MAKE IT Prize Facilities Track Informational Webinar
![MAKE IT Prize Facilities Track Informational Webinar MAKE IT Prize Facilities Track Informational Webinar](/pic/make_it_prize_facilities_track_informational_webinar/TUNQcjlZZGwxWEU_.jpeg)
all right hello everyone welcome thank you for being here this is the informational webinar for the make it prize very happy to have you here where we can talk all about this exciting prize opportunity and how you can get involved my name is Lance Hawley I'm with the national renewable energy lab I have with me Emmanuel pakora and Becca simquits both from the Department of energy thank you all for being here to join us uh this prize is developed by Ott you can see in the upper left here the office of Technology transitions so thank you Becca for being here from Ott it was developed in partnership with oced the office of clean energy demonstration thank you Emanuel for joining there as well as eere the office of Energy Efficiency and renewable energy all of these Department of energy offices have come together put together this prize that is run by us here at nrel through the American made program so again thanks everyone for joining we're excited to have you here let's get into this prize we have a few housekeeping items for you as you saw in the first slide this webinar covers just the facilities track of this prize we're going to get into the two different tracks and their differences but just know that this is the facilities track specific and if you would like to join the strategies track which is this prizes other track we have an informational webinar on that track that is in two days from now on August 17th at this same time the sign up for that webinar is going to be going into the chat feel free to join that one as well so just a just a note that this is the facilities track note that all uh your microphones and cameras are disabled this webinar is being recorded we're going to make it available through the hero X platform it will be a YouTube link so that you can come back and see it or you can pass it along to anyone who maybe couldn't join if you have questions feel free to submit them at any time in the Q a box that you'll see uh on your screen for zoom we're going to compile answers as well and make sure that those are posted after uh this webinar so that anyone can see those responses and if you do have any Tech issues always check your audio settings and if uh there's any big problems like we said earlier this is being recorded so you can come back to certain sections at a later time here's our agenda for this informational session I'm going to do a quick overview of the American made program to put this prize in context then I'm going to hand it over to the Department of energy team where they're going to look at make it prize from a high level overview and then get into some specifics about the background information and how this prize came to be then we're going to focus on prize eligibility who can compete we're going to look at a timeline and see different points of Entry to get involved and when your deadlines are we're going to look at submission requirements which is what is entailed when you put together a submission whether different parts and what do you need to make sure that you have then we're going to look at how those parts are assessed so that you know how submissions are scored and then at the end we're going to do a little overview of where you actually go to compete in this prize what the platform looks like and what support and resources are available for you that's an overview of what we'll be covering here so let's Dive In I'd like to first put this prize in context by sharing a little about the American made program American made is a U.S department of energy program and as you see here it's meant to supercharge a revolution of bold ideas the goal here with American made is to fact Fast Track ideas uh for the clean energy Revolution we have given out 200 million dollars uh in cash prizes and support over the last five years through the American made program and that's over the course of 55 and Counting prize opportunities and it is included a network of 400 uh and Counting network members this is a really cool initiative from the Department of energy that focuses focuses on prize opportunities for innovators entrepreneurs and people with ideas for the clean energy Revolution and we're really excited to have make it uh be a prize opportunity through this American-made Network so that just helps put this rise in a little bit of context that there are lots of different prize opportunities and lots of different competitors involved in the American-made system and we're happy to have you join that system next we're going to talk about make it at a high level I'm going to turn it over to Becca to talk about the big picture goals go ahead Becca thank you Lance uh so as you mentioned I'm Becca simkowitz and I'm a commercialization program manager at Doe's office of Technology transitions or Ott so the advanced the manufacture of advanced Key Energy infrastructure Technologies or make it prized uh aims to catalyze domestic manufacturing to enable replication and Commercial liftoff of clean energy demonstration projects and make it takes two approaches towards this goal of aiming to move manufacturing facilities of critical clean energy technology components from planning to the point of being shovel ready and through enabling communities to develop strategies for manufacturing activity in their area there's approximately 30 million dollars in prizes over two different competitive tracks that is the facilities track and the strategies track each has a different potential audience timeline prize amounts and structure and I will now turn it over to my colleague Manuel pakora at the office of clean energy demonstrations to provide a little bit more background on the facilities track which is the focus of today's webinar thank you Becca hello everyone uh my name is Emmanuel picora I'm with the office of clinology demonstrations working the strategy and program development of our development office uh as Lance and Beck already said this prize is made of two different trucks and when I mean different I mean very different tracks in terms of audience and goals and objectives uh today we focus on the facilities truck uh the goal of this facilities truck is to incentivize uh work to move manufacturing facilities from planning to shovel ready doe the office of green energy demonstrations the office of Technology transitions but honestly a lot of other offices within the agency are really catalyzing uh a lot of activity to build a new clean energy infrastructure industry and we realize that all these new technologies all these energy infrastructure facilities will need uh components and we want these components to be manufactured in the United States manufactured domestically so we came up with a list of eligible components that we believe are critical for the immediate needs of the clean energy industry and this price is meant to accelerate establishing manufacturing facilities for those components uh you guys can compete and receive up to five million dollars in cash prices if you can show that you are shovel ready and we'll go uh through this webinar what it means to be to prove uh to be shovel ready uh I want to highlight that right now we are not focused only on new facilities uh actually there's a specific focus on revitalization of shutter facilities Brownfield development or repurposing existing facilities so it's really open to either new construction but also repurposing existing facilities as long as it's for manufacturing one of the eligible components uh that we'll discuss today um if we go to the next slide uh we're gonna provide a little bit bigger a little bit of background on uh who we are and why we are doing this price before uh diving into the details of what it means to apply and what we are asking you guys to do uh so real quick uh there are two offices involved actually three offices uh we're focusing on on OTC and all said uh I will start from all said I'm part of uh uh this office our mission is to deliver clean energy technology demonstration projects upscale in partnership with the private sector to accelerate deployment market adoption and Equitable transition to our decarbonized Energy System I read the mission statement because every water specific meaning and we really want to work with you guys with the private sector to accelerate this transition to clean energy uh Becca back to you ah thank you Emmanuel uh make it being developed by Ott in partnership with osed and eere or the office of Energy Efficiency and renewable energy so the mission of the office of Technology transitions is to expand the impact of the Department of Energy's Investments so we work across the department of energy with its sites and Laboratories and with industry to promote uptake of Clean Energy Technologies next slide please so Ott is charged with leading commercialization related policy and programs within doe and this includes the technology commercialization fund or TCF TCF was established through the energy Policy Act of 2005 and reauthorized in the energy Act of 2020 and it establishes that 0.9 percent of Doe's research development demonstration and Commercial application funding should go toward promoting uh promising Energy Technologies for commercial purposes and the passage of the bipartisan infrastructure law in November of 2021 provided uh 62 billion dollars in new funding to support a array of clean energy activities and programs and as with um base Appropriations uh 0.9 percent of the research
development demonstration and Commercial application and funding provided by Bill is allocated to TCF to promote promising Energy Technologies for commercial purposes foreign so with this bipartisan infrastructure law TCF we're hoping to pursue activities that broadly support the commercialization of promising Energy Technologies while also simultaneously uh working to support infrastructure competitive opportunity equity and and addressing the climate crisis across the country uh so we work collaboratively across the department to develop programs that can help cultivate a broader network of innovation around build provision activities that can help enable faster scaling and replication of these projects and promote broader private sector uptake and I think with that I will hand it back to Lance or no excuse me I'll hand it back to a manual yeah I know where it is uh thanks Becca uh so as I mentioned before not every technology will be eligible for this price uh we understand that this may might be disappointing for some of you guys but at this point we are really focusing only on a specific list of Technology components uh I strongly strongly strongly invite you all to read the price uh document if you go to page 34 which is the appendix B uh you have a the complete list of uh Technologies they are eligible for this uh price in general uh the three big categories are manufacturing and recycling of components for production processing delivery storage and end use of clean nitrogen uh manufacturing of components related to electric grid upgrades and long duration energy storage uh long duration in the DUI definition means more than 10 hours and manufacturing of components related to carbon capture and storage including solvent absorbents and membrane recovery so once again if if you are like gonna get distracted the two main messages that one I want you all to remember is that not every technology is eligible for this price if you submit an application for a technology which is not part of this list it will be deemed not eligible and would not be reviewed so has to be for one of these Technologies and second these are Technologies we want to manufacture we want you guys to move a project to be shovel ready to build a manufacturing facility that means that this technology has to be at a certain technology Readiness level and ready to be manufactured scale if it's too early stage it will not be a successful application because it's very unlikely if you still need to do some research development demonstration it's very unlikely you're going to be able to start manufacturing a scale the day after you win the prize which is what we want um having said that I guess back to Android human lens for additional details great thank you Emmanuel and thank you Becca for giving some background to the prize I want to build on what they said by just referencing exactly where you can go to read all about this prize this is our official rules document there's a link here on the page and yes these slides are made available afterwards so that you can access these links we're going to use hero X as our primary platform to compete on this prize and I'm going to show you a little more of that later but this image shows where exactly you can go on hero X in our resources section to find the rules as both Emmanuel and Becca said there are very specific descriptions in this rules document not only about eligible Technologies but also about General eligibility and submission requirements and timelines so we encourage everyone to read it as thoroughly as you can to understand as much as possible about this opportunity having said that we would like to touch on some of the main aspects here starting with eligibility so this prize is open to private entities non-federal government entities and individuals uh and everyone is U.S based and uh U.S citizen in terms of your team composition these are American manufacturing Endeavors note that there's one submission per technology component so teams could have uh multiple submissions but they would need to cover separate technology components per the lists in the rules uh we say here that you can submit as an individual and that's certainly true at the beginning once you're established and have a partnership for building a facility you would need to designate a formal entity once you are in phase one uh the scoping phase and again for more full descriptions and overviews of Eligibility details see those official rules foreign this shows uh an overview high level view here of the structure of the facilities track and the the different sections or phases of competition at the very beginning we're asking competitors to provide a statement of intent which is what determines your eligibility to compete anyone who has a successful statement of intent then gets moved into phase one called scope and at the end of phase one there will be approximately 12 winners at 500 000 each so to be clear the end of phase one is the first point where a competitor can receive a cash prize of Phase One winners those individual uh entities will be moved on to phase two called shovel ready and throughout the phase two there will be up to four final winners at four and a half million dollars each which means if you make it through the entire range of this prize that would add up to a prize package of five million dollars total 500 000 in phase one and four and a half million in phase two that's a high level overview and just making it clear that you must Advance through each stage or each phase here uh in order to be eligible for the next one I'd like to take some time and focus on the timeline for this prize at a more detailed level and the first thing everyone will probably notice is that there are two timelines one called primary and one called secondary that eventually merge into one there's a few things to cover here of particular notes is that there are two timelines in order to give competitors multiple opportunities to get involved we realize that this is a very large project that may involve several Partnerships and may involve certain delays or things that might be outside of competitors hands so we want to make sure that folks have multiple opportunities to get involved if you look at the primary timeline you can submit your statement of intent starting right now through mid-october then all of those statements of intents will be evaluated and assessed and notify anyone who is eligible to continue into phase one notice that phase one begins about a month or so after that phase one begins and goes until February but if you look down at that secondary timeline there's more opportunities to submit a statement of intent if you aren't able to make the deadline in the primary timeline in other words you would have more opportunities in fact going all the way to February of 2024. same process where statement of intents are evaluated and anyone acceptable is moved on into phase one so you can see that phase the secondary timeline phase one extends a bit further to give folks time to complete it now I want to pause and make sure that this part is very clear it is better to be involved sooner than later if you can because those 12 approximately 12 phase one cash prizes are given out to the strongest teams the strongest applications as they come in which means there's a chance that all prize awards are given out for phase one in the primary timeline there's a chance now that might not happen which means there could be some prize money available for phase one in the secondary timeline but it's not necessarily a guarantee so we want everyone to know that sooner is better but there are opportunities to compete if you aren't able to make the primary timeline deadlines as we move into phase two you can see that there's multiple points of Entry as well it's a little bit earlier on the primary timeline and a little bit later on the secondary timeline but then those other dots represent different submission deadlines where anyone who is in phase two is able to submit their materials and be evaluated for a prize award same thing as phase one those prize Awards will be given out to the strongest competitors and so earlier is always better to ensure that there is prize money available there you can jump between timelines for example if you submitted your statement of intent in the primary timeline but there were some delays or other things going on with your team or maybe your Partnerships that cause the delay to complete your phase one submission that's okay you could submit in the secondary timeline and then you could uh jump back up to the primary timeline for example for one of the first submission deadlines for phase two that's just one example of how it is possible to go between them the big takeaway message here is earlier is better if it is possible for you and your team we're going to come back to this timeline a couple of times as we go through the phases to help make sure everyone is clear on it but for now let's take a look at the most uh pressing deadlines if you are in the primary timeline then your first statement of intent uh deadline is October 18th which is just about two months from today so make sure you've got that deadline in mind if your statement of intent passes and you move into phase one scope that first deadline would be February 1st of 2024 and if you're involved in the secondary timeline because again maybe there are some delays or other issues going on that require more time the statement of intent deadline for the secondary timeline is February 1st 2024 and then if you're involved in that phase one scope it would be May 2nd for that first deadline this timeline is available on the rules document and on the hero X page so um feel free to take a look there and post some follow-up questions if you have of them let's now move into the specifics of each submission here starting with the statement of intent this is the first item that anyone interested in competing will submit as you can see here and uh in more detail in the rules document you will submit a narrative of no more than two pages that has some basic information about your project your team your technology component description of your facility or your status uh any key project members in your geographic information you'll also provide a summary slide which serves as sort of a easy way to view all of the key details of your project the overall goal here is to demonstrate that you are interested in developing a domestic manufacturing facility for an eligible technology component so that would be your statement of intent and again that primary deadline primary timeline deadline is October 18th once you complete your statement of intent approximately 30 days afterwards after the deadline passes we will let people know if it has passed and this is how it's assessed all its submissions will be screened for completion assessed for eligibility per the rules and any submissions for a technology component that are not included on the list of components in the rules as Emanuel mentioned uh would be deemed not eligible to compete so again make sure you're taking a look at those rules and uh assessing your own projects to make sure that they are what the prize is looking for after statement of intents are assessed and competitors are notified any eligible competitors would be moved on to phase one which is scope let's come back to the timeline here and highlight the two places that you can be involved here as I uh went into detail on earlier there's two ways that you can be involved here earlier is better but if there are delays or other things going on that require you to compete in the secondary timeline that's fine just do remember that there's the possibility that there are a high level of very high quality submissions in the primary timeline that would be worthy of the prize uh Awards which might result in no prize Awards available in the secondary timeline that might not end up being the case of course but this gives you two different opportunities to get involved in phase one in terms of the submission for phase one um which is again is called your your scope submission here uh the submission package is more robust in that you will need a few different items in this case you'll have a cover page a summary slide which is made public and uh the narrative document which is going to ask a series of questions you'll also have permitting an environmental plan a working financial model and identification of resources a community benefits plan and supporting documentation so the phase one submission will include more items here the overall goal is to demonstrate that you have a credible plan to establish a manufacturing facility and again in Phase One there will be approximately 12 submissions selected as winners at five hundred thousand dollars each that would then move into phase two so we highly encourage everyone to use the rules document to see exactly what these items uh entail and exactly how they are going to be scored to give yourself the best chance at putting together a competitive package there are a few templates available for you we have some some items to help support your submissions and you can find these on hero X I'll give you an example here in a little bit but we have a template that helps guide your narrative so that you're following exactly what is asked for by the prize rules we also have a permitting table and we highly encourage that you use both of these templates but especially the permitting table to make sure you're hitting all of the required elements and not missing anything as it relates to the permitting of your facility so your submission passed the statement of intent and you're selected as one of the winners of phase one that would make you eligible for phase two which is called shovel ready this is the high level view that you can see here you need to demonstrate you are shovel ready for the construction or repurposing of a manufacturing facility including control of a site permits obtained financing secured and proof of meaningful local community engagement reminder that the uh final cash awards for phase two are four and a half million dollars to each uh of four winners for phase two let's take a look at the Timeline again this section highlighted in red here are the different opportunities to submit your materials for phase two and again competitors can jump in timelines and so there are multiple opportunities here to accommodate different uh timelines or situations for the teams notice that that first deadline there is about August or Late July of 2024 the next one coming at the beginning of November and then we have two submission deadlines in 2025 just like phase one wanna make sure everyone is clear the uh prize Awards the cash awards are given to the strongest teams as those submissions come in so we highly encourage you to complete a high quality package as early as possible because there is certainly a situation where the winners have been chosen before those final deadlines uh occur so make sure that you are taking that into account as you put together your materials in terms of the phase two submission these are all the different items that are involved and since this is getting your facility to the point where it is ready to be built after the prizes uh concluded there are a number of things that you need to have here this is a full list here and the the overall goal is that you need to demonstrate you are shovel ready for constructing or repurposing and Manufacturing facility all of these items um have further explanations in the rules again we encourage you to make sure that you have looked at those because there are specifics for each one that are very important to have to be a very strong competitive submission for both phase two and for the phase one submission uh the assessment is based on four categories here that involve your manufacturing Readiness your Market viability your project plan your projected impacts your team capabilities and experience as well as your community benefits these are all outlined in the rules including specific bullet points for each category so that you can set up your submission to address exactly what is being asked for each of these categories this is just to give you a high level view of what exactly plans are being assessed on again if you do have questions make sure you're putting those in the Q a we're going to address them at the end of this session as well as post them online afterwards I'm now going to move on to where to apply so you're interested in getting involved you want to know how you can complete a submission we use a platform called hero X and this is going to be the main competitor platform not only for applying but also to have access to resources and support and even ask questions and team up with other folks so how to register and compete there the link here is on the page for the facilities track of the make it prize we can also put that link in the chat you're going to see a page like you see on the left there with a big button that says solve this challenge or your page might say begin entry it depends on your hero X account status you'll need to either sign in with that or create a new hero X account agree to terms of use confirm your email and then accept the challenge specific agreement once you've done that you've registered and you're able to follow this prize and eventually submit your statement of intent before the deadline we encourage anyone on this webinar to go to that site right now follow the prize doesn't mean you have to submit your entry right now but if you follow the prize you're able to get updates regularly and access to um anything new that is posted on the site for example this is the overall hero x view of the facilities track for the make it prize in addition to that solve this challenge button you'll have a number of tabs and I want to call attention that each of these are very important to know what's involved so that you have full information about the prize the summary page is the high level overview of the rules the goals the timelines the prize amounts so that's a good place to point people where you might want to give them a quick view of this maybe potential Partners or other people involved in your project the timeline here is a very detailed view of exact due dates down to the time and this is very important because once a submission deadline passes to the second it is not available to submit uh your portion for for that uh phase that we are in so make sure that you're following along with that timeline also keeping in mind there's the primary and secondary timeline the updates tab is an important place to go for any new information that the prize team is going to provide to you this could be reminders about resources this could be linked to other available opportunities for you this could be reminders about deadlines and this could even be examples of types of Technology components or facilities that the prize is looking for the next section is called The Forum this is a great place to ask any questions the prize team is constantly monitoring this forum so we'll be able to get back to you with any answers and the Forum is also a place that you could make uh some teaming Arrangements if you are interested in this prize but you need different partners or support from other folks who might be interested as well this is a place where you could potentially team up and create a strong submission because you've got multiple partners involved here the teams tab I'll let you lets you see teams that are involved and again that's a place where you can go to get other folks involved with your team the resources tab is where the rules are located as well as any submission templates as well as contact information for competitor support uh permitting tables any materials like that that we would like competitors to have access to and lastly is the FAQ which is a series of commonly asked questions misses everything from technical help with the submission to the American made program to specifics about eligible technology so make sure you check that one out for frequently asked questions that covers the hero X platform that's going to be your main Hub that's going to be your home base for competing in this prize the last section that we would like to go through today is about how you can get connected to support and to resources the American made program has a network made up of connectors and a few of them we call power connectors where they are subcontracted to provide free support and equal support to any competitors involved in this competition for this prize we have the clean energy business Network or cebn and we have yet to want to give a thank you to both of these organizations for being involved with this prize you are able to contact these two organizations you can ask questions you can sign up for office hours I've got some links on the page here again we'll send these slides out afterwards um we might be able to put in the chat as well how to contact these organizations their contact information is up on hero X as well you can schedule time to run through your application materials and gather feedback and ask questions in general so these are a great resource to go to we highly encourage everyone to take advantage of the services that they provide to all competitors another aspect of support is the strategies track of this prize we mentioned this at the beginning of the prize make it is both the facility's track developing the um critical clean energy components manufacturing facilities and then the strategies track which is involved with getting communities linked up with these manufacturing facilities projects the uh link to the webinar for the strategies track is going in the chat and was earlier please sign up if you'd like to learn more about that one but where you can have some very cool cross connections here is as the prize goes on you can use the strategies track to seek out competitors who are working there with communities to prepare their communities for these types of manufacturing projects and you can link up and maybe even combine forces as part of your overall submission package so we encourage you to keep tabs on both tracks of this prize for that reason that you can be connecting and making your submissions stronger with that we have the next steps for you here so if this is a prize opportunity that excites you uh start talking with potential team members or Community Partners or local organizations make sure you read the rules make sure you plan your participation um get other team members to become familiar with the rules as well leverage any support resources like the power connector cebn and yet2 go ahead and register your team on hero X make sure everyone has an account and is able to follow the prize you can register your team set a team captain uh and then compete by submitting your statement of intent by October 18th which would be your best chance in the primary timeline just a reminder if that feels like it's coming up too soon there's the secondary timeline we do encourage the primary timeline but there are opportunities in the secondary timeline there so these are your immediate next steps you now have a full overview of the prize and the resources available to you so at this point we would love to make sure that folks questions are answered we also have a inbox where you can email questions to called make it prize at so with that we're going to take a look at the Q a and get folks questions answered I'll note that one question is uh or a variety of questions is that uh have come around specific technology eligibility and uh specific Technologies making uh part of the statement of intent whether they're eligible or not we will not be answering individual eligibility questions uh during this webinar specific ones please refer to the full lists and descriptions and the rules to see if your technology is eligible you can also reach out to the power connectors that we mentioned cebn and yet two to discuss uh your technology in more detail we also have a general question about being able to switch timelines and the answer is yes you are able to jump between timelines if that makes sense for your particular project you are able to start in one timeline and move to another you are not locked in to one specific timeline we had another general question about um am I able to work with a community that is already participating in the strategies track and the answer is yes you are able to coordinate with a community being involved in that track you're able to join forces if that makes sense for your particular situation so definitely keep an eye on the strategies track foreign looking at the Q a here let's see is it accurate to say that Awards will be rolling during the defined award review notice period such that money could be running out even while submissions are still coming in so once a deadline passes so for example once a phase one scope deadline passes all of the submissions from that particular deadline will be evaluated and yes to answer this question if there are sufficient high quality strong submissions from that first phase one then yes those could potentially all be awarded and that would use the phase one award money and that's why the deadlines are aligned so the competitors would know what the situation is for example if you were looking at timeline number two you would know that phase one is concluded and all the money has been awarded in that first timeline this one says is it something like 120 meritorious submissions by 10 means 12 Phase One winners or as long as there are at least 12 meritorious missions there will be 12 Phase One winners uh winners are not established as a percentage of submissions only submissions that satisfy the requirements uh and ppf will win whatever that number ends up being uh how much flexibility is there on specific location of the facility if plans change does the application need to be location specific if two different states are in the running for strategic reasons uh phase one allows for submission of multiple possible locations for phase two we want the final location being locked in thank you if an organization wants to submit multiple entries for different Technologies do we need to create multiple hero X accounts you can use the same hero X account uh as a as a team captain and you can have multiple different submissions but again as we mentioned earlier you would need to clearly describe and Define how those technology components uh are different are separate there but you can do it with the same hero X account what is the expected template or contents of the statement of intent again we encourage you to go to the rules document which has an overview of what exactly um is involved in that submission and what is being assessed there we have one that says if we are not successful in the primary timeline would we be able to resubmit in the secondary timeline and the answer is yes as long as there are still prize funds available uh you are able to take feedback and resubmit in the secondary timeline as long as you're following those deadlines we had another question about the strategies track following the same timeline as the facilities track the strategies track has its own timeline that has a hero X page it has its own rules document and again we're going to have a webinar on the strategies track this coming Thursday the 17th where you can see more about that specific timeline we have a question about uh what can we spend phase two money on um building specialized testing manufacturing equipment Etc this is a prize competition so prize money is awarded for work completed uh and it is not like a grant where there are certain spending requirements that you have to report on so you are able to use the money uh in a way that works best for your project foreign Becca are there any other specific questions or clarifications that you would like to give to any of these or other points I think you covered at least all the questions I've seen uh we understand there's a lot of questions asking us about eligibility of Technologies as Lance already said it very clearly We're not gonna make the determination during the webinar uh please read the prize rules I think it's page 34 I think of the it's appendix B uh there's four or five pages with a list of Technology components that we are asking we're looking for and a few details uh if you feel you fall into one of those categories pretty similar statement of intent and we'll make a determination at that time uh I let's see if I can find other questions here I can go here does having marketing announcements on expansion plans lower chances for getting the price uh I would say no as long as you submit all the documents that we're asking and uh your submission is satisfactory uh that that's what counts this is a question can you please take us through the list of eligible components I mean we could do that it would be pretty boring to read a document out loud uh I don't know lens we could do that but it's really like four pages I think or five pages in The Prize rules is not too long and we organize them we are grouped them by technology vertical so I would encourage you guys to read the price documents I agree that's uh that's the appendix B I believe we said that's page 34 of the rules and like Manuel said that's that's nicely laid out by specifics we know that a lot of people have very specific technology categories so um that's the best place to to answer your question there maybe there's a question for you uh or for the annual team once awarded when is money distributed to winner uh and on what basis yes do you want to go to the payment yes so if a submission is selected as a prize uh Award winner we once once those winners are announced uh and made public then we are contacting each winner and giving them congratulations as well as Specific Instructions for what to return to us for payment there are a few documents that you will need to provide such as a W-2 um Banking and or sorry W9 banking information um so that we can get those payments out to you once we receive those documents back from you um then we're able to process the payment on our end um and assuming there's no delays that might come from um any inaccurate information or anything like that the process usually takes anywhere from two to four weeks uh from receiving those documents uh and I should also note that um the payment goes to uh the person that you're designating as part of your submission um and so make sure that you are checking those specifics to make sure that you want to have that money go where you intended to go foreign field sides are we trying to find Brownfield sites that were used for so they were using other energy industry applications or any Brownfield site uh I would say any Brownfield uh repurposing a shutter facilities uh they were used for industrial manufacturing for any industry that would be fine I'm going through the list I think there was a question uh is there an expected template contents for the statement of intent the answer is yes uh in the prize rules I think we went through also through the webinar uh it's it's pretty easy it's uh it's not too difficult it's one or two one or two page of submission uh just some basic information and which technology components you are planning to manufacture uh thank you land setting you're going back the deck yeah I could go back and show those exact ones but this is the place to go to in hero X the resources tab which has those template documents ready for you manual there's a question is the focus on U.S manufacturing for supply to the US or our exporters also welcome um we uh we focus on many domestic manufacturing if you're customers are abroad that is fine it is okay to sell to anyone but uh we want the manufacturing activity to happen in the US thank you foreign we do still have some time so if folks still have questions feel free to put them in the chat there we also just want to uh make sure that we are thanking you for your attendance today this is a recorded webinar we are going to be posting the recording as well as the slide deck uh for you to access those will be posted on hero X in the resources section and we'll make sure that that's also an update so that you get pinged about it if you are following the prize which uh make sure that you do that as well uh the strategies track webinar is this Thursday August 17th at 2 p.m eastern time if you would like to
sign up for that make sure that you do register just the same way that you registered for this one also if you think of a community or a partner um that you would think would benefit from knowing about this opportunity feel free to send it to them as well there is a separate hero X page for the strategies track and it's easy to go between the two of them you can find those links right in the main summary of each track and Lance correct me if you're wrong we're gonna answer we're gonna go through all questions even if we missed any question will provide an answer in hero X yes we'll compile all the questions from today's webinar and we'll post a comprehensive Anonymous list of questions and answers that will go in hero X otherwise uh thank you everyone for joining today we're very excited for this prize opportunity and we're very excited to get you involved uh we do have the email inbox if you have further questions and uh hope to see some of you as well on the Thursday webinar for the strategies track uh thank you to the Department of energy team for joining us as well today and uh good luck to everyone's participation thank you
2023-08-27 12:10