MaineLife - S2 - Episode 34

MaineLife - S2 - Episode 34

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I came. From New York City to lift the, main life I was, hired to design how door Provera, I live. The main life we're. Looking for college Kratts so, come get your check I. Came. From Venezuela. To leave the, main life I open. My own restaurant. Learn, more about hundreds, of main jobs and our text program for college grads at live and work in Maine comm. Everyone. Greetings, from the Portland Expo here's a look at what's coming up on this week's episode. One. Could say that Maine. Represents. The geographic. Epicenter, of our world market. One, of my favorite nights of the year when it comes to special events bringing kids and, the new members of the Red Claws team, together. Thanks. For joining us I'm your host Erin Ovalle and this is Maine life. Loving. Echo, the. Semblance of, a, sound and I, pray. With. My. Hi. Everybody and welcome to the Portland Expo we're here at the ninth annual Kids and Klaas event celebrating, everything basketball, and the Boys and Girls Club of Southern Maine before we tell you a little bit more about what the event is all about in this week's main business, takes us to Scarborough fluid, imaging, technologies, it was named one of the best places to work in Maine take. A look. Memik. Supports Maine businesses because we are one when, they thrive we thrive we insure 18,000. Employers, in Maine who, really, work in so, many ways all over our state to make things better in their communities and better for their businesses and better for their employees. Floyd. Imogene was founded. About 20 years ago and. It was based on the principle, of, taking. Images of microscopic particles. In a fluid stream much, like a microscope, but, dynamically. It's. Just amazing, to see all of the microscopic, particles that, are, part of our everyday lives that we don't even think about we. Do a lot of pharmaceutical. Research so drug development, there's, a lot of aquatic, research so it's a lot of early-stage R&D, which is something that I enjoy we're making a product that's very beneficial to people and allows. Them to do the work that they need to do the employee. Base here are very engaged in new, product, development hardware. Software so. It's a very dynamic. Workforce. And no. Two days are alike currently. We are in over, 50 countries. All. Continents. Operating. Out of Maine one. Could say that Maine. Represents. The geographic, epicenter, of our world market. I had, lived in Maine for about eight years and my husband and I moved to Florida when he took a job opportunity there and we were there about two years and we missed me terribly. There's so many neat places here to explore we. Missed the seasons, I really. Wanted to work for a Maine company, so, here we are we're, growing we're making this really unique instrument. So, that was definitely part of my decision, was being able to work for fluid imaging I went to school in Boston, I really enjoyed living there but I came back to Maine and, having. Gone away I was away for six years and coming. Back I grew. To appreciate all the things that Maine has to offer there are very few states that I've been to where you can go to mountains, and then, oceans. Geography. Here is really great and I enjoy being outside so there's a lot of hiking opportunities, you can ski in the winter I, love the ocean so. It's, it's. A great state to kind. Of meet all those needs get to live here but also get to have a job that I enjoy and. In a field that I enjoy. We, are now here with Ralph Hendricks the CEO of Mack page and also the lead sponsor here, at kids and Klaas event and the sponsor of our new series three points, celebrating, the Maine Red Claws and, the, Boys and Girls Club Ralph thank you so much for all that you do this is your event you work hard to plant it tell, us what we could expect Thank, You Aaron we're, here tonight to raise some money Garos, and Girls Club of Southern Maine it's, an interactive event with the Red Claws, participate. With the Boys and Girls Club in the community the kids get to go on the floor have a very interactive. Time. With the players get to talk with them and share what. They like about the club and so you are not only a big basketball, fan or. You go back to Portland, Carla high school dance I go, way back to, the Boys and Girls Club back in the late.

60s, Early seventies, you're also a board member yes. A. Great board we've got over 30 people that are very dedicated to, the. Boys and Girls Club and also, the people that work at the Boys and Girls Club and some of the finest, people, that I know and they're so dedicated every, day to helping. These kids learn and get. Along with each other and. Be, good citizens oh thank you for all that you do so, let's learn a little bit more about tonight's event thank, you. We're, now here with Kara brown who is a sixth grader at King middle school and a member of the Boys and Girls Club II said for four years now yes, tonight we're celebrating basketball. Right for the Maine. Red Claws are you a basketball player at all yes. I play basketball at the Wonder Girls Club, I'm. On my mom's team my mom works there I love, my job and love, all the great people I get to work with on a daily basis, we, have a lot of people to really care about the community and, really care about the kids and the people within the community the Red Claws is a great organization it, also gives a lot back to the community and, I couldn't think of a better organization to, give back to them the Boys and Girls Club from day one it's always been to a let's say a philosophy, to say we're, here to make an impact in the community and more importantly have an impact with kids and, so aligning ourselves with the Boys and Girls Club and several other youth oriented, organizations, was very important, for us through the Red Claws brand we've not only been able to have an impact within the Greater Portland area but, also throughout the state of Maine, one of my favorite, nights of the year when it comes to special events bringing, kids and, the new members of the Red Claws team, together and a real, casual, atmosphere shooting. Hoops getting, autographs and beating. Some future NBA players. Hopefully, Celtics, in, the last 10-15. Years have become a lot more intentional. About preparing. Kids for the next stage of their life so part. Of our ingrained, in our mission of service, is to get, every one of our members through, school, graduate. On time with. A plan for the future this is a great time to bring money and the money really goes to great use. It's just a wonderful experience and a great way to give back. You. It's. Your picnic table and your. Park bench. It's. Your hotel room your. Office and your. Nursery. It's. Your first date and. A. Shoulder to cry on, it's. Your barbershop, your. Dance floor and your. Toolbox. It's, your car. Find. It at quark. You. Welcome. Back everybody our travels, this week also brought us to Scarborough where we got to check back in with our friends Scott in sunny Townsend, who are not only is showing us one, of their future properties, but bringing us to one of their favorite places aside, from Higgins, beach in Scarborough.

The Scarborough Marsh and Eastern Trail. Welcome. Back to Scarborough everybody, we are here with Fenway Sperling. Scot in sunny Townsend, and last. Time we saw you we were enjoying beach life on Higgins, Beach and, now we're here, Scarborough, marsh and Eastern Trail yeah another, favorite. Part of living in, Scarborough, for you oh it's so great at this the Scarborough Marsh it's 3,200. Acres salt. Marsh it's the largest in the state and, its. Really great the natural, Wildlife, Refuge Recreation, Area it's, fed by four. Rivers so. You, can you. Know your yeah. You can, you can kayak, you, could paddleboard, the, Maine Autobahn Center is right up the road and they, rent. Canoes they even do full moon from you tours so. So, beautiful, you could pick a good day to be out here yeah that's a great day in this section of the eastern trail it's two miles from Pine Point Road to Black Point Road it's, probably the most popular section, because of the great. Marsh views that it has and, what people don't know is this is just a small section in Scarborough, but the eastern trail within, the state of Maine I mean it actually goes all the way down to Florida but, the in, the state of Maine it's about 65 miles from Kittery, to Casco, Bay and, it's, flat flat. Trail and it's mainly gravel, or pavement. So, I Drive by all the time I've actually never been able to walk it and I know there's a lot of community initiatives, to. Continue. To fundraise so that it can restore. It or build it grow it yeah there's a capital, campaign going, right now because there's a 1.6. Mile stretch. Of trail. That needs to be built in Scarborough. To connect it that goes over one river and I think several train wrecks so it's quite, cost. Prohibitive, it's. About four million dollars, to do and we're about 500,000, short of that goal okay. So we're. Getting close but we need more people to be watching this Korean. Sing it the. Doggie seem to like it. They're. Just saying to me wait I was here this morning. So. Our next stop is one of your listings here at Scarborough not too far yes, Eastern, Trail Dunstan, crossing it's, one of Scarborough's newer neighborhoods. Okay, really. Great community feel, pretty. Tree-lined. Streets, community. Events. Really. Cool space that we have in a townhouse style house. For sale great. There's, two miles from the trail and. Right. Living. The life it is all. Right let's check it out. So. Here we are at the Dunston Crossing neighborhood, what's. Really unique about this neighborhood is, it. Was inspired, by, historic. Maine villages, to, be a. Traditional. Neighborhood so. It's really, inviting it has a really nice friendly, community, feel you, know from the park-like, setting and.

The Tree-lined, streets, sidewalks. Sidewalks. Underground. Utilities. It. Looks very clean all, the houses have front porches Oh so. It's, really nice to, socialize. With your neighbors, they, have regular. Happy. Hours by the pond, holiday. Events, and the. Final, plans for the development is to have a commercial, center with, offices, shops and restaurants really, not too far from this prop this property, oh yeah in this development, one. It'll exit out everyone, and so you've helped some, of your buyers to be in this community they're, loving of it yeah absolutely yeah and then what we're finding is a lot of people that, move into the condos. In the community, end up building houses and, stay, in the community and. So we're showing us one of your listings here which is nine Waldron, yeah and this is a townhouse but you. Could also mean there's the townhouse here row and then some independent, houses yeah and right next door is a single-family home so it's a nice mix of of condos. And homes okay, let's go check it out let's take a look inside. Townhouse. Style unit. Was built. In 2011, it's. Got a nice, contemporary. Open layout, nice for the end, unit too oh yeah. Lots of dough's and more privacy, and. Look, at this kitchen do. Cook, I don't. It's. A great cook's kitchen. Viking. Appliances throughout. And I, can just imagine. Cooking. On that stove and entertaining. Around this island this is moving ready this is ready, just. In time for holiday. Parties and, we've got three bedrooms three. Bedrooms two and a half baths I've, got a great sunroom, area and what's, nice about this, townhome style which is unique in Scarborough there aren't too many of them is it, offers three, floors of living space and we're just under 2,900. Square feet and the, parties in the back which is really nice so you're not kind, of fighting with the curb. Appeal yeah as Sonny mentioned earlier with the neighborhood, the, feel, of it is to have all the cars enter from the back of the homes versus. You know long driveways, and cars stacked up in the driveway in the front and it opens up a more walkable neighborhood, and, also a more social neighborhood so who was your buyer for, a townhouse. Is this I mean because a lot of people might want land but, somebody who's looking for this is looking, for convenience, yeah, it's a little bit of both I mean the age demographic. For this particular, time Town Hall runs the full gamut because. You have a very, diverse neighborhood, here you. Have multiple, floors and. The condo style is nice, because you don't have to worry about a thing you don't have to shovel your front steps or your, driveway you can just focus on living and enjoying life very. Nice. Everyone. Greetings from the Portland Expo in, this week's mean today minute aside from stuffing, yourself with turkey, here, are some ideas to get you out and about on Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving. Seems, like a good time to start your day off with some exercise, so you can have some fun while doing it by joining in on the annual Thanksgiving, Day for miler, you'll, burn off some calories by, running right through downtown Portland's. The race starts at 9:00 a.m. so you have plenty of time to shower up before your big meal if. You'd rather watch people play sports and participate, yourself you can always catch the more than 100, year old tradition of Portland and Deering high school football teams battling. It out on Thanksgiving, Day at Fitzpatrick, Stadium, but. If your idea of a sport is Christmas, shopping you, can get an early start by, hitting up l.l.bean in Freeport, where the stores never close if. You're still looking for more to do remember that local yoga studios, bowling, alleys and movie theaters open for at least part of Thanksgiving Day make sure you check ours before heading out to entertain yourself while you digest for. More ideas on things to do including the best places to hike or grabbing a bite log, on to Maine today calm. You. We. Are now continuing our main leaders, series interviewing, registered, gubernatorial candidates. Who reach out to our crew to talk about their main life this, week meet Maine State Treasurer Terry Hays who is running as an independent. So. You grew up in the Portland area and my field has been your home for almost thirty years yes. Tell me about Buck feel this is my first time I was such a pretty Drive we chose to live here we bought, the house it was for sale by owner and we. Liked. The school system, and then he served on the school board for for, 13 years I did is that kind of what brought. You into the. Political. World or, Rosita, Cagney who was my state representative.

Was Watching a softball, game and she said I'm turned out why don't you think about running and. And. I said huh so. I went home and did some research and talked to Steve and said that. Sounds like that will be interesting, and so I did I was, elected, in 2006. In November, I started serving in December, that year I served. Eight years in, the legislature, and then I've. Been treasurer for three, I think, Maine has the potential, I think we can be what we want we get to choose our future and it's, it's, important, to me that we not be held back by partisanship. I want to be able to tap talent, across the state regardless, of Democrats. Republicans. Green, independence, I want to give them all the credit for doing the right things but I don't want the partisanship, to get in the way how is being looking right now some of the positive, some of the challenge well, we're, doing a much better job. Collectively. Of planning, for the economy, that we have instead, of the one that we wish we had we're, paying our bills with our own money we're doing it on time which. Is a good place to be. You, know if I'm fortunate enough to be Maine's next governor job number one is to keep that you maintain that status, I think that's really important. So. Behind. Every strong woman there's a strong man they say right so, we get to meet your husband now it's a good husband good yeah I see Sven he's, been a wonderful support, introducing. Two more family, members we have husband, Steve over here and Cooper, Cooper is your fourth child. I said. Yes. So you've got three human. Children. And, you, told me that they all still live in Maine which is really. Cool and important I'm sure for, yeah, we really like that so, Steve 32. Plus years. Your wife your best friend why do you think she. Would be a good governor we. Need someone. Who can be in. The, Blaine House who can work, with both parties who, can be civil, who, can get people to work together and. That's, her I mean, she's excellent, at those things you have a lot of supporters, so it's nice to have somebody in, your corner, it's, very nice I'm blessed, and it's. An honor and a privilege to be able to run for governor you know I look at it as a there's an opening the job opening, coming up and. Right now I think there are 20 applicants, and it. Maine is blessed to have good people all vying for that same opportunity so. Hopefully. They you know I know, what outcome I want but. Then I can tap that talent, you, know tap, across, the state pool, of us following so, in Cooper come with you to the Blaine House. We. Would love to have Cooper at the Blaine are. You ready, are. You ready. Yeah. It's gonna be interesting isn't it buddy you. In the cat oh. Thank, you guys appreciate. You thank you thank. You. Hi. There everybody this week at my ro studios i sat down with executive, director of the Portland Symphony Orchestra, Carolina, Shawn who discussed, the future of the orchestra, music, director search and of course the magic of Christmas Carolyn, welcome to Maine life have. You so. You are the executive director of the Portland Symphony Orchestra. Here in Portland Maine give. Us a little background here this is the symphonies 90 third season yep. What, should, attendees. Or the Maine live audience know about this upcoming concert, season yes so there are two really important things that are happening this season it is, our music director Robert, moody his 10th and final season so we, are celebrating him throughout the whole season and there's going to be a huge concert at the end of the season May. 1, is the final on Tuesday, and that, smaller, second, symphony and it's, going to be his big. Kind of blowout concert, and then, the day before actually, at aura were having a party for him so look, out for details, they're going, towards the music director search three. Candidates yes. One, of which two of it to this point I've already conducted. I believe yes. So we've had one conduct, so far and then. November. We, have a second and then we, have our third coming in the.

Spring And they all come back twice, so, each is doing a Pops concert and each is doing a classical, program, so, we can have different concert. Audiences, be able to see them there's also one of the big staples, for. Importance. Of a New Yorker said that the, generic public knows is the magic of Christmas yes so, we are looking at I believe it's six shows or is 12. Over. Six days so, 8th. 9th and 10th 15, 16 17th, of December. Two shows a day what, should we expect from issues so two. Of my most favorite people are coming to ok form with the symphony and with Robert Suzanne Nance to come it's coming back and. You saw her on main public she led, the classical program she's now out in Oregon and she is, an amazing soprano, and she's gonna come sing with us excellent, and then also Suzy, pepper oh really uh-huh, so singer, in the area who you may have seen on actually, magic of Christmas our pops concerts, discovery, concert. Has the most amazing voice and they were both so, different in. Their, styles, of singing so it's just gonna add a huge contrast of course magic, of Christmas chorus and Racor. Nils on the organ so this is his final year. With, the magic of Christmas it has a municipal organist and then oh wow. It's, a heavy hitter yeah it is and, you know for Robert of course I mean always sleigh, ride this will be his final sleigh ride it's always gonna be see all the musicians but, again crazy hats and all that and I think as the as. The run goes on, things, will likely get a little. Like crazier and crazier because, it's going to be history in a great way of course of course yeah that's for families of all ages and. So and those tickets go crazy fast they do and it's you know often, times will have a number of sold-out performances. Of magic so get. Your tickets no because, especially. It being Robert's final, magic, I mean, I want to go to every single performance so, that's, great so we're excited to have you here we're said if we're magic, of Christmas. Coming. Up in December 8th 9th 10th and 15. 16 17. Carolyn, Ashanti's active director of Portland Symphony we're, so happy you're here and thanks for being on me in life thanks Kevin lucky, to have you in this community.

You. You.

2017-11-24 01:38

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