MARA Virtual Open House - 18 March 2020

MARA Virtual Open House - 18 March 2020

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I want, to welcome you to tonight's virtual, open house I'm. Really happy to have you here our agenda. Is, a brief one but there's a lot to share. First. Of all an introduction. To the I school and the program an overview, of the, program itself a, little, bit about what it's like to be an online student and, I can tell you that from my own personal. Experience, my. Doctor. Was. All online so I'm also was. An online student so, I know. What works, and what doesn't not that I'm. Always as successful, as you would like me to be but I, have, an idea of what I don't like as a student, don't whine and then. We'll have a little Q&A, so. We. Have some big news here I'm the one at the top dr.. Pat Frank's, just call me Pat and I. Am, a professor, but also the MA program coordinator. Below. Me is dr., Sandra Hirsch and I'm saying, here she's our outgoing director she, just, on the left hand or right hand side against this for you see I has. Been, promoted, to associate, dean for academics, in the College of Professional and, global education that's, if college were in so. Dr.. Hirsch is. Going. To be doing her. Job as associate, dean as well as trying to help us through, the transition, when we identify. A new. Director. For our program and dr. Linda main right. Below her is. The, interim, director but, she was earth and is. Still our associate, director, she's been here through, two, directors. Now and she. Does not want to apply herself, but she wants to help with the transition so, she's, going to make sure that we have a terrific search, committee going and find the best possible replacement. For dr., Hirsch that we can and then, at the bottom Sheila. Gert Russia, is just, phenomenal. She's our, iSchool office, and. She, is the, administrative. Adviser, so, from, your, program if you're in the Mara I would, be your academic. Adviser help, you with course selection. Sheila would be your, administrative. Adviser, being. Able to answer questions about, well, what if I want to take an elective how can I get a permission number of those types of things and. Then. Our primary, faculty. Unfortunately. They can't be with us up. At the right hand a side. Or I guess the left hand side to talk there dr., Lisa Dolby, teaches. A number, of courses in our program, and you will love her when you get to meet her she's fantastic, and her, real loves are information, governance information. Assurance privacy. All of those types of things she's, in Canada and, she can't be with us tonight because as. I mentioned, earlier to someone. Her, parents are, doing. Self quarantine and she's over there getting them supplies, this, evening so they could be set up to survive for, that period of time so she's in Toronto. Jason, Carlson Bakker teaches.

One Course each fall and spring for us and. There. Are basic courses, he's, another fantastic, person, who is also program. Coordinator, for a new informatics. Program, that we have and then, Joshua, Zimmerman, is, the. Person, who teaches our, research, methods, course and. He also teaches. Short. Of course for archives, on, professionalism. And. He is a working, archivist, so he, is employed. Full-time elsewhere, as, it's Lisa as matter of fact. Kenna. Is the student that should have been here today but she, very. Just. Recently, sent him you know not, being able to explain much just saying sorry I can't be there so you. Will miss out on her tonight but she's, fantastic and if you have questions, about what, it's like to be a student in the program and don't want me to see the reply you send, an email right to Kenna and she, will get right back to you she, loves to talk about the program she's our student assistant, she, handles, the blog she handles the Facebook page does, a lot of. Interviews. With alumni and with current students so she really has a handle. On them, our program, it from a different perspective. And. You. See a little note from her there about. The assistance, that she believes that she's received, during the program, and. She's. Going to be graduating soon and I'm going to be sorry to see her go but, not. Not. Sorry for her I think she'll be with us until December. So. This. I am that Lisa iPad, but at least it can't be here so I'm going to talk to you about the master of Archives and Records Administration program. And. Explain, how it was put together first. Of all I the. MLS, program is different you're going to want to compare the two the, MLS program does, have an archives, and records, management, pathway. They call it and. You would have an MLIS, degree that. Is ala, accredited American. Library Association accredited. All, right the, Mara program is not because, we don't want it to be because to. Be accredited by Ala, you need library, courses, that's a Library Association. This. Grew out of that, other program, where there were students, who said but I really want more time to. Spend on archives, records management and, related. Courses so this is our new. Fairly. New program. 2008. It was launched, and. In. Order, to create it we looked at the ARMA, core competencies. For records. Managers. What do you need to know be able to do we, looked at the Society, of American archivists and, what they suggest, for the graduate programs, in archival education. And. So, that takes care of the archival, course work, and the core. Competencies. And then we, looked at the certifying. Exams. For. Records. Managers the institute, of certified, records, managers, i crm has. A six part exam. And. They. Have, competencies. That they believe professionals, should master, so, we reviewed that we also reviewed, the exam, from the academy of certified, archivists, and you. Will see them and, also I should mention below. That we added later so, that wasn't at the beginning the. Material. For the information, governance professional. So. All three, certifications. Are different, looking at records, looking at our case and then looking at in overarching, information. Governance program. And. You. Will see the alphabet, soup at the end of my name here I have all three of those certifications. The other people who teach. For us have at least one, or two of those certifications. As well. So. The CRA, CRM, certification. All of, our Mars students, when they graduate receive. A letter from me saying, that, they, are eligible to receive credit. For parts. One through five of the c6, part I see RM exam. Just. By graduating. From the program that means you've mastered the core competencies. The sixth part is a case, study that's different so they won't give you credit for that but. The, if. You want to become a certified records. Analyst. You. Usually only need parts two three and four for that they will grant. You that certification. Immediately. If you, want to be a certified, Records Manager you, have to sign up to take part six, a case a study, part. And then, once you pass that you can become a certified Records, Manager you, can even become the CRA, first, and then take as much time as you want to. Move. Up through in order to be the CRM they keep track of that. Of. The, parts, of the exams that they give me a credit for so or you can take as long as you want to move through that so. We're really excited about this partnership we've, had a number of students take advantage of it and if you're, interested.

In The rare, piece. This, would be a good thing to be able to do very easily. The, ACA. In. Order to become a certified archivist it's just a hundred-word I'm. Sorry one hundred question in the net word exam. And that. Exam. They will not give you credit for however you do have to have certain course, works even to be eligible to sit for that exam and they, have pre-approved. All of, our courses. That. Are required courses, it for, this exam, so you, would be able immediately. To apply and they would just look and see you graduated, from our program and, know that you're eligible as far as coursework, to sit for the exam, we have a number of students who've taken, the exam and been successful, I remember, last summer one of our students, posted on our Facebook, page I'm going to take this CA. Exam, that. Was right after she graduated, and then a few weeks later she posted, I best so. We're. Very confident. That the, information, we provide about archives, is also, exactly what you need to, be. A certified, archivist. Now. The core, competencies. I've been mentioning competencies. For, the profession. What, we did was come up with 10 competencies. We believe all of our graduates, need to know I, need. To master. When, they graduate, from our program so, they're listed here for you I won't read through all of them but there, are things like understanding. The, evolution, of information, record-keeping, systems, it responds, to, technological. Change and we we, all I hope. Are keeping up with that and it's something as you. Know a simple now is electronic. Records, management but something, more complex, like, blockchain. And artificial. Intelligence so, we, look at all of the new technology. And how it impacts, the program and we make sure we cover that within the program, and then you have assignments. In class that, support, these competencies. So that you have evidence that, you have mastered, them. The. Courses. For fall this is new for fall so, if you had looked at our website before and, maybe part of it is still being updated now, you. Would have seen 33, required, credits, but it's now 30, but, you still have 42, credits you have to complete, 30. Are required, Mara courses. Those courses, are listed for you here that last. Course, where you. See Mara, - 89 advanced, topics, and Archives and Records Administration you. Do an e-portfolio instead. Of a thesis we don't have a master's, thesis option.

In Mara so, what you would do is complete an e-portfolio, showing. Us how you've mastered those, 10 core competencies, I just showed, and, you do that by explaining. What it means to you and then providing, evidence, that you have, completed. Coursework. That. Supports, each one of those competencies, and your evidence would be your, assignments, your PowerPoint, presentations. Your discussions, students. Begin saving those right in the very first class just putting them in their own Oh. Either. Their. Own online, accounts, or save. Them to the computer or whatever so that they're available therefore. When you're ready to graduate so, you can see here these you must take all these courses but. New for fall what's new for fall is that, you. Now have one extra, elective. Before, we had added on here. The. Internship. Or organizational. Consulting, project. Course, so one was an internship, course, but if you wanted to do. Something at your place of work and you had a supervisor, that, said, we have a project we'd like you to work out that, wasn't part of your regular, duties. Then, you could say okay I'll do that that will be my organizational, consulting, project, so, those. Were the two options, you had for that experience. But. We've been. Allowing. Substitution. If for. Example your. Employer says no sorry we have no job for you here at work and we don't want you working for someone else in an internship, we've. Been giving students. Permission to take before elective. And. The, number. Of requests, that have been coming through now for, permission. To do that have, been so. Many. And that we've decided it would be just easier to, allow, the fourth, elective, and if you want to do the internship or organizational. Consulting, project that, can be your, fourth elective, but if not, you. Can take another course either from the MLS or from the Mara program so. That's. Why. We're now know for fall down, to 30 credits, of specific. Courses they have to take out of the 42 now. I mentioned, at the bottom of that list of the courses you must complete, is he portfolio. This is an example, of one, student. E-portfolio. She did a terrific job and, she's got it online for, us and. If you're ever interested in, seeing student portfolios. You could look for the Mar program, performance, page we have links to them there but. Basically this. Is what she put together you, see competencies. ABC. They would go down through J and then, each one would explain, the, competency, and they're providing links to her own homework, to. Show that she she's mastered, that, so. This is the course rotation. And, you'll. See the numbers, are for those courses. That I said, you must take the 30 credits. That are required. Courses, all Mar courses, so, if you were starting the fall you'd start out if you wanted to take two with, Morrow 202. A four there are basic, courses one, is taught by Lisa that I mentioned, the others taught by, Jason. You've also seen his picture in this, spring you would follow that up with two other courses, Mar. 2. 2014. 4, the IGR the information, assurance information. Governance course, is very popular, also. Required. But. Where you see MLAs maura MLAs Mara those, are the electives. And now. As they said you would have four and. If. You take the internship, or organizational. Consulting, project, you. Would. Be able to do that the internship, people. That I CRM look at that and would give you for a half of your internship, credit for one year of work in the, field which. You would also need to take that a CRM, exam, right in, order to become the CRM, so. You. Considered, that I'll be your adviser I'll be reminding, you of these things as we go along. These, are the electives, so this. Is just a partial list we. Quite a few it's, this updated, in 2019. Because, we haven't identified new. Ones that we. Feel, should, be listed here these, are all three credits, well we have been doing a lot lately the, MLAs and the Mahara program is, adding. One. In two credit courses and, those we, don't have on their listing here they're almost all pre-approved, you just asked me about them and I'll. Let you know if yes that. Makes sense for you to take and. Those. Move. So quickly we change those so quickly because they're on topics, that are really new and interesting that. We'd. Spend all our time trying to reduce the list two. Examples, this. Summer I'll be teaching, a two credit of blockchain, for archivist, and records managers, course, that'll. Be new they'll be taught this summer I don't know if they'll be repeated, again but it's something that people.

Have Had an interest in so, I've developed it it was proved we'll be offering it this summer in. The fall, one. Of our, graduates. Is, going to be offering a virtual, reality, course some of us have been interested, in how, would you move to virtual reality for, education. And so, she's. Just, a. One credit VR. Course we'll offer that in the fall we again, don't know if it'll be offered again but it. Sounds like a fun option and, in the fall we also have a two. Credit digital. Forensics. Course for, archivists, with just fascinating. And. That. One we weren't sure it would be popular but, we're offering, it now for third time. Third, fall and. Students. Really are enjoying it so we'll, keep offering them, until. They're. No longer of interest and, we have new ones that we want to put in so, you. Can take any of these a few others that we have listed or, any combination of 1 & 2 credit maura or MLAs, courses. So. There. Is something else that when, you graduate through, them our program, you not only have credit for those, five parts of a six part I CRM exam but you also can. Elect, to have an, advanced certificate, in strategic management, of digital, assets, and services that's a mouthful but there are three pathways you can only have one of these and the, one that makes most, for us you could have a certificate, that, is. In information governance, assurance. And security and, that's, the one that makes sense because two. Of those courses are our damar required, courses information, governance and, information, assurance and then what you would add is, a cybersecurity three, credit course from the MLS program and you wouldn't be able to once graduate, request, a certificate. For. Those. Three courses so that's, kind. Of a popular option. This. Is the easiest as I said to. Get these are the courses that would make up that. Pathway. For. Digital asset certificate. And. There are other two, others as I mentioned, if you're interested, in digital asset, management and a number of our students are now then. You, could follow that or data a Linux, and data-driven decision. Making that's, another popular area, and you. Can use those four, three. Credit courses twelve units of elective, credit in order to put together any, electives, in any area, of interest, that, we're.

Not Covering in our required courses. So. Of. Course is for fall and MIPS I'll just, quickly go over this, dr.. Lisa, Dolby teach is, this 220. Course as, all. Of the others are it's a CA pre approved but. It's also our writing course and, it's. A course in, which you're introduced, to the, APA style of writing that's, required for all, of the programs in the high school, and. It's also the, course. In which you. Are offered, a one-year, paid membership, in Asus Megara, or sa a-arm is not on the list because Arman has. Not, been, able to reach an. Agreement with us they. Believe students, should be today. And credits in order to qualified, for. Student. Membership, and we disagree, because your fire type students, and for us we're, really excited when you get through a three credit course a six credits this whole for one semester most, first so, for now these. Are the three options that, make the most sense. I'm, going to take two courses, taking, one you take Lisa's that's the foundation, but if you're taking two you add Omar to a for, Jason's, course and. This one is really great management, and leadership course, everybody. Is, really. Going to leave our program feeling. That they can take over a program it's, not that, you're going to go in and maybe you will it entry level it all depends on you know what you apply for what you accept, but, you would feel very comfortable going in and being able to take over a program or being able to start a new program so this. Management, course is just fundamental. To the program, and you'll enjoy working with Jason he's fantastic. And, then, as I mentioned, Josh. Teaches, a research methods, course if you wanted three courses because, you're trying to try to get done in two years that's, the fastest, I've seen anybody get done but, if you are you, would add his course because, our mark courses, are only offered, once a year either fall or spring we, don't offer them twice a year because we have a small program so, if, you're doubling, up you better double, up on your mark courses, and not worry about those electives, until, you can sit them in wherever you feel comfortable with. Electives. Are always available, in the summer as well if you ever want to go to school in summer that's when I would suggest looking for those electives, so and. You'll, be surprised, at how relevant. A research methods course is when, Josh introduces. It as something. For records management and archival, science it's. Very practical, it's. It's not as theoretical as you would imagine, so. This, is a copy, of my, course. It. Goes what a course would look like. We. Used a. Learning. Management system canvas. In there. We, put together a modules, most of us by week My. Week starts Monday morning and in Sunday, night all student, work for that week has to be in by 11:59. P.m. on Sunday. Night most. Of us follow, that one week pattern although somebody may start Sunday somebody may start Tuesday sorry, about that you'll.

Just Have to make a very complicated calendar. For yourself, because that's the way we do it. But, if you take a look at this you will see that for. Example where, it says overview, of enterprise content, management deselection. Alright, and I may have a link to a video in there or to, a recording, and then the, next one is enterprise content, management -, content, service, to this platform that's, something, that's happening, so, oh my, what, about this waste is happening, it's another lecture and then we have a discussion, about the features, of both and. Then. We get into a little. Lecture here on SharePoint. Because, this course is where I introduce you to office, 365 and, SharePoint. And we, use a book for that so there's readings, on SharePoint and then our SharePoint features, and then, we actually have, assignments. Within SharePoint. Where you. Have in - sure -. You're. Going to have an account there it's not your own you don't download, anything you're working in the cloud and something, that I am administrator, for you would create a site in there you're going to learn how to declare records you better learn how to do so much more so, but that's what the thing, looks like you've got discussions, you've got assignments, you've got. Lectures. And when, there's an assignment it says 10 points 10 points you, do that somewhere else maybe but, you come back into canvas always, and either say I've got it done or upload, the paper there the assignment, word paper or whatever may it be, so. Everything is contained like this then, we need to have one for every module. So. I have 15 modules like. This for each semester in, the summer I would have fewer. So. This is where Kenna would have started these are all the things ten is in, charge of except. For this we, have an ice cold curriculum. To, blog, at. This one you want to pay attention to, it. Has, more generic, information the. Top one is by dr.. Linda main who talks about the courses, that's where courses, that maybe are dropped, for. Low enrollment are listed, our mark for our courses are never dropped never worry about that but, electives, maybe and. Then the. Student, blog we often, have. Highlights. About, students. Or graduates, or whatever this one here is a tour. That students took of a corporate archives, and so, had. Allah who. Has been, the. Editor. For, that Icicle blog wrote, about that she's also done some, work on our Mara, program has interviews. With our students as well, this. Is. The, Icicle, Mara, blog. This. Is one can. Control. Up and, you'll. See on the side. Of your screen the right side, one. Interview. That kena had conducted was, of a Maher student, who, was supported, to appoint. It to the archive space board and so it, was a little congratulatory. Kind, of thing let's highlight him, on, our blog down, below is, a picture, of a number, of us we were at ARMA infocon, in November. We. Are virtual. So we often, don't meet, in person, but, if we're ever have a conference, and we're. There I will, invite you to breakfast. Usually the second day of the conference so, we can do a quick meet up before sessions, on that second day so at least those, of us who are there can get to meet each other and so. That's always fun. And if, you're just floating around somewhere, and I happened to be in town for a conference so, let me know what we might be able to meet up that way too one, of our students, realized.

I Was going to be in DC for a conference, in January. She. Was not attending, she was working at Nara but, she sent me an O and said I'll be in Union Station and five o'clock could changing, trains you want to meet so I ran over and, we actually. Had dinner there together, and, then she had done only later, train to go home so we try to make. Arrangements. To meet up whenever we can I and. This, is the close-up of that picture they are and I'm hiding in the back here. But you'll, see a member of us there and. This. Was, just a quick breakfast. These weren't all students, Dave Lowry is the New. York State Archives. Representative. And he's. President. Of a New. York State ARMA chapter, and Rea over here, on. The left you'll see a real in holidays. Name she's, our contact, for IC RM so whoever anybody, has questions she. Gets answers immediately I, this. It, says upcoming, webinar but it's not in his past. Junia. Is. One. Of our graduates, and she. Graduated, in 2017. And she's fantastic. She is now the. Director, of, the. Caption, archives. Which. She's. Responsible, for a number of locations, I think it's something like four, states, she. Spoke to us in February and anybody, is interested in, this type of archive, send me a note and I, will give you a link directly to the YouTube of her presentation, she did a super, job, and, then we always keep webinars. On demand as I mentioned with Junius presentation. Helen. Did a presentation for, us last fall and it was on implementing, an ECM, solution so, some. Of them are about experiences. In our archives others. Are about experiences. In the records management. Field, information, governance field. This. Is something, strange, I, still. Like sickle, hi. And. So. A. Number. Of us get, together once, a while to have some fun activities. This, was a smackdown. Where two. Protagonists. Were antagonists. Again we're, trying. To explain why they prefer virtual, reality over a virtual, world so the other one was virtual, worlds over verge reality, and in, between when, the referee was asking questions of the one the, other one would go offstage and become a huge giant, you could see on the right hand side in the back and just tried to distract the other one it. Was so much fun that they, were invited to present at another conference and, we. Are seriously, looking at virtual reality, we're meeting, not only in our second life world as. Our base our hug but, we also meet in Kitely, which is kind of a. Intermediary. Virtual. Worlds virtual, reality and then, we. Are researching. Right now virtual. Worlds Marie who's going to teach that virtual. Reality course. In the fall is. Working. On this actually. For HP Labs so, she's got that practical. Experience as well and we. All have our headsets. Now and, our you, know our gloves, and. We're trying to find the right kind of place to move into if. Students want to have. That type of experience as well so but, that is those are fun meetings that we don't require courses, and that at all you don't have to do yeah. All. Right salaries. For women IG, this is just something. That I, found, it. Was the 20/20. Report. And they're, all of the board is you would expect. But the median looks fairly decent I, and, it all depends on the experience that you have that you bring to the. Position, and. You will be very competitive, compared. To people, who graduate, from other programs it really, will be I. Think you'll be. Surprised how. Comfortable. You are once, you complete the program and being able to go in and. Sell. Your. Attributes. And. After. Doing that e-portfolio. Reflecting. Everything, you've done in the program you're really pretty well set up to go out for any interview. Or, in, house to ask for a raise and you'll be able to explain everything you know and can bring to the.

Program Or another position, when, you're done based on the, reflection in that eportfolio. So. Why, Marv. Well. First. Of all why SJSU. It's, a fantastic, university, and as. Some. Of you have pointed out the, Icicle, is amazing, we, have such, technology such. Support, for students, and for faculty that. If. You have issues, that need to be resolved, with technology, for example we have a team that takes care of that, faculty. Feel very comfortable teaching, because we receive, support we have to go through training just as you do and if, a person. Who wants to teach for us can't. Handle, the training they can't teach for us and that has happened to a couple people that I know and that we're really excited and wanted to teach but they just. Didn't get. The hang of being. Able to put, courses, together and, be. As committed, and involved, is you need to be when you teach online. But. So, students. When. They have an exit survey usually. Say what, they like best about the Marke program, is faculty. The. Program, the technology. But, most of all the other students, they learn from one another and it, won't matter if you have any background in, records, management. Archives. Information, governance when, you start you're. Going to find that you have something to bring to the table and those people who have experience. I am. Finding that they're just amazing, and they're also adding. To that experience. And going beyond, so, everybody. Seems to be able to move up a notch from where they are many. Not just from where they are it doesn't matter where you start and, we assume that you're going, to start with the, experience, but really, it's about 50/50. Our. Experts. In the field and everybody, who speaks for us does it through zoom like, this informal, setting offers their, email willing, to and happy, to collaborate. With you outside, of school. If. You're, interested. In maybe belonging to an association, or we. Just have two speakers talk about their podcast. And. Their. What they're doing is going around actually. And interviewing, archival, so that they could explain all the different roles that archivist, fill and. So, I have, a few ideas for students, who should be interviewed. As well and. Then the, cost the cost has not changed, since I've started, since, the program started 2008. Four hundred seventy four dollars a unit so, 1998, for, the entire master's program, the. There. Is a technology, course, it's a one Kretz, none one credits the equivalent, of one credit it's a free course it's, self-paced, but I'm in there with you so that's where you get to become, comfortable with all the technology, that you're going to use you take that right before your, first semester I. When. You register. For classes if you register, for three credits, that's all you pay for so, you, pay for four seventy four times, three if you register, for six credits you pay for the six credits so you're not asked, to pay for the entire program upfront, you're not paying monthly for, the program, what you're doing, is saying these are the number of course it said I'm going to take the semester this is what my bill is going to be for the semester if you take one course over the summer or whatever then, that's fine as well. You. Can take and I don't know that I mentioned that here but you can take one. Semester, off without even requesting. Permission. To do that after you've completed a semester, so say you have your fall semester done, and you find out that in the spring you've got a new responsibility, at work it's going to be a lot of work and you just can't handle it and, still. Do well in your classes you, may say I'm going to take the semester off in order to become acclimated, with, my new job. And all you, don't need any more anything, for that just, that, and then what you do is when we start unrolling again, for, fall classes in the spring you would just go ahead and register then, I'll, help you and your advisor but, if you need to take off two semesters. After you complete one semester, if you need to take off two there.

Is Paperwork. That you would need to complete for that so you'd have to do some. Justifying. Explaining, why so. The application, process you do, need a 3.0. GPA, a minimum, if, you don't have one you could take classes at, another school and build, up their last. Tracks. You've. Pleaded. On. The, bachelors, level, and. Beyond and then once you get to the 3.0. You can, apply once. You apply now they'll look for that 3.0, overall, if they don't see, that then they'll look at your last sixty units of credit if that's, a 3.0. You'll be accepted if that's not then, what they'll do is, say. You're not, accepted. But you should know that you can go back to school and then bring. That average back up and then reapply, and, then we have some application. Period for fall here it's open now, be. Sure to apply as soon as you can just, because. It takes a while sometimes it even takes what six weeks or something so you know why I didn't, be able to make your plans if you're a student, who is still in a bachelor's, degree and, you're not going to graduate until May, or June that's. Okay too you. Can still apply you will be accepted, provisionally. And then, once. You get that transcript, available to you you'll be able to submit it even, if for some reason, classes, start in August and you're still waiting on that transcript, that's okay they. Would allow for you to take classes, it's just that you would be barred from registering. Again for the spring if that, transcript, never materialized. So, that's. About it so you can, apply. Online. And. Then, we. Do have some scholarships. For new students, but you've got to apply for those very quickly, you. Can see down, here at, the, on the right. People. Who applied early, were. Able to start applying for a scholarship January. 6 but it's open until May. 1st and this is just, for 1422, dollars, which. Is good it gets you a course right so. But. That would be something that you want to be sure you try to apply for we have some. Scholarships, that, but most of them are after. You complete a semester, and demonstrate, that you're doing. Acceptable. Work then you're eligible to apply and they're done for, a lot and, and they're not ongoing so, you can't, expect. That you. Would be able to have your program paid for through, scholarships, from the school, you won't be able to most, of our students. Either. Have, loans. Or they're self funding, in some cases their employer is funding, their program, yourself. For. More information, you can visit the, Mara website, and. You could contact me. You.

2020-04-08 00:07

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