National parks historic sites to partly reopen on June 1

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My colleagues the host of power and politics Vashi cappellas and the CBC's Catherine Cullen in Ottawa. Batchi I'll start with you just on what what you might know about the announcement, well. What I know so far is that they're they're not hugely substantial. But it's sort of little bits and pieces and I think for it, depends on on sort. What your interests are but I think definitely when it comes to parks that, is something an historical. Site that is something that kind of joins. In with so much of what we've been talking about over the past four or five days and that is the reopening, of various, provinces the, relaxing. Of certain physical distancing. Restrictions. This is one of the only areas that the federal government, has jurisdiction over, so, my understanding is it will be again like so much else that we've heard about a phased, out approach, and. You're right probably not in time for the long weekend but as the warm weather does warm up pretty much across the country over the next few weeks there will at least be some more places, that you can access to get outside I think, where from, from my perspective some, of the things that I'm interested on to. Hear about from the prime minister include. An, update, on two, programs, that we are waiting details, for and you spoke to Minister Morneau about both of them last night on the special rosie the first is the wage subsidy program, we're supposed to get details about whether or not it's, going to reopen and the second is the commercial rent program, we are very. Very. Quickly inching, towards June, first a lot, of provinces, have not put a moratorium on, commercial evictions. I know that you are hearing as I am daily, from people who, are worried about that reality who run a business and are worried about that reality it also depends, on landlords, taking part in the program and everybody right now is just, short on details, so there isn't a huge uptake. Or that we have no formal numbers but at least anecdotally I'm hearing a lot of landlords are saying I don't know if I'm gonna do this and probably I won't because I don't have the details so we, are waiting for details on that program as well and then to wrap, all of that together I think there's been some really interesting commentary. Over the past few days around. The level of testing, and what if any role the, federal government has in ensuring, that this. Country tests a whole lot more there are examples. In other jurisdictions of the world even in the epicenter, of this. Pandemic. In Wuhan were over the next 10 days they're gonna test 11, million people we. We are nowhere near the goals that even individual, provinces have said in some instances, in the worst cases in Ontario and Quebec they're, far short even half halfway. There in Quebec for example to the goals that they have set themselves, and everybody. Including the business community, including, you know epidemiologists. Are saying we have to be far, far. Ahead of where we are right now to start, relaxing physical, distancing measures or reopening, economies a process which I should mention is underway. In most provinces already, at this point so I think there is sort, of some questions for the federal government for the prime minister about is there a specific. Role for the federal government here is there a guideline that should, be set by the federal government I know the, feds are helping. Increase capacity I know that they are procuring, those tests for provinces, are helping too but. Do they have a role to play in ensuring the. Level, of testing that needs to be done in order to reopen economies, is actually. Being done not just you know pledging, to be right. Just, to go back to the commercial rent situation, and, I in case other people weren't watching it last night mr..

Minister Morneau did seem to suggest that he had some numbers I'm. Not sure if those were concrete. Numbers or anecdotal, numbers about uptake, on the commercial rent so I'd be interested to know more. About that because you're right I think, everyone's been hearing quite the opposite that landlords aren't interested, in it he also made the point which I hadn't really, thought about before was that because the, federal government only has control. Over sort, of mortgages, that's, why it's limited, in terms of how it provides the, help from the federal level and if more has to be done then it has to come from the provincial jurisdiction, and and, I guess his suggestion, was that landlords. Should do this because it at least guarantees, them some, money but, I I think what, I've been hearing and I'm sure you to Vashi is that some. Landlords are saying no, I want all the money so, if you, don't take this program then you just go and find you. Just go and find me the money if you're the renter and I think that's the disconnect there that I'm not sure. They. Have addressed yet and I'm not sure that I understood. Whether that was coming either from the Minister yeah. Neither, did I and I would say I think for some of the landlords it's not even a casing you know for some it's for sure I don't want to, take less money for others it's I can't right you have to be able to secure a mortgage deferral, and, it's kind of confusing as well because there's a tweet from Minister Morneau I think it was last week saying we're, gonna figure out a way to do this even for people without mortgages. I'm paraphrasing, here and so that also contributes, like I don't know how they have numbers because every, landlord I talk to and every tenant I talk to is confused, about the details they don't have those details yet, there is a huge amount of provincial jurisdiction, here and I think there is a lot of pressure particularly, for, example on the Ontario government to put a moratorium on, evictions, right now but, everybody, even they say oh we're waiting for the details and see how you know how this program works out before we make a decision on that I'll. Turn to Katherine for your thoughts now but just also tell people that the the governor of the Bank of Canada was out this morning stephen pohl ah still. The governor for a couple more months and it, was not a super. Optimistic. Viewpoint. On how things were going in the economy, certainly suggesting, we're not out of the woods and pointing, to, potential. Bankruptcies. Frankly, for for many companies down the road yeah. You saw him starting, out by trying to offer that reassurance, that we often hear from Stephen, poloz that ultimately, the the, structure, of.

The, Canadian economy is able to withstand this, he said you know we were in good economic shape, going, into this situation and, there is reassurance, to be had there but he did note that this is probably. The greatest financial challenge, most of us will see in our lifetimes, and there are challenges still, to come he was asked for instance how the Bank of Canada what they think about the possibility, of we've talked so much about a second wave of the pandemic in terms of the effects. That it might have all on all of us in terms of our health but he was asked well what about a second of the second wave of the pandemic in terms, of the impact on the economy and essentially. Said like yes we will have to adapt our forecasts. If. Indeed, that does happen but again this sense of the unknown rosemary. That we're all dealing with in in so many different ways and shapes and forms, what. The ultimate impact of all of this might be it is certainly not going to be good you heard the Stephen, Pohl was talking about for instance. Pardon. Me I've lost my train of thought there but talking, about debt I was going to say yes and. And the impact that that is going to have in all of this we, know it is not good but the exact shape of it still to come okay I'm. Going to leave both of you just for a moment as we wait for the prime minister to emerge to turn to another issue that, we, are as a prime minister to talk about in some capacity today, and certainly the Minister of indigenous, services who will be at the briefing at noon and. They have flagged this obviously, before that indigenous communities in this country face. A potentially. More severe outcome when it comes to the pandemic this past week in fact Minister, Mark Miller the indigenous Services, Minister did say that Canada must improve, its data collection, efforts for, First Nations Inuit and métis, communities and. For more on this I'm joined now by Janet, smiley she's a research, chair at st. Michael's Hospital and, one of Canada's first meaty, physicians, and she is in Toronto good to see you doctor thanks for making the time. Hello. Thanks for the invitation, so, how concerned, are you about the lack of data. Around. Indigenous. Indigenous people, right now because it does seem as though we have one. Set of data for on-reserve. Indigenous. People and then sort of a vague notion of, what might be happening in, the population writ, large. Yeah. So I'm very concerned right now and in fact I've been very concerned, and, working with others to try to address this, complicated, problem since, the onset of the, pandemic, here in Canada, and and, why is this so hard to get why is it so complicated to try and collect this data and, how would it help.

Well. We're dealing with some historic. And, current. Policy. Legacies, so, in order for, First, Nations Inuit and métis people's to, be identified. In. The existing, Cova datasets, what. Needs to happen is they need to be. In a, context, where they. Could be accurately. Identified. As First Nations into an m-80. Testing. Or in testing, follow-up, so, in. Order to do that in a way that is respectful, and safe. Then. We need to have an infrastructure, and processes, and in partnerships. Unfortunately. That. Doesn't exist, for most. First. Nations Inuit m80 people, where they live there. Has been investment, over time for First Nations people. Living. On reserve, and in the north and in fur annuit companies in the north, partnerships. Between the federal government. And Inuit and First Nations leadership. To. Set up kind of platform, and of course, their, shared health services. First. Nations, and Inuit leadership. And the delivery of health services, these. Are context. Where, indigenous. People, are in the majority so they may feel comfortable identifying and, they will be able to be identified. Unfortunately. Because. Of things like the Indian Act, people. Who. Are, living, outside of First Nations, communities. People. Who may not be recognized, as status, First. Nations people, may. Tea people, and. Inuit, living in their south. Live, in a very different context. And the infrastructure, there is very underdeveloped. So. That's the. Complex. Problem yeah, and the Minister I have to say back on Saturday was was very frank. About it that that there was this data gap that, it was concerning, and. And that they did need to find a way to fix it give. Us a sense though in what way sort. Of the social determinants of health that we measure in First. Nations matey and Inuit communities, are already. Sort of working, against, many. Many of those communities, when it comes to the pandemic. Yeah. It's a tricky, virus, and we're gonna learn, lots of lessons and sometimes, it magnifies, things that. Are. Existing. Social. Challenges. So, of course. We. Know from h1n1. That, First. Nations Inuit and maytee people. Have. Existing, conditions. Again. Kind of linked to. Existing. Inequities. And. Distribution. Of health and social resources. Like higher, rates of chronic. Disease. Overcrowded. Housing and that happens in the cities as well, so. A city like Toronto where I live in work there's 70,000. First Nations Inuit M eighty people often, actually. Only about one out of five of those people is actually participating in the census, and about, one out of three of, that population, of 70,000. Which is then the largest, indigenous population, in the country is. Experiencing. Housing, shortage we, have a lot of strengths, though too as. First Nations Inuit and. Maytee. People, we've, had to live through, many. Challenges so, we're incredibly adaptable, and, we, have very strong social networks.

That. Social networks actually I think are, adaptability. And the. Existing, goodwill and our ability, to work in partnership across, jurisdiction. Or what given our gonna, get us through this I I'm. Gonna talk with someone from lavash a little, bit later in the program hopefully but how, concerned are you about that outbreak, in. Lelouch and in the in the First Nation right beside it. Of. Course. Anytime. Like, has a meaty. Cree person with. Family ties to Saskatchewan. Yeah. This is it, strikes, us as, very. Concerning. But. I do know those communities, and I know that there's, a lot of strengths, there's a lot of very strong First, Nations and maytee leaders. And. A lot of goodwill so I understand. That everybody is working together that's, what's gonna get us through right strategic. Alliances. Working. Together for the good of the people, and. Then actually, kind. Of why science. Right or wise practices. So. Yeah. My heart goes out to those communities, but. I feel confident, because, we've made it through many difficulties, in the past so, there's that resilience, and adaptability, and. History. Of communities. Coming together to. Address social challenge, let, me ask one more question before the prime minister comes out his front door here if you. Know we're talking about fixing, things that we see that aren't working throughout this pandemic, in all sorts of different ways if one, of the things that was fixed was the, federal government, able to provide a different role in gathering, information. How. Much how, much how. Much would that help I guess keep people healthy. And safer. It. Would be wonderful for, First Nations Inuit and Metis, people to, be counted in to. Our public health systems. Regardless of, where they choose to live, or where they need to live so, currently we're kind of faced with a federal, jurisdictional. Hot potato and unfortunately, it's. Not only in the delivery of health services it's, also in our health informations. System. So I actually see, an opportunity, to kind of bridge that gap and recognize, that we're all related and. It's very important, to have this intelligence. And information, and. It should be led by. Indigenous. First, Nations Inuit matey leaders and indigenous, health service agencies, and then, that's going to really help us moving forward and avoid, situations like, we have right now doctor. Really good of you to make the time and, and to let me pick your brain a little bit about this issue thank you so much I do appreciate it, thank. You that's, dr. Janet smiley she is in Toronto, we. Do know of course that yesterday, the, Minister of crown, and indigenous services crown and indigenous relations, announced. A 2.3, million, dollars for, that, area of northern Saskatchewan, lelouch, and the First Nation because obviously some, additional support needs to go there given the number of cases that have happened either, on the reserve or in the, community of lelouch and have touched other people McKean and other den a who live off reserve so.

We'll Expect to hear more about that from the prime minister and from the minister at, the noon briefing, I'll bring back Vashi cappellas and Catherine Cullen as, we wait for the prime minister knowing I'll probably cut you off I'll try and try and get to this anyway Catherine, I did want to ask you about your story around the CRB, or the Serb fraud. Because. It is something that, the Bashi was talking to Minister Quatro about yesterday, and you had some other details, in your stories yesterday, - yeah, we've been hearing from mr. Walsh we've heard from the Prime Minister himself that, when it comes to catching. People. Who may have been committing, fraud by. Applying, for the Canada mergency response benefit, even if they haven't lost their job even if they don't meet the criteria but, just going ahead and saying that they do officials. Have said listen, the it's the cleanup is really going to be on the back end and so we learned from the CRA yesterday, that they're going to be introducing, new measures rosemary, a notable, one certainly, is that they're going to be asking for more information, from employers about, when, specifically. Canadians, were working this year normally. Employers just hand out the information in that in your chief or write a summary of the money that you've made this year no this time around they're going to be asking employers and they are still ironing out the details of this but for a month-by-month, accounting. Of what people were making over the course of the pandemic they're gonna compare, that information, to, people, who applied for the Emergency Response benefit, and try, to catch. Some inaccuracies, there one thing officials did say and this also, came up in bash T's interview with Minister qual tro though is if, you have been accessing the benefit and you shouldn't the idea is going to be they want the money back will there be additional penalties. For people who have willfully been, dishonest, and all of that that is not where the focus is and we've heard from the government time and time again their real focus right now it's about getting a lot of money out the door to a lot of people who are in need this concern that some people are abusing the program does, seem to be in the grand scheme of things a bit of a more, minor one for them okay excellent timing Katherine the Prime Minister has just emerged from his front door we'll talk to both of you after this here's. The Prime Minister of Canada on this Thursday good. Morning over, the last two weeks we've, seen our women and men in uniform, step up to the plate again, and again in, seniors, homes in, northern communities, they're there for, where we need them most and because. They respond to the call of duty without hesitation, whenever.

They're Called upon it, can be easy to forget the toll this work can take, members. Of the Canadian Armed Forces have, always been there to do tough dangerous. Jobs, so. After a lifetime of service far. Too many veterans live. With chronic pain, today. We, are launching the chronic pain center, of excellence for Canadian. Veterans at McMaster. University this. Center will focus on national research, training, and education, to provide, veterans, with the support they, deserve, no. One least. Of all those who, have worn the maple leaf should. Be without the care they need. Later. Today I'll also be meeting with nurses, here in Ottawa to thank them for their outstanding work I know, I speak for all Canadians, when I say that we are incredibly, grateful to. The women and men who, are keeping us safe right, now. Nozomi. No family, any phone men. And women in uniform have always been there for us and we have to be there for them as well today. We, are launching, the. Chronic, pain center, of excellence for, Canadian, veterans at, McMaster. University that. Center, will focus on research, training. And education, right across the country to. Provide, our, veterans with. The services, that they need to all, those who have served Canada, thank, you, the. Entire country, is grateful to you and we, will be there to support you, over. The last two months a lot of Canadians, have faced very, challenging. Situations. And very, difficult choices, just. Take workers. In the fisheries, industry, you. Can't harvest lobster, from inside your house so. That leaves you trying to figure out how to either space, people out on a fishing boat or, cancel, your operations, it's. Not an easy call to make on, top, of that prices. And demand have gone down putting, financial, pressure on fishers, and their families. Taken. Together this. Adds up to a really tough time, so. I want you to know that we're, listening that, your local MPs are making sure your, concerns, are heard and above. All that. Help is on the way, today. I can, announce that we are investing, almost. 470. Million, dollars, to, support fish, harvesters. First. Of all we, are creating, the fish harvesters, benefit, if you're, expecting a, 25%. Drop in income this season, you'll, get support, to cover 75%, of, your losses up, to, about, $10,000. And as. A reminder if you qualify for the Canada emergency, wage subsidy, instead, remember. That we'll be extending, it beyond. June. We're. Also introducing. Additional, non, repayable, grants, of up to $10,000. For fish harvesters, who owned their own business, and needs, support, to bridge to better times and, for. Workers who are worried about next, year, we will change employment. Insurance rules, so, that fish harvesters, can apply for AI benefits, based. On the earnings of previous. Years. This. All builds, on the investments, we've made for, fish and seafood processors. And, for. Farmers and aquaculture fisheries. We're also launching a hundred, million dollar agriculture. And food business, solutions, fund through. Farm Credit Canada, this. Is yet another option to, help agri-food companies, facing. Unexpected financial. Strain. Whether. You're a Fisher a food, processor. Or a farmer, we've, got your back and. I know all Canadians. Do too, and. Everyone who wants to show their support by. Canadian, pick, up some Canadian, cheese to help out a local dairy farmer, have, a fish fry or buy, Canadian, Lobster not. Only will it taste great but, it'll help the people who keep putting food on our plates. Number. Of industries, are going through tough times right, now and the.

Fisheries Are no exception, not, only must people slow down or even stop all. Their activity, to protect, their workers but. Prices and, demand for, these, products, has also declined, that's, why we are introducing. The fish harvesters. Benefit, if you are a harvester, who is expecting, a 25%. Drop in your income this season, this, measure will, help you it. Will cover up to 75%, of your losses up. To about, $10,000. And for, people who are eligible to, the emergency, wage subsidy. We, will be extending, the program beyond June as we announced, last week we. Will also be offering other non, repayable. Subsidies. Of a maximum, value of ten thousand dollars to fishers. Who, are also owners, of their own business and need help to, come through these tough times and, for, workers who are concerned, about the coming year we, will be changing, the, employment. Insurance rules, so, that Fisher's can apply, for e. Based, on their, income from, previous years. You. Are feeding our families, we. Are listening to what you need to get through this crisis, and we, will be there for you I. Would. Now like to talk about what we're doing to support the, indigenous peoples, who, have. Particular. Difficulties. During this pandemic, we. Set. Aside three hundred and six million dollars, to provide, interest-free. Loans. And non, repayable, contributions. To indigenous businesses. With. Respect, to First, Nations, Inuit, and Metis students, we, are providing, targeted, support, of more than seventy five million dollars as well, as helping, young people find, a job in their, community, this summer and for. Women and children indigenous. Women and children who are fleeing violence we, have invested, ten million dollars, in emergency shelters. We. Have made significant, progress but. We know that there is still more to be done. With. First Nations Inuit, and maytee Nation, leaders in the fight against, this virus in, places, like northern, Saskatchewan, that, are dealing with kovat 19 outbreaks, it's, become very clear that communities, need this, work to continue that's. Why yesterday we. Announced support. For the Meadowlake tribal, council and maytee nation Saskatchewan, for their pandemic. Response plan through. This plan we're partnering with communities, to provide, over 2.3, million. Dollars for. Everything from food to supplies. We. All want the same thing to keep, people, safe and we, will continue coordinating. To. Make sure that happens, I. Want. To end today by recognizing. That the May long weekend, is coming up it'll. Be different, than normal because lots of places including, our national, parks are still, closed, but. This. Isn't forever. Canadians. Have been doing the right things these past many weeks and that's, why we, can announce today, some, good news for, the weeks ahead as of. The beginning of June some. National, parks will. Partially, reopening, so, that people in the area can use trails and green spaces where physical, distancing, is possible, getting. Fresh air is important, but, we all have to be responsible about it we, have to be prepared to make adjustments, as needed. That's. Why with, the weather getting better we're bringing in new regulations, on boating, as of June 1st to, protect vulnerable, communities, in the north no. Pleasure, craft will, be permitted to operate in Canada's, Arctic coastal.

Waters Or in, the coastal areas of northern Quebec and Labrador. Of. Course this ban does not include boats used for essential, fishing and hunting or for, local community, use. Parks. Will remain, closed over the weekend but some will, be, reopening, as early as June 1st you. Will be able to take advantage of, outdoor, trails, and green spaces while, still practicing, physical distancing. But, we must remain cautious, and we, have to be ready to adjust to new circumstances. So. Starting, on June 1st, pleasure. Craft, will not be able to operate in, the coastal waters of the Canadian Arctic or the coastal, areas of northern Quebec and Labrador, that's, what we have to do in order to protect each other it's, important, to remember that this, will not be forever if, everyone. Does their part we, will get through this thank, you thank. You, we'll now go to the phones for questions from the media just, one question one follow-up operator. Thank. You merci first. Question, Janice. Dixon the. Global male line open. Hi. Prime Minister my question is about the canada-us border a, Canadian. And an expectant, mother living here says border, guards have twice refused, her partner an American. Citizen and the father of her baby from, crossing, into. The u.s. and the border guards told him being. Here for the birth of his son was non-essential, do, you think someone in this circumstance. Should be able to cross. We. Know Canadians, are making, extraordinary. Sacrifices. Through this difficult time. Loved ones who are saying goodbye to their parents, and grandparents. Via FaceTime because, they can't see them in person, people. Living. Through very difficult. Distancing. That is causing, a real impact on people obviously. We're, trying to make sure that people can do. The things that are most essential but. Even as we were grieving, over. The past weeks in Nova Scotia and elsewhere we. Needed to make sure we respecting. The, rules in place to keep people safe I can. Understand, the difficulty. And the challenge, that closing. The borders to all but non-essential, travel is. Causing. On many, many families we. Need to make sure that the decisions are taken that are going to protect people I understand.

That Different, decisions could be made on a case-by-case basis. But what, we are doing now is. What. We need to do to keep Canadians, safe for the coming months, and years. Follow-up. Chants. Yes. The the the, American man I mentioned, was told by an officer. That the only way he could see his son is this, his expecting, partner was hit by a car and they needed someone to take care of the baby is there, not any room for compassion. In these in these cases he. He, wants to try again after, his son is born do you have any advice for this, specific. Example. Listen, we've seen families. Split. Up even internally. In Canada, because of covet, 19 it, is difficult, on everyone, and I can't, comment on every, case obviously, but. I do know that Canadians. From coast to coast to coast are making tremendous sacrifices. In, order to protect their. Loved ones their communities, their parents their grandparents, and preventing. Our healthcare systems, from getting overloaded. Thank. You next question, operator. Thank. You they'll see next, question, Jamie, Pasha guns come aptn, biz line open. Thank. You mr. producer, you. Mentioned something in French about the students, and indigenous women I'm sorry I missed it I was expecting, a Xiang. Translation. Could you uh. We're. Making sure that, students. In first nations matey and, and. Inuit. Communities, get. Extra support we're, also, investing. In support, for families. Women. And children, fleeing. Domestic violence. In, indigenous, communities we've. Made a large, number of investments. In supporting, indigenous communities. Across this country through this pandemic, because we recognize, the level of vulnerability and I can, tell. You that Minister, Miller will. Be at the noon update, as, he is every, week to, highlight the initiatives. We're moving forward on with, indigenous communities. Follow. Up Jamie, yes. My. Concerning. The rapid, rapid, tests that were supposed, to be coming out a couple. Of weeks ago I I, know indigenous, communities, have tests, but. They're not the architects whatever what happened to that as. Was. Highlighted a. Number a week. I believe there. Have been challenges around. The rapid. Test that I believe an. Ottawa company and put forward they've. Gone. Back to to, try and improve, them or. Repair. Them we've, seen, many. Many new technologies, come forward, in terms of helping we've moved very quickly on, them but it also requires, us to adjust, when, things aren't working exactly, the way they they were, hoped to be working so, I know people are working very very hard to make sure that indigenous, communities, and indeed remote. Northern communities, get the testing capacity they need as quickly as possible but, we need to make sure they are reliable tests, Thank. You operator, next question please. Thank. You Nancy portion, kids don't get in Liberec that. Was committed. Good. Morning mr. Dolan, I just want to come back to the wage, subsidy. That. Will be extended, beyond June. And, that there will be further details, this week can. You tell us now how, long it will be extended, well, we will have more to say about that tomorrow, I believe but. Obviously. Businesses. Across the country want to have some certainty in order to be able to rehire, their workers and know. How they're going to be able to operate as, the. Economy. Reopens. And. The, wage subsidy. Is a very important, tool in terms of keeping the, connection, between employers, and workers. And, we. Want it to be as efficient, and quick, as, possible so yes we will extend it and we will have additional details, to share with you very soon follow-up. Yes. And, what you say to Canadians. Who, are wondering, what to do about their summer vacation. Should, they stay in Canada. Some. Would, like to travel between the provinces and is. The United States an option for them or should it be forgotten about altogether for this summer well. I guess we all want to know what's going to be happening in the coming, weeks and months but, the only thing we know now is that we have to, do, the right thing and, continue.

To Practice dints, distancing. Stay. Home as much as possible that's. The way we can protect ourselves and, ensure that we can come out of this as quickly as possible the. Decisions. Made by families. With respect to this summer will depend, to a great extent, on the region, or the province where they live and the, rules that are in place starting. In July we're. Still a bit it's still a bit too early to predict what, that will look like but we know, that. This will not be a summer like others in the past we're. In a situation where families, and individuals, will, have to, make, various decisions. That. Will be different from what they expected, six months before. Thank. You merci, doesn't. Get shown Louisa built a home replies. Good. Morning. As, the. Pandemic. Is worsening, in Montreal, we're seeing that some parks, will be reopening, there on Charon June 1st, what will the criteria, be for that reopening, well, obviously we're, seeing that right across the country there are various, situations. And, we. Will be. Matching. Our, federal. Actions, with respect to federal parks with, those in, the provinces, know. The. Decisions. Will be made about, those parks in various, regions, but for example in, the far. North the near indigenous, communities, there is very little chance that they will open on June, 4th first however, there, are others that will be more accessible, and less problematic. And they can open will have more to say about that in the coming weeks as to, which parks will be reopening, but our goal is to align our decisions, with those being made by local and regional. Authorities, of regarding, provincial, parks. It. Very differently, across the country and therefore there will be different. Phases. Or, different steps, in reopening, of national parks across the, country we, will try and align with the local jurisdiction. What the provincial, parks nearby are going to be doing so that it, is clear for people in terms of what they can do in their own particular, region but, for example, our, Arctic parks won't be reopening, any time soon, certain. Parks that are in close proximity to, indigenous, communities, will take a little longer to to. Open because of vulnerabilities, we, will have more to say in the coming coming, week in, terms of which parks will be opening up but we know people are going to want to get outside they're going to want to do that safely so as of June 1st we will be facilitating. That to a certain extent always, staying careful, and and. Responsible. In the way we do it, in. Sweet follow-up. Yes. Mister - do we have been seen this morning in the National. Host that, when. Edsc. Asks, people, to, approve. The. Applications. For the benefit. They. Are. Not, allowed. To refuse, them of people who may have voluntarily. Left their jobs well. I think Canadians. Recall, the, numbers. We, saw, last week millions, of Canadians, have lost their jobs in recent. Months, know. As a government, we. Decided, to help those people and to, help them quickly that's. What had to be done. If. We had introduced, a system that, was demanding. Complete. To check on every person's application. Each. Time there are millions of Canadians, who would still be waiting to receive the emergency, response, benefit, we. Know that 99%. Of Canadians, who, are applying, under these programs, really. Need the money and it's, not because the 1%. Of fraudsters that, we're going to slow down or prevent. Millions. Of other Canadians, from receiving, the help that they so. Dearly, need we. Have introduced, measures to counter fraud, and we will be ensuring, that that. Happens, in the coming months but the priority now. Is to help Canadians, that need help and that's exactly what we've been doing I. Think. People remember well the job, numbers that came out just last week that showed that millions, of Canadians, have, lost their jobs, we.

Made The choice as a government, from the very beginning, that, we would help those. Millions, of Canadians, and getting. That help to. 99%. Of, the. Canadians, who needed it, quickly. And rapidly if, it meant even accepting, that one or two percent might. Make. Fraudulent. Claims, was. The choice that we gladly made. We. Needed, to get help to Canadians. Immediately. And that's. What we did if, we had asked. The public service, to perform background, checks on everyone applying, for, the CRB. We'd. Still be waiting to get those checks out and, people needed that money now, they needed that money last, month when we delivered, it so. Saying we have put in strong, measures, to, ensure that anyone who is trying, to defraud the system will. Get caught and, there. Will be consequences but, that was not our priority, our priority, was helping, people immediately and. The. Fraud measures, will kick in in the coming months. Kevin. Gallagher with CTV News could you expand, on what. Those measures, or mechanisms, are and also you said yesterday CRA, would be responsible, for a lot of that with the CRB, they're also responsible. For the wage subsidy so is the CRA, going. To need more resources to, tackle the, potential, fraud that has come from these vital. Federal programs during this pandemic. Well. Over 7 million, Canadians. Have, applied for the CRB. Millions. Of Canadians, are, receiving, the CRB, millions of Canadians, have, lost their jobs we. Needed to help them rapidly. And. Efficiently. That. Means to, get the SERP people. Simply needed to fill out an attestation, to. Make commitments that they were in a situation that they deserve, to get the Serb of course, there's going to be a few people who will. Misrepresent. Themselves and, try and defraud the situation, this defraud, the situation, but. We know that the. Priority, was getting. Help to people who needed it and that's exactly what we did including by increasing, the capacity of. The federal government to deliver these checks and support CRA. And other government. Workers. The. Choice we made was. To get the money out to people. Immediately. When they needed it so we could do the social distance, iation so we could stay home and the way we needed to and, make. Sure that. The fraudsters get. Caught as we, move forward. I. Didn't. Really answer if there was going to be more resources, for the CRA to, do this I'm also wondering. As, provinces. Start to reopen their economies, non-essential. Businesses start to open up there, are, likely to be workers that are concerned, about returning, to work for their own safety either that are immunosuppressed they have difficulty. Finding adequate, childcare options or, perhaps they're unsatisfied, with their, workplace. Safety protocols. Because. Of the coronavirus, will. Those, workers. Have an option, to remain, on. The. CRB, for example or other federal programs, what will happen to workers that have concerns, over their safety but, now might, have to go back to work, on. The first part of your question the, the. Measures. We've put in have required the, public service across this country to, step up in extraordinary, ways so we're making sure that they get the support they need as they deliver. In. A rapid, way in a reliable way. The. Support, that millions, upon millions of, Canadians, are needing and we need to thank them for the work they're doing and of course we will always make sure that they have the resources necessary to. Do the things that Canadians. Need them to do and do them as incredibly. Well as they have been as. The. Economy, begins to reopen as people start, looking at going back to work there are going to be lots of questions about safety about childcare about, next. Steps and we're going to work very closely with the provinces, with industries, with employers, with. People to give as, much clarity as we possibly, can, we're in an unprecedented, situation we're, figuring this out step, by step as we move forward as we get, into the next phases of this but every, step of the way our focus is going to be on keeping, people safe first.

And Foremost that, needs to be the priority that, all Canadians, put at, the top of the list. In. The coming weeks, there. Will be many questions asked. As to how, we can, reopen the, the economy how people, can return to work what's going to happen with daycare centers and. What. Is, going to be done about individual. Issues, and. We'll be working very hard together to find answers, to those questions this. Is an unprecedented situation, and, there are no easy answers we. Will be collaborating, as we have been with, the provinces, we will be listening to Canadians, concerns, and find, the best way to ensure. Everyone's. Safety while. At the same time looking. At a. Gradual. Reopening. And recovery of the economy how. Do Canada. Good morning mr. Trudeau were seeing that the wage subsidy, is not being used very much by. The employers. The, CRB. Seems to be harming, that program, do you think it's time to get. Rid of the CRB. Earlier, than what's expected well. The fact is that there are many people out there who, have. Lost their jobs and have no access to the wage subsidy so, the, Serb has a very important, role to play but, as we said. By. Extending. The, federal, wage subsidy, we are hoping, that more and more employees. Will. Be rehired. By, their, employer. So. That we can. Focus. On, the recovery, that is to come we, want to ensure that there is a direct connection between employees. And employers, and. We. Want to find the, right ways to, ensure that the recovery is quick and efficient, now, could. You not model, it a little bit like employment, insurance, and. Allow people to get part of the cerb would, that not be a better way to encourage, people to actually work well. That, is something we're looking at right now it's, all about determining, how we can, reopen the economy, and how we can go from a situation where, people are at home protecting. Themselves to. One where they're going out going. Back to work and. We. Need to figure. Out how we can, modify certain programs, maybe, extending, other ones so these are all questions we're, looking at right now but. For now we're, still in an, emergency, and worst. Supporting. People so that they can stay home and so that we can control, the spread of the virus and, as. We, get closer, to the next steps we will in fact be, changing, those programs, but, how that. Remains to be seen, for now we're saying that, were. Extending. The wage subsidy because that will be key to keeping people at work I. Just want to pick up on talking. Earlier about workers, and safety, more, than 40 inspectors, with the Canadian, food inspectors Inspection. Agency are. Getting sick going to work and meatpacking, plants, I'm just wondering what the federal government is doing to protect these inspectors. We. We. Know the situation, is, extremely difficult in, many meat placa packing, plants across. The country that, has been a real, challenge and. We always are. Trying to find that balance between assuring. A safe. And reliable food, supply for Canadians, which is fundamental. And necessary while. At the same time ensuring, the protection of the, workers who are who, are, there. That. Obviously, includes the food inspectors, and we need to make sure that they have access to the. Right kinds of personal equipment protection.

Equipment And the right conditions to keep them safe as. Important, it is as it is to keep our economy going and get food on the table we, also need, to make sure we are prioritizing, worker, safety the. Union just to follow up on that the union representing, these meat inspectors, they say that they've been giving a work, or else order, from the agency, and, if they refuse. To go to work they will be disciplined, so, I'm just wondering why they're being ordered, to go to work if they don't feel safe I think. Getting. That balance right is extremely. Important, we need to, ensure that essential, services, like the food supply continue, to float to, Canadians, but, we need to make sure we're doing everything we can to keep workers safe and. We will continue to work with labor with industry. With provincial, partners, to, make sure that both, of those things are being done. In. Tsavo. We. Know. Then. We. Must. Continue. To protect the, food supply, chain and. Ensure. The safety of Canadians. That's critical, but it's also critical, to ensure, the safety of all workers so, we will continue, to work with the unions. And. With, the employers. And the provinces, to do everything we can right across, the country so. That everyone. Is working in safe conditions. The. WH OHS emergencies. Chief dr.. Michael Ryan he was quoted today saying that this virus may never go away that. It could become just another endemic, virus, in our community, so I want to know as a government, how do you plan for that kind of scenario and you're, loosening up some restrictions on national, parks today what, do you say to Canadians, who might hear this and think well things are never going to get back to normal I think. We. Know that there are things that we. Took for granted, last. Year and years before that, have changed we, have seen this world change rapidly over, the years used to be able to get on a plane without taking off your shoes first I mean, we have seen measures. Brought in that have made shifts in our society, some for the better some, for the worse, kovat. 19 will, be one of those things that creates changes, in our society our. Responsibility. As a society. As governments, is to try and figure out how to minimize, the negative impacts, of those changes, while maximizing. The safety of Canadians, there, will be adjustments but a reopening. National, parks for example, on June 1st means. That we know that you.

Can't Prevent Canadians, from going outside when the weather is nice you just have to help them do, it safely, continue. To impress upon them the need for physical distancing. Recognize. That, certain areas are more vulnerable than others and will need to remain closed but. Create, opportunities. For Canadians. Well-being, for their mental health while, at the same time protecting, their physical, health getting, that balance right is something we're doing in the short term but obviously, there'll be plenty, of reflections, over, the coming months and indeed years about, how we make sure that Canadians, and, around the world are kept safe from this pandemic, or from potential, next pandemics. To. Recognize, that things will change in. Our world. Even. After the end of this pandemic and even after we have a vaccine, we. Will. Have learned lessons that, will lead to changes. In our behavior and changes, in, the way that we operate as a society. And as a planet at the same time, our. Responsibility. As a society. And a government, is to. Minimize. Any. Disruption. While, maximizing. Protection. And safety. For all citizens. So. It's. A, delicate balance, that we will be seeking, now, with, respect to national parks for example, we will be able to reopen some, of them on June, 1st but we will also be encouraging, people to continue, to practice, physical distancing. But we know that going, outside getting. Some air, and. Outdoor. Activities are. Important, to people's, health. And we. Want to ensure that we can allow them to do that more safely. So. That people. Will not be vulnerable there's. No doubt that we will be reflecting, on how, we, have to behave. In. The, coming weeks and years. Whether we have a vaccine or not, but, for the time being we're. Making, the best possible, decisions. So. That we can all have a better quality, of life and all be safe. First. Nations in their fight against kovat 19 today I'd like to ask you but something that happened on Sunday in Saskatchewan, a first nation there says that the RCMP, interrupted, an important, ceremony over concerns about physical. Distancing, premier Scott Moe says there. Can be no exceptions to the provinces rules about. Public gatherings what do you say I think. Indigenous. Community, leadership knows, that we need to be keeping people safe and. We should be able to work with them to develop ways of. Continuing. With important. Customs, and practices for, them in a way that abides. By. By, health recommendations. I think that's something for the leadership of the community to take on and we, of course will be happy to work with them. And. See what they're not. Okay. That is the Prime Minister of Canada on this Thursday giving us an update on his government's, response, to the pandemic today the focus on fish harvesters. Primarily. Who had been waiting, for some details after announcements, around fish, processing. Plants about. A week ago and, then some additional news that we'd already talked about the, national parks will, reopen as of June 1st I'll bring in my colleagues Ashley Capella's and Katherine Cullen for, some initial thoughts from what we heard there I and, I thought the the first, question Tom Perry asked, our colleague was interesting, because it allowed, the prime minister to reflect a little bit on the, fact that it is difficult, for us to return to whatever this new normal is and and the government's, job is to try and minimize risk, you don't have to talk about that but I just thought I thought it was interesting to hear him reflect on how you make, those decisions as a government, bashing yeah in it actually follows I think, what we've been hearing from premiers. As well and it is sort of almost, like listening to the internal, discussions, in, in their in their heads right and I've during. You know during the day I listen to all the various premiers and right now they're all sort. Of rolling out how they envision the, economy, looking society, looking over the coming months and you hear them quite honestly most of the time actually say we, know we can't limit you from moving right you can't stay in your house forever so then the next step is figuring out how do you address. The, desire of people to be outside when the weather is warmer taking that as an example but also still, mitigate. The risk for, people, in your province or in the country and it sounds like for, example with the parks it will be very much done in concert with provinces. So if the National Park is in Alberta, well it's gonna depend how. Alberta has reopened parks, there or what, the caseload, is there that kind of thing the prime minister said the details of that were coming, in. The way I think he said it something like in the next week a couple other things Rosie, jumped out for me and building on what you and Catherine were discussing, prior to, prior.

To The press conference from the prime minister and that is all of this conversation. Around the CRB, so that's the $2,000. Can access for four months up to four months if they've, lost their job or have to stay home and can't work for whatever reason, due to kovat 19, there is a big, sort of political discussion happening right now about what happens, after. The four months is up do you find, a way to transition, away from the CRB, make it look something maybe more like a I where it depends on how, much you're working instead of it all being taken away if you earn a dollar more than $1,000, a month and there seem to be maybe, I read it as more willingness from the Prime Minister so that's that's an adventure Ally like something is gonna have, to happen after but he did reiterate that the, idea that nothing's, gonna change right now and that he still views the the need for that, kind of aid as acute. There are though other questions, and and you reference this with Catherine to about. The level of fraud or fraud, occurring, and he was pretty direct. Today saying that that's not gonna happen, finally, direct I should say because he wasn't in the past few days that that's not gonna happen until after the. Issue at hand is whether or not there was a quote-unquote, memo, written. To bureaucrats. Who are in, charge of these applications, saying even, if you think it's fraudulent keep going still pay the minister of employment Karluk, Walter said it's not a memo but it was written guidance in the case of the CRB, it doesn't. Yet that guidance doesn't yet for example exist when it comes to the student benefit which students can apply for tomorrow they're gonna have to assess how many people apply, for that before they decide how they're gonna proceed but it's likely going to be something similar just because the way you access that money through the CRA with a simple attestation, is pretty, similar as well I think at all I mean this stuff is I think very interesting but it also just lends itself to that broader discussion, about what. When we're thinking about what things look like over the coming months over, apparently you know the coming years, what, is the government's, role what kind of financial aid is best, the.

Most Supportive, of people who, want. To stay safe but also want. To go back to work or participate in the reopening, of economies. And it really I mean we're not at the point right now where we have any concrete answers, about what, that assistance, or that aid looks like two months down the road no, I will say though that he did say that the wage subsidy details. Will come tomorrow the extension of the way subsidy, details so we'll get a little boring. We do Katherine. I would like to think the Prime Minister was more frank in his response, because of your reporting but. Yeah. But it was interesting to see how frankly, fired up he was getting in defense, of the way that they have rolled out this program there. Were a couple of things that I wanted, to drill, down on notably, the percentages, you know he said we're, not gonna punish 99 percent of people if 1 percent of people seek. To commit fraud and I want to talk about that a little bit because what we've heard from government, officials is that overall, the rate of fraud with government programs is below 1, percent but, there has been an, acknowledgement. And. Got, a few more details from the CRA officials, I spoke to yesterday there's been an announcement that this is a program that's easier to defraud you heard the prom prime minister talking about it you just simply have to sign this attestation, and say yes, this applies to B I want to receive the money the, official I spoke with yesterday said a more risky program, you might be seeing fraud in the levels of perhaps two or three, percent now consider that this is a thirty five billion dollar program or that that's the price tag they put on it so far and we are asking, questions about the nature of the various extensions of these programs it could be a significant, amount of money but the prime minister making the point listen, there are a lot of people in need we put that first and he's happy to stand by that decision I would, note some, of the things that we have been talking about in terms of the people who might be accessing, this program and aren't eligible one, of the concerns that has been raised time. And time again is really the prospect, of unforeseen. Consequences. Here perhaps some of the people who are asking this accessing. This money do, feel a bit financially. Desperate in this uncertain, time even if they haven't they, don't meet the criteria specifically. They really do feel that they're in need of this money what they may not realize is that the money is taxable, and also, if you are a particularly.

Low-income Canadian, and you're receiving some other sort of government. Support to try to help you out be it subsidized, housing be, it the GST, credit that if you are taking in this extra, income that's. Gonna show up in your taxes at the end of the year and you could lose access to benefits certainly some of the people I've spoken to who deal with low-income Canadians, are very concerned, about what this might mean, for them so I think, we can all take the Prime Minister's point that there are a lot of Canadians, in need that that is where their focus is but we also need to ask questions about what is going to happen to people who may have accessed, this money I would, say as well, CRA, officials telling us yesterday that the point is not going to be to penalize, people. Who have been willfully, dishonest, but, rather just to get the money back if indeed they can but again clawbacks, from low-income Canadians, what what, would that look like who, specifically, would they go after I think there are more questions to be answered there okay, thank you both very much I'm going to come back to both of you if you don't mind I'm gonna get some reaction, to at least part of the Prime Minister's announcement announcement. Today and that's, in relation to fish, harvesters. 470. Million, dollars, for. Them announced, previously they had announced a large, chunk of change for fish. Processors, but, this is the second part of that announcement that is much needed on the coastal communities of, this country Melanie Sonnenberg, is the president, of the Canadian independent. Fish harvesters, Federation, and she joins me from Grand, Manan Island in New Brunswick good to see you, good. To see you too so, 470, million dollars, and. This specific benefit. For fish. Harvesters, would igg. A difference will this make. To people. Well. This is a welcome, announcement today, I mean it's really good news for us we're pleased to see that the government's made a, commitment. To the fishing industry and the announcement, itself, acknowledges. Some of the challenges, that the, harvesters, have had fitting into the current program, so all the way around the board I mean we're really happy about what. We've heard today now of course we'll. Need to review the details and, see how that unfolds but, certainly, this is welcome news today from. What I understand, one of the big concerns beyond just you know needing some some money right now as seasons had been pushed back and obviously, it's hard to sell things right now was. The issue around AI which which the Prime Minister addressed to, namely. That you'll be able to apply for AI, based, on last, year's income how big a deal is that Melanie. It's. A really big deal I mean given you, know what is turning out to be short reasons. For some lobster. Fishing areas and some of the crab fisheries, this will be really, really critical as you, know the story itself is still unfolding in terms of the market access so, I, I think we have been asking for this as a Federation for, weeks is that, we have something that will recognize, this. Gap, that we saw. Read out of the gate and. Certainly. This should do that and I also want, to give a shout. Out to the prime minister for suggesting that you, know folks eat some. Some, local Canadian grown products, or harvested, products, in our case you know that's going to be tremendously, important, to in terms of bridging the gap here as we go through this pandemic well, I sure have no problem buying into that idea, just give, us a sense before I let you go of sort, of the what, people are dealing with in in terms of loss if you have a sense of that. Well. The, fishery, is so diverse and, it's it's, all relative, if you're an individual, on your boat and the Gulf of st. Lawrence and you're getting fish. You're getting ready to go fishing tomorrow. The. Uncertainty. About the market, is really, I think, is raised the anxiousness, of you know the industry up but, that doesn't matter whether you're in B C or you're in Newfoundland. All, of the harvesters, across the country, because. Of all the unknowns and it's the same for every sector is you. Know it's an uncertainty, and it's you know how are you gonna make ends meet and I think you know this today.

This Announcement, starts. To address some of that I mean there's still things that we're gonna want to talk about with, government, and that is making sure that our new, harvesters, that have bought into the, fishery that they're, protected, or people that have made big investments they're. Gonna have to be recognized. Here and we're going to have to find a bridge for them in terms of some of the debt load that we have of but, overall I, mean it is for everybody it's the unknown and I don't think we're no different in this sector that's for sure okay. Melanie Steinberg in grandman. And New Brunswick good of you to make the time thank you so much thank. You I'm. Rosemary Barton you're watching our special. Coverage here on CBC, News Network of the. Prime ministers and the government, federal government's response, to the pandemic, we're standing by at this hour for. A briefing from public health officials and cabinet ministers with more details on what the prime minister gave us this morning and as, well there is a virtual kovat, committee hearing. Of parliamentarians. And ministers, as well set to start at around 12:15. We're also standing by for a. Inference at 1:30, Eastern, from the Premier. Of Ontario he, is set to announce some details, of phase 1 of the provinces, reopening. Plan, CPC. News though has already learned a few of those details because. CBC's Mike Crawley just that's what he does he's on the story live from the Ontario legislature, Mike. Give us a sense of what we should expect from the premier then thanks, for the plug rosy one thing I got to clarify is what, I saw was a draft, of a news release about today's announcement so, quite, possible, that things could change and, this thing was in such a draft form that it actually said on it Ontario. Will begin, stage 1 of its reopening on, insert. Date here, in the bracket so so we don't know when it's going to happen what. Was on this news release the two key sectors, that, were named are retail, and construction on the retail side of things this, proposed. That retail. Shops that are not located in, malls would be allowed to open. They, would have to have some physical distancing. Rules. In place like the number of people per square foot that kind of thing allowed in that in a shop, with this at one time on the construction, side there's, been a certain amount of essential construction. Allowed to go ahead in Ontario, but non-essential. Construction, would be freed up to, go number, of other things pet, groomers, veterinarians. Household. Cleaning and maintenance and some seasonal, businesses, could, get going golf courses. Marinas. We're, hearing there's going to be something, in the way of a timeline for a resumption of scheduled. Surgeries, which. The government, had said was going to happen didn't, give any details, about, that so still, lots to find. Out about from the premiers announcement, at 1:30, but that's giving you a sense of the scope of what would reopen in, this limited. Phase. Of, reducing. The cove at 19 restrictions, yeah, I mean it seems, to follow the pattern of a lot of other provinces. I have to say in terms of how you do, this. I do, know though the premier has previously talked about the pressure he was under from. Golfers. Or golf lobbying, groups is such a thing exists, so do. We feel like that actually had made. A difference, and that that's something that we will see at the same time though you know on the golf courses thing if you look at it if there's, lots of space to stay away from there's other golfers, if you're out there so you can see how some.

Outdoor. Type activities, would be allowed to go ahead interesting. Thing that's in, again in this draft of the news release it proposes, that individual. Sport, competitions. Could go ahead and the, examples, that were named were horse racing, track, and field and tennis, I'm a big tennis fan so that could mean a Rogers. Cup going, ahead in Toronto in August but with no stands, in and, no, fans in the stands so, that's another one of the kinds of outdoor. Related. Activities. That could resume under this under this, plan okay, Mike Rowley thank you for bringing us up-to-date on what we can expect in about an hour and a half time Mike Crawley in Toronto, there before. As we wait for our press, conference here at noon and then the federal kovat, Committee at around 12:15. Do you want to try to get in our next guest because overnight the federal government announced it spending two point three million dollars to deal with a kovat, outbreak in northern Saskatchewan, the funds will be shared by provincial. Municipal governments. As well as. First. Nations and the maytee nation, and Glen, McCallum, is the president of the maytee nation, in Saskatchewan, and review Tim in Saskatoon. Good to see you mr. McCallum, how you doing. Really. Well thank you very much great, so. Tell, me what, what we should know about the situation in, northern Saskatchewan in, lelouc


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