Modern Food Processing Technology That Are At Another Level Best Moments of 2023

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Hello, welcome to WOW TECH's food series! Today we will take you to a restaurant that is served by very special chefs Oh, not this chef, It's the superfood machines!!! Hurry and hit that subscribe button before your stomach starts growling! This new development will allow you to quickly roll sausages and if required add a skewering stick as well Hm…that's right, I’m thinking of an outdoor BBQ party! Eating a muffin… Watching a video on muffins… Living the dream Remove the bones to prepare for the fresh and delicious sashimi Does the process of creating these appetizing Korean rice cakes make you want to try them once? A thin layer of crepe batter meets the exact standards of the robot chef You only need one logistics staff to operate the entire meat skewer line At first glance, this Jjondigi dish might seem quite plain But trust me, once you taste it, you won't be able to stop! Pişmaniye is a type of cotton candy made by mixing roasted flour in butter and then pulling it into fine strands Vertical plate freezers are ideal for freezing large volumes of food to sustain the food quality After being thoroughly washed, the apples are moved onto an automated conveyor belt And ready to be delivered to the consumers Under the guidance of the automatic conveyor belt, the giant dough went through kneading, shaping, and finally completed its transformation Any baker should equip their shops with machines that can meet any bread-shaping needs London-yaki is made from honey, eggs, and a light white bean paste that gives it an unforgettable flavor Tonkatsu is a Japanese fried pork cutlet that has some similarities with German schnitzel and Italian piccata The perfect combination of butter, sugar, and corn truly creates a classic snack at every movie theater Nothing beats the grilled meat skewers at an outdoor BBQ party And here's how they're made! A mobile machine can provide freshly squeezed juice anytime The manufacturer has cleverly integrated the processes of sorting, washing, crushing, extracting, and packaging This tool helps him to divide the dough into equal parts The MOD.DF24 machine is designed to handle strawberries with the utmost care It performs three sequential steps: aligning the fruit, separating the stem, and removing the fruit from the stem Over time, the flatbread-making process has evolved, incorporating new technologies Cold, refreshing ice cream is undoubtedly an essential part of the menu during scorching summer days To preserve meat for longer periods, food processing machines now inject saltwater directly into it RONDObot is a circular molding system for the production line of dough The rounding process is consistently replicated to ensure that the dough reaches 100% repeatability. I just have to say this cone-shaped pizza looks really tempting The Delta Robot is designed to maximize speed and flexibility in product selection and packaging applications Making your favorite popcorn is even easier now, directly from the corn cob These donuts were firmly planted into the melted chocolate, achieving the perfect coating The process of sorting and packing cucumbers can reduce the number of workers required This machine spreads thin layers of cream on the cake perfectly Spread the word about this machine to falafel stands! If you're passionate about exploring food machinery, don't forget to smash the subscribe button to stay updated with the latest videos! Stacking eggs in trays will minimize the number of eggs that break thanks to a modern machinery system The enormous machinery system used to produce macaroni can churn out up to 6 tons per hour With a double extruder and an 11-tier dryer, the process moves swiftly to the packaging stage A giant and automated pan help to speed up your work process The sharp blade of the machine can slice through the ribs as smoothly as cutting through gelatin Humans and machines work together to cook and pack hot pot sauce If you're not a die-hard fan of donuts, I hope you'll change your mind after watching the glazing process of these delicious treats This conveyor controls cake layer breakage during production Doner robots can continuously cut meat all day without resting When a knife can't handle all the pizza cutting, you can use this system A pectin spray machine helps to quickly preserve your sweet cakes Peeling carrots will be faster with this machine Then the carrots are moved to this cutter Using visual recognition, this robot can identify and place the apples in their correct positions Get ready to savor the performance of these amazing slicing machines! The hotpot meat is all set for you to enjoy And don't forget to set up a grill for those barbecue meat slices as well! Convenient meal packing line can produce large quantities in a short time Factories are once again filled with the aroma of pie as the autumn season arrives What's your favorite type of pie filling? Let us know by leaving a comment! A tool that turns onions into beautiful flowers The chicken feet bone removal machine was developed to bring advanced technology Have you ever wondered how a braided Brioche is made? MULTITWIST, the award-winning machine, will be the answer The STA-360 stamping machine has adjustable molds to suit different types of cakes as needed Hundreds of dumplings completed in just one minute? Are you satisfied with this efficiency? The soul of hamburgers surely lies within these meat patties I just wish this patty were a bit thicker.. The meatball-making machine is just like in "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs"! Don't worry about those "burnt" dishes anymore, because you've got a talent chef right here Even when not being there, I can still smell the sweet aroma of those colorful cakes The festive season is approaching, do you think it's a good idea to treat yourself to this apple master slicer? Mobile honey extraction technology with 120 frames can process up to 3,200 lbs in just one hour A machine that undertakes all stages of the manufacturing process for a delicious pizza Sardines are one of the foods with the most umami on the market, and oil perfectly preserves that exquisite taste Consistent quality and stability have made Robot AiRA an ideal solution for production lines A new multifunctional magnetic clamp for spinning machines! And this is exactly a crab Terminator If you're curious about how tomato sauce is made, this video can provide the answer If you're a fan of Korean dramas, you're likely no stranger to this national dish The machine operates with a powerful mechanism that can evenly split a pork leg into two equal parts Additionally, the machine can also be used for vegetable processing I'm not a fan of pears, but seeing this enticing process makes me want to give it a try! A familiar type of snack From shapeless masses of dough, to slim sticks And the crisp crack is what I recall when seeing these Pocky treats Tons of grapes are pressed and filtered in a short time to produce wine The help of machines is indispensable in the chocolate making process It's undeniable that in the bread-making process, the kneading stage is the most satisfying step The process of plucking chicken feathers no longer takes much time if you own this machine And after cleaning, you can put them into the cutting machine Decorating Bakon cakes has never been easier Let's together marvel at how the legendary Peeps candies are crafted and discover their unique finishing touches WeSHUTTLE sets new standards in sandwich production The combination of the output station and manual assembly area ensures continuous product creation The machine's packaging speed is in the blink of an eye, yet not a single drop of sauce spills out Creating a Baumkuchen cake demands finesse, as it's composed of a series of intricately layered cake rounds You want to eat fresh noodles? It's simple, just put all the ingredients in this machine This machine precisely cuts each cheese slice to the right size Hey Jerry mouse, you can have peace of mind about the accuracy! Cheese always brings a sense of sweetness, so go ahead and say "cheese" with a smile If you need lemon zests for making Limoncello, this peeler machine is for you The Finis TopNotch machine has proven to be the most efficient onion peeling machine Onions are continuously delivered to the cutting area and finally peeled using an air-blowing system The poultry processing line ensures food safety and hygiene at each stage By being pre-chilled, the chickens have all their excess water removed before the cutting process Do you think machines can replace humans in the food industry? Please leave your thoughts in the comment section below! Goodbye and see you again in the next videos!


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