How Effective Is Sinovac Inactivated Virus VS mRNA Vaccine Talking Point COVID-19

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81 percent of singapore's population have  received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine   jade limb is receiving hers today but unlike  most who have taken the pfizer-biontec or   modern vaccine jane has chosen the china  made sinovac she's not the only one since authorities announced that sinovac would  be made available under the special access route   long queues have formed across the island  at private clinics offering the vaccine   over 80 000 people in singapore have  received at least first dose of sinovac   then came this announcement from 10th august  2021 we will take a more inclusive approach in   recognizing vaccines beyond the two mrna  vaccines we will extend safe management and   in time travel concessions to individuals who  have received these recognized vaccines this   means people like jade who have taken the sinovac  will now be included in singapore's vaccine count   but here's the thing although you are counted as  fully vaccinated if you take sinovac the vaccine   is still not part of the national vaccination  program so this means two things one you'll have   to pay for it about 10 to 25 singapore dollars per  dose for the vaccine administrative fee and two   you won't be covered under the vaccine injury  financial assistance program should there be   any adverse reactions to the vaccine so why then  are there still so many people clamoring for it   in this episode of talking point i find out why  there is this pent-up demand for the sinovac   vaccine and tell you everything you need to know  about it for a start i did a call out on instagram   and i'm gonna be meeting some experts if you have  questions for them do let me know and i will try   to get your questions answered some of the things  you wanted to know included sinovac effectiveness   side effects and also why are people opting for it  and so to find out why some would choose sinovac i   will be following 32 year old veterinarian  jade on her side of vaccination journey   jade chose sinovac even though she has  no known allergies to the pfizer biotech   and modern vaccines you had to wait months to take  the sinovac vaccine why were you so adamant about   wanting that vaccine personally i do feel more  comfortable with the way traditional vaccines   are made using an inactivated virus i feel safer  because it has been shown and tested and proven   that it's effective mrna function a bit different  compared to inactivated virus so there's a   larger response in terms of immune system reaction  compared to inactivated as a healthy person with   a good immune system i felt that's not necessary  to take something that triggers so much reaction   in the body is it largely the side effects in a  way that you were worried about yes and also long   term like what happens in like 50 years later we  wouldn't know whereas inactivated virus have been   used for decades and what did your friends your  family say when you told them about your decision   everyone was shocked when they first heard that  i was going to take sinovac like oh my god why   sinovac uses an inactivated virus technology  this means that you are injected with dead   virus particles triggering the body's immune  system to produce antibodies against COVID-19.   mrna vaccines such as pfizer biontec and moderna   on the other hand involves injecting snippets  of the COVID-19 genetic code into a patient   put simply it's a recipe to direct the  production of a specific part of the virus   the spike protein to trigger an immune response  without actually exposing the patient to the virus   mrna technology only started human trials in 2009   compared to inactivated viruses which was  first introduced at the end of the 19th century   and has since been used to treat ailments  such as typhoid polio and even the common flu   leading some to believe that this is a tried  and tested technology and therefore much safer i'm feeling pretty refreshed and no signs of  discomfort around my body i went back to work and   everything went on as per usual the only thing  i experienced was the aching sensation on the   injection site throughout the day jade believes  sinovac to be a tried and tested safer vaccine   i want to know if that's really true to help me  break it down is dr lau jashin he is an infectious   disease specialist and has a special interest  in vaccinology so essentially how is sinovac   vaccine different from the mrna technology  so the sinovac vaccine presents to the body   the complete but inactivated covariate virus  it's like an entire house okay it's all its   component the garage the front door the porch the  chimneys the front yard everything right so that   would present to the immune system many many  different parts of the virus but energy vaccine   is very pure it creates just the spike protein  for the body to react against from sars one we   learned that the spike protein is the target of  interest in creating a vaccine and when you create   immunity against the spike protein it has a  very high capability to neutralize subsequent   challenges with covet virus so in a way a sign of  that if we are presenting the enemy to our body   but we're not sure within this group exactly who  is the enemy versus saying look guys shoot this   guy yes exactly some people feel that the sinovac  vaccine is safer than the mrna technology vaccines   is that true well it's not exactly true the mrna  vaccine has been used millions of doses around   the world the amount of data that has come back  has been rigorous robust and the whole data has   been examined with a microscope however on the  other side the sinovac safety data is not as open   and not as publicly available so we actually  do not know what is in this gray box   as far as efficacy is concerned dr lowe says  sinovac has an efficacy rate of 51 percent   compared to pfizer biontech 95 and  moderna 94 so can i interpret that   i am more protected if the efficacy rate  is higher yes yeah more protected if the   efficacy rate is higher so people who have  gotten covid will have antibodies right   if you want to give a vaccine you should generate  antibody at least better or more than somebody who   have caught the infection so the sinovac vaccine  in its early trial is shown that the antibody   generated by the sinovac vaccine was actually  lower than that generated by people who have   gotten coveted to really know more about sinovac i  need to go to where it's been used for much longer   hong kong but i'm not really flying there i'm  getting help from my colleague cna correspondent   wei du she's been tracking the vaccination  rollout in hong kong and tells me sinovac has   been offered there since february this year hey  we do you know there's been quite a huge demand   for sign of that in singapore it hasn't actually  been the same in hong kong yeah it's difficult to   make that comparison there are only two hundred  thousand shots of satellite vaccines that are   available in singapore here in hong kong it's  been freely available to anyone who wants it since   february so no need to queue up overnight and  no need to uh to to make a mad dash for it   as of mid july 1.5 million people have chosen to  receive the buy biontech vaccine here in hong kong   as opposed to 1.1 million receiving the son of a  vaccine so far why do you think that's the case   there's a general sense of distrust against  mainland china and anything that comes from   mainland china that has to do with our local  political development but on top of that   people are also very uh clear about the fact  that the biontech mra vaccine simply works better   a side effect how severe can the side effects  get if we uh really specifically talking about   sinovac vaccine it seems facial paralysis is  one we could find reports of more than 20 cases   of people developing facial paralysis that said  though that's out of 1.1 million people also   we haven't been able to prove that all of them  were actually a result of the vaccine is there any   discrimination between the kinds of vaccinations  whether it's sinovac whether it's biotech doesn't   make a difference no no not at all because  both vaccines are approved by the government   and are provided by the government if you do  develop adversity effects that the government   payout is also the same and there's already been  three cases of people developing facial paralysis   after receiving some of that vaccine that's  been paid out of the government insurance fund   with many countries worldwide hit by the delta  variant the effectiveness of covid-19 vaccines   has been challenged as their face against  more transmissible strains with little data   established on sinovac's protection against  the delta variant i wonder why hong kong is so   confident in the vaccine weidu is helping me get  the answers we don't have enough data on how well   the sign of that vaccine works against the new  variant why are we so confident here in hong kong to help me understand sinovac's efficacy  and specifically against a delta variant   i've enlisted help from cna's northeast asia  correspondent weidu who is based in hong kong   the special administration has been using  the vaccine for much longer than singapore   as of july 13th that close to 1.9 million doses of  the sinovac vaccine have been administered here in  

hong kong i wonder why are we so confident  here in hong kong about the sign of that   i'm meeting dr david lam chairman of medical  conscience he administers sinovac vaccines at   his private clinic hi i'm wei very nice to meet  you we don't have enough data how well is sinovac   vaccine it works against the new variants  why are we so confident here in hong kong   i don't think we have so-called sufficient data  with respect to the efficacy on variance for any   single vaccines all those data are not randomized  controlled trial data they are on ground data   from real life situations and things just keep  changing so if you want to wait until there's   one vaccine that have the full sets of data from  randomized control trial you'll never get that   i understand what you mean it's not that hong kong  is so confident that sinovac will work very well   it's just we'll never find out until it's too late  exactly exactly here in hong kong when you have a   choice of a vaccine that's much more efficacious  why do you think people should still go with   sinovac if you look at the data the efficacy of  preventing hospitalization and preventing death   is very similar for both vaccines so the  efficacious advantage for biontech is not that   obvious and the second thing people look at is the  side effects profile and it's quite obvious that   you have more pains and eggs fever and other kinds  of discomforts after the messaging or any type of   vaccine so some people thought well why don't  we just use something in the mind it's milder   less dizziness less pain less fever so some  of these people they chose the other one the   inactivated virus if sinovac is really  effective at preventing the severity of   corvette 19 infections why is it starting  to look like a different story in indonesia in june there were troubling  signs reports started to surface   saying that more than 350 medical workers  who had been vaccinated with sinovac   had contracted covid-19 with symptoms so  severe that they needed to be hospitalized to get to the bottom of indonesia's covet  situation i've arranged for a call with dr   dickie buryman a medical doctor and epidemiologist  who is based in australia but currently advising   the indonesian government on the containment  of covet 19. so there's been a recent explosion   over in indonesia in terms of number  of cases it started in kudos it went   over to java island how did this happen  my analysis so far first because it seemed   after six months when seeing enough affection  effectivity or in protection is decreasing   and the second one it seems this enough function  again delta variant is less effective compared to   let's say messenger and an hour so  overall the protection it's offering you   you're saying over time becomes less and less yes  that's why it's very important to have this boost   we just give modern eye oh okay so so they've  already received two shots of sinovac vaccine   yes you are saying that they should have a  third shot and not from sinovac from moderna   based on the study we can see that they have  strong effectivity again the delta variant   and government already got these uh moderna from  u.s so there are no concerns that you are mixing   the different vaccines yeah it is based on also  the current study in the european and german   they also mix sound effect and also messenger  rna and so far based on this study and   preliminary research we don't see any problem  with this mixed communication in the face of the   contagious delta variant indonesia is not the only  southeast asian country seeking extra precautions in thailand when more than 600 sinovac  vaccinated medical workers were infected   authorities there announced the mixing and  matching of vaccines where a first dose of   sinovac is given followed by a second dose of  the astrazeneca vaccine to achieve a booster   effect malaysia is also reviewing data  to determine if those who took sinovac   should be given a booster shot with another  vaccine such as pfizer biontech or astrazeneca   as countries pivot their strategy towards the use  of sinovac i find out how singapore is planning to   move forward with the vaccine we've heard reports  of other countries who are needing a booster shot   even though they've had two shots of the sinovac  vaccine is that something we're looking at   happening here in singapore too where the booster  shot will be needed just a very good question i've been tracking jade lynn one of the  over 80 000 singaporeans who have opted   for the sinovac vaccine today she is taking  the second dose hello okay you have a seat   as of 10th august singapore authorities said  approved private healthcare institutions   can order more supplies of sinovac as stock would  be depleted after covering 85 000 individuals thank you similar to what most of us who took the  pfizer biontech or moderna vaccine went through   jade is ushered to the waiting room  to monitor for any side effects   but in this clinic she's told to wait for only  15 minutes instead of the usual 30 minutes so while g is being monitored i'm going to  pop in and have a quick chat with dr louis tan   he's been a doctor for many years in both  the public and private healthcare sector   in fact he ran hospitals in  china for several years too   i want to know if he needed to attend to anyone  with adverse side effects following their sinovac   jabs across all your clinics here roughly how  many people have you give the sinovac vaccine to   well today we've done about 1500 vaccinations  so from the about thousand five hundred that   have been vaccinated by your clinic have  you seen any with adverse side effects   a small number have complained of pain redness and  swelling i think that is not unexpected right one   or two have complained of giddiness and one lady  has vomited but these are largely quite mild and   they were easily addressed within the clinic by  and large most patients spend that 15 minutes   waiting uneventfully and then they're off  have you heard of others who who came back   like two days later and said i'm still having  a fever no i think part of it is also when we   provide the vaccination to patients  we do provide some counselling   as to some of the common side effects to expect  how to manage them which are the serious ones and   which and more milder ones that you can cope with  at home i think that has helped a lot of patients   manage the post vaccination side effects and the  15 minute waiting period why such a short time i   mean i had to wait half an hour so the ministry of  health provided instructions that we should take   guidance from the world health organization's  interim guidelines on sinovac and so the WHO   actually recommends a 15 minutes observation time  post vaccination in terms of side effects how   does the side effects from sinovac compared to  pfizer and moderna is it any different the nature   of the side effects have similarities right  the pain redness swelling occasional headache   raise temperature but the severity of some of the  side effects at least from our anecdotal evidence   seems to be milder in that sense in most cases  people have a more severe side effect from the   second dose can that be expected from the sinovac  vaccine as well we've only started administering   our second though so we are still observing for  more severe side effects so far we haven't seen   any i think theoretically because your body is  primed after the first dose you will expect a   more robust immune response for your second dose  whether this translates to side effects that are   more severe or not we can't tell i'm feeling  really energized today so much better than the   first injection yesterday and i did have a mild  dull pain on my injected arm and a slight headache   but that only lasted for a couple of hours jay  might have completed both doses of the vaccine   but would she require an mrna booster jab  to ensure her sinovac vaccine is effective dr danny soon is a member of the expert  committee for covid 19 in singapore   he helps to evaluate the safety and efficacy  of the vaccines approved for use here cynical vaccine has been given many other  countries in fact some of them who have   had two shots of the sinovac vaccines are  still recommending a third booster shot   and an mrna booster shot is that something  we're looking at happening here in singapore   too where the booster shot will be needed it's  a good question some data will be coming forth   from overseas studies as well as  local but it's still very early to   tell whether this would be something that we would  that would be effective or that we would actually   implement so how long will it take before we are  able to evaluate sinovac's effectiveness here in   singapore we hope to be able to see some outcome  uh sometime in august is it worthwhile taking the   sign of vaccines sinovac is given as an option  at this point because there may be some people   who have a personal preference for it they  may be some will not be eligible for the   mrna vaccines because of allergies and so it  is a small number of people that potentially   could be looking for the sinovac vaccine it is  better to have some vaccination and no vaccination   so vaccinated patients even with sinovac generally  do not suffer from severe illness and what should   one consider when deciding which vaccine to  take so currently under the national vaccination   programs you have two highly effective vaccines  the messenger rna vaccines i would recommend that   for those are considering what vaccines  you take those would be your first choices   as of 11 august the health sciences authority  is still in the midst of reviewing additional   data given by sinovac the results will determine  if there will be any change to the regulatory   approval for the vaccine this means whether or  not it will be part of the national vaccination   program just like pfizer biontech and moderna  vaccines under the program are covered under   the vaccine injury financial assistance program  which gives a one-time payout for anyone suffering   adverse effects as a result of the corvid 19  vaccinations so here's what i've learned about   sinovac the vaccine may not necessarily be safer  than mrna vaccines and the jury is still out on   whether or not it's effective in dealing with new  variants but whether you choose sinovac because   you want to or because you have no choice due  to your allergy to mrna vaccines the main thing   to remember is getting vaccinated no matter  which vaccine is still better than none at all


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