Mapping the Collapse of China and Globalization Peter Zeihan

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so let's start with so you're telling us  the world's going to end but let's just   work out how we got here you talk a lot about  the order we've lived in a freakishly good time   which was dominated by the order but that's  coming to an end so what was the order   sure so in the world before world war ii  everything was imperial he had a british   system french system and so on and they  competed for everything and if you weren't   one of those imperial systems you were probably  one of the pieces that was getting fought over   so technology did not advance all  that quickly markets were small and   segmented and fragmented and there was always  the looming risk of military conflict well that   ultimately that competition brought us world  war ii and the destruction that came with it   uh at the end of world war ii the americans made  a deal made an offer to most of the what we now   know is the advanced world for a different way  of operating we would patrol the global oceans   so that anyone could go anywhere and interface  with any partner and sell into any market if   in exchange everyone would line up with  us to fight the soviets in the cold war   and it worked and for the first time in human  history there was such a thing as a global market   and by combining all those little disparate pieces  into a single global whole whether it was an   imperial center the united states or a colony  everyone could access manufactured goods and   energy and finance and global transport really  for the first time and everyone started to   specialize and in that specialization we founded  the value-added that eventually brought us to the   world we're in today where products can cross the  world in a matter of days and supply chains can   have hundreds of steps with no risk and yet people  can still finance the purchases relatively easily   now that was certainly true back in 2019 since  covid and the recovery from covid we are already   moving into a deglobalized era we're only at  the very beginning of the end of what we've   come to know but why does it need to end it  brought many good things now you might say   well that's to you sitting where you are and who  you are but to other people they might not agree   but in terms of the number of people living in  poverty life expectancy sharing of technology   speed of technology moving around the world it's  not difficult to make the case for why it's been   good so why should it it's it's been fantastic i  don't think there's a case that can be made on the   other side very easily you just have to remember  that it wasn't free what the united states did   is agree to indirectly or directly subsidize the  economic growth of the rest of the world and when   the cold war ended we kept doing that but we were  no longer getting the strategic deference that we   had during the cold war so from the american point  of view ever since 1992 the world has been kind of   careening out of control we're still paying the  upkeep but it has indirectly led to the rise   of a number of countries that we're not exactly  thrilled with china is at the top of that list   and the return of countries that the whole  idea of globalization in the first place was   that strategic deal to box in the soviet union  and now the russians are back so the americans   in the last seven or eight presidential  elections have gone with the more populist   anti-globalist candidate that's not an aberration  that's a trend the americans are for the most part   done and without someone holding up the ceiling  we go back to kind of the dog-eat-dog world   but it's a world in which there  are billions of interconnections   and it doesn't take much to break them so  we are now in the early stages of all those   interconnections breaking down and countries  regions having to figure out how to do it alone   and for most that will not be possible energy  and food are not necessarily produced in the   same places where you live and if you break  down global trade we see cascading failures in   absolutely every economic sector so the order  isn't finishing as a result of it not being good   it's finishing because it was inevitable because  it required the us to be super power that   protected the world and the key mechanism for  doing that chrome for wrong was us naval power   maple power was absolutely the biggest piece  there's actually an argument to be made now that   even if the u.s wanted to continue it couldn't we  have shifted the way our navy works over the last   30 years and we're almost exclusively focused  on projecting power through our carrier groups   we're going to have 14 of them by the end of  the decade and you know they're incredibly   strong that's how you knock off a country for  sure but if you want to patrol the global seas   you need destroyers about 800 of them we have  70. so there isn't a coalition of countries   that could theoretically step in and take the  americans place here but there's another piece   to it too the rest of the world is not willing  to defer to the united states on security matters   and that's the other half of the globalization  equation so whether it's from the point of view   of the security provider or the consumer this was  always going to end and now it is so the question   and i guess what we're really going to talk about  today is not is it going to end you would argue   that's something you pretty much know for sure  what we're going to debate is what comes next   absolutely so we have a whole another generation  to figure out yes yes yes well for anyone who   who reads your book or indeed has read it already  you're not shy and coming forward when it comes to   outlining what the future could look like so i  thought maybe we could do this we could actually   think about the future in two ways firstly through  the different drivers the big chunks of the   economy particularly that are relevant in terms of  connecting the world and secondarily your mental   model for thinking about countries so who who  wins and loses from this because it's not the same   as it was what it is it is in terms of who's in  first place but we can reveal who's in first place   when we get there but in terms of the economic  path how about we start with talking around   transport and manufacturing so i think they're  quite linked so how do you think transportation   is a enabler of global trade so before world  war ii transport was a little dicey you had all   these conflicting imperial systems and you would  either have to have de facto control over a body   of water or you would have to send your ships  out to escort and that meant there was limits   on to how much could be shipped and the cost was  relatively high you had to go fast to avoid foes   at limited range with globalization that all went  away all the hostile navies of the world were   sunk pretty much during world war ii the us was  one of the very few to survive and then it was put   to the service of the global commons so  that anyone could put any product on a ship   and have high confidence that would get to its  end destination now in the early days of this as   europe was recovering from the war as japan was  rebuilding and then ultimately as the colonies   were being freed this started with the same  basic stuff that we had during the imperial era   iron ore food oil the basics but as time went  on it became apparent that you could have more   and more ships with more and more product  on the float we started getting into this   crazy idea called intermediate good trades where  you would make a bumper for a car or a carburetor   and you just specialize in that one thing and  that specialization expanded the volume of what   we would transport by an order of three orders  of magnitude and that brings us to the world we   are today where an iphone has like 1100 parts and  10 000 independent supply chain steps because the   risk within the system is negligible so everyone  specializes in the specific thing you shuttle   intermediate products about and then ultimately  the final product will end up in your front door   that is something that is so far past what has  been reality in human history as to almost be   obnoxious but this is our normal today and as  we're discovering whether it's because of the   ukraine war or the china lockdowns or the trump  tariffs or brexit you disrupt one piece of one   supply chain and you do not get an end product so  now we have to do all of this in screaming reverse   unspecialize bring production supply chains closer  to their end consumer make them shorter make them   less energy intensive and that means that roughly  two-thirds of the people in the world that are in   the sector of manufacturing no longer have a  means to earn a living that cascades through   absolutely everything else and the main reason  that would happen is because of security of   supply or security of transport are you saying  it's literally going to be a lot of piracy on   the high seas it's going to be difficult to move  things around the world or is it more countries   being less willing to share materials so is it is  it more of a security of supply i don't want to   integrate as much or is it more i can't integrate  as much because it just isn't safe actually all of   the above we've already seen the french the greeks  and the brits start to confiscate vessels for   russian sanctions we now have an insurance pargo  embargo on russian crude and the russian state is   offering sovereign indemnities which is just like  asking for nato countries to start picking up a   few of their tankers in order to crush the russian  economy and convince other countries to not play   we also no longer have sanctity of supply in china  because of the kovid lockdowns shanghai's bid was   locked down for all of april all of may reopened  on june 1 it's in the process of closing down   again whether it's for health or for populism or  for trade or for security or for energy or for   interruptions and the actual flow of goods this  doesn't work anymore and that means we have to   rebuild the supply chains and if we're going  to rebuild them based on our own consumption   needs most of that is going to be internal so  the uk once it figures out brexit will probably   join the nafta alliance we'll see what happens  with germany in a system where they can no longer   access materials from ukraine or russia that's  going to be very difficult for them to change   but most of all you've got this disconnect between  supply and consumption if you don't have a lot   of people in their 20s and 30s and 40s you don't  have the big bulk that allows modern consumption   driven systems to work that means you can only  play on the production side on the export side   and that makes you very vulnerable to changes  in anything in the international environment   or changes in the political and or economic  environment of your ultimate consumers   so we're seeing this what has been a flawless  frictionless system face pressures from every   point of the compass at every step of the supply  system and a logical conclusion from everything   you just said of course is it's inflationary as  the world uses its resources less efficiently that   i mean that is something we didn't go deeply into  in the book because it's more about the transition   but that is absolutely part of this transition  process you don't break up an old supply chain   and build a new one in a period of demographic  decline without massive inflation and here we   are this is not a one-off this is not  a biden thing this is with us for years   i want to be an optimist i think is probably a  better way to go through life but i don't want   to be a mindless optimist i don't think  that's a great way to go through life   there is such a thing as human ingenuity there is  necessity as the mother of all invention when you   think about things that are going to inflate or be  in demand when you think about solutions to some   of these problems i mean automation must spring  up as one that if you are going to make more   stuff closer to where you consume it and you've  got demographic decline you're going to need   you know if your cost of labor is going up you're  going to need more automation would you agree with   that and what else do you think as we're sort of  talking around manufacturing what else do you see   as a whole set of new problems what do you see as  the problem solvers automation's great if you can   afford it one of the problems with demographic  decline is we let me back up when globalization   hit everyone could play at every part and so we  moved off of a subsistence living in agricultural   zones into the cities where we took higher value  added manufacturing and service jobs and when   you move into the city you find that necessity  you have a smaller living footprint so you have   fewer children also on the farm kids are free  labor so you have a bunch the city not so much   you play that forward for 70 years and a lot of  the world stopped having kids in large numbers   50 years ago so we're now in this decade at  a point where a lot of the advanced world   their last generation is moving into retirement  and when you have a mass retirement event like   what is going on with the baby boomers right  now they change the way that their capital   works and they cash out their stocks and  bonds and they go to t bills in cash so   we're going to have a financial shortage here  as well that's a real problem for automation   automation is expensive to develop to install and  everyone forgets the third step to update whenever   there's a change to the product set that's the  most expensive part of all we just don't have   the capital that we're going to have so we need to  retrain workforces shrinking workforce environment   we need to relocate manufacturing assets in an  environment of de-globalization at the same time   we have to find enough capital to power all of  this so for countries that are more advanced in   age i'm thinking here japan germany italy i don't  see how they pull that off for younger ones the uk   the united states i can still see it working  with automation but it's just better to   have another labor force that's proximate at a  different price point with a different skill set   in the case of the united states that's  mexico so you can have limited automation   and integration with the mexican system and avoid  most of these pressures but most of the advanced   world doesn't have that sort of option the germans  have tried it they're very good at automation but   their population is so far past terminal and most  of the younger countries that they've integrated   with are actually aging faster whether poland or  slovakia and so the next step was supposed to be   ukraine that is now off the menu so we're  looking at the german manufacturing model   arguably being the second worst one in the  world to adapt to the world we're moving into   i told you it was going to be interesting dear  listener so let's talk about what's more important   energy maybe food i'm not sure which one is more  important but i would come with food but i can see   why people would you know go back and forth on  those two let's talk about food how the changes   of food flows around the world are going to  happen and what they mean we're getting an   unfortunate introduction to the early parts of  this with the ukraine war russia used to be the   world's largest exporter of both fertilizers  and the inputs that go into fertilizers   and we're now seeing shortages on a global scale  in the united states that has resulted in a lot   of crop switching in the european union a lot  more subsidies have been required and a lot   of the developing world they're just not using  fertilizer at the scale that they normally would   so we don't know just how bad it's going to  hit this year but we will find out in september   that's usually when we get our first reasonably  accurate forecast for what the harvest will be   and we're going to be shy of food for probably  about 400 million people this year that assumes   that the war in ukraine stops right now and that  the ukrainians are able to harvest and export   normally which is exceedingly unlikely you add  that in we're talking malnutrition probably for   about a billion people starting at the end of  the fourth quarter of this year this is just a   taste of what's to come unfortunately agriculture  is the economic sector that is most vulnerable   to disruption if something happens to finance  farmers have a hard time sourcing the inputs   they need if something happens to manufacturing  they don't get the gear they need to operate   large fields if something happens to industrial  commodities the fertilizer system falls apart   and you look at yields potentially dropping by as  much as two-thirds on a global basis if you have a   problem with energy there's no fuel and oil is one  of the components that goes into most fertilizer   and pesticide and herbicide inputs so any  disruptions anywhere in the world in any parallel   economic sector ultimately cascades through to  agriculture and it's not like building a phone   if apple has a problem with getting their cameras  in you know a couple months later it'll probably   come through and you'll just get your phone two  months late but if farmers are delayed two months   in terms of harvesting or applying fertilizer  or planting you don't have a crop that season   and we're seeing what that looks like right now  unfortunately and you don't foresee again back to   my kind of you know we we extrapolate what we know  but there's the sort of hidden option value of   innovation invention solving stuff you don't  think we're in for another green revolution   where we can see food grown in different  places whether that's vertical farming   in cities you don't see much there in terms of  kind of that right tail outcome where actually   we didn't know we could do this this and this  and it's transformed supply you don't see that   i would love to be surprised let me give you the  bad news and i'll give you the good news because   there is some good news on this one let me knock  down a couple of those vertical farming is great   for hot house plants that can potentially be grown  close to an end city a population center where   food prices are high but rain and soil just cannot  be replicated a scale for any of our staples so   about as exciting as you can get with vertical  farming as maybe tomatoes but you really you're   talking like greens and micro greens is really all  you can do economically viable in that environment   the input costs are just too high for anything  else problem is going to be capital there are   a couple of technologies that look very promising  that are past the point of prototyping so they're   actually getting into mass manufacture now the  first one is genomics whether that is gmos or   gene editing people have very strong opinions  about one being better than the other or whatever   but these are technologies that are in play  that can substantially increase yields year   on year and probably in the places where  they are applied you're looking at an   increase in yields of 50 to 75 percent over a  decade that's substantial second we have now   merged facial recognition with agricultural  technologies so there are now modules you can   attach to a tractor with a bunch of tanks and they  take an individual photo of each individual plant   and then give it individual attention so does it  have a bug infestation give it some pesticide is   it yellow give it some fertilizer is it a weed  give it some herbicide and in one pass you can   treat an entire field which would normally take  three or four or with organics 15 or 20 but you   use a fraction of the inputs and in the world  we're going into that sounds really attractive   the problem is capital this new equipment is  really expensive and gene editing is definitely   not cheap so you can only apply these in places  where the manufacturing system is more or less   homegrown and where the financial capacity of  farmers is relatively high so they can afford   to buy this stuff and that means they can only  be applied on the really large farms that grow   row crops so you're talking canada the united  states australia if they can get the politics   right maybe argentina a little bit of france a  little bit of uk a little bit of the netherlands   that's great that's probably going to stop a  billion people from starving over the next 10   years but the number of people who are going to be  suffering extreme malnutrition and famine is still   looking to be north of a billion people even with  these advances and that is a a scary and deeply   concerning number so what is that i mean we're  going to come on to this but food supply food   security food supply versus political upheaval  unrest we all know the history that whenever   you get severe food shortages or rampant food  price inflation political unrest political change   often goes hand in hand absolutely so that would  be your prediction that history is right i think   we're going back to that in a very big part of  the world heavily concentrated in the eastern   hemisphere writ large the western hemisphere is a  significant exporter and the southern hemisphere   is a significant exporter so it's kind of  like that northeast quadrant of eurasia and   the middle east that i'm most concerned about most  of the green revolution the green revolution that   took place in the 60s and 70s in agriculture  was an input story we got capital equipment   fertilizers pesticides and so on to places that  didn't have them before and in lands that normally   would not produce with the pre-industrial skill  set they could produce with the industrial skill   set i mean that's the story of brazil right there  that's the world's third largest exporter now   we're seeing a disruption in every part of the  input stream and it's going to get more and more   intense so the places that have seen the greatest  output increases over the last 40 and 50 years   those are likely to be the places that are now  going to see the largest decreases i said food   first then energy let's do energy we know kind of  where energy is located at source around the world   very convenient isn't it yeah so play it forward  how does the flow of energy change and then what   about our our right tail bit of luck option  value that actually renewables saves the day   sure so there's three big sources for conventional  energy the north american system is shale based   and it is broadly okay the technology is local the  workers are local the infrastructure is local the   consumption is local now for people who live in  that space yes there are small forests of caveats   but overall north america looks pretty good the  second big source is the former soviet union and   even if the russian government fell tomorrow  and was overtaken by a small band of kindly   kindergarten teachers the problem's technology  the russians don't have the tech to operate   most of their own fields particularly in the  eastern half of the country in east siberia   the stuff that goes to east asia this is all stuff  that was brought online post-soviet and now that   there are no longer western texts in the space  you should expect that production to collapse   we don't have a metric to determine how fast but  it's really difficult for me to see most of it   lasting more than three years and that  assumes no boycotts no war no sanctions   that's just from getting the stuff out of the  ground in the first place and then the third   big source of course is the persian gulf the oil  fields in the persian gulf are simpler than the   ones in the russian space or the american space  so a broader array of players can produce their   problem security and the two biggest producers  iran and saudi arabia hate each other so very   very much and now that the united states has left  they are having a spirited debate about who should   actually be in charge in the region and are trying  to sabotage each other's systems at every level   there are very few countries that have  the naval force to reach the persian gulf   at all and there's really only three that can  potentially do so in force the united states   is one we're not interested japan is the second  one and the japanese have not yet turned the page   to the point that they're willing to deploy  marines to take over oil fields and the last   player is turkey and turkey is still trying  to figure out what its future is going to be   so i can see an environment where a lot  of countries including france and britain   and china attempt to put expeditionary  forces in the region but can't sustain it   so we can have kind of the worst of all worlds  a regional blood feud and a neo-imperial battle   all at the same time none of which argues well for  long-range oil transport the biggest losers out   of this of course are the east asians specifically  the chinese china imports 85 percent of its energy   85 of that comes from by tanker from the persian  gulf and the remainder is from that part of the   russian space that is going to go to zero so on  this factor alone ignoring everything else that's   enough to throw china back into a pre-industrial  standard of living let's go to the implications of   and when we scratch the surface on on a lot of the  things you discuss in your book and actually in   previous books but the implications of all that  rolled up into what does it mean for countries   because there's a bit of a cliffhanger there with  regard to china but could you first before we talk   about whatever comes next we don't have a name for  yet because it hasn't happened but we know what   was there which is the order but as the order  ends we kind of know who the order was beneficial   to the answer lots of people but before  we get to kind of conclusions for what the   future looks like in terms of winners losers  countries that go from winners to loser some   maybe goes to loser to winner but what's your  mental model for thinking about the drivers of   what makes a very well positioned or  advantageously positioned country in your mind   whether it's through the vectors of demographics  command of resources location location location   all those things can you share your mental model  before we get on the countries sure well you just   listed three of them so that's good you want  a demographic structure that is sustainable   now that doesn't necessarily mean that you have to  have more babies than teenagers than 20-somethings   and so on but it's hard to screw that up because  if you do have a lot of people who are younger   they are self-sustaining once you age past the  point that you have more people than their 40s   than their 30s that's where things start to fall  apart because you have now aged past the point of   theoretical biological repopulation and there's  a lot of the world that's in that right now   location is absolutely critical it's kind of  a candy bar analogy you want a gooey center   where it's easy to move things around  and as crunchy of an outside as you can   swamps are okay mountains are better oceans are  the best if people can't park their tanks on your   lawn this is a plus and if you're on an island  or have more or less a continent to yourself   that means whatever military force you have is  probably going to be naval based it means you   can go visit them instead of the other way  around that's kind of the ideal position to   be in and is one of the reasons why the united  kingdom is able to rule the world for so long   you also need a certain breadth of resources first  and foremost most important is food you need to be   able to feed your own population because if you're  dependent upon a colony or a trading partner   for being able to keep your population alive  you're not gonna go very far that's one of the   reasons why back in the age of the empires all  of the successful european empires were ones that   might source some food from abroad but for the  most part they were capable of feeding themselves   it wasn't until we got to the industrial age when  the brits were industrialized and no one else was   that was the first time that we had long  range food supply for an imperial core   and it could only work because the brits literally  brought a gun to a knife fight for 150 years which   is how you win a fight let's see what else raw  materials energy conventional crude is great   conventional natural gas is great  unconventional works if you know how to do it   solar and wind are a little messy there isn't a  lot of the earth's surface that is either windy   or sunny and proximate to population patterns so  there's always going to be this disconnect between   what you need and what green tech is able to  produce we also don't have a very good technology   yet for battery chemistry so doing grid at scale  good storage at stale just isn't happening yet   california is the best example in the united  states they are by far the greenest state   they have one minute of battery storage if you  really want to go green you need it for hours so   we're not in a place right now where there's  enough lithium production in the world   to allow the united states to get four hours of  battery storage even if no other country used   any lithium and we only used it for power systems  so no phones no clocks nothing just batteries for   power systems there's not enough in the world so  we need something better we're not there yet you   overlap all of these and there's certain parts of  the world that look great and certainly parts of   the world look awful the middle east imports all  their food they actually even have in many cases   other countries process their energy that's not  self-sustainable in a post-globalized world north   america is self-sustainable in almost everything  you can see that system having some hiccups as   they adjust especially in manufacturing but that  works the united kingdom is kind of in between   self-sufficient food british food we can  talk about that if you want to because   but they have a foot in both worlds which honestly  i think is always where the brits have been more   comfortable than all completely with one side or  the other so a partnership with the united states   on defense and energy partnership with nafta  in terms of manufacturing that works there's   a lot of change that has to come that will  be inflationary that will be disruptive yes   but it's the sort of change that the brits  have done before far more concern for germany   all of the inputs everything absolutely everything  except for the labor comes from somewhere else   and their labor is dying out as well how germany  transitions through these geopolitical changes   is going to be one of the most shocking  things that the german people have done ever   and we all know from history that the germans do  not culturally deal well with systemic shocks i've   got concerns there so you're you're top tier  if i'm wrong in first place subject to local   politics is the us of course yeah we'll always  make a mess of the politics that's just a given   so us is number one now i know some of  the other places you've mentioned in your   previous book but one there are some surprises  in there so number one is us but let's say in the   next tier down below the us who've you got  in that by far the french and the japanese   the french have the best demography in europe  they have a electricity system that is largely   nuclear and if they that doesn't work they're  on the far western edge of the continent and   oil sources are not too far away they also never  really invested their economy into the eurozone   and one of the dirty little secrets of the brexit  debate is that the united kingdom and the french   kind of treat the rest of europe the same way  from an economic integration point of view   and so just as the brits can go their own  way without too much pain so can the french   the japanese on the other side of things their  demographics are horrible but they've been   horrible for 30 years and they found a way to  deal with it they're the only country that has   successfully automated through that and they  also have a long-haul navy so they can make it   to the persian gulf if they need to more likely  they'll partner with the western hemisphere in   order to get the inputs that they need and they  already have the world's second most powerful navy   so the idea that they can go and get what  they need is a reasonable one japan i think   is a surprise it is to most people yes yeah we  think of them as a spent demography and a spent   force but they've become more and more active and  more and more militarized over the last 20 years   and one of the uh the big surprises from my point  of view about the japanese because i used to think   they were going to go their own way they cut a  deal with the trump administration and then they   cut a deal with the bible administration they are  the only world government out there right now that   has found a way to deal with both the center  left and the far right and the united states   cleanly so they were the third country to sign  under the sanctions against russia for example   and they have decided to purchase themselves a  place in the american friends and family plan   they're not in nafta but they have a free  trade deal so it's about as good as it can get   right okay next to turkey stable demography  surprisingly shockingly diversified and stable   manufacturing system self-sufficient in food  oil's close hand natural gas is close at hand   and they are already the premier military power  in their neighborhood based on how the ukraine   war goes that neighborhood might widen a little  bit i see no version of the future in that part   of the world where the turks are not playing a  much larger and more stable role now europe of   course is going to have to come to terms with  that again and it will be just as uncomfortable   this time as it was last time and then finally  one that kind of shocks most people is argentina   argentina was the world's fourth richest country  per capita back during world war one and while   they have had a government that is creative in its  destruction they're still a massive producer of   food they're almost self-sufficient with energy  they have some of the the simplest oil fields   to engage in production in and they do most of  the work themselves they even have a functional   shale sector which only happens in three countries  in the world most importantly though there's not a   threat near them they're at the southern end of  the western hemisphere their closest countries   that are capable brazil and chile are going to in  the case of chile become a bit of a satellite in   the case of brazil become a bit of a no-man's land  there's no security threat here at all the biggest   challenge they're going to have is bringing  manufacturing back and if global manufacturing is   breaking down they're going to have a choice build  it yourself or go without and like the americans   the argentinians do not like to go without  okay yeah i mean argentina i think would be a   surprise given i hear you on its previous position  in the world in terms of share of gdp but it's   it hasn't really got back there over quite a  long period of time so the problem there is   purely politics and i don't mean to suggest that's  going to vanish but if we're moving into a world   where transport breaks down and rule of law is not  enforced and shortages are the orders of the day   this is what the argentinians call an  average thursday it's not so much that   they're rising to the median as the medium  is falling to them and that's assumed that   they don't change anything they change a few  things and things get golden very quickly   got it got it so other surprise well not other  surprise but other winners coming out of this   india looks interesting they don't do a lot of  manufacturing right now because of a cost issue   compared to the chinese but if that system  goes away kind of like the americans and the   argentinians they'll have to choose what they  want to go without i don't think it's going to   be a globally engaged india they're the first stop  for oil out of the persian gulf so probably no oil   crisis they have the capacity and the demography  internally to rebuild their manufacturing system   but even if all they do is build enough for  themselves 1.4 billion people that's globally   significant even if they're not globally  engaged so you can kind of see india taking   a page from the british book and existing in  splendid isolation for a fair period of time   okay so there are some big countries  that we have not mentioned one of them   in this section of the interview we mentioned  a little bit earlier but you have not mentioned   china china dies this decade this is a short  version their demographics are now so atrocious   that we're looking at having the population have  between now and 2050 and that's primarily through   aging that assumes no breakdowns in  the input systems that allows them to   have energy and grow their food with just that the  entire economic model will collapse before 2030.   if we have disruptions to energy and this  is a country that imports everything in   its energy sector you are looking at a  de-industrialization well before that   and with covid we're seeing manufacturers up and  leave as quickly as they possibly can because this   is now the new norm for china china's vaccine  doesn't work versus omicron b and so china is   no longer a partner in reliable international  supply chains so everything that can go wrong in   china right now is going wrong the ukraine war is  particularly problematic because it means they're   going to lose energy from the russian space and  probably even a lot of food from the russian space   they're probably the biggest losers out of the war  after the ukrainians themselves obviously because   they're the last country in the kick line everyone  else gets their stuff first so that that is i'm   going to say that's controversial and perhaps push  back a bit and say doesn't china have a ton of   naval power military power does it not  have a pretty good record of innovation   or at least not every country is innovative in  itself but they can be fast followers and adopt   and adapt more countries do that than than not  and china has proven very good at doing that so   if japan was faced with very  challenging demography which it was   and invested overseas to build production overseas  and built a navy to protect why can't china   do that indeed i would argue it has been doing  that i'd actually argue that it hasn't worked   out for the chinese on any of those measures  let's start with the copying and the innovation   china makes low-end stuff they do assemble it  i don't mean to suggest that's insignificant   it's a critical part of the process but  the chinese cannot make the machinery that   makes the low-end stuff they have to import  that from somewhere else they can operate it   and they can operate the machinery that makes  the mid-end stuff but they can't make any of it   themselves about 80 percent of the value added  in the chinese economy is from imported parts   that makes them the king of the assembly and  the masters of the low end and that is critical   but that is not what allows you to be an  independent poll in international economics   especially since all of their other inputs come  from anywhere else as well and unlike the brits   and unlike the french and unlike the turks  and unlike the indians and unlike the japanese   they can't go to get what they need on paper yes  the chinese navy is huge it has more ships than   the british the japanese and the american may be  combined by a significant margin but 90 percent of   them can only go a thousand miles from shore and  that assumes that they're going in a straight line   not zigzagging and not under attack so they can  go slow to save fuel under combat situations   you're talking 400 miles so in any war scenario  where the chinese are involved someone india   japan the u.s someone australia is going to put  a couple destroyers in the indian ocean basin and   that will be the end of china's energy imports  there's no way deglobalization breaks for the   chinese in a positive way and we've seen with the  ukraine war that everything that they thought was   true that the war would be quick clearly  not so they now have to apply that to taiwan   that no one will sanction russia well that didn't  work out and so they now have to consider that   there might be sanctions on food and energy  with the russians that's an export issue   that's a numbers issue with the chinese it's  an import issue it's a national survival issue   and i think they were really floored by all the  boycotts the idea that private citizens can have   an influence over corporate policy they have no  frame of reference for that one so everything   that could go wrong for the chinese is going wrong  all at the same time right now and we're seeing   it start to break down to their decision-making  systems china's economic rise china's the number   of people who've seen their incomes rise however  you want to set the the poverty level has been   astonishing and it's been an amazing achievement  i agree on every point and now we get to see it go   in reverse okay so let's um let's finish up with a  couple more countries brazil why not brazil versus   argentina or can they both succeed together  or why have you selected argentina over brazil   i don't think that brazil's gonna collapse but  i think their golden era is over the brazilian   farmland most of it especially in the northern  90 percent of the country the area that was   reclaimed from tropical savanna in particular it  has no nutrient profile in the soil so it is an   input story and in a world where the chinese  are ravenous consumers and finance is cheap   and all the inputs are easily available brazil is  a success story because you're basically growing   food in a petri dish and the petri material itself  is the fertilizer if you break down that supply   chain system you're in a semi-tropical desert and  you're looking at yields simply not being possible   so the extreme southern provinces that are kind  of an extension of the pampas region in argentina   they can still grow just not at the same scale  but those northern ones that the story of the   agricultural explosion in brazil over  the last 20 years that just stops and   if anything we get a small volume of crop  and some low grade beef and that's about it   in argentina it's actual soil it's a bit like  the american midwest or the midlands region   in the uk and it's prairie soil it rains so  the inputs are low you use fertilizers to get   higher crop yields not just to get crop yields so  we can see the argentinian output being more or   less in the future what it is now and if they  change some policies increasing significantly   but brazil brazil has had its moment unfortunately  okay so one more country and then uh we'll wrap   russia russia oh wow okay i never bought into the  hyper optimism of the last couple of months for   the ukrainians i mean don't get me wrong they  have outperformed by every possible measure   i don't see how they win this the russians have  more men they've got longer-range weapons they've   got a better logistical system and despite all  of their problems they have a very very very deep   bench whereas the weapons that the ukrainians can  use are limited in supply first the former soviet   satellites are providing them with some older  equipment that the ukrainians can use right now   and then we're trying to train up the ukrainians  on a number of other weapons systems of which   in the united states the javelin  and the stinger are the most famous   those are all available in very limited supply and  we'll probably run out of all of them this year   against that you have low morale russian  conscripts operating 30 year old tanks that have   been inexpertly maintained going against unarmed  ukrainian infantry there's no math there so the   russians will pour over the ukrainians and i think  we're going to be dealing with a war of occupation   within a year and which will just be the  next phase but this is russia's last war   the russian demography was the worst in the world  until the chinese screamed by them a few years ago   this is the final century for the russian  population and what they're fighting for right now   is to try to establish a more coherent defensive  perimeter where they can concentrate forces in   things like the polish gap where normally they've  been invaded through and if they can do that   successfully they will probably last another  50 years if they fail at that you're looking at   the russian system collapsing in less than 20. and  whereas the chinese system is very heavily densely  

populated so a breakdown in supply chains means  mass famine and mass return to the countryside   russia despite all of its faults is still  going to be producing enough food and energy   for itself so it can disaggregate into kind of a  regional principalities model like it used to be   and cease to be a regional power but still be  a recent regional center weight you will never   be able to ignore russia if you are on its border  but it will degrade in time into a series of   competing fife domes unfortunately they also have  nukes and that is something we will have to stress   about a few years from now well at no point did  we promise this was going to be sunny optimism   but it has been fascinating we've covered a lot  of ground your book your work covers tons more   but peter i want to say thank you for coming  on the show thank you for sharing your views   thank you for making it very stimulating  conversation my pleasure until next time at this time passing zero seven zero  four one four zero rtb linking via septum you


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