MSc Big Data Technologies webinar 2Nov23

MSc Big Data Technologies webinar 2Nov23

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Hello and thank you for joining us today  on our webinar for Big Data Technologies   at Glasgow Caledonian University. We're  joined today by Charlie Russell who is our   associate Dean International who'll give  us an overview of GCU. Pete Barry is the   program leader for MSC Big Data Technologies  he'll go into more detail about the program   and learning experience and last but not least  Hagar Ahmed one of our current students on MSc   Big Data Technologies who can share first  hand experience of studying the program   and how it's helped Advance careers feel  free to ask any questions in the chat box   on screen and without any further Ado  I'll hand you straight over to Charlie Thanks very much Jenny and everybody welcome to  this short webinar for the next hour about big   our big data Technologies MSc here at Glasgow  Caledonian University. My name is Dr Charlie   Russell I'm the associate Dean for international  in our school of computing engineering and built   environment so it really is my absolute pleasure  to welcome you and I hope to maybe meet you in   person in due course. So I'm going to give you  an overview about Glasgow and also a bit about a   bit about our school as well and then Pete Barrie  will go in much more detail about the program and   then you'll get a student experience so Glasgow  we call it our dear green Place why because we've   got lots and lots and lots of Parkland Glasgow is  a very heavily industrialised City it was at one   point the Second City of the British Empire back  in the day very industrialized it was famous for   heavy industry ship building and other things  like that so really lots of industry and trade   so we've got a lot of grand buildings a very  attractive City in the city centre but it's gone   through tremendous regeneration over the last  few years as those Industries have disappeared   and it's now really an entertainment Capital so  there's lots and lots of entertainment the Clyde   has been transformed in a sort of media City area  there's lots of great events and things to do city   is brilliant for retail and other cultural events  it's a very Dynamic and thriving City Glasgow the   picture at the top left is our city Chambers  which is a very Grand building and there's a   lot of really interesting architecture it's a  nice place to visit so and let me talk a little   bit about our campus which is right in the city  centre of Glasgow we're very close to all the   transport links Railway stations bus stations  and the motorway so we're very connected to   the city but also easy to get to other parts of  Scotland and the rest of the UK from our campus   it's a modern campus we're one of the modern  universities in fact we're the top modern   University in Scotland right now and you can see  it's a modern campus that was built in the 70s   we've been updating it and it's a fresh easy place  to be there's lots of kind of shared facilities a   lot of the sort of ground floor area all open  space and a lot all available for students so   it's a friendly place and we've got green spaces  around the campus so as I said before with the top   ranking top performing University in Scotland  modern University and in in the last year and   we're the second top in the UK so we really are  doing well we ranked 40th out of 122 universities   in the UK by the guardian University guide and  that was in September this year we also are the   top modern University in Scotland by research  power so we hold our own in research as well   which feeds our research our teaching part of  it part of what we're up to is our really at   the heart of our re Arch and I'm teaching now is  the United Nations sustainable development goals   or the SGS and they're heart of what we're doing  in our research and delivering more broadly so   we have a broad commitment as a Civic university  around that we have a strong one strong graduate   employment rate over 90% 91% of our graduates are  employment very soon after finishing with Which   is higher than the normal and Scotland's got good  rates for that we also are international we have   a number of International Partnerships across the  world and we are particularly committed to gender   equality so we have achieved the Athena swan  institutional silver award in recognition of our   commitment towards that endeavour and I think it's  an important thing that's really at the heart of   who we are we have a number of different academic  schools we including we have a a London campus   where a number of our programs are delivered but  big data is delivered in this school obviously in   the School of Computing and Engineering so more  on that to come if I just move on we do have a   lot of facilities on the campus for our students  to support them obviously labs for some of the   more engineering based and biosciences studies  but also in our so we're just going a little   bit too fast there also the sort of sense of our  Computing Labs so as we as we go forward you'll   see that this is the you know we have a nice  set of facilities there so just to give you a   link of all our programs obviously we're looking  at Big Data here so we we'll you know you you're   You' be a member of a quite a large postgraduate  Community it's very diverse Community but our Pro   our programs are accredited by professional  bodies and I think this is an important part   of what we do so underpinning our quality aspect  is our strong accreditation to these nationally   recognized bodies which we and our students under  our alumni hold very important so just to know   that you'll get that as part of the degree we do  have a number of research centres smart technology   one is probably the one that's most useful but  just shows the range we we're strong in research   and in our school that's very important and what  we do for student support and you know recognizing   that maybe you might be coming in from another  country that are student support is very strong   at GCU we've got very good academic support in the  first place so our staff are very available and   supportive and we you know we know that from the  feedback the students really do appreciate that   it's one of the things we're known for we've got a  very good Library and we have it and what's called   a Learning and Development Centre so that that  will support you anything from academic writing   to anything that you need around mathematics all  of all of those different areas that are there to   support you in whatever you need to perform at the  highest level in your degree we have also personal   support we have a strong pastoral care approach  within the staff a sort of open door policy for   our students we have a strong careers Department  which I'll talk about next and we also have a very   a very Progressive Health and well-being team  that really do a lot to support our students so   just on our Career Services because it's something  we're Keen that you know about that we really do   provide a lot of S Services to support students  with their employability and including personal   skills and career development so we have an on  campus work experience Hub that's that supports   a One-Stop shop for finding jobs and also we  have a series of interactive tools which will   support you from developing a cover letter to CV  to psychometric tests to interview simulator so   it's a great set of additionals that we have often  people ask about student accommodation we do have   a an excellent provision of student accommodation  right next to our campus so-called Caledonian   court it's modern it's fresh and it's easy to very  close by the university so that's something that   you know I would recommend you look at as well  as there are other obviously private providers   locally too Scotland finally just before you know  handing over to Pete but Scotland's got a lot to   see it's a beautiful place but it's a thriving  vibrant country and you know we're you know on   the doorstep of Europe so you but there's a lot to  see and get involved in here when you're not doing   your studies so we're only about just less than an  hour away from Edinburgh the country's capital and   there's a lot of beautiful places to visit and see  okay well I'm around but I'll pass over to Pete so   he'll take over this next bit thank you Pete great  Charlie thanks very much for that overview of the   university and also of Glasgow so I'm Pete  Barry and I'm the program leader for MSC Big   Data Technologies in Glasgow we actually run the  program in Glasgow and London so on both campuses   and some of the staff are in Glasgow majority of  the staff are in Glasgow and then we've got staff   in London as well and we all run the modules and  present the modules so I'm just going to give you   a quick overview of what I'm going to talk about  today so I'll talk about the program a little bit   I'll talk about teaching methods I'll talk about  assessment as well for our top modules we'll look   at what support is available academically there  some information on accreditation with the British   computer Society so that's a really good thing for  students and then some employability and career   related stuff as well and earnings potential  which is always very important in students   Minds so first of all now this is the slides  are quite small I think here so I don't want   to go through this in in great detail it's just  an overview of what you'll be learning within the   program so we have a mixture of modules which are  related to data science and also data engineering   and those two themes really match where the  majority of jobs are that are emerging at the   moment within industry so we have put together  the program very specifically to be aligned to   industry so we've got Cloud related stuff so  cloud computing being a fairly major thing we   have database related stuff so big data platforms  Big Data landscape we've got data visualization   since when we Source data and manipulate data  we really want ways of interacting with that   data and visualizing it so we data visualization  we have programming for data science so software   development for data science and of course Ai and  machine learning which are pretty big themes so   those are the top modules together with research  methods so every master's program has to have a   module which relates to research methods and in  our case also data ethics since when we're using   data we have to do that H in an ethically sound  manner so we've got that as well and that prepares   you for also for dissertation so we've got a lot  of technical content but also we've got research   methods and then dissertation so the top modules  have got a significant practical content and that   obviously helps students build a set of skills  which they can then take into industry within   the their first job so we considered it very  important when we were developing the program   that there was a lot of practical content so we  developed it in partnership with industry so we   work a lot with industry in research projects  and some cons consultancy projects we've got   a lot of ties to Industry so they help helped  us put together the program and also they help   us when we're refreshing the program so that  we're keeping everything up to date and aligned   with best industry practices so that's the top  modules and obviously every master's program has   a dissertation and that allows students to apply  their new found skills in some sort of challenging   problem that can be industry relevant or it  can be research-based type project and that's   chosen by students themselves so you get to  practice in an area that you are interested in   and comfortable with so that's the content of the  program in terms of teaching since we're teaching   to Glasgow and London we want to provide students  with an identical presentation experience in both   locations so we don't teach separately in terms  of lectures we teach to both locations at the   same time so lectures are live and online and  they give the same presentation experience and   within that staff and students can interact  so we've got voice or live chat H and also   breakout sessions as well so we can form groups  for tutorial type activities in the online mode   so that's what we do for lectures the lectures are  recorded as well so therefore students can review   those as many times as the require and from our  interactions and surveys we find that the students   really appreciate the flexibility that the online  delivery mode for the lectures gives them so they   can access those if they're if they're on campus  they can access those there or if they're at home   they can access those so we find that the lectures  work well online but we need to be interacting   with students we need H students to be interacting  with each other so all the laboratory sessions are   in a physical laboratory space in Glasgow or  London and typically so we've got four modules   per trimester so I just look back at these slides  so starting in January that's the next intake we   have two intakes of students one in September  and one in January so starting in January end   of January you've got four modules as you can see  there cloud computing Internet of Things Big Data   platforms and data visualization so we've got  those and each of those will have a a two-hour   lab session each week so there'll be eight hours  that you'll be in lab and T we've got very good   lab facilities that we're using for the program  we've just refreshed the PCS that we use there   so we've got very high spec PCs with dual screens  so you've got a lot of real estate to work with   in terms of how you lay out all your development  tools on screen within the Practical session and   the these are led by the usually the module leader  or a lab tutor and you work through lab exercises   and you've got support from the lab tutor during  that time but we don't just want students to work   during that time on their lab work we want to  provide flexibility so all the facilities that   we use in lab are also available to students at no  cost to install on their own machines or they're   available on cloud because a lot of our stuff is  cloud oriented as well so all the Practical work   can easily be continued from the lab into your own  time so that's the mode of teaching in terms of   assessment we assess our modules by coursework  only so we don't have any formal exams we find   that coursework is really much more representative  of what's happening in the real world so real   world challenges so you're undertaking practical  exercises or research oriented exercises depending   which module it is and then you're delivering  coursework exercises so each module will have two   coursework exercises one that you'll get towards  the middle of the module so each of our modules   are 12 weeks plus we've got up to three weeks  for delivering the second coursework exercise   the first one is about Midway and then the second  coursework is towards the end but we've got a few   weeks after the teaching period of 12 weeks we got  a few weeks when you you'll still be working on   coursework exercises we aim to try to space out  the coursework delivery for each module because   you'll be doing four modules at the same time  so we aim to space out by a few days in terms   of the delivery for each coursework so you're not  delivering them all at the same time so that's   the assessment mode in terms of what support is  available so all the teaching and lab materials   all the recordings of the lectures are available  on our online teaching system which is called GCU   learn which is based on the widely used Blackboard  tool so it's widely used within Academia so that's   our online Learning System and you will access the  lecture sessions through Blackboard as well on GCU   learn through some something called collaborate  Ultra in terms of the our staff our staff tend   to be very supportive and very approachable and  staff support is available in various ways so   you you'll see the staff at the lab sessions so  you get to interact and ask questions and get   support if you've got issues or problems when  you're undertaking the work we also provide an   online chat for our program so we use a messaging  workspace called slack which is quite heavily   used in industry so you're getting a practice  that's used in industry and we're using it as   well so we've got online chat there with various  channels for different for different modules   might have their own channel for discussions and  problem solving so we've got online chat we've   got email obviously so stud students will email  staff as well if they've got something that they   want to discuss individually and also we provide  personal meetings as well on demand outside of   these activities so staff are very happy to be to  be approached and to help you and as well as that   as well as our direct academic support from our  program team We've also got additional learning   support through what What's called the learning  Development Centre so each of the academic schools   within GCU has its own LDC as it's called learning  Development Centre and I've just tried to give you   a flavour of what's available here so we've  got induction materials so before you even   start we've got lots of induction materials and  videos available for you we've got international   student support so specific activities workshops  for international students and lots of other   materials available so LDC is both virtual and  physical so we actually have physical tutors that   you can talk to as well with an LDC this slide  just as a flavour of some of the materials that   are currently available so we've got writing so  for international students coming to the UK you   might not have had the same experience as maybe  some of the UK students have had in terms of how   you deliver e exercises and what the standards are  and what the writing standards are so we've got   writing workshops we've got a support for English  language we've got communication skills we've got   workshops to help you avoid plagiarism Etc so  we've got and English for academic purposes so   we've got a lot of help available to you and it's  very important that you access that and this is   just an overview of English for academic purposes  so it explains the individual activity so this is   actually available to you just now if you go to  our LDC for our school so the school of computing   and built environment Computing engineering and  built environment it's called SCEBE if you look   it up in a Google search Google search tends to  be quite good at accessing our website you just   look up GCU SCEBE LDC you'll get the full range of  activities there to help support you accreditation   this is a very important thing our program is  accredited by the British computer Society so   we go through a process where we deliver to the  BCS a very detailed set of materials relating   to how the content of our program and how we run  our program as well how we interact with students   what facilities we have so we are accredited by  the by the BCS and the idea is that you know we   have better graduate outcomes from that in that  graduates who come from an accredited program   will stand out in terms of their CVS in terms  of in terms of applying for jobs Etc so very   much valued by employers the fact that there's  BCS accreditation and the degree that we deliver   having been accredited by BCS they know that  we're providing you with up-to-date Knowledge   and Skills that employers are requiring within  the jobs that they're providing and it gives you   professional recognition it opens up a route to  being a chartered IT professional so you get some   letters after your name as well so if you go to  the BCS website you you'll get some information   on that and one of the most important things is  when you apply for the chartered IT professional   status you have to provide probably a portfolio  of work that you're undertaking within your   employment but the bottom part of that slide say  it comes directly from the BCS site and it says   can your qualifications Advance your application  well yes they can and if you click on the link it   allows you to see that we are accredited you can  search for GCU see our accreditation but it gives   you a fast track to the chartered IT professional  status the fact that we are accredited by BCS so   that's very important within your working life  the last set of things that I want to mention   today is employment a couple of years ago we had  a labour market report generated and that covered   big data and the sort of related skills within  the within B big data and at that point there   were more than 44,000 on any given day 44,000 UK  job postings requesting Big Data skills and over   lots of different industry and business areas as  well but most common the most common phrases were   software developer engineer data Engineers data  mining analyst and data scientist and that's what   our program brings together it brings together  a really good mixture of data science and data   engineering so it covers the skills that are in  demand and just out of interest because students   will have the opportunity when they finish their  MSC and have an MFC qualification to actually stay   on in the UK and apply for a Visa for a couple  of years Edinburgh and Glasgow were in the top 10   cities in demand for Big Data skills so Edinburgh  third and Glasgow 9th so Edinburgh and Glasgow   are building significant capacity for industry  for businesses that are working with Computing   and data skills data engineering data science and  During the period that we did this survey the job   postings that with big data skills and demand  increased by 27% so and that that's increasing   year on year so lots of demand and AI skills  machine learning data visualization data science   these are some of the themes that we explored  in more depth and we're seeing basically huge   increases in the jobs becoming available up to 50  percent increase over the last couple of years so   we we're hitting the right Targets in terms of  what we're teaching which aligns perfectly with   moving into industry business and also research  some students will choose to maybe go on to do   a PhD study and again our subjects align with  lots of interesting work that's being done at PhD   level especially in data science and AI machine  learning in terms of salaries at the point that   we surveyed we can see that jobs that were being  advertised with big data skills and without Big   Data skills we can see that the salaries are  significantly higher for data Engineers data   scientists and Architects significantly higher  if you've got the skills in in Big Data so that's   extremely important as well because you want  to be able to find a job that gives you a good   salary good standard of life and this was just  some other themes and you know an overview of   the types of salaries that are available so all  in all we think we're delivering a good program   that's relevant to the real world it's certainly  a very popular program at the moment we've got   about 150 students over our Glasgow and London  campuses so the numbers have been increasing   year on year and students are then going on to  find very interesting jobs so that's me for my   overview and I think questions are being put to  the chat so if you got any questions put that on   the chat session so thanks very much thanks for  that Pete there's a couple of questions in the   chat about assessment bases whether it's exam base  or assessments so would you would you like to give   a wee bit of information on how assessments are  made how assessments Okay so let's go back here   assessments so just to recap on that there's  no formal exams all our all our assessments   are coursework only so there'll be a coursework  exercise which will be sometimes problem-based so   it's a very technical module it'll be problem  based and you'll be asked about some of the   fundamental aspects of the subject area and also  you'll be undertaking a practical exercise and   then reporting on that exercise so that will  involve building some sort of Technology with   underpinned by programming skills and underpinned  by understanding the Technologies that you'll be   using such as if you're doing AI then you'll  be using a programming language like Python   and you'll be using AI libraries and you'll be  sourcing some data and then manipulating that and   getting some insights or building a model which  will help to understand the data and maybe predict   something about the data for the future so we've  got technical exercises and we've got exercises   related to the fundamental Concepts that you'd be  learning so there's two of those per module you   they'll be given out maybe the first one towards  the middle of the module delivery and you'll get   about three to four weeks to work on that and  then deliver that electronically all our stuff   is delivered electronically into our Learning  System so there's no printing of things or handing   in paper so I say all coursework no formal exams  so hopefully that answers that question thank you there's one other question about the duration  of the course whether it's 16 months or 12   months so just to clear that up if we start the  program in September that's a 12month duration   for full-time starting in January the duration  is six month 16 months and that's just because   of the summer break in between trimester B  and then going on to trimester a teaching that's correct so if you start at the end of  January you work from January through to the   beginning of May or midway with the assessment  period and then the we have Trimester C which   is the summer period but for students that have  started in January we don't have any teaching   in Trimester C our T our teaching returns in  trimester a which is in September at the end   of September so you'll be doing January trimester  a teaching sorry January trimester B teaching then   September trimester a and then the next trimester  B so the following January you should be doing a   dissertation and dissertation also lasts about  12 weeks and then you'll be delivering a report   and you'll also be doing an oral presentation for  that so that brings it up to the 16 months okay That's great thank you very much  Pete there's no more questions at   the moment so without further delay I'd  like to pass over to Hager to give an her   own experience of studying the program  if anyone has any other questions and   while Hager's speaking just pop them in the  chat and we'll pick those up too thank you thank you so thank you I'm so happy so make again  I haven't seen you so my name is Hager and I just   gained my master degree in Big Data technology  last September so I start from September 2022   and I finished September 2023 and my dissertation  was related to AI something like large language   model and this stuff so I decided to go to do my  master degree for many reason I study computer   science in my bachelor and I have couple of  Pro experience working technology but I need   more updated knowledge in this topic you know and  especially I was interested in data science and if   you go for online resources like s or whatever  you will find a good material but the point is   sometime you don't know how the material can  be connected together and that is what the   master would provide you with because you will  study it you will study clouding you will study   computer science and you study big data and data  analysis data engineering and in this Master you   will see that everything is connected somehow  and that's different from you study yourself   without a structure or hierarchy of the program  so the program is a really heavy program I have   to be honest and it require a lot of study a lot  of time to do your coursework a lot of time to   watch or re-watch the lecture what is good about  the program it's hybrid program so all lecture is   online but there is a lot of also a lapse which  she should be on campus I was in Glasgow campus   which I was very lucky for that so it's very  important to watch to be part of the lecture   even if recorded it's very important to re-watch  The G to gain knowledge especially if topic that   is new for you and the is also very important not  just because of the attendance and all Stu which   is also important but because that the experience  that you're gaining with in the lab will help   you with the work and I have to be honest the  coursework is a heavy coursework because it's   not like it's not exam it's a how's what the word  it's like a report that you have to submit and the   reward could be stuff that you have never seen  it before so you have to do some research you   have to do a lot of research honestly you have  to looking for some material how you can do this   stuff and this is very important that you will do  a lot of research so you will learn how you gain   hands-on skills and research and such stuff so  that is that is about the program itself as Peter   mentioned we have four module every semester and  I think all the topic have been updated something   more related to the business and now after my  graduation whenever I apply for any job the   requirement I feeling a little bit confident about  okay I studied that before I have this knowledge   I know what they are looking for and that's why  the program is very related to the business and   it's really recommended if you want to go that  you will gain a really experience that will help   you to gain the jobs that you're looking for what  another stuff that you will gain from the program   is access to a very high level books and journals  and papers that related to the topic or related to   the field which is very important especially  if you want to learn something new it's very   important to not just gain the technical skills  but also the basic skills or the let's say the   theory behind the practical skills and because  you are part of the program you will have the   privilege to access all this material for free  which is very great you would work with a lot of   open-source also software so you don't need to pay  for any software even the cloud system that we are   using we have license so the professor give you a  credit that you can use it to build your model on   the cloud which absolutely something very amazing  my advice as a stent you have to start study from   the first day don't keep it for next week don't  keep it to maybe next month or whatever because   the time is flying like that with this master and  after a couple of weeks you will find oh you have   to deliver your first coursework and it's good  to start as early as possible to keep yourself   updated and my experience is something very  hard that I don't really understand it's okay to   approach the professor I came from a country when  we don't have this approach that much and it's not   easy to approach to any Professor but GCU is not  like that at all it's a safe area when you can be   yourself it's okay to approach to any Professor  I remember I approached to Peter before telling   him how I have some issue with a specific point  I didn't really got it and he was very patient   to explain the stuff for me and it really helped  me to overcome the challenge I face and I would   recommend don't wait until the last moment if you  feel yourself you don't really into the stuff just   go and ask for help and as I said maybe because  we are international we are not using to that   but it's really important to ask for help when  you need it another thing is the library is open   you can find whatever you want there during the  exam period I think it's open 24 hours so you can   even stay as much as you want for any material  you are looking for my advice as international   student when you apply for the master apply to the  court Caledonian court and as your place to stay I   don't know if this still there or not but when I  came last year to Glasgow there was a very heavy   accommodation problem in Scotland especially in  Glasgow and a lot of people really suffering to   find the place so my advice is when you go just  apply to the court don't read any Google review   because Google review is not good but the place  absolutely amazing and it's very close from the   school you're just crossing the street and it's  in the city centre so you will be in a very living   area and by saying that it's very important  also to maintain a level of Integrity during   your course work you cannot just copy other people  work you cannot allow other or hire someone to do   your work because you will be discovered and the  consequences of that is not always good so it's   good to say it's fine to take or to you know to  inspire from other material but you have always   to mention that you use this material you use this  help and even if you face any challenge it's okay   to mention during your coursework like this is  challenge I face that's how I solve it I speak   with my professor I maybe ask for some experience  some expertise or whatever so just maintain a   good level of Integrity is very important and  the last thing in the study is dissertation   because the dissertation is the last thing and  we have I think four topic that we can build   our dissertation on machine learning and AI IOT  or cloud in computer or data engineering so you   can pick whatever topic you want and you can have  your own idea and approach your professor that you   target or you can just way the professors says  what topics they are interested in and then you   can pick one in my case I speak with some people  and they recommend a very specific professors to   approach to him for a topic I want to work on  and the this professor doesn't know me before   and he was very welcome and very happy to accept  me as his student so don't afraid if you have   an idea even a crazy one go for it speak with a  professor speak with anyone you feeling it will   help you and it's okay if you feeling some topic  is complicated they will start from scratch with   you so maybe you need some level of experience but  it's okay you will learn like some stuff I never   hear about it before and as I said with hard work  you will gain it but the life being student in GCU   is not about the study it's also about building a  community really it's very important to know your   colleague to know who are with you meet people  speak with them try to introduce yourself try   to attend some event not just work event or Fair  event but some places because you are in in in   a city centre there are some companies they have  some event Network you can attend some their job   at what's the name meeting or event and above all  you can enjoy yourself in Scotland the local are   very kind they are very friendly you will not feel  any kind of violence or people treats be treat   you in a bad way like any other country actually  you will be feeling very welcome they will speak   with you even if they don't know you they will  open to start any kind of conversation with you   about any topic and they will help you they're  willing to help or listening to what you're are   saying so enjoy it enjoy the city the city I  think the university itself is offering some   affordable uh trips that you can join and it's  very cheap not very expensive and you will enjoy   the country as I said you can go to Edinburgh  you can go to some new cities and near from   Glasgow even Glasgow itself is amazing all the  museum are for free most of them so you can go   and visit it a lot of green area like I came from  place with not a lot of green area very enjoyable   to have this to see all this green area and all  these parks and all of that it was amazing and   as I said build a community you don't need to  just be with people from your country or from   your origin just expand your network make people  from everywhere make people from another country   because there are lot of international student  to be honest a lot of international student in   the program like in my program most of I think  most of most of us are international so M them   just don't keep yourself with people you know  or people from background open your mind and be   acceptable for other so yeah that's all I have  so it's absolutely a very amazing experience   and if time back I will do the same because for  me I left my job and I have to start my master   and I never regret that so it's a very positive I  support anyone to go that to really take this step Thank you very much Hager that's great  we've got a couple of questions in   perhaps Pete might want to address some  of this one of the questions there's a   couple of people have asked this in slightly  different ways looking at how many classes   the course has in a week how much time  there is for breaks in between teaching Okay so we have four modules running in each  trimester and for each module there will be   a two-hour lecture tutorial session and there  will be a two-hour lab so that's four hours per   module and then we've got four modules so that's  16 hours and obviously you have to come to campus   for the lab sessions but the lecture sessions are  flexible so on the timetable for this trimester   we have one day where we're lecturing in two  subjects I think two or three subjects so you   don't need to come to campus on that day and  then other days where we might have a mixture   of lecture and lab sessions so yeah four hours  contact per module either in lab or online in   a lecture session but you also have to spend time  studying as well as Hager said in her very useful   and eloquent overview there's a lot of work to  do it's a it's a master's degree so you would   expect there to be a lot of work but so you have  to study in your own time you maybe have to finish   the lab materials in your own time as well but in  terms of the module four hours per module per week Perfect thanks for that date one other  question was about internships placements:   do we provide internships in Industry No we don't that's not part of the program I  mean students can look for such opportunities   themselves for if they want but we don't  tend to have many students doing that if   you start in January then trimester which is  trimester B then trimester C in the summer   is free and you could look for something  yourself our career service might help you   but we don't tend to have many students  doing that so we don't have placements Okay thank you very much for that Pete  I think that's all the questions we have   that have come in through the chat boxes I'd  just like to thank everybody for attending all   our potential new students who have come to  join the session I hope you found it valuable   thank you very much to all our presenters  for giving up their time today I found it   really interesting as well so if anyone has any  further questions there you can get in contact   with us by email and we'll be able to look  after any follow-up requests if nobody has   any other questions I think we can we can close  the webinar just now thanks everybody great than   thanks very much for attending and thanks  to Hager Charlie Jenny Etc okay bye for now

2023-11-12 12:31

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