New Jersey Institute of Technology en Español - Full Episode The College Tour en Español

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(inspiring music) Welcome to New Jersey Institute of Technology, better known as NJIT. This amazing public polytechnic university was founded as Newark Technical School in 1881 to ensure that New Jersey industries will always have the most qualified workforce. Located in Newark, New Jersey, and being one of 35 polytechnic universities in the country, NJIT has been fulfilling and expanding that mission ever since. And that is supported by the fact that NJIT is New Jersey's number one public university in terms of return on investment. I'm your host, Lorena Segura, and for the next half hour we will travel through this thriving campus to meet students attending NJIT right now, as well as its incredible faculty and alumni.

We will hear real stories about the great effort that is required to earn your STEM degree and the opportunities this endeavor creates. The drive these NJIT Highlanders have is inspiring. So let me hear a “RollTech!” Welcome to NJIT, this is The College Tour! (upbeat music) Its reputation is forged thanks to the results of its graduates. Let's learn about those results through a recent graduate from NJIT, Ricky. While he was here, he did internships at prestigious companies such as Apple and Google and now he has an amazing job right on the outskirts of NJIT. But I'll let Ricky tell you.

Ricky, go ahead! (upbeat music) Thanks, Lorena. Hello. Nice to meet you. When I was a child, I didn't know if I wanted to go to a university. Neither of my parents got a degree. So. Why would I go? But one day during my senior year of high school, I decided go to a college fair and that day I discovered NJIT.

At that event I also discovered NJIT’s Educational Opportunity Program, better known here as EOP. I learned that this program specifically helps First-generation students and others to get a head start on their college success. I met more than 100 students just like me, the first in their families to go to college. I also discovered academic groups, professional groups and also the opportunity to do academic research. The most important thing I got from that experience was the friends I made and when the semester started I already had 100 friends I could ask for support in my first year. During my sophomore year I made a breakthrough in my college career.

I spent my summer doing academic research on coronavirus using information extracted from Twitter. I was able to analyze millions of tweets about the United States using Python, a programming language that I learned during my first year here at NJIT. In my junior year I made another breakthrough in my college career. I got two internships as a software engineer, one with Apple and the other with Google. And once again, in my 4th year, I returned to Google, to sunny Los Angeles thanks to my experience with Python. These two companies have left a tremendous mark on my career and I give thanks to NJIT for preparing me for those opportunities.

Today I continue my programming career with Prudential, close to NJIT. If you want to contact me, please contact the NJIT Alumni Office. Now back to you, Lorena.

(upbeat music ends) Ricky, your story is inspiring. Counting on a network of students with similar backgrounds has given you the opportunity to succeed here in NJIT, and you made the most of it. And from having an internship with Google in Los Angeles to get a full-time position here at Prudential is an incredible journey. Thanks again, Ricky.

NJIT was the first to offer a Bachelor's degree program in Forensic Science in New Jersey. Alixs, who is in her third year of Forensic Science, with a specialty in Biology, is here to tell us about this fascinating career. I don't know about you, but I love a good crime drama on TV but here in NJIT, they separate reality from television. Alixs, the scene is all yours.

(upbeat music) Thank you very much, Lorena. Hello, everyone. How are you? I am a Third-year student at NJIT, majoring in Forensic Sciences.

There are two reasons why I decided to transfer to NJIT. It is a school in which I am sure that I will receive an excellent education and it is not too far from home. You may wonder what Forensic Science is. Forensic Science is a broad area of ​ disciplines that apply scientific methods to evidence, in both civil and criminal cases. The reason why NJIT is the best place to study Forensic Science is because it's a science-focused university and every forensic scientist needs a strong foundation in science. The NJIT faculty wants you to be successful in your studies and focus on your personal and professional development, so that you are prepared for any challenge in the future.

My professors are experts in their field and want their students to always be aware of new developments in science. For this reason, they bring special guests in different areas of forensic science to give us talks. They organize excursions to laboratories and coroners’ offices. And NJIT has careers in highly specialized fields like fintech, cybernetic psychology, industrial design, data science, and the list goes on. If you're interested in a career in STEM at NJIT, they have courses for you. One of the things I liked about NJIT is that I have been able to connect my academic interests and my social life.

If you are someone who is interested in extracurricular activities NJIT offers a number of student organizations. I have had the opportunity to be a part of NJIT Green. It is an organization that fights for climate change, and tries to make students aware of how to live a more sustainable life inside and outside of NJIT. That's all from me. We return to you, Lorena. (upbeat music) I had no idea how much practical and laboratory work that Forensic Science requires and yours is just one of many innovative careers at NJIT. With a degree in FinTech and Cybernetic Psychology, among others, NJIT prepares its students for all new technology jobs.

Take care, Alixs, and good luck on your first case. Here, many of the students come from New Jersey, or the New York City and Philadelphia regions. I present to you Alejandra, a student who chose NJIT and comes from Madrid.

Not only does she study Media and Communications, she was also named America’s Rookie of the Year in the America East Conference in women's basketball. Alejandra, it's your turn. (upbeat music) Thank you very much, Lorena. Hello, everyone. This is my first year at NJIT. I am from Madrid, Spain and I am part of the Basketball Team of the university.

This season, they gave me the American East Rookie of the Year award, something I’m very happy about. Changing countries and leaving so many things behind is something that is very difficult But the friendships I've made thanks to NJIT has made college feel a little more like a second home. My favorite part of this experience is being part of a sports team, not just because NJIT is Division I, but also because it has taught me to keep a balance between studies and sport. There are so many great things at NJIT. The location is amazing, being so close to New York City.

The campus is only 20 minutes from Manhattan. The facilities are also amazing From my favorite building, the Wellness and Events Center, to the dorms, including the newest, Maple Hall, which is where we are right now. And I really believe that it doesn't matter where you come from in the world, because NJIT makes you feel a little closer to home, despite the distance. From here on out, I’m following a good athletic path, focusing more on my studies, and above all, continuing to meet people and having super beautiful experiences that surely will stay with me forever.

And that's me. Bringing it back to you, Lorena. (upbeat music ends) (buzzer and crowd cheering) What a wonderful achievement you have had in your first year, Alejandra. The Wellness and Events Center is a beautiful facility and it must be an amazing place to attend a game. Best of luck to you in the upcoming season. Glad you found the home court advantage in playing here at NJIT. Now we continue with someone with great experience.

Bob graduated from NJIT when it was still Newark College of Engineering, and was highly successful. To begin with, he created the largest Hispanic civil engineering company in New Jersey and third largest in the country. Now, he remains at NJIT,making a difference for the next generation. Bob, tell us. (Latin music) Thank you, Lorena.

I'm proud to have graduated from NJIT. I have been fortunate to have built the largest Hispanic engineering company in New Jersey and the third largest in the country. My education at NJIT is the foundation of my success. After receiving my degree, I started working as a design engineer, and I progressed to be Project Manager and Associate of the company. After 14 years, I founded my own company, Medina Consultants and I grew it for the next 20 years.

Then I merged my company with one of the largest international engineering firms of the world, which allowed me to focus more on sharing my experience with small businesses. I have sat on many boards and committees, helping to shape their direction, including on the county Chamber of Commerce, state economic growth councils, and engineering associations. I am now serving as the first Hispanic Chair on the NJIT Board of Overseers providing a critical link to the business community, and overseeing scholarship opportunities for students. I helped found NJIT’s Hispanic and Latinx Leadership Council, which has a mission to enroll more Hispanic students.

To support this goal, NJIT takes into account the Hispanic community in every decision, from community outreach, to pre-college programs, to on-campus clubs and groups. Creating an environment where Hispanic students can feel at home Is fundamental. My success is just one example. The things we are doing here at NJIT will ensure that Hispanic students now and in the future become leaders in their industries. Thank you very much, Lorena.

(Latin music) Thanks, Bob. With examples like yours, it's easy to see how NJIT produces success stories. Your generosity in staying involved at the university and improving the lives of students is admirable. Keep it up! Each story here at NJIT is unique, and not all have the same beginning, but they can all end in success. Let's hear from Johmary, who transferred from a community college and is now dedicated to their passion as a student of Industrial Design. Johmary, your time to shine has come.

(upbeat Latin music) Thanks, Lorena, and hello everyone! Growing up in a culture as vibrant and colorful as that of the Dominican Republic awakened in me an interest in art and design. That interest has followed me to the United States, where, thanks to my parents, I have been able to dedicate myself to my passion. I started my first year of college at a community college, and although I didn't know what career I wanted to study, my dream stayed the same: Being an independent woman, with my own business, where I could be creative. It was then that I discovered industrial design, the perfect career for me, since it is a combination of art, engineering and business. What I like the most is that it focuses on the user. I can design products, systems and services from cars, furniture and even beauty products.

When it came time to transfer, I chose NJIT for all the opportunities it offers. It is one of the few universities that offers a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Design. The program is based on research and values innovation and sustainability. In addition to researching and designing products I have had the opportunity to be a part of the Highlander Foundry at VentureLink, where I took a product I designed and learned how to make a business plan to present to investors.

My experience at NJIT wouldn't be the same without the people here. One of my favorite things about NJIT is the friendships I've made during my studies They all come from different backgrounds and have unique personalities. In the last two years, I have grown more than I ever imagined. With each passing day, I get closer to becoming the person that that girl in the Dominican Republic dreamed of being. Well, my people, this has been my story.

We're back with you, Lorena. (upbeat Latin music) Johmary, listenting to your story makes me want to take a flight to the Dominican Republic to get to know that vibrant and colorful culture of which you speak. Industrial design is a fascinating field and I didn't know it was useful in so many industries.

Your path from community college to NJIT shows just one of the many paths to success that exist here. Thanks again and that was great. Let's go to the computer lab and meet Rafael, who is in his second year, studying Computer Science. Rafael came to the United States looking for opportunities and found them here in NJIT. He has made great strides and has been very involved here on campus.

But let’s hear more from him. Rafael, now it’s your turn. (upbeat music) Thanks, Lorena. Hi! From a very young age, I’ve been a very curious person. Since I came to the United States, the opportunities I have had have grown into great aspirations. When looking at universities, the most important thing was to find a place that would challenge me intellectually and provide me with opportunities.

NJIT caught my attention immediately. When I started my journey at the university, I was able to take classes related to the Computer Science major, which amplified that immense curiosity. That, along with my advisors at NJIT, gave me enough courage to go out into the real world and show everyone what I am capable of. I have accomplished a great deal in my time here at NJIT from becoming a Scholarship Manager for NACME (National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering), to tutoring my fellow Computer Science students.

I am proud that NJIT has given me the tools to achieve my goals. NJIT prioritizes hands-on learning, both inside and outside of the classroom. This summer I will be working on research together with a professor of Data Sciences. And last year, I placed in the top three

in the NJIT Bottle Rocket Challenge. My next steps in this industry are to continue studying and take advantage of everything NJIT has to offer. Our Career Development Services Office organizes career fairs twice a year where companies come looking to recruit students from NJIT and many of the representatives are also alumni of NJIT.

With all this going for me I am confident that I will have a great career ahead of me. Thanks, Lorena! (electronic music) Rafael, you are a true role model with your dedication to help other students with scholarships and tutoring. You are a true example.

I'm sure that this, along with your next investigative experience, will make your resume stand out even more. Well done, Rafael. One of the things that stands out most about NJIT is its intense focus on practical learning. Meet Maria, Distinguished Professor of Hillier College of Architecture and Design, who will share more about this initiative. From the Makerspace, to specialized laboratories throughout the campus and even a solar observatory in California NJIT offers the experience you need to thrive. Maria, it's all yours.

(electronic music) Hello, Lorena. I am delighted to participate in this tour. I'm an architect, I have a double facet as a practicing professional and a university professor. I am Spanish, originally from Madrid, where I founded my professional studio. I teach at the Hillier College of Architecture and Design. I am one of the coordinators of the architectural design studios.

Students have their own workspace, known as a studio. We propose exercises to students to develop architectural projects of different scales and themes, from actions in existing spaces, to entire buildings, to proposals for intervention in the field. The studio is not a conventional class, it is a space to think, draw, work on models, and talk about each other's ideas. You learn from both the teacher and your classmates.

You establish work relationships and friendships that last a lifetime. I know from personal experience: my business partner was my classmate and I am still in contact with many students from other years. NJIT has a lot of things that make it special and for me, one of the most interesting is the great diversity and the feeling of equality that exists.

It is very easy to feel welcome. Teamwork is encouraged, students are prepared for their professional future. Here, creativity is taught and learned as much as any other discipline. It is always a satisfaction accompanying students on Graduation Day. Time goes by so fast. Their journey through school leaves them a different way of seeing life a way of thinking that uses the hands to produce dreams and realities that don’t exist yet, that looks to the future from the knowledge of the past and that proposes different ways of living for society.

Here I say goodbye, Lorena. I hope everyone enjoyed the visit. (electronic music) Maria, the knowledge and experience you bring to New Jersey from a world center of architecture like Madrid, is an asset that your students will appreciate. And your colleagues bring unique backgrounds that further enrich the student experience.

Thanks again, and I would love to meet you in Madrid one day. Rosnardy studies Civil Engineering at the Newark College of Engineering here at NJIT. Something that may surprise you about Rosnardy is that she already has a job, full-time, waiting for her after graduation. Part of NJIT’s mission is to increase Hispanic representation in STEM careers and she is just one of many examples of NJIT fulfilling that mission. Now it's your turn, Rosnardy. (Latin music) Thanks, Lorena. My interest in engineering started in elementary school.

As the youngest daughter of immigrant parents, the thought of going to college always felt like a long shot. However, when I visited NJIT, I felt like I belonged and was able to learn about its great Civil Engineering Program. The Civil Engineering Program has been rigorous, but it has exposed me to different disciplines, such as structural, geotechnical, environmental, transportation, hydro resources and construction.

In addition to the curriculum, the Department of Civil Engineering offers different skills to put into practice everything we have learned like the Concrete Canoe Team, the Steel Bridge Team, and recently, the 3D-Printed Bridge Competition. During my years here, I have had the privilege of working with amazing professors, faculty members and students. I currently serve on the Executive Board as Secretary of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, where we organize events to provide and help Hispanics in our community.

Thanks to NJIT’s career fairs, I had the opportunity to do an internship at Turner Construction Company, where I was able to work with an incredible team and watched a project come to life. I am happy to say that after I graduate I will return to Turner to work, full-time. NJIT not only helped me be the first in my family to graduate but it also gave me friendships and knowledge that I treasure today. These years have been the best of my life and I will always remember them.

That's all from me. Back to you, Lorena. (Latin music ends) What an inspiration, Rosnardy! Your story really demonstrates the infinite possibilities that are out there for everyone here at NJIT. At the moment, NJIT is number one in the whole country among medium-sized universities, according to The New York Times. NJIT does everything possible for you to succeed here. Thanks for telling your story.

I present to you Martín, who is in his last year, studying Business. Something you may not know is that NJIT, although it is better known for engineering, computer science and sciences also has an excellent management school. Today, business and technology go hand in hand and to learn more about the future of finance tell us, Martín.

(light upbeat music) Thank you very much for the introduction, Lorena! Hello! I am in my last year at NJIT, studying Business with a minor in Finance. I am also Captain of the Volleyball Team and President of the NJIT Investment Fund. I am very glad that I chose NJIT as my university. I decided to study here because of everything they offer you between sports, its location and most importantly, a quality education.

I have made very good friends. I have lived very good experiences and I have been academically trained at a high level. My Business major is preparing me for the workforce. It is a very competitive industry and I am sure that I will be adequately prepared. We have access to all kinds of technology at NJIT. When it comes to finance, the resource I use the most at the university is the Ray Cassetta Bloomberg Lab.

We have Bloomberg monitors, technology and terminals that are used by the most competitive financial entities. Having hands-on experience with the latest financial technologies really gives us an advantage when doing job interviews. Something that distinguishes NJIT in the area of ​​business and administration beyond technology, is its ability to quickly identify new areas of opportunities, like in real estate. Here at the Profeta real estate lab, they are dedicated to educating professionals working in the industry, as well as the students, creating a dynamic environment.

My next step in my professional training is going to be a Master's degree in real estate. I have learned that investing in my education and becoming the best I possibly can will be the greatest advantage for when I join the workforce. Thanks. Lorena, back to you. (light upbeat music) Martín, it's great that you're already investing in the next step in your education preparing you for the high-tech future of real estate. With everything you're doing here at NJIT, opportunities will be within your reach. I'll be sure to look you up when I'm ready to purchase an oceanfront property.

Let's hear from a staff member, Alberto. He is an Associate Director in the Admissions Office, who not only helps students navigate the path to college, but has also started his own path to obtain his Master’s degree here at NJIT. Alberto? (upbeat music) Hi Lorena, thanks for the introduction! Greetings, my people! Since I was a child, my parents always talked to me about the importance of education and with that idea in mind, they immigrated from the Dominican Republic to give me and my siblings the opportunity to study in the United States.

I have been at NJIT since 2015 and now I am an Associate Director in the Admissions Office. I have seen first-hand how NJIT changes the lives of our students. Students come in as First-year or transfer students and graduate with the skills necessary to be successful in high-demand industries. Many students go on to Fortune 500 companies like Lockheed Martin and Microsoft.

Being a father of two, I want to teach my children the value of education like my parents did for me. So I started my Master's degree at NJIT to lead by example. NJIT offers programs with flexible schedules and class formats, something that is important to me because I wanted to find a balance between being a parent, professional and a student.

NJIT professors have industry experience and are experts in the field they teach. Classes are practical, collaborative, and provide interdisciplinary experiences. All this has been really beneficial for my growth as a student and in my work in the Admissions Office. NJIT offers a quality education at an affordable price, at a beautiful campus located only 20 minutes outside of New York City. Take it from me, as an employee who has first-hand experience as a student there is no better place for your child or mine.

To start your journey here at NJIT, please visit our website or contact me. I would love to guide you through all the steps. NJIT makes a difference in the lives of our students.

It has made a difference in mine. See you soon, here in Highlander Nation. It has been a pleasure. Take care, my people! Back to you, Lorena.

(upbeat music ends) Alberto, you represent NJIT as an exceptional ambassador. You really show the family essence of NJIT. I wish you much success in your studies and I have a feeling that some of your little ones will also enroll here in the future.

Sending you a hug, Alberto. I want to thank everyone for sharing with us today your experiences at NJIT. Your stories made it clear why Money Magazine named NJIT as #14 in its list of the ‘Best Universities in the Country.’ An education at NJIT is an investment with returns that last a lifetime. Don't forget to learn more about New Jersey Institute of Technology for yourself.

We hope to see you soon on campus and thank you all. (upbeat music)


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