Lulzbot and Livestream - Making Awesome 30

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welcome to making awesome my name's grant this is chapter 30 we're joined by tad and a new guy who looks kind of similar to me if i didn't look according to my neighbors like a homeless person uh we have jon here as well uh this is uh this is pretty cool and this is chapter 30. we're going to talk all about the lulzbot stuff from the past week some of your guys's comments and some live stream talk because we have some pretty cool stuff going on before we get too far into it guys can you introduce yourselves i'll introduce myself last and then uh we'll hit that billing department let's do it yeah you go first okay uh i'm john i'm one of the original three technically four musketeers if you count the big printer uh currently i hold the role of like it manager type of thing but i've really stepped away from the company because it's blatantly obvious that grant knows significantly more than i do about this and i will just stay in my lane every time i break something technical i'm on hanging off like and you're like did you turn it off and on up again i'm like no but to be fair it's not always that no no to be fair there was an ssd failure there was a hard drive that just randomly wouldn't it just went corrupt and thanks macrium anyways tad hit it i'm the uh lead engineer and i engineer stuff and your name is cat you just said tap yeah you just said tap i need you to say your own name why i don't know i don't know are you sampling this to like your voice recognition stuff later can i get a lasting social and your mother's maiden name please can you can you recite every syllable so that we have it for later yes yeah that would be a requirement and i'm grant as you all know by now i'm the owner of 3d musketeers and i am not at my normal location i am basically filming this through a potato so i do apologize for uh said potato quality but hey we're here um i'm actually at my mom's house um for easter john had a couple of products that he needed to take care of so he didn't join us uh but i also got here like two o'clock in the morning so yeah anyways we uh you know we're here to make awesome that's what 3d musketeers does and i guess that's a great segue into our sponsor 3d musketeers if you are looking to make awesome you can reach out to us at 3d musketeers dot com links will be in the description down below we take those ideas out of your head and put them in your hands with full art to part product development uh so yeah this is uh and see we talked about this last time right this is a a number with a zero right so for everyone that's like that's a big deal but for me episode 26 was the big deal why no no one here can do good math really we've got an engineer and an i.t major and neither of you can figure know why 26 is the big deal 30 minus 26. guys it's that means it's six months 26 years old six months i've put up with you for 31 years i should get a trophy this is true i guess we should tell people john and i are identical twins so if if you're like wait a minute one of them looks like they're through a potato and the other one looks like the other one but he's got short hair and he's clean-shaven you're not drunk i was maybe you should be we're not here to tell you what to do with your lives but don't drink and drive yeah i'm essentially the heavier less hairy version of grant and is tad the shorter more hairy version of all of us no no that is not from the same mother as you and i yeah this is true how that works dad tad can do a glorious beard where i cannot so there there there is that yeah it is hey it it's it's just it's for the winter right it's it's to keep the bottom half of your face warm that's that's what i've said about this definitely for the winter it's not a year-round thing it's just easy you live in florida john yes there is it is brisk day i'm pulling out my phone so i can see there it is i think there's 74 outside right now man weather my good sir oh my god it's 75 over here i'm not walking my dog today it's like 55 jeez and i'm in the plants in it's 75. really that's a 60 degree thing i don't want to hear it i don't want to hear the complaints we'll get you out here one day and then we'll we'll have to visit you not not just in the summer but in the winter so exactly no i'll go i don't care i'm fine with that but anyways lulzbot let's let's kind of get into this so i guess let's first start tad and john do you guys know a lot about what's going on with lulzbot and why why i'm pissed i've heard a little bit about it but i'm not super familiar sure i i actually watched the episodes that you published while also hearing you from the other side of the wall yeah john and i share a wall yeah so he can hear me record it's it's not like i'm not like a hundred percent knowing of what's going on but they're using the finite details i know someone didn't get credit yeah yeah so i i guess we'll link the the videos in the description um because there is the original grant rant and then there's a grant ramp update so um that video is not done yet but it hopefully will be done before this podcast comes out uh yeah if it's not we'll put the link in eventually um but anyways lulzbot was caught not attributing open source stuff so this is very much like school right where you can grab something from somebody put it into your paper and as long as you cite your sources it's totally legit now it's called research and not plagiarism and what lulzbot did is they utilized some open source stuff they they used uh printed solids open source um box kit thing uh for the for the tas six um and well they did an attribute and that's a bit of a problem right so we've we uh we've got this instance where they're effectively plagiarizing and dave randolph the owner of printed solid uh reached out to lulzbot and is like hey so can we fix this and nothing he didn't hear from lulzbot they actually said i am not a crook i did nothing wrong i they didn't say that but i i am paraphrasing right i'm paraphrasing richard nixon um and uh yeah so what did dave do dave does the only thing that you can do at that point which is you go public and you let the public opinion uh go after it and well it pissed me off i'm still upset but we'll get into why but um dave put out on facebook stating hey i reached out to lulzbot about this they said they've done nothing wrong here is what printed salad did here's what they did here are all of our attributes and here are the ones that they have they literally copied everything and because they don't have the word document all they had was a pdf it's screenshots that they're that they're doing but they've clearly look all right it's no good here's the thing about go from pdf to word come on yeah but can you do it in an open source program apparently not the answer is no and so and we'll touch this in in a little bit but uh one of the things with lulzbot before they were bought by fargo 3d so currently they are owned by fargo 3d but before they were bought by fargo 3d they were notorious for using nothing but open source and there's like this it's not an old wives tale but it's like one of those did this really happen where they were sent an mov file and they didn't have an open source software that could use it so they had to go to the public library to watch the video because the public library had non-open source software that was lulzbot's previous dedication to open source and i got pretty mad because lulzbot like i said was crazy dedicated to open source they released everything you could build a tas six a tas pro a taz workhorse before it was ever released to the public they gave you everything including all the hex codes and everything that you needed to compile the firmware like they gave you everything and it was all done in like freecad which we're gonna be doing a series on freecad if you guys want to see us talk about freecad uh it's a completely open source free to use 100 free uh cad package that i have never used and nobody on this call has ever used you've ever i don't think you've used free cad right yeah i know one person who's ever tried it and and i hear it's getting way better and uh it doesn't have the cloud feature that fusion 360 has so we will probably maintain fusion 360 browser-based right no no free cat i don't think it is you know i don't know for sure could someone look that up since i am i am working i'm not my laptop is not a potato but it's camera take a look so while he's looking that up i actually that old wives tale bugged me how long has low spot been around it can't be more than four or five years oh no has it been a bit yeah they've had they've had seven major 3d printers do you know when that old wives tale surfaced no but you're clearly utilizing the term old wives tale okay fine do you do you know when this this myth no i don't okay so vlc based open source it is not it's not browser-based okay i didn't think it was yeah that's my bad i misremember it i i think we can debunk this tale vlc is long as long as the mov was encoded in h.264

i'm gonna let you finish i'm gonna let you finish but first this was mentioned and vlc is not 100 open source they are they are gpl3 so they are open source compatible but they are not on the level of open source which lulzbot did which was open source share alike i actually distinguished from the makers on tap podcast so we're gonna reference them in a little bit so yes we're actually gonna talk about somebody else's podcast in our podcast it's a little bit weird uh but yeah this story it got worse because well we're coming up you know we were coming up on april fool's day and if you have beef with a company what do you do you you you know you you get your dukes up and you start going to war right and well that's what they did and our video went live before all the stuff for april fool's day but i honestly think that printed solid hit the nail right on the head because what was saying lulzbot said oh we changed some colors we don't need to attribute it right that's what they officially told dave yeah and they told the public that oh ah what do they say oh we didn't know they said oh we didn't know um and my response was no you got caught and now you're trying to double down saying you didn't know yeah that doesn't sound right yeah it it it it wasn't and it felt wrong right it felt wrong um and it upset me right and so we put out a video and uh well it's funny all the the cricketers out there and the the cutting community this the the crafter community they love my high charge like me unfiltered me unfiltered minus the cussing filter because we still have that uh grant rants but the maker community yeah they did not like that no that was not well received they did not appreciate that so i i got a lot of people saying oh this is fake outrage and the only thing that was fake was when i said lulzbot was cancelled i mean clearly they're not to to everyone that thinks it's fake just come here for a week that's uh he doesn't he doesn't like sit in front of him like okay he's good i'm not like bumping a line of coke getting ready for these things okay yeah i i'm passionate about this industry and this is this industry is is so near and dear to me and to see a company that was was thrust into the spotlight of this community because of the fact that they're open source take advantage of it and then not do the one thing that they get mad when people don't do i know it's hypocritical really pissed me off i think it's even further than hypocritical it's like these guys like it is hypocritical then there's also like the component of now you're just being a jerk right like okay fine right there's a lot of that but honestly though printed solids rebuttal in april yeah also it was cheap their april fool's video which we will link down there as well also if one of you guys can take notes of all the things i'm saying we should we should have in the comments we'll just review the recording later no we don't review the recording that means somebody has to go back and listen to it do it live one of you put up pull up notepad and start writing down freaking notes please jonathan you have three monitors i only have the one yeah i only have one monitor i am remotely controlling my home computer from my laptop so i can have two effective monitors so i can have the zoom meeting and obs so jonathan you can do it okay anyways their twitter video they they poorly recolored a lot purposefully by the way perfect it was very poorly recolored and they called it the puppy mill which [Laughter] and they said we changed the name we changed the color it's ours and it was oh my gosh understanding how all of this stuff plays out makes the video absolutely great and even further prusa put out a video but i have it on good authority from someone i won't mention that that was not a dig at lulzbot they had that video done before the lulzbot drama ever happened it's hilarious because they're making fun of three millimeter printers and they're saying that the new prusa is the is the prusa i think it was the i2 they brought their whole the mendel the mendel system with the mental system they're saying oh it's a geared extruder well that's what lulzbot uses they use it like weight extruder that's what the mendel used back in the day and see here's the deal there haven't been a lot of great open source extruders since then so what is lulzbot stuck doing they're stuck doing the freaking um yeah they're stuck doing the greg's weight extruder and it's a look it's not a bad extruder but it's a chungus of an extruder that's so big it's like the size of like a small cell phone it's not it's not tiny i should i actually brought a prusa mini with me uh figuring maybe we'll get like an emergency job while i'm out for one day yeah but i was gonna have it in here but i totally forgot so i could show like how tiny extruders can be but of course that's a bowden anyway so that's not all that fair um but yeah it it it kind of culminated in this you know lulzbot went for the uh lulzbot i think went for a jab but printed solid came back with a public statement and an uppercut on on on april fools day which honestly i'm kind of cool with right i i think when when we look at the spectrum most people are saying i was at an 11 i think printed solid came in at like a printed solid seven i was gonna say a solid seven but i went for a printed solid seven um you know so where they their point is very obvious very clear there is no extra stuff needed um you know and i i liked it i when i saw it like right out because it came out right at midnight eastern and i saw it i am just i am in pain laughing which most of you know it doesn't take much for me to be in pain laughing um actually i'm like somewhat leaning forward here because if i yeah no my posture is not but yeah i i i'm on i'm on a leather couch someone give me a freaking break here all right you don't slip off well i i we were going to try to record this like a monday thing but we've kind of got a schedule of releasing the podcast on monday so yeah i i or maybe we're going to do a tuesday i don't know we're still working on that content but you said no one even re re-watches these no actually i have to make peter do it um because or uh you know actually john if you can start writing down times when we're saying things i'll have i'll have someone do it uh yes jonathan please we'll pull the uh the the transcript no because what we're what we're starting to do and you guys notice it in the podcast episode yeah and that way you can scrub around it seems like it's gotten good reviews so tad if you don't mind maybe sure um kind of keeping an eye on the time we're currently at well the call well i don't know i don't know how long we've actually been recording about 19 minutes we're at minute 19 right now 19 19 minutes um yeah normally i'd be the one taking the notes because i've got multiple monitors and all that but i have to monitor my home computer yeah it's not gonna work today but uh yeah it was just one of those cases of um i thought they hit the nail on the head and it was interesting because i sent before we posted that grant rant live i sent it to dave randolph and said hey what do you think of this he said i love it he said but it's also not my place to say anything otherwise i said well honestly he said i said if you did this would you post he said yeah i probably would post it i'm like okay that that's really all that i need to know and uh you know it wasn't the most it has it is our worst like to dislike ratio and i guess while we're at it if you're if you've watched this far or listen this far don't forget to leave us a like if you're on apple podcast leave us a five star review please because it does help the helps us grow and lets us know you're out there and if you're on youtube don't forget to hit that subscribe button ring that bell so you get notified of all of our future videos but you know this thing to me with lulzbot it i i'm jaded i'm jaded because i've ignored walls bot for well since they pulled my reseller account uh they pulled they they pulled our reseller account for um helping out on the bang bang versus pid debacle so when the tas 6 first came out uh they were actually loaded with bang bang so for those that don't know you have bang bang and pid bang bang is on off on off on off all right you have you're either a one or a zero there is nothing in between pid you've got you know tons of variability so your bed can be at 25 heat well what bang bang would do is if you're even if your plate is made of glass when you heat it it warps even a little bit and you would see this as ringing in parts and you're like what the hell my belts are tight my and of course law spots don't use bearings they use eye goose dryland bushings they call them dry bearings but that's ridiculous they're bushings they're not bad but i don't think they're right for this scenario because they add a lot of slop the taz 6 bed is really sloppy and we have multiple brand new sets on hand and it doesn't make it any better and so you know lulzbot makes those choices because it is more affordable and easier for people to use and easier to manufacture but yeah when all that happened myself and a few others we had our reseller licenses revoked and here's the deal and you'll if you watch the makers on tap or listen to makers on tap podcast again links in the description um lulzbot doesn't have reseller agreements so what lulzbot always would do is they would just say here's a coupon code enjoy a cheaper printer and that was just kind of the way they would help out people that they liked well that allows them to really nearly delete the code right there so there was never an agreement well apparently when lulzbot was bought by fargo 3d and they moved to fargo i want to say north dakota yeah that's a north dakota thing no no it's on the east coast it's on the east coast someone find out where fargo 3d is one of the two of you figure out fargo 3d is um or just figure out where lulzbot is located because it's no longer uh lava north dakota fargo north dakota it is i was gonna say i didn't know that there was another fargo yeah i'm like i don't think there's another fargo grant i mean if there is very not well look i don't have we have been over this in this podcast before this guy does not have a geology degree he's got two business degrees geography it's definitely geography and you know what he's not a gi doesn't have to do their phones yes and oh but yeah so when they moved um sindavar which is actually headquartered in tampa they have a west location in colorado almost every one of the lulzbot employees were scooped up by syndaver who ultimately released a taz workhorse clone oh this is the place in loveland colorado yeah yeah i know where that used to be i used to live near there oh well that's cool yeah uh yeah so syndaver bought up well basically hired all the people that were laid off and uh they released their own printer well it's not a bad printer it's a workhorse right it's it'll work fine and a lot of companies like yeah we'll resell it lolzbot pulled every single company's reseller license that coupon sold both yes coupon code and uh that's mean well that's really good it goes against open source right yeah i i think there was a twitter comment uh and they they put it in matt's discord uh that was tell me you don't want to do open source without telling me you don't want to do open source it's by punishing people who are supporting open source because and i get it so um it was his name was john i think let me get his name jake and john from fargo no no no okay uh john oloft oh john oloft was on the makers on tap podcast and he is the president of lulzbot so he he was actually you know talking with them and uh you know he said well you know it wasn't anything personal it was a business move he's like you know could if you were a ford dealer could you start selling chevys chevy's chevy's open source exactly it does exactly that's not a good analogy and that's what i said and i said you know i i look at it from a business standpoint of yeah you know that would piss me off but guess what they're selling other companies too yeah but okay so let me let me play devil's advocate here for a second sure if you were a company making a printer or anything and it's open source who cares whatever you want to want to do with it a properly attributed by the way yes properly attributed as as you do as you shot yeah um if another company properly copies your printer and sells it business-wise welcome to the open source baby i agree but but your fiduciary duty is to your shareholders no they're not public opinion they're not a publicly traded company they don't have that's fine private private shareholders whatever and if the shareholders don't want to do business with them it just is what it is because if the shareholders wanted to keep doing business with them they would have rolled that back real quick yeah i mean i i i get that and i get it from the business perspective of i don't want someone selling a clone of what i did right and i mean if that was the case then creality would never exist right i mean you know let's just be real here and so i looked at and said okay i see both sides of that coin but that entire podcast and i'll i'll sum it up on the grant rants but we'll go into it a little bit more here just felt like i was listening to a politician the only thing he came prepared for was the question about female and people of color that work at their facility he brought actual statistics of the percentage of females and the percentage of people uh of color so the dude was waiting to be called out as a misogynist and a racist no so the makers on tap asked you know what do you guys want us to ask lulzbot on twitter so they knew that they knew the questions they were going to get and and i would guess when you're having on a guest like this when something like this has occurred you're likely going to give them the questions ahead of time so that they can be prepared but the amount of dodging that occurred was so good i think john olaf should run for president now i'm gonna go for it john olaf 2024 you heard it here first everybody because no attributions to any countries yeah uh yes and i'm gonna put that as creative comments uh attribution required i don't know the one the one that printed solid did just so i could be a cheeky [ __ ] but that's what i go for constantly um it's like dude you know why you're here why the hell are you skating that one question that we all want to hear his fiduciary duty to his shareholders it's his company he can do whatever the hell he wants just like if i want to talk to him tears i can do it too it would be stupid but yes it would be stupid but what you know honestly i was sincerely hoping you'd say you know what yeah we didn't think we had to do it we learned that we had to people got pissed before we were able to change it we're sorry swallow a little bit of your pride and just had he gone on there and done that i i'd be here right now and that new grant rant would have been all about praising lulzbot for having a spine and as someone that has learned a lot about their spine recently they don't have a spine you know on the other hand on the other hand and i'm not trying to get political but we learned a lot with our last president about either not apologizing or just moving forward and for the people that supported him which was a lot of people it is exactly what they wanted so i i don't i don't fault him for but this industry is statistically speaking not that industry that's true that's the threat he is more from what i can tell more liberal than they are conservative and that's okay again this isn't about politics but that's what me ultimately i i think the issue here is he effectively asserted that we did nothing wrong um and well you did yeah and you did like you did so much that you just that they corrected themselves right they went back and said oh we didn't know and there's part of me that wants to give them the benefit of the doubt because this is not the same lulzbot that we were used to that that's the other thing this is a new lull spot right and they're a little bit different so there is a part of me that says okay i guess but the other part of me is like no no no don't let him get away with it hey yeah hey i don't want to what so when to backtrack a second yeah when the whole bs went down with lulzbot when they like removed everybody's accounts was that under fargo or before fargo that was before fargo okay because i say fargo resells parts for every printer under the sun on their website yes they do they do so it's pretty bad if it was them but it's not them and i i want to make sure that it is it is it the same fargo that is a that says they own lulzbot because there are two fargos oh there is yeah so go to lulzbox please so there's fargo 3d so and you'll learn this if you listen to the makers on tap episode um john worked for fargo 3d and then i guess broke off as fargo additive fargo 3d was all about repairing and keeping printers working fargo additive was more on the service and sales side oh i didn't i was been on the wrong website the whole time just go to lulzbot's website it should kind of give you the press release about you know when they were bought and you know the funny thing is they were bought right before the pandemic hit right so this deal closed right before the pandemic got crazy here before no okay well it's still made in north dakota whatever it still counts all of your previous information is correct no yeah it is still is it is still is still in fargo um but you know that this whole run around it's like what the hell this is we are not choosing between the giant douche and the turd sandwich over here we we yes it's a south park reference for those yeah it was like yeah this is like excite that reference geez yeah let's let let's see we we are citing our sources here on the making off that's the notes to place that in the notes uh south park reference for two seconds cool great uh yeah that's the notes he's going to take not only i'll link it in the description for those who have not seen it it was actually a very good episode about politics i'm gonna go with the fact that our new demographic on youtube being 85 women between the ages of 35 and 65 have no desire to watch south park because i will promise you that is not south park's demographic i don't know it's actually really odd you know i don't think i can i don't think i can name another channel that is as diverse as we are right now audience based yeah most audiences are like 92 percent men between the ages of 20 and 38 yeah that's actually what we were before the qriket debacle and right i'm so and see this is a great segue um i'm i'm i'm so glad that we're we become more diverse because we're now able to talk to new makers out there people that have looked at this and said this is too much yeah i can't do this you know or maybe their significant other or a kid if they have one that's talked about it and maybe they've looked at the prices you know they've searched 3d printer on google and they're like ten thousand dollars for a makerbot f this because that's what happens because stratasys has the kind of money to do that and uh i'm kind of glad that we have this industry because now we're able to expose people that would never get exposed to this otherwise in a matter that is going to not only be interesting but a ton of fun minimally for me i'm going to have a ton of fun doing this it also gives us like this this weird other opinion right because as like a 3d printing an additive also technically subtractive manufacturing company 3dm is very in its lane and when you step out of that lane to talk about something like a cricket or other um like vinyl cutting or other maker style things so let's say sewing um crafting cosplay embroidering right so you you bring in an entirely different audience that um might be interested in this and as you said they are i think they're just apprehensive because there's a lot of uh intersection well and when you look at the industry how many popular lady makers are there outside of billy rubin geeky faye of course those two are supported by 3d musketeers jonathan we're going to put those links in the description as well as um naomi wu uh we can put her link in the description too um you know and so it was interesting we got some comments throughout the week um so we got one from cecilia louis i i apologize if i uh butcher that but she is of the paper zen youtube channel she said i've always been curious to try it since i know there are so many uses but i'm unwilling to produce more plastic products especially as i would inevitably make errors thank you for helping us get our feet wet in the 3d world and my response to her was kind of all about yeah there is an environmental impact to 3d printing but let's look at the environmental impact of a lot of things out there you know look at all the things that we as humans throw away the packaging that our products come in right when people decide i'm just going to get new plastic cups they just throw their other ones away and they end up becoming huge landfill problems and so that actually moved us right into referencing polyterra i was going to bring it up if you didn't sir yeah which is polyterra like for people who are so conscious of their plastic use or their dreams absolutely you absolutely should be but you know we can't tell you what to do with your life so yeah if you know you could be the guy that burns plastic in their backyard shame on you don't be that you have one world to live in al gore is going to come and find you yes through the series of tubes of the internet um is that another south park reference no no he actually that's just a congressional reference actually that um okay but polyterra is carbon negative or carbon yes it is carbon negative so so those of you that that are really wants you lessen your impact on plastic or just carbon in general it's a great option and i believe it is the only option yes no maybe probably one of the few right now yeah right and not only that they've added um what i will call 11 herbs and spices to their pla blend that makes it biodegrade incredibly fast compared to regular pla even better so possibility of tossing in your compost heap yes no yes absolutely and that's actually where they want it to go so they say in a 50 c environment in a compost heap they're seeing 80 plus percent degradation in two years that's very impressive especially good compared and realize pla specifically is already corn based and biodegradable in nature yes so it it already does that so this is not your oil based this is not like your product that is made of liquefied dinosaurs which and it doesn't smell terrible when you print with it no it actually shout out to you abs yes yeah shout out to you styrene based plastics yeah um yeah so it smells quite pleasant it's actually very much like corn syrup maple syrup pancakes waffles that that kind of breakfast sugary smell that's what it smells like it's so terrible i don't smell it anymore it's so weird your dog used to do it so used to it we print a lot of petg yeah so petg doesn't really have a smell but um polyterra it doesn't smell it i never noticed a smell from it but it's a really really nice material it prints so smooth um and at dollars a kilo on amazon i'm sorry that's gonna be a new staple for pla yeah that's that's a great deal i mean especially for a carbon negative you know yeah you could probably go to china and let's not get rid of that even the carbon cost of going to china but i mean jeez bucks on ebay for a cheapy spool no literally looks for polyterra john they are literally taking into account the shipping as well it's impressive why can't every company be like that because of course why they're taking an average and here's the deal they're planting for every spool i believe they plant a tree or something like that but the thing is it's only carbon negative when the tree gets old enough right so it's a commitment to carbon negativity it's better than nothing right i'm not going to sit here and talk bad about a company that is no spending action to plant trees to help our environment for our future generations because let's be real the likelihood of that tree growing to actually have an impact on us before we pass away pretty slim we're working toward future generations as we all should be yes yeah and you know i guess before we go into more comments if you want your comment read on the podcast uh make sure to comment on the podcast or any of our videos uh we try to pick out some of our favorite comments and read them and kind of dive a little bit deeper into it uh and also i guess now's probably a better time than any if you've made it this far about 30 minutes in we do not put this in the glossary jonathan but if you've made it this far what should they comment gentlemen uh what should we have them comment down there so we know they've got this far rainbows and kittens victoria is the best yes yeah is that she yes victoria is you said victoria is the best yeah we could do like a good one queen victoria oh dude you know it'd be funny is she in my office is she in her bed in my office right now i don't i can't see there's a wall in the way because that would have been hilarious i could have turned on the cat cam camera to your office and see it well i i could but yeah i'm not doing it okay i could but that's requiring more effort that i'm willing to put in at this point oh look it becomes jonathan's fault right so now another thing though hashtag blame john yeah back back to getting your comments read if you want your comment reading grant doesn't do it tweet at him do you want those really annoying youtube comments goes like day 405 of asking grant to read my comment it's so old it's not even relevant anymore yeah but tweet at him because it helps engagement we appreciate that yes and so let's move into another one this one was pretty recent this is from patricia smith she said decided to venture into decorating apparel with htv that's heat transfer vinyl sublimation and embroidery learning curve is in overdrive with learning how to use my multi-needle and embroidery software which by the way multi-needle embroidery is absolutely dope patricia if you are watching this or listening to this right now um comment and i'll give you an email if i don't already have yours we would love to get some shirts made and if you have a multi-needle that'd be a total that'd be so cool please um i want some 3dm swag outside of the stickers we're going to keep there's more to it you caught my interest when i heard you talk about the qriket betrayal on sewing report so jen we have to get together we got to collab with some crazy stuff um i am getting i am getting fully vaccinated on thursday and i am so excited for this uh i shared your channel with my husband because he mentioned 3d printing more than a few times patricia he was trying to give you a hint i really did not give it much thought because i invested in printers the heat press cutters and my multi-needle i've always been a crafter and decided this may be a good time to level up using my creativity i think 3d printing might be something he will consider looking forward to what your channel has to offer by the way i was disappointed and cricket i was so disappointed in qriket that i bought a silhouette and a scanning cut from brother but that works with her embroidery machine which is pretty cool i didn't really hey that's pretty cool yeah that the brother scanning cut can work with brother sewing and embroidery machines which is pretty cool she said thanks again for sharing your knowledge so first off i'm so glad that we have the opportunity to share our knowledge i was honestly i was kind of on this fence of what do we do what before everything with cricket because i'm like everyone everyone's got the people they watch for this stuff already so what can we bring to the table that's really anything different and well now we found it because now now our our market has kind of changed and it's really cool to see the way that this has changed and it's interesting to me that literally your husband has mentioned it and now you have something where you can take your stuff and go up to one further level and now he can get involved and i would bet that when he gets involved with 3d printing with you it kind of sees the other stuff that you're doing maybe he'd want to be involved too and see that's the deal right if you if you've got a significant other if you've got a family maybe some kids or whatever 3d printing is a great way to especially for young kids because they love that kind of thing right they can 3d print their minecraft characters or their roblox characters that alone is cheaper than just going out and buying the damn toys and with the price that lego is these days that's kind of crazy and i will say somebody commented on that last episode thanking me for correcting peter that it is not legos it is lego and i want to thank whoever did that i didn't pull that comment but i wanted to thank you i was very much waiting for some for you to say legos so i could correct you yeah the largest tire manufacturer on earth does not appreciate you saying their name wrong it's lego true lego singular and plural it's always lego lego is the largest tire manufacturer on the planet there's there's your weird there's your weird uh you know fact of the day but you know it's interesting to me because i we knew that there's this whole market that was relatively untapped which is the stay-at-home individuals that want to kind of level up but getting to them is tough because we are also not their traditional target either right they don't 100 know generally they're not watching a 30 something yelling to his camera about things that pisses him off but apparently that's not true but so i i i'm excited because this this opens up so much and we've got a couple more comments but i want to roll into live stream talk because there are some pretty big hurdles to getting into 3d printing and one of them is design and i've talked about it on the last podcast about my cane uh and how i need a cane to walk and that i'm going to do a bunch of upgrades to it but i want to do them live so that we can even bring in people to kind of hang out and talk to us while we're doing it but we'll have all the comments working back and forth people if they have any questions so we can go back and cover them because we want this to be very much a way that we learn together because ultimately there's only one engineer on this call and it's not myself or my brother [Laughter] um but we would love to know comment below what would be so you know is what are wednesday nights the best time for you when are some best times and what we'll do is um if go through the comments before you comment if you find a comment that's the same time and day you know like wednesday afternoon uh give it a thumbs up and you know whatever the most thumbed up time of day and day of the week is that'll be the one that we go ahead and schedule our first live stream for and please please bear with us i've never done this before um live streaming so it's gonna be a little bit hairy but we'll we'll figure it out i'm not too worried ultimately also if you think your project is a little bit more private not not ready for a live stream hit us up on the website you can schedule a 15-minute consultation and see going forward what you're looking for with your project you know let's roll into the website since we do have a new website i apologize because the website doesn't work all that well and that's a bit of my fault um our drop day was the first of april i thought we were still doing a bunch of work on i think we should explain why it was the first of april it has nothing to kind of it's got nothing to do with april fools you know this story explains i do know the story so we originally opened our like retail shop over at wiregrass small in tampa florida a lot of our viewers are not informed um we opened on april 1st it's kind of a joke but it's like hey we are a cool place for people to come hang out and it was it was great april 1st is kind of like our big thing like we even though the company existed previous to that the public of saying all right we're taking this extremely seriously come check us out that's why april 1st is such a big deal it has nothing to do with april fools but kind of because it was kind of funny um but i'll say in the i.t world dropping a website on april 1st not the best decision hey it didn't work all that well so april fools it's going to continue to be april fool's until i fix it so yes if you go to the website and some things don't work there's a email and phone number on the top just bear with me please i am not a web dev jonathan is barely a web dev and tat is not a web dev exactly i'm sorry but yes uh we went from an old website that did work to a new website that's a little janky but looks a lot better it's getting there so much better our new website's like the project car okay she looks great but there are some noises he can't explain it's got that check engine light but you just kind of let it go like that little shrugs and drives that's all we need baby pop-up headlights though yep shout out donut media right uh so a next comments from allison ford i'm loving your videos thanks alison we're loving them that you're loving them and hey leave us a like because that lets us know that you love them as well and she is a public subscriber which is pretty cool you can actually put on there that you're publicly subscribed uh i studied material science sciences and engineering at uni and have never got to use my degrees properly i'm a crafter and have been back to college to do art and design and graphic design one thing that's held me back for as long as i can remember is my lack of 3d modeling and cad knowledge but i'm starting to believe that i could attain this and actually get somewhere with it now i'm in the uk by the way well yes when you said uni yeah that that's what you're taking um but like it's these kind of comments make all the [ __ ] worth it right yeah these are so cool you all don't want to know how many times i've recorded some of these videos to get a take that i'm happy with and how many takes we cut up to make videos that work also and like to see comments like this it's like man that makes all of it worth it it it makes you feel good and like that's why i am here on easter sunday at 5 00 p.m eastern darn right it is easter sunday happy easter to those who celebrate it and to those who don't also call your family no we stayed at the end of the episode i can say it more than once family is important to reiterate more than once sir eventually i might tell the story as to why we say that but for right now i'm going to keep that a a a a thing but so i i i want to kind of give a little thing to allison right because you actually both of you no fusion 360. pretty darn well this guy here doesn't know a darn thing about fusion i know i've been pushing you to learn it because i went to you yesterday about designing the new server case you're like oh it's just this and this this is like so it's like control x and control no it's not well i don't know that man so i'm gonna recommend and feel free to call me an idiot grant or tad and i know grant you're just waiting for that moment uh tinkercad tinkercad oh yeah it's great it's it's it's web-based it's super simple but it is not quite easy it is not it's not no it's not cad but it's good enough to get you started and off the ground so you could invest and while we love pruso we understand that they're a little expensive for the people who are trying to take a video coming soon for printers that we recommend in various price points by the way so grant if you were to quick podcast recommendation cheap cheap but not burn your house down cheap printer prusa mini okay all right fine proof so many so it's 400 bucks i brought one to my mother's you take the taz sometimes i used to take the tabs but i can't lift the tabs anymore so the prusa mini it's like 400 bucks 450. it is

400 without any of its upgrades 420 nice nice without with the um uh run out sensor which it needs okay so um let's say 450 we'll round up for good measure well plus shipping because it's got to come from the czech republic okay 500 so 500 is a lot to spend and we understand that if you need to be less than that it's gonna be an ender three or an ender three pro absolutely i i was i didn't want to recommend it i wanted you to recommend it no look they're inexpensive but there's reasons there are cost cutting there's the prusa is significantly better an ender is not a bad printer it is a printer that is built to a price point and there are a lot of features that you don't get on a prusa like literally i was busy doing something sorry yes um i was busy doing something and we needed to get the mini set up so we could transport it and amber's like how do i do that i said just follow the on-screen instructions what if i don't understand them i said then come ask me i had no problems at all like none and like i believe the ender 3 and 3 pro don't automatically come with auto bed leveling the ender three does not i believe the pro or the v2 do i i've got the quick recommendation make sure it has auto bed leveling because boy howdy was that a pain in our butts starting off at 3dm okay let's it is better to have auto bed leveling but not all bed leveling is created equal right um but that's once we have our our our printers done um i'm gonna unbox some ender three clones here pretty soon because yeah company was doing a buy one get one free printer the free printer was a return so it could be an absolute nightmare they could have literally caught fire they could have sent me a brick i really don't know uh but i i'm going to be curious but you know allison it's these kind of comments that make a lot of this stuff worth it because there is so much involved here um you know to make all of these videos there's so much time oh my gosh the time nobody understands how much time all of this stuff takes um so yeah it is a little bit odd well and one thing i wanted to say to allison's comment um about learning cad and 3d modeling is it's definitely an attainable goal yeah i mean and we don't have one but other people do they they're you could watch like a tutorial series on youtube that could give you the basics we're gonna have one yes yes and for reference those of you who are like wanting these type of videos there's not many of us tell us in the all the comments yeah so patience is we ask for your patience but we also ask for your enthusiasm so we know exactly what to make for you yep 100 100 uh we've got the last comment is from the craft emporium they wanted to see a self-watering planter and actually my lovely assistant would you like to say hi oh vanna white in action ladies and gentlemen uh we i i have been brought the prusa mini like it's light enough that he can pick it up pick it up yes this is true you all suck oh man whatever is being cooked out there smells something good john you're missing out but yeah this is it like that's really small tiny yeah it's but dude it's a seven by seven by seven inch boom come on now it is above extruder which is honestly one of my like upsetting spaghetti things about this thing i don't like that uh but i think prusa as normally will do a pretty good implementation as they tend to so i'm you know could be worse but yeah prusa freaking mini and you know that the screen does the whole thing that's actually so nice at the screen it really is the video is actually coming out this week of uh vanna white not vanna white but amber my my better three quarters uh her and i raced to build these so this is one of the ones that we built i don't know if this is hers or this is mine i'm gonna say it's hers uh because it just feels sturdier and she always builds the better than i do and and grant wants me to film one of these with him i just don't have the heart to tell him i'm coming with power tools so he's absolutely gonna lose i don't have the heart to tell them the power tools are only going to make it worse you're going to strip screws out i haven't sir i have an electric screwdriver that has eight newton meters of torque oh crap you're right yeah yeah it's fancy all right that's not bad it was 55 and i use it every single day at the office it is the greatest and it is variable torque great idea yeah i'ma whoop your butt if we ever film this at that episode i mean i'm totally down we have two more minis to assemble yeah we in fact the only reason you're an amber's video is out so late is because we tried to organize what you and i were both available to do this and like the day we had to do it the day we really wanted to do it i had to pull a 30 hour shift so that was a hard no yeah it happens but uh and then we've got let me see what did i go over the okay uh the craft emporium said uh self-watering planter yeah we just got a 3d printer and the material should arrive tomorrow but i have no idea how to use any of it yet but my little patio garden is dying literally for a self-watering planter so craft emporium um i want you to email us at info provide me a screenshot showing that is your channel and uh find us a self-watering planner that you want to print we will print it for time lapse tuesday and you will get to see it and then we will send it to you and that brings up a really cool topic because we're going to start doing this um mainly this is because i don't want more 3d printed crap around our office hey it is not crap the fails are spaghetti and everything else is gorgeous gorgeous art you just don't have a big office i have 170 square foot office yes that is true and if you look actually this the mini's pretty cool because it's got some new this is injection molded now you can't see it because i am filming this through a potato so i apologize and i apologize for everybody that is watching this on youtube um that is just looking at this potato quality my i normally look like jonathan because i have the model right above jonathan for camera and i was supposed to bring the same webcam that tad has but in my hurrying to leave i definitely forgot it you forgot a lot of things for what it's worth what else did i forget i'll let you know when you get home you'll notice it when you get home actually i think i noticed it yet i think i know what you're saying there's definitely like two bags on your bed of things that you've that you definitely were supposed to oh no oh whatever i don't care yeah definitely decided not to um uh but either way um you know it's it's cool right we're gonna start doing uh the top comment on any video we're gonna choose one or two a week we're going to print them we're going to time ups and we're going to mail them to you completely free of charge within reason because i don't want one of you jerk bags out there saying well i want a full size batman well i want a full-size batman too but i don't have the kind of time okay it's something that fits inside of a prusa bed or is reasonable in multiple parts so something like no no okay fine no it needs it like maybe like a half scale batman no he could guard he could guard my office no no suit of armor but no uh craft emporium if you reach out to us and uh uh send us an email if you have a file that you're looking for uh we are happy to get you hooked up and if you have gotten this far and you are wondering about where the hell can he's saying all these things about files but i don't know what the hell a file is there are repositories out there like libraries for 3d printed models um thingy that's thing i versus d-e-r-s-e dot com uh there's yegi which is more of an aggregator there's cult 3d there's my mini factory there's quite a few hopefully you guys are writing those down but that's where you can find models like the self-watering planter that's where the egg roll model that we did a couple of weeks ago came out and which was using that polyterra filament that we just it was yeah because it was a it was a functioning thing for biodegradable parts that we used for biodegradable plastics so yeah it's it's cool um i don't know the your all's comments warm my cold heart because i was kind of expecting the normal cesspool of youtube comments you know but uh so far we've only had a couple of critical ones and you know and i'll say uh to get back on the lulzbot thing uh even though we got kind of yelled at by the makers uh or a few of the makers we got some really great constructive criticism and yeah i i have to tip my hat to some of the people that did it i'm not gonna name you guys specifically because i don't want people to get mad at you but um thank you for calling out whatever you did call out and the one of the one person that gave us a lot of great constructive criticism thank you um if you're watching this you know who you are uh and we actually implemented a lot of the changes that were requested in the latest grant rant about lulzbot so i i don't know i'm pretty happy overall uh but yeah i i think there's more to this lulzbot story i don't think we're done with this um the amount unfortunately i think the maker community is going to let them go uh and i think if they do we kind of have to as well as much as i don't want to because i don't think they should be getting away with this i i believe they're going to um enough to let it continue there's so many other terror unfortunate terrible things going on in this world that a little gaffe by a company is going to get swept under the rug which i mean i know i know it's deep down we don't want to let it go but it's really got to pick your battles yeah yeah it's not the hill to die on this is not the hill for grant to die on maybe printed solid i'm going to talk to dave a little bit more and see what he wants to do but i do want to invite dave randolph and you know honestly i would even invite john olaf from lulzbot to come on this podcast i sincerely doubt that john olaf will ever talk to me let alone take up my offer to come on this podcast because john if you haven't realized by now i'm not letting you get off easy i will hammer you but i i think the makers on tap guys did a great job of kind of understanding when it was time to move on because you can only beat a dead horse so much before you realize we're just not getting anywhere with this uh and you know it sucks but it is what it is and i hate saying that because to me that's very much a cop-out answer yeah but i just don't think we've got anything better you know there's there's nothing concrete that we have right now and that kind of sucks but you know that's the way it goes sometimes in this industry you know lulzbot's got some pretty big news and we're going to be covering it when it comes out they are launching a new printer at 750 dude that's a jugular shot at prusa you know because the uh the mark 3s is 750 um but the video man the video uh let's um let's link to that video in the description the teaser video they put up man the prints on it look like crap my uh how old is that tastic four years now that our four year old yeah six our four-year-old tastics can do better and i had an argument with somebody on reddit yeah i know a place where you expect discourse um oddly i mean it is just not good i was expecting to get like you know yell that hardcore for that video by the maker community but there was a surprising amount of discourse i would like to tip by not exist to hat to all you makers out there that actually came to a fight with actual constructive criticism and not just trying to be jerk bags because that's that's pretty cool of you uh but the lulzbot video it's like wait a minute these this this was not a good print back in 2015. yeah this is this this was a good print when we were making our own filament like john can you kid if you can find that video put it in the chat so tad can watch it or tad try to find it on lulzbot's twitter um the video is really really bad it's it's like terrible it doesn't show the advancement you would expect well someone tried to argue with me that oh they weren't going for show they were going for speed and strength well they didn't show the nozzle diameter nor do they show the printer printing and i'm sorry but if i'm gonna take video of parts i would like it to be the best example of part that i could make now i'm not gonna fault them in the fact that if this is the quality that i can expect great i know exactly what to expect but it will never hold a candle to what prusa can do but here's the deal that lulzbot has that prusa doesn't lulzbot for many years it did everything they could to be certified vendors for basically every school system on the planet and so like uh one of the makers um they can order printers for their school and you know there's some procurement process and all that but if they want a lulzbot they can just buy it they know there's no procurement process they're pre-approved so you know normally low spots are like 3 500 bucks and so okay the i the advent of getting a prusa instead is a little bit easier because it's cheaper however now that 750 bucks even if the print quality isn't all that great people can buy them for schools much easier and well if that's where lulzbot wants to go i'm okay with that uh john just dropped a link in the chat i dropped it in this chat because i realized you weren't in the other chat you're offline how dare you no he's not i'm looking at him right here yeah yeah yeah looking at him don't worry about it just give us your off opinion on this video it's bad yeah i mean the video is only like 15 seconds long i mean i i can go get prints that were so bad we would not sell them that look better the lizard with our homemade filament which we've already gone through in another episode was terrible it looks better than what you like in this video well the money lighting is deliberate and sexy no no no no it's a teaser video the muddy lighting is deliberate to not give you did not give away what it is wait so there's little parts in the car those printed parts that you see are done on that printer ew i know yeah the gear when they show this is there like some hot glue on there what am i looking at that's stringing but that's straight from basically not retracting no no no unlike there's a corner piece and it's all like gooey on top yeah you got a time code on that uh 23 seconds uh john are you using that obs or are you using a virtual camera no no damn it's okay whatever this is it's great i was gonna say if you could show it on your screen because i don't want to do a screen share that's going to screw up my god the lines aren't straight sorry guys that that taz plate or whatever that they kind of kind of have at the bottom it's not good i'm i'm not impressed whoa 10 years established 2011. now we figured that

one out too oh yeah 10 years of lulls right right yeah i think we're going to title that video just because loss is in their name it's not funny or something like that yeah there's something something like that you did it for the lols no that's that's actually what the the makers on tap episode is for the lulz bot uh which which i haven't even seen that episode props because i had that thought too yeah i'm we can use that and attribute it to you guys let's see what the it's on youtube right we'll see if it's a creative commons share like so i i did not find it on youtube i was only able to find the latest episode on spotify and on their website they're using podbean which i need to talk to joe chris or aaron about it because we use anchor and i am considering thank you to pod bean i like anchor everybody basically uses pod bean at this point but that's that's podcast talk um yes which we don't need to get into today but yeah i mean i i i think there's a lot of cool coming i want to hear from you guys about this live stream thing and it's interesting because we do have uk watchers so we might have to do you know some ones at varying times so people all around the globe can watch but i want to go through this journey with you all and when i say me it's grant not the company right i want us to do this together and if you get frustrated let's have you hop on a zoom call with me let's bring you into the live stream and let's just talk about it and let's figure out how we can make this happen because we want to help you right that's our goal our goal is to help you help you succeed and help you kind of level up what you're doing so not only can you take your crafting to a next level but be able to offer things that your competition isn't ooh uh side note anyone who wants to enjoy this podcast even more every time grant says level up take a shot i've only said it like three or four times no you have not sir yeah well you're telling them now to take the shot we're an hour into this thing i feel like it likes to be like a like a like a level up uh animation every time you see a thing


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