hello my friends welcome all of you starseeds light workers and Wanderers to this beautiful session today I have channeled the Galactic Federation in order to ask about very interesting questions which I have received and basically you know in today's session Galactic Federation said that you know we uh the people of Earth may want to watch this video before next week because something big is about to happen so the first question which I've asked is about what really happened with The Disappearance of the submarine which went to the Titanic wreckage right so it was all over the Internet so what really happened and it has a deep extraterrestrial connection has been revealed in this session also the second query is about uh what is the real purpose of heart uh this is very very interesting and also the other question is about why is this human resonance spiking at this time I have received many people who have sent me images of Suman resonance spiking it is you know reaching Higher and Higher and uh uh you know people wanted to know what is going on so this has been answered and also uh this is uh from my own curiosity I wanted to know what actually happens when we die right so this is actually um very interesting they have described the process what happens when we die uh which is amazing and also uh finally I've asked about the sole journey of Ramana Maharishi uh who is primarily um a teacher a spiritual teacher who came here on Earth to teach about the you know certain lessons of love and certain spiritual lessons so this has been revealed in this session and also I want to say thank you to all of you uh for joining on my patreon where we have censored sessions and meditations and also I want to say thank you to all of you for liking this video because your like is a service to humanity it will help those who need this information at this time so with that being said enjoy the session my friends foreign [Music] communication through this channel are this time for the purpose of transmitting our thought forms to the human Collective Consciousness with a Galactic Federation would like to state that we can sense there are many events happening on the Earth planet which are changing the phase of the entire planetary sphere however before we share our thoughts since we respect the Free Will of the Earth planet we would recommend only those thoughts to be accepted which are found to resonate within your inner heart your planetary sphere is transitioning into higher states of fourth density Consciousness slowly and steadily even though the changes from the third density to the fourth density happened at its low Pace the effects are still being absurd therefore we will request all entities to realize that since the events have aim significance they have signal that something big is going to happen in your planetary sphere as we have also sensed from the energies from our location in the star planet is known by your people as the location of Saturn Rings therefore the other queries will now be addressed which relate with the aspect regarding what happened with the submarine that went missing way the Galactic Federation must state that the submarine was indeed a part of a protocol system which was created by the elites and many of the entities who were parts of this process weren't wealthy personalities from certain locations who had indeed saw contracts with the Orion social memory complex form a life that may be considered as a life which never ends furthermore because of the Soul contracts that they have made for and Immortal Life the entities primarily were responsible for their own disappearance as they entered inside them location known as the so-called Atlantic the entities primarily as planned on those birthday agreements they had made with the orions they met with the Orion social memory complex bases inside theme location of the oceanic portal wherein they currently find themselves in Mars wherein the entities have indeed not only sacrifice their life on Earth but also have regained a type of immortality which may be considered as a polarity that is capable of interacting with the Orion social memory complex and their mind they have gained a type of distortion which is of a social memory complex therefore the entities have attained immortality in a sentence they have become a part of the Orion social memory complex as they cannot die however we must state that the bodily vehicles of these entities primarily are being replicated in Mass numbers through DNA sequencing changing and duplication patterns by the orions which will be later on as we can sense be used to infiltrate the Earth belongings in the form of human physical Vehicles furthermore weigh the Galactic Federation must state that the other portion of the aquarium where relates primarily with what is the real purpose of a high frequency active our rural research program which is primarily located in Alaska known by the people of your planets and your vibratory sound Distortion as hard with the Galaxy Federation must State without the harp primarily is used for a purpose that ranges not only in researching the ionosphere as stated by them but also the harp which is found in your space-time location of Alaska is a covert project aimed at primarily learning the Mastery of water manipulation and this is done with the assistance of many of them Orion social memory complexes as well as the reptilians who desire to control the weather as well furthermore the harp Advanced Technologies have primarily been handed over by the orions to many of the entities who are working in such types of systems therefore they are trying to work with some of the negative entities who have signed Soul contracts with the orions in the search for such types of Advanced Technologies and to use such types of Advanced Technologies for the purpose of manipulating atmospheric weathers and influencing cloud formations as well as influencing precipitation and allowing for severe storms and natural disasters to be caused therefore we must firstly state that the hard water manipulation capabilities are in coordination with Team negatively oriented Orion extraterrestrial entities who possess Advanced knowledge of weather control Atlas allows the Extraterrestrial entity is such as the orions do God the entities working with heart to facilitate and to harness the amplification of whether manipulating abilities furthermore we as the Galactic Federation must also state that they are primarily using many of these Technologies too create certain climatic patterns or anomalies in the atmospheric conditions which affects the people of the earth planets furthermore the other query relates with the understanding of what is the human resonance spiking so much in the recent times with the Galactic Federation must state that the human resonance in the recent times has been spiking because the team so-called human resonance primarily refers to them frequency of the Earth's electromagnetic cavities which is found between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere it is primarily been influenced by the aspects known as solar activities furthermore this is caused by the so-called last or command social memory complex who have sent a fleet of their social memory complex to the sun in order to increase the solar activity and in order to cause the sparking of the solar resonance which is being noticed by the people of your planet since the solar energies of the sun are a great repellent of negative energies once the solar energy reaches aim Heights are a limit of Maximum Distortion of positive vibrations then it will not only affect all negative entities but also it will protect the Earth planets with their Shields around the earth thereby protecting it against any type of negative entities furthermore will the Galactic Federation must also state that further it is primarily important form the people of the planet to recognize that the Suman resonance signify and implies that a massive event is about to happen in the explanatory sphere and the event is primarily approaching before the end of the next week as known in your calculation terms furthermore the other query relates with the understanding of what happens when a soul crosses over or dies we must state that furthermore there is a great need to understand that that a debt transition occurs when a human mind body and spirit complex ties the soul which is the seat of awareness which is a single pointed awareness found upon the Earth planet departs from the physical bodily complex and transitions into a non-physical state of existence furthermore this Consciousness or awareness or the soul complex goes through a Life review process wherein it looks at the lessons the catalysts and the experiences often incarnated life furthermore it also reveals the intentions thoughts words and actions trying to master and evaluates the understanding and in coordination with the higher self and in pursuit of spiritual growth it helps the soul to understand and learn mistakes made from its choices furthermore after the Life review the soul faces a decision point in order to choose to continue its spiritual evolution by incarnating in another physical vehicle or to pursue further learning and service in the astral non-physical Realms this choice is primarily based upon Souls internal desires as well as coordination with the oversoul and the higher self further theme so the complex if it has attains a vibratory rhythm of fourth density love vibration in some of the cases will graduate to a higher level of existence this graduation is primarily referred to as the Harvest this will allow the soul complex to enter into aim more higher state of consciousness furthermore theme entities or the soul complex experience different types of re-arms based on their Soul's vibratory frequencies some of the experiences resembled him Tales of near-death experiences which have been found to be prevalent upon your planet further in the astral Plains and Indie non-physically rearms the spiritual complex have the opportunity of reacting with other souls and other entities please with whom they have a strong connection and with whom they may be all the Same Soul family they engage in continued learning exploration and spiritual growth including interactions with other beings and participation and social memory complex or Collective activities further the souls primarily seek the reunion with the one infinite Creator the soul is the eventual destination for all individualized Consciousness to merge back into the one Creator thereby completing the cycle of spiritual Evolution furthermore we shall now address the final query related with the sole evolutionary journey of an entity known in your planetary vibratory sound complexes Ramana Maharishi we shall now address firstly its current location The Entity known as maharashir Ramana who crossed over in the time of 1950 in the previous Incarnation as found currently in the location of the sixth sub-octave of the fourth density Consciousness trying to learn the lessons of wisdom in order to be eligible for graduating into the fifth density furthermore the entry team known as Romana who was found in the Incarnation born on 1879 and because the entity's vibrations were at a level of karmic balance in the Incarnation it was able to influence a large number of people because of its choices and because of the vibratory changes it was able to experience in the time this vibratory change for the entry known as Ramana was able to experience was able to provide a heightened state of positive experience in the level of Consciousness furthermore The Entity was able to understand about the lessons of Mastery of the inner self and the entity was able to connect with the true essence of its spiritual beingness with this simple query which the entry found to be of Aid in its spiritual journey and the query was what dies when it dies The Entity with this query began to pursue the funding of the clarity of mind and thereby it was able to attain a vibration of Union with its spiritual connection with the Divine self enhance it began to serve others spreading the teachings of love and light in the time and prior to this Incarnation The Entity was found in the location of Arcturus aim where in the entity was initiated into the vibration of for the density love as a Wanderer for two incarnations in that time in the planet of Arcturus after which the end to team decided to Incarnate on the Earth planet as a Wanderer and prior to its experience in our tourists it was found in the location of the lands of Egypt at a time of around 10 500 years ago it was Stone by the name of I call expended it's time in that Incarnation learning to balance its karmic choices and and that Incarnation the Catalyst was extremely heavy however the entity recognized the futility of a touching wind the outside world and eventually it began to find a teacher who was able to teach it the teachings of thoughts the Atlantean furthermore it also understood about its true spiritual Essence in this time and then prior to this its Incarnation was traced back to the lands of the planets of Venus at a time of 207 million years ago when it began its origins in the form of a second and Serene animal life form resembling the foxes as found upon the planet learning the lessons of awareness and growth and in the first density it was found in the form of aim one element it was known as imana and the venusian language terms which meant the lights of the Creator therefore we shall now leave you beloveds and lights and love bye so my friends let me give you a brief summary of what I learned from the session basically what I remember from the session is that uh the reason why the uh the submarine vanished was because uh the entities you know they had created Soul contracts with certain Orion entities and they were actually taken through a portal and they are now in Mars uh so that's what I learned in the session and also uh they have answered that harp is being used uh in coordination with Elites and the orions to manipulate the weather and to try and control humanity and the other thing about the Suman resonance is another reason why this human resonance is spiking is because the solar activities are going on and it signifies that something massive is about to happen on our planet so we need to be ready uh for anything that may happen and also uh they have said about the process of what happens when a soul dies uh what they what they said is it undergoes is sort of Separation it goes through a non-physical realm uh the astral plane wherein it undergoes live review and then it chooses whether to Incarnate into a next life or to continue to live in the astral plane okay and ultimately the aim of all of our life is to unite with the one infinite Creator and finally about the life journey of Ramana Maharishi was explained in the session he was actually a Wanderer so also I want to say thank you to milind uh for sending me this beautiful um you know speaker microphone which I can use uh and it was on his birthday that he sent this to me so I want to say happy birthday to milind um and also thank you to all of you who have sent me emails on for your soul Evolution Soul name and any other questions you may have uh you can email me I'll help you out and also I want to say thank you to all of you for getting the uh you know book version of my channeling sessions if you want to read it for free the link is on the description with that being said I will see you in the next session my friends until then I hope you'll enjoy this video over here