M2 Pro Slow SSD s a BIG Problem Real-World Apps Tested

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apple is continuing slowing down their ssds with the new M2 series of machines like we saw yesterday with the M2 Mac Mini and the 14 inch base MacBook Pro now we have the six inch one right here we're gonna go ahead and open up and see if they're slowing down the ssds on a 2 500 machine this is the M1 Pro 2500 model 16 inch and as you guys could see we have four memory chips right here for storage plus an additional one on this side even for the 512 gigabyte model now let's go ahead and pop this one open and I just want to say that a lot of people complained when we complained about it on the Mt MacBook Pro and M2 MacBook Air those are 12 and 1300 devices and they said that's not really Pro machine it's okay to slow down the system and with that we saw some pretty drastic differences where even the M1 version was faster than the M2 because of that now let's see if we have that on this new one and look at that Vadim IR you guys can see we literally have two storage chips here compared to five so if you said it's okay on a 1200 machine being slower than a year and a half old uh thousand dollar machine well this is two thousand five hundred dollars and I guess it's okay to give us half the SSD speed or close to that on a machine a year and a half two years later that cost twenty five hundred dollars so that is a disappointment now I also want to point out just like with the 14 inch we could see the difference in the cooler block this uh heat spreader cover that goes to the heat pipes you see with the M1 Pro and the 16 inch it is much larger than the new M2 pro version and this little section right here is actually uh just a little cover for the metal underneath the actual heat block is this so it's about half the size and in tomorrow's video we'll see how that impacts performance and if we get any throttling and now that we have them put together we could get into the performance test and I'm gonna do a bunch of real world tasks that regular people in professional Nationals use to see if we get any slowdowns now before I test out our SSD speed test I have to let you guys know that we're doing a giveaway both a 14 inch MacBook Pro and a Mac Mini and all you have to do is be subscribed to the channel enable notifications and comment down below and you can actually go back to our previous videos and watch those and comment and up to February 1st for our upcoming videos to have more chances to win so good luck to all of you guys now let's go ahead and run this test and as you guys could see we even have a different name for the actual ssds alright guys wow look at that we have 6887 compared to 3462. oh my goodness that's twice as fast for the old machine that came out a year and a half ago or so um that's a big difference 16 inch 2500 machine now on the write speed it's not twice as fast but we're getting closer to that as far as performance and here is the full metrics so you guys can see it side by side but there's only one category that the new M2 Pro it beats it out and that is in large block random reads everything else is worse and we're gonna see how that impacts the real world performance and now let's do a file transfer test with our Benchmark folder which we're going to use in tomorrow's video putting these head to head and seeing how much faster or slower the new one is I'm going to grab my folder drop it down and start the timer now this is a large folder 222 gigabytes with all of our files and I will say that both these ssds are fast this one runs you guys saw it was like 3 300 or whatever and this SSD even though it is Thunderbolt it runs at about 2 000 so we might not saturate the whole amount but the way the ssds work is you don't have the full portion being full speed after you saturate enough of it it will slow down because of SLC caching so we'll see if that affects it right there you guys saw it actually just slowed down now it's at 854 megabytes second 780 even though the SSD itself can do about 2 000. now that is just because of the SLC cash that I talked about and with this one being slower out of the get-go it could slow down quite a bit more and then not refresh itself fast enough whilst moving those blocks we are almost done here we're recording going from 600 to about 700 megabytes a second at the end and that took three minutes and four seconds and now for the M2 Pro 16 inch hit start as you guys could see we are transferring at 1.9 gigabytes a second we hit two gigabytes a second there and so far I'm really surprised that it has not slowed down it's running at that full speed so I wonder oh I shouldn't have said that it slowed down has slowed down a lot okay we hit 200 there 100 there oh my goodness what the heck it stayed uh full speed longer than this one which is a good thing a very good thing but I thought it would not slow down but now that it's slowing down you guys could see running at 400 300 we saw 200 and 100 that's very slow and the way this works is almost like a highway system we have four or five chips here compared to two so if you don't have that much traffic going across a two-lane Highway like the M2 Pro 16-inch that could be fine or a free weight but when you have a lot of traffic going on or applications you're using swap you have a bunch of traffic well you're gonna have a traffic jam with two lanes compared to having four or five with the previous generation we're almost done here you guys are seeing we're running out 265 megabytes a second compared to six seven hundred so bam we are done and even though at the start here it ran at full speed for quite a bit long longer than the previous one once it's slowed down it slows down dramatically and we have a time of four minutes for the M2 Pro Macbook so even though the difference isn't as great as with the M2 MacBook Pros and MacBook airs because these ssds are quite a bit faster than our external we are still noticing about 25 percent difference in performance now before we get into the real world productivity test I've got to talk about the best magsafe iPhone case I have ever seen the magic stand case from our partner case coup not only is it surprisingly slim and durable but it comes with a very strong 48 Magnet Maxi Fring that actually doubles as a stand just pull out the ring to use as a finger grip or as a stand for watching videos at any angle between 40 and 120 degrees and the best part is that it folds back completely flush with the case so you can still use it with your max save Chargers and accessories so use the link below to get 23 off your order today and now we're gonna test out Lightroom photo editing and I'm going to start by importing some photos from my 30th birthday party we have 500 of them I'm going to drag and drop it here it's going to select all these photos and then we are going to hit import and start our timer so as far as the initial previews it looks like the new Mt Pro is grabbing those faster but with that look at this we're at 96 degrees Celsius already with the fans on compared to 78 with the fans on on the older one now it's going to be interesting to test with our performance benchmarks so it looks like once it finished fetching previews it was done importing I'm not sure if it's just the preview file that's using but the new M2 with the slower ssds did that faster it took 58 seconds compared to a minute and 13. that is 32 faster which is great next I'm going to go ahead and Export 499 photos that we have here now keep in mind we have nothing else open we don't have any web browsing tabs any other applications that you would typically have open in the background so we're going to get a baseline we hit export start our timer and we are off now right away we could see that we're using about 60 50 60 of the CPU and about 94 of the GPU on the Owen Pro and here we're at 96 Graphics so they're fairly close but of course with the M2 Pro we have two extra efficiency cores and all of those cores are faster more powerful and we have three extra Graphics cores that are also clocked higher now this does of course read from the ssds and it writes to it as well but if we take a look at it there's really not that much data that is being pulled most of load is on the other part now like I said this is our Baseline so once we get some other things open we'll see if the slower ssds slow us down once we get into swap now of course we are testing out the ssds but if we look at the data that's being transferred it is very little so most most of it's loaded on the CPU but this is our Baseline and looking at the Swap right here both systems are writing to the SSD because we don't have enough RAM both these have 16 so here we're using 5.6 gigs of SSD for Ram or as RAM here we're actually using more 6.2 so even

with 16 gigs and nothing else open at all on the system we are using those ssds a swap alright we're done the M1 Pro 16 inch took 5 minutes and 28 seconds compared to 4 minutes and 49 seconds for the M2 Pro that gives us a difference of 13 and a half percent in favor of Mt Pro but the weird thing is the CPU is 20 faster supposedly and the graphics 30 faster so we would expect a 25 to 30 increase but we're only at 13 and of course we have nothing else open and when I'm using a system I usually have between 10 and 20 sometimes 30 tabs but emails even more I have multiple applications open I never have just just one thing so now we're going to go ahead and open up some other things in the background just like everybody else would especially professionals so now I have 15 tabs opened up in Google Chrome I have about 30 on my personal Mac right now we go even higher but we wanted to keep it simple and these are just some basic web browsing tabs I have some websites that I like looking at and checking out we have IGN here for example a good amount of media and then I have YouTube analytics which I always have open regular YouTube and something playing in the background for music uh just you know audio podcasts all that kind of stuff I have my Google Drive and some email opened as well which is always open so now let's go ahead and open up Lightroom once again bam everything loaded up exactly the same which is great and let's hit export and see if there's going to be any differences with just some web browsing tabs open no other applications and this time around we're using 10.5 gigs of swap on the M1 and 9.9 now 10 on the M2 so you guys could see even 16 gigs of RAM is not really enough on a system like this we would wish if Apple would just raise the bases get rid of the eights go up to 16s and just give us more because both these systems definitely need to get into that now I know about you guys but I never sit around waiting for renders to happen I always go do some web browsing answer some emails so let's take a look what the responsiveness is like with both systems have the same specs so here we can switch between a few different tabs let's go to IGN and as you guys could see it looks like the M2 system oh not that time that's time the M1 was faster so far it's trading blows sometimes they're the same like that one oh right there you guys saw the M2 slowed down because it has to read that from the SSD a little bit slower there how about we go to our Google Drive right there the M1 read that instantly this one you could tell there was a delay opening it back up getting back into Lightroom it's hard to tell which one's winning they're fairly close and some people ask well why don't you have web browsing tabs open in all of your tests well some people say to do it some people say not to do it so usually we test one application but of course most people are multitasking and doing different things and if you want to see how 16 gigs compares to 32 with these systems make sure you guys are subscribed because we will be making a video like that oh my goodness guys this is not the best let's wait for this to finish and I'll give you guys the times so the brand new M2 Pro 2500 machine took 7 minutes and 57 seconds and the old M1 Pro takes six minutes and 47 seconds that means that with those 15 tabs open and exporting is 499 images and doing some multitasking it took way longer and now instead of the M2 Pro being 13 faster the M1 Pro is 17 faster uh once we're multitasking with that open so it flipped by a lot and both of these are the basics in inch so we have 512 16 gigs of RAM the M2 has better CPU and GP performance but the M11 which means yes the SSD performance was impacting and is impacting the M2 machine evadeem I thought that 15 tabs wouldn't be enough you know we use a lot more I have more than 15. and we always have multiple programs open not just Lightroom so that is crazy and that just tells us if you're doing stuff like this you're multitasking you definitely want to go up to one terabyte SSD to get the same performance as we had a year and a half two years ago uh or you should also be getting 32 gigs of RAM so I'm excited for that comparison as well I think this time around with the Mt Pros 32 gigs is going to make a bigger difference than it did before but now let's go ahead and test something else and now we're going to test professional Web Design Software figma and this test was provided by our partner 500 designs which does incredible designs first I'm going to do is just zoom in here and this is a web based application it's a very typical website so pretty smooth there let's see what the M2 Pro does also nice and smooth let's see how long it takes to reload we got a little bit stuttering there didn't take much to load that up by the time I zoomed in the quality was good let's check this one actually a little bit worse there I did zoom in more so and I selected 12 web pages here and we are going to run an export so let's get started so the M1 Pro took a minute and 58 seconds to export Let's test out the M2 Pro and it looks like it took a minute and 37 seconds compared to a minute 58 which is actually the same results that we got on the 14 inch Bend models um so it looks like the CPU doesn't really impact it that much having the extra cores the graphics cores or even having stuff loaded in the ram um it's not making a difference which is great for web designers now one interesting thing is that the M1 Pro is using 10.4 gigabytes of the SSD as RAM for swap whereas the mtubers consistently clearing stuff out faster and using less I don't know if it's more efficient if it's just clear stuff out in general and that could be helping stuff out so let's go back to Chrome Chrome and let's see if we have any performance differences any responsiveness differences so far everything looks to be identical now we don't have anything in the background right there we just saw that the M1 Pro had to reload that and definitely took longer so the memory could be more efficient with the new M2 Pro chips going to Google Drive Right There our M1 system had to reload that whereas super fast with the M2 even though and actually maybe maybe it does make sense why it's faster maybe that is here in the swap where here it cleared out other stuff to make room for it either way the M2 Pro is doing better and now For You video editors let's see if we have a difference when we are multitasking and we're near video editing now this is standard compressed footage very very easy to play back and I think it's actually preset to better uh performance not full quality like we have on this one but neither one of them should have any issues I'm actually going to go ahead and press this L key to play back faster which is what we do sometimes when we're editing and here if we take a look we're using 70 of the GPU 68 now compared to 48 on this one because it does have three more Graphics cores and they're more uh they have more performance with higher clock speeds in general and I'm going to go ahead and Export uh this five minute project once again very easy but most editors work with footage like this looks like they are almost done and they're running practically the same bam they finished the same exact time 2 minutes and 23 seconds which is maybe one to two seconds slower than if we only had Final Cut open so here we're limited by the encoders that's the slowest part which is why the systems were not being maxed out so to make it a little bit tougher here we have Canon c200 footage and this is just a one minute project with some regular effects if you're grading the footage and we're going to go ahead and Export this as well and we'll see if this is limited by the encoders or just by the performance of the systems which of course with the M2 series we have a lot more CPU and GP performance we're getting close to being done here and both these systems fly through this compared to my fifteen thousand dollar Mac Pro and we got a difference of two seconds a minute and seven compared to a minute and nine so the empty Pro was quicker but that's just about two percent quicker so not 20 to 30 percent quicker with the extra performance so what I'm going to do now is close everything else in the background close the web browsing tabs and we'll run this again so we have everything closed let's hit save to start exporting and see if we have any differences in performance alright that is done and both systems were one second faster a minute and six seconds and a minute and eight and now uh that just shows us that unless you're doing something that's very Ram intensive like we saw in Lightroom or other applications that you might be using that are Ram intensive or for example if you use uh parallels or other virtualization which eats up a lot of ram well then for most tasks you're not going to see a big difference but if you're doing a lot of Photoshop with tons of layers other photo processing other apps you can definitely see it even with just 15 tabs open so we would say if you know you're using a lot of ram make sure that you do get from 512 up to a one terabyte then you get the extra storage or you just upgrade to 32 gigs of RAM which will keep a lot of that out from using your SSD and that way you'll get a benefit so if you guys want to see 16 gigs of RAM compared to 32 go ahead and click that subscribe button make sure you guys comment on this video and the previous ones and the upcoming one funds for our giveaway which we're announcing on February 1st thank you guys for watching let us know your thoughts are you okay with this SSD downgrade we'll see you guys in the next one [Music]


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