Majlis Menandatangani MoU antara UKM dan Infineon Technologies (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.

Majlis Menandatangani MoU antara UKM dan Infineon Technologies (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.

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foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] keep the device sensor research and Innovation Affair University Malaysia Professor Dr Juan Kamal mujani and the senior vice president of infinite Technologies Xenia ladies and Gentlemen please visit [Music] and a very good morning young Brothers Vice Chancellor research and Innovation Affair University Malaysia Mr unsung Meng senior vice president and managing director Mr Chan chiling senior vice president and chief Technologies officer infinite Technologies Malaysia associate professor Dr Ahmad rifky magazine director Institute of Micro Engineering and nanoelectronic Iman the founder of Iman our distinguished guest from infinite Technologies Malaysia sendian I'm a research fellows staff and students ladies and gentlemen we would like to welcome the delegates from infinite Technologies Malaysia San Diego Heights to Iman welcome to mou signing ceremony between unistique bangsar and Malaysia and infinite Technologies Malaysia San Diego this um this employee will officially acknowledge their partnership between ukm and infinite Technologies to build a collaboration in research and education of shared interest especially ON Semiconductor electronic packaging this mou will be held for 5 Years From 2023 to 2028 to start the event I would like to invite Dr Muhammad Ani to recite um age all the Villa he said foreign foreign Chrome foreign next the ceremony continued with video presentation about Iron Man ukm and infinite Technologies [Music] [Music] dissimilar University [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] the world is facing bigger and more challenges every day with our semiconductors we are part of the answer to many of these challenges our Innovative products are creating sustainable value for society by enabling key trends such as electrification and digitalization we are everywhere you may not see us but we are always there making life easier safer and greener our microelectronics contribute towards Energy Efficiency making it possible to achieve more with the same or even less resources for a sustainable future semiconductors are at the heart of the transition towards green Safe and Smart Mobility we make Mobility electric connected autonomous and user-centric we build trust in a connected world with robust and future-proof Security Solutions serving a wide range of applications from consumer devices to Industrial applications and connected vehicles we make the iot work by developing solutions to smartify everything from devices and homes to factories and cars we are the link between the real and the digital world to create a future worth living for all of us and for the generations to come Infineon part of your life part of tomorrow thank you I now invite the deputy Vice Chancellor of research and Innovation Affairs Malaysia opportunities to deliver his welcoming remarks is one [Music] [Music] is very good morning to everybody Mr Eng Seng Ming a senior vice president and managing director infinite Technologies Malaysia Central associate professor Dr Ahmad rifky or Jane director Institute of macro engineering and nanoelectronics Iman you can senior officers of Infinium Technologies malicious and official from ukm and my friends my colleges rosly and all of our members of Iman ladies and gentlemen on behalf of Yim shiku bangsar in Malaysia I would like to take this opportunity to welcome our esteem a guest to ukm and I'm delighted to be here today at the memorandum of understanding mou signing ceremony between ukm and infinite Technologies Malaysia San Andreas this mou established the partnership between ukm and infinite Technologies and continuous inshallah to Foster collaboration in research and development of mutual interests particularly in engineering manufacturing technology and automation this mou inshallah will result in a variety of activities including the exchange of technical information specifically but not exclusively in engineering manufacturing technology and automation as well as participation in academic programs and staff training between the two organizations ladies and gentlemen I'm pleased that our distinguished guests has chosen Iman as a research partner because it is one of our research centers of excellence with a yearly performance that far exceeds the University's expectations in 2011 Iman was recognized as the Nano Malaysia Center of Excellence Nano Coe in Nano Electronics by the ministry of science technology and Innovation mostly meanwhile in 2014 Iman has been recognized as the prestigious higher Institution Center of excellent High Coe in microelectronics by the ministry of education Iman has actively fostered collaboration with some prestigious institution such as Japan Advanced suit of Science and Technology Chinese Harvard University pempto St France National University Taiwan and griffith University Australia ladies and gentlemen Iman has one of the best semiconductor packaging research group in the country with over 100 high impact journals a focus to electronic packaging research they have also produced more than 50 postgraduate Personnel some of whom are working in semiconductor Industries today I'm also proud to note that one of the senior directors Dr puida Haroon okay okay you should come here back okay who has received preparation as an expert in why bonding under distribution of Professor azumanjala thank you very much Professor Iman has a long history of successful collaboration with the various semiconductor Industries in Malaysia today we are very proud to announce the re-establishment of an official contribution with infinite Technologies Malaysia San Diego ladies and gentlemen we recognize infinite Technologies as Germany's largest semiconductor manufacturer specializing in power and automotive electronics infinite Technologies contribution to the economic development Social Development and technological advancement is undeniable and we do hope that the focus of this mou will be on R D empowerment talent development and the advancement of education and knowledge before I conclude I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the delegation from infinite Technologies for joining us at ukm as well as the organizing committee for their dedication and commitment to the success of this initiative I'm confident that with our combined efforts and commitment we will be able to accomplish more and be even stronger relationships thank you very much and we'll be right topic holiday thank you professor I now invite the Mr Eng sen Main Senior vice president and managing director to give his speech ramabagi Salaam bhagya Professor Dr Juan Karma Deputy bicycle research and innovation also said Professor Dr Amman rivki Muhammad Jain director for The Institute of Micro Engineering and Nano Electronics e-mem Professor Dr Aman Jara principal research fellow and head of my pack team in Diamond so thank you Ling CTO of infinity Malacca and Senior Management team of UCam and my fellow colleagues in Infinity Malacca so very very good morning actually infinite Malacca head have had an mou with ukm way back in 2012 January yeah of course with the intention to maximize human capitals in accelerating innovation for both the industry and University and of course also helping hoping to build a good way of talent of course there's a distance between Malacca and ukm for different reasons the progress was not fast enough yeah of course Infinity Market was working with the university in Malacca for the last 10 years yeah so in between there were pandemic so and we of course we also learned how to work with the distance of course with the help from some alumni and we know that we have a lot of alumni from ukm we make the re-establishment of the connection and you fast forward in February 20123 this year we had signed the mou so with that thank you very much for the team here so of course with that I foresee that both party will continue to enhance the cooperation of Norwich Exchange and complement each other especially in the field of material engineering managing technology and of course focusing on microelectronics packaging yeah and with that yeah I know that later today uh infinite Malacca and UCam I'm going to sign the NDA and also the research cooperation agreement on topics focusing on topic like Advanced packaging material such as graphing as high thermal electrical interconnect or anti-epoxi anti epoxy breed material for saving chip and deep frame and High Performance contact pin for testing and so on yeah so and I I learned just now that there's a lot of advanced uh equipment and lab equipments in Imam so I really hope that many type of This research maybe in the future can also concentrate on silicon carbide and gallium nitride the White Band Gap material because these are now the focus for Infineon s the focus technology to drive our mission in decarbonization and digitalization so as hes of today you know in the we are already we have restarted many activities with the qkm for example we have already invited uh they will also Factory visit for the the lecturer and we have also invited a UCam to participate in our coming Innovation week in in August and I know that uh maybe Dr Ahmad uh volunteer to give a talk by then yeah so I look forward to that yeah yeah so of course uh we looking to looking forward we will continue to extend the activities like what we have done for the University that we we work with I mean for example we may have a infinite week in the University we can have a graduate employee Liberty program of course we can extend the number of internships that we offer to the University of ukm and there will be many possibilities yeah so I do look forward to further strengthening of our cooperation of course we can also do some CSR activity together yeah yeah so I look forward for a lot of these activities and cooperation in the future and with that maybe I want to end with a small piece of Pantone yeah uh wave currency of Osman yeah Infinity Malaysia thank you Mr Eng sangmang ladies and gentlemen we have come to the main agenda of today's program now let us proceed to the mou signing ceremony between ukm and infinite Technologies Malaysia San Diego to proceed with the signing ceremony we would like to invite yambur bahagir Professor Dr Juan Kamal mujani as the representative for University kobansa and Malaysia as the representative for infinite Technologies manager San Diego please also welcome associate professor Dr Ahmad rifky Mike Zane and Mr Chan Chi Ling to witness the signing ceremony [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] would like to represent a token appreciation to Mr engman thank you next a token of appreciation from Mr unsung Meng to Prof Professor Dr Juan Kamal mujani you know [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] exactly [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you ladies and gentlemen we have come to the end of the program thank you to our distinguished guests and all participants for being here to witness the mou signing ceremony delegates from infinite Technologies are invited to visit few of our main Labs all are invited for lunch provided after the lab visit I end this session with thank you and assalamualaikum foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Furious

2023-06-27 14:16

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