Most Advanced New Technologies For Water Filtration & Structured Water With Zach Greenfield

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and some of these Farms were not even  you know using the physical vortexing   of water we're using the our harmonizer which  is basically resonance and you know with both   of those with both vortexing and harmonizing  you know we're noticing uh you know less hurt   anxiety calmer animals faster weight gain in a  livestock decreased mortality rates the benefits   that they've noticed have been incredible and it  equates out to them like for increased profits   in addition to you know all the positive  effects it's having on the animals [Music] well well well folks it's time for another  entertaining podcast with one of my dear family   members it's always fun for me to be able to put  family members of mine in the in the hot seat the   podcasting hot seat so to speak and watch them  sweat um plus it's always it's always endearing   to be able to just speak with one of my loved  ones on the show uh my dad's been on the show   Gary Greenfield he joined me on a podcast where we  talked all about water and sunlight and grounding   and even his whole history of of moving to  Idaho from Miami Florida with a dream of   becoming a farmer and how he eventually you went  from being a fireman to owning a coffee shop to   repairing espresso machines to becoming an expert  in the water filtration industry including a form   of water filtration that includes what seems  to be an increasingly Hot Topic in the health   industry these days structured water uh and  then I also interviewed my mom Pat Greenfield   we talked about homeschooling and alternative  education we talked more about coffee because   it's impossible to talk to a Greenfield without  coffee coming up uh we talked about writing   editing music we even delved into some of her  history of trauma and how she's dealt with   that and that was very open and raw and pretty  meaningful interview and I'm going to link to both   of those in the show notes for this podcast which  you can find at Zach that's z-a-c-h because my guest on  today's show is none other than my younger brother   Zach Greenfield now Zach uh has a deep history in  all sorts of different areas he's been a model he   has been a firefighter and a paramedic and he has  also of late uh come on as director of operations   at Greenfield Water Solutions and he knows a  lot about water structuring units and how to   filter your water and clean it and because I just  published my boundless parenting book I thought   it would be interesting to a talk to a family  member and also because I get so many questions   from you guys about how to filter your water  and what the best technology is for doing so   um Zach also knows a lot about this as well so  by the way are you still finishing your Nursing   degree too yeah I'm still in nursing school  awesome cool well um there's a lot that we   can talk about here but if someone were to Google  Zach Greenfield which I've had some of my friends   do before Google image search of Zach Greenfield  there there's some photos of you displaying your   six-pack abs and and massively Fit Body and I know  you're a former model and maybe not quite so into   that these days but I'm curious as a green field  and people are always asking me this question so   I'm going to flip it around ask you what are some  of the key things that you're doing these days as   part of your your Fitness routine or your health  routine or your diet routine yeah um honestly   a big one for me is you know is really having  structure so I you know I always have a trainer   I always have workouts that are prescribed for me  um you know with resistance training hit cardio   and really I I tend to thrive with structure so I  actually also track my macros I track what I eat   don't really have to but it gives me structure  and I tend you know I thrive with that so   um you know I don't take a ton of supplements  I do pretty basic creatine e Double A's   um you know colostrum uh stuff like that  nothing crazy and I keep it pretty simple   um uh and and try to keep it structured that way  stay on track better yeah you know it is kind of   interesting because you get a lot of people now  talking about how they're trying to keep things   natural and not take a lot of supplements and  then I recently came across this guy he apparently   holds like the world record in age reversal as  far as achieving perfect Fitness biomarkers and   epigenetic age reversal and slowed pace of aging  and all this crazy stuff his name is Brian Johnson   and I think I'm actually going to interview him  on my podcast or figure out a way to chat with   him at some point but if you actually go to his  website I think it's he has a whole list of all the supplements  that he takes and it's literally I mean I   I don't want to put words in his mouth or in  this case capsules in his mouth but it looks   like probably the equivalent of maybe like 60  or 70 capsules in the morning probably another   like 50 to 60 in the evening a few more before  bed and then all these other ones kind of like   spread between meals like it's nuts and I've  talked to some people in the anti-aging or   longevity industry and to me it seems like  you have to strike a balance because it it   almost feels like these people are like living  their whole lives in a hyperbaric chamber or   a cryotherapy chamber like popping hundreds of  supplements all the time and just hyper obsessed   with adding you know one extra hour to every  24 hours of the day of longevity so they can   live a long time and Jess and I were actually  talking about last night on the drive home   about how it just seems near obsessive and we  wonder what the sense would be to live a long time   if you're spending most of it worrying about how  you're going to live a long time you know totally   agree I mean it's it just it gets too complicated  for me there's there's too much to to track and   I I don't know I just I like to keep things you  know pretty simple and easy to where I don't have   to put so much focus on that or actually you  know even worry about that stuff um you know   I like it just I haven't found it necessary and  I just haven't had a desire to do that a lot of   people ask me about how we ate growing up and my  general impression because they're like oh your   mom and dad's super into Health were they like  you know the hippies and Patchouli oil and and   shopping at whatever the early equivalent in  Lewiston Idaho of Whole Foods would have been   and I say no but what what what what do you  think as far as how we were raised like were   there were there any aspects of health or healthy  eating or Healthy Living that you can remember um I don't remember there being a big focus on  it I think we kind of had like a typical like   average American family diet to be honest like we  you know um we would eat I remember on Wednesdays   McDonald's had like the 29 cheeseburger and  39 Cent you know whatever it was and dad   would bring home bags of that like I think it  was 20 29 hamburger 39 cheeseburger yeah yeah   and so like and that was like kind of a Wednesday  thing you know and then we would do uh Saturday   would be like milkshakes and popcorn for dinner  um so I mean you know we had obviously a balance   of you know veggies and stuff but there was  really nothing crazy special about our diet   growing up like you know I actually even remember  us eating uh fluoride supplement tablets with our   multivitamins I mean I Remember The Flintstones I  don't remember the fluoride supplements which is   crazy you have these little pink tablets oh wait  that's what those were those were fluoride I just   I just grabbed as many vitamins as I want because  all the ones we had tasted good the the the   um the 29 cent hamburger 39 Cent cheeseburger I do  remember that because we had a giant Suburban mom   would go through the drive through we would have  giant greasy bags full of burgers and that would   be our meal from like Wednesday through about  Saturday till the hamburgers and cheeseburgers   ran out I remember that we did have lettuce but  it was always like the big white iceberg lettuce   then we had the giant canisters  of ranch dressing from Costco I   would just drowned the lettuce in ranch  dressing and those are vegetables and then   um take and bake pizza was another big one  I remember taking baked pizzas yeah a lot of   like uh Little Caesars and Papa Murphy's yeah  yeah and then the other one that we used to   do a lot was like date nights and post baseball  dates to I the the top three I can think of was   we did Dairy Queen a lot like tons of blizzards  at Dairy Queen and then uh the McDonald's big   breakfast that was the one where I would always  compete with dad to see who could eat the entire   big breakfast at McDonald's with a little  crunchy hash brown and the eggs and the syrup   everything and then Donuts tons of donuts yeah I  remember all that now at what point did you kind   of like start to learn a little bit more about  Healthy nutrition or about shifting your diet um honestly probably not until I left for  paramedic school um you know diet really   wasn't like a big deal to me and when I got to  medic school you know I was I was super skinny   at that age I was 19 years old and um and I went  to medic school with I went to a contract School   through the Air Force Through The Prayer rescue  program and so there was like two PJs and like   a Navy Seal in my class and these guys were yoked  and they got me interested in like weight lifting   and dying these guys like helped me with my diet  you know help them put together a workout plan   and that was kind of like my first introduction  into fitness was through these guys in my class   what are you using right now  to track your your Macros   I use MyFitnessPal no yeah that's a good one  I know a lot of people use uh uh the other   two I hear really good things about right now  chronometer and macro Factor the one I've used   in the past is chronometer because it'll give you  when you when you type in your food data it gives   you a breakdown of a lot of like micro minerals  micronutrients you know individualized fatty   acids like if you actually do want to track which  since I hung up the hat with bodybuilding I don't   do as much anymore like I did I think chronometer  is really good I haven't messed around that much   of macro Factor but it's supposed to be pretty  decent also y'all have to check it out and I   mean again that for me it's like I don't even I  don't even get down that nitty-gritty like I'm   really just tracking like I I pay attention to  the the types of fats that I eat but I really   just track the three main protein carbs to  that and then on my own you know obviously   like I dial things into where I'm eating you know  pretty healthy food you know it's not just like   I'm getting fats from any fat like I'm pretty I'm  selective about you know what I'm actually eating   but I generally only track the three major the  three major components yeah yeah that makes sense   did you ever run into especially in the modeling  industry a lot of issues with what you hear about   you know eating disorder and um what's the one  from Zoolander bulimia the ability to read minds   yeah yeah um my modeling experience was a little  different because being like a bigger person like   I didn't do like high fashion or anything like  that I really didn't like a lot of athletic stuff   more athletic oriented stuff like maybe Nike or  you know Adidas and stuff like that and that's   a totally different vibe totally different Niche  like you don't see a lot of the same stuff like   it was actually a really good experience  for me it was a lot of really solid people   um really Fitness oriented people there were  a couple times when you know I I did see   um you know the whole bulimia thing but it wasn't  really wasn't really common like my experience was   actually pretty good probably different than  like a typical fashion modeling experience   yeah yeah I I briefly when I was uh when I was  bodybuilding and we got to the point where you   had to make weight and I think I was I was middle  heavyweight it was when middle heavyweight and   I came in in the morning and I was like a pound  heavy and I remember like sticking my finger down   my throat in the bathroom like spitting throwing  up feeling all the acid coming up the throat and   thinking oh my gosh like how how could someone do  this for for years like and you hear about things   like esophageal cancer and acidic damage and I  realized that that it's a it's a pretty major   issue but yeah like it's it's just it's it's so  rampant in that world I think in the bodybuilding   in the fitness modeling world too it's pretty  crazy yeah no that's that's nuts I mean it's not   I I was fortunately didn't really get around any  of that yeah I would say it was a good experience   overall but yeah it's crazy it happens so growing  growing up we obviously did not have what I think   a lot of people think we had which was you know  some Uber healthy upbringing with the focus on   diet and fitness Etc but one unique aspect of our  upbringing was we were homeschooled and you know   I don't know what your thoughts are about being  homeschooled and you know if if you felt the same   way I did as though it was a little bit weird it  was a little bit awkward but how did you navigate   socially through being homeschooled and then kind  of getting out into what a lot of people call the   real world College Etc after homeschooling well  I think we were I mean kind of you know in the   space we were in you almost you don't know  what you don't know right like I didn't have   the experience of of being able to compare what  public school would be like or even private school   um I think we were fortunate to have been  well socialized as homeschoolers probably   more than most because we were in the Remember The  Homeschool Group the port cities home Engineers or   whatever it was right Port City's Home Educators  like a co-op kind of yeah and there was like there   was a lot of your like what you would consider  like a typical homeschooler you know like kind   of anti-social like nerdy or dorky which was at  that you know the time we were homeschooled that   was kind of like the view of homeschoolers now  I think it's obviously changed because so many   more people are homeschooling you know especially  after covet stuff like that but during that time   it was like you know the Nerds and the dorks and  the anti-social kids yeah suspenders spectacles   hold up to the belly button black sneakers  that were handed down to you from your 18   siblings that came before you yeah yeah yeah and  I think like our experience was like different   um you know looking back you know in hindsight but   I don't uh you know you were involved in sports  a lot more heavily like duly enrolled in sports   through Public School than I was and so  my experience is probably a little bit   different in that there were times when I was  like you know I kind of was aware of you know   um the difference you know especially even going  to like public school games or playing basketball   against public schools like just a different  mentality in a different vibe and you did you know   I would feel a little bit like an outsider like I  wasn't you know part of like what normal kids go   through but I don't think it really ever really  bothered me that much like I was aware of it   but I mean being kind of more of like a free  spirit like happy-go-lucky like I loved the   experience because I could get done with school  at noon um you know good education then I could   pursue all my hobbies and go outside and and hike  and swim in the pool whatever you know and it was   I mean I had no complaints there why would I want  to give that up to go sit down in a classroom for   eight hours yeah that was that was the same with  me like the coolest part was you could get up you   could just burn through all of your studies even  though we were very curricular based like with   river and Tara and we unschooled and we don't  use a lot of books it's just a lot of life-based   experiences that form the the Crux of their  education but for for you and me and you know   Isaac and Rosie well not Rosie had a little bit  different education but like Natalie growing up   it was a lot of books like the abecca curriculum  and the Bob Jones curriculum and we would just   basically wake up and we'd have the stack of books  we'd know what the lessons were for that day we'd   burn through them and like you said you know we'd  be done at like 11 A.M noon and then the rest of   the day was just like hiking playing in the pool  hanging out with our friends you know for me I was   pretty nerdy so I I would finish school then I'd  like convince mom to drop me off at the library   go get like eight more books and come home and you  know read some more because I just I love to learn   and so you know and it's just the accelerated pace  of learning in general like I don't know if you   remember this but I started college and I was 15  like that's why I enrolled at LCSC just because   you get ahead when you're homeschooling but yeah  I think that that probably our Saving Grace was   being a part of a huge group of homeschoolers  we just we pretty much always had people over   at our house didn't we oh man like all the time  I remember we did you know another thing we used   to do was the itbs testing which was like Idaho  state required homeschoolers to do this testing   where it was like to make sure you were on par you  know we were mostly you know ahead of the curve   just because we had pretty focused education but I  remember that being also one of those things where   I was like well I know we're we're doing we're not  behind or anything like that so I'm just you know   on a from a Scholastic sense like you know there  was confidence there that we were we were doing   just fine but yeah yeah I remember taking those  standardized tests every year because we had to   it's the same thing in Washington with river and  Terran like we actually have I think it's 12 core   subjects in Washington science chemistry math  Reading Writing social sciences Etc they have   to demonstrate core Proficiency in Via journaling  and keeping track of their daily activities but   we don't we actually don't have to take a yearly  standardized test as long as we keep journals of   everything that they've done and those those are  available to be audited or whatever like we we   don't really have to worry besides the fact that  we have to bear in mind if they do want to go to   college we need to ensure that they're not behind  on certain subjects so that if they do need to   take a college entrance exam you know they they've  never seen algebra or calculus or something along   those lines but it's not that difficult and  you're right like the percentage of people   homeschooling now has just absolutely exploded I  don't know what it was before covid but I heard   it was I think it was something like between 1 and  3 and last I heard it was above 10 after covid so   it's obviously becoming a lot more a lot  more common the the other thing that was   interesting I think for us was the whole idea of  like having a dad who was a Serial entrepreneur   and a grandfather who is a pretty successful  businessman an entrepreneur how you know I   want to talk about Greenfield water here in a  little bit and what you do and about you know   water filtration technology and all the questions  that we get about water because half the time just   passing people on to you so I thought it'd be  cool to actually do a podcast and answer some of   these questions but just from an entrepreneurial  business standpoint in general do you feel like   we grew up I always wonder this I want to ask you  like we grew up with this entrepreneurial bug and   almost this idea that you don't work for people  you start your own business yeah no I think like   even though it wasn't entrepreneurialism probably  at least for me wasn't in my sights growing up I   think just as a kid in your formative years when  you're around that stuff like the whole concept of   that is pretty natural you know like especially  seeing dad you know go from like either the jet   boat the custom jet boat welding you know company  yeah and then you know for me the ones I remember   the most where we had the private rural fire  service for people that you know paid monthly   for fire protection or the you know the ambulance  company and so kind of like you know following him   around and being in these places like physically  present in these places you know growing up   um you just the whole idea of it kind of  became like well you know he can just do   this he can just go into these you know  different Arenas and start something and   so the whole you know maybe that obstacle some  people have of like well I don't know if I   can do it really maybe didn't exist as much  with us because we saw it all the time like   we were around it all the time and we saw him  go through with his stuff and and make it work   so I think naturally just that energy being around  that was probably really helpful in you know   us making decisions to go and do the same  thing yeah I think my perspective on it   was I saw a dad you know once once he decided to  go from firefighting into starting an ambulance   company and then a Communications company and then  remember he bought a bagel franchise for a while   and started running coffee shops had the rural  fire department what else did he do he had what   was the thing you just mentioned I had forgotten  about the um yeah the jet boat company where you   know I was a janitor down the jet boat Warehouse  that was one of my that that and making copies   and doing medical insurance billing where three of  my first jobs I remember I would actually take the   Mavis Beacon typing tutor uh software and and just  Crush that every day because I wanted to beat Gina   the medical billing secretary at how fast we could  do medical insurance claims so I think starting   when I was 13 until I was 15 I would get up at 4am  and just scan through as many insurance claims as   I could for like two hours and it was I've they  paid me almost nothing it was like 10 cents a   claim that I finished but it was like competition  to myself to see if I could finish more claims   than Gina did during the work day so I actually  learned a ton about like medical terminology and   you know and and the language from doing that and  you know back to the entrepreneurial thing though   you know I haven't talked about this much on the  podcast before but Grandpa bill on Dad's side he   was he was a really successful entrepreneur I  mean first in cookware and then next in the the   answer phone dictaphone answering machines like  he was buddies with Zig Ziglar and all those old   old school like motivational speaking sales guys  and I don't know if you remember but if you went   and looked at the bookshelf in his office it was  all like body language books and sales books and   self-improvement books and you know psychology  of business books and I think Dad probably got   a little bit of that from him and then you know  I I feel like I personally just picked up a lot   of that through osmosis just watching Dad run all  these businesses but always at the back of my mind   I I never thought dad thought big enough like  it like with Greenfield coffee for example I   was always like dude start a website like ship  internationally franchise do the Starbucks thing   and so I you know I I always wish that he would go  big with the business now it seems like Greenfield   water is actually it's it's taking that direction  like it's actually branded and it's popular it's   becoming this it's kind of like Nationwide or even  worldwide phenomenon but it is it is interesting   to grow up with a dad who's just constantly  shifting from job to job career to Career business   to business like that I feel like a little  bit of that rubbed off on me and maybe you too   yeah I mean I think the thing is with Dad is he  was he went into these different businesses but it   wasn't really I think it was less of like oh I can  strike it big you know doing this but for him it   was more like a passion driven thing and I think  that's probably why you know a lot of them weren't   like you know trying to scale up and get big  because it was really kind of like my passion yeah   and he was kind of focused on the passion trying  to do the best job he possibly could at that you   know at that one thing it's it's a good that's a  good point it's more like art like I don't know if   you read Rick rubin's new book the creative act  but it when he talks about artists you know he   talks about how you do it for you you do it for  the art you do it for the expression you don't   do it for the money or the fame or the popularity  or the number of customers I never really thought   about it from the perspective that you just  outlined like Dad did always Pride himself in   like this is going to be the most amazing cup of  coffee even if only three people drink this it's   just like the best cup of coffee ever or when you  go and visit him at his water filtration facility   down there in Biola now you know if you get a  tour of the facility like he's super proud all   the way down to the back room where there's like  the drops of water from Jacob's Well surrounded   by you know icons of the Holy desert fathers and  you know and and each each filter that goes out   is is blessed with this water like it is kind  of this thing where it's this unique blend of   him taking a great deal of pride in the actual  art and uniqueness of the substance and not   necessarily the the popularity of it you know yeah  totally and that's I think that's something that I   really noticed when I came into green filled water  especially you know being like the one business   of his that I'm obviously now very involved in  you know um it's been very very evident that's   the case like it's all comes from like a desire to  provide something um you know because of a passion   he has and because of the realization he has and  I think that's really important I think that's   um but I think it's incredibly important  especially for offering something that's like   really works and is really quality versus just  trying to sling things off the shelf yeah yeah   and that's probably like the longest introduction  ever into water but I thought it'd be interesting   just for people to hear a little bit about about  our our background and you know and how this this   whole Greenfield water thing came to be and  correct me if I'm wrong by the way just just a   little bit back to the beginnings of Greenfield  water like from my understanding when Dad was   repairing espresso machines he might have a little  bit different way of telling this story maybe   you too but he found that and and being Gourmet  Coffee Roaster he found that the two major things   that affected the quality of the coffee and the  cupping experience was the quality of the being   the sourcing of The Bean and the roasting process  but then also the water that was being used in the   espresso machine or in the in the the making of  the cup of coffee and that's how we originally got   interested in the science of water does that sound  about right yeah yeah no exactly I mean water   is something that's I think a lot of times  overlooked too in like restaurant industry   and stuff like that is really the quality of the  water and how much it actually affects the taste   of the coffee um it's huge yeah yeah so so let's  let's talk about green filled water so how do you   describe Greenfield water to people like like  as far as what Greenfield Water Solutions does   well really I mean we offer high-end water  filtration but I think the more foundational   aspect of it is the structuring and energizing  that we you know the component that we add to   all of our systems and really I would say the the  ultimate description would be bringing water back   to its natural state which covers quite a bit of  ground you know that covers you know clean water   that covers water that's energized and structured  and you know in a natural state which you know is   you know congruent with using principles that  are congruent with nature which our body is   going to respond to the best so so is structured  water is that basically what the water filter   is producing like like when it goes through the  filter and comes up the other end is is the main   differentiating characteristic the fact that the  water is you know some people call magnetized some   people call it hexagonal water but basically water  with the structure that's been altered or deform   a cluster right like a crystalline structure  like a hexagonal structure that you normally   wouldn't get if it was sitting in cisterns or  in Municipal Water Supplies it's basically water   closer to what water would be from a molecular  standpoint if it were like tumbling over rocks   in an underground spring or something like that  yeah exactly like and then adding the component   of you know filtering to that but ultimately I  think the most foundational key difference in   providing a water filter that gives you clean  water that's great but then making it really   Health beneficial and actually like increasing  your life force energy and you know helping with   recovery and hydration like that's really  the key thing I mean you're getting so much   so most of the benefits of water are going to  come from putting it in that state versus just   running it through a filter and making it clean  yeah and it's different than than H2O like like   structured water and you know Gerald Pollock is  probably the most well-known Guy at University   of Washington who has done a lot of research on  what's called fourth phase water or easy water   this idea and Dr Thomas Cowan talks about this  a lot too if you look at water for example in   a fruit or in like a chia seed pudding or um in  in structured water or probably most relevant to   Health in the actual water that's in the cells  in the human body the chemical formulas close   to the h3o2 like it's three hydrogen molecules  combined with two oxygen molecules it's a it's   thicker it's denser it's more viscous than  normal water and it's more of like a gel like   substance and from a cellular standpoint that's  what allows for the transfer of electrolytes   in and out of cells like like there's this old  school idea I think it was uh Gilbert Ling was   the original researcher who proposed that possibly  this sodium potassium pump that we all learn about   in biology is not necessarily the main way that  that um charges move in and out of a cell and that   the the main way that charges are distributed  is via the movement of charges through this   gel-like structure of water and those molecules  of structured water because they're thicker and   denser and more viscous are supposed to have a  higher what's called like a vibrational charge and   so you're actually able to stay hydrated better  and you're able to allow for electron transfer in   and out of cells a little bit more readily when  the water is in that that hexagonal pattern and   then Gerald Pollock what he found was a University  of Washington like if he'd shine photons of light   like sunlight for example uh water in a test tube  that the water that was structured kind of moved   up the test tube Against Gravity in the same way  that it would say like in the vasculature of a   plant and so the water has less resistance to  traveling through vessels and there's this guy   Stephen Hussey wrote a book called understand in  the heart and he talks about how the heart is a   toroidal shape yeah I think he describes as like  a tetrahedron shape inside the chest where when   the heart beats or pumps or contracts there's no  way from a physics standpoint that the strength   of that pumping action would be strong enough  to move all the blood in your body through all   the little capillaries that would distribute blood  throughout the entire body all the way out to each   fingertip or the end of each toe and throughout  each organ and therefore what the heart is doing   is when it's pumping it's creating like like a  vortus it's almost like a swirling action that   swirls the blood that structures the fluid and  that allows for it to move against resistance   more readily because it's pulled by a charge  I think it's a positive charge on the on the   interior of the vessel and a negative charge in  in the water that's allowing water to move in the   same way that water would move against gravity  up through a plant that's the way that it's   moving through your body and so if you're getting  things like sunlight exposure drinking structured   water getting adequate intake of electrolytes and  minerals and things like magnesium you're actually   able to have better cardiovascular performance  and ultimately better oxygenation of tissue   and you know poor oxygenation of tissue is what's  related to most chronic diseases and so if you're   able to somehow structure the water in your body  to drink structured water to get adequate access   to photons of light you almost create this  perfect scenario for hydration and oxygenation   yeah exactly and I think that's you know it's  been incredibly helpful to have you know people   like Dr Gerald Pollock kind of put a scientific  you know Mark on something that was really kind   of considered woo-woo for quite a long time so I  think it's important to have that I mean it's been   incredible to have people like him kind of have  describe the functionality on a scientific level   and I think in addition to that you know there's  also the energetic side of things other than the   physical vortexing you know there's you know  there's so much evidence that shows that water   actually collects stores and transmits transmits  information like a computer almost like you know   uh that receives stores and transmits information  and so you know um like Massaro emodu who is a   water researcher like with human consciousness  which is you know essentially EMF energy   he was able to see that you know water  subjected to different energetic stimuli   it would have an effect on the water when  the water was frozen and so he would study   the crystalline structure of water in that  state and so they kind of brought like this   uh this that it brings like this important  energetic side to the you know the physical   vortexing of water too which is um you  know I think really important to you know   add to the effects of structured water and it's  important to understand that stuff too I think   yeah it's it's interesting like Massaro Moto  catches a lot of flack because I think some   of his research wasn't as as well done as you  know a guy like Gerald Pollock when it comes   to actual molecular composition of the water  but his idea was well water that gets exposed   to certain energies especially water if it's in  this hexagonal structure is able to hold or store   that information which is the it's it's the theory  behind things like Homeopathy or dissolving things   in very very small amounts in water and the water  carries the information or the frequency or the   energy of that thing that it's been exposed to and  so when you drink the water you get a lot of those   effects like there's one device it's called  an infopathy device I've experimented with it   a little bit it'll like blast the water with the  frequency or the energy of let's say uh something   you'd want to have before a meal to stabilize  blood glucose like bare bearing and rather than   taking a bare bearing cap so you could actually  drink the water that's been exposed to the   frequency or the energy of bare bearing and get a  similar effect and I realize like a lot of people   are raising their eyebrows at that and wondering  you know how how legit that is but I I think that   the bigger picture whether or not you believe  water could be the same as taking a supplement is   that if water is somehow structured it can allow  for better carrying of minerals through the body   and may possibly allow for better hydration and  I think what's interesting is some of the stuff   that you guys have noticed when you're using these  these filters that structure the water with you   know things like animals pets I know you've done  some stuff with people but I think I think Dad was   telling me about some of the Farms that use the  larger filtration units what have you guys seen   well it's pretty incredible I mean you know in  some of these Farms we're not even you know using   the physical vortexing of water we're using the or  harmonizer which is basically resonance right um   and you know um a subtle positive electromagnetic  frequencies that are imparted like you know   completely comprised of you know ingredients  that are in congruency with nature and you   know with both of those with both vortexing and  harmonizing you know we're noticing uh you know   less hurt anxiety calmer animals faster weight  gain in livestock um and a lot of these a lot of   these Farms are are conventional too they're not  necessarily like you know totally Organic Farms   but decreased mortality rates and then you know  a big one is a um animals preferring troughs with   structured water or with a harmonizer in the  trough versus you know your standard tap water   um so these are a lot of you know and a lot of  these are anecdotal from you know ranchers and   Farmers that you know are using these devices but  you know the the benefits that they've noticed   have been incredible and it equates out to them  like for increased profits in addition to you   know all the positive effects it's having on the  animals yeah yeah and and despite the the science   in my opinion again being weak this idea that you  can order water kind of like a crystal right and   that forms that exclusion Zone that allows it to  move through vasculature more readily and may also   enhance the filtration process if you do create  this unique molecular structure in water I think   that's interesting even though there's not a ton  of great science behind it but I think what's more   compelling is what actually happens to people  what they report when they drink this water and   when they bathe in and shower in it and how it  how it tastes so as far as the actual filters   themselves what's going on like how is it how  is the structuring process actually taking place   so so basically I mean you know we manufacture  The Vortex or energizers but we don't manufacture   filters so we go out and we find you know  the best companies we can you know either   in Germany or America or Italy or wherever that  you know provide the best filtration we can find   so we Marry The Vortex that are Energizer to  that so like on a typical undersink system we   have three stages of filtration and then as it  goes up before it goes up to your sink or your   spigot it's going through a a Vortex or Energizer  so that it's kind of like to polish the water off   our final step is structuring and energizing  the water before you know goes into your glass   and it's the same thing with our whole home  systems too like these components are on you   know everything every filter that we sell has that  attached to it so so the actual filters themselves   you're importing those from what where where  exactly you're importing them from like where   are you finding the filtration technology so in  kind of searching for like the best filtration   we had to bring on people that were actually you  know very well educated in water filtration that   had been in the industry for a long time and  then through them you know we found suppliers   that you know comparing different types of  carbon comparing the surface areas of the   carbon the carbons charged its Effectiveness  and most of our media has come out of Germany   um through a company called watch water and  um this company's kind of on the spearhead of   water filtration and figuring figuring out how to  have you know optimal filtration without the side   effects of like Ro and distillation like without  water waste and without removing all the minerals   and um and that's the company that we've you know  been really working with a lot just because of how   forward Focus they are and how focused they  are and not kind of staying stagnant and in   Old archaic filtration techniques but actually  you know as water is getting worse you know   being able to move with that in provide the best  filtration possible and you know that's and we're   constantly you know we're constantly looking for  the Silver Bullet you know you're never going to   find the silver bullet but the the goal is  to get as close as possible and that's why   we work with companies that are constantly moving  in that direction you've seen my water filtration   system I have a well so first it's going through  a manganese filter and a bacterial iron filter but   then it passes through one of these whole house  structured water filters that you guys make is   it like a carbon block is it reverse osmosis  or what's the actual what's the actual filter   so we have different filters for for different  functions so we do have you know catalytic carbon   carbon block we have arsenic specific filters  we're working on a technology right now that is   um that was beta testing and with  some customers that actually filters   um you know there's no no filtration is perfect  like you take Ro for instance you're not going to   get everything out with ro there's nothing that  can get everything out of the water you can get   close okay but you have drawbacks to each of those  so we're working with the technology now where   we're able to achieve you know distillation  level filtration and even better without the   Water waste and without any of the other you  know drawbacks of distillation in Ro like you   know having a holding tank and you know wasting  a ton of water and having you know concentrated   contaminants and membranes um we're you know  our goal is to be able to get the water to   where you just turn on your spigot and the water  is coming out of the same pressure as the house   without having to drain without having a holding  tank or anything else and so we're testing a   technology now I mean any filter you use is going  to be affected by Water Dynamics because no water   is going to be like Live Water right water  is so Dynamic and complex everywhere you go   and so the challenge is to be able to provide a  filter that filters to the customer's expectation   um without you know having a lot of the drawbacks  and and being able to work with different Water   Dynamics and still have a really good outcome so  is the first thing that somebody should do and I   do want to talk about what people could do if they  can't do a whole house because obviously the gold   standard would be structure filter and structure  all the water you're going to be drinking bathing   in feeding to your pets you know washing your  dishes in ETC but and I do want to talk about some   options for people who may not be able to install  a whole house system like if they're renting or   they're in a condo or apartment or something  like that but if someone wants to install one   of these filtration systems and there's a  whole bunch of different options in terms   of the filtration mediums is the first thing that  somebody should do to actually test their water   um it depends like if you're on City Water  the the contaminants the amount of chlorine   the amount of fluoride it's all going to  fluctuate like today it might be different   than next week because you know they might  add fluoride or they might add chlorine   um the contaminant profile is also going to change  so in city water if you do a water test it's not   really required because that's just going to take  a snapshot of where the water is at right now   the only Advantage would be like you might pick  up like uh if they have old galvanized pipes you   might see that oh they've got lead in their water  that would be the only advantage to you know like   maybe see how your plumbing is but overall like  for City Water we just need like a local Water   Report you know City water treatment facilities  are transparent about for the most part they're   really transparent about the levels and ranges  of everything in the water so we can look at that   and set someone up pretty effectively with  a system where they don't need a water test   you know well water of course there's a wild card  you always have to have a test with that because   you know yeah I know you guys have a whole list  of different water test kits on your side but I   think what a lot of people don't realize you can  just type in the name of your town or city or   whatever with the phrase water quality report and  you'll get a listing of what's actually in your   water and I think ewg the environmental working  group they have a whole like water database where   you can also look up what's actually in your  water so if someone were to were to call you   guys or email you and you know their location  and you know that they're on Municipal Water   not necessarily well water which they'd have to  test you can at least get a decent idea of what   type of filtration technology they should use  in their home yeah absolutely I mean that gives   us like a really good snapshot you know some of  the things that are not on there are obviously   Pharmaceuticals you know and uh you know maybe  glyphosates there's certain things that you're   not going to find on a city water report that  we just assume are in the water right you go to   any you know City tap water area you're probably  going to have Trace Pharmaceuticals in the water   like progestin estrogen you know ibuprofen  heart medications wow so we always we always   you know assume that's present in the water so we  always treat that regardless broad spectrum filter   but it is good to know for certain things like  arsenic for instance which is more challenging   to remove and requires something more specific  it's really important for that and and all those   major contaminants that we need to see are always  listed on City Water reports what about fluoride   yeah fluoride is also listed on there too not all  cities add fluoride majority of them do like for   instance Spokane where we live does not have  fluoride to the water and there's no naturally   occurring fluoride either which is a big plus  that's pretty rare the fluoride levels are always   they always have a range of how much fluoride  is in the water okay got it yeah I I wasn't   sure because I've heard that some of the test kits  don't actually test for fluoride and they'll test   for a lot of like heavy metals elements compounds  you know inorganic chemicals pathogenic bacteria   Etc but sometimes you have to do a separate  fluoride test so it can be kind of kind of a   process to actually test if you want to go above  and beyond what your local Water Report is telling   you or what the ew ewg water database is telling  you but I know you guys have a pretty helpful   um section of your website where you lay out all  the different water test kits that one could do   what they're testing for and whether you're on  well or Municipal what to get so I'll hunt that   down and link to it again the show notes going  to be at Zach because it  

sounds to me like that'd really be step one before  you decide what kind of filtration technology you   want to get and then once once you've got the  the test results or you know what you want to   get as far as a filter you've used this term few  times Zach I think you said harmonizer you say   harmonizer or resonator yeah harmonizing what is  that so the harmonizer is a small cartridge that's   within the vortexer so we have the vortexing which  is your physical toroidal vortexing of the water   you know to mimic how water moves in nature okay  so so is that where the water is passing through   all of the I know a lot of companies use plastic  beads you guys use like glass beads to Vortex   we use glass or quartz balls okay triangular  formation that that you know we have several   of them lined up down the tube so the water is  able to you know roll around each ball Collide   and do the continuous thing to really mimic how  like water would move in a waterfall or down a   stream which you know sounds very simple but it's  actually a pretty powerful effective technique to   structuring water okay and from there you know  we have water that you know you know if you're   if you consider that water stores information  there's a lot of negative information that's   been imparted to the water between its Journey  from the water source to your sink you know where   the chemicals or straight pipes you know right  angle turns which tends to destruction water   so many different aspects so the harmonizer  in there is meant to sort of impart positive   information to the water using the  subtle natural EMF basically so   this EMF will convey that information to the water  you mean like electromagnetic fields like like   electromagnetic frequency so it's basically  you know the frequency like a manifestation   of a waveform you know conveys information like a  digital signal or like voice and music frequencies   for instance like convey information wirelessly  it's the same concept but it's within a like a   it's within a cartridge in in the vortex there and  so as the water moves through there it's going you   know past the vortexor which is imparting that  information to the water which is where we see   a lot of I mean we can't quantify you can't  quantify structured water like very easily it   takes a lot to do that other than you know seeing  that in trials and the outcome of plant cell or   you know plant health and soil health and stuff  but what we can quantify are energetics so if you   were to run water through a Vortex era and pass  the Energizer and use gas discharge visualization   or like electrophotonic videography you're able to  see a massive increase in energy emitted from you   know that drop of water interesting okay so if the  water is if it passes through the structured water   filter and then travels through all these Maze  of pipes within a household or a property does   it actually maintain any amount of the structure  by the time it gets to your you know your tap or   your sink or your shower head or whatever I mean  it depends you know how big your house is if you   have an 8 000 square foot house you might need a  bigger vortexer and but really you know the way   that we've Quantified this is obviously Farms you  know that are using long pipes you know we've had   similar effects with Leaf samples and soil  samples using almost a kilometer of pipe   um you know so we know that you know there  it's hard to quantify how much distance but   we know that the water will stay structured  in most households you know you know because   we do over engineer and oversize our vortexers to  ensure that the water will stay structured but in   our trials we've noticed that we have similar  effects with a certain amount of uh a certain   distance of pipe so the water will stay structured  in a pipe it just depends on how long the water is   traveling through that pipe and like the distance  of the pipe and that's something that you know   we're constantly researching okay got it and then  these harmonizer cartridges that you have as part   of the filtration system it's my understanding  that's like a sealed copper cartridge that's got   different quartzes and and minerals in it like  tourmaline and chungai and zeolite and Bentonite   things like that you know these Earth minerals and  sea minerals and that's what is is combined with   the actual structuring so it's getting Vortex and  then exposed to all these minerals is that right   exactly yeah like nearly every element  on the periodic table of element   periodic table of elements and then it's immersed  in a highly charged spring water and then placed   in that cartridge do you have any hypothesis as to  why when I did as dad told me I put it I got I got   a harmonizer I put one in my refrigerator um I've  got one next to all my Essential Oils and I've got   uh one in my hot tub and one of my pool I want to  put one in the hot tub and in the pool we had a   significant decrease in the amount of chemicals  that were required to keep the water clean like   we just have to use Trace Amounts of chemicals now  because the water stays clean and and I know that   you know our water that we're using to fill the  pool is structured and filtered but when I put the   harmonizer in it's like it it's somehow upgraded  do you know what's going on with the harmonizer if   you just put it in a refrigerator or you know  in a pool or a hot tub or something like that   well in a in with the way that the harmonizer  works emitting you know positive EMF you do   create a bioshield against you know negative  EMF that's also a concept for just like personal   health device like we're independent for instance  it's harmonizer um what we noticed in you know   in the trials on farming the conventional  Farms that still use pesticides you know   and chemicals and like the structured water will  actually potentiate the effects of some of those   and actually allow them to use you know 30 on  average less chemicals on their Farm or less   pesticides because of the way the water is working  so we're increasing the permeability of the water   and um you know some of those some  of those Concepts you know I'm still   grasping and understanding but um you know  the after all you're just a fitness model right but it's um yeah but there's uh there's a  big it's able to potentiate a lot of the things   that you're putting in the water and but in in  another sense too especially like with the pool   you know we're also decreasing chlorine smell and  you know decreasing the amount of chlorine you're   using and having better effects in the pool and  you know a lot of those concepts are more than   just potentiating some of the chemicals that are  put in but also changing the Dynamics of them too   to where they're more effective so if someone's  using a lot of these personal protection devices   for EMF like there's also like I have a I have  a Soma Vedic over here in the court people are   constantly sending me the stuff I got a Soma Vedic  I got a key device I got you know the Blue Shield   all sorts of these different EMF blocking type  of devices this harmonizer would kind of fall   into that category absolutely yeah okay I mean  a lot of these companies like you know some of   Attica it's all they're all like these proprietary  it's all the same concept right of subtle positive   electromagnetic frequency ideally in a in a  natural form which our body tends to respond   to the best but they're all all the same Concepts  each one just has a different proprietary way of   doing it okay got it now the the vortexer because  I want to talk about what you do if you can't   afford or don't have a a house that you would  install a whole house structure harmonizer unit in   uh I have this on the go thing that Dad gave me  it's a handheld vortexer that you're supposed to   pour water through I obviously don't need to use  that in my home because I have the whole house   filter I can travel with it but then the main  thing I use it for is when I pour a glass of wine   there's an old school Tim Ferriss tactic of using  a latte frother to froth any pour of wine to make   it taste better to introduce oxygen Etc but what  I do when I have house guests over is I pour the   wine through the device and the difference in  the taste between the wine that's been Vortex   versus that that hasn't is absolutely staggering  but is that the the only real solution that you   guys have for people who don't have a whole house  filter is you just pour your water through this   vortexer or are there other things that you have  like countertop or otherwise if people don't have   a whole house option yeah like for instance  where I live I don't have a whole house option   um you know you can put under sinks in  the under sink filtration systems in   um in rentals a lot of people will use gravity  feeds so they'll basically uh you know get have   like a Berkey or something similar or you know  we sell you know we sell actual filters that fit   the Berkey and fit gravity food devices which  are probably the cheapest and easiest way to go   and then they'll just have a handheld vortexor so  that when they pour the water the filtered water   um you know out of the bottom reservoir of  their gravity feed it goes in through the   vortex and into their glass so you can use  it kind of manually that way obviously it's   an extra step but if you don't have a spot for  you know uh an under sink that's a good way to   go and then we have countertops that will also  hook up your sink faucet just kind of grab onto   your sink faucet and then you know you can run  water through it that way and that actually has   a Vortex or flow tube built into it oh uh with  a single filter and so you're able to get it a   little bit more conveniently that way but I'd  say the most popular way that people you know   use especially if they're like RV living or just  renting and unable to put anything in or don't   want to spend you know 800 bucks you spend a  few hundred bucks and get a gravity feed and   you know and you can Vortex the water after that  so that way it's filtered and then you know it's a   good idea to filter your water not just you know  structuring and energizi


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