Module 13 Network Protection Systems

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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name  is Dr Karachi and in this video we're gonna talk   about Network Protection Systems Now by then  this module you should be able to explain how   routers are used as a network Protection Systems  describe the firewall technology and what type   of tools to use for configured firewalls  and routers described intrusion detection   and prevention system web filter and technology  and other Technologies explain the purpose of   Honey pots now first of all anytime we talk  about what is Network protection system I mean   this could be like a device or a system designed  to protect the network the first one I want to   discuss about is the unified threat management  device you know if you look at it here in this   picture this is called you know UTM you know it  contains here different type of network protection   functions you know like a firewall ideas IBS VPN  anti-malware spyware content filtering DLP email   and spam filtering web application firewall  load balancing and these are the name of very   well-known companies who manufacture and sell this  type of solution you know so you know basically   this is like just a single device with multiple  features in it now what is the advantage I mean   it is from from management perspective it kind  of simplify your work you know you know having a   single device or solution for multiple security  function it's simplify your work on the policy   enforcement now it reduced complexity you know uh  why because simply I have less number of devices   and software solution that I need to maintain  leading to a fewer compatibility issues and   integration challenges you know especially if  you have multiple multiple servers out there   in your data center now cost efficiency utms  often prove you know very cost effective you   know the purchasing and installing maintaining  multiple stand alone Security Solutions now okay   uh also it can add layer security by integrating  like multiple functions you know like the one   you see it on screen that's multiple function  or security you know in depth now however you   need to be aware of the disadvantage the potential  single point of failure of course I mean we have   a centralized uh multiple security functions  into one solution means if this device you   see it here goes down for some reason multiple  security functionalities might be compromised   at the same you know immediately okay this can  leave your network variables you know to attacks   now performance issue you know this this type  of devices they handle many many types of   network functions at the same time which can  lead to Performance bottlenecks especially   during Peak laws or when performing resource  intensive tasks like deep pocket inspection   depth versus breath now while UTM offer a wide  range of security functions they might not provide   the depth of protection or specialized feature  that you know like a standalone you go and buy   it you know like for example like IPS might offer  deeper inspection and fine grain controls than   uh an IPS feature built into the UTM device  complexity that's another issue you know I   mean I mean we know that UTM tried to reduce  complexity by you know combining different   functions they can be complex to configure and  fine-tune you know however you know remember this   enemies configuration can potentially lead to  security issue upgrade challenges here also you   know upgrading an ATM device you know you know  whether for capacity new features or improved   performance often requires replacing the entire  Appliance think about the cost now vendor lock in   that's another issue you need to consider you know  okay when the login means limiting flexibility   by making it challenging to integrate other  Solutions or even to switch vendors in future   you know that's a major issue for companies uh  it could you know could have limited scalability   you know you know as organization grows its  traffic and security needs might exceed the   capabilities of the current UTM appliances now  scaling mod then require a complete replacement   or addition of separate devices somehow you know  it could defeat the purpose of a unified solution   and finally false positive false negatives you  know you know given the depth of the threats   uh the UTM is is used to detect uh there can be  cases where legitimate traffic is flagged like a   false positive or malicious traffic is overlooked  false negative and that is a security problem I   mean I just you know these are things you know  you need to be aware of before making decision   okay so uh you know before investing in any type  of system you need to do a comprehensive means and   performance system assessment of your organization  because this is very important in you need to   evaluate these devices in terms of scalability  depth of protection and very important vendor   reputation you know talk ask search you know about  the repetition their support you know and also   consider the cost implications and potential  vendor lock-in these are very important look   for a solution that offer customization  easy integration and frequent updates   now let's talk about Rafters you know routers are  Hardware devices you know their purpose is to send   Pockets to different network segments and you  know also reduce broadcast traffic passing over   the network and it will choose the best path  for moving packets now we're not going to go   in depth into routing protocol because obviously  this is not a Cisco course here but I just want   you know to give you just you know a quick idea  what is routing protocols these are algorithms   used by routers to determine the best path for  data transfer between Network to another Network   now the choice between any one of these three  you see it on the screen it depends on a specific   requirements of your network you know like a size  desired speed of conversions the need for policy   based routing decision so let's look at the first  one link state routing protocols now it's like   ospf open shortest path first and Isis uh you  know the next state protocols rely on router   sharing link stays to map the network ensuring  a quick conversions and reduce Loop risks at   the distance Vector routing protocols you know  these routers that passes the routing tables to   neighboring routers on the network a good example  is the rip you know and it you know this type of   protocols they use distance metrics like hubs to  determine the path sharing the routing tables with   the neighbors but however they can suffer from  longer conversions times and potential loops   the last one is the path Victor routing  protocols it uses dynamically updated paths   or routing tables to transmit packets from  one you know autonomous Network to another   one a good example is the Border Gateway protocol  that's a very well known path in Vector protocol   primary use and on uh info routing between  you know different systems on the internet   no of course Cisco router like any another  Hardware device it has wrong it has a firmware   so I mean stuff this we don't need to discuss it  but we're going to focus on important things like   interfaces in a Cisco router has different type  of interface components you know like ethernet   Syria console interfaces uh one of the basic  Cisco commands you know we these stuff that   we're going to cover and I believe a security  professional should be aware of these basic   Cisco commands to view the information Cisco  router components you know uh simply you know   once you log into the router you need type show  running Dash config now this one here you see it   and skip the router B this refer to device host  name followed by the prompt you know the hash you   know the hash symbol indicates that the user is in  privilege it execute mode which allows access to   a lot of commands there including those that you  can display even modify the device configuration   now the show is the primary command used to  display you know different piece of information   about the device running config here basically  tells the you know the short command to display   any information or any active information or  any running configuration of the Cisco router   now there are two different configuration modes  we have the user mode and the privilege mode   these are more basically you know allowed  the administrator you know to do just basic   troubleshooting tests you know you know and you  can see it like if you look into the router you   should see it in in this look you know you  just have compute in there Follow You Know   by the symbol uh you know when you first  log into router you basically you'll be in   the user mode by default you can do ping Trace  file turn it and very simple commands however   if you want to do more uh and you know do a full  router configuration tags you need to go into that   privileged mode which is you could see it here on  the screen router the hash sign this means you are   in a privileged mode now there are many many type  of commands you know you can run like show running   config right memory copying running Dash config  and so on all these are running in a privileged   mode and more now they are most configured the  router in a privileged mode that's something   to keep in mind the first one is the global  configuration mode basically the administrator   can configure router settings that affect overall  router operation and it will look like this router   config hash I mean this axis level this mode you  know allows you to make changes that impact a lot   of those overall operation that's why it's called  Globe configuration mode here now the interface   configuration mode this way you start focusing  on configuring a very specific interface on the   router you know like the serial Port remember  we're talking about serial Port we talk about   ethernet and so on now and the command or  sorry all the output will look like this   router config dash s you know hash uh so like I  said this mode is used to configure individual   interfaces you know whether they are physical  like Ethernet or serial pause or virtual you know   now if you look here these are just a quick  summary of different type of mold and commands   and the prompt you know and I think it's good  idea for you to become familiar with it like show   version over here that's displayed the router's  version information including iOS version number   yeah you want to know if it's updated or not sure  IP route you know it can be done by privilege or   normal user that displayed a lot of routing  table you know so so here you could see which   mode you know can run certain things and which  mode cannot like here you see that privilege or   user show flash now the privilege for running  this command it you know you have to be in a   privileged mode here because you were displaying  the current running router configuration file and now in this page here we can see that  the only commands we're seeing here are   run in the privileged mode like show startup  config display the content of the NV run you   know and that's how you know how this will look  like Global configuration privilege configure   terminal enables you to change configuration  settings that affect overall router operation   and here we have also a you know another type of  configuration router config Dasher so you know   it's good idea to become familiar with these type  you know commands I just mentioned now let's talk   about using access control list here now there's  many different types of Access Control lists you   know you can see it in Windows and Linux and  so on but here right now we'll be focusing only   on the system uh this section you know talks  about IP access list where you could a list of   IP addresses subnets or networks that allowed  or deny access through a router interface now   okay now the administrator can create two types  of access online the standard one and the extended   one so let's discuss briefly the difference  between the standard versus the external now   if you look at here here the standard IP access  list filter traffic solely based on the source   IP address very basic they are used only when you  want the source of the traffic IP address needs to   be considered for permatical denying traffic if I  look at this command line over here now this line   of ACL deny all traffic originating from you know  IP address in a range of this here like you see   it right here okay and this is the network  here so here I'm denying that okay you know   other than this permit any so number one by the  way here in the case that this is a standard IP   access list which is by the way in range of 1 to  1909 these from 1 to 99 is reserved for standard   ACL in a Cisco iOS you know remember Sandra ACL  and only evaluate the source IP address now and   here's of course the IP address in the range we're  talking about and you know so you know basically   this is very very simple type of command here  now extended IP address Now by looking at these   restrictions that you could apply you could see  that it has you know more option to do like here   you see you can restrict The Source IP address  destination protocol and application port number   and if you look at this this example access  list 101 okay deny TCP you know uh basically   all Network coming okay from this here for STP you  know and then permit anything so that's it very   simple like range from this range to this range  will be blocked so in summary both standard and   extended IP address list serve the fundamental  purpose of controlling filtering traffic now the   depth of the control they offer is you saw it big  difference the choice between them will depend on   the specific needs of the network or the security  policy in place now let's talk about a very   important topic is the firewalls there are two  types of firewalls you know you can have you can   have a hardware firewalls with embedded operating  system or you could have just a software firewall   installed on operating system like Windows  or Linux or whatever now there are two main   purposes here basically to control access from  outside to inside and from inside to outside now   disadvantages and disadvantages you know for the  hardware and the software the first one advantages   of the hardware firewall they're you know they're  faster than a software file was simply because   there is no operating system you know it doesn't  run on top of operating system it can handle a   larger throughput than a software firewalls again  because it does not run on top of operating system   now Hardware file was a typically replaced at the  network parameter okay there are Enterprise grade   Hardware files are designed to scale up in case  you know your company is to you know to add more   and more firewalls is due to increased traffic or  you know you know the thing that being separate   from the host operating system and application  they are less prone to some common software   vulnerabilities and attacks now disadvantages  is what is that if you buy a hardware firewall   you are locked in into the vendor and also the  maintenance costs you know could be like over   time they might might be some costs associated  with the firmware updates Hardware replacement or   even like if you want to add additional modules  or features to enhance the functionality of it now what is the advantages of the software  firewall I mean you can add like additional   ethernet card you can have like two or three you  know uh like three if you want to you know the   third one go to the DMZ and the second one goes  to the uh internal Network and the first one is   facing uh the clouds now it's cost effective yes  because you know sometimes the hardware firewall   costs more host level protection which means  that you can add basically a layer of security   filtering both inbound and outbound traffic at  the host level in terms of visualization and Cloud   those software firewalls are more adaptable in  virtualized environment and can be deployed in the   cloud infrastructures offering scalable solution  in modern data centers now let's talk about   disadvantages configuration problem might be a  concern you know it's again because you're dealing   with a software and also you you're dealing with  up you know with the operating system a rely on   operating system in which they are running which  may lead to Performance issue if your Hardware is   not good enough you know it might you know  you know having a running operating system   that's a layer that this is something is going  to consume memory resources and CPU resources   and then you're adding another software firewall  that means another constraint limited protection   in a compromised systems here is that like let's  say for example like a malware manages to gain   high level privilege on a system so it might be  able to disable or bypass the software file wall   now let's talk about firewall Technologies here  we have net access list pocket filtering stateful   pocket inspection and application layer inspection  let's look at each one of them the first one here   we'll talk about Matt that's the most basic  security feature of firewall and here if you   look at this picture here here we here you have  the inside local private Network where you use   like a private IP addresses and here you have for  example like a Cisco router or firewall okay and   it has its own IP now you can have like multiple  computers here and then you know the the router   or the firewall will do nothing means it will do  translation from inside to the outside and then   your traffic will go to the destination and here  you can see this is the outside internet public   now there is another one called port address  translation path which is derived from net   you see with uh with Pat a single public IPS  is used for all internal private address but   different port is assigned to each private IP  address so the path allows you to support many   hosts with only a few public IP addresses it works  by creating Dynamic Nat mapping in which uh public   iPad is a unique port number are selected so  the router keeps a net table entry for every   unique combination of the private iPads and the  port with a transition to the global address and   unique port number and that's the common used  one now let's look at access list it used to   filter traffic based on the source IP address  destination IP address ports or Services now   those are access controllers think about it as  a sequential list of permit you know or deny   condition applied to traffic flows on a network  device they can be used to filter a traffic based   on a set of criteria you know to either allow  or deny Passage through the device now these   are types you know all firewalls also use the  technology to create access list on a firewall   you can see many type of rules inside the firewall  and they are pretty much similar to the router now   there are certain consideration when configuring  ACLS the order is very important now since those   ACLS are processed top down the order of the  conditions is crucial some conditions should   be placed before more General wants to ensure  correct processing now there will be implicit   deny remember that you know deny all exists  that should be at the end of uh you know the   firewall rules even I mean some of them even  if if not explicitly written it will be there   now resources conception uh you know be careful  when having very long Access Control list or   those with many matches can consume more  resources on the network device you know   now let's talk about pocket filtering  it which is called stateless   that's basically a screen pocket based on  the information contained in a packet header   now what is the criteria for filtering our  source IP address destination IP address source   and destination port numbers protocol type TCP UDP  icmp interface inbound or outbound directions here   now these are the typical rules I mean you could  see here they're not detailed rules and you will   see why once we get to the stateful firewall now  it's rule-based decision now the firewall has a   set of rules defined by you as administrator  now each packet is compared against these rules   in sequence and the first rule that matches  the packet determines its fate Allah or dinar   now fast simple and low resources comes uh  conception well because it is stateless firewall   no but there are disadvantages you know well  since we we mentioned that they are stateless   they cannot understand or make decisions based on  the context of the pocket payload or state of the   network connection this can allow certain types  of attacks that you know that exploit the lack of   State awareness to happen uh did you cannot  it does not offer A fine grain control over   traffic that states for or even the application  layer file was provided which is our next topics   uh you know you know pocket filter fire was  might not provide detailed logging capabilities   you know which makes it hard for forensic  investigation on audits you know to do their job   now let's talk about the stateful pocket filters  at record session specific information about the   network connection including a state table now  it can also be referred to connection table or   session table you know which is which is basically  a mechanism used by the stateful firewalls to   track the state of the active connection at  the high level for every connection established   through the firewall there's an entry you will  see it added like like you see it here on this   table and this entry contains session specific  information about the connection here you know   so I mean like like for example here you can see  that the source IP The Source Port destination IP   the destination port and the connection state  if it's established or since sent or finished   with or what or or even closed you know and some  of them they will add the protocol also like if   you're using TCP or UDP or icmp so what's so what  are the benefits of estate tables in a firewall   well it has two ways session traffic here see see  the you see the thing that by keeping track of   established session the firewall can efficiently  permit to retain traffics without re-evaluating   every pocket against its own rule said like for  example like if an internal user initiates a web   browsing session to CNN for example the firewall  will automatically allow return traffic from CNN   without requiring a specific rule for it it also  it has a protection against spoofing and scam you   know like a stateful firewall can deal with the  port scans and other reconnaissance tactics that   rely on you know unusual pocket sequence and  that's very important for example let's say   that you use nmap to send a packet with TCP Flex  acknowledge or finish pocket from outside now the   firewall okay we look at it as oh okay see these  flags will arrive okay however without a prior   syn packet to initiate the connection so hold  on this is unusual so the firewall will drop it   now anomalies are threat detection are also one  of the things happen like for example unexpected   packets like I mentioned if a bucket arrives  that does not match any entry in a state table   and is not part of recognized connection  initiation sequence the firewall will drop it   connection limit exceeded now if an IP address  attempts to establish an unusually high number of   connections you know you know they want to do like  uh you know uh send it too many sessions and does   not return back it might indicate a Dos attack  because they're trying to exhaust the resources of   the server and valid TCP Flags uh you know packets  with unusual unexpected TCP flat combination   inconsistent with the typical connection stages  will be flagged timeout anomalies sessions that   remain open significantly much longer than typical  one or like than typical for this type of protocol   might be suspicious activity out of state Pockets  Pockets that arrive in an unexpected order such as   receiving a finished packet before acknowledge  can indicate potential malicious activity   now another important topic here is the  application aware firewall which is called Next   Generation file or ngfw or layers of it now this  one is designed basically to inspect and make a   decision on application Level for which is layer 7  according to OSI you know and you know rather just   merely considering only the source and destination  IP addresses and ports or protocol type now it's   important for you to understand some of the key  features and because of this you'll be able to   know what this type of application firewall can  do now the first one number one is a deep pocket   inspection now this allows the firewall to look  beyond the hidden information you know like a port   number or you know you know Source destination and  examine the payload the content of the pocket to   determine the specific application or Services  generating that traffic number two application   protocol verification you know this type of file  was ensured that application protocol being used   aligned with what is expected and Allowed by  the rule for example like if HTTP traffic is   detected on a non-standard port the firewall  can identify and act upon based on the rules   application under identification are control  these type of followers can identify differentiate   between between specific application even if  they are operating on non-standard ports or   are encapsulated within other protocols  like for example it can differentiate   between General web browsing streaming fire  sharing even if all are over HTTP or https   it could have proxy capability you know could  act you know uh can you know it can effectively   terminating and re-establishing connection you  know to ensure that that the data passing through   adheres to expected protocols and patterns here  now protection against Advanced threats you know   many of these type of firewalls uh can include  IPS intrusion prevention system which can help   and detect and prevent Advanced trust you know  such as zero day attacks you know by analyzing   the behavior or the heuristics okay user-based  firewalls you know they have ability to implement   policy based on the user identities and can be  integrated by the way you would active directory   and that's very important feature in like if you  have Windows Active detected environment content   filtering you know they could filter content  based on certain categories you know like uh   for example like it can block uh dot exe or can  block dot dll for coming inside the network you   know which is basically and also it can add a  layer of data leakage prevention like in like   a credit card numbers or specific keywords and  these are example of well-known products that   uh you know did you know they have application uh  firewall very well known products now let's talk   about uh web application firewall now these are  specifically designed to predict web application   it can be deployed on promises and the premises or  in a cloud or as a hybrid solution now let's look   at the key features here to understand so the very  important feature that Waf can inspect and analyze   the content of traffic to detect unblock content  that could be harmful like the scale injection   attack or cross-site scripting attacks now again  it has a application specific profile you know   it can be tailored to the specific profile of  protected web application so so it can give   you the option to fine tune the protection it can  block known vulnerabilities assuming that you that   you are regularly updating the database of known  vulnerabilities now it can provide protection   against all wasp top 10 non-vulnerabilities  you know and you know basically top 10 list   uh the most critical web application security  risk and it's very important that you become   familiar with all was top 10. customizable rule  set you know you as administrator can configure   custom rules to the file what is considered  legitimate traffic for their web applications   session management it can detect and prevent  session hijacking or cookie poisoning attacks   now geoblocking also this is very important  because it can block request originating from   specific countries as well Now API security now  some of them can provide specialized protection   for aprs you know by ensuring that only legitimate  API requests are processed now another thing here   we have the threat intelligence integration you  know some of them can can be integrated with a   threat intelligence Feats which is important so  the firewall can get real-time data on emerging   threats you know and this does not also include  firewalls can include also Sim now SSL inspection   it means what it can decrypts and inspects SSL  and crypto traffic to detect any threats hidden   in encrypted session how's that possible well the  SSL okay uh TLS inspection thing that happened in   the firewall because it acts as a man in the  middle between the client and the server so   briefly when a client initiates an SSL or TL  TLS session the security device intercept this   request establishes its own encrypted session with  the server and and then present the clients with   a mimicked certificate sign signed by by its  own certificate Authority in the firewall now   with this is in place the firewall decrypts  the incoming traffic to inspect its content   for potential threats after an inspection it  re-encrypts the traffic and forwarded it to   the intended server either allowing or blocking  the content based on its evaluation so in other   words both the client and the and the server  does not know that there is a firewall doing   encryption and decryption based on the feature it  has now let's talk about implementing a firewall   now I have seen before like company with a single  firewall between the internal and external I mean   usually they are very small simple companies but  that's definitely a bad idea why it is a single   point of failure Imagine One firewall becomes  becomes a malfunction or compromised there's   no backup or second layer of security to prevent  unauthorized access now we always talk about depth   of defense strategy defensive depth now signify  what does not have that making Network variable   ones that a single defense is breached uh what  about Advanced resistor threats apt now we know   apt are designed to be stealthy and persistent  right so if an EPT compromise this single firewall   well it it means that it has a foothold inside  your network making those attackers literally you   know you know browsing your network and establish  you know probably like multiple back doors uh you   know undetected ones uh zero day vulnerabilities  you know firewalls like any software or Hardware   can have unknown vulnerabilities now if a 0d  explored targeting firewall is used by attacker   the entire antenna network becomes exposed you  know now insufficient internal segmentation   now this type of firewalls I mean I don't care  if your perimeter file is reboost but without   proper antenna segmentation of your network you  divide the network based on the same Department   stuff like this and you know and also now and now  you have only one single firewall you're making   it easy on the hackers to break into your system  so therefore Network segmentation using internal   firewalls and other mechanism it's very important  to reduce the damage of of any potential breach   now direct access points we work in the  culpers we know that any corporate will   have multiple direct access sponsor internal  Network you know like you could have VPN   you can have also direct Cloud connections so a  single one might not be sufficient to Monitor and   control all these potential interpols so what is  the solution in this case well you should have a   multiple firewalls there I mean look over it here  you have this external firewall which is facing   the internet and then and then we have internal  firewall that's it basically protecting the   internal Network okay from inside and also here  we have the DMC so briefly so when we talk about   parameter firewalls we mean this is the parameter  firewalls that's the one that plays within the   organization internal Network and uh and the  public internet that's your first line of defense   internal firewalls like you see over here you  know the often set between uh you know it could   be like between different departments or within  the organization tender Network it can help in   segmenting the internal Network and limiting  the spread of antenna effect and here you can   see these are only four users so it so that's you  know that segmentation and this is another type   of segmentation that the keeping the SQL servers  here and all the traffic has to go through the   antenna firewall now it's very common to see DMZ  here let's say for example here we have HTTP so   anybody wants to access your website of your  company they have to go through the firewall   and the firewall based on the rules will forward  the users outside users requested HTTP now so what   is DMZ it's basically think about like isolated  subnet design to host public facing application   okay so now when it comes to configuration  management let's look at important things here   consistent policies even with multiple firewalls  is a crucial to maintain consistent security   policy you know uh you know tools like firewall  management platform can help and centralize   the configuration and monitoring of multiple  devices and remember we need to have rule-based   optimization because as you add more rules over  time it is essential to every once a while review   and clean up the rule base to prevent conflicts  and maintain performance and second thing I   always recommend to have different followers from  different vendors I know this this might be a too   much worker administrators but think about it this  way if this render firewall becomes uh you know   vulnerable for some reason or another you know  you know you have another file of a different   company and this this will reduce the risk now  there are two types of modes for firewalls you   have the active passive mode and active active  mode the first one active passive mode one   firewall is active one and process everything  all the traffic others are passive standby mode   The Pacifier wall is synchronized with  the active firewall you know so it can   take over if the active one goes down it's  usually simpler to configure and manage   now active active firewall you know both  firewalls are active and processing traffic   and the traffic is distributed between two  firewalls think about it's more like load   balancing algorithm where you have two firewalls  sitting next to each other and the low balance   the traffic between them you know so this can  help what an improve performance and scalability   okay it is also more complex to configure  and manage you you know now let's look at   just briefly go over some of the features of Cisco  adaptive security Appliance ASA firewall that's   most widely used firewalls uh it has in a advanced  modular features like you could like you know IPS   VPN and unified communication capabilities it has  very sophisticated application layer inspection   now let's look at using configuration and risk  analysis tool for firewalls and routers now   there is Center for internet uh security CIS  this is one of the best websites for finding   configuration benchmarks and configuration  assessment tools now so what is the Benchmark   you know industry basically published the best  configuration practices on how and why for   example like to secure certain device for example  in our example here how and why to secure a Cisco   router or firewall now for Cisco devices you know  you could use the CIS Cisco iOS Benchmark which   basically it's a comprehensive document that  offers details uh detailed guidelines for the   secure configuration of the Cisco devices you know  those that's running the IOS operating system now   these guidelines they offer like for example  device Access Control service configuration   logging on auditing Network protocols and service  and other things now these are nice features very   helpful this software tool designed to access  the configuration of the system against the CIS   Benchmark faster and easier to by using automated  assessment also some of them you know it comes   with automated assessment and the generate reports  after evaluating the device or system detailing   deviation from The Benchmark providing actionable  insights now okay so the reason why benchmark   are essential is that many system and devices  out of the box are configured for ease of use   rather than security so basically if you you  know it's important for you to become familiar   with the configuration assessment tool you know  and The Benchmark provided you know by the CIS   here because it can guide you to hardened  the devices against potential threats here   now there is another device he is called or  service or product called Red Sea this is a   unique Network risk assessment and mapping tool it  helps organization to understand manage the Cyber   risk it can help you to identify configuration  variabilities and routers or firewalls it can   generate professional looking reports that  can be customizable it can analyze IPS or   sustainability scans of the network and give you a  very detailed analysis and and mapping it can show   you a graphic representation of an abilities  discovered in the context of the network you   know that you know and on which they found it's  high in security solution it's used by a variety   of organizations or the government agencies  financial institutions and healthcare providers   for example like a healthcare provider can use it  to ensure that its network complies with a HIPAA   regulations this is by USA government for health a  government agency can use it to model and simulate   attacks on its Network to identify potential  weakness and develop mitigation strategies now   and this is basically uh you know just a sample an  example of Wet Seal Network risk map and this is   one of the key features of the Red Seal platform  is it because it is designed to visually represent   the security position and the risk land Escape of  the organization Network infrastructure now let's   talk about a very important components you will  find it in a different uh you know network setup   now the first one is intrusion detection system  it's basically monitoring network devices or   us devices and you know you know if it detects  something it will you know alert the administrator   and through gin prevention system similar to ideas  except it does some action to prevent them food   now vendors have started focusing a lot  on IPS the first one is the network base   IPS and here you could see that the network IDs is  placed in line between the trusted Network and the   internet and it's right after the firewall now  the network based IPS is an advanced security   solution position in line within the network  infrastructure designed to detect and prevent a   wide range of malicious activities in real time  now by analyzing Network traffic for suspicious   patterns or behavior against predefined signature  and anomaly based metrics it can proactively block   or terminate malicious connection now this system  is suppresses traditional firewall by diving   deeper into the parking payloads enabling active  defense against both known and emerging threats   while maintaining basically good understanding  of their Network environment now the hospace IDS   basically it can be installed in any uh computer  now it is very commonly used security solution   that is used to Monitor and protect individual  devices are lost from malicious activity installed   directly on a Target system it analyzes system  behaviors application activities and system logs   and also system calls for any sign of suspicious  or unauthorized action you know by leveraging a   combination of signature based detection Behavior  Analysis and System state information you know   the host IPS can proactively prevent potential  security breaches making it an essential layer   of difference in safeguarding sensitive data  and system resources on these individual devices   now let's talk about also web filter you know  we're filtering it's very common application that   you use in many many corporators because you know  we have so many use as the access internet and you   know I use on my end up visiting uh like you know  uh bogus website or install malicious code from   email attachment you know and this does not impact  the firewall you know and and you know very well   what would happen if a Georgian Court is installed  on one of your users workstation you know so web   filtering it scans everything beat access by  the user now for you to understand the value   of web filtering you know and how it it is used  to detect users attempts to access non-malicious   websites on block depth we need to look at  the main features now the first feature here   is content filtering and analyzing the contact of  work pages to determine if they contained like any   prohibited keywords phrases or or any criteria now  Pages matching the band content will be blocked   and the user will get the display say this site  is blocked now it has also URL filtering uh you   know uh you know those web filtering servers have  database or blocked off for sorry blacklisted or   white listed URLs if a user tries to access  a blacklisted URL the cost will be denied   we have also category based filtering this  is very important like you know we know that   websites are categorized like an adult governing  social media blah blah administrators can block or   allow entire categories based on organizational  policies also another important thing file type   per sections like you know it can block  the user from download specific file you   know like Superfly dll files to prevent malware  infectious or unauthorized software installation   bandwidth management these these type of servers  also can limit the bandwidth consumed by certain   types of content like streaming media Netflix  to ensure optimal natural performance see search   enforcement here for like for search engine the  server can enforce receive search mode filtering   out explicit or harmful results time-based access  also it's one of the these cool features the way   user can Define times where you know when specific  websites or categories can be asked you know such   as a long social media only doing one JavaScript  also it has custom white listing and blacklisting   you know uh administrator can create customers  based again honest you know on the company's   policy of size that are always allowed which is  why they said or always blocked blacklisted now   organization deployed we're filtering service  to enforce acceptable use policies compliant   with regulation and has productivity  and predict against work based threats   now let's talk about also another type of system  that you will see it in many organizations to   enhance the protection the first one secure email  Gateway it's a security solution again designed   to prevent unwanted emails including phishing  attempts malware spam and other malicious email   you know type of threats for reaching users  in boxes it acts as a filter between inbound   and outbound email traffic and users analyzing  every email for potential thrust or undesired   contact let's look at some of the features  for very well known GFI male essential which   is you know I used to use it in addition to  web filtering system like the first one is   anti-spam anti-efficient year now uh this uh  the the GFI male essential employs multiple   anti-spam filters including you know you know  for example DNS Blacklist and key on checking to   detect a blogspan and fishing here and here you  can see this is one of the features in GFI yeah   uh virus protection notice virus protection it  has like four different virus protection but   this solution is basically and integrated you  know into the system it has multiple different   antiviruses for a good reason okay like if one  of them does not detect you know a threat uh we   you know we're hoping the other two or three will  detect the threat so that's a multi-layer approach   which increases the detection rate and reduces  the chances of false positively now email content   Sheltering you know administrators can create  policies to manage email content like Insurance   like sensitive data remains secure you know like  you know uh it will look for specific keywords   attachments or pattern also email disclaimers this  is also uh a feature that allows organization to   add legal disclaimers or other essential notices  for outgoing emails and attachment blocking or   okay it can I it you know it has the capability  to block specific attachment types you know like   preventing potentially dangerous file types  or large files from clogging the email system   now there's also another important components  you would find it which is uh called The Sim   which is stand for security information and  event management now it helps the security   operations center team or you know they're working  24 hours seven days a week to help them identify   attacks and you know indicators of compromise by  collecting aggregating and correlating logs okay   and alerts from different systems like routers  firewalls IDs IPS and endpoint logs web filtering   devices honey parts and other security tools  now let's look at the main components the first   one is data aggregation now those same collect  and aggregate data from various resources one   what do I just mentioned here you know these  critical blogs events Network traffic and   even user activities now it does you know  even coloration the coloration it's it's   very important role because you know because it  helped to map different data streams I see same   can identify patterns and sequence that might  indicate a security has about here now alerting   okay you know any suspicious path is identified  based on predefined or dynamic criteria uh which   in this case those same system will generate  a lot for security analysts to investigate   it has very nice finally dashboard of course every  system has its own design of a dashboard you know   uh which is you know it include like a different  type of Windows like some windows will display   specific type of of information and this include  real-time threat intelligence ongoing incidence   or surgical data also all can be displayed in a  small windows so you could monitor different type   of information on your screen now data storage  now send store aggregated and normalized data   often for both short-term rapid analysis and long  term forensics all compliance purposes you know   uh concerning forensics analysis you know send  provide tools for deep dive investigation you   know it helps analysts you know uh basically you  know pick up some pieces of data you know and try   to learn or unco or uncover the full scope on the  context of a security engine and this information   are usually usually stored in a secure letter at  it for again for forensics purposes compliance   reported many Sims platform come uh with built-in  reporting tools designed to help organization and   demonstrating compliance with the various  regulations and standard for example it has   a uh you know report template for HIPAA okay now  IBM cured is one of those leading Sim Solutions   designed to provide comprehension insight into  security data its main technological feature   include Advanced log and flow data processing  to detect and prioritize potential threats   it's it has also an integrated threat intelligence  feed for real-time threat correlation uh which   is you know they called IBM X-Force threat  intelligence and also it has a behavioral   analytics powered by Machine learning to identify  malicious activities and anomalies uh also   it has automated incident response capabilities  and also a great scalable architecture that   can adopt to the needs of diverse Enterprise  environments you know and also also again it has   very nice user-friendly dashboard and it supports  extensive customization for these dashboards and   also it can integrate with the various third-party  tools you know like writing message or nmap or or   many many uh different third-party tools it's  important for you to understand Sim does not   prevent attacks it's only alert and you know  in very very intelligent method now we have   also the Honeypot it creates a decoy system to  lower attackers so it is a computer system or   it could be a network that is designed to look  like a legitimate Target for attackers you know   but it's actually isolated from the rest of the  network and monitor for malicious activities you   see see here's the good thing when an attacker  attempts to exploit a Honeypot their activities   can be logged and analyzed which can help security  teams to learn more about the attackers tactics   and techniques okay they might learn something new  that they were not aware of now how honeypots work   there are deployed in a variety of ways the first  one is the high interaction honeypots these funny   parts are designed to mimic real world system and  application and allow attackers to interact with   them in a meaningful way this type of Honeypot  can provide the most valuable information about   attackers Behavior why because it because it you  know because it it it it allows you to monitor   their behavior and to learn from it okay but the  problem here it requires the most resources to   maintain now law interaction on the pots these  honey pots are designed to be simple and easy   to deploy and all need to mimic the most basic  aspects of reward system and application now   this type of Honeypot is less resource intensive  than you know than the high interaction honey pots   but this also provide less detailed information  about the attackers now here you could see the   honey Parts also sorry honey nuts here the honey  nuts as you see it over here okay our network   of Honey parts that are designed to mimic real  world networks money Nets can be used to provide   a more realistic environment for attackers to  play around to operate there which can lead to   more valuable intelligence and information about  that you know the attack and activities and again   we learn as there are new to technique or new  things that we're not aware of we could learn   by monitoring those attackers action inside  this Colony net servers okay so let's talk   about the principle of Technology you find it in  different type of solution I'm sure you heard me   talking about signature analysis anonymity based  detection Behavior Analysis machine learning and   some other Technologies in the previous YouTube  videos now together these Technologies provide a   multiple approach to safeguarding you know digital  asset ensuring both real-time threat mitigation   and proactive defense against this evolving  cyber threats we see it on daily basis now it   is very important to understand the principle of  this technology how they work and where they are   applied in cyber security and other business  domains so you could pick the right solution   for your organization now there are I mean the  traditional one is we have the signature base   detection and I mean this technology you know you  will see it in a different type of solution it   Compares Network traffic against known attack  patterns or signature database now if match   is found the system took is an alert if it's IDs  or takes corrective action at its IPS reputation   based detection now this system uh reference a  data base of non-malicious IP addresses domains   or URLs allowing for blocking or altering of  traffic associated with these known threats now let's look at a very typical type of algorithm  you find in different type of solution the first   one is the heuristic based detection it uses  algorithm to analyze the behavior the properties   of files and programs it works by looking for  commands and structures not normally present   in an application now let's look at the focus  it focuses on examining attributes and behavior   of fires and programs in a try to look for any  suspicious characteristics of a typical malware   in terms of mechanism it uses algorithms  to you know to do code analysis and dynamic   analysis identifying any malicious activities  by their nature rather than by non-signition   now adaptability generally static and rule-based  you know requiring manual updates for any you know   for a new heuristic algorithm to adapt to evolving  threats now the scope okay okay Define it mainly   in antivirus anti-malware but you still find it in  a different type of business applications as well   limitation it may produce false positive it is  computationally intensive requires much tuning   to balance you know efficiency and the false rate  uh alarm you know false alarm rates and may not be   able to detect all threats you know especially  those designed to evade detection let me just   give you just just a quick example imagine that  you're on corporate Network an employee tried to   download the file from email link that does not  match any known malware signature however upon   execution you know the files start doing like  multiple outbound connection or try to scan   and and try to encrypt local files seek or try  to connect to command and control servers and   attempts propagation across the network you  know this type of detection system recognize   these patterns as a typical of ransomware  flags the activity as suspicious alerting   the security team to end you know to intervene  and prevent you know uh you know uh Ransom attack   now in terms of different type of  other application you know you see   it in transportation business like you know you  know used optimize traffic flow around delivery   vehicles scheduled flights and training Logistics  used to optimize Inventory management Warehouse   operations Supply Chain management in finance  it can be used to optimize stock trading fraud   detection and risk management and Manufacturing  used to optimize production scheduling you know   quality control and machine maintenance even in  healthcare you know it can be used to optimize   patient scheduling drug Discovery and medical  diagnostic other real life examples you know   Netflix it uses a heuristic algorithm to  recommend movies and TV shows this user   IDM Watson use heuristic algorithm to Daniel's  disease and recommend treatment even computer   games it can be used to generate realistic and  challenging AI opponents in in the computer games   spam filters can be used to identify and block  spam emails now let's look at another important   detection system anomaly based now the first step  for anomaly based work if you know very well you   know it needs to establish a baseline of normal  activity what is normal activity like in terms   of user in terms of uh you know Network flows so  once it's established a Visa of normal activity   it starts detecting any dual Behavior or activity  on a network include anything from an authorized   access to data to unusual traffic patterns sends  an alert if you know active you know you know   if any activity deviates significantly  from its Baseline so what is the focus   it examines large data sets or natural traffic  to establish a baseline at the beginning and   then then it will start at you know to identify  any deviations from the Baseline now mechanism   utilizes statistical methods or machine learning  to flag anomalies based on predefined conditions   or metrics such as frequency volume or sequence  adaptability of fin involves continuous learning   and it has to continue learning because again this  is anomaly based and it has a baseline of normal   activity you know this continuous learning Max  is very important to refine understanding what   is normal behavior from not normal behavior  now the scope using Network Security fraud   detections and system Health monitoring now  it's limitation here sensitive to quality of   the Baseline data and that's very important the  quality will be like that it makes it different   because if the quality of the Baseline data  is not good it will produce a lot of false   positives and can miss threats that carefully  uh you know avoid trigging uh anomaly indicators   now let's look at different type of Technologies  used here like the first thing let's look at   the cyber security now when it comes to malware  detection here you know uh you know anomaly based   in malware detection system use machine learning  to identify patterns in in the malicious code   this allows them to detect the new and emerging  malware threats and are not you know that are not   known to traditional signature based detection  systems now for intrusion uh detection here   these you know the anomaly based systems you  know monitor Network traffic for Army agility   patterns such as sudden increase in traffic from  a particular IP address or even large number of   failed login attempts this allows them to detect  malicious activity you know like DRS attacks or   Port scared now in terms of behavior analytics  you know anomaly based user Behavior analytics   system monitor user activity for any uh you  know for unusual patterns like logging in from   a new location or accessing sensitive files at  unusuality time in times now this allows them to   malicious activities such as account compromises  and Insider threat now it's still you know I   mean you'll find it used in a different type of  application in different type of business domains   like for example for financial fraud detection you  know it can detect fraudulent transactions like   a credit card an insurance fraud for example you  know Banks may use anomaly based detection system   to identify unusual patents in customer spending  such as sudden spiking charges or purchase from a   foreign country now a network intrusion detection  system you know it basically you know detect any   malicious activity on the computer networks like  dos attacks or malware infections for example   Network inclusion detection systems May monitor  Network traffic for unusually patterns such as   sudden increasing traffic from particular IP you  know for medical Diagnostics okay it can be used   like you know in cases like team to detect any  medical condition like cancer or heart diseases by   identifying unusually patented in the patient data  for example like doctors may use it uh you know to   identify unusual patterns in the medical images  such as x-rays or MRIs you know also also for   industrial


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