My Everyday Carry for 2024 EDC

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so first video of 2024 I've had a few weeks off just to reset myself I went to a trip to Dubai actually spent some time out there enjoying the good weather in Dubai because in England it's very gray and very cold so yeah everyday carry for 2024 few things have changed a few things haven't changed one big thing that has changed is actually my glasses if anyone has watched my previous one I used to wear glasses I don't wear glasses anymore because around this time last year I think February last year I had lasic so I had Las eye surgery one of the best things ever done well worth it for anyone considering it obviously it's painful it's scary having a laser shoot into your eye you can even smell when it burns like it's weird but you're in and out in like 5 10 minutes and now nearly 12 months later amazing like having 2020 have better than 2020 Vision my my doctor was telling me so yeah very very happy with the investment so let's first go into the bag this is the baroy camera sling it goes for $175 which isn't cheap however I was happy to spend that money because it is a dedicated sort of Sling camera bag for cameras like that's the main thing I have a pricey camera I want to make sure it's protected you know this is like two or three grand camera I want to make sure that it's taken care of I don't want to be putting it into anything so yeah this camera's Ling is awesome inside there is a sort of there's two dividers in here so don't know if you guys can see but there's two dividers in here where which you can use to sort of organize your camera and lenses they also fold down as well so they do fold inside well one of them does anyway so I usually carry a camera and two lenses in this compartment there is also if I flip it around there is a zip compartment here which you can use to well I've got an air tag in here actually you can put batteries and stuff there are you know battery compartments you can put SD cards or whatever just a good way to organize your things and then at the front we do have more Pockets more Pockets where we can put things so I have like filters and stuff in here I'll sometimes put sunglasses in here I'll put my airpods in here I'll put battery Banks whatever I'm carrying for the day I'll put in here as well it is a how big is it it is a 10 L capacity so it's quite I think it's quite large but it's not too big and I usually just have it across my front or my back depending on how I'm using it sometimes I'll actually leave it sort of in my hotel room or in my in my car if I don't actually need everything that's in here and I'll carry only the camera yeah this is awesome this is a really really useful bag to have and for anyone who is carrying camera and stuff if you're like me you like having a mirror list with you this is the perfect bag to carry that sort of thing with you next up we have the Sony a7c Mark I so I was a heavy user of the a7c Mark I absolutely love that camera it was the perfect camera for me for travel photography I wanted something compact that could use all of the Sony lenses that I already have because I'm very heavily invested in the Sony ecosystem I record my videos with Sony cameras so it only made sense to have a small compact camera like this where I could use the same lenses however I am very interested in the Leica Q3 I would really like a Leica Q3 but I just can't justify the price right now because this is like a third of the price of the Leica Q3 yet it can technically do more however obviously with the Leica you're paying for the build quality you're paying for the brand you're paying for the image quality you're paying for the glass the glass especially is incredibly sharp you're paying sort of that extra 10 20% of refinement you could say but you're paying triple the price so for me it doesn't really make sense to buy a when something like this for me is a lot more capable the sensor in this is incredible it is a 33 megap sensor and it is technically a Sony a74 in a more compact body there are some compromises but the Sony a74 is already an amazing camera and video camera like you can use it to record proper YouTube videos like in amazing quality I use it for recording some parts of my videos in the studio so this is basically just a compact a74 like I said there are compromises the vinder is not as good you only have One SD card slot and it's missing a few custom buttons like the joystick however like I said for me not an issue because I primarily will be using this when I'm traveling I will primarily be using it for taking pictures I like how when I need it to it can also record amazing video this is an absolutely awesome camera for the price I think it goes for 2,000 2 or 3,000 some of that I can't remember exactly but for the money this is one of the best compact sort of all around cameras you can get I love the design of it too my previous as7 see was all black but this time around I went for the silver black combo so the top plate here is silver just gives it a bit more of a sort of traditional classic sort of almost retro look but still modern I really do like the look of it you like I said 33 megapixel sensor some of the pictures that come out of this thing are just gorgeous like they're absolutely amazing I haven't used it as much as I would like mainly because I haven't been traveling that much ever since I got it I only got it a few months ago so I haven't had a chance to use it that much but the pictures that I have taken with it espe especially with the few weeks that I spent in the buy oh the the sort of creaminess of the pictures but still the sharpness that they produce it it is incredible and I was using these two lenses these two lenses are the main lenses that I carry with me when I am traveling just because they're so versatile so the first one is the 35 mm 1.8 from Sony so I would have liked if this lens was more compact but I wanted the low aperture of f1.8 it's why I ended up going with this because they do a more compact version that is 2.8 but I just want that 1.8 for low light and for the very shallow depth of field I really like shallow depth of field is what I've gone with it but it does make it quite big you know it does make it quite thick and that's another reason why I love the idea of a Lio Q3 because a Lio Q3 has a much more compact lens I might at some point change the lens to a more compact lens just for more convenience because this also has some weight to it but yeah other than that absolutely incredible lens this is one of the best sort of compact fairly compact lenses you can get for a system like this and then my other lens is the Tamron 28 to 200 so this lens is the one that I use when I know I'm going to be shooting lots of different things especially outside because with the aperture on this lens it's not really meant to be a low light King at all but what's Wild is that I can go from 28 which is quite wide to be honest 28 is quite wide to 200 like 200 in a lens this compact just blows mind one of the best lenses that you can get for all around photography however there are some compromises again because it's not a very expensive lens it's quite cheap plasticky build and the sharpness isn't as good as some of the other lenses but considering I'm not shooting photos for a magazine or for a book or to be blown up to be huge sizes I'm just shooting pictures for my own memories this does the job also quickly I want to mention that the camera strap that I'm using here is a peak design camera strap um it's okay I I don't think it's anything crazy special what what I do like about it is just how you can quickly sort of attach it and detach it it's is very convenient having a camera strap like this I also do actually like how on one side it has these rubber sort of grips so you can have it on your shoulder and you can be more confident that it's not going to slip off but other than that pretty simple camera strap does the job the iPad Mini so I have tried every single iPad I do actually have multiple iPad Pros as well I have one here at the studio I have one at home but when it comes to what is my favorite iPad it is this one the iPad Mini the iPad Mini for me is just an awesome little device it's a shame it's quite expensive and it's a shame They Don't Really update it that often but for traveling for everyday carry stuff oh it's just awesome look it easily fits in my hand like it's it's just not an issue it's such an awesome device I've also found it just big enough to watch movies and play games especially when I'm on a flight and it's also the ideal size for reading on so if you're someone who is into reading on Kindle or eye books whatever you're using these days yeah it's a great form factor to read obviously a lot of people do talk about the bezels right it has quite big bezels but I've realized you when you're holding it like this your hand your thumb is over the bezel so like you actually need the bezel around the device to make it more comfortable to hold so that you're not randomly touching other parts of the screen I do think it would be nicer with Slimmer bezels I'm not going to like it like it would be cool with Slimmer bezels but I think the way I use and stuff I'm not too fast the battery life on it is okay it's nothing outstanding but it will be long enough for most people maybe you're using on a flight you can easily use it for the whole flight no problem I had the magnetic smart cover on it and yeah this is actually really useful because for some flights what I'll do is I'll actually put this maybe in between the screen on the seat or I'll put it in the magazine holder of the seat in front of me and I can just use it almost like having a screen in the back of the seat on the plane it's awesome one thing I do wish that the iPad Mini had though was 120 HZ display I don't actually think it needs it but I've just got so used to 120 HZ display on my iPhone that when I do use this and I'm going around the UI it just feels choppy but yeah it's not really that much of a big deal it's more just like it would be a nice to have because when you're using a device like this you're most likely watching movies uh playing some games or whatever 120 HZ is not really that needed it's not really going to make a big difference in the experience of this device reading watching movies and stuff you really don't need 120 HZ I would just like to see it I'd like to have it hopefully Apple update it this year to have 120 HZ next up is my iPhone 15 Pro so I'll get it out of the case that I'm using I do have the natural titanium iPhone 15 Pro this is just a standard iPhone 15 Pro I I keep saying on this channel all the time because people are always ask me why didn't I go for the pro Max I just prefer the smallest form factor of the pro I've also gone with the natural titanium color which is my personal favorite I always used to choose gray or black in the past but I chose this neutral colorway instead and I don't regret my decision at all I think it looks fantastic the camera of course is amazing as expected I always share pictures on Twitter on Instagram sharing pictures that I've shot with this iPhone and yeah a lot of you seem to like them because they seem to get so many likes on those platforms it's really amazing the pictures you can shoot with an iPhone now there's something about them that just makes them look a lot more sort of professional they look like they could be taken with a professional camera like I said I just got back from Dubai and I took a lot of photos with it and I was just so impressed with how much range the photo have oh and by the way I have this awesome new wallpaper pack for anyone interested I'll leave a link to it down in the description below the iPhone case that I'm using is from Nomad this is the modern brown leather case uh I really like it it's actually held up incredibly well and this has taken quite a beating like I've dropped it quite a few times I got a few marks on it here and there a few scratches on it but it's done an incredible job of taking care of my iPhone it's not cheap at $70 but I think to myself it's a $1,000 phone I want to make sure that I have a c that can protect it so that I don't Smash It luckily I've never broken or smashed an iPhone or any phone actually from what I can remember I don't think I broken a single phone since I've had smartphones like 12 13 years now which is pretty wild 14 years actually um yeah it's incredible how lucky I've been now that I've just said that I bet you what happens is next week or in a month or something I'm going to have a cracked iPhone like I've sort of jinxed myself but anyway yeah I'm getting distracted The Nomad I F case it's awesome the back of it is leather this back part and then the rest of it I think is like TPU but the sort of tolerances the design of it I think is incredible it's definitely worth the $70 I also really like the buttons on it they're anodized aluminium having little things like that makes it feel a lot more premium next up is the anchor battery bank so I did used to use a bin one but I came across this a few months ago and it is awesome it's just a bit more useful it is a bit more chunky though but that's because it has a larger battery it it is 5,000 Mah hours but what's awesome about this actually I'll put it on the back of the phone so you guys can see how chunky it is because it basically overhangs a little bit which for some people will be an issue I don't mind too much because I know how powerful it is and how much battery life it can give me but what's awesome is that the back folds out like this and you can use it as a stand so you can have your phone as a stand like this but what also pretty clever is that you can rotate your device and have it landscape as well so this is pretty useful because you can imagine it's charging your phone you have a kickstand and you can have your landscape maybe you're someone who commutes on the train on a plane whatever it is you can use it as a kickstand to watch your stuff without actually having to hold your phone it has a USBC Port that is used to recharge the battery bank but you can also use the USB C port to charge other devices so if you have a device that can't magnetically charge you can just connect it directly via USBC I also feel like it's very well built I was very impressed because I think you can pick it up for like $30 or $40 it feels a lot more expensive than that I feel like this could easily be $70 or $80 because of the way it feels it feels very very well built next up we have the airpods pro fourth generation I mean okay they're not the fourth generation they are the second generation I just say that as a joke because mistakenly in my other EDC video I call them the third generation when the third generation doesn't exist but yeah these are the second generation airpods Pro for me they are just the most convenient sound quality is okay but it's just a form factor and the way they to the iPhone the way they connect to my MacBook the way they automatically switch audio they're just so so convenient charging them as well being able to charge them with an Apple Watch charger or wirelessly charging is awesome obviously with these being the second generation they have the lanyard Loop they have the sort of um speaker in the bottom as well so you know when it's charging it gives that little indication sound and the fitment for me as well is awesome I do like the way that these go in here and blocking out noise from the outside and the noise cancellation I think is actually really good it's not going to match up to a dedicated pair of noise cancelling headphones but when I'm using them in the gym when I'm using them at home you know just in like public places and stuff the noise cancellation is more than good enough if I'm on a flight obviously the sound will come through but I usually use the airpods max in those sorts of situations but for everyday stuff this is just awesome you know being able to quickly slip in my pocket the size and everything it's just very very convenient next up we have the Apple Watch series 9 so I did upgrade my Apple watch this year to the series 9 not of an upgrade over the series 7 that I had previously this is the graphite stainless steel in 41 mm I prefer the 41 mm size I just prefer smaller watches my wrists are quite skinny I have quite thin wrist I don't want a big bulky watch on there I don't think it really makes sense I have the stainless steel link bracelet on it this is from Apple it's from their website I've had this since 2015 so it's absolutely wild how well it's held up but it should really considering the price this is a very well-built link bracelet it's made from stainless steel and yeah 2015 ever since then I've been wearing it nearly every single day I even wear it to the gym I wear it when I go swimming I have no issues with it it is absolutely solid it's got a few marks and scuffs on it but you can't really tell them unless you're looking very close you're looking up very close but when it's on my wrist I just think it looks super smart super clean it's a very very nice link bracelet I do also have the Apple watch Ultra but I only wear this depending on the circumstance stance I don't really wear it that often to be honest with you I took it with me when I went to Iceland last year and I loved it I feel like it made a lot of sense in a situation like that but I think for every day it's just too big like for me personally I kind of wish they did a smaller version of the of the ultra and I wish they did it in black but with it being titanium um yeah like I mean I guess they actually do the the tit the black titanium iPhone so yeah they should be able to do a black titanium version of this however it'll probably scratch up more often you'll be able to sort of see the titanium come through anyway I do like this watch I think it's awesome and I love how it's made from titanium it feels just really well built the band that I have in it is from band works this is also a stainless steel link bracelet for those people who are into watches don't you think this looks like an AP sort of bracelet one that you'd get with a Roy oak or something like that it's an awesome bracelet I think it looks awesome I'll leave a link to it for those who are interested it's from band works but yeah Apple watch ultra awesome watch I kind of wish I could wear it more often but it's just too big and bulky for everyday usage I only wear it depending on the C irance depending on where I'm going next up we have the woop band so a lot of people have been mistaking this for another watch I've worn it in videos I've want it in pictures and people think I'm wearing two watches yeah wearing two watches some people can get away with it I'm not sure I'm one of those people in reality I'm just wearing a smart health tracker so for anyone who doesn't know what whoop is it is basically just a health tracker like the Apple watch but it's a bit more in depth and there's no screen there's actually no way to interact with this device other than with your phone everything has to be done with your phone and the reason I got this was because I'd seen quite a few Fitness people wearing it I'd seen quite a few friends wearing it those friends are very heavily into fitness as I have gotten more into fitness over the last couple of years I thought to myself okay let's try this out let's see what it's like and I've been enjoying it it's been pretty good there's one primary reason why I use this and that is for tracking my recovery so for example if I have a hard workout if I do a really hard workout or I eat lots of food maybe I eat junk food or just have a bad meal or something this will pick up on that this will pick up on that hard workout it will pick up on any junk food things like that and for people who drink as well I'm not a drinker so it's not really being a concern for me people who drink they can really see how it affects their health the next day it has taught me that some days I just need to rest I don't need to be doing any workouts I just need to eat clean and I need to rest and it's really helped me sort of figure out what works for me for a lot of people I probably wouldn't actually recommend the woop like I don't think it really makes sense for most people unless you're heavily into fitness you're heavily into tracking your recovery all these sort of granular details for a lot of people that can actually be very stressful for a lot of people that's nightmare for me not an issue I like being able to track that information I like being able to use that information to make my life better next up we have the orbit key key organizer so I've been using this for a long time now it hasn't really changed just a compact key organizer made from leather I have three keys on it and I also have this cool sort of uh tool you could say sort of acts as a flathead screwdriver bottle opener also has a ruler on it pretty awesome yeah this does the job I like it because it's just very simple I don't like Keys making lots of noise this makes no noise though I can move it around makes no noise it's awesome and it's very compact I can stick in my pocket and it doesn't really take out my space next up we have my goyard wallet so I picked this up a few months ago weren't cheap I'll be honest with you and also quite hard to get but it is awesome and the main reason I like it is because when it comes to designer Brands and designer labels I'm not too fuss you know some people like their designer Brands some people like their designer labels I actually prefer designer Brands and labels that are quite subtle and I really think this is quite subtle it's sort of one of those Brands where if you know you know sort of thing um because I think most people they're not going to even notice they're not even going to notice what this is most people are just going to think it's another wallet but I particularly like the pattern on this this is the Black Version they also do a black and brown version I was very close to getting the black and brown version but I really like this one just because it's it's so simple and clean like it's looks awesome I love the pattern on it the logo as well like I said you're not really going to notice that like it's so subtle on here it's made from a canvas material I'm not sure if it's leather I think it's canvas leather something like that but it's not like full grain leather full grain leather is always better but it does have a lot of space in it I can fit four cards either side so eight cards there I can also put things inside behind the cards which is pretty awesome and then you also have two slots for cash yeah does the job for me right now in an Ideal World I would not have a wallet at all I would have everything on my phone because I pretty much do use Apple pay anywhere I go but sometimes Apple pay isn't accepted sometimes I have some cash that I need to get rid of I use the wallet and obviously like I have my ID and stuff I have my Tesla um key card in here as well so my Tesla key card is here like you know these sort of things you have to carry around with you right so it just makes sense to put it in here in an ideal world I wouldn't have a wallet at all I will most likely at some point though switch to the card holder I have the wallet right now but yeah the card holder I think makes more sense I just need to get rid of all the cards that I have I have way too many cards so that is it for my everyday carry for 2024 I don't expect it to change much over the next year I think the only things that will change is maybe my phone hopefully iPad Mini if they update the iPad and maybe an Apple Watch but the rest of it should pretty much stay the same hopefully you guys enjoyed it I'll leave links to everything of course down in the description below follow me on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe for [Music] more [Music] w


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