PS2 Tony Hawk was VERY weird

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so I definitely shouldn't be skating in the real  world which is why as a kid I used to play Tony   Hawk Underground 2 a lot it's a really really  unique game and I want to show you why oh and   this is very important for later you'll see why  okay first step make me my skater with state of   the art face mapping technology wow pretty good  so far but I think that's even better now that   I've matched everything up ah much better  without the hat that actually looks exactly   like me yeah man I got my game face on yep you  sure do oh my God this profile's even more scary oh my God no they're all cheering for him  they're like yes please just stay up there   don't come back down oh now we smacked into a  van they're gonna think like oh my God we've   destroyed his face but no I was chasing packed  Vans long before you guys showed up so this   part confused the bejesus out of me because I  never really watched jackass and such so I did   not understand what was happening fellas this  is the first moment I was like oh okay it's   it's Tony Hawk everyone like still under the  impression it's a hostage situation and they   just happily go along with this because  we're going on a world tour causing havoc and the captain of my team will be oh no I  also didn't understand that like I didn't   know it was his family or anything I was just  like oh as well as this joke kidnapping they've   actually done a real one oh yeah oh my God my  guys eyes are so off I say it's choosing time hmm do I want the noob oh my God look at the sad  eyes holy wheels of Fury rise honestly I would   pick Ryan he is cool so it's weird we're doing  this whole world tour and we gotta do skating   challenges to beat the other team but I feel like  they're just laughing at us not with us because   Tony Hawk's just here tapping on his clipboard  he's not getting any points like that hey oh my   God they're not gonna give me controller controls  they're just gonna say kp2 some health school   in this kid stop trying to give me a tutorial  disembodied voice he was talking to me this is   great I'm getting loads of Serotonin here I'm just  getting stat increased every time I do anything   oh it stopped watch it freak what he called me a  freak like I know it's true but that doesn't mean   it's right you ready to get started yeah why not  just kind of shakingly went along on my board and   we're already hitting the road it's time to get  points for my team find the special guest find   Ben Franklin Mark your territory house hospital  duty at Cape machine high score dance decapitate   statues and combo on the RV ramp and then you  get to pick a teammate as well I'm going to pick   a disembodied voice does that get us points okay  so I think my First Act oh my God is to kidnap a   child like I want to take from their example a  big jump but you didn't really make any effort   to protect him that means he's mine goodbye come  on kid oh God all right I lost him but luckily   after that crash I know where he's gonna be back  at the hospital oh Jesus Christ the poor kid   oh Jesus Christ nearly ran him into traffic  don't worry Tony I'm bringing him these   terminals so you better help him ah I think I'll  go skate that's much better he's ready to skate   now even though Tony Hawk hasn't spoken to him  at all he's just obsessed with that clipboard   and I'm right next to him and he's texting me  you banked your first points stole a kid that's   gotta be worth at least 50. oh yes it's 50. boy  a nice fish yeah why don't you run downstairs   and give you a drink yeah you sound capable of  more let me go get you some the special guest   look at him just vibrating I wish they added  that into the sound like how's this sound I've   been dying to okay so that means I can play it as  this fella and he gets some extra goals he gotta   jump some cars racing uh what was his name this  thing is absolutely not how did I land that like   oh my God where am I now this  guy's my hero he can do anything   oh my God destroying the city with this guy alone  he's not even on our team he's just going on a   [ __ ] rampage you want to drive inside let me  in oh no he's fine oh I saw Benjamin Franklin   excellent my favorite skateboarder I'll invent a  move called the Franklin excellent now you just   stay there vibrating and Benjamin Franklin is  gonna do some missions for us now oh he's not   as uh indestructible he's just some poor  old man who's gotten wrapped up in this oh I forgot you could make them angry I'm having  my own little Boston Tea Party out here oh and   now I'm having a Boston sea party oh Jesus  Christ how many hips is this guy gonna have   after this he's gonna need replacements for his  Replacements good Lord all right are you ready   for it Benjamin the big jump oh God oh God he's  okay smokes don't worry he's a professional oh   God yeah professional they're falling oh Jesus oh  Jesus Christ what the um just leave you two to it oh he's athletic oh I'm trying to make it into  that window because I see a kid in there like   not in a weird way I just I think I remember this  yeah the Star Wars kid wow it was all worth it I   broke every bone in my body but look at him go  folks this would inspire you to found a country   wouldn't it Benjamin not Benjamin is just looking  at us the lights are on but no one is home so what   is this it's it's Dancing Yeah Benjamin can pull  this off oh it gives me a list of stuff I need   to do okay kickflip oh wait you need to do it  on beat oh this is awful oh I'll get some air   oh I didn't get any air oh god oh kickflip  I thought you said life-altering injuries   wait I think you can set off these cannons if I  remember correctly I need to catch my board on   fire or my person on fire one or the other all  right I'm burnt to it Chris my board is on fire   there we go that's one Cannon I don't even know  what this is going to do so so far I've kidnapped   a child and committed a terrorist attack  it's got to get you a lot of points there   we go yeah World Tour everyone they're like  whoa whoa whoa Benjamin we meant like do some   sick tricks maybe piss off some cops not cause a  national incident it didn't even get any points   what you want to talk to Benjamin oh  sorry Benjamin's angry oh the subway   I'm Gonna Knock civilians onto the railway  Lions wait you're the guy from Mythbusters wow you're all dense that's all I got  I think I need to get a certain amount   of points out on the boat that'll get me something yeah combo on the high seas was that what  I wanted I should really start viewing them   and stop just guessing Okay this should be  a nice easy one to do to just do the score   never mind I can't even get to the machine  score to beat seven and a half thousand I have done it wait Can it can I not just end  it now end current run ABC yeah I don't want   credit for that that was pathetic excellent 50  points for that that was the lamest thing ever   and then bam texted me what do you get when you  blast a fire hose at a bunch of drums through   an electric fence a hundred points but my Lane  performance there just gave me 50. I think Tony   Hawk is showing favorites or perhaps he fears  me okay let's try this little competition wait   race him to the church step where oh wait that  was where I was doing that menacing face I mean   that doesn't really clarify anything he's  always doing your menacing face oh my God I   was about to say this is too easy and then he  just flew Beyond me rematch two out of three oh I'm three out of five I missed the checkpoint  and of course by that I mean the first time I win   is is the real goal the others were warm-ups oh  he was t-posing there I thought he finally got   tired of vibrating at least the guy over there did  oh my God they're all T posing oh and now he fell   down that wasn't my fault oh I forgot I even  had the pro I've been over here using Benjamin   Franklin meanwhile I have a pro skater on my  side and my defense I can't see very well oh for   God's sake the cannon grind and sketch a seaworthy  vehicle oh nice T posing he's continuing to do it   that was it okay Benjamin Franklin did it  way better honestly oh one of these things   aha I just gotta find four more it's starting to land a combo Wild on fire okay  this is easy I'll just do a load of this spamage   nobody even knows what I'm doing but uh let  me put my head near the fire here can you   smell what Chad Muska is cooking it's chadwaska  there we go easy Great Balls of Fire okay so now   I think I gotta go up there yeah I gotta get  up on that construction site look at its open   mouth he's Amazed by this world it reminds me  of like a South Park character with a big smile   alright well maybe the great attack of Benjamin  Franklin might actually help me not that I wanted   him to do it you know it's just a coincidence oh  wait wait wait wait I got an idea wait actually   you're already damaged goods you do the trick  all right I probably should use the pro because   he's just not fast enough all right I might be  damaged but I have no skills it's all up to you   oh God okay I ended up here is there any way I  can climb this oh yes Chad must get defy gravity   be the Spider-Man you've always wanted to be I  fell down how the hell do I get up there I can't   just climb that ladder can I oh my God okay Chad  Muska fears nothing there we go I hope you're a   good artist wow sketches seaworthy vehicle  I think I just need to like hang on to the   back of a vehicle for that and I'm assuming by  seaworthy it means oh wait are those apples oh   good keep the doctor away stay back doctor stay  back all of you doctors all right anyway back to   what I was doing there we go this should be easy  I'm even gonna like I ran out of ammo never mind   yay all right I'm flying through goals I think  I actually have enough points to move on now   oh my God what the hell was that I just did  the Franklin grind I summoned power from God   Bam's team have no chance if God is on my  side since God is on my side I guess I can   just like destroy the statues here and  I won't have any legal problems right I   mean who am I kidding Benjamin Franklin brought  down a building we definitely have plot armor   there we go that's the head of one Statue gone  where are the others come on tell me all right   to the apples for all of you die are you a statue  no he was not that was just a regular human man   Jesus Christ I broke every law of physics  just to break myself where the hell did   I leave Benjamin oh he's up there t-posing I  couldn't see him because of the draw distance   I got a job for you Benjamin and I hope you  haven't had too much trauma to do it hey you   oh I did it I saluted the general whatever  that means I had to do a Benjamin over it which   honestly if I didn't know it was actually a move  I just assume it meant face planting all right   you know what Tony I've done enough damage  I'm on your team now by the way my name is   Benjamin Franklin let's go the first stage of the  competition is over and leading by 50 points is   yeah he's like the Dumbledore of Tony Hawk he's  just like my favorite team gets an extra 50 points   for God knows what reason oh wait hold on their  MVP is dumping someone in a porta potty into the   water that's local that's a hundred Point Slackers  and that's a win for us wait that's on the list   Jesus Christ how long is that list no wonder  he's always writing on it the list is gonna be   bigger than the [ __ ] Bible alright so we get  punished and we have our beautiful assistant   here to spin the wheel for us got one loose that  means one of us is going home oh no look at the   shark on my face I mean I think it's shock oh  Jesus Christ This is how they picked please oh   in hindsight it probably should have been me I  should not be allowed to reproduce look at him   just sitting on the ground having the time of  his life que pasa welcome to Spain Espana free   the bullfighter find the special guests hit five  heads of tomatoes everything is bull so far help   like okay great unless he lost his leg to a bull  then it's something not to do with balls I'm gonna   pick Mike barely because his speed is really good  and he can also run really fast which is great our   team loves to flee what is your plan here get some  tomatoes and help me out okay can I argue with   that logic one moment ah El Nino all right here  we go let's hope this works one throw one tomato   got them all riled up oh sweet Jesus okay launch a  local that's 50 points right there flip a table 70   points knock down a national art piece Four Points  cause a character crash seven million points   attack on Miami topple the chimney stack yeah  half a point I suppose I don't know I'll have   to check the list but either way I'm here  for 30 seconds and I've destroyed Barcelona   I should probably yeah there we go talk to the  pros on my team who's he wave me to Usher he   doesn't have eyes let's not talk about that but  yeah I may as well try and unlock all the goals   because at least then if I do them by accident  or show up in the area I can just do them as I go   oh Jesus Christ okay I didn't even mean  to come in here but I found you hey you   found me shopping cart shopping cart bam  my balls red yeah wow he looks so full of   life he looks almost as dead inside as my guy  the bull runs by him and he doesn't even mind ah sweet Jesus this is even more bizarre than  the last guy unfortunately Stevo can actually   fall off his tattoo looks absolutely  demented in this maybe I should get my   character a silk portrait on his back alright  and we have the Matador what the hell is going   on there in the background oh okay I think  he was in position like ready to ride the   bull that Stevo was riding oh wait here's  where peg leg is I don't know how to save   him pull my ball you can defy gravity it's  pretty bull I think if I get out onto this   oh not the water my poor bull at least it's an  all-terrain vehicle I suppose it made it out   there we go I'm about to save you big  leg there you go and the bridge is fixed oh I did it the whole thing don't touch the  ground 223 000 points like not for the the   overall competition otherwise say that's just  an insta win but I mean like trick points look   at my guy over there just hoping he's getting to  play he's holding his hand up like I'm ready but   nobody wants him what Jesus Christ okay well I got  a goal I'm accidentally really good at this game   from Stevo to Stevo guess what Steve will just  joined the party all right great message Stevo   you're like Mr Bean sending a letter to himself  okay I think next I need to do like a big ramp   off the rooftop and do like a grab trick which  seems totally safe on this thing excellent yes   I'm into Orvis and he didn't land it but don't  worry he just scratch his head a bit get back on   the ball and let's do it again all right this time  I'll be safe oh my God like what's even out there   yes I landed it did it what oh and then asked to  drop into a quarter pipe I don't know how to do   that I figured it out okay I actually decided you  know what let's learn how to do this rather than   just ignore it because I'm guessing this is gonna  be important for later ah I got hit by a bull oh I'm pulling it off I think no I didn't I was  going straight and then he just turned to look   at the camera because he wanted the Limelight  the absolute diva okay yes finally I got it   that was hard oh who's texting me now if it's  from himself again I'm gonna be pissed off I   heard that someone got 100 points for using  a leaf blower to rocket launch Phil's crusty   Underpants into the face of some Spaniards  oh yeah that was me hat you suck well here   comes the chain of meanness because I am about to  take out my anger on random civilians there we go   that's two out of five there's another one there's  another one there's another one God I love Spain what what was that how did I get another one I  did a ramp on some [ __ ] and got some [ __ ]   points launch off a pile of bulldog and perform  a grab trick okay it just came naturally to me   whenever I see Bulldog I just can't help it find  a way to light your board on fire and then find a   bird to make a phoenix what okay I need fire fire  oh fire whoop yeah all right now I just need to   launch and I think I can launch here excellent  fantastic work look at him die they're like oh   yeah you burnt a pigeon alive 50 points cares  about hospital bills I have 50 points just get   the anger out of me though you know now that I  think about it I think each place I should get   a little makeover so let me let me get this guy  a bit of a change up wait what was that first yes look at that he's got some  skill like not a lot of it but   some all right you've earned a new  face buddy let's get you that makeover   now that's a face you could be proud of that's a  face that gets its beauty sleep okay what could I   do here I could ask to drop off a tram that sounds  cool tag the big billboard that's fun spiral down   the laper de rare respireral rail it's like no  it's not my Spanish it's just my reading real   skaters take the elevator there we go that was  much easier oh man I love skateboarding it's so   cool that I had to carry my skateboard everywhere  and not use it excellent all those fumes holy   bejesus that scene of his face looked like it was  straight out of a horror movie no oh God that was   close I nearly killed myself I wouldn't have even  been able to have like an open casket funeral like   nothing to do with the fall just in general it  would be a little bit scary and off-putting for   people okay I'm gonna drop down on this rail cat  oh my God man Jesus Christ look at this little   face he's scared okay here we go yes why are the  jumps so aggressive now I just gotta figure out a   place that I can acid drop and then remember how  to acid drop I really picked the wrong direction   didn't I all the ramps are over there no well  I'll just enjoy the sights and you get to enjoy   the sights of him enjoying the sights okay here  it goes and yes I did it oh that was actually   surprising I love when I succeed and for my next  trick this has gotta get me a lot of points yes   and your reward is we attempt to fix that face of  yours no luck I do think you have interest though   like you do seem to have a groupie for some reason  you can do better alright Mr Hawk wait I just   realized there whole level has been repaired good  job dude I'm assuming it was you anyway all right   well now that we've destroyed and repaired the  city I'm ready to move on with the killer session oh my God he looks so happy with  himself since you and I are the   newest Pros we're getting traded oh  no I'm being swapped to the other team let's knock it out there and we're  chilling the fact that he could even   synchronize a fist bump with those eyes is  amazing like I assumed all the skating was   just guesswork but if I'm heading to  Berlin I'll need another makeover some   nobody wants told me here we go I figured it  would be a good idea because you can actually   play his track in this game and I just can't wait  till I complete the campaign oh no I might have   adjusted it to the wrong color now you're looking  hands off Jesus Christ all right that is close   enough to Shrek for me honestly if I saw that walk  down the street I'd be like hello Shrek I am your   biggest fan you see all of this very confusing I  didn't know what was going on like I bought what   I thought was a skateboarding game and then I  see a man getting attacked by a bull in a hotel   free the spirits okay how did he get up there  come on then why do I have to find him stop   the kids from smoking never oh my God this  is so strange oh Shrek angry Shrek stop it the hell did I just do I destroyed a sign or  something I'm completing Golds by accident   again let's stick to the same plan where we try  to get all of the random skaters so we can do   random goals by mistake oh wait I don't even need  to skate up here to get him I'll just go up the   ladder I love skateboarding take a look up here  nice to meet you let's head down and talk okay   through pure abuse and extortion he has joined  my team paint bomber Market territory oh that's   a cool one we gotta do the big billboard let's  go shred this thing let's go Shrek this thing   I agree honestly I've only been to Germany  once but it was exactly like this everyone   in lederhosen and Shrek beating the bejesus out  of them hell yeah time to shred it up Shrek It Up   great graffiti he's like putting down his own tag  and then spraying over it with wife I honestly   cannot find the other dudes and uh honestly I'm  getting sick of finding him so I think Shrek is   just going to forget about him and he'll just  die up there I don't think I need his challenges   anyway I can get by without them like watch I'm  gonna kill Wee Man right here with this giant fish   there we go he's dead everyone it's gonna be worth  at least seven points what was he doing oh yeah   I gotta free the spirits oh man I keep forgetting  just you know it's a skateboarding game you don't   really think about freeing the spirits when you  think you're skateboarding okay I'm gonna Freedom   the only way I know how Through Skateboarding  okay yes this actually seems to be working this   is the same way I killed Wee Man with the fish  yay I broke the curse whatever that means and   then I immediately assault the person behind  the door clean there we go what a jump Jesus   Shrek is a serious vertical leap I don't know why  I'm up here I don't know what I'm looking for it   just looks dangerous and Shrek loves danger oh  wait I think you need to repair the artwork but   um I don't think this character has the skills for  it just defacing it I'm gonna get arrested there   was once a beautiful mural here I bet a good  artist could bring it back yeah yeah I bet hey oh my God I can just scale this building no  skating needed for the skating game there's a   severe lack of skating at some points when it  comes to me go on Shrek and hail those toxic   fumes that's how you mutated this beautiful in  the first place and honestly objectively it's   a massive Improvement alright just like Courage  the Cowardly Dog used to say let's save Muriel   oh he scrubbed it off he just waited for me to  leave and got rid of it that middle one kinda   looks like jacksepticeye there we go and because  I repaired all of the mural this funfair disco   opened which is just fantastic I can see the  connection because once that's repaired all the   tourists will come and then they will dance so I  went into the clothing editor because I was like   oh we can get track some nice clothes and then I  figured hey we can just make them all green so we   can green screen them out of the scene you know do  you a favorite but now that I'm done his outfit I   realize you can go to scale options and you can  make him a big boy it looks like he just has no   bones it's all jelly down there are those people  who inject that liquid to make it look like you   have muscle but overall I would have to say 10  out of 10. he's not even like touching the side   of the wheel anymore his body proportions are  so off his hands just kind of floating on there   tapping the middle alright time to resume Shrek 5  happily ever after oh Shrek just killed a man and   after I killed himself oh here we go he's gonna  properly freak out yes the officer right behind   him but Shrek doesn't give a damn he's got plot  armor he's the main character they're gonna need   me for Shrek six seven and eight oh wait what am  I supposed to do for this goal I thought it was   assault oh my God I'm so big Jesus Christ I just  beybladed him he's not getting off I'm Gonna Leave   oh I wanted my freedom I wanted my happily ever  after I should take a look at what goals that   I can do and cause a lot of damage and no I'm  still not going to help him he's stuck on that   roof forever locate three Berlin cops and see  if you can set their hats on fire all at once   I'm down wait so how do I actually do it do  I just like do oh I do a trick all right the   screams of pain excellent yes there's another one  I need another cop somewhere aha yes this is great   what's he gonna do arrest me you and whatever  me honestly your whole Army couldn't take Shrek   ah I took German for a few years so I know that  that means nice skating Chief everyone just looks   like a child to compare to me now anything for  two oh this is nice look how happy it makes Shrek   now that I've defeated you in combat you must Now  teach me a trick sure I'll show you an old school   trick yeah that's right he's threatened what is  kp9 and kp8 could it be this no no it could be   that no no maybe oh ah I'm doing it do I just  keep going do I keep beyblading imagine you've   just done holiday walking through Germany and  all of a sudden a giant Shrek is just spinning   on a pipe like this I just welcome him as my  new Overlord there's nothing cooler than this   yes so now that I've completed as tricky has  disappeared into the void he's gone Far Far Away   Pro Tour line first skate up this quarter pipe  next grind the lower ledge next cry in the middle   Edge X grind the Opera ledge oh Jesus Christ is  so much finally lift the letters oh my God there's   so much to that I like how any of the skating  ones I'm like this is impossible I just do the   one that terrorizes people and that's because  well I'm not good at skating as you can see always wished wished that means weight in Irish  by the way I don't know why I think you'll just   know that I mean I'm kind of surprised even I know  that oh I'm doing it I'm doing it oh God oh God   this is terrifying oh did I do it I had to grind  some of the other letters are you serious they're   like oh really close but I didn't want you to uh  lip on the w I wanted you to lip on the Zed so you   know not really what I wanted no points for you  it's all right I'm getting the hang of this now   Shrek knows what he wants oh oh I did it that was  so good and for 75 points oh my God I uh killed   myself never mind oh Shrek mad how many boards  does he go through and who keeps giving him more   and now that I know that it's a goal to destroy  three of these letters I'll just keep doing that   and that should get me out of Berlin oh sorry  yes I got it oh my God I'm so good at skating   and I got a text from bam that we have killed  this city I mean we've killed every city sort   of how we've destroyed them I see we'll even get  a head start in the next city let's meet up with   Phil when you want to leave all right let's go  now Shrek ready wait his head is just decapitated   oh my God thank God they didn't show us that it  would have been blood everywhere the Haka look he   hit rookie swap again and we got our old teammate  back oh that's convenient isn't it he's just back   wait his head is still floating all right we're  going to Bangkok we have hijacked the plane and   redverted it to Bangkok instead of Australia now  we can own Australia because Bam's team missed   their flight from Bangkok okay okay now I'm on  this team because I got swapped yeah of course   and they're probably mourning because you know  they lost a teammate to decapitation oh now that's   a special guest I'd like to find look at him in  his go-kart oh I can't wait to just ruin Australia   foreign that line okay who do I want who's the  fastest who's the speediest boy that's gotta be   Mike again he loves running that's what I want  as a teammate not good skateboarding running   all right we need to like do some serious damage  here and then I think Shrek has earned himself a   makeover again I love that this game is about  skateboarding and I've made it about makeovers   and parkour all right what is this how is anybody  supposed to get anything done around here when   that jackass is sleeping on the job all right  okay I'll help you out that didn't work at all   I don't know why I thought grinding his um crane  would and that's not a euphemism that I don't   know why I thought grinding his crane would work  the hell am I supposed to do is it something to   do with his fingers oh he didn't do anything but  this is really impressive actually Shrek is just   a boss isn't he that leaky hydrant should be some  use oh okay why didn't I just listen to this guy okay just a note though you're now a  co-conspirator just keep spinning just   keep spinning just keep spinning but no I  skipped cut scene I hate this okay let's   try this again yes here we go Shrek damn  it okay that was unfortunate did I just   kill him oh my God all the chaos I love just  destroying every city I get to yeah run dude run   okay destroyed that wall hey buddy  nice dive it's very impressive anyway   I'm gonna go check what's behind that  wall and then I'm gonna get a makeover I found him all right I'll play as you and in  the meantime Shrek will be getting a makeover   the size difference is insane I was gonna ask  for to go in your go-kart but I destroy it with   my enormous Shrek wagon oh this is cool look  how fast I am I love speed what are his goals   he's gotta have some cool one handicap Havoc  okay that doesn't sound that good destroy the   handicapped spaces sign okay now we're just being  a dick there we go destroy the city and then we're   like yeah let's go one step further and destroy  all the handicap spaces oh no oh no oh no oh no   he's very resilient I love how he T poses oh  oh God I love how many t-poses every time just   before he gets back on oh sorry officer but yeah  you keep complaining to them skateboarding bad   go-karting good aha there we go I don't know this  guy was the best addition to our team help local   skate rats oh I have to help them see if you  can find a way to distract him while they make   a run for it that crane worked pretty nicely  before okay ow oh my God I'm just constantly   falling I hope Shrek's makeover is done soon  because I can't play with this guy oh my God it oh I think I solved it yes the Havoc continues  wait what is okay he went for it he was hardly   moving they just launched at it yes chaos  fantastic the chaos continues Jesus Christ   how many people have died on this skateboarding  World Tour and he's just sitting there menacingly   in his go-kart fantastic is he gonna chase me  now or is he just no he's just angry at the world   honestly I would be too it's makeover time look  everybody I'm Homer Simpson honestly I thought   I was watching The Simpsons for a second I  got really confused I was like oh my game   crashed they must be really confused like how many  people are on your team holy Jesus it's terrifying I take humorous violent tendencies to a new level  let's just hope he doesn't start choking a child   honestly they probably give me 50 points these  people are lunatics find the shrimp vendor well   they're just out there t-posing he can't get too  far ow I mean go hey come back here you bastard   I got you you're on the team now you're in the  catering section of our team all right he wants   to do the shrimp slap with that guy dancing there  it makes me really uncomfortable I can see Tony   Hawk just uh t-posing there he's not helping at  all getting points I don't really want to play   his shrimp vendor though well maybe a little bit  I'll do the shrimp slap whatever that means I'm   supposed to drain this pool oh wait I see I I  think I have to do something with this it's got   warning signs on it if I haven't learned anything  in life approach things with warning signs we did   it we ruined everyone's fun the pool is drained  no one is swimming because of the sharks in the   water so the lifeguards are bored give them  something to do by smacking five of them with   cold slimy shrimp okay sounds reasonable I put  my feet inside him but I I don't know what else   to do how do I throw shrimp unless they go collect  shrimp somewhere I sell shrimp surely I could just   take some out like can I not just take my shrimp  out on the beach is that really so wrong a box of   shrimp how convenient there we go she's in here  to react she's just happy he stopped talking to   her there's one more that's permanent brain damage  for sure and I think this is the last guy at least   you're on Sand you're out of ammo is that what  we're calling shrimp now get special and perform   two rotisseries over the lofty roof gap between  the two Center buildings what the hell does that   even mean imagine you just wanted to buy some  shrimp but you just cannot catch him because he   just keeps skating around doing flips you're like  God I'm starving really killed for some shrimp   oh another man dead Jesus what a landing though  skating shrimp vendor I'm in the game oh God   Homer's angry I think I think he wants to play  actually hold on all right that time I saw some   action wait was that Homer she's this one voice  actors it's weird all right Homer I hope you're   not afraid of heights because we are going  climbing again and I don't mean skating up   there I mean like legit climbing we're gonna  climb this ladder we're gonna tag up the whole   town imagine you looked out your window and Homer  Simpson was climbing your fire escape an angry   Homer Simpson with sideburns and then he started  spray painting your building I'm sure I've had a   dream like that once foreign oh my God that was so  scary should I jump it or try and skate you know   jumping that's more reliable yes and his jump is  pretty insane okay Jesus Christ Homer is risking   his life here he's determined now look at that  stride yeah why are we even up here here we go   oh is it not this sign oh wait I have to drop down  God hope you're not afraid of heights Homer wait   come on do it oh no I bet it's a pro  Challenge and I haven't found the pro   so now I have to climb back up here no  where is the pro I thought the shrimp   Fender might be the pro oh the here you  are just hiding down here doing nothing they're absolutely manic I knew there was  something to do with this now instead of   him giving a peace sign he's sticking up his  middle finger take that Sydney oh my God I'm   skating I'm really skating oh god oh no oh oh  wait there's another ladder okay no need to   skate Homer ah Jesus Christ there's glass  shards in my Homer there we go just spray   paint underneath what you did earlier oh God  it's kind of an underneath and above somehow   oh my God that was like the coolest trick I've  Done Yet Homer's still not happy though he's   pissed it's honestly super fun to just skate  around in this game as much as I'm making fun   of it it's really really good game like look at me  I'm awesome oh God all right just a little bit of   glass I think I suffered an artery there but it'll  be fine it's The Simpsons I mean they can never   die do I need to like do anything with my stats  because I have not been attending them I assume   I don't and he's just like getting better even  though they're actually technically all different   skaters or he just gets heavy plastic surgery  every place we visit oh my God he's getting   really good he's very slow though how do I get  that up it involves graffiti and throwing stuff   how is that not a higher caveman two times in one  combo that's just when you get off the board right   all right so there and then oh I  okay maybe this is larger than it   first appears oh it's when you get  back on it is the the caveman okay there we go I did it just gotta find some graffiti  or something that I can get my run stat up with   like I spend more time running than I do on my  board I'm scanning my childhood memories to see   if I can remember where the graffiti is but I  just can't like there's five of them here you   think I'd remember one like this is important  knowledge that my brain should have retained   oh wait I can do this every single time  okay this is awesome they'll keep preparing   it I'll keep breaking it sorry buddy  you should really stop falling asleep   oh my God I did the Franklin grind I'll never  forget you Benjamin Franklin especially now that   I know how to do your move yes this is my favorite  move now just kite surfing I got half a million   points with that Benjamin Franklin taught me so  much I cannot find a single piece of graffiti it's   actually getting annoying now like where are they  I don't know what the hell I'm doing I don't know   what the hell I'm doing I'm scaring dolls I think  yes I accidentally got onto like the line where   the golds are I just kind of skate around and wait  for stuff to happen and if it glows I stay on it   God this is the greatest combo ever known to man  nice I got another one I don't even know what that   was for I think I accidentally skated these lines  that I was meant to and did the seagulls in one   go I just see pop-ups and I keep going I'm like  yes feed me serotonins I need to Jesus the arm   strength just the upper body strength in general  I mean I guess look at him he's all upper body oh   yes vandalism I've ruined the meal for everyone  wait a second can I just graffiti like in a combo   like that would that work rather than having to  find one it is okay that's much easier that was   so easy after all that searching wait a second  that's the kid from earlier alright kidnapping   theory is legit I thought I was being a bit of a  conspiracy theorist oh my God okay I just smacked   that child and he's not getting up but Homer just  continues doing sick tricks oh I love seeing it   in slow motion because the physics look even more  ridiculous speaking of physics nice just ignoring   gravity there as they smashed my board all right  you know what maybe that challenge isn't worth   the head trauma I was just trying to do a flip  over these but the buttons are so awkward I'm   rage quitting from Australia where are you Tony  come out oh and I saw you T posing here earlier   oh my God what are they plotting they better not  be throwing this at home or oh no Homer please no   he's new to the team we think we're not sure where  Shrek went oh Jesus Christ dude oh you didn't add   this right we didn't lose it's a tie it's a tie I  finished last for our team but I'm not going hope I think these two cats right here you  just go have a little Showdown you   know what I'm saying wait it comes  between the both of us is this for   real what the hell where'd you get  this from the yeah but one of it section this guy's like trying to make the  documentary on us that we don't want made   and we need to stop him this is our like  tie breaker have your mission now go get it   sweet wait with those clothes and lame masks you  look just like Beaver houses are you sure I'm   not even in the frame because I'm so tall piss  off the bikini girls piss off the construction   workers I'm honest get some seagulls to crap on  the girls okay I'm on it look at me everyone it's   that documentary Feller I'm just feeling a little  bit ill today so excuse my yellow tone yeah it's   uh fitting disguise I'll give you that Beaver  blast five construction workers what does that   mean get special and then left right kp4 ah yes  kp4 here we go this three out of five where's   the other there we go oh damn it what am I gonna  learn stupid Jesus Christ he's having a proper   breakdown okay four out of five done I fall  nearly every time I do that trick but I just   keep doing it look at him just standing there  with his hat on fire just being sad this guy is   really really good at hide and seek I can't find  him I guess I'd be good at hiding too if someone   was out there trying to Beaver blast me and set  my hair on fire I don't know why but the jungle   music seems kind of fitting here like the way he's  climbing the way he looks and everything he looks   like a guy who has been lost to the wild okay it's  now night time everyone just so you're in the know   wait he was here oh my God I couldn't see him  with the draw distance for God's sake alright   time to light you on fire buddy there we go I  did it look at him just standing there inside   his trailer in the seat oh the guy's finally awake  oh my God my face is floating which is still like   the least weirdest thing about him what about me  and this guy is kicked off excellent he's like   my enemy from the first game but I can't remember  the first game I'm just gonna hate him anyway and   they're both dead that is Canon and we're just  moving on that fast to New Orleans I honestly   completely even forgot about this level raise the  dead oh yeah that's that's 25 points right there   raise the dead it seems fair run up kid let's get  going yeah let's get going because Homer needs a   makeover I love my makeovers when I go to a new  place well what do you think he's a little troll   face I also made his body much smaller I figured  it kind of worked better I kept his head huge   though because he's got a big ego and I kept his  feet huge for balance oh I need to keep slapping   that I knew there was something to do with the  Riverboat it's going much further oh no I thought   that was really cool that I slapped against the  tram who oh just got it and then I drowned 25   points for me I'm gonna go raise the dead now  since I kind of look like one of them please   don't knock the skulls off The Cribs  okay yes the Crypt has been opened   but the screams of pain as I Disturbed the dead  okay this is actually some proper paranormal stuff   I thought it was just gonna be like whatever you  know just defiling a graveyard just standard stuff   oh gosh they're gonna bury me here soon  I keep getting head trauma like that   yay I raised the dead oh we're getting a  cutscene okay this is a big one I guess I   should have seen that coming is that a swamp  monster that I saw there oh my God what is   this thing welcome to the team buddy that's  all I can say and and he's actually turning   people into zombies this game is wild like  this is about skateboarding and look at this okay I have no idea what all that meant but  the whole town is cursed now and I've started   the apocalypse imagine that you start the [ __ ]  apocalypse he's like yeah I'll give you 25 points   down I go I thought I'd get more points oh Jesus  Christ I jump off excellent what am I doing Jesus   wait no this is to save New Orleans no I don't  want to save them why would I want to do that   Jesus Christ that's so loud there's so much  going on here this is very overwhelming Boombox   a Boombox right sure okay great yeah royalty-free  music that's what I'd listen to in the Apocalypse   I did it I thought I failed it because the  music stopped that one was actually hard   I apparently have no rhythm whatsoever wait  I can already be him oh excellent I thought   I'd have to end the apocalypse and I was like  not worth it you could hear the little pedal   squeaking oh Jesus man look at that you need  to get some oil in here on your bike actually   not in you don't eat motor oil I had to  learn that the hard way in my defense I   was extremely young I was like 24 at the time  I'm killing zombies on my tricycle what a day oh the hell was that again just accidentally  falling upwards into my objectives just   peacefully tricling my way around New Orleans  now did you say it's the best way to explore the   city on your tricycle what manholes what about  them oh I need to like manual over them I see   come on there's one more it's right over there  speed up speed up come on no not the other way yes   that's fine you've never landed I barely made it  to that Jesus Christ that better be attacking I'm   done I want to leave this place in the apocalypse  hey pork sniffer who is this I'll kill you let me   know when you come close to my score he's texting  me all the way from Germany he's good reception   because he's still stuck on that roof wait a  second the jester I had a goal to try and find   him huh come here come here you're on the team  yes I was gonna say his smile is terrifying but   he's way less terrified than my main character  acid drop into the world's largest drink well   I know what an acid drop is thanks to earlier but  how the hell do I do that okay I can't reach that   I hate that this music starts blasting every  time you get up here oh the billboard I can get   up there nice and easy just trying to get points  any way that doesn't involve ending the apocalypse oh my God Jesus Christ okay I've oh oh my God I  was just right to say I have no idea how to get up   there and I was giving up oh wait now that I just  jumped down I'm like I could have done the other   Challenge from up there I could have dropped into  that big glass for God's sake now I gotta get back   up there this bloody annoying music okay where  is it it's like this angle oh I did it God I'm   good at skating wait what the hell the hell am I  here all right never mind I'm getting out of here   yeah there we go destroyed the gaslamps Tony  hawks's we're ready to go let's go now let's   get out of the zombie apocalypse the hell  is this why are they riding along like this   Christ they are both dead I'll give you 12  points wait he's back or is that me I can't   tell the disguise was so good let's kill him yeah  murder I mean he's a witness to our last murder   can give me footage of the final stage of  the tour I will pay for this entire event   but the losers are gonna pay actually yeah now  that you've put it out on the list there was   something for 3.2 million there I don't know what  it was that's probably Benjamin Franklin's Bill to  

destroying that construction you guys are so far  behind now are we but we got like 1 000 points oh my god dude the equalizers are gnarly all  team done you pull it off and we're all tied   up wait well hold on I can't hear you over the  hurricane me and the boys can run upstairs and   borrow a helicopter wait we're going flying  in a helicopter during this weather during the   apocalypse okay so if I do this challenge we're  all even I have no idea how we lost the lead look   at what I have caused avoid securing get up to  the helicopter on the roof well my plan is just to   walk up there is that a good plan oh my God what  my parkour is good but the catwalk isn't solid   this is security oh my God he's good oh  he's very good all right go go go go go   hey walk up and grab her yes here we go  wait you want me to jump oh sweet Jesus   and then to watch grab the helic air up  why I suck ah Jesus Christ okay acid drop   onto the flashing ramp air up the other  side switch to walk and then oh my God   oh instructions unclear okay oh sweet Jesus my  back is broken can't do it God you should be   playing basketball dude that block was insane  oh my God he's so good at his job the guy   upstairs is useless okay I'm pretty prepared now  I think I failed it God damn it okay here we go   yes he's in action here oh I gotta do it again got  a spine over the helicopter oh Jesus dude this is   insane they just want me dead honestly I'm quite  impressed he's been able to fly it this long but   um I think it makes sense that he crashes now  yeah he's dead add him to the casualty list it's   gonna be longer than that bill it's probably over  3.2 million in itself I'll be fine they've been   busted for skating many times what I busted for  skating he crashed a helicopter into the swamp   a helicopter which he stole by the way I'm skating  with you you and I are gonna bring it home finally   Tony puts down the clipboard and he's gonna help  me locate the chainsaw it's my first goal that's   a bad idea Tony well actually my first goal is to  do a makeover that's always my first goal and Tony   will understand that there we go I think we need  a proper hero so we're gonna have Minecraft Steve   oh my God I didn't realize how thin his poor legs  were like those feet are huge okay I can't find   like Minecraft Steve pants so I'm just gonna give  him a diaper instead for now I'm gonna try and   make it Square as I can alright that is pretty  Square he's ready come on Tony let's do this catch a strong thumbs can Minecraft Steve he's  just too powerful I'm just gonna ask these fellas   what they thought of my makeover but they're all  wearing the same thing the hell is going on here   wait you're the guy from before hey homes  I'm rigging up this sick oh sorry so he's   rigging off a sick off-road board but as always  I wanted too much engine this thing turned into   a fireball find me something with serious power  and I'll let you skate it okay oh who is this he   just said cool it's just some random kid hello  got these sick runs and see if you've got the   skills to pull them off you might learn something  kid okay and now even this guy's calling me kid   scoop green check to the school of Park the  hell was that is that my conscience talking   to me just my inner voice there's Tony standing  up the the steps like the king he is why is this   guy even driving around the skatepark like this  this is so dangerous Jesus I'm going so fast does   it just continue to get faster and faster it  sure feels like it but I honestly can't tell   oh my god I've gone into Orvis thanks care  what skeetopia spine combo what's that   oh no oh no no Jesus Christ trying to do a  combo here oh thank God he breaks at least   he's ready to break I suppose I'm gonna slow  him down the entire way though because I really   want to land this manual I think there's  one for going all the way down the hill   yes I got one that was a big one too oh and  there's another one for going all the way   down but going out the main Gage for God's sake  all right I've got an idea I'll just get more   speed this time and I will try to remember it's  a manual the fact that he's doing this just on   like mud and grass is super impressive I must  add I did it nobody saw it but I'll just say to   Bam that's what I did give me 50 points really  nice man I don't know if you notice by the way   but I got a sick head tattoo now it's like a  hazardous thing because I'm just a toxic person   that everyone should stay away from never thought  you'd see Minecraft Steve and a diaper tagging up   Turf did you oh Jesus Christ do I grind oh wait  the the fire yes you know just using simple logic   didn't even do it right I climbed up the oh  maybe I have to do it right what is this thing there we go that's more like it yeah  missile oh it was a firework God damn it oh my God the sickest move of the  playthrough the Franklin grind what   what is this what what do I do damn  it why aren't I prepared for once   oh I was supposed to drop into that  okay well I can do that that's easy yeah I learned everything I know from Benjamin  Franklin from Mike we're in jail but we should   be rolling your way soon beaverhausen will  be here to bail us out any minute before we   get nabbed we stole this truck on top of the  bills he agreed to pay now he has to pay for   our helicopter hijacking and crash into the swamp  of Bale money all right the big question on my   mind is where is that chainsaw I need it and I'm  not talking about for landscaping it's actually   for manscaping and compared to the makeovers I'm  just climbing trees yes I knew it would be this   one top of the hill what wait what what this  game is awesome yeah okay Bigfoot just stole   my gas powered chainsaw and shredding off down  the hill destroying a forest okay I'm guessing   I can compete as Bigfoot then bigfoots on our team  okay we got dibs anyone see Bigfoot I understand   if you didn't he's quite subtle in his movements  oh I spotted him big hairy beast he's on his way   to meet you Bigfoot I am Bigfoot yes all right  man of few words I kind of gathered your Bigfoot   though grow some plants a clear path manual up  a slope what I'm guessing that the skateboard   will help me with that come on Bigfoot I nearly  have enough points bring it home for team Steve   thank you okay Jesus Christ that was easy  hairy foot grab that's my favorite trick that's another one Bigfoot is our MVP you've  enough points to win this thing all right hold   on one second I'll be right with you I just want  to see what a raging Bigfoot is like here he goes   Christ literally knocked out that other skater  it's gonna be so confused when Bigfoot just   rocks up like yeah have we won the biggest  problem is you can't Dismount your board   as Bigfoot so I just have to carefully what  what are you scared of Bigfoot or something   to celebrate our complete domination I'm gonna  blow this hellhole Sky High oh no he's doing a   big finale a spin bomb like this doesn't seem  fair I'm just making do with what we have he's   out here making weapons of mass destruction  right now I play as bam why would I want him   to win though oh I guess I'm helping their  team then oh that's much easier I was trying   to like grind up this rail so I could grind  back down to activate it I can just climb   this thing everything in the skateboarding  game is solved by not skateboarding foreign ERS with us you had so much time to get  out and now you're running from the bombs   wait save the dogs and exit skate Topia oh my God  everybody Chase Tony Hawk look how tasty he looks   there we go what a strange ending I kind of see  why I repressed this this is wild come on Cass   hop on Tony Hawk's head scratched the [ __ ]  out of him for everything he's done on this   Tour all right it's time for the grand finale  this place is getting torched I'm sure the   skating Community will love this we blow off the  greatest skatepark on Earth but if you can bust   gate Sophie in one combo you get a thousand  points what the police is about to explode   oh my God that laugh so they just left Minecraft  Steve in here while all these bombs were going on   beautiful so beautiful the cameraman just watching  like yes we are accessories this is terrorist   incident yes I don't know how I ended up up there  because I was slowly manually down the hill world   destruction tour Champs I love the sound of that  oh the game just realized that he's still on a   roof in Germany as well we're live in three two  what the hell is this like the proof that he was   an accessory to this for weeks I tracked the Earth  with the world's top skaters yeah he's admitting   to the whole thing here is the compelling me  gripping story of the world destruction tour okay wait this is the the tape he made oh it's pretty  good I see what he paid for the entire thing it's pretty good could get an Oscar perhaps  Minecraft Steve is actually kind of appalled   by this he's like come on guys this is mean  thank you world for tuning in thank you Tony   Hawk for providing us with this excellent  skateboarding plus terrorism Style game   but you might be noticing the Shrek 2 logo  that's the real reason we're doing the story   mode that's right we don't need our Shrek  face anymore we've got The Real Shrek like   you never saw this one coming did you but now  for the real real reason we're doing story mode   just only the world is Gonna Roll me  I ain't the sharpest finally after   all these years I got to make my Shrek 2  skating music video they said I was mad well thank you so much for going  on this world tour with me I hope   you enjoyed check out some more of  my long form content here I really   think you'll enjoy it if you made it this  far thanks for watching and bye for now


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