Newsmaker Saturday UFOs -- superior tech or otherworldly spacecraft

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John hooks newsmaker Saturday starts now thanks for joining us on newsmaker Saturday do you believe we are being visited here on Earth according to a Gallup Poll for in 10 Americans now think some UFOs that people have spotted have been alien spacecraft visiting Earth from other planets are galaxies this is up from a third saying so two years ago this number of Believers has climbed because For the First Time the government is admitting this stuff and actually expressing concern over what they're seeing sightings of crafts that simply can't be explained by our current understanding of physics now this presents to problems either our adversaries namely China have developed Superior technology or this stuff is otherworldly either way the choices are at the very least troubling what's listening to what fox explored recently on this subject I hope we don't know what time is a military Pilots have reported bizarre aircraft popping up around sensitive National Security sites and so have commercial Pilot's in Congress like Senator Marco Rubio were growing increasingly concerned we don't know who they are not know what it is it isn't ours and then lost them are they followed it and then suddenly it would move in a direction faster than anything that they had ever seen the sightings picked up during the Obama Administration we can explain how they move their trajectory and then they picked up more through the Trump Administration movements that that are hard to replicate that we don't have the technology for work and Trunks Director of National Intelligence suggests it is picked up more than the Public's been told they're a lot more sightings than I have been made public the Pentagon ordered the Navy to investigate but it's government leaders exam Oregon classified intelligence the Biden Administration escalated the investigation by forming a new dedicated unit while we don't know what they know we do know they've been concerned this could be the work of an adversary like China or Russia and with the sightings of a national security facilities it raised concerns this Summer that they could be spying on us maybe it's a foreign adversary who has made a technological leap sometimes we wonder whether or not our adversaries have technologies that are little bit further down the road than we thought there that we realized there's something there we just don't know what it is do you think it could possibly be Russia or another for an adversary that's why we need to find out because if there is an adversary with that kind of Technology then we definitely need to be very very careful over the past few weeks lawmakers with access to intelligence have publicly move away from that theory well I don't believe they're coming from foreign adversaries and the and frankly China and Russia just aren't there to something may be out of this world if for some reason these came from another system if you will another alien suicide that would make me more fascinated not fearful including NASA administrator Nelson in this interview with the University of Virginia that planet Earth is the only location of a life-form that is civilized Craig Patrick Fox News do you believe what you just heard I mean that is strong language from petitions joining me now is Jeremy Corbell UFO expert has been doing a deep dive into the subject for some 20 years Jeremy great to see you again good to see you again okay we've got guys like Bill Nelson and we got Obama we've got all kinds of people now saying hey we don't know what this stuff is if you just step back from it and go wow that is an unbelievable statement that's right you know people can believe in UFOs but UFOs are no longer a matter of belief you have now been told by your representative government a lot of details about how we study UFOs that are military funded these studies and it's an ongoing Phenomenon with an increased frequency that represent craft of Unknown Origin that are far more advanced these craft date they infiltrate for lack of a better word into are restricted airspace they fly with unity and this is a national security issue for some people and for me it's it it's a much bigger existential issue you know who are operating these craft who made them where are they from what is the intent of those who pilot these you know the minute you dive into this people think you're a kook will you start going into this but more and more there are so called credible people saying this is real we don't know what it is and we're concerned are you concerned about what it is or are you more taking a position that if they were threatening they would have already obliterated us book your two things about that one is that the stigma is dissolving it's fading because of fact because of science. We now have data radar visual we have off next track these things radar systems these this is not Fiction it's not fantasy the entire stigma is now dissolving when it comes to talking about these unknown objects these machines that fly with impunity in a restricted airspace I mean this is a real issue and now finally people are talking about it as far as the question of concerned UFOs have been part of The Human Experience from as far back as we can see in recorded human history if there was a nefarious intent you figure that we would know by now you know but the issue here is that anybody that's looking at this such as our military it is their job it is their duty to protect the American public so there is the sense of National Security there is the sense of assessing the threat and the potential whoever operates these craft these crackers so far Advanced that that's why you here official saying what we're pretty much ruined out these are adversarial Nations because people just aren't there yet the technology we witnessed that with the performances we see it doesn't represent a technology in a physics that we have yet grasped at some point on planet Earth so the UFO presents on planet Earth as real as the nose on your face now finally we're being able to look at it without sticking Jeremy this is a Tik-Tok video the famous Tik-Tok video you reported on it before anyone else but this is the one they kind of got the ball rolling and this get out first. I'm really weird stuff yeah the first video showing right. As the Tic Tac UFO you're also showing the gimbal UFO from the east coast in 2015 the tiktok was in 2004 and then you're showing of one called the ghost on all three of these have been confirmed by the Pentagon as being unidentified aerial phenomena you a piece or UFOs the flight characteristics of these are so astonishing the pilot that chased the Tic Tac UFO the commander who filmed the Tic Tac UFO they came forward to me and a detailed what they saw what they experienced what they encounter what the encounter was a vehicle that was able to defy our known physics its ability to move to shoot off to move it a speed these Tic Tacs by the way there were multiple many of them they were descending from above 80000 which is the height we know because that's the scan volume of a spy one radar down to sea level in less than a second and a half like that odd Sonic booms how does this happen what's the working Theory are there some kind of gravitational thing going on right isn't that the the working Theory you nailed it so there were all these reports that recently came out through foia they're actually 38 of these reports and 37 of those reports were about things like the propulsion system it is theorized that these craft Propel for lack of a better word to manipulating gravity inside amplifying what they call gravity waves do if this is true if these craft are literally bending space and time to harnessing the mysterious force that we know as gravity and we're talking about a technology that's not a hundred years it's not a thousand years ahead of us we're talking hundreds of thousands of years ahead of what we have here that we can get our flight unbelievable all right now you got this all set up this is a secretly funded government UFO program they got 22 million to go do a deep dive into this the advanced Aerospace weapon system applications program this is the documents you're talkin up what what are we learning from that that we're taking this deadly seriously right correct so what we learned there was that our government refund taxpayers money funded for 22 million dollars it was mr. ported by the by the New York Times with let's clarify it now that program was called off sifis you said it mancera space weapons system applications program that program generated over 200 papers they had over 50 employees it's the largest UFO study in history that we know of by our government they also built the largest database of sightings and encounters to help move this information forward they were seeing a very small part of that we're seeing they're called dirt's defense intelligence reference documents these are an unclassified ask unclassified of these larger Class B studies in these reports one of them has made a lot of headlines made a lot of news because it deals with the biological impacts of clothes encounters with UFOs however there were 37 more to talk about gravity propulsion talk about aerospaced the future of our technology as we exploit and try to reverse engineer these materials and Machinery that it appears we have recovered so these documents give us a one-minute stuff that we are looking at like materials metals from these craft that is 100% confirmed and that is also admitted to that we have always associated with the UFO phenomena night I happen to know and it more will be revealed about that that we have much more than just materials we're talkin Machinery if not whole crap look if this is true and you don't need to take my word for it just listen to talk to your government ask questions your government we are exploiting and reverse engineering at minimum all the ways and materials associated with UFOs but also Machinery which has been admitted so there are programs that are there now that are not yet public but the one is public they also talked about that Jeremy is there any chance that this is some kind of deep fake that we are way ahead I'm talking about the United States way ahead of everybody and work this is a great mystery action saying this is otherworldly but it's actually our stuff I I wish that were true John I really like my heart sunk the day that I absolutely confirm that is not the case there is a protocol for black projects we don't typically use our Black Project technology against our own military which is it precisely what happened when out in 2019 on on the west coast when they were storms of UFOs that were around ten of our warships we were not using our own technology this was from somewhere else this wouldn't admit it but a top of the Navy it was admitted at every part of the hierarchy of government that we don't know who these were and now we can pretty much rule out that it was China or Russia or another technologically advanced Nation know these are not ours there are protocols for when pilate engaged a black project of ours they are debrief and they are told not to how about if you have to sign an NDA none of that happened for example in the case of the tiktok UFOs or the case of the 2019 storms over ten of our Navy warships John this is this is not ours and that is is haunting our goal is to try to get a technological advantage that's part of the reason why the secrecy about UFOs obviously our government is studying this stuff in depth and scientific we got to believe then we got to believe China and other nations are as well because this isn't only happening in the US this stuff is happening all over the world right beside the mitad not only are they studying UFOs butt in public announcement they said that they're using artificial intelligence to help sort those encounters that they are if not as we are as interested but they might be even further along and that is one of the fears of the United States that Russia or China has further along in the studying of these material my goodness so we're in another arms race here it is it is it's a secret arms race because of the sensitivity to it it was set back in the 50s that the UFO phenomenon is classified higher than the nuclear weapons programs within the United States this is something that has been always held close to special access programs through special access protection because of the sensitivity these Technologies are not just about energy and transportation these Technologies can be weaponized Jeremy one more thing before we let you go the people who have come into contact with this stuff you talked about that they are experiencing injuries from encounters with these are novelist Vehicles what are we talkin about what kinds of injuries are people or just discomfort are they experiencing right so these are highly documented by the office a program there are all sorts of radiation damage on a cellular and DNA level two people we're talkin radiation Burns but there's more exotic types of harmful effects people have experienced from being in close proximity as they say to a u a p or two a UFO so what's up study specifically like boots-on-the-ground study 42 cases where they documented a human suffered injuries from these alleged encounters with an almost Vehicles so I will say though that this does not look like an overt hostility much more likely there's some sort of interaction that is going on with the propulsion systems themselves this does not seem like an act of War it does not seem like a directed harmful experience in most of the cases wherever there are some that do convey that so I think it's an interaction with a proportion that's what our government also thinks we now know UFOs are real the big question is who operates them how do they work where do they come from and what's the intent and I'm as eager as you to find out it's exciting at bunny party territory since the greatest mystery we could ever report on its fascinating stuff we're back in the second half of the program with Jeremy Corbell UFO expert on newsmaker Saturday Geico newsmakers Saturday it is probably the greatest mystery out there are we alone have we been visited it sounds like crazy talk but it's not crazy anymore for the US government they're taking a deathly seriously because craft have been identified videotaped tracked by our military that no one can explain with the current knowledge of physics UFO expert Jeremy Corbell joins us again for the second half of the program we talked in the first part about how the government has recovered you believe you've seen documents that we have recovered materials of these vehicles that have crashed yeah so this is actually well-documented you don't have to take my word on it this was actually in the Congressional language when they were trying to get our intelligence agencies to fess up about what they've been studying they said if we been exploiting reverse-engineering we want to know about it though indeed this is true and one of the most haunting statements that was made by the heads of this Dia defense intelligence agency UFO program was it after their program it was the Department of Homeland Security officials that looked at the information and they were convinced this advanced technology was sequestered at Aerospace contractors facilities and then this is the biggest secret ever kept by the United States it is Private Industry being used to obfuscate the ability to look at this stuff through Freedom of Information and if they're exploiting these Technologies under government you know but within the private Aerospace sector companies like Lockheed Martin that did Harry Reid speculated Senator Reid speculated was one of the places we had some of these Technologies it's a it's an esoteric question but I'm going to ask it you know we're right in the middle of this russian-ukraine business more kind of traditional Warfare going on it is this is this something where China Russia us I would start to collaborate to try to figure out what's going on if we think there may be a threat otherworldly right so this is a very interesting question because there was at times collaboration between governments to look at these materials and we learned more about the United States UFO program from Russian classified documents that I can George Knapp smuggled back to the United States after glass nose and perestroika during that time. And we learned we were at one time we were working together but as breakthroughs occurred in the material science aspect we shut out other countries so here's the deal you'd you'd like to think that Humanity would come together and work on the UFO problem in unison but in fact everybody is kind of jockeying for technological advantage to protect their own nation in to get an upper hand so right now we do not for my understanding have any coordination between major Nations it is in fact a type of secret Cold War be this would be the ultimate Kumbaya my ticket to bring the world together if if we thought there was something else out there that was truly an existential threat potentially that it would bring Nations together because they have no other choice well that you know this is something that President Reagan said at the UN and a very famous speech that you do magic and if we had a threat not from Earth how quickly it would Bond Humanity together as one there the reality is that and you can see this unfortunately human beings are still very primitive they're very primitive psychologically we are very primitive, technological standpoint it's just been in the last hundred fifty years that we've really Advanced to any degree technologically before that human beings are doing the same thing over and over and over the kind of savage nature of humanity is that we are all looking for a leg up when it comes to combat in Warfare and it has not brought us together other than through our Keurig well you think of that of the leap from the Wright brothers to flying to the moon it's an incredible thing in in you no 65 70 years it's unbelievable alright Jeremy do do do the US defense Department officials believe that these pose a hostile intent and does anybody even speculate why they might be probing civilization on this planet that's really if if this stuff is real it's really in the Dark Ages what would be the point right there that we have to assess the level of threat to these unknowns that's just a military perspective that is a duty of our military so absolutely this is considered a national security threat because we don't know the intent we don't know the capability and we don't know the opportunity so that's that's the kind of the angle of Defense it was supposed to look at so I got this point it is very fair to say that this is considered a national security threat that doesn't mean that it is however UFOs have regularly displayed the ability to turn on or off our nuclear weapons and this is something that is well-documented and public information is very famous case Maelstrom Air Force Base worst saucer type crap comes over the base and turns on and off the nuclear weapons so the ability to show that overt Act of power is something that is taken very seriously by our government and other governments in the world where this has happened to it so that's the 1st aspect to what you asked and I forgot the S okay now this is now we're getting into the Twilight Zone but I've got to ask it if we've had craft actually go down where we've recovered materials as you said these are unmanned there's no life on board well that's not consistent with the reports some of the reports are that these are you know drones of some sort that there aren't occupants pilot thing them directly that maybe they're piloted where they are but the majority of reports is that these are piloted craft what what who's on board people John people from somewhere else and when I say somewhere else I mean somewhere else we don't know where they're from have they been here all along and just had a breakaway civilization that somehow you know they've been here before us or it looks like from the way the craft Propel likely they're from much farther away from that I better leave. I've got to

leave it there while that only people hanging thank you for being with us on using the third rail but here's the deal John everybody should look at their sin determine for themselves this is real it's happening either wear of it or you're not you've been told UFOs are real so now what's up okay I got it loud and clear right hey look I don't know I'm not I'm not one to say forget it it's crazy who knows we're back in a minute on newsmaker Saturday thanks as always for joining us on Tuesday through Saturday qr-code on the screen for prior shows or newsmaker will see you next week


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