Dr SHIVA LIVE INTERVIEW - Dr SHIVA’s History of Accurate Predictions The SCIENCE Revealed

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to our lifestream which we gonna be over the next next forty-five, 50 minutes, maybe to an hour, we’ll see how we go. And I hope to be joined by a very special guest, Doctor Shiva, Ayyadurai, who I can just see in the background, so he will be coming into the studio in a minute or two, so as I say, Alice be really interesting conversation and eh you know we do try to cover a lot of issues that you don’t necessarily get on them on on the mainstream. So wherever you’re watching this if it’s on Getter, if it’s on Rumble, if it’s wherever it is, eh hopefully you’ll find this one worthwhile eh for the next eh for the next little while. And of course just in such time I can see Doctor Shiva, he’s kind of in the background, so ehm, we’ll bring him in just as soon as he gets back in his seat. But eh, hey listen, the last

time I to you. We had a Conservative Government. Looks to me like the next time I speak to you, we mightn’t because the the churn in the body politic is extraordinary at the moment. Absolutely extraordinary times. Uh not just here in the UK but of course, we see events in the States. We see what’s happening in Ukraine. We see what’s happening in well, the whole mess that is the the Ukraine Russian kind of cockpit. So, there is a lot of a lot of things happening. But the thing that I wanted to talk about which you’re going to get to in a second is really you know the last couple of years have been extraordinary haven’t they? For for all of us and our lives have changed in so many ways.

So many ways. And we want to really zero in I think with Doctor Shiva in terms of the origins of all of this. Whatever happened to Science along the way because you know eh I can’t be the only person who in twenty nineteen had a lot of respect for science and in twenty twenty-2 has probably very little respect for well a lot of science and a lot of scientists. So that’s pretty much eh you know kind of where I come from in this one here. And ehm yeah Doctor Shiva’s going to come in. So we’re going to bring him into the studio now. See him sitting down. He’s getting comfortable.

Eh so eh without further a do. Uh let me see if we can bring Doctor Shiva into the stream. So eh yes. Good evening Doctor Shiva. How are you doing? Good evening. I’m doing very well.

Good evening or is it a afternoon or morning? I’m never sure. But yeah it’s 3 PM. Now David you’re doing this live right? Is this a live? We’re doing this live. We are live. We are live. So hey listen. First of all. A big thank you

for for coming on the stream. Um I have to say you I I have admired your work for for quite a while And eh just saying just before you come in there that I mean we’ve been through Doctor Shiva extraordinary times since the beginning of twenty 20 I guess. And ehm I can remember well. I remember well eh following you on Twitter because back then we were both on Twitter. Ehm since then my Twitter times have come to a a

gratuitous end and I think eh your own Twitter times have also are behind you. But I did follow you a lot. And I have to say you were probably the foremost and probably the first voice to raise sensible criticisms of what was going on. So maybe can we just start the conversation? I mean can we go back because you were on the ball actually in 2019 because I I’ve seen stuff you’ve done in twenty towards the end of twenty nineteen. Where you were asking lots of good questions. So maybe can you share with our audience which is a global audience you know go back in time to then, what did you see? What were you thinking? Well, first of all, David, you know, my training is in a, if you, I’m a system scientist. Um.

Yeah. System Science is a field of science, which really is about seeing the interconnections between the parts. You see, when you only look at the part of something, you don’t get the hole. Yeah. But it’s the interconnections where truth exists. So, some, you know, engineering, plumbers, electricians, scientists, not so much, engineers are actually much more honest than scientists. Science, scientists get a bunch of data and they fit a line to the data and they can make the line go different ways but engineers have to deal with the reality of science. So, if

you’re building something, and you build a and you don’t follow the scientific principles, things are going to fall apart. Yeah. Verse, if you just write a scientific paper, you can sort of BS your way through it. So, it’s a fundamental difference. So, engineering training like

vocational training puts you in a place we have to deal with reality. Unfortunately, what’s happened over the last is starting, I would probably say nineteen seventy. Um a most of the scientists in academia are essentially prostitutes and that’s not being, you know, hyperbolic but that’s what it is. They they basically practice the oldest profession.

Now, I was it because you know, the engineering training takes you in a different realm and I learned enough about politics even starting when I was a five-year-old kid because I grew up in India which had a caste system. Yup. And the caste system is basically where you know, your future is a function, not of what you do, but a birth lottery. So, I was very fascinated why the family I was brought up in even though we were pretty smart, you know, didn’t get proper treatment. My

parents were sort of one in a trillion when they made it to the United States. So, my journey has been deeply in political systems as a kid but also science. Um so that journey brought me into really having a deep understanding of System Science, you know? So in 20 19, what’s important to understand is that I had given a talk at the National Science Foundation. Yup. What’s called one of their prestige lectures that I was invited to do NSF to those of you in England. Uh

it’s it’s the sort of science and engineering organization of the United States and I us to deliver a a lecture on the modern theory of the immune system and you some of you may have seen it and in that lecture I said that the theory that we’re using to give people what we call the current jab, right? With really based on a 1915 model of the immune system. Yes. And that 1915 model of the immune system was the basis of essentially jabs and but Science changed a lot between 1915 to 2022. What’s called System s Biology and Systems Biology starting in two thousand and three really found out that the body is not just the genome. and the body is an interconnection many subsystems. And so with that

lecture I had essentially said look this there’s an old model of the immune system. Which is just based on bringing up antibodies. But the immune system is far more complex. It involves many System s of gut microbiome. It involves the adaptive, the innate, and essentially also the interference system. And the interference system and it involves a much more complex system. What that’s immune system reveals is that one size doesn’t fit all. Number one.

And just up regular up regulating antibodies doesn’t mean you have comprehensive immune support. And you know there were 200 millionaires and scientists there and everyone agreed. And I said the concept Giving everyone a jab to fix the immune system is frankly nonsensical, okay? Yeah. In

fact, you know, when, in, if you go back to the fear of variation, which is brought to the United States by an American, what, by a slave, and, and, in places like Africa, they would make an abrasion on someone’s wrist. If they knew one village had, let’s say, some disease, right? Yeah. Yeah. And they would give the entire thing, not just, essentially, it’s basically letting people’s immune system truly get up regulated. But the bottom line is we’ve tried to

recreate nature by taking a very refined aspect in the true vaccine with a deadened virus. And now with the mRNA model we’re even going much more reductionist to try to essentially short circuit the immune system. Okay? Where you don’t get the entire up up regulation of all different systems. So yeah. Current intervention is like you’re

going to a music hall and you just hear the drum playing when there’s a 12 piece band on the stage which is the entire ensemble of the immune system. So anyway Gave that talk. No one had a problem and then when I saw this quote unquote pandemic take place and I saw Trump really not doing something. I literally got a call from one of the chief economic people at the White House. And he was very very

urgent. He said, Doctor Shiva, I’ve seen your video. Please do more videos. Trump is just listening to Fauci. Yeah. He’s not doing anything. You know, to avert that, you know? So, that’s what inspired me to realize that basically, legislators and these people The problem is in United States, we don’t have scientists and engineers and vote vote tech people in Congress. We have lawyers and

these people are frankly idiots or entertainers. Basically, they’re imbeciles. Um very different than the founders of the United States. Oh yeah. Engineers. So, you basically have imbeciles and entertainers. Trump is an entertainer. Um you know, Joe Biden is an imbecile. And the

problem with when you have these kind of people is they don’t, they can’t, they don’t have the confidence to act on facts. So, anyway, that’s started doing those videos in January of twenty twenty Uh you know, Yeah. I had run for office against Elizabeth Warren in twenty 18. We we’re the ones who forced her to take the DNA test. It wasn’t Trump. Our movement did it. We had signs all over Massachusetts which

said only the real Indian can defeat the fake Indian. It was a very funny Right. Yeah. We sent her multiple DNA test kits. But that gave us a lot of you know, sort of public popularity here but when we decided to run in twenty twenty, January or October twenty twenty Yeah, year the in January of 2020 when we saw the pandemic coming. I was the first one to put up on Twitter a tweet which got like 30, 000 retweets, which said, you know, this will go down in history as a way to destroy economies, suppress speech, and destroy people’s health. Yeah, you were very prophetic. I mean, I I

remember that. I, yeah, I watched all that. Yeah, as I said, I think you, I can’t remember anyone else really of your stature saying the same things that you said. At that point, in the intervening period other people have come emerged and said this that and the other. But the problem is

David, just to make this point, you know, Alan MacDonald, you know, who was the chief engineer at Morton Thiall, who would, in 1986, he wouldn’t sign off on NASA’s pressure to sign off on a space shuttle going up, which resulted in, you know, everything blowing up. Um, let me just tell someone to take hey, John. Um, it’s okay that your your canine acquaintance is very welcome. Yeah, are they, okay, I’m sorry if that’s okay. That’s fine. Yeah. Um, Yeah, so anyway, so what ended up happening as a result of that was that in twenty twenty, January of twenty twenty, you know, I’m also an activist, a ground activist. I’ve been that all my life. You know, I like building bottoms up movements. It was

our movement which went to New Jersey and we had 5, 000 people protesting against the bill for vaccine mandates. And we’re the ones who stopped that bill. The not so obvious establishment guy, Robert Kennedy, and the establishment is very good at positioning people to act as though they say all the right words. He was telling us to not do our demonstration that, you know, we should go negotiate with the Democrats, not anger them, okay? Hm. So, fascinating here is, I’ve, you know, you, you know, politics, when you really get into real politics and you really understand the dynamics of change is always bottoms up. The establishment is very clever. They have their obvious people like the Fauci’s and the Clintons, but then they have the not so obvious versions on the left and right, which will definitely game. Yeah. Fighting for the masses

like Trump on the right, you know, even though I supported him but his actions exposed the fact that he was actually not doing in the interest of the people and then on the left, you have people like the Kennedy’s and the AOCs and the you know, Bernie Sanders. It’s the ways of the establishment that really manipulate people of thinking there’s hope within both elements of it but yeah, we called all this stuff out and the reason is because we take a system’s approach. Now, over the years, We’ve done is we’ve created a system called Truth, Freedom, and Health. Truth Freedom Health. com where we are now educating the broad mass of people on System Science. We’ve created a community and a complete technology framework. 10000 people, David, in the world,

approximately probably a little bit less than that, know the science of systems. George Soros is one of the big theorists on the Science of System s. Right. And and if you think about a knife, a knife can be used to buy a criminal to kill or a knife can be used by a surgeon to heal people. The sign of systems is a weapon that can be, that’s today being used for subjugation, manipulation, and enslavement. But what I’ve done is I was, because I was fortunate to get all this education, we’ve been, we’ve made that scientist system to a curriculum that any working person can learn at their own time, and they can start to think beyond left and right, and they can be prescient in in predicting the future. But without the knowledge of System s, the world is actually screwed because the elites have a, a very different way on how to think, and using that how to think. They tell people what to think. So need to learn how to

think. They also use the media very successfully. The mainstream media Yeah you know they they actually do. Because like like again going back to March 2020 I mean there there was a tweet that you put out which I think we can bring up or we can bring it out. I’m sure you remember this one. Eh a great tweet. I love this one. Ehm back then. Challenging Fauci to a live debate. Ehm and eh said, rightly, the truth

will then emerge and the world will learn some basic immunology. But and which was great. But the problem is that Fauci was kept in place. I mean you know I I never understood why Trump’s dead with him. Doctor I’ll tell you why. I’ll

tell you why Trump stayed with him. Trump rooted for big pharma. What Obama did for big banks? Okay? And look I’ve met with Trump. I’ve had one two hour meeting. Another hour meeting. you know, back recently back, you know, as

early as this past November. It has nothing to do with other these people are nice people or bad people. You can probably get along with them, probably play golf them, hang out with them. It’s nothing to do with that. It has to do with the fact that it’s about immense amounts of capital, okay? And when you grow up in a culture like Trump who’s an entertainer basically and he’s about maximizing profit for himself and his family. Mm hmm. And that’s it. That’s all. I think that’s the

way Trump thinks. Uh and anything that comes out of his mouth is about watching the opportunistic cultural direction So, so if you step back at what was really going on go back to Obama, okay? Mm hmm. Yup. Um Obama, I would say from the numbers, I’ve looked at 50% to 55 percent of Trumpers voted for Obama. And Obama was pushed by the elites. It comes out of nowhere as you know, a black person who’s going to help all the working people, right? Hope, you know, they did all the messaging with him, all the marketing, Madison Avenue Marketing. Yup. But at the end and so they used Obama to manipulate working people in this country for eight years.

Black and white, right? And what did he do in those eight years? Ultimately, he brought in what’s called quantitative easing which is basically quote unquote. It’s not even printing money. It’s worse than that. Yup. And Goldman Sachs and all these banks should have failed. At the midnight hour, he saves

him and at the end of the day, they printed about I think $8. 2 trillion dollars in Obama’s two terms. So, they saved the big banks and they screwed essentially was a transfer of wealth. Yup. And the United States is able to do that because it’s a reserve currency. Trump comes in and my thesis on this is all the people believe, oh, elections are selections, right? Elections are, well, if you apply that same thesis, then how did Trump get in? Yep. That’s that question And in my view, what happened was the elites in power, had recognized that the American working people had run their course. They they’ve used a black guy,

a black president. Now, they needed a white guy. So, they bring in Trump who spoke all these populous messages and I’m sure they did all the messaging analysis. They have all the data. They have very good AI and technology. Make America great. Lock her up. Uh what’s the other one? Drain the swamp. All those messages, right? Because they knew the American working people were very angry and those messages run with them. It doesn’t matter where they were and execute them or

not, okay? So, two different things. so Trump is brought in to execute that messaging and what does he do over those four years? Let’s really look at it. I mean I gave Trump money to all those people who want to be rabid Trumpers. I don’t think they were out in the cold putting up signs like I did. I don’t think they gave as much money as I did. Okay? So the

reality was that I walked the walk with Trump. I saw him initially as an anti-establishment agent. Many as like many people saw Bernie Sanders on the left. Now but

what really happened was in When the Fauci things took place, I was the first one to we started the Fire Fauci campaign. Our movement did that. We collected 170, 000 signatures. It’s all and we drove our bus down to Washington. We gave it to the RNC. And then Melania not

Melania. His former previous wife forget her name. Is that is that of Ivan? Marla. Marla Maples. Marla. Yeah yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Marla reached out to me. She liked she said oh me and Tiffany love all your stuff. And so she I I had written a protocol. In fact, I wrote a letter. It’s out there in

March. I said, there’s no reason to shut down the economy. Yup. I said, apply Modern System s Biology, Precision and Personalized Medicine. Those people are truly you know, unhealthy and sick and all that. Yeah, and

they have COVID, fine. Quarantine them like you would do with any flu. Those people have these things, put them on this protocol, high-dose vitamin D 3, vitamin A. I mean, these are proven thousands of papers written on this to protect the immune system and those people are fine. Let them

to work and let them maybe take a prophylactic dose of vitamin three. Yeah. And I did get a call I think in April, May from one of the deputy secretaries of domestic policy and I said, look, Fauci is a a bloody fraud. Get rid of him And so Trump had all the information in front of him but nothing happened. Why? Well, first of all, Trump doesn’t know anything about science or engineering. He’s surrounded by Jared Kushner, Ivanka, who are just there to take as much as they can with those positions. Jared, look at the end result.

You got a two-billion-dollar, probably a very low free loan from the Saudis and here’s a a guy who’s grown up with a silver spoon all of his life. Um and you know his parents made sure he got into Harvard. All that kind of stuff right? Yeah. Yeah. That’s so it’s not like these people ever were working people who came bodies up who who what the messaging was. Okay? Yeah. Mhm. Nothing happened to Hillary. No special prosecutor was brought in. Nothing happened to Hillary. Lock her up. In fact Trump’s people are locked up. Okay?

That’s right. Nothing happened to Fauci and in fact, Trump printed more money per term than Obama did. He printed 6. 9 trillion dollars. Hm. Okay? And that really, all that, the idea

of quantitative easing was you would print money and the banks would distribute it. The theory is and then, that would be going to infrastructure you’d spur an economy. Well, that’s not what happened. The banks took it and they invested it in Wall Street. So, they basically created this fictitious Wall Street market, right? So, innovation didn’t occur major infrastructure didn’t occur in this country. So, what did

happen was Hillary, noone got locked up except Trump’s people. $6. point 9 trillion dollars got printed. Now, here’s what’s more interesting. If you, you know, I’ve been, you know, my PhD works in a field called biological engineering. Yup. I’ve been looking at the problems of pharmaceutical companies for since 1986 since I’ve been involved in this. Pharmacy companies in the last years have been losing money, okay? Mm hmm. Pfizer, case in point, lost $25 billion dollars over the last 7 years. You can just

go look up their revenue. It was 65 billion and now it’s down and in twenty twenty, it was $40 billion. Hm. How can you say they’re being successful? They’re losing money. Why? Because the way that they formulate drugs is a medieval process. It takes 13 to 15 years. You take a single compound. You spend 6 years in pre-clinical killing animals.

Just shooting in the dark. And then when you find something, then you go through another nine years of clinical trials. Hm. 20% of it don’t make it out of phase one. So, for a single drug to come out, it takes 13 years, $5 billion dollars and that’s from a Price Waterhouse study. Yeah. So, and the drug that comes out has only is efficacious for 10% of the people. So, and patent life is 20 years. So, if it takes 15 years for you to build a drug, you only have five years left to recruit all your investment before the before the drug becomes a generic. Yeah. This is why drug prices are so high.

So, pharmaceutical companies have been losing money. In fact, over the last ten year-over-year R and D cost, pharma companies pump more and more money and and they’re finding less and less new drugs because the FDA is not allowing them because of the side effects. That’s the reality that no mainstream media will tell you. So, pharma companies have been basically on a tailspit to destruction. The trillion-dollar farm industry has been dying. So, what

happens is, now, you create a pandemic, quote, unquote, a pandemic, right? Yeah. Now, you say everyone’s got a good jab and you create a monopoly captive audience pharma. So, pharma gets through Operation Warp Speed, the this mRNA, quote unquote vaccine allowed with, without any testing really, fundamental testing, pharma companies have a captive audience, and look at Pfizer, they lost 25 billion over seven years, and in one year, their revenue shoots up from 45 billion to $80 billion. Yeah. And noone talks about this, and that was his V. It was like a hockey curve comes up. That was brought to you by Donald J Trump. And I I think forget the

guy who’s ahead of Pfizer, Albert, forget his right? Complete scumbag. He gets the award for the lifetime achievement from Israel, okay? And you connect all the dots. You find out that this was the money-making venture of the century, okay? Yeah. For big pharma because they were diving downwards. Just like the big banks were. And that’s what really happened. Okay? and the white working class in the United States was once again abused. Because during those

four years they had this Q andon nonsense. You know tell people something’s going to happen. And Trump is in control and all this **** Yeah the storm is coming. Yeah so don’t organize collectively independently. Don’t strengthen working people organizing bottom up. Wait wait wait for the Messiah to come. And that’s what this was about. Obama was

a messiah for the first eight years. Right? Mm. Trump was Messiah for the next four years. And it bought time for them to put a complete imbecile in. Right? Now that imbecile, his job is to make sure the American public is completely zombieed out of what’s going on in Ukraine and Russia. The fundamental issue is in 2013 and 2014, the plan was set in place. That we must destroy Russia and destroy Europe To

make Europe energy dependent on US. Yeah. Tomato. That’s what it was. And Lisa Rice said that in an interview Blatantly, she goes, we must change the energy dependence of Europe to US.

Which is, which is what’s, which has now been achieved, because. Right. And as I’m sure as you know, in the European land of mass, I mean, they’re going to freeze apart from whatever eh, you know, liquid eh gas, the eh, is is sent across the Atlantic. I mean, they’re. Right, and in order to do that, it was, I mean, it’s, it’s pretty amazing. On September 27th, the pipeline gas from pipeline gets sabotaged. Yes. And at the same day, the Baltic pipeline comes online, okay? Yeah. Norway. It was boom boom. There were, so it’s almost like, did they get

everything ready and then did they sabotage it, okay? And even McGregor, the an adviser to the Pentagon, he said, there’s no way that Russia would do this. It doesn’t make any sense. They put 11 billion into it. They’re making money and Russia’s biggest export for US cash reserves are are for cash is this is oil, they’re gas, oil, and they’re minerals.

Yeah. So, what’s happened is the the issue now in Ukraine and and and Russia is quite delicate. It’s beyond delicate. I think the goal of US and Nato is to completely destroy Russia. I think that’s really the ultimate goal and this has been a goal since the 17th century. I mean, look at Russia, the biggest land mass, mass amounts of resources, just like imperialism did all over Africa was to install people that they could be used to rape, you know, from the working people in each of those countries. Hm. And I think at this point, the US Nato really driven by out of UK, London, you know? Yeah, it is. Yeah, I agree. It’s not, it’s not the

US, it’s really, the queen is not some titular individual. She still has massive control, reserve power through parliament. Look what they did in Australia back in nineteen seventy-two, right? So, it is the elites, a very small set of them who want to have massive power monopoly power. The the the UK left they did Brexit. The monarchy and and the few around them because they have so much assets now all in the Cayman Islands accounts. They don’t want to be part of EU. But in order to consolidate power they must destroy Germany. Because Germany is the thing that keeps EU going. So

how do you do that? So they’re getting you know the idea to 2 birds, kill two birds with one stone, you screw one competitor, Russia and you also destroy Germany. So, that’s what’s actually going on. This is essentially a massive power grab and they don’t care if some people get killed, if there’s a, if Ukrainians get killed, if Russians get killed, if there’s even potentially a small nuclear exchange, because the risk reward, maybe they’ve already done their game theory and calculated, that, the, the opportunity is Russia, and Europe, and one fell swoop and I think that’s where this is all about. This is why you need an imbecile running, eh?

Because then you could exercise everything you want. So, that’s what I think is going on. So, I think people are underestimating this Ukraine, UK issue, the American public is completely zombies about it. They’re being entertained with, you know, the Mar a Lago stuff or you know, the elections or nonsense. Meanwhile, the Ukraine Russia thing I think

should be on everyone’s mind because of the implications of what that means. It’s basically total annihilation. Um any competitor. And listen I I I completely agree with everything you’ve said. I mean, I’ve come to view NATO as essentially the access of evil to be honest because it is specifically done everything it can, as you said, to surround Russia and to get Russia and I think once it’s done, if if it gets where it wants with Russia, I also think it would go to China as well. If, if, if it could, if it could. So, and and we’ve got in the UK slavishly well, pro-Ukrainian politicians who even at a time when her own economy is going down the tubes they’re sending billions to Zelensky and his crooks over there. So David I think I think the reason they’re doing that I you know to people listen they should understand that the modern data science software and everything lets you do. It’s called game theory. It’s like you play

chess. You can run this software and it’ll tell you all the outcomes. And the probabilities of each one of those outcomes of success. Yeah. You know, game theater, you get a treat and the branches of that tree are all the possible outcomes. So, I am pretty confident that they mapped out all the potential outcomes and the outcomes could be the following, right? Get rid of Putin, okay? Put one of your own in. Have a small nuclear exchange. Okay, we may kill 100 million people but it’s okay because we get Russia. Or whatever there’s different numbers you can put

into this game theory software and you can literally get numbers and probabilities out and you can calculate okay, well, we’ll have that but we’ll still get this or we’ll have that, we’ll still get this, okay? It may be not a nuclear exchange. It may be we just do portray us who is a former US General, he said, if Russia, now that Russia has put the nuclear thing, this is too dangerous. So, they’ve already put the the messaging out there that we don’t even care if Russia attacks. We may not even want to have to invoke article five. We’ll just go attack Russia because we just want to go attack Russia because they’ve already said nuclear.

So, they are, I believe, creating all the pretext. If Putin is who he appears to be like actually someone with his own national interest, someone who’s well read, has some sense of history, whether you agree with him or not, like he actually has his principles, and he’s going to stay firm to them, and he can’t be bought out like a Barts Yeltzen or Gorbachev, right? Who are basically brought up by the US. Yeah. Um, he’s not one of those guys. He’s already laid the olive branch. He goes, I’ll negotiate, but what’s non-negotiable is those eastern provinces, which one Russia. If

he’s willing, if he’s principled, I don’t know where this leads to. Because now they’ve blown up gas prom, Russia has no leverage in Europe anymore. So in many ways, his back is to the wall. If it is. Nato knows it. So, Nato’s only option is, is to not do anything and say, okay, let him have that, which I don’t think they’re going to do. Um, is to keep it as it is, and then maybe come back at a later time, right? Which I don’t think they’re going to do, but right now, the fundamental economic goals to make Europe completely destroy Europe, so then the Raiders will go in and buy Europe, European assets at a, at a very low price. Yeah. And make, and it’ll also serve US, Nato, and US corporations, the oil gas companies getting sent you monopoly access to Europe. So, that’s a big win for, for them,

right? And then, also maybe you don’t need to attack Russia. I’m not sure. So, but I do know that this is a big opportunity for imperialism, Western Imperialism to go after what they’ve always wanted, Russia. Russia. Gold, you know, titanium, oil, gas, but the only person that stands in the way if Putin is who he appears to be is Putin. So, either you

go in and attack and you get rid of Putin. But. Yeah. I mean, I I saw a comment that you made, I think in the last week or so, whatever, basically, contrasting what was happening, the rejection of the rights of the people in Dunbass to vote, to be part of Russia. Ehm, contrasting that with a little bit of American history concerning eh, Texas. Ehm, maybe you could just, sort of amplify that. I mean, I mean,

it’s the, you know, one of the things people need to understand is a US news media and the CIA worked together for many years. You know, when I was growing 70s in the US. We were we were always were inundated with Russia and and China, our state control media. They probably are, okay? But they’re probably much more honest about it. In the US, we were given the solution that you have Walter Cronkite and you have this Yeah. You know, separation of the median government but. Yup. We have some very good work that’s come out. People can just go, find this. The New York Times for

years had CIA people on their payroll. Yeah, walking. Right? Yep. And so on and and I mean this is and and but in the United States they keep disillusioned. Oh that’s government and we’re over here. Right? But it isn’t. No. So if you go look at this the sort of the one rule for you and another rule for me is that in 18 forty-five, Texas imagine Texas being was part of Mexico, no different than these regions being part of Ukraine. They voted to secede. They had a

vote. They succeeded, okay? Yeah. Just like these four Republics did. In fact, they had massive voter turnout relative to US voter turnout and ninety percent of the people voted in these four regions in Ukraine to be to basically become their own republics. Texas voted to become their own state. Okay? And that was even before the UN existed, right? The UN basically their article one of their charters is a right of self determination. If you and I, David, and a portion of the UK feel that we UK doesn’t represent us and we’re a unique culture, unique people, unique language, and we want to be our own nation. We have the right

to do that. It’s called the right of self-determination. Well, that’s what these did which is which is in article one of the UN charter. Even though Texas didn’t have that at that time, they succeeded, right? So, you have two people 1845, Texas seceded, four republics, and Ukraine succeeded and then, in the case of the United States, the United States Congress voted to accept them. There you go, okay? Texas becomes part of the United States. Yeah. Well, I think yesterday or today, the Russian Duma voted to accept these four republics. It did. Yup. Right. So, they succeeded

and they’re part of Russia now, okay? Hm. if Max and the the base of the Mexican American War was Mexico then attacked Texas and then we had the Mexican-American War, right? Well, that’s what we’re on the verge of because Putin has said these republics, these people have always felt part of Russia. Yup. They did not like the coup that the US engineered in twenty fourteen. Okay. Yeah. Uh in Ukraine, the the it was the US under Obama’s administration who put in a an anti Russian, potentially a pro neo-Nazi guy. Yeah. Yeah. And these people in the eastern province, I mean, I think people have no ability to fathom that the Russian people lost the most number of people in World War two. It was because the Russians that Hitler was stopped. It wasn’t

the United States invasion of Normandy. That’s just sort of Hollywood. It was the Russian people who suffered and was and people do not understand. The Russians still have a rich

history. Just one generation ago in their own families, people fighting Nazis, you know, with pots and pans and hammers and stuff, you know? And people have no idea of recognizing this. So, when Putin was very reserved in not going to those regions for eight years. And so, and Putin was willing to sign the Mins two Agreement, which would have created those regions to be, you know, federal republics of Ukraine. So, it’s almost as though US and Nato wanted this situation Whether it was through planning or incompetence, We don’t know. But the situation is that there

was always a way out of this without war. Many ways, many experts, even the establishment side like Anatoli Levine had written in the nation as last year, 2021, saying, you know, look, we can avert nuclear war, but you have to sign Minsk two, the agreement. Yeah. And that was, and so many experts who may today support Ukraine and said, you know, there’s no reason for this. So, it to me it looks like the Atlantic Council the UK, MI six, US, CIA, all the powers that be, you know, you look at the data, they wanted this situation and they got what they wanted, because as long as they have a wartime situation, it leads to uncertainty, destabilization, and it gives you a weaponization that you can use as Klaus would said wars and other means of politics. Do, do, do you think that, you know, somehow or another, do you think that COVID was kind of the aperative? And now what we’re seeing with Ukraine is the main course, or is there something to follow, do you think? You know, I can’t, you know, theorize on that. What I do know, I can see, is that the

entire, quote, unquote, pandemic, the, when you look at it economically, what is a lockdown do? It slows the demand, okay? Yep. And if you just look at it as, as a gas pedal break, and gasoline, the global economy was actually doing quite well, particularly in these emerging nations. Okay? Meaning, that the emerging nations were starting to build their own infrastructures. They were

coming up. India was growing at six, 7%, right? Growth. Um Europe was doing quite well, okay? If you actually go look at the data. Hm. And so how do you stop growth of other countries? You you put a break on. A lockdown helps slow

demand, right? Yeah. It basically slows down everything. So, we do know that the lockdown And who did it slow down? It slowed down emerging businesses, small businesses. The big guys, the Walmarts, the Google, the Amazons. Yeah. Exploded. I mean they the the top 400 billionaires increase their wealth by 2pointthree trillion.

Yeah. Um and small businesses which are the engines of innovation and future growth are the ones who got destroyed. Yep. So we know that it’s if you if you wanted to screw up the growth of emerging nations and and and your competitors, you knock out the small guys, right? The big guys consolidated power. Jeff Bezos consolidated greater power. Yeah. you know. Yeah. So, that did occur, right? And so, if you if you just follow the money, I mean, there’s people put the depopulation agenda out there. It’s possible but if you just follow the money without

even going there, it’s so obvious whether you’re left or right, that The goal of the lockdown, it destroyed a lot of small businesses, right? And the goal of this, the Ukraine war is to consolidate further power And if you go look at twenty fourteen, I believe Soros bought tons of stock and oil companies. Buffett just bought I think 50% share in oxidant petroleum, okay? So, Europe is a big market. So, you you you knock off the gas prom pipeline. You just, you just

screwed Russia. And now, Europe is crying gas and oil. Yeah. And US liquid national natural petroleum is already flowing in where it will be used through those pipelines, you see? So now, you created a monopoly market for the United States in some sense which was what was a goal that under the Bush administration, Condolisa Rice put forward very clearly, we must have Europe dependent on the United States, not on Russia. Mm. Pu so Yeah. That’s what this is about. This is about making sure people are economically dependent and then out of that economic dependency, now you have a captive, and that’s what, that’s what, that’s, look, the, the trillion dollar farmer, pharmaceutical industry was crashing and burning. And what Trump did, whether consciously or unconsciously, through his incompetence or lack thereof, the pharmaceutical industry is, you know, they saved them. So now they’re saying this booster in the next booster and it’s like the razor and the blade, right? Can can can you believe how people can be so gullible to take four jabs, five jabs? How do you explain that? Have they just been psychologically I think additions? Well, you know, we’re going to be doing a conference in late October On, you know, if you remember, I held the first vaccine safety and immune health conference back in 2019. You did? People, what? All that data is still

relevant today. We’re going to update it. We’re going to hold another one. In October this year. We’ll I’ll make sure Heather let you know about it. But the goal is, look, there was a article, I don’t know if you just saw it, just came out to fact, I did, I, I did a live on this earlier this morning. It’s unfortunate but there’s a

professor at NYU. Did you see this? So, there’s a professor at New York University who’s a professor of organic chemistry, went to Princeton, wrote one of the best books, Heralded is one of the best teachers. He takes a ache. Uh you you have tenured professor at Princeton. Then he decides he still enjoys teaching even though he retires. Uh gets a contract at NYU to teach organic chemistry. If anyone knows in order to be a a a medical doctor, you have to go through the pre-med curriculum. Mm hmm. The undergraduate level and organic

chemistry is the main course. And if you don’t, it’s like the course that gets rid of people who are bad. students, right? It’s a tough course. I mean, when I went to high school, I had one of the best teachers in organic chemistry and if you wrote ninety-nine point two 1 as the answer and the answer was actually ninety-nine point two two, you got 20 points off, okay? And the reason is because if you get those small things off, you can blow up a reactor, okay? But organic chemistry is all, you learn the transformation and synthesis process of all the chemical reactions in the body. It’s

fundamental to being a doctor. Now, this professor at NYU get fired. The university dismissed him because 20% of the students whined that his class was too difficult. And they were

freaking out because he was they were going to get Fs and Ds. And that means they wouldn’t get into medical school. Well they shouldn’t be going to medical school. Good. Yeah. That’s good. Yeah. Yeah. But the university dismisses his professor because a university’s deans get compensated and the university gets ratings. Based on the

grades of their students. So if the chemistry department, students suddenly have a drop in their average, that’s going to lower that chemistry department’s average. You see what I’m saying? I do. Yeah. So, the long incentives have been set up, right? Mm. So, and and then, you know, the universities get money for grant money, research, money based on the ratings from these. People shouldn’t even be

rating them like they’re giving Academy Awards away, okay? Yeah. Right. So, that’s what’s happened. So, what we’ve had, we’ve created a culture of imbeciles and I keep repeating imbeciles and entertainers. You know, in places like China, by the way, 20 years ago, if you looked at the top 10 math papers, they were always 80% were US. Now, it’s 80% China. Yeah. Okay? And the reason is because the Chinese parent is

very rigorous on their children really learning the material, okay? Mm hmm. We’ve created a culture. Well, the literally, the answer doesn’t matter. As long as Johnny tried hard. No, the answer does matter. Particularly in engineering and

physics and science because you could blow up buildings and you could blow airplanes, right? Yeah. So, that cultural framework of people in the humanities running lawyers running governance running policy. Yeah. It’s it’s very different than what this United States was built on. Which which because the United States led the world which was engineers, scientists, I mean look at Benjamin Franklin. He was an engineer. He was a scientist. He was many things. Even Thomas Jefferson, you know? Yeah. Um even Link up

until Lincoln. Lincoln has I think couple of patents on ships, okay? These people are innovators, thinkers. They had to build stuff, right? Not and all these politicians talk about building stuff. They can’t build anything. True. So we live in a culture now where we’re rewarding Kim Kardashians and the the persons, you know, she grew up in an environment of learning how to make money off selling garbage, right? Yeah. And so, and you live in a world of Trump’s children or Jared Kushner. I don’t know what he’s ever built with his own bare hands, okay? Or the Bidens, Hunter Bidens. You look

at Tucker Carlson and him and Hunter Biden are like this. He he asked Hunter Biden to write a recommendation letter for him. So, the news, media, Fox, and CNN are literally entertainment, okay? Mm. you have this field of ignorance left and right, which the elites love, because ignorance leads people to look at information and leads them to illusion, which leads to confusion, and it basically puts people into complacency, division, or desperation. And the reason people are in this situation is because a value systems have completely broken down. And there’s no value for

excellence. There’s no value for recognizing. Oh, that person actually knows more than me and I have to learn from them. The concept of the master and the student. Okay? mastering the student relationship has been replaced by a false hierarchy, okay? Where the person on top actually is an idiot, doesn’t know much, and the real people actually know stuff are diminished because they’re not masters of learning how to use news and messaging and marketing. Yeah. Okay? Mm. So, that’s what’s occurred. And so, but there is a solution, you know, that’s that’s my next question. You, you, you preempted my question. What is the solution then? The solution is Truth Freedom Health. Let me explain. Yeah. So, if you look at so, you know, I invented the

first Email system when I was a kid. I invented many other things after that and we invented this infrastructure called Cytosol. We’re able to model molecular pathways on the computer and discover new medicines. Um but truth, Freedom and Health came out of the outcome over the last five years where I looked at the left, right narrative, and I realized that when you look anything in in in society.

There are in any situation there’s a real problem and the real solution. With politicians and the entertainers in these imbeciles do is they first of all look at something like pollution in the environment. They create a fake problem. Oh it’s CO two. CO2 is not a pollutant. It’s not. CO2 has

been at the lowest levels ever. Lead is a pollutant in the atmosphere, right? Yeah. Smog is a okay? So, then, they make the fake problem CO2 and then, the solution is get rid of CO2 which is so hilarious because all the the people who are running these pot farms in these greenhouse are pumping COtwo. In fact, human population grew when CO2 levels grew. Right. Okay. So, CO2 is actually very necessary for etcetera, okay? So, that’s number, you know, number one, okay? Fake problem, fake solution. The other thing is

they actually take a real a real problem and they create a fake solution, okay? Hm. So, you have real issues in public health in this country or in the world. $2. 5 billion people are obese. 2 billion adults, half a billion Mm hmm. Uh young people. You know, okay? Well, that obesity leads to dysfunctions in the immune system. An immune system when it’s dysfunctional will attack start attacking itself, autoimmune problems Hm. That’s the way it goes. You see?

Obesity leads to a lowered immune system. The immune system attacks your own body. A virus or never it kills you. This is like people have been watching too many horror movies, right? They they watch alien and they think this virus, the Ebola virus inside you eats you up or. Yeah. The coronavirus eats you. It’s complete garbage. What happens is we have three hundred and eighty trillion viruses in our own body. We’re hit with viruses every day. Hm. you have the proper immune system, an immune system is no different than shock absorbers in your car. Imagine you you didn’t

have shock absorbers. All streets have potholes. You’re driving down. You hit a pothole. boom, you go through the roof, you kill yourself, right? Hm. Now, imagine car

companies saying, okay, I’m going to sell you a new seatbelt, okay? Okay, that’ll help with this pothole. Okay. Next year, I’m going to sell you another seat belt and another seat belt, okay? Yeah. Yeah. That’s what these jabs. Where what you need is you need shock absorbers, okay? That’s what a good immune system is. You have immunomodulation. You hit that pothole. Your body doesn’t go up through the roof. It hits it. Maybe it gets a little sniffle, a little thing, and you move on. The issues, how do you get that

immunomodulation? Yup. And that’s what, you know, we’ve been teaching people, right? So, that’s called the System s Approach. Real problem, real solution. Now, how do you get there? The way you get there is, instead of going up the pyramid of information, ignorance, illusion, confusion, you go up the pyramid of information, knowledge to wisdom, and clarity. What is knowledge? Knowledge is not knowledge is the science of systems. That is what knowledge is. The elites know the science of Systems. I learned the

science of System s. My trajectory was to be one of their minions. With all those degrees I got. And with the Science of System s you can see the future. That’s why David, I was able to see the future in twenty nineteen. I could see

where this was headed Because you can see the interconnection. So, at Truth Freedom Health. com, what I’ve done is I’ve created a system, Truth Freedom Health is a System is a slogan of our campaign but I realize that the only way out is not me being a savior, not you being a savior. The individual taking responsibility, having self respect for themselves, learning not what to think, but how to think and how to think comes from the knowledge of Systems, the Science of System s. So, what done is if you go to Truth Freedom Health, it says, get educator to be enslaved. It says, the man who invented Email now delivers you the science of Systems but what is the Science of Systems going to teach you or Truth Freedom Health? It’s going to if Email made you, your work better, right? If a car helps you go from point A to point B back here. Yeah. What is the solution here? The problem is that we have so much information but with all this information, you would think people are getting more truth, more health, more freedom. But

we’re actually going the other direction because is what’s but the Science of System s will let you take that information, understand what’s really going on, and advance yourself. So, Truth Freedom and Health, we’ve created the course. It’s literally the tens of thousands of dollars, of course, that I used to teach at MIT have consolidated to anyone can learn it. You don’t have to be an MIT PhD. You don’t have to

go to high school. I’ve made it accessible. Then, we’ve created books and and courses that I I would normally sell for hundreds. We’ve also included that. Then, we’ve included a whole tool that teaches you the nine principles of systems and then you can see how those tools work, how those principles occur in your own body. So, instead of reading this diet book, eat fat, Now, eat raw food. Now, eat be

vegetarian, be all these stupid diets, you actually understand what kind of system you are, how your body can go off balance, and you can learn to be an alchemist. There’s noone diet that works for anyone. Science of System, we created a tool called Your Body or System. We’ve given that away.

We teach you how food is a system. Then, we give people tools, how they can be activists on the ground. So, they can go educate their neighbors door to door Hm. And then, we’ve created tools for communication the equivalent of a Twitter, the equivalent of a Facebook, the equivalent of YouTube, that we give all of this away. It’s 12 different tools. We call them gifts. People, I try to give it away

for free. Couple years ago, noone wanted to buy it. The human mind is weird. I can’t charge tens of thousands which which I charge MIT students. No working person. So, he said, contribute whatever you can and based on your contribution, get these tools. But right now 360, thousand people who’ve gone through this. We haven’t advertised. It’s all bottoms up in 95 countries. People in Antarctica have taken it. I

don’t know who. People in Samoa. It’s it’s very funny. Yeah. We are creating a movement, an educational movement to awaken people to start seeing things as they are. And people who go through this have the same knowledge. Hm. As a Condoleza Rice does. Okay? Mm. These people are trained in the Science of System s. And that’s how

they’re able to manipulate people. And I’ve come to the conclusion without the knowledge of systems. Everyday people walking around bows and arrows and we’re fighting an enemy who knows really how to think. There’s no way to win and there and and they can’t just be me doing this or me doing these pressing videos. We have to educate it and people can’t be in the left camp, the Trump camp, or the Biden camp or saying I’m going to go live under a tree or meditate all day. That’s where people want you also or they want people

being desperate taking a gun and starting to shoot people. Any one of those four buckets is where where those empower one people. Yeah. Someone takes a terrorist action. They can say, oh see, we need to take away the guns. If someone is in the left camp or right camp, they’re quite happy because they can manipulate those people one. Yeah. Or they want

people to say, you know, I can’t do anything. I’m just going to go take care of my little garden, you know, sort of the Voltaire approach. Yeah. You know, do that and that’s it, right? So, the question comes down to do you want to change the world? Then, if you do, how do you do that? Well, the typical approach is, well, I’m going to go fight lawsuits. Well, we know the judges are own as we showed in my hundredpercent, right? Yeah. So, that will only you he’ll

hit a wall. Oh, I’m going to run for office. Well, that’s a opportunistic approach. Then, you have to give up a lot of your principles. only way that is always one is building a bottoms up movement where you exercise not only your individual freedom but collectively. So, how do you do

that? Well, you need a science, a framework to do that and that is what what we’ve created. It’s a catalyst. It’s there. It’s the only solution I know. This should have been created by 50 years ago. But we’ve had to do the hard work to create it. And I hope everyone takes advantage of it. We’ve made it accessible. We’ve had hairdressers go through Now,

they’re teaching. We have a learn, teach, and serve model. You learn it and you have to teach it to graduate and by the way, anyone who graduates, if you’re an adult, you can be a philanthropist and you can give the course away as many young people 13 to 18. I just went to Indiana Village and we gave away the course to 1500 kids. My mentor, Jay Forrester, who’s

a professor at MIT. He felt System Science should be taught even before reading, writing, and arithmetic at the kindergarten age. But this is the only way out of it, David. And My views might as well start now because one person who learns the Science of System s is equivalent to an army of a million people. Cuz they can really see where things are going. It’s power. It’s like a nuclear weapon versus people burning wood. Hm. So that’s the solution. You have to be an activist. You have to be as we call people

warrior scholars. You get to be a Truth Freedom and Health Warrior. You learn how to fight. But you gotta also teach other people. Well well certainly what I would suggest you know, I mean, that’s fascinating and I mean, obviously, people want to go to free Truth Freedom Health. com and and they’ll find all the the information that you’re you’re talking about there. I think you’re right, Doctor Shiva. We mustn’t let them divide us into false camps. You

know, we gotta see through the games that that they play and they they they play their games probably as you say rightly that they’re some sort of the high at high level their their their educated. They they are taught System s and the average person the average person hasn’t got a clue, but they can, and that’s I think what you offer, a sense of hope, a real sense of hope. I think we, I think we’re going to maybe just bring up and screen for a second. Let me, let me bring it up. Can I share here, David? Am I lucky? Um, I think I’m, I’m

not sure, I’m not sure with that technical question. Uh, can you, you share, I think I can, let me, let me see. Right, see if you can, yeah, you see the screen? Um, I think it’s the let get educated. Yeah, just share that. You see that?

Okay, good. Yeah. Yeah. So, to see that there. Yeah. Yeah. So, what you can see here is, is it scrolling when I do this? Yup. Okay, good. So, it took, so, you know, we’ve been, this has

been in the work for, for me about 40 years, you know, it’s probably, I would say, the most important innovation I’ve done, it’s that, you see, it says, a man who invented him and I’ll deliver his truth for them health. Yeah, but to make you street smart, so you see things as they truly are beyond left and right, pro and anti, etcetera. But you see, Truth Freedom and Health is, it’s self a system. It’s not just

any one part and the and we invite people that tend to open house we do and I’ll talk about that. But we have close to three over 360, 000 years. There’s a 95 countries. All bottoms up. We haven’t done any advertising. And you can listen

to like great stories of transformation here. You know electricians, daycare directors, entrepreneurs, Vietnam vets who’ve gone through the course. And the important thing we want to let people know is we win. You know everything I’ve talked about came from the system’s understanding. So people can recognize we don’t have to be in this doom and gloom. We’ve actually won. It was our Truth Freedom and Health Movement which exposed a government and Twitter and big tech are an unholy alliance. It was our

movement that exposed the election integrity issues, our movement that really, you know, as you said, called the pandemic way ahead. But this is a problem the system is solving. I want to make it very simple. Every tool must have a problem at solving. So, if you look at right now, there’s lots of information in everyone’s fingertips. As I mentioned


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