NASA Langley Advanced VTOL Webinar

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Hello. Everyone, thank. You for joining us today my name is Sean Sullivan and I, will be your host for this technology Gateway, webinar, on NASA, Langley's, long and direct vertical, takeoff and landing unmanned, aerial vehicles. Our. Presenter today is David North mr.. North is the unmanned aerial system section lead in the aeronautics systems engineering branch at NASA Langley Research Center, his, current areas of research are unmanned, aerial system design advanced. Prototyping, techniques for Aeronautics, and Space Systems, recently. Mr. North has managed to GL ten beetle UAS project, the, Mars electric reusable, fire project, and the, rapid pack urban air mobility UAS, project. Following. David's presentation, on the technologies, my, colleague Jennifer viewed as a licensing, specialist, at NASA Langley will, be giving a short presentation on, how to license, NASA technology, to, your, business. Now. Before we get started I want, to point out that your microphones, will be muted throughout this presentation, so, if you have questions for David or Jennifer during their presentations, please, type them into the chat box and we will answer them during the Q&A session at the end of today's webinar so, at this point I'm going to turn it over to you David. Hi. Everybody this is Dave North and. Happy, you could be here today too for, this webinar about, our long-endurance, V tools that, two, of them that we've developed here at NASA Langley and, I. Will just start in. The. Two V, tall's that. We've developed are the, first ones called the greased lightning or we call it the GL ten because, it has ten, rotors, and the second, one is a three rotor long. Endurance VTOL, called the trifecta. Okay. So. Why. Did we develop these beetles. And. The the, two big, problems are the first problem. That we faced, with. The. V tall's and the requirement, that we wanted to develop or. Had, for developing, these beetles. Was. Multicopters. Just. Don't have enough flight time and range most. Big. Multicopters. Now in the range. Of. 22:55, pounds, have roughly. A half an hour maybe. 45 minutes of flight time but not enough time to do a lot of the missions out there like. Surveying, and. Assessment. Of. Infrastructure. And things like that a lot of these Multi multi copters just, don't have the capability, to do those missions, and then.

The, Second, big problem that we address with these vehicles is. The. Ground infrastructure. Currently, for. Forward. Flight vehicles, or seat, tall vehicles, is, really. Large these. Vehicles even, ones, that are small. Like in the 55, pound range require, big. Catapults. They, require catch nets catch, wires a lot. Of ground infrastructure. And crew to run those ground. Infrastructure, items, so. With, these V tall's we. Address, that concern because. The vehicle, takes, off in hover mode and then transitions, into forward flight. And, then again, transitions, back in the hover mode for the landing so no ground infrastructure. Like. Catapults. And catch net nets are required. So. This slide is a little bit closer look at the two vehicles. At. The, first, vehicle, the trifecta vehicle, and on the left-hand side, the. Figure shows the vehicle and the forward flight configuration. So. The rotors, the, front rotor is facing, forward and then. The back rotors, have been stowed in their, crews configuration. So it looks, pretty. Much like a regular airplane, and it's forward flight mode and then, on the right-hand figure, it's. Shown in the hover mode the, rotor the front rotor has tilted, up 90 degrees and, then the back rotors, are in, action. And, they are, RPM. Controlled. And providing. Hover. Controllability. A. Little, more detail, of this the, trifecta. Hat, is a. Series. Type, hide I'm. Sorry it's a parallel, hybrid. Gl ten as a series hybrid where the electric. Generator. And. The. Internal. Combustion, motor, are running in parallel to. Each other so, the internal, combustion, motor and the trifecta, is, running. The front rotor and then. The, back. Two rotors, are run off a battery which is supplied by the generator. Some, of the characteristics. Of the trifecta. It's a VTOL it's, a hybrid electric VTOL so it has a liquid, fuel motor and then two electric, motors, it. Is. Roughly. Three three. Times more efficient, than a typical. Multicopter. And three times faster, than the multicopter. Because. It does, get into wing. Borne flight. Mode when it's in forward, flight so. That allows a 50. Times. Increase. In endurance, and range, and our. Initial. Requirements. For. These views. Hybrid, electric vehicles, with a 24, hour mission, with, a range of 1,300. Miles and that. Is for the full-scale, version 20, foot span vehicle. We actually. Built, 50%. Scale versions, of both the GL 10 and, trifecta. And these pictures on, this slide show, the trifecta, the. 50% scale trifecta. That we built these, 50% scale, prototypes, that we build are all electric, they were mainly. Focused on getting the controls. Technology. Worked out for the, vehicles, and then we. Have not built the 20-foot. Full-scale, versions, of hybrid electric but, that is in our long-term plans, as to build. Those, full-scale. Prototypes. Okay. Moving on to the GL 10 it is a tilt. Wing. Tandem. Wing VTOL. So both the wing and the tail tilt, 90, degrees and on the front wing there are 10 or I'm, sorry 8 electric, motors and on, the tail there are 2 electric motors. There. Are, actuators that tilt, both, the, wing and the tail relative, to the fuselage, and, again. This is a series. Hybrid-electric, so, all of, the motors are electric, and they. Are driven, off of a, battery, pack which is kept, topped, off by a generator. So, in cruise mode on, the left hand side eight, of the ten, propellers. Fold back against, the motor, nestlé's and only. The wingtip motors are left rotating. So, that allows for a really cruise. Efficient. Configuration. With, low drag. And. Then in hover mode all ten rotors are, used. For. Flight, control and then your control, is. With. Blown, a L'Orange. Underneath. The wing rotors. Again. The gol 10 has about the same. Characteristics. As the trifecta, it, is. Three times more efficient, three times faster, than a multicopter, and it has roughly, 50, times the endurance and range of a multicopter. And. Those. Pictures, below or of the actual, 50 person 50%. Scale model, that we did extensive, testing on, here, at NASA Langley. Okay. What types of applications. Could you use these vehicles for you could use it for agriculture. Surveillance. Where you need to have a vehicle up, and, not. Landing, every 30 minutes where you wanted to serve a large amounts. Of land area you. Know if you're doing sort of a lawn mower pattern, shown on the upper right-hand figure, there this vehicle, would work very well for that.

You. Could do highway, and bridge inspection. Like if you had to fly out a distance. And survey a road and then you wanted to pause and, get, better imagery. Of bridges, or. Any. Infrastructure. For. Transportation. You could do that with these types of vehicles, package. Delivery it's, perfect, for that you you take. Off vertically, fly out deliver, the package and then take, off vertically again and fly back to the, initial. Location. They, could be used for pipeline, inspections. Forests. And land management. Search-and-rescue, border patrol where, you need a vehicle, to maybe purchase, there for. A while and then. Finally, a, lot. Of work is being done in the, urban air taxi. Arena. And. These vehicles could. Potentially, be, used and scaled, up for. Autonomous. Urban, air taxi applications. All. Right. So. Diving. Into the requirements, that we use for, both, of these projects, the, customer, that we originally designed. These for wanted. A very, small footprint, for the takeoff and landing zone they were the requirement, was 20, feet by 20 feet, to. Land in and take off the. Landing, accuracy. On the outbound, landing. Or at the end of the outbound, leg. Had. To be pretty accurate so one and a half meters was. Was. The requirement there so we designed, the vehicle, so that if, you had a sensor, system. That. Could do that the vehicle, could do that we didn't actually design. That that, landing, system for our prototype. The. Loiter mission, for these vehicles was, the, sizing. Condition. So they're really designed for, low. Or high lift over drag and that was, really the driving. Function. For the design of these vehicles there, were some other requirements. With drove that drove, the design like, a hundred. Not -, speed and then. There were other parts of the mission where I had to fly it at, a fairly high altitude. Up. To 21,000. Feet the. Vehicles, were, designed for, autonomy. So. They were they, were to be flown with, satellite. Communication. And no. Operators. Were required. For, most of the 24. Hour flight or. Actually, for the full-scale, vehicle, we envisioned, no, operators, at all so they would fly, the. Whole mission autonomously. Some. Of the other requirements that, we did meet with the 50% were, low noise the. The Geo. 10 vehicle, in particular. Has. A very, high. Frequency. Noise. Signature. Which, makes for a signature, that doesn't. Travel. Very far, we. Noticed. When we were testing the vehicle you could stand about a hundred yards away and. There. Would you, could still hear the vehicle but it you kind of had to listen for it very carefully so the, GL ten in particular has a very. Very. Low noise impact. Signature. So. That's the last two bullets on that slide. Some. Other characteristics. Of the full-scale, vehicles, they were to be. 264. Pounds wingspan. About. 20 feet. The. Fuselage, length on those full scales was. To be around 11 or 12 feet and the, wing loading. Fairly. Low at 10 9 or 10 pounds per square foot. Some. Other things pretty. Good L over D 20. Which, is kind, of unusual for a lot of small, UAS. The. VTOL power required. Was. Roughly. About. Eight. Or nine times the. Loiter power and that's how you, achieve the efficiency, VTOL. Power was about 22, or 23, horsepower and, then loiter or cruise. Power is, three, horsepower. Okay. Just the summary, of what we've done here at NASA and developing, these vehicles we've, done. Extensive flight, testing, of the GL 10 and of. The trifecta, the GL 10 prototype. That we built was a 50%, scale, all-electric. Version and then, we did a lot of testing, at 35%. Scale of the trifecta, concept. We're, currently using a, cots VTOL, flight controller, we. Do we are currently working on. In-house. Versions, of that controller, but right now we are using cots, like. Control, with. Publicly. Available. Firmware. VTOL. Firmware, to fly that, so. The next phase of development would. Be the development of the hybrid electric propulsion system. And we have acquired that and. Are. Planning. On developing, that and first, at 50% scale, and then. Later at full. Full-scale. And. That's, it oh. There's. A video here we'd like to show you guys this. Is a little snippet of the GL, 10 video that's. Available online, if, you if you just search online. You. Can find the longer, video of the, GL 10 testing. Just. Search for. NASA. Grease, lightning. For, any audio.

I'll. Just say a few words about the video as its it's running here so again. This is the 50% scale, all-electric. Version. So. That was showing, the transition, from a hover. Mode into, a 50%. Transition, so you're. Seeing it right now in about, a half. Transition. It's halfway between between. Hover and forward flight and. Then. A few seconds, later you'll see a transition. Into. Full forward flight. So. Right here is the transition, from and, you can see it from an onboard camera, to. Full forward flight. We. Probably have, about a hundred. Hours, of flight time on this vehicle so. Maybe. Eighty to a hundred hours something, like that. All. Right and then this slide just shows the two patent. The. Patent and then the patent application, for the trifecta and. Those. Numbers are below the each figure if you want to go look at those in detail. And. I believe, that's it, all. Right thank you Davis so. We have received a number of questions from, you all so far, keep, sending those in right into the chat box and we will get to them shortly but first, jennifer, via as my colleague who is again, a licensing, specialist here at nasa langley is, going to give a overview. On how you can, do visits with us through technology, licenses. Thank. You Sean, and I'm. Happy to be here with everyone today hopefully. Everybody's, having a good afternoon or morning wherever you are we. Are going to change gears here a little bit and sort of knew from the technical, part of the conversation. Too as, Sean said how to license, a, technology. Here from NASA Langley. This. Is a logo tart and the point of is to let you know that we have many different licenses. With many multiple, different types of organizations. Everyone. From small businesses, of one to two people, all, the way up to large businesses, like you see on the chart like Pepsi we have. Licenses. With local businesses, and across the United States we. Also engage, in some international. Licenses. So, that is also a possibility. Hopefully, you found your way here today possibly, through our website, which we're very proud of the technology, is where, all, of our intellectual, property and patents, patent pending our, house here, on this website, here. At NASA Langley at our particular site, here. In Hampton Virginia a lot of our mission. Work, results. In the. Following, types of intellectual. Property as you see here on the chart which, which, are advanced, materials, aerospace. Applications. Sensors, and detectors. Generally. The agency, as a whole all of the centers across the United States. Categorize. The intellectual, property, into the categories, that you see below so once you go, to technology,, and, you. Click on materials and coatings for example, it called, the intellectual, property and the patent pending will come up and give, you more information.

We. Have different types of licenses that we offer here. At NASA and one. Of the first ones in one of its generally, the typical ones is a standard, commercial license, I've, already mentioned that we. Do. License, obviously, to domestic, companies, as well as international. Organizations, and the. Important, thing to remember here that a standard commercial, license is negotiated. On a case-by-case basis. It they. Really are not cookie, cutter and so people, like myself as a licensing, specialist, work very closely with, the, licensee, to discuss, the. Technology, to discuss the. Business. Needs and the planned technology. The, plan, used for the technology, and, usually. Based on the business plan based, on the, actual technology that's being licensed. That's. How we determine and, come up with with, the, royalty. Rates people are always very interested, in royalty rates you'll. Notice that we have exclusive, partially, exclusive, or not exclusive, so, that just means that you do have the option to. License. All the fields of use so if the technology has multiple, applications. You, could, exclusively. License, all of those applications or you, could decide to do something more partially, exclusive, and carve, out a field, of use that is more applicable to, your needs. We. Also have a of different licenses, one is a startup license, and that is very appealing to startups. It, is the, important, thing to know here is that this, type of license, is only available to, US companies and only, on a non-exclusive, basis. And whereas. The commercial, license that I just spoke of a moment ago does have an upfront fee the, startup license does not have an upfront fee and there, are no annual minimums for the first three years so. That, really allows the small business, to get up and running and keep the resources, and its pockets, so to speak and and. Fees. Aren't, due until the fourth accounting, period. Generally. The businesses, need to be in place for less than twelve months and there. Are other couple, other stipulations. Like. Having, less than two million, and. Assets. As well as having less than 50 employees but, if you have any questions, about any of these licenses please, feel free to contact us the. Evaluation, license is also something that, attractive. Because maybe, you're just not ready to enter into a full-blown, commercial, license. And you're not sure if the technology is what you want or, it's going to fit your needs you have an option to enter, into an evaluation license, and it, says just what it says on the chart you gives you a chance to try it before you buy it, and.

Those, Are put in place for one to two years on a non-exclusive, basis. And you, can do everything with, an evaluation, license, that you can do with a commercial license except. You cannot make sales and that. Evaluation, license has a one-time, fee of $2,500. So. The, first the first step of. Licensing. A technology, from NASA is to submit your application and, you. Can do that by going. To technology, gateway You. Do see a acronym. An acronym on the right hand side. Atlas. The. Website. I believe you can also search, sorry NASA Langley, Research Center Atlas and you can submit your submit. Your application. Electronically. Online there, we, would need proof. Of your, incorporation. Of your actual business with, a financial, statement and as I mentioned before a, business, plan and your. Projected. Use of the technology, and and how much you think that it would take to to. Get, the product or service up and running. The, negotiated. Terms are like. I mentioned especially for the commercial, license we, negotiate, upfront fees we negotiate. The annual, minimums, the, royalty payment, the. Field of use as I've already mentioned that was the field of use is where the exclusivity, partial, exclusivity, or not exclusivity, comes into play and. The. Negotiated. Terms are, also. Included. Geographic, locations, for manufacturing. And product sales. So. The takeaway. Is the very first step is to submit your application and, at least get started from there and then you can begin speaking, with our office and narrowing. Down and. Making. This work for you. So. Generally, this is just a review of what I've already talked about you, would find the, technology, that, would be of interest of potential licensing, interest, hopefully, for examples today's highlighted. Technology, VTOL you, would contact our office which we will provide that information to, you and we, will talk we will have a lot of going. Back and forth you will have a chance to possibly. Have. A conversation, with the inventor, to, have some, of your questions, answered that way all of your business questions, would be answered through our office you, would submit the application, as I, mentioned. A moment ago our. Office would review it and make sure that you do qualify and then the different negotiated, points would come into play, like I mentioned upfront, fee royalty. Fees. Etc, we've come to an agreement and you have an actual signed, document, and we. Move forward and you have licensed, and. We. Want. To see you be successful. So. I think it just point we're ready to accept, accept, some questions, here, you do see Jessie, midgets name is the technology portfolio, manager, and how to get in touch with him and. Certainly. Feel free to contact, him after the webinar to, ask any questions, for. Follow up and thank, you alright. Thank You Jennifer so, we have received many questions so far, you. Know keeps the big nose as I said, before. You. Can put right in that chat box, if. You have any questions for Jennifer about her presentation, go ahead and feel free to submit those as well we'll. Be happy to. Enter those as. We, go forward so. We. Had a couple questions actually submitted. Before. We. Started. The. Webinar today through our email. And so, I want to get to those first and. Jennifer. This one is probably for you so if somebody were to license these technologies, what. Exactly, do, they get all. Right that's a good question, one that we receive often, and you. Get the. Right to. Make. Use. And sell, what. You see in the past or what you see in the patent pending. So. It's, really, it's really up. To the company, to have the. Expertise, that it needs to be able to move forward to use the technology, now. That being said there. Are mechanisms, that we can that are in place where, the company could potentially, work side by side for, example with, Dave North to. Try to get. Questions answered to to. Make further, development. But. Basically. The. The, answer is to be able to to.

Make, Use. And sell, a product, or service with. Some help. On. An as-needed basis. From nasa as the mission allow and time, allow and. There. Are other mechanisms that, are that, can be put into place namely. A Space, Act agreement, which. Is just our document, that allows, us to partner with companies, I can, certainly answer, questions. About Space Act agreements. I'm happy, to do that great. All, right, so. David. I think this one's for you to either these designs, of the aircraft they allow for the incorporation of solar, panels, I. Think. You could put solar panels on. These they. Certainly, wouldn't provide, enough power. Needed. For the. For, the complete mission, you. Might be able to power some. Auxilary. Systems. But. For primary. Power you, would need either. The hybrid, or hybrid. Electric, or if. You were building a smaller scale version, of a probably battery powered electric, but. It doesn't. These. Designs, are, not. Prohibitive. Of including. Solar panels, I guess, you could there. Could be scenarios, where. You. The. Vehicle, is left, to charge up the batteries, with. A small smaller. Solar array and then you've built up enough energy and the batteries to do the flight but I don't. Think there's enough surface surface. Area on the vehicle, to be able to make up the power required, for. For. Direct, solar, power of the motors okay. Jennifer, I think this one goes back to you, have. Any licenses, exclusive. Or non-exclusive been, issued for these, designs do you know. Yes. I do know and. We. Do, have some, licensing, interest and in. This technology, we've, done a lot of marketing, and mr.. North has been very helpful, in, supporting those. Potential. Licensees and. I. Can, say that it is not. Exclusively. Licensed. And it, is certainly available to, be licensed great. And, back, to David so has any special material, or, components, been used to build these prototypes. Nothing. That's not standard. Aerospace. Prototyping. Materials. It's. Regular, carbon, fiber epoxy. Graphite. Carbon fiber, fiberglass. Even. Wood in some parts, of the vehicles and then, we've even, used. Cots. Electric. Motors cots batteries. So, there's nothing there. Are a few parts that were machined, at our machine shop here, but nothing that's out of the ordinary for, standard. Aerospace, prototyping. So. You're just talking about the cost controller we've gotten a number of questions about that can, you talk about exactly. Which cots. Control of the GL 10 uses sure yeah, this, will be a little bit surprising, to everybody, but a lot, of, other companies have used this controller, also. And, it's, a, hobby grade. I am. You board called, the KK, to point, one point five and, we're running a, special. Version, of the firmware, called. Open arrow VTOL and again, these were all developed, both the board and the flight control system were not developed, here at NASA they were open, source development, we. Just we, did work a little bit with the developers. To add some features which, are also open. Now available. In the open source. Firmware. But. It's all. Off-the-shelf. Publicly. Available. Hardware. And firmware, that, we use to fly this vehicle now, we configured. It and there's a lot of settings in those controllers, that would took a lot of time for us to dial, and things, like feedback. Gains, and. Leveling. Controls, and, allocation, of power to, motors things like that so it did take us quite. A bit of time to. Get. The settings, right in that firmware, but the firmware itself, is publicly, available great. So, another, question that's been very popular so far has been asking, about the payload capacity, for, both of these vehicles can you talk about that a little bit that's. A good question, to me scroll, back I think, I for, the full-scale. Vehicle. I recall. Correctly I think it was a 20, pound payload. I don't. Know if it's on that slide or not. Maybe. Not I believe. For the full scale it was a. 20-ish. Pound payload and, then for, our half scale electric, vehicle it was a five pound payload. And. Those are kind of round numbers, so so the 20 pound was for the full scan or the full 20 foot span vehicle, great, all. Right. Moving. Along. So. There's somebody who would like to know more about the bars flyer that you that. I touched on your. Bio is there any information out there that they keep find. Or. Point to or maybe the early fall place we have a video out there that, was published by NASA it's. I. Think, the title of the YouTube video is, NASA. Engineers. Proposed. Mars. Flyer. Concept. Or something like that you'll find it if you type in NASA Mars, flyer. That. Technology. Though is not currently. Submitted. For IP. That. Vehicle. Design is a well-established, vehicle. Design that, we. Didn't want. To pursue because, there's nothing special about the design other than the, application, that.

We're Targeting which, is Mars flight but anyway. There. Is a YouTube video out there if you want to know, more details about that it's called, NASA, Langley. Engineers proposed. Mars flyer concept. There's a five, minute or four and a half minute, YouTube video, out there alright, but let's get back to the subject today which is actually recall but. I just want to get that out there for that person so you touched on this a little bit your presentation, but you know what, can you go over the pros and the cons a little bit more of what the these, two V tell you is, designs. Have. Over, things like hybrid quads or flex rotor tech UAS. So. Over, a hybrid. Quad or I think we call, them separate lift for us with that's, probably, the most popular, type. Of. VTOL. Vehicle, and. If, anybody's. Familiar with, what's going on and the beetle. UAV market, about. 95%. Of. VTOL, concepts. Out there are, separate, list rust so it more, or less looks like a, mash, up of a quadcopter. And a, regular, seat, tall UAV. So, typically. They have four, rotors two in front of the wing two and back of the wing. One. Of the disadvantages. Of that type, of vehicle, is. You. Have these booms and these rotors, which, are, kind. Of draggy and they. Are stowed. If you know some of the companies, are stowing, those rotors and trying to stow them in a less, draggy way but we, focus, on the. The. Lift, over drag of these vehicles to try to minimize. The. Drag of the vehicle so. Well. You know separate lift thrust VTOL, is the most popular, it's. It's. Got its downsides, and then but the cons, of, some. Of these vehicles I'll, just you know try, to be upfront about it is. Everybody. Who works in beetles know that tilt wings are. Very. Difficult and they take a while to tune, and, you. Know get through the transition. Phase. But. We spent. A lot of time on that and work through the transition, of the GL, 10, vehicle. And. We. Have a pretty reliable transition. Methodology. Worked out for that vehicle and, then the trifecta, that is also that's a tilt rotor vehicle. Which. Doesn't, well. Another downside, of tilt wings is that, in. Crosswind. Conditions, they can if, you don't have enough control Authority they can have your. Problems, and heading programs, but. The trifecta, vehicle, is not a tilt wing it's a tilt rotor design so it it. Doesn't have as many of the problems, that. Aspect. All. Right so this, is kind, of two-part question is from the same person. What. If any software is included if, somewhere were licensed its technology, and is, there, a bill of materials included, or that you could including as part of the license. Okay so first, question, like. I said it's an off-the-shelf. Flight, controller, and. An. Off. Or, open source, firmware, on, that you can literally. Go. To the website and download that stuff and we could give you that the.

Location, Of that firmware. But if you just did a search on open, Aero VTOL. You. Would be able to find that firmware, pretty easily and then it, would also tell you about the control board - and then, the second, part of equation was the drawings, I believe we discussed this in our last meeting and the answer was yes we do have drawings and I. Do. Believe they would be available as far as I know how, about a listing materials, - and that's, for the GL 10 the. Trifecta. Vehicle. There. Is not a set of trunks, for that that was actually built from specs, in. Cooperation. With our model shop and that was done without a full, set of real engineering, drawings so the geo pen does have a full set of engineering. Drawings great. This. Is always a tricky question because people asking a lot. Do. You have a, estimate. Or an expected, cost from manufacturing. One of these vehicles that's. A good one I really. Don't. You. Know, less. Than a million dollars but, more than ten dollars. Yeah. So, maybe something to talk. About later when were in more, serious discussions, about licensing, yeah um. Going. To the cops, does. The deal tin use pods actuators, yes. They do every everything, on the Geo ten except for a few, you. Know of, course all of the molds, for the fuselage, and wings were all custom, molds, but every other part. Like. Odors actuators. They're, all. Commercially. Available there. Were a few parts that we machined in like the middle, middle, of the wing spar has some bracketry, on it that was, machined in our machine shop but, uh everything. Else is mostly cots hardware. Great. Well we're working through more modes at the end of our questions so, if you have any more out there in, the audience then you'd like to submit them please do that now if, we don't get to any, question that you've. Asked today we will definitely follow up by email but. If you have any more that you'd like to submit, please do that in the chat box now, so. The last question I have in, the queue right now that I think is one. That we could talk about is there's, been a lot of talk recently about this, uber and NASA collaboration. And vehicle, made. From that so. How. Do you see this kind of fitting into that air mobility. Or. Air. Mobility type of vehicle. Well either either of these concepts, I think with. Some development, work could, be used for urban air mobility. Particularly. For unmanned. The, unmanned part of urban air mobility I don't. Know if this. Person. Is court question. Is about manned, urban. Air mobility but, NASA, defines, urban air mobility as both smaller. Unmanned, vehicles, that would do things like carrying. Packages and, all. The way up to manned, vehicles. So, either. Either, of those applications. I think work. For, these vehicles they would definitely need to be some. Development, work done if they, were applied, to manned. Flight. Vehicles. For. The unmanned, like package delivery, stuff I think, they are I, mean. They're the, designs, are, right there I mean you can deliver a five-pound, package, with the smaller, 50%. 10-foot, wingspan vehicle.

Or If, you wanted to deliver bigger packages, you couldn't go with the, 20. Foot design, but. Yeah. They're either, these, designs. Are meetable to urban, air mobility. Applications. Great. All, right all. Right so we go one more and then I think this will be our last question again, if we didn't answer, your. Question then we will follow up with that after. They're a couple in there that I think are very specific. And night I want, to leave, them for a direct answer via email but. Regarding. The software tuning. And configuration, settings that you. Develop. During this was, that something that could be made available to a company that were licenses sure I believe, so um. About. A little more detail about that you know we we. Are not saying that we. We. Optimize, those flight, parameters enough, to do what we wanted to do which is get the vehicle, through its. Flight. Testing. First, flight, testing phase so we're not claiming that. These. Control. Parameters, are optimized. In any way they were just sufficient for, what we wanted to do so I just wanted to characterize, that but the answer is yes I think those, settings. For, the open air beetle code are available, to you all. Right well great, thank. You David Thank You Jennifer thank, you everyone the audience for being here today again there are a few questions there, that we didn't we. Didn't get to but we will answer you within, the next week or so via email if. Anyone out there has additional, questions because I'm sure that they're going to come to you after thinking. About a little bit please feel free to submit those to the email address that you see on. The slide the bottom there the large DL technology, gateway, and. We will get back to you very quickly with, interest of those as well once. Again we really appreciate you attending today's, webinar and look, out for more information via our mailing list on future webinars other. Than that have a great day thank, you.


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