Modernize the user experience with Dell Technologies Unified Workspace BRK2370

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Welcome. Good. Morning everyone thank, you for joining, us we'll talk about our modernization. Of, the end-user experience, with unified. Workspace, during, this session so hopefully. You found the right flight. My. Name's Ian Haines I'm part of the product, marketing, organization. For Dell technologies, and as. One of the Senior Product Marketing managers, I focus. On unified. Workspace. Effectively. We're, bringing together solutions. To help you simplify the, steps, that it takes to deliver, technology. To your end-users, is the, just, really, brief summary, of what that is I'll go into quite a bit more detail. At. The same time I want you to think about the. Context. For, why. We've embarked, on this sort of technology, area. Often. Times we talk about the, unified. Workspace, as an, opportunity. To. Accelerate. Our. Workforce. Transformation. And, we kind of gloss over what a workforce transformation. Is what's driving, this. Shift, inside, all of our organizations. At. The. End of the day you, in this room as technologists. Have done it frankly, an incredible, job of, mainstreaming. Cloud, of. Enabling. And redefining. The. The data center at the core and then, as we move out to the edge and, you think about end-user, devices, those, devices have dramatically. Changed in the way that we're consuming, information, has, dramatically, changed, each. Of those touch, points have. Very, much affected, the way that we work the. Way that we consume, information, and we're, evolving that as we continue forward, if. You think about the. Key takeaway, for a work force transformation, though, everything. I just mentioned which is technology. False. To the background, at. The end of the day your, workforce transformation. Is based, on frankly. The employees, and the people inside, your organization. The people, are the driver of a, workforce transformation. And if, we keep that in mind as one, of the critical, factors and, I think there are to, use. That as sort of our guideposts. We, can really then talk about how do we accelerate, and, enable. Our users to, be more productive if. We keep them front and center that's. Where all of this technology, really comes together to frankly, make our users that much more productive which is the overall goal. The. Second, factor, that I was just describing is just frankly, a recognition. That we've, moved away from our very, traditional. Modes. Of, delivering. Information and. Most. Of the information we deliver, now is digital. The. Thing I don't want you to forget about this, though all of our big ideas, having, moved into the data center into. Our endpoint, devices we. Analyze we share them the. Sort, of treasure. Of your organization. Is oftentimes. The digital, information that you've created the. Most important, piece of that information though is we, need to be able to communicate it we, need to be able to use it and analyze it as people, in order. To make that more, effective as we move forward, if. You think about your workforce transformation. With those two lenses, it gives us a great foundation. For really evaluating. How we're using technology. Inside. Our end-user, communities. Now. It. May not be a surprise, to you than to think about the user experience is becoming a critical differentiator, for. Your organization. If you. Think about the way that your, organization. Operates, and the types of activities that you want to promote, keeping.

Our Users front and center is what it's all about, now over. The last probably. Year. Maybe year and a half I've had. This really remarkable. Just firsthand experience. With my customers, that, would say something to the effect of. Maybe. Let's, call it 18 months ago most. Organizations. Are talk to would, have one metric, for technology. For their users it was cost that. Doesn't, go away it is, still one of our key business requirements. And it will continue, to be a key business metric, what's. Been surprising, to me is that over a course of maybe the last eight months or so, every. Customer, I go to talk to has, now started, to include, some, form of, a, user experience, metric, and I, think of that as a proxy for, how do you develop, an increase, overall productivity. Inside. The organization. As the, organization's. Needs, shift, as the way that we work and consume, all of that multi cloud ready, data our. Opportunity. Now is to, really start to enhance and figure out how we track, the improved performance based, on the technology. One. Of the, surveys. That we did very early this year and published. Is. Focused. On the. Overall user experience and. I don't. Think it will surprise any, of you to see about. 61%, of our users are saying look at, the end of the day I still, have significant. Glitches, bugs, some. Kind, of freeze that. Is slowing my overall, productivity, down that's more than half of most, organizations. Are having, a Productivity, impact, and, I kind. Of put it to you this way in a slightly different manner if you, think about you know kind of my first couple of steps this morning I had my cup of coffee I logged, in with my password, in my second factor authentication. Now. If you think about that I am. Now part of the corporate network I have full access to all of the information I, love this I, just. Checked the box I'm now productive, for the day right I can, go home I don't have to do anything else, that. Two-factor. Login. That authentication. Step the first thing that I do every, day is not. Necessarily. What got me to productivity, and if, I have to do that. Repeatedly. Over the course of the day as I close and open my laptop lid. Two three, four times a day I may. Be slowing, down that user if I can take those steps potentially. Out of the way still. Maintain. The, enterprise, security. Now. I have a very different user experience. In my case and I haven't really totaled, this up I should probably do the calculation, at some point I feel, like I've gotten about a week of my life back, this year alone simply. By removing, that step. Not. Recommending. Removing, multi-factor, authentication, just, to be clear and we'll talk about that more in just a second. If. Bug, fixes, or freezes. And bugs glitches, are. Impacting. Productivity. The. Bottom. Two numbers. Here really denote, what. I've heard from customers, time and time again we're. Now increasing. Our focus, on productivity. And that is changing as we become, more mobile with our information, whether, that be a work from home or, just, working down the hallway.

About. 84, percent of you are focusing. On improving, the, overall productivity. As a key metric along, with cost. The. Final, number here that we're focused, on the seventy seven percent is the. Number of folks that are then focusing. On improving, the overall experience. And those are oftentimes. Corollaries. To each other but I. Want. You to think about this if, that top number is true. And. We're. Running into the glitches you. And your teams as. Technologists. Are spending about eighty percent of your time. Focused. On brake. Fix on keeping. The lights on and, making, certain that your existing, infrastructure, is maintained. That. Gives me about twenty percent of my time to think about, acquisition. Of new device. Acquisition. Of new tools and software to enable my users, and then, distribute, that out to the wider. Infrastructure. It, gives me probably. What about five percent maybe one percent of my time to, then strategically plan. What. Is my next. Workforce transformation. Step. We're. Spending a lot of time and. This is what I hear, from most, customers. As they come in to talk to Dell technologies, I want. To transform my business, I have. Things that I know that I want to accomplish in terms of automation in, terms. Of enabling. The user experience, but. At the same time I can't. I need, to spend the majority of my time making certain that the systems that I have are up, and running that my. Very diverse, infrastructure. Of endpoints. Of software, tools are maintained. Now. If you think about that then. It's. No surprise, we're. Saying that the user experience is, a priority. But, the routine, and maintenance tasks that were focused, on are the, part that are frankly, consuming. The vast majority of our time how, do we disrupt, that model, is really what we're focused, on when, we look at the, unified workspace. Dell. Technologies, unified, workspace, I want you to think of as not. Just one, product, this. Is a portfolio, of solutions and, they're really designed as those puzzle, pieces to. Help address, your specific, need currently, and then, allow you to grow and maintain. A much. Broader picture, for your overall infrastructure, now. You'll, see that we talk about being the industry's, most comprehensive. Solution. To deploy, secure, manage and support, I like. The buzz phrase right I like the the byline. That we have here but, at the end of the day I think it somewhat, misses the point and so I'm glad you're here what, I would share with you is the stuff that's going on below the slide, the. Element that we're not describing. On this page is simply, that we're now taking the, Dell technologies. The intellectual, property, from. Dell software, Dell, hardware our. Services. And the ability to help you deploy and consult, along. With VMware, workspace, one and, SecureWorks. And bringing, that IP together, better, integrating. It is the first step. The second step that we're doing is then that gives you a wealth of data that is already inside. Your organization. And how, do we take that information and. Produce. Better and better automation. In. A. Deployment, context. What that means is that we'll be able to allow. You to take your existing, image. Take. That back will allow you to take your software, and tools and apply, them directly to the appropriate. User, profile, inside, your organization what. That means is that I'll be able to take a system, directly from the Dell factory and ship. It to your end user that. Device would already be under your management, have, the right software tools, on the device and be, able to update as needed. From. A security perspective what, we're doing is linking, together more, security, sensors, those, are both inside the operating, system, and outside of the operating system, to help you reduce the. Security, risk throughout, the environment, I'll, give you some key concrete. Examples, where we're taking things like BIOS. Protection, layers and then, pulling those up so that your security, tools have, a better sense of what's going on both inside, the OS, but. Outside, of the OS were many security, solutions, frankly, find. That layer to be invisible. From. A managed perspective. We use VMware workspace. One if you're familiar with AirWatch, that. Was rebranded, with some additional, capabilities, added, to create workspace. One at. The end of the day we use this as a unified.

Endpoint, Management, solution, bringing together the various devices in. Your. Organization. Whether those be smartphones. And tablets, Windows. PCs, or. Alternative. Os's. Finally. From a support, perspective, we. Already, provide proactive. Hardware. Support, what, this will do in the unified workspaces, expand. To, provide more proactive. Support at the OS, and application. Layers we'll. Talk about some concrete examples there as well. There. Are three aspects, here the first aspect is that these, are standalone, tools, that you can acquire the. Second, is simply, that you could. Use. And leverage these, as part. Of an as a service, model allowing, you to scale up or scale down, as you need to acquire the toolset and then. Finally, as, a. Managed, service, if you want to offload, some, of those tasks whether that be direct. Support. And, support, calls or management. And up to date you. Know needs of drivers, and software updates. For, those systems. As. I. Mentioned. Dell, technologies, is somewhat in a unique, position, based. On the intellectual, property, as we pull, those various, properties. Together it, will give you more and more opportunity. To then automate. The, existing. Tasks, that we're talking about that, said, the. Key takeaway, should be we, recognize, that your, environment, is, very, dispersed. Very. Mixed, whether that be the, smart devices or, other non-traditional. Endpoints. Such as printers. Handheld. IOT, scanners, and so on what. This means is that we want the solution to be open, and adaptable, create a flexible foundation, for. You to adopt solutions. Today and, then. As you move forward to the future start. Thinking about what is the keys technology. The key software, application. That would make your users most, productive. Probably. Hasn't been created, how. Can we create a platform, that, will allow you to have the flexibility, and improvements. That you need today and, nearly. Drag and drop the new platform, or the new software, stack into, that environment, as we move forward in future. So first. Stop. And the first pillar that we focus on is deployment. From. A deployment perspective I mentioned, we can take a device we take a little bit of our VMware, IP, and, plug that into our Dell factory, to. Now allow you to upload, your, image, once. In the Dell factory, that, device can be shipped directly to your hub or. Out. To your end-user, and the device is already under, your, cloud enabled, management, I, want. You to think about it this way in, the typical context. This. Right, here is your box cutter, you've. Just had ten. A hundred or. A thousand, systems arrive at your front doorstep the. First thing that we're gonna do is take the get, started, guide the, user experience, QuickStart. And. Forget about it the, user doesn't need that I'm, going, to plug the device in I'll.

Spend. A couple of hours updating. It I'll. Plug it back into, the box and then I'll get my logistic, spreadsheet, out to, understand, who should come and pick them up and which, ones do I need to real able repackage. And ship, out to an end user that's, the traditional, context, I've got one gentleman, over here smiling, and, I see most of you nodding. What. If I could take many of those steps, out of the way instead, you. Create the image it is, inclusive. Of the individual. Profile, inside. Your organization, and that is not necessarily, a. Holistic. Group. Maybe. Phrasing, this a little better I can, deliver a group, a profile. Or down to an individual. The specific, tools for their organization. My. Group of innovators, here, my. Group of sales, team over here and finally. My marketing, team down, here you're. All the same so, I'm going to give you the same tools in. The. Traditional, model as we, move forward with, unified, workspace, what we'll be able to do is provide, that individual. User the software, tools that are specific to their need once. You've pulled. In the, various applications. To profile, you, upload, that P. Pkg, file to Dell. Our. Service, delivery manager. Then we'll, install, that in our factory, as part of the normal factory process, that. Device is already, under, your management, so as we ship it out and it arrives at your users, doorstep, or to. Your distribution, hub, I don't, have to take it out of the box. Any. Updates, that I need to do at a hardware, level say. Down to the firmware and update the BIOS I can, do as part. Of the profile, update. As. Soon as the user takes the device out of the box they, login for the first time as they. Connect, to your cloud management. Your. Device is now provisioning. In doing, the final steps or, any updates, that are necessary, from an OS or software. Stack layer, I'll. Talk about in, just a moment how that differs from some of our autopilot. Implementations. Which we also offer. For. Right now if you think of Pro deploy in the unified workspace, we're very much talking, about a parallel. Paradigm. Where, you can upload your image, and have all of those tools ready, for the user already on, the device.

This, Extends. Our existing, capabilities, through, Dell if, you think of the first column, is what I've just described, as being, able to provision inside, the Dell factory with, user, specific, tools in the, second context, pro 2 pi + pro. To play and pro to play + are a host, of services that, enable, us to do very traditional. Imaging, models if you so desire, simply. Providing. Asset, tags imaging. Services or, just frankly, installing, your gold best or image in our factory we can deliver all of that and deliver. That out to your systems, to allow you to then do those final, stage updates, as you are today. The. Last model. Here on the, far right is also. Providing, support for autopilot. Through. Our Dell Factory as well as our Dell online, services, you're, able to register. Your. Newly, acquired devices. As part, of the autopilot service, that, device would then be published inside, of the, you. Know for business, store for, your accounts, now. As a result. What. We're able to do is then either allow you to use workspace, one. Microsoft. Intune, or other, MDM, services. To, then manage, that autopilot. Distribution. The. Key difference, between the. First column, and the last column currently. Is that, we can allow you to have the software already, included, in the image as part. Of the, unified, workspace, as. We. Leverage, VMware, workspace, 1 you're, creating, a standardized. Package, that's, uploaded, for that system, with the tools on it, the. Next step here is that, as, we. Look at the. Deployment. Capabilities. Across, Dell. Technologies. We have been the, number one partner. For Microsoft. For going on eight years now. We've. Done more, OS. Migration. And. Agents with customers, in this area than just about anyone, else now. If you think about those. Capabilities. It gives us a much broader footprint. Of being, able to consult, on where your current image needs are and where, you may want to move in future, if, we can help you reduce steps, in that process this. Is a win. On both counts, then. Transitioning. Into an autopilot, environment. Becomes, you, know a very, viable, opportunity. The. Second, pillar that we were showcasing, is security, if, you think about security, in the environment, today. Excuse. Me, we. Often think about. Prevention. Of malware, in the types of agents, that we can deploy in. The Dell context, we expand, that we, take a more, holistic look, starting. With the device itself, we, believe that you need to consider what. The design the, build and distribution, is of course, and that, whole supply chain security is sort of built in to, each of the devices that we create, but, once you receive, the device our, first column, here focuses, on trusted, devices and. This is frankly at use, after. You receive the device and bring the device into operation. Do, you have the right capabilities the. Right foundation. For, that endpoint to actually. Access all, of the, critical information inside. Your organization. We. Roll this up as three. Key technologies. Safe. ID safe. BIOS and safe, screen, the. Safe ID is, a host, of Hardware technologies. Some. Very traditional that, you're familiar with like the TPM, the, trusted platform module. This. Is a frankly, attestation. And. Encryption. Key storage our. Team has helped pioneer and. Helps with the, rest of industry. Right, the two dotto specifications. And continues, to, help pioneer. The next phase of the TPM, module, at the, same time the, ones. That you may not be as familiar with and relatively, unique, to Dell is. Hardware. Isolation. For. Your login, for your authentication, now. We, call this the Dell control, vault it's a standalone. Processor. An isolated, processor, and storage, so, that when I swipe. A fingerprint, say across, a fingerprint. Sensor there's. A hardened, communication. From. The sensor, down, to the chip, why. Do we do that if. I steal your password, tomorrow what. Do we do I. Call. IT I make. Certain that there's, awareness and I, replace, my password, if, I, steal your fingerprint, what do I do next well. I've got nine more I can choose from, we. Want to take a very different, approach with our biometric, data we want to make certain that that data stays, in isolation, which. Is why we have this isolated, processor, the, information, doesn't go to Google it doesn't, go to your Azure Active Directory and, it doesn't, reside. Anywhere on, the the, Dell software, stack instead, the, template, itself is evaluated. Inside. That, secure processor. Now. With. That isolation. Of authentication. Is one step. By. The way how do you enable this. Frankly. You download, the ctrl vault driver on any, of your Dell Latitude.

Or. Mobile, workstation. Systems, that. Will then activate, the fingerprint, sensor the, smart card contact. Reader or the contactless. Reader, once. You've done that it. Now leverages, the Windows biometric, framework, so your, fingerprint. And Windows hello for example, using. Your Azure. Multi-factor, authentication. It's, basically native, to the system, as my point, install. The driver and you should be ready to go in. The fingerprint, reader context. The. Second, technology, stack. That we have up here safe, BIOS. Safe, BIOS is frankly. An umbrella, term that is, used to describe roughly, seven different. Technologies. The. Vast majority, of those Dell has helped pioneer things. Like bio, signing. To make certain that there's a certificate, on the bios that, you've downloaded and, that, firmware, update, is ready, to. Be evaluated. By the local, hardware so, there's a handshake, between the two to, help prevent tampering. There. Are many, other technologies, like, that Intel. Boot guard and BIOS guard for example that have become industry. Standards, we're. Proud of helping pioneer. That part, of the industry, as well, as local. Auto. Recovery, solutions. That. Said, we're safe BIOS is unique and where I'll focus our attention, today is with, an off host, verification. I'll. Say this a little differently, this. Is a technology, that, now really, for the first time an industry, allows you to evaluate if, your BIOS has been impacted, by malware. We. Are now seeing, in the wild instances. Of malware, so malware, sitting outside of, the OS layer and down, at the hardware that, is effectively. Let's. Say invisible. Too many security solution. Layers as, a. Result, what. We've done is enabled, you with a utility, of, BIOS, verification. Utility, that you can download on current, generation, models this. Can be used as a one-to-one, say, a break fix scenario, I have a system, that you're returning, my, service desk is going to run the evaluation. Locally, and confirm if there's any tamper, on the system before, I release it into the wild again, maybe. In a less risk, adverse, environment, or. A more risk-averse environment. In a less risk, in adverse. Environment I, may. Automate. That process. Leveraging. Either SCCM, or your existing, management tools, and script. Out a, repeated. Process on a weekly, basis, I will check the entire install, base I'll, run the report, and then feed that into my other security, solutions, if I so need. Where. We're taking that in future and what. We have already done, is integrated. That into our, workspace, one platform. Using. The workspace one agent, I can now automate, that, BIOS, verification. The reason that the verification happens. Via cloud and, that it's so critical, is that it delivers two key benefits, for you the, first is that it simply doesn't. Remove, the forensic, information, if someone. Is attacking your hardware layer this, is a remarkably. Sophisticated attack. I want, to know what's happened. All. Of us get into an auto accident everyone. Is safe, we. Clear the road off we, fix all of the vehicles, and about. 30 days later gentleman in the back calls the authorities and say says, how did it happen I. Don't. Know I've gotten rid of all of the evidence in. This case again, if someone is attacking the hardware layer I want to make certain that, recognition. Of that event happens, but, I also bring, that system, in for further evaluation. The. Second, reason that we frankly leverage, an off host verification. Via cloud is that frankly, if I can contaminate the BIOS I have, a high degree of being able to contaminate. The backup, that may be on the local system, we. Want to move away from the potentially, contaminated. Environment. To do our safety check, if. You think about safe, BIOS today, as we, move into about the February, time frame next, year you, will see incremental, building. Blocks and incremental. Layers of, protection. That, will be happy to announce in future. Safe. Screen is frankly, a privacy, filter integrated. On the 7000. Series notebooks. From, a trusted. Access, perspective. We leverage workspace, one to provide more context. For the log login, activity. Contextual, access, to recognize, whether or not I'm logging in here from Orlando, or from, my home office in, Austin. And then generating, the right response, for the user at. The same time I can also start to detect multiple, login, activities. Ian. Haines is logging in from Austin, and logging, in from Orlando, at the same time, let's, help identify, who the, real user is and block. The. Malicious, attack, elevate. That to. Our security, teams. Finally. From a trusted, device perspective. Safeguard. And response and safe data our umbrella.

Terms, That roll-up. Safeguard. And response is our prevention, capabilities. We. Use artificial, intelligence, to help you detect and prevent malware from running. We. Leverage endpoint, detection, and response at, the, local, system, to, help you discover those behavioral, attacks, about. 61. Percent of, your attacks come through malware. The. Other nearly. Half if you will the. Forty percentile, are. Coming out of behavioral, attacks hi. I'm your IT manager. We're rolling out a new application. It's called teams. I need. Your password, to. Finish the installation, can, can I have your password how. About how about yours as I. Make those phone calls how many folks inside your organization, do I need to call before I have my first password. If. You think about it there's no, malware as, part, of that social engineering, attack, I don't. Need incremental. Tools on, your device, and I, get to look very much like you, as I navigate your. Network, as. A. Result. In point, detection and response is. A, set, of tools that help you detect, those behavioral. Changes, for an end user they, do so at a very high, rate of efficacy. Final. Thing that we added to, this portion of the portfolio comes, to us out of the secured works organization. And it, is a TDR. A. Threat, detection, and response engine. That. Now moves you beyond the endpoint, to evaluate, network data. Center, as well, as cloud, all under, one platform, this. Can be a managed, service, on your behalf or stand, alone as. A tool set. In. The, safe data, arena, we're, leveraging, partnerships. To, do more cloud layers of kaz B cloud. Access security broker, as, well, as the encryption, and encryption, management, at the endpoint, enabling. You to manage, your BitLocker, environment. Directly through, your Dell tool sets. If. I think about the security, layers as a whole though I think the critical, aspect, here these, capabilities, that I've described, are, becoming, open. Capabilities. That, allow you to, work inside, your environment, and integrate. With your environment or alternatively. Generate. Higher and higher levels, of automation, based. On the unified workspace, platform. So. When. We turn our page to management and we, think about, the. Windows. 10 transition. Windows. 10, has. Such. A wide, adoption by. Frankly, all of us in this room and across the globe has. For the first time really made unified. Endpoint, management, a. Reality. The opportunity. Is there now to take, these. Disparate, devices, whatever. The devices, may be under. A single, management source, whether. That be in tune or. Unified. Workspace, via, dell you know. Unified. Endpoint, management via. Workspace. One. Workspace. One is, a, layer. That we can add to your existing into. An environment, or. Operates. Completely, standalone. And, in both context. It provides, some key benefits around. Things like applications. Store if. I think of the disparate. Application. Stores I have to manage today one. For potentially. My, various. Mobile devices, another. For. My, Windows and yet. Again others, inside, the organization. I can bring those all under, centralized, management that, includes both native, applications. As well. As virtual applications. And web-based. Applications. As well. This. Key element, that workspace one can add to, either your existing. Microsoft, environments, or standalone, is then, really a multi-tenant. Capability. The ability to have, better, multi-tenancy. Across, many. Organizations. Is one of the key challenges that I see customers, run into all the time whether, it be a point of acquisition. I now, have multiple, domains that I'm trying to manage or, alternatively, my organization. Starts, to shift, the. Last area. That I tend to focus on when I think about workspace, one is really. That, you'll. See incremental. Layers of integration. Through, our, various, Dell technologies. I'm. Curious, is everyone, in the room familiar, with the, Dell client, command suite free. Set of utilities, enabled. To work with your SCCM, environment. And many others, they. Enable, the device, to. Be very manageable on a dell platform. That. In mind that. Is fully now integrated. Into our, workspace one platform, so. Things like our security, layer that I was just describing. Rather. Than having, to script, out a BIOS. Password. For example I can, now go into the user interface at, the GUI level, and type, in my password as, we.

Announced, I believe it was last August, at, vmworld, we're, now adding bios, password automation. As part. Of that overall footprint. I want you to think about that for a second, most, of your organizations, don't. Implement. A BIOS password, as we, pull. The. Reason, being the, number one reason, being that I here is frankly I can't manage it what, if each of the devices inside, your organization had. The ability, to have a unique, password that. Was a strong, password. You. Know let's pause for just a half a moment what can I do if I access, your system bios, well. I can turn off the hard drives I can, turn off the network connection. And likely. The USB, ports I could, erase. The drive secure. A race trigger of the. ATA. Commands, for the hard drive and then. I can install, an admin password, and walk out the door this. Sounds very much like a one-to-one, level, of ransomware. At. The same time if I can now attack, that Hardware layer not. Having, a bios password in. Place means, that the, world is a wide open oyster. I have, the ability to manage, a one-to-many. Relationship. As an attacker and now. Have, a very different, impact, to your organization. Think. About trying to get all of the systems up and running after a ransomware, attack, and how that changes, if I also target, changes, to your hardware, putting. A bios password in, place and being able to manage that over time it's, a very effective first, layer of security, that I would recommend adding you, can do that today with client, command suite at the. Level of a password out to the the one-to-many as, we move into future, you'll be able to create unique, passwords, across that, entire install. Base. As I. Mentioned the client command suite helps you automate, optimize. And then, integrate, with your existing, environments. And it's that integration. That I'm talking about not. Only in workspace one but, seamlessly, integrated, with SCCM. Today. These. Are tools that help you deploy, out, your. Image. In a more effective manner they, help you pull in the drivers, necessary, for each new generation of. Dell model, and frankly, slipstream. Into your existing imaging. Process. In. Addition to that we, can also then do, things like, detect. Whether whether or not there are changes, on the, dell support website, relative, to what's inside your install, base so. I can do a quick check to understand, what the differences, are between what, I currently have, deployed, and if there are any updates that, are relevant to my organization. With. That we're taking these integrations. And pulling them fully into, our unified. Workspace, this. Becomes, a key building block that allows us to connect the hardware, and those. Hardware, enabled, beautiful, devices. With. The rest of your software, stack that. Enable, your user transitions. Helping. You automate, the steps that it takes to deliver the device out to the end-user is the overall goal in, this. Context. Then, helping, manage it and maintain, it in a more automated fashion, as well how, can I detect those changes that, are necessary before, an end-user calls, me up and says hey you're lost your last software, patch caused. An issue on my system. With. That in mind we have a telemetry. Driven. Approach if. You. Think, of our support, response, here, what we're doing. Is taking. The various data elements, that you already have, at your fingertips, and now, elevating, those to the the software. Layer. Today. If you're unfamiliar. How. Many of you are currently pro support customers. Just out of curiosity, a handful. With. Your pro support capabilities. You're, also, accessing. Support. Assist this is an agent, that can be deployed to the device and do proactive. Hardware. Detection. Failure. Um the, classic, example, is I have, a hard drive that's about to fail, we, can detect the smart failures, before the failure occurs that's critical, I can.

Deliver And have an automated, service technician, come out in a status, that's reported to IT, to. Replace the drive we can now migrate, the information, before the hard drive fails right. That's. The legacy of, support. Assists, where, we're moving to and as we launch here. In November is now. The ability, to see things like application crashes. And. Deploy. Updates, out to your entire fleet, the. Fleet that's running support. Assists you know managed, in a one-to-many, relationship. So think, about this and I, often, get to pull teams. As, I go across the globe having conversation, similar to this to say when was the last time you had a significant. Software, issue right. How. Did you address that did you call, IT, or. Instead. Did you simply reboot the system. The. Vast majority of the time there's, only a handful, that have called in that, 50 percent number that we talk about is, only one of the smoke signals, that, is being sent inside, your organization, if you don't know about the application crash. How. Do you take proactive action. Simply. Being able to see the, data around, which, applications. Inside, your organization, may. Have impacted, user productivity, has an outsized, impact, that you can now deliver to that organization, if you. Think about, hardware. Utilization. As well. Version. 1 of an application, that, is running, at. What, we would anticipate, for, that CPU utilization, and, version. 2 that I've rolled out to my innovation, group in the middle here is now, running at 30%, more CPU, utilization. Before. I distribute, that out to the rest of my environment let's, find out what's going on, maybe, halt that deployment, until. We've had an opportunity, to evaluate the, changes needed. All. Of that in mind Pro support, is that, traditional. 24, by 7, support. For, your organization's. We. Weave that into the rest of the unified, workspace, to, really now start, delivering, on two, models, the first, model is simply the ability to, not. Only help, you support your environment, but if you so desire, to, allow Dell to take on, management. For your organization. We. Do this as a service that we call pro manage today we. Manage both the environment. Of your. Application. Excuse me your driver updates, and system, configuration updates. As well, as then take on the, direct phone support, the 24, by 7 support we. Do that as custom, services, outside. Of the standard offers, as well to allow you to scale up or scale down. To meet your specific needs. So, whether those tools are standalone, and you. Adopt directly, and manage yourself, or. Want, to offset two, Dell you have both of those models available. To you. The. Broader context. For unified workspace, is that we want to enable you to accelerate. Your, overall, transformation. And, the transformation, of your business.

The. Ability. To. Quickly. And easily, take. In new technology. And then, shift, as your, business needs change is what, we're all about. We, want to help you transform, your business not. Only with smarter and faster experiences. Using Dell hardware, but. Also using, the Dell unified, workspace. Accelerate. Your deployment, and over. Time help, you more and more automate, those sort of run the business tasks, let, us take part of that 80%, off of your shoulders, so. That we can now focus on the, user experience, that we've been so, you. Know destined, to get to for so long now, that. In mind I want to thank you for coming into our, unified, workspace, session, I will, be here for just a moment but I do want to make. Certain that we're cognizant, of the time if. You do have incremental sessions. Thank. You very much for your time here today.


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