchers are working   together with lithium-ion batteries which are  very very well developed but it is not enough   for power super supply the this consortium uh make  a research and development to find the alternative   sources of electrical energy which could be  generated from our body so it's also very very   challenging so as we see uh this technology is  not new it's developing uh more than 10 years and   now come back to the metaverse why the  metaverse become right now so so uh   actual and uh why we are talking a lot about  this technology the thing is that uh this uh technology and development rapid development  of the virtual and mixed reality technology   tackled by the uh coveted pandemia what is the  connectivity just only two main factors which   uh connect the metaverse with the kovit pandemic  the first one is uh the covet pandemic bringing   the necessity for the rapid development  of the remote technologies and it brings   the necessity uh to appear more developed  remote technology like nowadays is the virtual   and augmented reality technology and this is  the metaverse metaverse is the next generation   of all those technologies the second factor is  that the govit pandemic taught us to stay at home   and to organize all our work and all our activity  from home no other factor than the kobit pandemi   would be able to do that it just only covet funded  me did it and just only go with funding me provoke   uh development of the metaverse in this case  for me for example i consider the metaverse not   the idea technological innovation i consider it  more the govit pandemic technological innovation   now about the challenges of the metaverse  what is the challenge is nowadays the main   challenge of the metaverse is to is the  accessibility uh to the white society the metaphor   should become accessible easily accessible cheap  for the wide society otherwise this project   will be unsuccessful and how it becomes widely  accessible nowadays it's very expensive technology   as i emphasize the prices of the oculus hololens  that it's there are the gloves t-shirts and etc   these are very very expensive units and it should  be cut down the price should be cut down and   then might be it will be possible for the wide  uh society i would like to give you example   of the smartphone evolution 10 years ago  the smartphone was not widely accessible   and nowadays it is nowadays smartphones are very  very strong and much more developed units than it   was 10 years ago we have 5g connectivity we have  12 million pixel multiple cameras and we have   multiple core processors and huge amount of  the random access memory and the gigabytes of   the hard disk and the long life batteries and  it's about twice cheaper and why it's happened   what caused it where is the reason why it's  happened and the reason is here this is   the technology this is the new technology  which was developed during those 10 years which   cut down the prices of the smartphone rise the  functionality their parameters and make therefore   widely accessible these smartphones so this is the  new technology should be developed and those new   technologies should be developed based on the  state-of-the-art research scientific research   so this is the connectivity and this is the area  uh the field where the companies nowadays make   their investment we know that the former facebook  did a huge investment in the development of the   metaverse the microsoft and other git companies  do the investment and they invest in what   they invest in the research development activity  so scientific state-of-the-art scientific research   should bring the new technologies and the new  technologies itself will decrease the prices   of the metaverse become its uh more uh widely  accessible and that's what's happened with the   smartphone and the same should happen to the  metaverse otherwise the metaphors will not be   a successful project now i'd like to give you the  some trends of the research development activity   of the metaverse first of all this is the  development of soft so-called the fast geometry   this is the geometry modeling method which  will bring the balance between the performance   and the the quality of the 3d scene you know  performances the quality of the scene are fighting   with each other those two parameters don't like  each other it means that for example if i have   the good quality of the 3d scene and i like it in  my headsets then might be i will lose performance   what does it mean it means that if i try  to play table tennis i will feel suddenly   that the system not follow fast and it's slow  in response and i can play the table tennis in   such kind of metaverse but if i would like to rise  the performance and rise the system respond then i   have to decrease a little bit uh the quality of  the 3d thing and here it is the question how to   find the balance so i'm very capricious user i  would like to have good quality and i have to   i i want to see that the system  is follow me so it's quite fast   and the balance should be fined through  the new geometry modeling methods   why because the metaverse theme consists  with the geometry description of the objects   and it's very very important to have the right  methods for geometry modeling which will ensure   finding the balance between the performance and  the quality second uh trend is developments so   called the visualization engines engines are not  units this is the fact of the computer programs   library of the program and this set of  programs ensure the computer graphics inside of   the metaverse steam and those programs should  be compatible to the wide range of the platforms   and i would like to emphasize the cheap platforms  it should not be it should not require the   expensive and powerful computers and notebooks  otherwise it will not be widely uh usable   and also it should be compatible to the  different uh the hardware platforms and   software platforms never need the installation  and downloading something and installing something   on my units and might be might be the web  technologies and the browser technologies   are the good solution in this direction  and the third one is development of   machine learning algorithms for data processing  because in inside of the network thing there are   a lot of calculations which are carried out inside  and we need very well developed machine learning   algorithms here and also we need the special  decision-making algorithms for this token speak uh   things these are the scenes where unpredictable  uh things can be happen and unpredictable not to   determine the situation will be appear inside of  the scenes this this i call this stochastic things   and in those cases we need a very good  well-developed decision-making algorithms for sure   those three research development trends um never  includes uh the research development activity   uh for the hardware all those units we  already see in my presentation needs also   future development and new technologies  in order to cut down the price   and to make them more widely accessible okay  at the in the end as a backup i would like to give you example of the uh application  which worked inside of the browser this   is augmented reality application which can be  activated in your browsers just try this link   and the application will be activated immediately  you never need to install something or download   something you you have to activate just camera and  once it's happened then you can put on your table   the atlas detector let me hide you what  is the atlas detector this is the huge   scientific facility but you can put that facility  on your table and through the mobile phone   you can go inside and learn the structure and  anatomy of the atlas detector also you have the   touch control through the finger you can zoom  in zoom out or move move the object so you can   testify what is the level of the development of  the browser technologies the geometry modeling   methods and the web-based engines uh uh what the  possibility they give us to develop the metaverse   scenes here we are right now today and that was  my last slide i would like to thank you for your   attention i'll be glad to have your questions  or comments uh on my email longest email address   send me please and we can continue this discussion  of let me tell you there's some clever experts   making uh the prediction that the metaverse will  come in our everyday life after two or three   years so in this case i would like to tell you  goodbye still after two years in the metaverse bye


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