New Computer Breakthrough is Defying the Laws of Physics

New Computer Breakthrough is Defying the Laws of Physics

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for years we relied on Moore's Law the idea  that the number of transistors on a chip doubles   approximately every 2 years and it has led to  exponential growth in computing power powering   the digital revolution up until now however  this rate is slowing down and we are bumping   into some hard physical limits in this video I  will break down a new computer chip which will   escape the lab already this year and might break  through all the limits there are many billions of   personal computers and approximately 100 million  servers operating worldwide and soon we could   have a cloud for every person with artificial  intelligence embedded everywhere and this consume   tremendous amount of energy but why physicists  have been asking this question for a long time   but it wasn't until 1961 when Rolf Landauer at  IBM discovered a surprising answer information   has a cost each bit of information costs us  energy and that is tied to the laws of physics   particularly thermodynamics and since then it  became known as a Landauer Limit which states   that for every operation you perform you need  to expand a minimum amount of energy in fact   flipping a bit from zero to one costs us  that much energy at room temperature and   that's an incredibly small number typically  we should not care but when you're computing   billions or trillions of bits like the latest  NVIDIA GPU for example it all adds up consuming   lots of energy but what do we get for this energy  we get information as the output the result of the   operation what's interesting almost 100% of the  energy in the modern computer chips are dissipated   as heat so essentially wasted now just think for  a moment what if we could store this energy in   the system and recycle it to reuse it for future  computations could we build a chip that runs at no   energy at all never heating up and breaking the  Landauer Limit in the times of Landauer it was   neither possible nor practical however a new chip  which is coming out this year might break this   limit why do we care about breaking this limit in  fact for the past 60 years semiconductor industry   was able to exponentially reduce the amount of  energy spent per bit on each operation because   the transistors we're getting smaller operating  voltage going down capacitor you need to charge   is getting smaller so you spend less and less  energy per bit on each operation and that's   beautiful what's happening right now is that  even though the Landauer Limit is very small   we are getting very close to it right now we are  just a few orders of magnitude away from it when   you talk to chip designers one of the things that  you will hear is that oh we are so far away from   Landauer's Limit right and this is true and false  at the same time because yes we're fairly far away   but with CMOS we're not it's CMOS the problem in  CMOS we're actually basically we're basically at   the end of the road right and so for us is that  sure Landauer's Limit is is super far away but   the point is seem it's already finished and so  what do we do we're going in this gap that is   between 1 Landauer and where we are today right  and where we can grow reversibly and no one else   can interestingly Landauer himself found that  actually it's reversibility that places a lower   limit on energy consumption later on my all-time  favorite Richard Feynman explored this problem in   depth questioning whether it might be possible  to surpass the Landauer Limit and actually he   concluded that there was no theoretical minimum  of energy required for computation if in the   process we do not lose the bits of information  essentially if we don't erase the data and that's   very interesting because for the entire history of  computing computer chips were built in a way that   we intentionally erase the information when it's  no longer needed this is the best understood by   an example if we take a simple logic gate which  all computer chips are constructed from an end   gate for example it's a very simple structure  that combines two input bits into one output   bit ensuring that multiple conditions are true  before allowing an action so if both inputs are   true both inputs are one it gives true so one  and the output if one of the inputs is zero it   gives an output of zero the problem is that all  modern computers implement so-called irreversible   logic which means once computed you cannot run  it simply backwards you cannot reproduce the   inputs looking back at the gate if I know that  I have zero at the output and I try to run the   operation in the reverse I can't reproduce it even  when I know that the output is zero I'm still not   clear what the input was there are many possible  combinations of inputs which gives me zero at the   output this kind of logic is irreversible so once  it's computed it's gone and you can't get it back   and the most important the energy is wasted but  what if we can build a computer where we don't   waste any information can we then recover this  energy Landauer himself proved it was possible   he found that the loss of energy was due to the  destruction of information not from the execution   of operation itself so if we were able to build  a reversible computer theoretically we could   compute using no energy at all it turns out that  when you use reversible сomputing you can really   kind of decouple the generation of heat from the  processing of information and it's difficult to   translate that into kind of terms where we could  construct logic but when you figure that out it   then allows you to in principle significantly  reduce the energy dissipation there by the energy   consumption of computing at first it's really hard  to comprehend just because most of the things we   experience in our lives are irreversible take  aging for example or when you pour hot coffee in   the mug it spreads heat to the mug right and into  the air and the coffee is cooling down and it's   irreversible without external intervention and we  know that from the Second Law of Thermodynamics   which says that the total entropy of the system  either stays the same or increases never decreases   what is even more interesting that the most  fundamental laws of physics are reversible   means if you know the state of a closed system  at some point you can always run it in reverse   and determine its state at any previous moment  if we take a game of billiards for example if   you film it it would look normal played forward  or backward because the physics of collisions is   the same so you could easily predict their past or  their future positions and the same reversibility   holds for Quantum Computing take D-Wave Quantum  Computer for example Quantum gates are always   reversible couldn't we just apply the same  principles to Conventional processors 60 years   ago Landauer considered this idea impractical back  then if we wanted to make computation reversible   we would need to store every input and every  intermediate result and doing so would quickly   fill up the memory but later on his colleague  Charles Bennett found another way he thought   what if instead of just storing intermediate  results in memory once the result is no longer   needed one could just reverse the computation  this has a huge advantage because in this case   we only need to store the result of the operation  and one of the inputs and then we can reverse it   back let's get back to our example if we take the  end gate and add an extra output copying one of   the original inputs then knowing this two values  we can reverse the operation if I know that the   output is zero and one of the inputs was one  I'm immediately certain that the second input   was zero with that I can reverse the operation or  decompute it getting back the energy that was used   in computation of course at the computer level  it's way more complicated but in principle we   understand now that it is possible to recover  the operation to reverse the operation but how   does it help us to get back the energy let's have  a look Vaire is a startup that is building the   first commercial reversible computer this computer  chip implements reversible logic which we've just   discussed so they took the standard logic gates  and adjusted them to work in reversible fashion   and typically it's quite a hustle but in this  case it's good that this is compatible with our   traditional manufacturing process process and of  course these gates are still take energy to switch   from zero to one but the trick is as long as this  energy is not dissipated as heat but stored in   the transistor they able to recover it at the  decomputation step and they're getting close   to it the first prototype is coming out already  this year it's kind of interesting so normally   reversible computing requires both a forward  and a backward step this isn't quite necessarily   true so it kind of depends on the paradigm of  reversible computing you're considering it is the   easiest approach to do reversible computing where  you compute one step forward and then one step   backwards and this is because you can embed any of  traditional algorithm that we've already developed   over the last 100 or so years of computing you  can embed that in a reversible computer by kind   of computing it forwards saving the output and  then decomputing kind of all of the intermediate   and temporary data that you generated and so kind  of this allows us to just automatically reversal   anything that we already have and save almost all  of the energy now let me guess what you thinking   how does computing twice help us to recover the  energy and it's a good one here they're actually   connecting the logic gates to a resonator through  the power rails and this is a very interesting   trick yeah we do that by essentially embedding the  reversible logic circuits in a resonant oscillator   currently it's a lc oscillator consisting of an  inductor and a capacitor which is a capacitance   of the logic as the energy slashes back and forth  so to speak between the logic and the resonator   or between different parts of the logic through  the inductor and the resonator you know only a   small fraction of it is dissipated and so you're  essentially recovering and recycling most of the   charging energy rather than dissipating it as  heat so that's kind of the basic principle well   a resonator is a kind of a pendulum that swings  it oscillates naturally back and forth and it's   just like a swinging pendulum that stars energy  as it moves in case of this computer chip instead   of a swinging pendulum we have a resonator  where at the resonance frequency energy is   bouncing back and forth between an inductor  and a capacitor and if there were no friction   it could bounce there forever on the up swing the  computation step is performed and the energy goes   to the logic charging the capacitor and on the  down swing decomputation step is performed and   the energy goes back to the resonator it's  a very clever way it took me quite some time   to understand this but essentially it comes down  to basic electronics if your logic gates seem as   a capacitor and you connect an inductor to it  and you make it to resonate the energy bounce   back and force and if you still haven't gotten it  just yet yet don't worry just swing through this   part once again of course in reality there will  be always some energy lost due to the parasitics   the resonator quality device characteristics  so we will need some energy to make it to   keep going what's interesting there is one more  trick they're using together with reversibility   they're using so-called Adiabatic Technique  for bringing the energy to the logic gates   for charging those capacitors this means that  instead of charging them abruptly they are slowly   ramping up the voltage with controlled current and this allows to further reduce the energy   consumption it turns out that if you are  following strictly the rules required for fully   Adiabatic switching it requires the logic to be  reversible you can't you can't erase information    under that constraint and so when you compute  some information and then you want to get rid of   it you have to then decompute it by essentially  doing the opposite of the transformation that   computed that information in the first place and  so that's the connection to a reversible logic   and with this approach they can theoretically  achieve energy efficiency gains of more than   three orders of magnitude compared to conventional  chips eliminate heat dissipation and potentially   break the Landauer Limit and this approach is  very promising for applications like machine   learning AI inference and in general for building  low power systems and the most exciting part that   their first prototype is coming out in early 2025  and I'm looking forward to see the measurement   results of how much energy they're actually able  to recover in practice and then recycle in the   system and at the same time they are working  on the next chip which is designed to perform   multiply-accumulate operations for AI influence  applications right now everyone is recycling zero   right we just need to prove that it's non-zero  right because the moment that we prove that is   non-zero and that we don't use more energy which  basically simulation suggest that's the case at   that point we know we open up the entire tech  tree for rest of computing and then becomes like   an engineering problem right of course when you're  pioneering a new approach to computing there are   many challenges to solve the first big trade-off  of this approach is area reversible logic takes   more space on the silicon and the resonator itself  is quite big it's in micrometer range with so much   effort going into shrinking transistors why would  we be willing to sacrifice area in this case well   in fact if you take the most powerful NVIDIA GPU  or an AMD GPU what's happening already now that   the big chunk of logic cannot be computing all  at once due to the power and thermal constraints   in conventional chips the performance per area  is not actually limited by the area taken by   individual logic gates it's limited by power  dissipation constraints right so you know at   least by a factor of 10 or 100 you know you could  compute much much faster right if it wasn't for   the power dissipation of the gates and there's a  lot of dark silicon on today's chips  because of   this you can't actually actively run you know  you can't tile the chip with gates that are   actively switching on every cycle it would just  overheat and so because of this you know we've   actually got some breathing room to play with you  know you could afford to spend a little more area   on your gates if you make them more energy  efficient and you could actually get greater   aggregate throughput per die area and the ongoing  trends building larger chips vertical integration   stacking chips on top of each other making the  situation even worse and apart of this of course   many challenges remain the first one has to do  with the technology and manufacturing building   reversible logic gates and building a high quality  resonator and then integrating them all together   into a single chip and on top of that they have  to build the whole software stack for this new   hardware and we know that's a lot of work what's  making it even more complicated is that typically   reversible computers require reversible algorithms  and reversible programming but luckily in this   case they manage to hide so to say all the  reversibility at the circuits level as we get   to more and more advanced reversible computers you  can generate more reversible algorithms which kind   of do not necessarily require these backward steps  but for now we can already get a lot of gains just   by adding in this extra backward step without  really sacrificing performance as I mentioned   in my previous videos I always admire people  who are pioneering new approaches to computing   because it's a lot of hard work which sometimes  take a decade but just think about it if we   could build a reversible computer which operates  adiabatically we could solve the biggest problem   the heat dissipation problem and then we could  truly go vertical stacking more chiplets on top of   each other building truly 3D chips and this could  open the whole new era in computing interestingly   there are alternative implementations of  reversible computers ongoing and one of   the prominent approaches is building reversible  computers with light and in general computing   with light is a very promising approach and I'm  working on one big episode about it so make sure   to subscribe not to miss it as the researchers  are working on a super conducting implementation   of reversible computers and also on the molecular  implementation using DNA but don't ask me how DNA   Computing works to me the new year is a perfect  time to develop new skills and take your career   to the next level this video is brought to you  by Boot.Dev the go-to platform for learning how   to code with Boot.Dev you can master back-end  development using Python and go in a self-paced   game like manner their platform guides you through  writing real code combining essential theory with   hands-on projects after all the best way to learn  programming is by building real world applications   as a computer engineering major I spent years  coding in C# and C++ but back then I didn't have   an opportunity to learn Python it wasn't until  I started working as a chip designer I realized   that Python is fundamental essential for scripting  and beyond and today knowing Python is a must have   skill for anyone in tech so if you're looking to  take your career to the next level Boot.Dev is   a perfect place to start use my 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2025-01-19 16:59

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