Massive Repair on BROKEN Bulldozer Blade COMPLETED Part 3

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how you going guys Kurtis from Cutting Edge engineering so today's job is part three of our d8 Dozer blade repair so if you missed part one or two there'll be a link in the description below so we're going to continue on with fitting and welding the skin and get this blade completed so I've got our skin sitting in place it's a piece of 12 mil Biz 80 plate it fits very very good I'm really happy with how everything's worked out first thing I need to do is go through and start tacking off the bottom and then I'm going to work up the sides of the skin and dog it into place I do need to trim a little bit off the corners just to get the skin to sit hard up against the original skin of the blade once I do that I'll tack in the top and then I can start fitting in the side plates so now we've got our main skin tacked in place we're going to get the side skins tacked on as well I'm just gonna fully weld that right oh so that skin didn't fit as well as the center skin did and the reason for that is this part of the blade has a compound curve in it so they curve one way and they also have a bit of a twist in them it's very difficult to get them right unfortunately that's just one of the things you run into not many people around the area can actually do that style of pressing so you sort of get it as close as possible and then you dog down the rest because the other side's the exact same as this I've gone ahead and done that off camera now we've got all our skins tacked on the next thing I'm going to do is use the gouger I just want to open up this groove in between the two wear skins that way I can get a good weld down onto the original blade skin as well as tie the two skins together so I'm going to do that on both sides and while I've got a hold of the gouger I'm going to go back around to the other side of the blade and clean up where I removed the support plates for the hungry board and grind all that nice and clean so now that's all prepped we're going to put our new support plates in they are a bit of a pain in the ass to do because I do have to put a slight bend in them it is far easier for me to do the bend than it is to get a bending company to do it because if they over bend it it is a massive nightmare trying to get that bend line into the blade so it's much easier if I just sit it in place tack it down and then dog it into position that'll do righto guys so that's all of our main support plates and our skins in position now what I need to do is go through and start welding this blade out first thing I'm going to do is remove the cutting edges so I've got room to weld the skin down to the moldboard so I'm going to be using some 10 mil flat bar to fill the void on the bottom of the blade to attach the wear skin onto the mold board so I need to do that because the original skin did crack about 50 mil above the height of the moldboard and I gouge that material away and there's no way I'd be able to dog the entire length of this high tensile plate down to the moldboard so the best thing to do is fill the void with a piece of flat bar George [gasp] oh my god another one there George [Karen] are you George George you're definitely George you're a guts righto guys so we've got the perimeter and all the joins of the skin fully welded so for welding I use cig verticor 3xp welding wire in a 1.2 and I backed that up with Argoshield heavy which is 80 percent Argan 20 percent CO2 and I ran that at 27 volts and seven and a half meters of wire a minute and off camera I went through and filled up both corner areas that were missing material I still need to plug weld the inside of the skin down to the original blade but the next thing I'm going to do while the blade is sitting up in this position is weld in the corner braces that join the two skins together in the top of the blade and I also need to weld in some 40mm wear bar just above the corner tips to protect the side skins where ya going so for those of you who asked the question as to why do I put the torch down onto a piece of material when I'm turning on the oxygen the reason for that is if you turn on the oxygen while you've got LPG running you generally blow out the flame so by putting it against something it keeps the flame confined to the end of the tip and it allows you to turn on the oxygen without it blowing it away so all the welding's done for the blade in this position what I need to do now is flip the blade right over so I can weld the support plate in for the hungry board so I much prefer to weld downhand because it is more comfortable and you can deposit a lot of material very quickly because I have the yard crane I am able to manipulate blades and buckets into any position I want to yes it does take a little bit longer to set the job up but I save that time being able to deposit more material a lot quicker and everything is comfortable righto guys so the repairs on the bottom of the blade are completed we've also completed the repairs for the hungry board so there's just a couple more things I need to do next I'm going to reposition the blade so I can weld the joint where the cheek plates meet righto guys so the last bit of welding I need to do on the blade is I need to cut some plug holes in the wear skin and then weld it down to the original skin what that is for is to hold the wear skin onto the blade so if the customer ever wears out the bottom weld that connects the wear skin on the blade it doesn't lift the skin completely off it'll stay attached because of the plug welds oi come here [chirp] what's this [chirp] [chirp chirp chirp] right oh guys so our d8 Dozer blade repairs are now completed we've got everything that was bent replaced we've got everything straightened and everything completely welded out and for those wondering I don't need to repair any of the pin positions or any of the mounts when the blade first arrived here it was one of the first things I looked at to see if they were going to need line boring but they are all well and properly within spec a repair like this would generally take between three and four big days because we're filming it does take quite a lot longer in order to get the shots and me wait for Karen and get the right camera angles so it does make the jobs go for a little bit longer on top of all my time there is quite a large cost in the material we also have all of the consumables and all of the welding wire so the plate alone was over ten thousand dollars plus it needs to get rolled into shape in order to fit the profile of the blade we did use about half a box of gouging carbons probably about 10 5 inch grinding wheels two nine inch grinding wheels general gas like LPG and oxygen for heating and cutting and for welding we ended up using five 15 kilo spools of wire so that equals just under 10 kilometers worth of welding wire alone and that is 75 kilos of filler material we put back into the blade so all up a repair like this cost about a third of the price of a brand new aftermarket blade so I hope you enjoyed the videos of this repair I'm going to get the cutting edges bolted back onto the blade and that'll be this job done thanks for watching hmmm hmmm what's doing [Karen] do you need any end bit looks kind of rusty it's good patina patinaed alright [Laughter] going to be hard to get a clamp over that that didn't help either that'll have to work I think [bang] Jesus [ __ ] me [clang] holy hell should we do the why do I do the thing [Karen] yeah I think you should explain [BANG] AHH [Karen] That's got to be George [Karen] could it be I think it I think it could be [Karen] hey don't sit on that is it on yeah it is [Karen] I think it's got the same marking sort of they're all the [ __ ] same [Karen] no no that one's definitely George [Laughter] they're all the [ __ ] same okay that's got to be it never get any work done otherwise come here [whistle] [chirp] [Laughter] this is what Kurtis is doing hehehe feed the birds [giggle] ready yup how do you want me to start it righto guys oh ok yeah ready YEH so I hope you enjoyed the videos of this [ __ ] where are we going after that so I hope you enjoyed the repairs oh [ __ ] me oh my God [Laughter] right so I hope you enjoy stop Oh my god put the camera back up right you ready [giggle] just concentrate just for the plate alone [twang] [ __ ] train and there was about [ __ ] and that is from the day it arrives oh [ __ ] me I'm gonna get the cutting edges bolted back onto the blade [Kurtis panicking] what's next [squawk] where are you all coming from George is bringing his friends back [ __ ] you man who's that oh don't yell at him oh you scared him oi who's that [SCREECH] noisy bloody bird [squawk] [chirp chirp] go on you shoo you're too noisy mmkay whatever [ __ ] now I forgot where I was at you said you had it too yeah I [ __ ] it all [SCREECH] YAHHH [Laughter] okay come on the sun's going down [ __ ] what was I say


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