Nanotechnology - The New Science of Small 20 - Nanotechnology for Storing Energy

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[Music] thank you we've spoken about capturing energy from the Sun  and capturing is the right word for this sometimes   we talk of energy production but really we're just  harvesting what's being given to us from the Sun   but there's another key part of managing energy  especially renewable energy and that's storing it   in this lecture we'll talk about how  nanotechnology is enabling us to advance   and enhance the storage of energy we'll speak  about using nanomaterials to improve the density   measured either by weight or volume or both by  which we can store energy and we'll also talk   about novel Concepts ways of using viruses for  example to assemble new styles of batteries for us   but first I'd like to speak just a bit about the  balance between harvesting energy and storing it   we anticipate in the future a much larger  fraction of our energy budget coming from   renewable energies solar energy is an example wind  is another good one and so many attractive things   about these abundant a clean pollution free but  one of the challenges that renewable energy forms   present is that we don't turn them on and off  they're not what we call dispatchable sources   the way say a coal Generating Station would be or  we can turn up and turn down the amount of energy   production at our will in the case of Renewables  solar for example a cloud comes by and the amount   of solar energy available to us at that moment  changes now that doesn't necessarily map perfectly   onto our energy needs in fact if you look at the  time of day cycles if you look at the way solar   the sun rises in the morning and then right at  midday we get a great deal of energy and towards   the end of the day less so and overnight none this  also mandates the need to buffer kind of hedge   these temporal variations in the available amounts  of energy that's kind of a time of day variation   perspective we have some Cycles throughout the day  where our energy needs vary kind of along lines   with the Sun so for example an air conditioner is  typically needed more at the peak of the day when   the Sun is up and so that's a good alignment  but there are many other reasons why it would   be attractive to be able to play back energy at  a different time from when it's made available   in fact A New Concept has emerged recently in  the management of energy known as the smart grid   the smart grid recognizes that the traditional  power distribution network is based kind of on   new unidirectional flow of energy it's based  on the idea that we have a small number of   large centralized power generating stations  that spread energy out towards the customer   but with Renewables now the customer for energy  URI is also producing energy say on our own   Rooftop in fact we may produce sometimes more  energy than we need we may wish to sell our energy   to our neighbor or to somebody in another state  another part of the continent and so now the grid   needs to become two-dimensional we need to be able  to buy and sell energy from many many local points   and one of the key elements in building a better  smart grid that's two-dimensional two-directional   and that allows the flow of energy in a  managed fashion without losing control   without leading to blackouts or brownouts  one of the key elements is energy storage   so what that means is that our challenges  on the energy storage front occur on in many   different scales there's a familiar one say the  battery inside your mobile device or inside your   laptop these are obviously crucially important  for a variety of reasons they enable us to go   anywhere go everywhere with energy computation and  Communications we've marveled in our discussions   of nanoelectronics at the rapidity with which  mobile Computing has become available we've   marveled at how nanostructured materials nanoscale  transistors have allowed us to communicate at   remarkable rates anywhere but until now we haven't  marveled at the fact that we're able to take the   power with us that we need anywhere in fact people  often remarket how the computing power that you   have in your laptop is vastly vastly greater than  the power in some of the computers that used to   fill a room well the same could be said from the  power standpoint we're able to take this power   with us anywhere we go have our battery packs last  for 10 hours enable continued use and enjoyment   so the mobility that batteries and related devices  enabled is tremendous but this can also be scaled   up imagine in the context of the overall Energy  System our desire to take large quantities of   Renewables say solar energy for a community or on  a solar farm and store that uh and that's where   batteries can play a role but fuel cells which  we'll speak about a little bit today provide   another strategy for storing energy and what they  do is they decouple the playback of the energy   from the storage of the energy in a battery which  we'll talk about in a second the means of energy   is storage and replay are kind of integrated with  one another but in a fuel cell we have the fuel   such as hydrogen or ethanol and separate from  that we have the cell which takes in that fuel   and which spits out energy and so depending on the  scale we're interested in depending on the cost   depending on whether portability is a requirement  or whether just looking for a a stationary and   very cost effective method of energy storage and  Playback we're interested in different systems   in fact there's another exciting technology that  we'll also speak about today and that's benefiting   from nanotechnology called super capacitors and  what supercapacitors do is they function kind   of like batteries they're closed systems they're  also self-contained but they allow us to charge   them up much more rapidly and then also play back  their energy in much bigger spikes and more rapid   spikes so one of the example areas in which Super  capacities super capacitors are expected to have a   use is in automobiles where when we start it up  we need a real burst of energy typically that's   challenging for a battery to supply and when we  use the brakes and we want to store the energy   from in uh in a some kind of electrical device  a storage device inside our electric vehicle   super capacitors are able to receive that  energy very rapidly and very efficiently   so let's dive into batteries now these of course  are familiar and they've been around for a while   and the building blocks of batteries go back a  couple a couple of centuries uh and so these have   not always been consciously devices in which we're  using nanomaterials but we'll talk today about   how nanomaterials are enabling better energy  densities inside batteries to do that to talk   about how nanomaterials are helping us we need to  talk just a little bit about the basic principles   of a battery in a battery there are two electrodes  such as in any electrical device or any electrical   circuit needs two electrodes to complete  the circuit and uh in a charged up battery   we have chemical energy stored typically in the  form of some kind of anion a lithium is a famous   example and of course we're very familiar with  Lithium-ion batteries we have energy stored in   the form of lithium all being kind of piled up we  use the word intercalated to mean this anion this   ion is interpenetrated into this electrode and  graphite is an example of a typical electrode   that's traditionally been used to store this  energy the form of playing back that energy and   turning it into current involves the ionic flow  through what's called an electrolyte of these ions   towards the opposite electrode and then in the  case of non-rechargeable batteries that's it we've   expended the available energy that was you can  think of it as kind of having been uphill and the   energy the anions flow downhill to release their  energy provide a voltage to a circuit to a device   in the case of rechargeable batteries we're able  to reverse that reaction and drive them back to   be stored at their original electrode and we  can do this back and forth and back and forth   many times now as you know even rechargeable  batteries have finite lifetimes and the various   electrodes that we use to build batteries can be  degraded over time after we discharge and recharge   them many times and so it's very important to  look at new electrode Technologies especially   that can enable batteries that have longer  usable lifetimes more charges and discharges   just thinking back to our periodic table  why is lithium a particularly logical metal   a particularly logical element to be using well  lithium is what we call the most electropositive   metal available to us in the periodic table  that means that it gives us the opportunity to   develop the largest potential the largest voltage  which is going to translate directly into energy   now it's also the lightest metal the least  massive per anion and as a consequence of   that those two things combine this large amount  of potential that every ion can store combined   with the low mass of each of the ions means that  the density in terms of energy per gram or energy   per kilogram can be very high with lithium so it's  an extremely good choice from this point of view   now where do the nanomaterials come in well I  mentioned that the graphite electrode is where we   store the lithium in the traditional Lithium-ion  batteries and graphite has a reasonable capacity   for storing these ions uh it turns out though  that silicon so familiar from our discussions   uh of nanoelectronics and also of light guiding  that silicon has another remarkable property on   top of all of its attractive electrical properties  and that's that it's extremely good at storing   lithium ions and by good I mean that it can store  a huge density of these ions in fact if you look   at a picture of the Silicon lattice it's got  kind of a crucible right inside the lattice   where the silicon crystal is ready to receive  a very high density of lithium ions so this   is very appealing but if you look at this lattice  you'll also realize that this lithium ion doesn't   penetrate into the lattice without disrupting  that lattice without changing it in fact if   you were to exploit the full energy capacity  for storage of lithium within silicon which is   about 10 times the capacity per unit mass that you  can store within graphite if you were to exploit   that full capacity you'd also expand the volume  of the Silicon electrode by about 400 percent   and as a result if you just do this  straightforwardly if you take a bulk   piece of silicon or a non-crystalline  piece of silicon like amorphous silicon   what you'll find is you can stuff it full of  lithium atoms you can get an incredible energy   density in there and then after a couple of Cycles  it will crumble it will collapse because of all   this expansion and contraction and expansion and  contraction it's like the thermal wear on parts   or on you know parts of your house where the  it gets cold and hot and cold and hot and the   joints start to wear out the joints also start  to wear out with thin silicon if we change its   volume back and forth too many times but this  is where the opportunity for Nano comes in   there's been some really exciting work going on at  Stanford that takes advantage of nanomaterials to   overcome these limitations to allow us to exploit  the incredible energy density of silicon for the   storage of lithium without suffering these  challenges related to the volume expansion   the way this works is that the researchers have  built these long very very skinny nanowires and   so their surfaces are now accessible for lithium  ion intercalation for the penetration of lithium   ions into the Silicon but now the nanowires  can expand and contract and expand and contract   rather than a single bulk solid which would  suffer these catastrophic fractures these small   nanowire diameters enable these silicon-based  materials to accommodate without fracture these   significant changes in volume another great  thing about the Silicon nanowires is they're   functioning now as wires as electrical wires and  so they're able to directly electrically connect   to the metallic collector of current as a result  we don't have isolated materials which can't be   collected electrically or where their electrons  aren't efficiently collected in contrast we're   able to make very good use of every one of the  nanowires all of the Silicon is active there's   no islanding effects and finally it's a direct  path it's a straight line path we get a direct   connection between the silicon nanowire and  the electrodes that we seek to connect it to   now looking a little bit further out into the  distance into some conceptually disruptive or   transformative techniques to try to build  batteries there's been some very exciting   very creative work that's gone on at MIT in which  viruses have been utilized to try to assemble new   classes of batteries and one of the stars of this  show it's been actually an amazing example of   teamwork part of the team is Angela Belcher who's  distinguished herself over the last decades as   somebody who's able to work with viruses and use  genetic engineering to create families of viruses   that have particular properties that dovetail with  Material Science that allow us to use bio entities   such as viruses to build materials for us when  she's been collaborating with a researcher yet   Ming Chang who's distinguished himself for a  long period in the field of energy storage in   the field of batteries and they've brought  their work together to form a very creative   collaboration that's completely uh Breaking All  the Rules of traditional disciplinary boundaries   you don't traditionally see genetic engineering  and viruses combined with the kind of electrical   mechanical chemical engineering of energy storage  and Angela Belcher herself has this fascinating   story she really distinguished herself a  little over a decade ago in understanding   how living beings build hard inorganic materials  so the abalone shell is a great example of this   and of course we've been familiar with the fact  that you can get these uh organic entities you   know animals and vegetables that as well as  forming soft or uh malleable materials which   is more what we're familiar with in the biological  world that they can also form hard shells like the   shells on seashells and Dr Belcher looked at  understanding exactly at a molecular at a nano   level how this occurred and what she discovered  was the mechanisms by which proteins were being   expressed by these organisms that were able to  capture out of the sea particular elements such   as metals that were used to build up say calcium  carbonate so capture the calcium component to   build these shells up and then another class  of proteins were able to promote the formation   of the complementary let's say the oxide or the  carbonate and so they were able to build up layer   by layer by layer by layer these very hard shells  essentially they were utilizing organic materials   biomaterials proteins to build hard inorganic  materials and she saw this as a real inspiration   for her own work after she did she kind of did the  science of it she understood how these biological   entities were building these hard very structured  inorganic materials using their proteins she   thought well maybe we can exploit this maybe we  can engineer with this now in order to try to   engineer with these things she need to have some  kind of capability to select she needed to be able   to tailor viruses in a direction that she desired  and the approach that she took here which is taken   from the world of phage display and the idea is  that a virus can have various genetic options   injected into it these these various families or  classes of viruses can grow up and then we can   use selection approaches to only preserve the  ones and then amplify the ones that we desire   well what would be a selection algorithm say you  wanted to build a material that was based on say   Cobalt well you could coat some kind of sieve  effectively with Cobalt introduce your various   viruses into it and only those viruses that  happen to have a gene that led a protein to be   expressed that would strongly bind Cobalt would  stick to the walls of your sieve and everything   else would fall through in fact people refer to  this as panning or bio panning an analogy with   panning for gold where what you're looking for  the viruses that you desire to select in favor   of remain inside your container and everything  else goes out you then have these viruses stuck   to the wall of your container you elute them which  means you bring them back out into the solution   and then you can amplify them you can have them  reproduce and have families and as a consequence   you can get more and more of the ones that  you desire and so you run this essentially   biological selection and a rapid Evolution within  the laboratory where you prefer the evolution   of certain viruses that have certain functions  people had been using this concept in genetics   for a long time but using it in the context  of building up inorganic materials selecting   viruses that could do the work of building say  a battery for you this was a very novel concept   so Dr Belcher and Dr Chang working together we're  particularly interested in building Cobalt oxide   Cobalt oxide is a very interesting electrode  for new battery technologies it's been found to   have particular promise also enabling the dense  and reliable storage of a great deal of energy   and there were really two stages to building  a virus that was coated with Cobalt oxide   nanoparticles and that could then be useful  in conduction so the first was to put these   Cobalt oxide particles on the surface and the  second was to make the material more conductive   so for the first one the researchers searched  for used their selection techniques to find   viruses that were particularly prone to attract  Cobalt and to grow Cobalt oxide on their surfaces   and they were able to show using transmission  electron microscopy that they could generate   viruses that had a very rich coating of cobalt  oxide nanoparticles on their surface and that   these particles were very similar to one another  so they were quite consistent in their size   in fact some of the power of transmission  electron microscopy is that it goes beyond   just our ability to look in what we call real  space to actually look at the image itself   and we can also Focus the Electron Beam onto  individual particles and see how the crystals   that the electron beams impinge upon spread  the energy out cause it to diffract the way   in which these diffract gives us a clue as  to the composition to the structure of our   crystals and these researchers were able  to show that they had indeed built viruses   that were able specifically to grow Cobalt oxide  single crystals on the surface of their viruses   now this is one of the building blocks that they  needed the other building block that they needed   was something to make these more conductive and so  the researchers found a way to put an additional   peptide so an additional protein on the surfaces  of their viruses to make a kind of they called it   a bi-functional virus something that could enable  them both to grow the Cobalt oxide nanoparticles   which were crucial to the battery function but  also be able to grow gold nanoparticles that led   to a dramatic Improvement in the conductivity of  these devices and so the viruses as a result had   these codes that consisted of two classes  of particles one the Cobalt oxide another   the gold and the researchers were able to show  that they were able to generate these a hybrid   or bifunctional viruses that allow them to achieve  their purposes in making a battery in this manner   of course making a battery is more than just  making one wire which these viruses effectively   had become they needed to put them down onto a  substrate they needed to make a practical device   out of them and they found the conditions under  which they were able to coat onto just a flexible   piece of plastic effectively their viruses and by  managing the charge on the viral particles they   were able to ensure that the virus is assembled  into nice smooth what are called lamellar   structures so are these kind of stripy patterns  of viruses with their Coatings of nanoparticles   of cobalt oxide and of gold on top of them uh  that's a discussion of one very important storage   technology and how nanotechnology is enabling us  to make better batteries that allow for greater   capacity or in the case of this very intriguing  work on viruses allow us to do the synthesis under   very environmentally benign conditions we consume  very small amounts of energy in building the   batteries this way it's a very friendly approach  to building storage devices but another area where   there's a real need to build devices with greater  performance and also with the kind of flexibility   that you can sometimes get by using Nano materials  to make devices is in the area of super capacitors   and I was mentioning earlier as I introduced  energy storage generally that super capacitors   are another Paradigm in storing energy  their advantage is that they allow you   to store accept energy very quickly charge up  very quickly and play back very quickly as well   and it's worth defining just the idea  of a capacitor a capacitors are actually   traditionally the domain of electrical engineers  capacitors are one of the building block circuit   elements that allow us to store charge we  usually think in electrical engineering   of having two plates separated by an insulator  and on one of the plates we can put a positive   charge and by putting that positive charge there  a negative charge is induced on the opposite plate   as a result there's an electric field and we  have the potential to then release this charge   in the form of a current with the presentation  of a voltage in order to then drive a device so   their storage devices but not typically in the  electrochemical sense that's used in batteries   where we're actually moving lithium anions  uphill for storage and subsequent replay instead   these are typically based simply on the storage of  electrical charges themselves of electrons now in   super capacitors the name of the gain is to try  to achieve the greatest possible energy density   while also achieving a very good lifetime this is  one of the great things about super capacitors is   that a result of not moving more massive ions  around and imparting true chemical changes but   instead of principally moving electrons around  we're able to achieve devices that can go through   many more Cycles so if you think of something  say an electric vehicle that needs to happen   many many times how many times do you apply the  brakes for example in your car if it needs to go   through a hundred thousand or more Cycles then  often super capacitors can supply the solution   some of the exciting work that happened also  at Stanford was um figuring out how to make a   wearable supercapacitor in fact the field of  wearable Electronics has attracted a lot of   people's attention and excitement the idea  would be that as well as perhaps making a   flexible solar cell that you could go around  wearing you could also store that energy you   could later use it to charge up a mobile device in  fact people even think of the devices themselves   as being wearable of course there's the emerging  wearable electronic glasses that can have cameras   and processors embedded in them any number  of things that you can imagine doing but what   we'll need to do this is to have a flexible  Fabrics that are also electronic materials   and uh the Stanford group under each way figured  out how to build Fabrics really right on top of   traditional cotton in such a way that they were  able to store a great deal of charge in them   the way they did this is they started with  a millimeter or two thickness of just a   fluffy cotton sheet and then they dipped it into  single wall nanotube ink so basically a solution   containing many nanotubes and the nanotubes  instead of being of the multi-walled site   sort which are contain rings and Rings kind of  a coaxial set of nanotubes instead they focused   on single wall nanotubes which have a better  defined and more straightforward and controllable   properties they dipped their sheet of cotton  in a couple of times dried it at 120 degrees   C to remove the water from it and essentially it  had a foldable textile that was now a conductor   as well as being a conductor they were able to  synthesize and modify the properties of their   single walled carbon nanotubes where there's a  lot of control over the surface properties to   build two properties into it first of all they  were able to make it what we call hydrophilic   hydrophilic means that it's friendly to water and  water likes it and so water was able to absorb on   these electrodes that was important because the  electrolyte that they were using to make their   super capacitor was water-based they wanted to  keep everything simple environmentally friendly   not use solvents that people might wonder about  whether they should be wearing on their clothes   and so they used a water-based electrolyte  but that meant they needed to convert their   carbon nanotubes over to being hydrophilic they  succeeded in doing that and they also used the   structure the nanostructure the area of these  carbon nanotubes as their means to enhance the   capacity of their devices to store charge they  proved the idea that they were able to enhance   both the density of storage but also the lifetime  of their devices their ability to play back charge   play back their devices many many tens of  thousands of Cycles even though they were   making an electronic device that was on a piece  of cotton that was on a piece of textile fabric   we've talked in today's lecture about  a few strategies for energy storage and   how nanotechnology through the large area of  nanostructures through the ability to process   nanostructures from the solution phase and through  the ability to use biological organisms like   viruses now to build inorganic materials how  nanotechnology is giving us new ways to make   storage elements that are denser lighter in  weight or cheaper in cost or integrated with   flexible Fabrics we're going to continue this  discussion in the next lecture and talk about   additional energy storage strategies and then  more broadly about how we can use nanomaterials   to control the flow the playback of energy  and also how we can use nanotechnology to   implement desirable chemical reactions with high  efficiency through a process known as catalysis


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