AWS re Invent 2020 Your fastest path from idea to impact Salesforce

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laughs [Music] [Music] two three [Music] thank you for joining us to learn more about the salesforce and aws strategic partnership my name is nick johnston vice president of strategic partnerships at salesforce and i'm joined today by janine banks gm of insights and enterprise tools at aws janine thank you so much for joining us to share your perspective on our expanded partnership thanks nick it's a pleasure to be here today and before we jump in i want to thank you our customers our partners and our amazing trailblazer community we're all facing unprecedented times and together we have an amazing opportunity to use technology to drive change and emerge stronger than ever from this global crisis and in today's world where virtual experiences are front and center customers are expecting the best digital experiences they've experienced anywhere as the standard digital experience they will receive everywhere and for companies to deliver on these rising expectations they need connected capabilities across their cloud infrastructure and data strategy as well as their business apps to provide those seamless experiences and at salesforce we deliver these seamless experiences via our customer 360 platform which provides the world's leading business applications platform to provide a single source of truth to deliver amazing customer success however we know that salesforce will rarely be the only technology that a company is using to create that single view of the customer and that's where our partnership with aws provides differentiated value as a way to extend the salesforce customer 360 platform with the leading public cloud technology and so the salesforce and aws strategic partnership is intended to provide joint customers with the fastest path from idea to impact and is grounded on our shared value of customer success and customers also benefit from our shared focus on innovation between our companies so our complementary technology can be used together to help our customers achieve their goals faster and aws is also a trusted infrastructure partner for salesforce supporting our own move to the public cloud and enabling salesforce to launch in new regions and our partnership is expansive we've grown significantly in the last year with many new innovations for our joint customers and we'll be covering many of these topics in more detail today but the capabilities you see here are focused on helping our customers more effectively deliver new digital experiences across our platforms with new and improved ways to move secure and visualize data janine in your role as gm of enterprise insights and tools at aws you get to see so many great examples of how technology can enable amazing customer experiences as you see the scope of the capabilities that we offer now to our joint customers what excites you the most about the progress we've made together thanks nick i'm most excited about how customers are leveraging these powerful capabilities to innovate and improve the performance of their organizations most customers that i talk to they tell me that their organizations are transforming in different ways whether it is building new products new business models or finding new ways to engage their customers but in almost all of these conversations i hear a common theme and it's possibilities it's the idea of trying new things experimenting at a lower cost constantly adapting to realize the organization's long-term potential and that's why offerings like salesforce private connect and salesforce service cloud are so important transformation it's not easy it's critical to have a foundation that's secure reliable and scalable it includes putting strong governance and controls in place that makes it easy to optimize cost and enable compliance so once you have that foundation what customers tell us is that now they can take advantage of all these broad capabilities to enable engaging and intelligent omni-channel experiences it's a it's a great response and janine thank you for that perspective uh let's get into more details about more specifics the things you just covered private connect service cloud voice some amazing innovations we built together and let's actually start there with service cloud voice so i'd like yeah i'd like to jump in and just give a little context for service cloud voice and we'll also we'll also show it in action so service cloud voice with amazon connect enables customers to deliver intelligent telephony capabilities as a native channel inside of service cloud resulting on improved agent productivity and improved customer satisfaction and in today's work from anywhere world service cloud voice with amazon connect also provides a cloud-based telephony capability that empowers customer service agents to work from wherever they need to be while also providing unique supervisor insights to real-time customer transcripts and customer sentiment to support agent coaching from anywhere with service cloud voice the amazon connect setup experience is also native inside the service cloud platform there's no need to download an external connector so let's take a deeper look at the transformative experiences that service cloud voice can provide now let's take a look at how you can get started with service cloud voice setting up your amazon connect cloud telephony with service cloud voice is simple as an admin user log into your salesforce org and go to setup search for voice setup then enable service cloud next you'll need to create a new contact center name it then provision amazon connect into your selected region simply add users and you're ready to go let's switch over to the amazon connect platform for a moment to customize what happens when customers call your contact center create prompts and interactive voice response decisions for agents assigned routing profiles to determine how calls are routed to agents and lastly turn on call recording and call transcription now when a customer places a call agents can accept the call in the omnichannel widget and service cloud just like they do for cases and messaging channels intuitive call controls let agents transfer mute hold and end calls all without leaving the service console for example here's a call coming in from tom a customer whose account has expired the agent can already see what the customer is calling about so they're ready to efficiently handle the call with a full view into purchase history customer conversations and contact information agents can deliver more proactive and personalized service real-time call transcription captures the call as it's progressing so agents can focus on resolving customer issues instead of taking notes of verbatim transcription also launches on-call productivity tools for agents here tom's question about account renewal launches a next best action by using keyword spotting the agent can then use a lightning flow to update the customer's account after the call is complete the call recording and transcript are connected to the customer profile supervisors see phone calls in their console along other channels they make data-driven decisions as they keep track of kpis and service cloud voice analytics dashboards help them see what's happening supervisors can view real-time data such as call volume average handle time and more phone is still the number one channel for customer service and it's more important than ever that companies offer connected personalized and efficient experience to customers over the phone service cloud voice with pre-integrated amazon connect does just that pretty cool to see some of that uh native integration and seeing that real-time transcript in action and what's also been great to see is since we've launched we've already had dozens of customers go live and and we've seen some pretty impressive results so i'd like to highlight our very first customer of service cloud voice uh julie o'donnell from connect rn and they've seen some great success they were able to get live within a month and scale to take over three times the typical call volume due to the improved routing and increased productivity that they received from service cloud voice it's just a great example of i've seen that the benefits of bringing salesforce and aws together in action for our customers so janine you know it's pretty exciting stuff that our customers are able to transform in such a unique way with service cloud voice and amazon connect and and while we've had a basic integration capability with amazon connect for some time what do you think aws customers should understand about the new value we're bringing with amazon connect natively embedded inside of service cloud voice yeah absolutely it's a it's a powerful combination uh when we think about a recent study that was done uh in salesforce that's engaged in this study where it showed 30 of consumers are contacting customer service centers more than they did last year and so to handle all of these requests i mean there's many more contacts that you have to make and service agents have to handle so we see these contact centers are transforming themselves to operate more efficiently and this is a really important role that remote work and digital plays in this transformation so salesforce service cloud pre-integrated with amazon connect helps customers tap right in to aws machine learning and ai services like so many thousands of other customers like cox automotive and expedia nfl and ge healthcare you know historically most contact centers were in physical buildings and house their service agent teams but in march and april alone this year over five thousand contact centers were set up on amazon connect so these are huge call volumes and the only way to really handle that much volume is to take advantage of the ai powered self-service and other best practices that are built right in and so by being an ai enabled by default this allows agents to immediately interact improve customer service we hear customers talk about uh improved engagement scores uh net promoter scores it's pretty common um the other thing is that customers benefit from the natural text-to-speech right we have a customer hancock where they said you know why be you know completely held down having your customers interact with a legacy ivr when you say press one or press two to speak with no that's replaced with natural text-to-speech you can personalize messages in real time based on what you know about the customer their history as well as being able to predict what will happen and what offerings or actions make sense for that specific customer and this is possible with services like amazon lux which builds conversational interfaces into any application including the crm and this enables natural language understanding which is really powerful also amazon connect embedded within self-service cloud voice leverages ai to transcribe calls like we saw and this helps agents to see caller sentiment in real time to be able to react and surface insights as well as spotting trends over time yeah those are those are great insights and i think the the thing that we've been hearing from service cloud customers they've loved so much is the fact that all those services that you just mentioned are pre-bundled with service cloud voice and amazon connect so you're not only getting the powerful capabilities of cloud telephony with amazon connect but you're also getting the amazing services that you just mentioned automatically bundled with service cloud to work for the use cases that our customers expect inside the agent desktop so pretty powerful stuff so let's continue to talk about powerful things that we're bringing together for customers around connected platform and how we're helping customers better move secure and visualize data so what we'll start there with appflow and jeannine i'd love if you could help talk a little bit about app flow as one of the product leaders at aws that led the strategy here and help us understand how app flow with salesforce can be a part of a customer's 360 degree view strategy absolutely what we've learned over the past few years with our long-standing partnership between aws and salesforce is that customers are hungering to do more with our platforms together and so we talk to many different customers and work backwards from their request and they told us the different ways that we could make that easier and so one of those ways is integrating the flow of data there are a number of pain points that customers can face when trying to move their data across the cloud but not when they're using salesforce and aws together now with amazon outflow because the data is protected it's not exposed to the public internet they're able to take advantage of all the powerful objects that they have in salesforce including their opportunities their accounts contacts leads cases the list goes on and to be able to map that data right into their aws services in particular we see a number of use cases that customers really want to get going right away and outflow is helping them do that in a matter of hours the most days for example the 360 view of their customers customers have information about the journey within various different applications in the cloud whether those are like workday and of course salesforce and using other applications and they want to bring that full view together into their data lakes on aws and then they also want to build unique and powerful analytics for example let me know what the lead scores are no longer you want to do that in a manual archaic way where you sort of guess how warm leads are when they're ready for your sales team how about use ai services on aws to be able to generate and predict those scores or customer engagement sentiment or even employee retention it goes on and so customers have told us they want to get this full view and using these services together aws and salesforce without flow is making that possible another use case we see is automating workflows for example with the sales force today has this powerful capability for leveraging business events whether those events are opportunities that ship to close or those are new support cases service cases that are opened those events drive business they drive workflow and so customers want to be able to generate data flows that happen when those events happen and that's exactly what amazon outflow makes possible in enabling that kind of automation plus appflow has a bunch of built-in transformations you know you can map different data fields and combine and compute new fields from existing data you can mask different values and also validate that information before you load it into your data lake or into your analytics so we see those different types of use cases and for example with expedia a customer is using outflow to integrate salesforce and aws they wanted to build their data pipeline into their data lake and they want to bring various different applications together but the most important their crown jewel was their salesforce data and so by simplifying that but also being able to back that data up into amazon s3 they saw some immediate results for example they were able to simplify their integrations which led to reducing costs by nearly 40 percent yeah that's amazing and and you talked about data being the crown jewel for a company and and i think one of the also really interesting parts of how we've approached the strategy with with appflow together is through private connect so i want to talk a little bit about private connect where appflo may enable the movement of data between salesforce and aws and private connect for aws specifically is a capability that creates a secure tunnel between a customer's sales force environment and their aws services so data never hits the open web as you mentioned earlier janine and this easy to configure capability has been a significant benefit for many of our joint customers specifically those in regulated industries and those with strong data security requirements so it's been it's been an amazing amazing journey with you and excited to see more customers adopt appflo and private connect together but when we we're talking about not only data movement but data visualization as well and that's where our strategy with tableau is so important and tableau enables customers to power their analytics in the cloud native connections into aws services multiple deployment options both a cloud version and an on-prem version to really drive interactive analysis of the data sets that may live in s3 or may live in redshift and do so at scale without that data ever actually needing to move from its source pretty powerful things that a customer can do to bring that data to life inside the salesforce customer 360. and we're also seeing some amazing success from from joint customers here at experian being a great example of how they've used aws and tableau together to incorporate very rich data sets accelerate their time to go live and truly bring enterprise insights to everyone across the company as well as their customers to transform in new ways and then as we think about another use case for moving data mulesoft a super important part of the salesforce customer 360 and integration strategy and allowing customers to deliver connected experiences from a trusted enterprise integration platform and create connections maybe to other applications not just between salesforce and aws but other third-party systems with over hundreds of pre-built connectors on the anypoint exchange uh simplified process for being able to speed up integration and oh by the way it runs on aws and can be deployed to a customer's aws environment pretty exciting stuff and jeannine we talked about appflow we talked about private connect as ways to to move data between salesforce and aws we talked about tableau as a way to visualize data in a super powerful way and then mulesoft is a part of a broader integration strategy can you share a little bit more about the feedback that we're getting from customers about where where they're seeing the value around app flow and private connect and some of the most common use cases sure you know one of the things as i was saying earlier is around how they want to remove that boundary in terms of networks right uh if i'm a sales person or a marketing manager or a sales leader i don't want to think about networks and how to set things up so that my data flows securely between these environments and so that's what we're really simplifying for customers where you don't need any networking skills you can save a lot of time knowing that the data is protected not exposed to the public internet using private connect and ultimately you're going to get rapid time to insight by getting data where it needs to be driving insights and analytics on that data but here's the other powerful part with outflow we're using private connect to bring that together is that you not only bring data into your aws data lakes and analytics as well as into tableau but you're also able to bring that data back into salesforce and i want to see in my account that account retention information or satisfaction information i talked about earlier or for my leads i want to see those lead scores right back in those records so that i can be enabled on the spot to be able to respond to those leads in a timely fashion and the same thing with service cloud voice being able to have that information that service agent needs right at their fingertips and anticipating what the customer's needs are the next best action for that service agent to take having those insights right there is really the power of these tools working together i i totally agree and and when you talk about the power of the tools working together we can only go so far as our community of trailblazers and developers and admins who know how to use these tools together and can power power their organizations into the future with salesforce and with aws so that's why we've been super intentional about our joint focus on our joint learning initiatives on trailhead and we're really excited and proud to to reinforce the fact that we've had over a hundred thousand aws badges earned this year on the trailhead platform where we're covering topics around the cloud the aws cloud practitioner the technical essentials how to integrate amazon connect with service cloud voice how to use private connect with appflow and it's just great to see the number of aws developers now coming over to trailhead to learn how to use our technologies together and also the fact that we've been able to build foundational content together that allows our joint developers to get certified across our platforms because we know that the more the more that people have access to information especially right now the the more power they'll have to be able to use these joint innovations that we've been bringing to market together absolutely that's exciting it's it's very exciting so so janine you know we covered a lot of topics and and first and foremost i want to thank you for for sharing uh your insights and the things that we're seeing together with joint customers we're obviously very very excited to continue the work and continue expanding our partnerships as we proceed forward any final words that you want to share before we break well you know at the event this year it's a different environment than we're all used to but i'm really pleased to have this opportunity to share some of the great things that we've been up to working together closely with customers and i think the most important thing is navigating the current environment ultimately to serve our customers in the best way that they need and so that's what's the really exciting part about all of these innovations and i think that customers will be able to see more coming soon great thank you so much janine really appreciate the time and thank you customers partners our ohana for for watching uh this segment uh really appreciate it and so just for a couple calls to action around some next steps uh should you be interested in wanting to go see more on our website we have that available for you we also have an amazing virtual park where you can actually go and get hands-on with some fun games and opportunities to learn more about the topics that we covered here today and then we've got a great setup in the aws partner network come come see us learn more information about the work that we're doing together and how we can help you transform your digital experiences thank you so much for joining us thank you


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