Microsoft Ignite Brazil Session – Local Connections 2021 | CON287

Microsoft Ignite Brazil Session – Local Connections 2021  | CON287

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Hello guys welcome from the Brazil session for Microsoft Edge Night 2021 we have to score in the Brazilian premarket brazilian and in all editions of the major events of Microsoft as build Night is from last year and once again Night we have a section with lots of news about security about Microsoft 365 on the Power flat form and much more signet it comes at a different time right not only by be a different time of the year right ie we're doing ignite now in March? Usually in September but it also comes in a very challenging scenario right that we have lived I think our goal here is to browse all the latest information and comment important details about the technologies that Microsoft have announced here at Microsoft we are always focused on evolving the needs of our customers and I think this news that we are bringing dignity reflect this as we saw last year companies have accelerated many digital transformation processes right it's a lot around us. It's changing so we're very happy to be able to share the ignite with people today I'm Jackson son your product manager for developers in the Algiers team here at Microsoft and I have today here with me my teammate Rodolfo gorini who is product manager of egio the rest betina who is word fashion product manager and John locked up business applications product manager thank you very much for participating in you guys penis here at this event I wanted to start with Rodolfo Rodolfo King Night in the most Midnight face. Build night always bringing a collection of super cool ads so the angel does not stop evolving web has a portfolio of products and services super extensive I wanted to hear you a little so exactly about what made you more excited about the angel is in this event thank you Rodolfo. Thank you, Jackson. It's sucks life so it's a flood of ad that's what got me more excited right to know what we've been guaranteeing there but.

A month at least to digest everything that all that announced the book of news just left right and we have enough work to learn teach exchange right EEE so I tried to identify here what most caught my attention I'm sure will have people is watching there said he forgot to talk about what is that is so much that definitely can not talk everything is here is at once Right? So that's how what caught my attention were investments that Microsoft is making on the part of Hayward right we know that Microsoft has a commitment is? With the legacy platform the egger is a cloud that is born to support both the entire infrastructure is Born In The Cloud let's call so Xbox live Tim if a number of other tools that are internet but also Microsoft has the commitment of it with all windows server SQL server environments that are out there so Microsoft is we can talk that I see is the only cloud that really was born with the commitment to be a cloud that supports displayed environment. And in particular azure arc is me draw a lot of attention evolution of it we had the real ones from Cuba before right the Arc to Cuba says where you can in a single is glasper is not as they call there manage? It's environment that's a premium and yes another cloud is where it is using the same management tooling right then the air that it is evolving very fast have just released print the file to the air that it is impossible you also make it impossible you to do then manage in multiple locations in multiple environments in multiple environments all transparently the nifty is the paradigm of the cloud before us. Ai I remember when we were starting with cloud that companies asked for a manager right a multi cloud management panel that were pressed right I did not make much sense so the cool thing is that now the cloud is coming to the environment a premium right so we see an extension of the cloud for the environment a premium and for the other clouds transparently allowing the company companies that the companies use cloud technology to manage? Any environment this is fantastic in the infrastructure part the blue go move right to me allows me to move is environments between regions will greatly facilitate the life of those who want to build is DR environments or even that is to explore for example a region that is cheaper at a given time or at a given time needs to reduce the latency of the whole environment so that is to bring the environment to the region closest to where the are Customers? And so power is is to make use of the cloud in the best way that she that she of the best using what she has the best be it costs be it the technical part or even for example the question of data residency if you need some part of the environment of it is to be in any of the regions right we can not help talking about ei and there had a flood of of releases of improvements in Services? But the 2 that most caught my attention is within the cognitive sort we will now have a semantic search right that is no longer by keyword will search for the meaning of that particular is expression so I think this changes a lot for example who is building chat box right is going to greatly improve the ability of the company to develop is chat bots with intelligence will improve the experience of customers of this company? So we power is deliver to customers is 111 extremely powerful platform so they can not go on up as the site the speech right AO Cognitive service also received 1111 new functionality there I form recognizer right for data extraction of standardized forms I've already taken a look there it already accepts for example our driver's license right so it is you can extract driver's license data automatically then who deals with? Certain is standardized information will be able to make use of formigoni zer it is ready there to receive is constant improvements I do not know exactly pro Brazil yet i was to take a look more carefully is another way return I believe it will accelerate and will open door to a lot of application is to do is is many developers develop applications that deal with with real world information right? And bring this information into the digital world quickly right in the back of it.

We have the foot synapse went to the legacy migration by an analytics platform extremely is powerful is powerful I have pro Rio that received a lot of improvement right for us to manage all our data single is full panel Fanta I said I joke that the worst saw is the Arc of the world of data right the cosmos DB also advanced enough we have a lot of news in the cosmos DB or stopped for to look at everything. In a rather thing the analytical strange you getting into gear right finally is a service that I think he was long maturing and now he is ready for for general availability right and a service That I was impressed that we launch we are basically giving in tray to everyone the possibility of them develop a Tim right that is the egger communication service so with them the developers will be able to embed in the eps? Features for conversations between people is with the same wealth that we are seeing here right EE who knows how to develop even something better that I teach you right right is giving me to hurry to everyone the power there develop is a collaboration tool or embed this functionality that we are seeing that works so well in your applications and then who must have been a little angry with my comment was the betina Right? Who will tell us to give the news there of fashion love that will wear right? Thank you Rodolfo not magina brava do not want to see the people developing there using this good service I think I want to share and dive a little now in the universe of productivity security just as we also had a lot of news in Microsoft 365 was also a super high Night and I think who had the opportunity to see what night of Jerry dispute what is our wipe of Microsoft 365 saw him commenting a little about the evolution of the team over the last year right we added more than 100 new features over the last 12 months? It was a tremendous product transformation and these news didn't stop ex ignite so it was no different from the past few years so I wanted to start sharing a little with you the team announcements and the experience of meetings right i think you have seen this evolution one of the main announcements is that now in presenter mode along with PowerPoint the presenter will be able to share the presentation itself sees the notes of Leeds and still get to see the participants the Camera of who is in the meeting and the chat so this will greatly improve the experience was something that we were getting a lot. It's not super cool to see this ad no longer Night. There is one more novelty that will improve the experience of those who watch these actions presents is you can play Oo presenter video on the PowerPoint screen so it will be cool because everyone who is watching can see the expressions of the body language of the presenter so this greatly improves the experience of meetings and Presentations within the team.

We also had a super cool ad is geared towards meetings and for events that is the launch of the nose web team is an ability to perform web in interactive through meetings in the teams so you will be able to make the web with up to 100 up to 1000 participants within one of a Tim Smith recounting with a number of specific features for this then registration form control the host audience control all this will be embedded within the team and you will be able to easily scale all these events for a Broadcast experience also for up to 10000 participants. So a lot of good evolving also within the part of events here has a spoiler of the presentation of John dynamic 365 because we also had a lot of announcement of integration of the team with dynamics and the part of events is editing is part of these ads so they will be integrated with DM 365 and the marketing campaigns I'll let John talk further a little more of the other integrations I will not give answer to presentation of it more is team we also have some features more focused on privacy and security also super super important announcement. The first of these is the access control to meeting only for people who were on the invitation so it was also something that our customers were asking a lot for meetings that are more sensitive confidential ensure that control you will be able to perform this control through the team and will also be able to disable the video of the participants so those distracted people who forget that the Camera is on and you do not want to have distraction in the meeting will give to disable video from now on so it's also a very important ad there for meetings within tims. One more security thing that has been announced is end-to-end encryption on calls during the year within the team so this will also help our customers meet the requirements of security companies with conversations that have more sensitive information so this is also a pretty cool announcement on the security part of time still has a lot of news is but we had several announcements from our newest family member who is the live Microsoft is do not know if you guys followed but must have seen that had a lot of session on the subject who did not watch it is worth it. It is there and gives a check for those who are not familiar with Microsoft alive is a platform in the team configured in 4 modules to include spirits then the experience of the collaborator and it goes down in these 4 modules in sites topix connections and learning and ignite was a moment where we announced there the availability of some of these modules then is already available in general availability in Gao viva connections which is the pillar of customizable corporate EP So you can start building there within your organization? And it was also announced that the live read does not enter public preview in April in April also entered a series of features travel sites so until then we will see a lot of living life already available for you to use there in your environment. To finish we also had some important milestones in the security workflows of Microsoft 365 is so we launched there the preview of DLP for Chrome and a shared files awards and SharePoint server which will allow customers to extend the DLP policies in all their environments in a consistent way is for those who are not familiar with it by helping to identify and prevent accidental sharing of confidential data from your company So.

It's super cool to see this is being magnified in lp coverage. And speaking still in information protection we had the launch launches including the co-authoring of documents that are protected by Microsoft information Protection so so several users will be able to work on files that are protected think it is 11 good announcement there not only on the security side but also expanding the ability to collaborate on protected and sensitive documents. We also had another security announcement that is my favorite that passwordless authentication in is jd so it also went into general availability is already in predicted is and with this feature the employees of organizations they will be able to activate and authenticate to network access without the need for password so they can use Windows Hello corporate or Microsoft authenticator application or maybe even compatible security keys from partners Microsoft. A way to innovate network access without the need for a password and ensure more security. And finally we know that all these security ads I consolidated here but there is a lot so we know that to adopt all this training is very important so Microsoft added is new 4 security certifications the identity compliance so has as complementary training has several content updates in Microsoft security content library is a long name but the link will be there for you in chat is you can access the content for now in English but there's a lot of cool security stuff there for you to check out. So I think to close my speech here of all these updates Microsoft has 365 we managed to see again there the platform evolving a lot you can see that it is constantly evolving and I wanted to pass the word now to John To Him show a little of what had to ad dynamics 365 mainly integrations there with team I think there is a lot of news so John with you and for you to share with the crowd.

Good afternoon guys first place the pleasure is here wanted to thank Jackson to dete the Rodolfo for the opportunity to speak here is really amazing even more talking to each other member of the solveia here from Microsoft I'll talk a little about this about this integration on this strength of the Microsoft cloud platform as a whole but wanted to really thank you? I'm following yesterday here ignite in details of the first section of Sasha and I'm impressed with the quantity and quality of the ads are being made in all windows so I'll talk a little more about cinema 365 and Power platform what were the main advances obviously will not give time to talk everything is in the chat here you will find a summary of dynamic ads 365 there on the Microsoft blog? Platform but it's a lot even since the first session we saw ne mix is a really cool announcement of new features for orchestral time the customer journey within the 365 m marketing is a completely different new function for customers to start enjoying even more in the world that we are seeing of changes in which we need to know exactly where the behavior that the customer has as he is interacting with you so is a very important change at the moment we are living. Another in the same session talked a lot about dns 365 intelligent order management which is another function within another way there within the animes that will help companies are seeking is to offer ministry solutions to their customers so this type of announcement if you see more details on the blog but really they show the strength of the MS platform as a whole and the Microsoft platform in addition various door ads. Currently or without end all this is impossible to talk about in that time so I will focus here on 2 parts that I found the most important pro brignais is the first of them is about the integration AA betina until it has advanced a little when she talked about inks and the integration of DM 365 but for those who have less familiarity with the m 365 it is a platform that joins several different solutions modules and that help a company both in operating areas in that room are accustomed to. As for areas of customer interaction then it is a platform that makes all this there are prm solutions makes the operation of a company really integrated and it was already very strong is for being an integrated platform by itself but when we look at us Presentations and who accompanied yesterday's presentation of the DN 365 saw that figure with the base with egger is on a compliance security base above that a second invitation auction.

23005 LinkedIn Microsoft 365 is like solutions. Above those other 2 reads is it evidences the consistency of the Microsoft cloud the strength of what they call microsoft cloud so is I wanted to explore a little more of this ads that are related to this integration between Microsoft solutions is talking about Tim specifically because I think it's what caught the most attention has a lot of news but we saw each of the modules of the net mix having functionalities integrated to Time's an example that the betina has already brought. It was the ability of you to do the setup is to control your events your webinars within the inside of the 365 m so a marketing area that wants to do this will manage to make this connection between the premiere 5 in a very very clear way very easy moreover in the modules in the breast module that for those who are already accustomed that supports the sales areas companies to manage contact with the customer manage the opportunities the videos that they have within the possible access to the team also without having a being without having to change application so you can collaborate with your sales team you can follow up on other questions with other members of your company without having to migrate application so this connection Will become clearer and clearer between this team in addition? Field service the other modes of dynamics also bring this connection so for someone who is solving a problem there of service from one of a customer to a company that needs to solve the problem in a quick way it will be much more productive with this integration with the team I do not need to leave there to consult another specialist from another area that can help me solve this problem is all it happens from a completely integrated form moreover connection with h connection with service wire connection with the brother of Assisi all this Tim. And then in the mix they are integrated and there is a lot of news coming in the coming months is I think this is to show the strength of microsoft platform as a whole shows the strength is of the do we call Business applications MS 365 per platform and taking advantage I'll move on to this second part that for me is my favorite I'm suspicious to talk about Power platform but the evolution that we see in all the solutions then as I had already said in power bi automatic power? It has seen in recent years is amazing is the numbers that were shown regret by Mana yesterday show that is 86% of the 500 largest companies in the United States already use epis 97% use somehow or Power platform so virtually all the big companies in the United States in Brazil the numbers are great too of them so using the solutions in Word and the other from Microsoft to transform their business. It is for those who do not know the Power Plate forme was created integrating these differences the 4 solutions that I mentioned here and he has as main objective of it is to really democratize the use of technology he unites is the system developer ie that the professional who does not have a knowledge of development programming with the IT professional is that has to be able to manage their environment safely and the developers he was done to just bring this into making. The 3 types of professionals as productive as possible and some announcements that came that evidenced made it very clear that even first the announcement of the Power automate desktop already included in Windows 10 then users of Windows 10 will have access to the Power automation power this allows ordinary users who have no technical deep knowledge they will manage to create automated processes it will save much of the time they were spending on repetitive tasks by example in the email a spreadsheet.

From that sky sharing the report that is repetitive they will save this time and bring to supply for activities very much that demand a creativity a power is human much greater this shows one is one of the functions that is aimed at sites still candles even another announcement that there I think interested more to IT professionals are the features that were included related to the governance of the environment within Portland for that era request from some customers. But now with one has a list of features too you will see there has a post No Microsoft blog explaining each of them but basically the TE professional now has much more intelligence control over what is being done of the company so what applications have been developed the processes which connectors are being used if I need to limit the use of a connector for a certain area it will be possible now and finally speaking of developer another other very good news was the release of Power flex? Which is a language is open source is based on No no in the syntax of heaven so she I think I left last precisely because it shows this connection between the different types of professionals is a language that will allow one has it despite pros and developers speak the same language and work together to create amazing applications for company to create the automated processes to create to bring much more intelligence essays for each organization. I think this was a quick summary here is I wanted to go back to Jackson again thank everyone is a pleasure to be here and fought for opportunity wonder John thank you very much I think the interesting we observe here when Microsoft draws the portfolio of products and services she has in mind a journey of digital transformation well complete we observed here the ads of fashion egger. As they connect right and when a technology comes up like some points that Rodolfo brought this ends up permeating the entire portfolio of Microsoft right then an example he talked here of the recognition of forms right recognition of documents so this is a video is an artificial intelligence feature that we realize that can be easily embarked on functionality of a movement of applications leased from there in Business applications right do in Power this lija with this feature? To fill out the form automatically using AA part of form recognition or from Rodolfo also spoke of semantic search right not only search for that Word but do not know how to do semantic search there within Word or even within the team I was talking about a subject is seeing how you manage to embody these these technologies independent of the solucione here we are working because everything is has say a common basis of technology that is is the entire microsoft portfolio? Yes I wanted to thank the presence of the penises here at this event I wanted to thank the people who are watching us here this is not a time an isolated moment here in time and space is personal we draw here at Microsoft has all the backstage team here that works very carefully and very planning the events and opportunities that we have to interact with the audience Microsoft it does not follow much that line of pouring enlightened knowledge into the audience people quite the contrary tries to seek moments of interaction right of which creation? And building the technical knowledge in a collaborative way we left several links there several resources for you with a calendar of events features of the ads and we are want to continue this dialogue we want to continue these conversations are these announcements 30 minutes is not enough for us to talk about everything that was announced Night so we will work a lot this content there in the following months I wanted to thank the team that helped here behind the scenes everybody who participated everybody who's watching us. I hope you keep enjoying IGN and see you next time.

2021-03-14 13:54

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