2020 Census Program Management Review Jan 26 2018

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Good. Afternoon. Good. Afternoon. Hi. I'm, al Fontenot, I'm the Associate Director of the city of census programs, and I'd love to welcome you those of you who are here in our auditorium, at, census, headquarters, and also those of you who are joining us online, to. Our January. 2018. 2020. Census. Program management. Review, we. Are looking forward to sharing the, progress in our program with you over, the next few hours but first a few housekeeping items. Kyle, wilcoxon. From our technical team will take a few minutes to discuss using, the iPads, on your table, and connecting. To our guest Wi-Fi Kyle. Thank, You al good. Afternoon everyone my name is Kyle wilcoxon and I'm gonna give you a brief demonstration on how to use your iPads, for today and again, providing the instructions on connecting to the guest wireless, all. Right so if we can take the iPads to the home screen by pressing the, home button on the right side of the iPad. In the middle. And. When you get there you'll have two, applications, the, first application, is maas360. In this, application, is used to view all the presentations. And documents for the conference the. Documents, will be on the left-hand side of the screen and when you select the document it will appear on the right side. All. Right if you want to expand the view there, is an X on the top middle of the screen so. You just select that to expand the view and when. You're ready to go back to the other documents, you'll select Docs which, is located on the top left of the iPad. All. Right if we go back to the home screen the next. Application is Safari and this is simply your web browser. All. Right if you need to connect a device to our Wi-Fi, first. You're going to connect your device to system 10 and, once. You're connected if. You go to your preferred web browser and attempt, to access a webpage it. Will redirect you to enter a username and password and the. Username and password are listed, on, the tablet overview which, is located, in the maas360, app. If. You go in here, overview. The credentials, are on the bottom. All. Right if you have any questions throughout the p.m. are myself. And other analysts, will be here to assist thank, you. Thank. You Kyle. Please. Remember, that our program management review is being webcast live, so consider your mic live. At all times so things that you may say, to your. Desk partner. Would, be heard by our entire audience here, and online so, you may consider your mics live at. The end of each presentation, we're gonna have a question and answer period when. You're asking, a question, please share your name affiliation. And, speak directly into the mic so our friends online will be able to hear you as well, as those of us here in the auditorium, if, you, are joining us online and, you have a question, please, send an email to 2020. Dot, Census, dot PMR at census gov, and I will say that again 2020. Census. Dot p.m. are at census.gov. Right. Now mic Polinsky our chief of acquisitions. Will say a few words to remind our staff of the legal, obligations. With speaking with contractors, mic legal. So, again. Mike Polanski just. Just, remember, during breaks we. Have a lot of discussions, we have a lot of contractors, here we have a lot of government, people here and program people here so just remember stick, to things that are publicly available don't. Comment about, other, contractors. Performance. If you're working on a program, to another, contractor. And stuff like those things so anything. That's publicly, available anything, we talked about today anything, that's out in the public we can talk about but. Anything that really is sensitive, internal, within any contract, that's going on or an acquisition or, performance.

Of A contract please, keep to yourself, okay. That's. It thank. You Mike, if you, are here from the media we've asked that you sign in and hope that you have already done so there's, a designated, area for you to sit with staff from the Census, Bureau's public information, office they are here to help you, if you have questions, or if you would like to, have an interview, with 2020. Census leadership, and staff Michael. Cook chief, of public information offices. Us this afternoon Michael will you wave your hand in the back there and may. I ask you and your staff to stand so you can be easily identified. Pio, staff, raise your hands. Thank. You very much, a, few. Last. Reminders. The. Location, of the restrooms, there down the, hallway, outside the auditorium next, to the green elevators, and lastly. In case of emergency, please listen to our audio system, and if. Required we. Will exit the building using the emergency, exits that you see around the room, there's. One back behind me, to, my right and. There. Are some down at that end of the hall so if we do, get an alert we will leave. The building, that. Way, we. Are all happy, to be back from the short shutdown, and back. On track working, on the. 2020, census, we have a lot of information to share with you today and I'm, going to begin by discussing some of our high-level program, updates, and then I'll touch on some of our hot issues, after. I've completed that high-level overview we're, going to discuss, the 2020. Census, operations, beginning with a process, overview, of how. The. Questions, are planned and submitted, for the 2020, census, in the American Community Survey followed. By a discussion, of our language, services. Operation. Then. We will move to providing, an update on the 2018, end-to-end test. Followed. By a briefing. On Census. Bureau partnership, with the United States Postal, Service, we'll, then take a break after, that break we will have an exciting demonstration of the automated, recruiting, and assessment. Application. That's currently, deployed, in Providence. Rhode Island and being used to recruit and assess candidates, for field workers, for, our upcoming field, test. Finishing. The afternoon, will. Provide a detailed update of our major contracts. And a, presentation, on the current status of our, systems, readiness, the. Success, of the. 2020, census, really, rests, on the collective, talents, of the team working. On a program both within the, a little Directorate, and across, the Census Bureau so, before I begin the, presentation I'd, like to maintain the tradition, that we have of recognizing. New managers, and new, roles of some of our current managers, within our decennial leadership. Team in. The, office of the Associate Director of decennial, census, Maryann Chapin is. Now the special, assistant to Jim treat was, the assistant director for the city of census programs, previously. She was an assistant division chief in the decennial census, management division. Maryann. Thank. You. Gary. Chappell is the. New senior, advisor on administrative. Records, for the 2020, census program previously. Gary, was program analyst, in the decennial communications. Coordination, office Gary, he's. Not here okay, in, the. Decennial census, management division. Jennifer Reichert is now assistant, division chief for non-response. Evaluations. And experiments. Previously. She was assistant, division. Chief in our ACS, office jennifer. In. The. Decennial budget, office Ben, Taylor is now chief of the decennial budget office Emily Kirk crunch is now serving as deputy chief of dbo and Jamie, Walsh has moved into the devio leadership, team with a portfolio, that will focus on the, budget for the 2020, census support and infrastructure, projects, including SEP cat and, tabby.

Ambu Has moved into the DPO leadership, team with a portfolio that will focus on the budget for, the 2020, census, operational. Projects, as well as the American Community, Survey Geographic. Support. And sets.i. May, I ask Ben Emily, Jamie and Debbie please to Stan. In. The American, Community, Survey office, Donna, Daly is a new assistant division chief for data collection having, previously served a special assistant to the division chief Tori Volkov Donna. In. Our decennial studies, division we'd like to give special recognition to. Rick Griffin Rick. Worked on each census. Going back to 1980. And retired. Last, month we, deeply appreciate his, many years of service to the Census Bureau I'd. Also like to give a special recognition to Diane Barrett, who, also retired. Earlier, this month I've mentioned them together. Because. Each of them, worked on five decennial. Censuses. 1980. 1990. 2000. 2010. And 2020, and both, made important, contributions before. They recently retired theirs, is a remarkable. Record of service so let's give all of these, folks a hand please. Thank. You very much now. Let's turn to our program. Management, updates. Let. Me begin with the status update on three, items. The, Census, Bureau needed, to make a decision on, the, design of the race and ethnicity questions. By December, 31st, 2017. In, order to prepare 2020. Census, systems, and to, deliver the final 2020. Question wording to Congress, by, March 31st, 2018. Which, is our legal requirement. All, Federal. Statistical, agencies including. The Census Bureau must adhere to the, 1997. Office. Of Management and, Budget revisions. To the standards, for the classification. Of federal data on race and ethnicity. Following. OMB x' current, standards, the Census Bureau will use two separate questions for, collecting, data on race and ethnicity in the, 2018, end-to-end census. Test and as, the, proposed, format, for the 2020, census, the, OMB standards specify. That there are two categories of, data. On ethnicity. Hispanic. Or Latino and not, Hispanic, or Latino, and there, are five minimum, categories. For data, on race. Alphabetically. They are American, Indian or Alaska native, agen, black, or african-american, Native. Hawaiian, or other Pacific Islander. And white, the. OMB standards state, that respondents. Should be offered the option of reporting, more than one race. Additionally. The standard specified, that when two separate questions are collected, separately ethnicity.

Should Be collected, first an individual's. Response, to the ethnicity, question and the race question is purely based on their self-identification. The. Race and ethnicity questions, includes several design features, that, were tested over the past decade, in an effort to improve our designs for the 2010, census, we, will be collecting multiple, Hispanic. Ethnicities such as mexican, and puerto rican. While. We're also adding a write-in area, and examples. For the white racial category, and for the black racial category, and removing. The term negro. Additionally. We are adding examples, of the, American Indian or Alaska native, racial category, for tribe, in. Accordance. With the current oh em B standards, the Census Bureau will not use a combined question format, for collecting, race and ethnicity. Additionally. We will not ask a separate Middle Eastern or North African, category on. The census form. We. Believe that we would require more research, in. The, two question format on the Mena question, before it could be added as a category. The. Second area I would like to update is the residence, criteria. Every. Decade the census undertakes, a review, of the, decennial, residence, criteria, and residents, situations, to ensure that the concept. Of usual residents, is interpreted. And applied to. The, decennial census, as intended, and that these, interpretations. Are consistent. With the intent of the law which. Directs, Census Bureau to enumerate, people at their usual residence. On May. 20th, 2015, the, Census Bureau requested, public, comment, on the, 2010, census, residents criteria, and residence situations, through the Federal. Register notice, to. Determine if changes, should be made for. The 2020, census. On June 30th. 2016, a, Census Bureau requested, public comment, on the proposed 2020. Census, residents, criteria, and residents, situations, through the Federal Register again, we. Are still finalizing our, final, residence criteria, decisions, and we'll be announcing them in a Federal Register notice, posting, to, be posted, in the, near future, the. Third area I would like to address the citizenship. The. Census Bureau is in receipt of a, requests from the United States Department of Justice regarding. The addition, of a question, about citizenship. Status to. The 2020, census, the. Census Bureau is conducting, an orderly, review of the, Department, of Justice, requests. Attorneys. From the Department, of Commerce are currently, examining, the justification. For the data needed by the Department, of Justice, technical. Experts, at the Census Bureau are also looking at the issue we. Will keep you apprised of any development. Regarding, the census, citizenship. Question. Again. We. Are focused, on having. The, final, list of questions, submitted. To Congress, which is our legal requirement, by March 31st. I. Would. Now like to give you a brief update on program. Funding, as I. You are surely aware, the government, is currently under, another, continuing, resolution this. One extends, through February 8 2017. Which, means that in general spending, continues to be capped at 2017. Funding, levels however, the 2020, census program received. An anomaly, provision, in the CR which allows the program to spend. At a faster, rate during the CR than the 2017. Rate of operations, this, anomaly, was granted, to enable, the program to stay on course, for. The 2018, into--in, census, test peak operations. And to make key purchases, to enable us to build out the 2020, field on infrastructure, we. Are closely tracking our spending, to ensure that we are supporting, the systems, and program, priorities, that, will keep us on the critical, path for our successful.

2020. Census. At the, October PMR, we. Shared with, you the. High-level information about. The revised, 2020. Census, lifecycle cost, estimate, which was fifteen point six billion dollars, this. Represented, the culmination, of work, that took place throughout last, year to. Remind you of the comments I made at the last PMR we. Work closely with the Department of Commerce providing. Them with the information they. Needed to develop their independent. Cost estimate, we, reconciled. Their findings, with the assumptions, and parameters, underlying. Our lifecycle. Cost estimate, we, also work closely with, independent. Consultants, assigned, by the Department, of Commerce to review, our systems, and our operations. Last. Fall we, arrived at our revised 2020. Census lifecycle costs, estimate which, fully reflects, all costs. That would be required to ensure, a high-quality, 2020. Census, we're. Doing this in line with, Government Accountability Office best. Practices. For, cost estimation. In, early. December, the final details and documentation. Behind the lifecycle cost estimate, were finalized, and transmitted, to our oversight, community, including. Gao o IG, and OMB, this. Suite of artifacts, included. A basis, of estimate, for. The lifecycle, cost estimate, and, detail. Source documents, justifying, the assumptions, and the parameters, driving, our conclusions. Just. This week we released an executive, summary, for. The, lifecycle costs estimate of the Census, Bureau on the Census Bureau website this. Presents and summarizes. The process, changes. And results. Of the work in a highly readable and graphical. Format, that should be approachable, for any interested, members of the public we, invite you to read it and we. Will welcome any questions or discussions, that would arise from, reading the, executive, summary of our lifecycle cost estimate. Moving. Forward we'll be updating, the 2020, census. Lifecycle cost. Estimate, regularly. As we. Refine any key assumptions, or methodology. This. Allows, the, cost, but to be used as a key tool for program. Management, and you. We will use it to justify budget, requirements, support resource allocation, decisions assess. Prioritizations. And to develop, an informed, understanding of, the projected, costs and risks, of our program, a. Reliable. Lifecycle, assessment will. Increase, the probability of program, success. Okay. Next. Slide. We. Are now. 795. Days. From census, day in 2020. And we're. On track for successful, census I would. Like to spend the next few minutes with some big-picture updates, of where, we are, you've. Seen the slide in each of our PMR, before. The. Slide represents a, summary. Picture of the key activities, that we have planned to get us through the. 2018, end-to-end test, and through. The, 2020. Census, this.

Afternoon, We'll be focusing, much of our discussion on updating. And our. Information. On our testing, the, status, of our key contracts. And our, current, systems, readiness, assessment, before. I move on to the next slide let me give you a brief update on some, of the ongoing 2020. Operations, we're. Continuing, to see very positive. Numbers, in, our Luca program that's our local update, of census, addresses we've. Registered eleven, thousand, and ninety three governments, to date in the program and those, government's cover ninety, six point eight percent of the US population and. Ninety, seven six point seven percent of the housing, units within the United States, forty. Two states have registered, which is up from 28 states in the 2010, census, now before some of you have, that, our math people, start to say if you only have 42 states, how can you be at ninety six point eight percent of the US population. In. Those states that have not registered, key, counties, and cities, and, local governmental, units, have individually. Registered, I can give you examples, in a large state like. Where you'll have the County, surrounding, dallas-fort, worth El, Paso, San, Antonio, Houston. All, registered. Individually. The state itself is not registered but the areas, that are not covered are large areas with very few people in very few housing units so because, we have a multi-tiered. Approach Toluca, cities. Are allowed to register in some places their county is collecting, and handling the data for them in those counties registered, in some, places the states have taken that initiative so that's why it, shows up as 42 states but ninety six point ninety. Six point eight percent of the population. Registration. Closed on December 15th, but. The deadline has been extended to January 31st, for areas affected by recent national, disasters, fires. Mudslides. Hurricanes. And. Additionally, other entities. That ask will. Be granted the same January, 31st extension. We are coming right on that extension and so we're wrapping up the program. At this time I want, to mention that, we're paying close attention to the situation in Puerto Rico we. Are very pleased that our data collection has, resumed, in Puerto Rico and the Puerto Rico Community, Survey and we. Are getting good, results in our first month having resumed, our collection. As. You will hear later in, the meeting from, our Chico Laurie we, are in the process of systems, testing, for those systems that are being used for the first time in the 2018, into, and census, test and planning. Is underway for. Fill infrastructure. And de sitio logistics, management we're. Finalizing, our training, modules, and processes, for onboarding the staff for the 2018. Census. Tests as I, speak. This. Diagram, which is probably very familiar to regular, attendees, at our p.m. are depicts, our 2018, end-to-end, census. Tests operational. Placement. The. Data collection, components, that will occur as part of the 2018, into, an census, test in Providence, Rhode Island include. Self-response. So. Components. And self-response, include farms, printing, and distribution paper. Data capture, internet, self-response. Non-id. Processing and. Census, questionnaire, assistance, we. Will be covering group quarters operations. Update. Leave and lastly. And somewhat, most importantly, non-response. Follow-up our nerf ooh. Here. We have another familiar placement I just wanted to mention the, fact that we have placed 8 out of our nine key, contracts. And Louie Kano our. Chief of our decennial, execution. Office will go over, contract. Status in more, detail, later, during his presentation on. This. Slide I just wanted to remind everyone that our next, next major milestone for, the 2020, census is highlighted. The, delivery, of the 2020. Census, questions, to Congress, by March 31st. With. That we could pause for a few minutes to take questions. Any. Questions. Yes. Sir Tai ya. Tai Mitchell jail thinks out for all that that's particularly. The late-breaking stuff, it's good to hear all. The details Thanks, I just, could you just, maybe give a couple more sense explaining, what you meant I might, have misheard you said, something about you, think the, bureau believes that the MEA.

Question. Required, these group, needs, more. Research, I mean what, research did you mean because I mean is that did, did you did, to people not submit, that as a, proposal. Already. Referred. To. Karen, battle who's our chief of, our population. Good. Good morning my name is Karen battle chief of the population, division so. What. We meant by that is that yes we do feel that more research, and testing is needed before. We can proceed. To implement, or propose to implement, a separate, Middle Eastern or North African category and. What. Stems what that stems from is the fact that we have put out Federal, Register notices. Where, we've talked about our research plans and the, comments, that we have gotten back have, showed that there's a large segment of the Middle, Eastern and North African population. Who, feel that Mina should be treated, as an ethnicity, of formal, ethnicity, similar, to how we treat Hispanic. And Latino and so. In the testing, that we've done over. The past few years we, have tested, a Mena, separate, category, as an ethnicity, in a combined, question format. But. In, terms of what we've done with testing, up with two separate questions we've. Only tested Mena as a separate, category in, the question on race so, what we need to do is to do more research and testing, where, we're testing Mena as an ethnicity, separately. From the race question and that's what we have not done. Thank. You any more questions. Okay. Seeing, no more questions, I would like to turn the presentation over, to Jim treat this, is a director, of the sale census programs who will be presenting additional, program updates on our 2020, census Jim. Thank. You Alan and good afternoon everyone. As they all said I'm going to provide additional, updates, on the. Program management. Area. Of the program, so. This. Slide, is. A. Is. A. Layout. Or of. Our multi-leveled. Approach to. The risk management process that we have for the 2020, program, the. Pyramid, shows the structure, of, how the risks are managed, at. The very top is the 2020, portfolio. Risks. Which. There are 27, and are currently. In our risk. Register. These. Portfolio. Risks, are managed by our portfolio. Management. Governing, board which serves as the risk review board for the program, and then. The three levels below. Are. Where. The risks are managed. At the program or operations, level the. The, project level or the sub project level for. The the, overall portfolio for, 2020. As. You can see there's a, 245. Risks combined. Across those three levels. There are common, risks, that, cross, those levels, that. Have to do with systems, and application, development and readiness hiring. And staffing funding. Contracts. Acquisition, and then scope changes for the program's the big difference between these levels is is that the, portfolio, management risks. Are things that are, broad, in scope that. Cross the entire program, and in, some cases have the opportunity, to occur multiple times within the program so when if a risk becomes an issue it still, stays. On the register, but, it has an occurrence of an issue, we're below, that level the, majority of the risks of, the 245, are single occurring events for the. The. Areas, of the program, moving. On to. The next slide you'll. See this, is the portfolio, level risk cube. For. The 27, risks we have to read risks, 23, yellow, and. -. Green risks for the program. The two red risks that we are monitoring. Well, we rounding all of them but for the two red risks it's the public perception on our ability to. Safeguard. Response data and then, cybersecurity incidents. These. These. Two risks are very highly related to each other the. Cybersecurity risk, focused, s-- in around Census. Bureau systems, and the possibility, of breaches, for example, where, the public perception, risk, focuses. On that. Aspect, as well, as breaches. Outside. The, Census Bureau booths and the within the federal government, fear.

As Well, as within the public sector because. Those things can have an impact on the program as a perception. Issue, going. On to the next slide what. You'll see here is, three. Topics that I want to talk about the first is standing. Up our post-enumeration, survey team. At. The at, the last PMR. In October, I believe al gave an update that talked about, us. Leveraging, the demographic, Directorate, about. Overseeing, the data collection activities for the post enumeration survey. Given. Their expert, in, implementing, the housing, unit surveys. For. Other federal agencies, it made logical, sense for us to leverage this internal, Census Bureau, expertise. In. The that. Work on current household surveys in the area of the post enumeration survey, operations. What. We have done we. With. The respects, to staffing I'm we, have, put. In place the survey director, which. Is overseeing, the program Cass, Logan in the demographic, Directorate is taken on that responsibility and. In, addition we've identified, the, assistance survey director, I'm Cherie Thorpe, moving. From the decennial, census, management division, over into the demographic, director to take on this challenge so, we're losing her in one aspect of the program but, she's moving to another area to, take on those responsibilities. And then we're in the process of interviewing staff, to fill in the junior level positions, below those. For. The next couple, of slides I'm going to talk about the integrated master schedule, for 2020, as well as the the, efforts that we're doing around, performance. Management. So. For the the, 2020. Integrated. Master schedule we baseline, the schedule on December, 14th. Last. Month we, started reporting, statuses, against, the, schedule the, next day so we've been, using it since. December, it. Includes all, 35, operations. And the. 52 systems, it, contains over, 25,000. Activities, with over 50. 42,000. Interdependencies. For. The program, the. One thing that I want to stress here is with the base lining of it compared. To the 2010 census, we've actually baseline, the schedule five months ahead, of the, last cycle the. 2010. Census. Integrated, schedule, was baselined in May of 2008. So, we're ahead on that respect, in moving forward, moving. On to the next slide. For. The performance. Management reporting. This slide contains, 22. Areas, that we're planning to develop, monitor. And report on, the program. Looking. At the, the, items, that are listed on there's this. Slide it's, a combination of different areas or components, associated with the the, the, census operations, you'll see there is field activities, like address canvassing, update, leave non-response, follow-up in the group quarters, operations.

You'll See that there's infrastructure, activities, that are associated there like the the. Area, census office leasing the, regional census, centers outs. The cost center leasing and build-out activities, in, addition you'll see system activities, related, to the e case. Productivity. Input and, process. Reporting. Progress, reporting, the, authority to operate the ATO process, risk. Reporting, as well, as efforts, that are going to happen later this year related to scalability, and performance testing, of the systems, and then, lastly you'll, see some of the post data collection, operations listed. Here as well, examples. Of those are the the, data capture activities, as well, as the as, well as the the processing. Activities, as well as the production of the the, PL 94, 171, data products, so, it's trying to look at multiple. Aspects of the program to. Be able to show a profile, and to develop reports for those areas, the. Goal is to develop and use these reports during the implementation phases. Of these, activities. So, the reports will come into existence. We'll, be using them to monitor the program and then when that activity, has closed out the, reports will go away, we, want to have metrics, for each of these that. Will provide, management. With information. That can, understand, the status of the operations. Against. The plan for. Those activities. We. Also are when I show you in, the next couple of slides you'll see a couple of reports, we. Want to have common, or similar, formatting, of these so that it's a collection of things that are very easy easy, to read and familiar, to people and. And. So now I'm gonna walk through the next, next. Slide so, for, this one this, is the slide that. Focuses. On the leasing activities, for the 40 wave. One area, census, office, activities. Looking. At the very top of it you'll see that the there's, that blue banner that has the executive, report it has for the week of January, 22nd. Which is this week you'll. Notice, on the left-hand side you'll see that there's. Information. There about the overall program the status of it for currently right now it's on track it indicates. The, the. The date of when this information was, pulled, so it's the the currency, of the information, in this case it was January, 18th, and then, when, we plan this activity, to complete which in this case it's March 31st of this year and then, moving into the the right side of the report you'll see three major activities that, we have for, for. This for. This, effort. The. First is that whether, we have identified, space or not and currently of the 40 we're, still working on identifying the space for eight of those we. Have, space identified, for, 23, and we're going through the process to walk through the space ensure that we are happy.

With It before we sign the lease, and actually setting up the lease and we've, signed leases for nine offices, as of as of earlier. This week and then, lastly. At the bottom of the the slide you'll. See the source of where the data is coming from what report, this is being pulled from to put into a format that we, can use to help and manage in an easy and effective way. The, next slide is. A, summary of the local, update of census, addresses this, is exactly. The same information that L reported. Earlier in, his talk you'll, notice the first thing you'll notice it has the same format, as the previous, report. And. It's. Of the same week currency, of the week of January, 22nd, which is this week, the, operation, is currently green. All. Of the information that L presented, is, depicted. On this chart it shows, the coverage of the. Number of housing units in population, the number of governmental. Units that have applied. For it as well as the number that have not registered yet for the program, and. So then with that I can, take questions. America. Thank you very much we, we, appreciate your presentation, Jim. At. This point we're going to move ahead with. Our, presentation. We're, going to jennifer art minh who's going to talk about the process and procedure for. Submitting, questions for, the. American. Community Survey and, the 2020, census, Jennifer. Good. Afternoon i'm, jennifer whitt Minh and I work in the American Community, Survey office. And today I'm going to present on the decennial census, content determination. Process and schedule. For submitting, the 2020, census and American, Community, Survey questions. The. Census Bureau is required, by the census, Act to submit their subjects, for the next census to Congress no later than three, years before April, 1st 2020. We. Delivered, the planned subjects, document, in March 2017. The. Census Act also requires the, questions included in the next census be submitted, to Congress no, later than two, years before April 1st 2020. A document. That meets this requirement for. The 2020, census and the ACS will be submitted, to Congress by March 31st, 2018. The. Census Bureau follows, a well-established, process when. Adding or changing content. On the census or ACS, to, ensure the data fulfill, legal and regulatory requirements. Established by, Congress. Adding. A question or making a change to the decennial census, or the ACS, involves. Extensive testing, review, and evaluation. This. Process, ensures the change is necessary and, will, produce quality useful, information, for the nation. The. Census Bureau and the Office of Management and Budget have, laid out a formal, process for making content, changes. First. Federal. Agencies, evaluate, their data needs and proposed additions. Or changes to, current questions, through OMB. In. Order to be included proposals, must, demonstrate a, clear statutory or, regulatory need. For data at small geographies, or for small populations. Final. Proposed questions, result, from extensive, cognitive, and field testing, to ensure they result in the proper data with. An integrity, that meets the Census Bureau's high standards. This. Process includes several opportunities for, public comment the. Final decision is made in consultation, with OMB, and if. Approved the Census Bureau implements, the change. In. Preparation. For the 2020, census, and ACS, the Census Bureau conducted, comprehensive reviews. Of content, and each, agency was, offered an opportunity to make changes, and updates to the documentation, of their data needs, in. 2014. The Census Bureau began a detailed, review of every, question on the ACS, in this. Collaborative, multi-year, process we, solicited, feedback from federal agencies regarding, their data needs, the. Results of the initial review of ACS, content were, reported, in the Federal Register in, May 2015, a. Final. Review of the content needs for the 2020, census, and ACS, was conducted, in 2016. We. Asked agencies to provide updates to the documentation, of data uses, and to, inform us if they needed to amend the current content, or request, new content, on the ACS.

Responses. To existing uses were received from the majority, of agencies, by June 30th of 2016. As. Submitted. To Congress, in March 2017, there, were no changes to the plan subjects for the 2020, census, we, plan to ask about the same subjects, included on the 2000, and 2010, census, short forms number. Of people age. Gender. Hispanic. Origin race, relationship. And tenure. The. Census Bureau subsequently, received a request for content to be added to the 2020, census, that request is under review. As. Submitted. To Congress in March 2017, there, were also no changes, to the planned subjects, for the ACS, the. ACS continues, to cover more than 35 topics, for, example school enrollment veteran's. Status and period of service home. Value, and computer, and internet use. As. Submitted, to Congress in March 2017, for. The 2020, island areas census 'yes we, plan to use the ACS form as the base which. Will be modified, to better meet the needs of the island areas those. Modifications, are noted in this table with orange shading and orange font for. Example, in the housing subjects, we do not plan to ask about home heating fuel but. Do plan to ask about sewage disposal and, source of water. Development. Of the questions, document will begin with the 2020, census an ACS subjects, document, we, will add the question image, to each section, retaining, the information about why we ask each. Question as well, as the federal and selected local community, uses of the data, using. The aged question, as an example on the. Left of the slide is what we provided, in the subjects document, on the. Right of the slide you see the question image included, in the document, we. Plan to provide this information for, each of the questions included. On the 2020, census, and ACS. In the planned questions, document. We. Have completed development, and delivery of the planned subjects document, and are now working to draft the planned questions, document, we. Plan to carry out the same sequence of briefings as we conducted, for the 2020, census an ACS subjects, document, we. Will provide updates and conduct briefings on the plan questions, document from January, to March 2018. The. Plan questions, document will be delivered to Congress by, March 31st 2018, and, the 2020. Island Area census these questions, will be submitted, by letter in the same period. The. Plan questions, for the 2020, census, and ACS, will also be posted in Federal Register notices. Providing. A public comment period, please. Note that the, ACS, Federal Register notice, is for proposed changes, from the 2016. ACS, content test to. Be implemented, on the 2019. ACS. Including. The planned 2020. Census relationship, question. Decisions. About race and ethnicity are, expected, to be implemented, on the, yes in 2020. And are, not included, in this notice. Are. There any questions for. Jennifer. Thank. You Jennifer, now dr., Jennifer Kim. Will. Do a presentation, on our. Language. Operations. Good. Afternoon I'm happy to update you on our, language support plans for 2020, we. Have been researching and planning throughout, the decade and today marks a significant. Milestone in, sharing this plan with you along. With the slides that you'll see you should also have a handout, on your iPad that says 2020. Census language services. This, has snapshots, of different examples of our notional materials, and different languages that are making references, to throughout the presentation, today, my. Goal today is to share with you how the 2020. Language program will be different, and will be a significant. Expansion from our 2010 efforts, but. Before diving in I'd be remiss not to recognize, Marissa Hotchkis and Jason, Cobb in the back in the audience who, are truly at the forefront of this work can you wave this for a moment thank.

You And, where I have the honor of dis champion they're working representing, their work today, until. The next slide to. Provide you with a little bit of context, let me share with some of the background, of the language support that we provided in 2010, to. Highlight a few for you on the slide you. See that we had our mailing materials, and bilingual, paper questioners, that were provided, in Spanish, our, telephone, assistance, was supported, Spanish. Plus four additional, languages, that are listed on the slide, respondents. In these languages could either complete, the interview on the phone or make, a request that a paper questionnaire be, mailed to them or pick. Up a question on their own in one of our designated be counted sites we. Also created language guides in 59 languages, and paid, media advertising, was done in 27, languages and our partnership, staff had capabilities, in 145. Languages, Angela. Next slide as we. Concluded, the 2010, operations. We had some key recommendations. That we took into the 2020, planning, some, of these key recommendations, included, in the quality, of our translations. Conducting. More testing, of our language materials, and engaging. Our National Advisory Committee earlier in the decade. We. Operationalize, these recommendations by, creating, a translation, branch in 2016. And abducting. Industry. Standards for translation, review we. Also began language testing earlier in the decade and, also established, the National Advisory Committee, language, working, group in 2015, we. Also ordered two contracts, went to prison international. For our translation, production, work and two, RTI, International, for pre testing of our translated, materials. To. The next slide as. I mentioned in the beginning the 2020, language program will be a, significantly. Expanded. Version of the 2010, efforts, and these, two next slides will demonstrate, this so. With the introduction, of the internet self-response, instrument.

For 2020, were able to provide the internet instrument in multiple, languages, unlike. In 2010, where respondents had to call and request a questionnaire, or pick one up on their own they're, now able to toggle within, the instrument on their own and select a supported, language that's available on there is our when. You look at the handout that I mentioned, if you look at the top portion of page one you'll, see an example of what the Chinese instrument looks like, and. As. You can see on this slide here we will be developing the internet instrument in 12 non-english, languages, for 2020, and this, will meet over 85%, of the language needs in the US. Census. Questionnaire assistance will, also support these languages, and will also include telecommunication. Device for the Deaf and if you look at the same first, page in the middle section you'll, see what we call the CQ 8 insert, that has a statement in each of those languages that are supported by CQ, a with, the phone numbers dedicated, to each of these lines, of. These languages, and these are included in the mailing materials. Ok, we go on to the next slide I like, to direct your attention to the first two items on the slide these, are materials, that were not in scope for 2010, but are being introduced, for 2020, in, 2010. Our enumerators, used, questionnaires, that were available in English only in, 2020. The numerator application. Will be bilingual, will they'll be able to toggle between English, and Spanish if, you look at the same page, one at the bottom portion you'll see the, screenshot, of the numerator application. In Spanish. Also. New for 2020, are our language glossary, x' which, will be produced in 59. Languages. This, is a glossary, of census terms for our enumerators, partnership. Specialists, and other staff to use and this will help avoid translation, on the fly if, you look at if you flip to the second part of that at page 2 of that handout at the top portion you'll. See a snapshot of what that glossary, looks like and, once again this will be available in 59 different languages. Okay. Back to the slide if you look at the third item you'll, see the language identification card. This, is a tool used by enumerators, when to identify a language when they experience, a language, barrier it, actually looks like this where, they can show this to the. Respondent, and they point to the language that they speak and that's how we identify what. Language like to speak in that household in 2010. This card features 50 different languages and for, 2020 we're going to expand it to 59, and you can, see a snapshot of that on page 2 in the middle section of the handouts and. You, may be wondering why are you expanding to 59, and this, is because we want to be consistent, with the language guides that will be available in 59 languages, for, 2020, in 2020. We're going to provide the language guides in both video, and print. Formats, the, video guy will do a walk-through of the internet instrument that, will be narrated, in 59, languages, that also includes, American Sign Language our. Paper guide will be a walkthrough of our paper questionnaire, also in 59 languages, will, also include Braille and large print and, if you look at the bottom portion of page 2 you will see a snapshot of our notional. Draft. Of the paper guide. By. Supporting, these 59, languages, I'm happy to share, with you that we will be meeting 98%. Of the language needs in the US and the, remaining items that you see here are materials, that were provided, in Spanish, in 2010, that will continue into 2020. Ok, until the next slide, now that you've seen the plans for our language let's take a look at how the languages were selected, the, 2020, languages were determined, using TWEN sixteen, ACS, 5-year estimates that, were released last month. We. First took the ACS language data and created, tabulations, of languages, that are spoken by limited, english-speaking households. In determining. These households, we use the ACS, definition, that you see bolded on the slide were, no 114, years or older who speaks English only or speaks English very well we. Then took these tabulations, and made a cutoff at 2000, households and sorted, them in descending order we also, took this list and compared it with our regional and state level data to ensure that the top languages, for each of our census regions and the top languages for each of the states were, represented on this list and then.

As Our final stop we assess the languages, for translation, feasibility, and also, add an American sign language so. As we turn to the next slide you'll see the list of languages. So. Here are the languages that will be included in our language guides in our language glossary, and our language identification card. And they, are listed in descending order from top to bottom from, left to right so, if you look at the leftmost column these, are the twelve languages that will be supported, by Internet and census. Questionnaire assistance and, when. We turn to the next slide you'll see how these twelve, were selected. In. 2010, we determined, the top languages, using a cutoff at one hundred thousand or more housing, units and if, we were to use the same criteria for, 2020. We, would yield once again five languages, that you see by the red, line there. As. We were planning throughout the decade our intention, was to increase the number of the top languages, for 2020. And we estimated, that we would support around ten for ISR and for CQA and when. We receive the ACS data we were fairly close we saw statistical, significance, as 60,000. Housing units that yielded 12 languages and you'll see that through that blue line there, and. Some. Of you may be wondering why. Only 12 what's so difficult about adding, more languages I like to share some of this information with you creating. The instruments, in non, English language languages. Involves multiple, steps and a lot of work there's first the translation, of the instrument, specifications, themselves in each of those languages. Once they're translated they go through an expert review of these translated. Text. And then, once that is done it goes into programming into our instruments. And to ensure that formatting, and layout are appropriate, for each of those languages so. There's different considerations. For each of those languages we also pretest, the instrument, through cognitive interviews, and focus groups and, we finalize. The instrument based on pre testing and user acceptance, testing, so. As you can see this is not a simple task I also. Received, this question often, why don't you just use machine translations, such as Bing Translator or, Google Translate, so let me answer that question as well I'm actually first heard about the machine translation through, the American, translator Association, conference, where, it's common knowledge that using, machine translations, for professional, documents, is problematic.

Machine. Translation engines that translate, without any human intervention are. Found to have severe, structural and grammatical, error and there's, a study that found that machine translations, are free of severe, structural, or grammatical error only, 25, percent of the time so. The Census view has been working very hard over the decade to improve the quality of our translations, and we will be providing our translations, that have been professionally, translated by human translators, and also, pre tested by a multilingual, survey methodologist. To, ensure that we have the best translated, products for 2020. Okay. So in the next slide this brings us to the summary of our language support that I discussed, on one, thing that I like to note on this slide is I work with communications, and partnership, so. Although our language materials, will meet most of the language needs we recognize, there are other diverse, small language groups that will need assistance as well we. Have always recognized. That partnership. Is the key area to support these additional, languages, but. That's as far as we have gone we've simply said partnership, will take care of it well, in this census we're taking one step further we're, looking at ways to provide more, effective tools, for our partnership specialists. That will reach these language groups we're, also working with our regional offices. To determine best ways to establish video, shelves, or templates, or, materials, of this nature that, will help our regional and partnership staff better support these groups in, 2020. We'll be working more closely with our communications. And partnership staff to, ensure these populations, are also being supported. The. Next slide this brings me to the close of my presentation, and this is a fun, word cloud that my staff have created that, represents, the supported, languages and their level of support, and, then. On to the next slide another fun slide here is. It's. Just listening. Any kind of questions that you may have and I believe about, 50-plus languages, and we had Jason cut work on it for a few hours after, after, work to, create this life for you right. So, I will pause for any questions, thank you. Hi. Chris Falcone from Gao I'm just looking back to, compare your 2010, efforts in your 2020, efforts and you, mentioned 59, non-english, languages, for the language guides can we assume those are the same 59, languages, some. Have changed so though we've been looking, at the different trends and changes in the data of the languages, and while the majority of the languages that made the cutoff in 2010, remain, on this list there's, a little bit of modification in that list thanks. For that yep. Are. There any other questions for Jenny. Thank. You very much Jenny at this, time. We're. Turning the floor over to Deb stemkowski, the. Chief, of the decennial management division. And. Deb's, gonna give us say in that, M depth update. On our 2018, end-to-end test. Ok, thanks al I was hoping somebody was gonna ask Jenny a question, in a language other than English, but I guess, not. Next. Time if someone could bring one in there. But. Thanks, everybody for being here again today. Before. I move into the details of my presentation. We'll just give you that regular, disclaimer, that the, decennial census, has a lot of moving pieces and parts it's. A major undertaking and. Our testing, over these last years has, allowed us to learn and discover what's going to work what, needs improvement. And, allow. Us to explore other ways to implement our operations. And, so. I'll admit right up front as I was thinking about what should I talk about in, this, PMR because, on.

You. May or may not be aware I've been talking about this particular test, for I think 4 p.m. ours and I'm gonna talk about it for five more after. Today because, the end-to-end test actually ends, April, 2019. So, I thought we got to do something, to kind of shift it up so, my, updates, gonna be a little more next. Three months ish, moving. Forward so you guys don't hear the same thing all the time. So. Keep that in mind we'll, talk about what's gonna happen between now and the. Beginning of April and each. Time, then we'll also do a little bit of a look back on what happened in that quarter. Okay. Guys. Are familiar with this slide as we turn the calendar I realized. We're seared into the middle of that 2018. Test, in. The blue part of the bar and. Then. We'll move ahead to, the all familiar placemat, on the next slide I'll. Had that up here, I, toyed. With maybe we should blank the words out on this in 1 p.m. R and see who can put that in here we did that internally, that was fun. But what's. Sakuma I want to make sure everybody's paying attention, so that. Orange, box. Around, the response, data is where. We're gonna focus and I'm gonna focus on the self-response. Part, of that box so that includes, forums printing and distribution our. Paper data capture, internet, self-response. Working. With non-id, processing our. Cqa all, of which are dependent on our response processing. Operation, who probably doesn't get enough shout out when. We do these pmrs, and if you'll recall these operations. We're also in scope last year for our 2017. Census, test so, a little bit of familiar, here which is a good thing as. A. Reminder. Right. Now we're going to run these operations. In our providence, rhode island, test. Site Providence, has a population. Of over, 600,000. With more than a quarter million housing, units and that's, going to provide us the opportunity to, test the systems and operations that, we need to test as our. Final, your test before 2020. We've tried to make decisions, that would allow us to prioritize the. Integrated, testing, of our, systems, in the field in a census like environment, and we're going to take these lessons, of how the systems, interact, with each other across.

The 24, operations. That. Have been in this test and where relevant will make changes, or we'll check a box that we were happy with how things went. And. So. Focusing, in on self-response. As a, reminder, this portion, of the 18 tests is actually a redeployment, of, a, number of components, of the. People, processes, and systems that, we mix together in 2017. Our. Objectives, here are still around, maximizing. Our self-response. Through, our multiple. Response. Options, and varied contact, strategies, and we, want to utilize this test as a final, opportunity. To. Validate, how our contact, strategy, is working so, here we're deploying. A. Staggered. Mail contact, strategy, which I'm going to show you in, a couple of slides just as we've done in the previous tests, we're, gonna continue, to provide people with those three ways to respond, and paper on the internet or on the phone we're, gonna allow them to use that non-id, processing and. We're going to continue to take just regular questions, in our cqa function, for folks who, might want to double-check is this legitimate, or. Have another question. Our. Self-response. Solution, is going to redeploy systems, which Autry, we'll talk, about a little bit more than I will but here again we're leveraging our, II case internet, self-response, application. Our. C QA agents, also use that, special. Version of that to do their work we're, going to use that survey operational, control, system to, make sure we're sending workloads, to the right place the right time. Supporting. Our non-id, processing we've. Talked about and we're going to redeploy those, tried-and-true, paper data capture, systems. So when we get forms and they come back in we can capture the data one. Key change that I think is worthy of note here for, 2018. Is the addition, to, our print contract, vendor san veo to our team that, contract, was awarded right, around, the time of the last PMR, so. I thought I'd mention it Louie's gonna talk about that in a little bit more detail, during his update. But. They'll be with us for both 2018. And 2020. So in terms of getting our self-response. Engine. Kind of in place with our partners, there, are a new, ad to the team and put. In that final spot as we, move ahead to do. 2018. And then 2020. So. Just to put things back in perspective in 2010. We mail we, printed over 400, million questionnaires. To cover all of our needs within. That contact, strategy, questionnaires. Then went to one of three national processing. Centers for data capture this. Decade, of course we want people to go on the internet if they are able and comfortable. But we still plan to print about a hundred and forty million questionnaires. To cover all of our mailings, in 2018. We're, moving, ahead with our final, foundation, for printing and we're. Pleased that San Baio is on board to partner, with us in this effort and of course as we close out this response, mode 4:18, we'll be using those tried-and-true, paper data capture, systems, in our national processing, center. So. This self-response, mail, strategy, we've talked about this quite frequently, during, program. Management, reviews, there's, approximately. 275,000. Housing units that are going to be assigned into one of two panels, in our, internet first panel, I think you all know we're going to give them a letter first inviting, them to respond. Online and, the internet choice panel, not, only invites them to respond, online but we give them a forum as well for. The 2018, tests, roughly, 68, percent, of our sample is in that internet, first and the. Balance of 32 percent is in the internet choice as a reminder. We've frequently, said that our strategy is about 80% in, the at first and 20 percent in the internet choice each, little pocket of the country is different that 80/20, is a national. Average and, then. In terms of English, versus, bilingual. About. 73%. Of the addresses in our sample, will receive, English, only materials, and the, balance of the 27%, will get the bilingual, package, it's.

Nice To have Jenny sitting on the stage when we talk about, bilingual. Materials. And the, criteria. Around that, okay. Go, to the next slide so. Let's, talk about that mail strategy. Right here you can take. A look at the dates much, like in 2017. There's, two panels, and you can see the mail dates there, our. Internet first panel. Will. Receive that letter encouraging. Respondents. To go online but, in 2018. We have that staggered, mailing across the three cohorts which, you can see there with, the first date being March 16th. This. Will be done although Providence, I don't think will be a big load test on our systems, this. Is done so we can help minimize spikes. And call volumes, or Internet response, or anything where you can think we'd squeeze a relatively. Small funnel, this will help us spread it out it'll, also help our print contractor. Accomplish, the challenging, work during the census, of. Things. Like our conditional, mailings, mailings, 3 through 5 where. We can't stage the mail before it goes out. They'll, be getting that information very, close to when, we want it to be in, the mail stream and not in your mailbox after, the first two contacts, which, go to the whole panel like I said households, that have, not yet responded get, mailing, 3 and. Then. Just an internet choice, that. Panel, will, get the forum and it just as a reminder in, Internet, first by the fourth follow-up they also get a forum so everyone, who has not responded in, the fourth mail up or, fourth follow-up, will get a complete, a forum as well as, we'd. Like to still encourage them to go online. Okay. So. Then we've, talked about paper, and forms we've talked about the internet and now, closing, out on our third. Response. Mode let's tip our attention, to our census, questionnaire, assistance, so, these representatives. As you know will provide assistance for. Respondents. Who'd like to provide their data over, the phone as well as, get, questions, answered over, the phone either via, our self-service, interactive. Voice response system, or. If need be they can, click. Through in that menu and get to the customer service representatives. Our. Cqa operation. Will support nine languages, for this test, which. Include English and Spanish and, you can see the balance there as. You based. On what Jenny, just said we're ramping up to include more languages, so here we'll have nine and we're, going to reuse our, two call centers that we had in the 2017. Test in. Jacksonville. We'll have about sixty, three customer, service representatives. And then, in Sandy Utah about, forty. Nine and our, training for supervisors for. This operation, begins, in February. With. Our customer, service representatives beginning. Training in early March. So. I'd be remiss if I didn't call out an operation, that's actually, in production, right now that, runs in between. Closing. Out address canvassing. Or while, we were doing address canvassing, but also continued, after that and as we get, ready for self-response.

Recruiting. An assessment. Is also running I know, you guys are gonna be excited to see the demonstration, that viola, will do after, the break on our new, online system, so. Before I wrap up I just wanted to provide a brief update on that recruiting. And where we are as of. Monday much like Jim had I think you guys are catching on to that theme everything, is tagged to the Monday of the week so, as of, January. 22nd. We actually, have, 2040. Applicants. Recruited, for, peak operations. With a goal for nerf you to invite, eleven, hundred and six t-62, training, and deploy. About 10 49, to. The field. We. Continue, to do recruiting and I'll say why, it was extremely, important, that we also implement. This solution for, peak operations. Is we're also learning, how, the Census, Bureau handles, online, recruiting. And how that's different from our traditional, ways, of recruiting, I'm sure viola is gonna go into a lot more detail, so I wrote my note right here don't steal anything. Vile, isn't going to say after the break because that's not a nice thing to do as. A presenter, but so, this is actually going on and I don't want to call it the quiet period, but in the quiet period, when we're not out working. With the public to collect, data recruiting. Is going on. So. Just like we usually show in past pmrs. Here. Are the key milestones you, can see where we're, moving down, the chart. Getting. Ready that March 16th. Is our, first in-home, date so by our next PMR which, I believe is April 20th we'll actually be able to share response. Data so you guys can see where things are shaking. Out thus, far and we. Can also share any new lessons learned, that, we've done to date. And. Then, I think that's that's, where I was gonna stop on that and take questions. On, I'll call that the Sprint of the 2018, test, for the first quarter. Tycho. Had tied. From gia thanks dad this is helpful two. Questions first one answer. Only if it fits well like in slide, 49, looking back up to 49 you described the. Contact, strategy, is an easy way on this picture for, you to just describe the, update leave context. Is. Gonna not you're gonna go to the door. But. But. Is it is it is relatively, simple I mean they're gonna try. To leave something they're gonna try to leave embedding, in. Sync with our nerf ooh operation. They're gonna leave a forum mm-hm. Date the address they're gonna leave a form which will have an ID which, will link, in and when they don't send that form in then they eventually will roll to the big pot which, is called non-responsive. Lol right, so it's, kind of you get the first it's like the first column kind of thing kind of like the first, okay. Okay no thank you that's that's awful the second, question is, okay. Little, premise of I think. I've heard that the 2020 schedule is no baseline, through, the, census, and. That's at all the tiers, is. That right I'm. Assuming to 2020 schedules no baseline right and.

We. Know that, the. End to end test isn't testing. Everything, right, some things aren't, in there and also, the, possibility, that. Possibly. The end end test discovers some things that need significant, change or weren't fully test it needs to do something in that baseline schedule, out, to 2020, others some placeholders, are there some activities, are there is a representation, to, plan, for the possibility, of any additional, testing. Either based of the things that didn't get tested now or, that might have to get tested I'm just trying to see these is that kind of accounted, for in the schedule, that you know baseline. So. I think what, and Jackie can jump in if I, misspeak, I believe the part what, the baseline represents. At this point is high level across the entire census, but we've been focused on what's called release one of the systems, one. And two thank you one and two. But. In terms of adding, additional field. Tests that is not something, that's planned for in the schedule, I assume. You're specific, on that not a


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