Water Fuel Technology For Everyone - Hydrogen Fuel Systems

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hello this is the aquatune HB and there's several different units available different models and units available um I've been running the system now for approximately two months and I'm very happy with the the results the fuel efficiency and the horsepower increase there's aquatune guarantees a 25 increase in fuel efficiency minimum if you do not achieve a minimum increase of 25 fuel efficiency there's a money back guarantee so I with that and with my study of the the way the system works which is the theory of how the system works I was very comfortable in trying the system I tried the system with when you buy the system it comes with this unit here basically the the processor and one generator I added three generators I wanted three additional generators because I wanted more hydrogen so you can you have that option but these are these cost extra you buy these separately um the unit comes with this here this part well this part is what is this car is using um each car has its own setup um specifics that you know you you'll get set up instructions for for your particular car your particular model car um this is the the water reservoir here and that this water reservoir is a smaller one it holds two liters of water approximately one half of a gallon of water they have bigger bigger water reservoirs as well this is the small car it's only a one liter engine so so um I didn't need a very big uh water reservoir um I wanna go over some things about how the system works okay how I understand the system to work um basically this system is 60 hydrogen 40 water injection let me let me show you the old the older technology this is something that I had purchased a couple years approximately a couple years ago and this is a a hydrogen generator and this unit you can see the size of it it's fairly large this unit requires approximately 12.5 amps okay 12 volts 12.5 amps and produces approximately 1.8 liters of hydrogen per minute 1.8 liters of hydrogen per minute at 12.5 amps okay these these generators here only require 1.5 amps

to make 2.5 liters of hydrogen per minute that's each generator I'm running four generators three here and this unit here okay the distilled water which is about 88 cents per gallon as of the as of the date of the making of this video Walmart sells distilled water for 88 cents a gallon you can get distilled water probably at just about any Market the water is pulled in through the processor actually you know what I'm going to do I'm going to read to you what what what uh Aqua Teen has on their website you could read this for yourself by going to to the aquatune website okay so I'll read this to you and then I'll explain as I'm reading it I'll try to explain what part of the unit what what I'm talking about on the unit okay Aqua tune and see if it'll show up here Aqua tune water injection system this system is 60 hydrogen production and 40 water injection the water is brought up to the processor by Venturi vacuum okay this is the processor so the water is brought up to the processor by Venturi vacuum Venturi vacuum comes from these Venturi nozzles in here these These are nozzles that go into the intake manifold and if you study if you do a search do a Google search on Venturi okay Venturi is v-n-v-e-n-t-u-r-i vacuum v-a-c-u-u-m you'll see that that the the theory of how Venturi Works basically the air that's coming through the the um intake manifold passes the Venturi nozzles and creates a vacuum inside these through this unit here okay which pulls which maintains a vacuum throughout the Power Band of the of the engine running let me just read this to you actually I'll just I'll just focus on reading this to you the okay the water is brought up to the processor by Venturi vacuum which is created by aventuri injector nozzle this then maintains a strong vacuum signal to the processor all the way through the power band the vacuum is pulled through the processor at 1200 feet per second okay the air comes through here okay and this is the processor and there's a very small passage of where the air can squeeze through like a needle and that's where you're getting the 1200 feet per second of air passing through that needle-like area okay yeah this air enters this air enters into the resident Echo chamber where the tuning fork is located this keeps the frequency constant as the water is brought into the echo chamber which is so we have air coming in and we have water coming in okay to the echo chamber okay [Music] this air enters into the resident Echo chamber where the tuning fork is located this keeps the frequency constant as the water is brought into the echo chamber the water is violently torn apart by cavitation and frequency as well as a static charge this in turn a static charge is like static electricity like if you rub your feet on the carpet and and then touch something it shocks while water can also create can also generate static electricity which is part of how the system works this system here the aquatin this in turn loosens the bond between the hydrogen and the oxygen hence the cracking of the water okay cracked water is a is the covalent bond that holds the water molecule together it holds the oxygen and the hydrogen together the covalent bond okay I'm I'm saying this myself I'm not reading this I'm just telling you if you want to research this on your own you can research covalent bond of the water molecule okay so it's it's basically crap making it's basically weakening the covalent bond when it's when they say cracked water that's weakening weakening the covalent bond hence the cracking of the water this cracked water now enters into the hydrogen generator powered by a 12 volt power source so basically you plug it into your to your car battery basically you just hook it into the battery there because the water is cracked which means the covalent bond is now weak and it's ready to be to be to separate into hydrogen and oxygen because the water is cracked it is extremely easy to separate the hydrogen from the oxygen using only 1.5 amps to produce 2.5 liters of hydrogen per minute there are two there are two functions to the hydrogen generator a small pathway in the generator allows a portion of the cracked water to pass through this stabilizes the hydrogen this then expands the fossil fuel during the compression cycle when this mixture goes through the combustion cycle you have a more complete burn rate and because of the higher compression and a cooler burn rate you have more horsepower the rich robust combustion pass in the O2 sensors tell doses O2 sensor tells the computer to hold back on the fuel without using any kind of computer manipulators this will be easy to see with a computer scanner as it will show the long-term and short-term feel trims to be in the negative range okay now I want to compare this system with the older technology I'm calling it the older technology just that's just what I'm calling it it doesn't it I know people still use the the other generators people are still using these I know people still use these but I'm what I like is a lot of hydrogen I wanted a lot of hydrogen and um and the more hydrogen this produce much more hydrogen than that unit I have over here over there and this takes much less power all all four of these because they only take 1.5 amps each all four take approximately 6 amps and produce four times 2.5 liters of hydrogen per minute so so basically that's quite efficient very efficient which is what I like about it um okay I'm trying to think of what I can say next to you what I did here is I set up a little uh a little demonstration of a generator basically excuse me one moment okay right here we have one of the generators here we have a generator this is one of the aqua tune generators okay this here this part here that screws in that has the threads on it that's the part that you see that's just air bubbles right there that's error because we're not powered up yet see the positive wires right here um that's the one you see here that's this unit here that screws into this okay and each of these have wires going to them see these are the wires there's a positive and a negative on each of these okay they go around this is a fuse okay and then it just hooks into the battery it hooks into the to the positive of the battery and to the ground okay so here I have a little setup here to show you the hydrogen production okay I have a the meter I have an amp meter okay and this is on the the meter is is on the positive wire which is not connected to the battery yet okay here is our little generator which which produces 2.5 liters of hydrogen per

minute at only 1.5 amps okay now the amperage will be a little higher here it'll be like 1.9 or approximately because that's because we're using here we're using a faucet water and the way that this system works is you do not have to use electrolyte because the static charge basically the static charge like the static electricity of the water going through the unit through the through the through the processor that acts like an electrolyte okay that's the way the system works but here we're because I want to show you um the hydrogen production so you can see that the generators do produce hydrogen this will allow uh we are using the faucet water in faucet water because it has minerals and stuff in it it it actually acts like an electrolyte so so that's why the amperage will be a little bit higher but you'll still see how much bubbles it produces so let me go ahead and put my earplugs in okay so I'm going to go ahead and hook up the the positive here so as you can see Okay negative this is the negative wire going to the negative of this generator the Aqua Teen generator okay and the positive as you can see here okay goes well I have it hit here for now and I'm going to go ahead and hook it up here and then I'm going to go ahead and light the bubbles coming out of the generator so you can see them that this is actually producing hydrogen okay okay where are we at we're at one point six amps okay and let's light the hydrogen bubbles okay so you can see that that this is definitely producing hydrogen okay this is definitely producing hydrogen Ortho hydrogen that's Ortho hydrogen Ortho hydrogen is the same hydrogen that powers the space shuttle Ortho hydrogen okay Ortho hydrogen is extremely powerful extremely explosive so and it's produced on demand we're not storing hydrogen anywhere the car does not have any hydrogen tanks on it so basically we're producing the hydrogen this is this is your fuel water distilled water getting pulled through the system with vacuum and if you want to understand how vacuum is maintained like I was saying earlier just read up on Venturi nozzles study Venturi nozzle or you know read up on Venturi and the way that works there's there's theory behind how it works because um when you're at wide open throttle the vacuum in the intake manifold is very low but because there's airflow coming through coming past the Venturi nozzles that creates that creates the vacuum that maintains the vacuum signal as aquatune says that maintains the vacuum signal so that's basically the way the system works I'm going to do a drive test to show you guys how how the uh the system does in the car um I'm not using the the Hybrid battery on this car I'm just using the three cylinder one liter 61 cubic inch engine and um to just let you know that that without using the bat the Hybrid battery the high voltage battery on this car this is a hybrid it's the 2000 Honda Insight and on this car when you don't use the Hybrid battery and you just run the engine the small engine the 61 cubic inch engine by itself it was very slow very very slow and if you read reviews on this car 2000 to 2006 Honda Insight you'll see that you'll see people talking about that how the engine is not very fast and that's with the Hybrid battery hooked up that's how they're reviewing the car so imagine the power without the hyper battery it's even less power but with this with this system I basically turned this into a hydrogen hybrid so instead of using the high voltage electric battery which is 144 volt nickel metal hydride battery which is 120 D cell D cells D size cells in the back I've got I've turned that off and disabled it because this car has a lot of miles and that battery is very weak so instead of buying a new battery I bought this system for about half the cost of buying a new battery and the car is actually faster than it was when I had the uh the Hybrid battery being when I was actually using the Hybrid battery although when you first take off on this car because it has very tall gears when you first take off it doesn't have the same torque so it did have more torque for First Take just when you're first getting going but it now has a lot more power you know throughout the whole Power Band with this with this system so um and I am planning on on fixing the batteries at some point in time in this car but I'm quite happy with the aqua tune system and I wanted to share this experience with you this is not just a a water injection system it's a hydrogen it's primarily hydrogen injection and it also injects water and even that water that's being injected is also usable energy with the way that it works and it's very detailed and very technical and I I love understanding the way things work I'll make another video that goes into more detail about about the system this is just a basic introduction to the aquatune HB and to show that these generators do produce hydrogen okay 2.5 liters of a hydrogen per minute each generator at only 1.5

amps per generator that's very efficient meaning very low power consumption per the energy that it that it actually produces which you know the the fuel that it produces which is which is what interests me in the system and um uh so we'll do the drive test and then I'll show you how the car runs on the road and how how fast it is it's actually very fast very powerful and I'm quite happy with this so I hope this video was helpful to you so far and um if you have any other questions I'll do my best to answer and keep in mind that you can call aquatune directly and they are in America and you can ask any questions you have the aqua tune is highly qualified to answer questions about their systems their these systems are very well made I'm very happy with it okay so um here we go I'm gonna pause and then I'll start I'll I'll start the camera back up when I'm in the car and driving it have a good day bye [Music] foreign [Music] all right foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign


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