during the Cold War the United States and the USSR were under enormous pressure to win the Space Race the Soviet Union was the first to land its spacecraft on the moon and of course the first to launch a satellite into space the Luna 2 spacecraft became the first unmanned vehicle to land on the moon on September 13 1959. in 1966 the USSR carried out the first successful Landings and took the first photographs of the lunar surface during the lunar 9 and Luna 13 flights the United States followed with five successful uncrewed Landings on the surveyor moreover the Soviet space probe Luna 16 returned to Earth with lunar soil containing evidence of alien life which allowed scientists to answer many questions about the origin and evolution of the solar system on September 24 1970 for the first time an unmanned spacecraft delivered a sample of the lunar soil to Earth the Soviet Union's Luna 16 spacecraft returned from the lunar sea of fertility with 101 grams of lunar regolith in a hermetically sealed container in February 1972 just 120 kilometers from the Luna 16 Landing site Luna 20 use a drill with a 25 centimeter Hollow bit to collect another regalite sample that was also hermetically sealed on the moon in the USSR hermetic containers obtained during the lunar flights were promptly delivered to the laboratory to study and photograph the contents but even after hundreds of images were published in an atlas in 1979 the biological nature of some of the particles went unnoticed reference Luna 16 was created by the Design Group of NPO named after essay levochkin under the direction of Georgie nicolevic babakin on November 17 1970 Soviet scientists prepared a report on the preliminary results of a study of the physical properties of the lunar soil on December 21 the order of the minister of General machine building of the USSR was published According to which bonuses were awarded to developers and manufacturers of ground-based space infrastructure facilities further study of the images was carried out by biologists from the Russian Academy of Science Stannis love zamur Institute of lithosphere of the marginal seas and lewd Miller garasi Manco Institute of biology the scientist noted that some of the particles in the photographs were virtually identical to the fossils of known species on Earth in particular they noted some spherical particles of regolith where the material brought back by Luna 20 was very similar to fossils of coracoid bacteria such as hydrococcus or sulfur lupus in scale distribution shape and the Distortion of the Spheres that occurs during fossilization organic fossils on the lunar surface the regular of Luna 16 contained a fossil whose striking morphology did not go unnoticed by the editors of the 1979 Atlas because of its concentric round shape with strong soaks they assumed was a tiny meteorite crater butzmur and grassy Manco saw an unmistakable similarity between the fossil and modern spiral filamentous microorganisms such as formidium frigidum found in growing stromatolites in Shark Bay Australia and with spiral filamentous microorganisms from the early proterozoic shungits of corellia the results of their new analysis of these particles were published as the astrobiology conference in Denver in 1994 and 1999 at the same conference in Denver and grasimenko also announced the discovery of biological microfossils in several carbonaceous meteorites found far beyond the moon we thought the fossils in the meteorites were their most interesting find although even disputed the biological nature of these microfossils a negative stereotype for scientists were subsequently formed of the rejection of these facts by the scientific community in March 2000 at a conference in lunar and planetary Sciences held in Houston it was announced that there were signs of contamination in all carbonaceous and Martian meteorites that were examined for its presence because microorganisms on the ground and in human hands can easily colonize meteorites before they are examined and because petrification can occur in as little as a few days fossilized microorganisms in meteorites are now widely suspected as remnants of recent terrestrial contamination microfossors from the moon are different each sample from the moon was encapsulated on the moon and opened only in the laboratory where they immediately began to study it these fossils are reliable evidence of the existence of ancient life in space but for some reason mainstream science refuses to admit it is the moon the creation of alien intelligence hipper published in the imminent Soviet Journal Sputnik by Russian scientists Mikhail lesson and Alexander sherbako 1970s although people long ago began to wonder whether the canal on Mars were the creation of cosmic Engineers for some odd reason it has not occurred to look with the same eyes upon the peculiarities of the lunar landscape much closer at hand and all the arguments about the possibilities of intelligent life existing on an other celestial bodies have been confined to the idea that other civilizations must necessarily live on the surface of a planet and that the interior as a habitat is out of the question abandoning the traditional Paths of Common Sense we have plunged into what may at First Sight seem to be unbridled and irresponsible fantasy but the more minutely we go into all the information gathered by man about the moon the more we are convinced that there is not a single fact to rule out our position not only that but many things so far considered to be lunar enigmas are explained in the light of this new hypothesis an artificial Sputnik of the Earth the origin of the moon is one of the most complicated problems of cosmogony so far there have been basically three hypothesis under discussion hypothesis one the moon was once a part of the earth and broke away from it this has now been refuted by the evidence how about this too the moon was formed independently from the same cloud of dust and gas as the Earth and immediately became the Earth's natural satellite but then why is there such a big difference between the specific gravity of the Moon 3.33 grams per cubic centimeter and that of the earth 5.5 grams furthermore according to the latest information analysis of samples brought back by the U.S Apollo Astronauts lunar rock is not of the same composition as the Earth's hypothesis
3 the moon came into being separately and moreover far from the earth perhaps even outside the solar system this would mean that the moon would not have to be fashioned from the same clay as our own Planet sailing through the universe the moon came into Earth's proximity and by a complex interplay of forces of gravity while was brought within a geocentric orbit very close to circular but a catch of this kind is virtually impossible in fact scientists studying the origin of the universe today have no acceptable Theory to explain how the Earth Moon system came into being our hypothesis the Moon is an artificial Earth satellite put into orbit around the Earth by some intelligent beings unknown to ourselves we refuse to engage in speculation about who exactly staged this unique experiment which only a highly developed civilization was capable of anoa's Arc if you are going to launch an artificial Sputnik then it is advisable to make it Hollow at the same time it would be naive to imagine that anyone capable of such a tremendous Space Project would be satisfied simply with some kind of giant empathy trunk hurled into a near-earth trajectory it is more likely that what we have here is a very ancient spaceship the interior of which was filled with the fuel for the engines materials and appliances for repair work navigation instruments observation equipment and all manner of Machinery in other words everything necessary to enable this carable of the universe to serve as a kind of Noah's Ark of intelligence perhaps even as the home of a whole civilization envisaging a prolonged thousands of millions of years existence and long wandering through space thousands of millions of miles naturally the hull of such a spaceship must be super tough in order to stand up to the blues of meteorites and sharp fluctuations between between stream heat and extreme cold probably the shell is double layered a fair the bases are dense armoring of about 20 miles in thickness and outside it's some kind of more Loosely packed covering a thinner layer averaging about 3 miles in certain areas where the lunar sees and craters are the upper lure is quite thin in some cases non-existent since the moon's diameter is 2162 miles then looked at from our point of view it is a thin walled sphere and understandably not an empty one there could be all kinds of materials and equipment on its inner surface but the greatest proportion of the lunar mass is concentrated in the central part of the sphere in its core which has a diameter of 2 2062 miles thus the distance between the kernel and the shell of this nut is in the region of 30 miles this space was doubtless filled with gases required for breathing and for technological and other purposes with such an internal structure the moon could have an average specific gravity if 3.3 grams per cubic centimeter which differs considerably from that of Earth's 5.5 grams per cubic centimeter a battleship they couldn't torpedo the most numerous and interesting of the formations on the lunar surface are the craters in diameter they vary considerably some or less that ayad across While others are more than 120 miles the biggest has a diameter of 148 miles how does the moon come to be so poke marked there are are two hypothesis volcanic and meteoric most scientists vote for the later here is tanyokovic are Soviet physicists has written a whole series of Works since 1937 in which he expounds the idea that the craters are the result of bombardment of the moon for millions of years and he really means bombardment or even the smallest Celestial body when it is involved in one of those fastest head-on collisions so common in the cosmos behave itself like a warhead charged with dynamite or even an atomic Warhead at times instant combustion takes place on impact turning it into a dense cloud of incandescent gas into plasma and there is a very definite explosion according to Professor staniokovic a missile of sizable characters say six miles in diameter must on collision with the moon penetrate to adapt equal to 4 or 5 times its own diameter penetrate to adapt equal to four or five times its own diameter 24 to 30 miles the surprising thing is that however big the meteorites may have been which have fallen on the moon some have been more than 60 miles in diameter and however fast they must have been traveling in some cases the combined speed was as much as 38 miles per second the craters they have left behind are for some old reason all about the same depth 1.22 Miles although they vary tremendously in diameter take that 148 mile diameter crater in area it outdoes Hiroshima hundreds of times over whatever powerful explosion it must have been to send millions of tons of lunar rock quantoning over tens of miles on the face of it one would expect to find a very deep crater here but nothing of the sword there is three miles at the most between top and bottom levels and one third of that is accounted for by the wall of rock thrown up around the crater like a tooth crown for such a big hole it is too shallow furthermore the bottom of the crater is convex following the curve of the lunar surface if you were to stand in the middle of the crater you would not even be able to see the soaring Edge it would be Beyond the Horizon a hollow that is more like a hill is a rather strange Affair perhaps not really if one assumes that when the meteor right strikes the outer covering of the Moon displays the role of a buffer and the foreign body finds itself up against an impenetrable spherical barrier only slightly denting the 20-mile layer of armor plating the explosion flings bits of it according far and wide bearing in mind that the moon's defense coating is according to our calculations 2.5 miles thick one sees that this is approximately the maximum depth of the craters a spaceship come to grip now let us consider the chemical peculiarities of the lunar Rock upon analysis American scientists have found chromium titanium titanium and zirconium in it these are all metals with refractory mechanically strong and anti-corrosive properties the combination of them all would have enviable resistance to heat and the ability to stand up to means of aggression and could be used on Earth for linings for electrical furnaces if a material had to be devised to protect a giant artificial satellite from the unfavorable effect of temperature from cosmic radiation and meteorite bombardment the experts would probably have hit on precisely these Metals in that case it is not clear while lunar rock is such an extraordinarily poor heat conductor a factor which so amazed the astronauts wasn't that what the designers of the supersphatic of the earth were after from the engineer's point of view this spaceship of Ages long past which we call the Moon is superbly constructed there may be a good reason for its extreme long activity it is even possible that it predates our own Planet at any rate some pieces of lunar Rock have proved older than the oldest on Earth although it is true this applies to the age of the materials and not of the structure for which they were used and from the number of craters on its surface the moon itself is no chicken it is of course difficult to say when it began to shine in the sky above the Earth but on the basis of some preliminary estimates one might Hazard I guess that it was around 2 000 million years ago we do not of course imagine that the Moon is still inhabited and probably many of its Atomic devices have stopped working too the stabilizers have seized functioning and the poles have shifted even though the moon keeps that same side turned towards us for some time it has been unsteady on its own axis on occasion showing as part of its reverse side which were once invisible to observers on the earth for example the selenites themselves if they made Expeditions here time has taken its stall both body and rigging have disintegrated to some extent some seams on the inner shell evidently diverged we assume that the long up to 940 miles chains of small craters warmerly ascribed to volcanic activity were brought about by eruptions of gas through cracks appearing in the armor plating as a result of accidents no doubt one of the most Splendid features of the lunar escape a straight wall nearly 5 100 yards high and over 60 miles long formed as a result of one of the armor plates banding under the impact of celestial Torpedoes and raising one of its straight even edges the moon's population presumably took the necessary steps to remedy the effects of meteorite bombardment for example patching up rents in the outer Shield covering the inner shell for such purposes a substance from the lunar core was probably used a kind of cement being made from it after processing this would be piped to the surface sides where it was injured not long ago astronauts discovered variations in the gravitational fields near the large Seas we believe the reason to be this the moon's dry seas are in fact areas from which the protective coating was torn from the armored cladding to make good the damage to these vast tracts the installation producing the repair substance would have had to be brought immediately beneath the side so that it could flood the area with its cement the resulting flat stretches are what look like Seas to the terrestrial Observer the stocks of material and machinery for doing this are no doubt silver they were and are sufficiently massive to give rise to these gravitational anomalies what is the moon today is it a colossal necropolis a city of the Dead where same form of life became extinct is it a kind of cosmic Flying Dutchman a craft abandoned by its crew and controlled automatically we do not know and we shall not try to guess waiting for the evidence we have put forward in this video only a few of the reasons unfortunately the evidence is so far only circumstantial where our hypothesis which at first gallons may appear to be crazy a similar crazy idea was put forward in 1959 by Professor suklovsky an eminent scientist in relation to the Moon circling around Mars after carefully weighing up the evidence he concludes that they are both Hollow and therefore artificial satellites we feel that questions we have raised in connection with our moon provide sufficient food for serious thought on the matter the result may be the illumination of our many lunar riddles now of course we have to wait for direct evidence to support our idea I refute it probably there will not be long to wait if you enjoy this video and want to see more like it please consider subscribing to us and hitting the like button feel free to write a comment below and suggest which Theory you want to see next if you'd like to further support this Channel please consider joining our membership link will be found in the description box below we appreciate your support and as always thanks for watching