CBN NewsWatch AM February 28 2023

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foreign thank you so much for joining us for CBN Newswatch I met from Graham ahead today Palestinian terrorists killing an American in another deadly attack the terrorists shooting and killing the American citizen near the Palestinian Arab town of Jericho will bring you the story from Jerusalem Revival Services spreading from Asbury University to other locations with baptisms and healings heart disease is the number one killer of Americans we'll tell you what you need to know to keep your heart healthy the tragedy and Legacy of Emmett Till how the lynching of this black teenager in 1955 helped to launch the civil rights movement and the town where it happened is coming to grips with its past and Dr alvida King talks to CBN News about the future of the pro-life movement and the power of forgiveness those stories and more today on CBN Newswatch this is receiving in Newswatch We Begin this half hour in the Middle East with another deadly attack this time Palestinian terrorists killed an American citizen and there's talk of a prolonged period of violence known as intifada that it could be coming CBN Middle East correspondent Julie Stahl brings us the story from Jerusalem Palestinian terrorists shot and killed American citizen Ilan ganelis on a main Israeli Highway near the Palestinian Arab town of Jericho the terrorists then shot at another car set theirs on fire and fled in another vehicle after Monday's murders of two Israeli Brothers there's talk this recent violence could lead to a third intifada or Uprising the general big picture is one of I'd say at least three months of continuous Terror attacks by different Palestinian organizations and responses and countermeasures by Israeli Security Forces former IDF spokesman Jonathan conricka says this could lead to what he called a rolling escalation we're coming into the month of Ramadan which historically speaking even though it's a holy month for Muslims historically speaking it's a month of Terror for Israelis Monday's attack sparked unprecedented Israeli retaliation that resulted in widespread condemnation I'm I understand the hard feelings but this isn't the way we can't take the law into our own hands Israel's government the state of Israel IDF the security forces they're the ones who need to crush our enemies U.S state Department spokesman Ned price expressed U.S concern about the weekend violence and Israeli rioting it is imperative that Israel and the Palestinians work together to de-escalate tensions and to restore calm Shai Golan who heads a settlement Council in biblical Judea and Samaria also known as the West Bank condemned the rioting and said it's not the way of settlement leaders to take the law into one's hands and burn things this is not the way of Judaism not the way of the Jews there is a state and only the state will manage these events Julie Stahl CBN News Jerusalem back here at home we turn now to the Revival that began at Asbury University it is spreading across America Christian evangelist Nick Hall provided a space at the Rupp Arena in downtown Lexington it happened over the weekend for the Revival to continue and Michael felhauer the lead pastor of New Life Church in Corpus Christi Texas posted videos showing baptisms being performed in a public fountain at Texas A M Galveston worship repentance and prayers are also being reported as our healings as a student a student at Texas A M in College Station said an A M student who couldn't previously walk by himself was able to walk 20 steps after students prayed for him and there have been reports of Revival at other schools including Louisiana State University and Baton Rouge and Baylor University in Waco Texas you can keep up with the ongoing stories of the Revival at Washington is stepping up its Crackdown on China this time with the directive from the White House banning the app tick tock on all federal government phones as cbn's Capitol Hill correspondent Mount gawka shows us this could just be the opening Salvo against the chinese-owned app federal agencies have 30 days to get Tick Tock off their government devices concerns the app could be used to collect data and potentially spy on Americans have been driving the calls for the government ban the Office of Management and budget said the government ban was a quote critical step forward and addressing the risks presented by the app to sensitive government data White House officials had previously said the app wasn't allowed on White House phones we are focused on the challenges of certain countries including China seeking to leverage digital Technologies in Americans data in ways that present unaccountable unacceptable National Security at risk the move comes as Canada also issued a federal Tick Tock ban starting today we're making the decision that for government employees for government equipment it is better to not have them access Tick Tock because of the concerns that people have in terms of safety this may be a first step it may be the only step we need to take multiple bills have been filed in Congress looking to ban Tick Tock Nationwide in America the Republican chair and Democratic ranking member of the new house select committee on China appeared together on CBS this past weekend to talk about what Congress can do to take on the Asian superpower Tick Tock is owned by bite dance a Chinese company that's required to provide its user data including on the 140 million Americans as well as control of algorithms to the Chinese Communist Party upon request all we're saying is if Tick Tock is going to operate here don't have that user data and algorithms controlled by an adversarial regime and that new house select committee on China holds its first hearing tonight in prime time the focus the Chinese Communist Party threat to America Matt gelke CBN News coming up heart disease the number one cause of death in the United States we're going to bring you a look at what you need to know to keep your heart healthy when we come back stay with us foreign is dubbed heart month a time to set aside for people to focus on their health heart disease is America's number one killer in fact the CDC report someone dies from cardiovascular disease every 34 seconds as Lori Johnson shows us new research shows many Americans lack important information about heart health whether it's a heart attack stroke or plaque buildup doctors say poor lifestyle choices largely contribute to heart disease and adopting healthier habits can turn things around but do Americans know how to do that although heart disease remains America's leading cause of death the good news is the number of people dying from it has been steadily decreasing over the last 40 years but that downward Trend stopped about five years ago and has remained the same ever since a Cleveland Clinic survey finds Americans Harbor a number of misconceptions when it comes to heart health for example 10 percent believe a fast food diet is the most heart healthy while 72 percent incorrectly think low fat or low carb diets are best while only 15 percent know the healthiest is actually the Mediterranean diet it has the best data for actually reduce same strokes and heart attacks and there's large randomized clinical trials that that show this many don't know the Mediterranean diet consists mostly of fruits and vegetables AKA good carbs so if you think about your plate as a pie chart 60 or 70 percent of that should be fruits and vegetables the Mediterranean diet also includes healthy fats like olive oil extra virgin olive oil has an anti-inflammatory component called oleic acid and we know that some cardiovascular risk is driven by overall or systemic inflammation within the body so that can be helpful beans poultry and fish are on the Health Menu but not shellfish red meat pork or processed foods chips crackers pastries lunch meats those are the killers losing excess weight can be good for the heart although a whopping 71 percent of us don't know the best way to do that um dirty Americans thought that exercise was the biggest thing that we could do to uh to lose weight where we know that really isn't true now exercises is important for overall cardiovascular health but if you really want to get your weight down and become a healthy weight the biggest thing that people need to do is modify their diet too many Americans don't realize the importance of keeping their blood pressure and cholesterol in check most people should be seeing their primary care doctor and they should be checking that and more people need to know there are other heart attack symptoms Beyond chest pain and pressure for women I typically say also that nausea or any type of gastrointestinal symptoms that just are lingering and not going away um you should at least think about maybe it's my heart so while there's a lot we can do to lower our risk of heart disease the first step is getting the right information Lori Johnson CBN News for more lessons on your heart health be sure to check out healthy living on the CBN News Channel tonight at 8 30 Eastern you can find it on the CBN News app as well and you can watch it on YouTube still ahead the murder of a boy and the miscarriage of Justice the lynching of Emmett Till see how the town where it all went down is coming to grips with its ugly past and showing us a Way Forward we're going to bring you that story right after this stay with us Mississippi leaders have erected a statue in Mississippi that marks one of the most tragic and shameful events in our history it honors the legacy of Emmett Till a black teenager murdered back in 1955 the outpouring of anger and grief that followed his lynching helped to launch the Civil Rights Movement cbn's Brody Carter brings us the story from the Mississippi Delta racism is still alive in Mississippi standing just feet away from where Emmett Till was lynched the mayor of Glendora Mississippi talks about the young man's final moments the very first beating that he received was just right there on that pile of rocks in the blood were washed out of the truck here on these grounds his clothes burned on these grounds and came here to dispose of the body for many who live here the Mississippi Delta is grief it's history steeped in racism and generational poverty where sharecroppers work the land making wealth for plantation owners and even after all this time Emmett Till's story still haunts the Delta glendora's mayor hopes the statue will keep his legacy Alive by making sure that our young folks never forget the heinous act that took place and to remember not to be afraid to stand up after being beaten shot in the head and tied to a cotton gin fan with barbed wire fourteen-year-old Emmett Till's body was discarded here and the Tallahassee River mayor Thomas must wrestle with his family's Legacy here including this how his father helped Ty till to the cotton gin fan it's where a local Museum commemorating till stands today cotton was King from Mississippi this the outfielders we had Billboards in kept the Cardinal cotton king of the world state Senator David Lee Jordan has memories as well sitting in the Sumner County Courthouse watching the two men charged with Till's murder get acquitted I don't understand they had to mortician from Greenwood Mississippi a friend that knew knew us so he said there was a ring he found a ring on his finger and it had his father Anisha in it and that's why he was able to identify the body Jordan says his purpose is to make life better for the people in the delta he recently LED an effort to install a nine-foot one hundred and fifty thousand dollar bronze statue of Emmett Till this Larger than Life statue of Emmett Till dedicated last year stands boldly over the City of Greenwood Mississippi not far from where till was kidnapped it also reads that Till's sacrifice in 1955 is what inspired the Civil Rights Movement a new movie until is also helping honor his legacy and keep it alive the lynching of my son has shown me that what happens to any of us anywhere in the world had better be the business of us all however some believe the memorialization of till via movies and statues have ripped off the Band-Aid of wounds that never healed the danger is that some people would look at the monument going up and say we did it we're done we've addressed this issue let's move on that's part of the work but it's a deeper work to have to go on in our hearts and the church have to be a part of that and I think we should in the same Courthouse where an old white jury acquitted the two men Reverend Willie Williams preserves Till's memory and says people here are still dealing with his death we talk a lot about reconciliation and to me it's it's you know it's a it's a twofold as relate to biblical reconciliation Williams and his team at the Emmett Till interpretive Center across from the courthouse say today's national conversation on racism needs to include healing and Reconciliation the church is made of people and and that and that it's up to people to choose you know to bring light to some of the situations that I think sometimes we often try to divorce ourselves from the solution is to try to uh uplift humanity and and do our part and not you know allow hate and unforgiveness and destroy us from the inside out Till's lynching is one of more than four thousand that took place during the Jim Crow era following the Civil War and into the 20th century little is known today about those horrendous crimes leaders in the Delta say it's up to the Next Generation to rise tackle race relations head on and pave A New Path forward that's why I say people are more alike than they are different and now we're at the largest picture image till anywhere in the country in Greenwood Mississippi I think we're going to eventually get there but it's going to be too late for a lot of people reporting in the Mississippi Delta Brody Carter CBN News coming up the niece of Dr Martin Luther King Jr Dr alvita King talks about the power of forgiveness where she sees the abortion issue going now that Roe versus wage has been overturned we're going to hear from her when we come back you're watching CBN Newswatch Dr alvida King is founder and president of speak for life it's an organization that pushes pro-life Advocates To Boldly speak against abortions she's also the niece of Dr Martin Luther King Jr and an acclaimed author along with many other accolades she joined this week's The Prayer link program on the CBN News Channel to talk about the power of forgiveness and her thoughts on the overturning of Roe versus Wade you were a teenager when your uncle was was murdered I was um how did that affect you did you have to overcome I mean was there hate there for a while and how did you forgive my uncle was killed of course and then in six to eight my dad was killed in 69 Reverend a d king and you can find that out and then my grandmother was shot by a black man so you know we argue oh let's hate white people they they just enslaved us well then we found out later of course throughout my journey that it was the Africans who sold their African neighbors to the Caucasian that has really just come out more it's more now so what it tells us is we're one blood in One race 23 and me and we would begin to find out more and more people are more ethnically Blended than we knew yeah so there's one blood one human race and uh the the the repenting from that slavery time is for both of us to go back to the Cross together father forgive us but nobody wants to do that everybody wants to blame somebody else and it has come out more and more people are understanding that and that we really one blood and wine race yeah so we have to pray George Wallace for a long time the racist segregationist Governor right and he was shot and he repented on the bed of Affliction and he actually repented so it's always going to be repentance forgiveness human kindness the love of God and John 3 16 for everybody yeah in every generation Every Generation Well in addition to carrying on your uncle's dream you are a big pro-life activists and let me get your reaction you know to Rove Roe v Wade being overturned last year and what do we still have to accomplish alvida well I always believe that God is merciful and that I never thought that I won't see Roe v Wade overturned in my lifetime I always expected God to move I was praying I believed he would do it and so I knew that when that that law by the Supreme Court was overturned it simply was bringing the question of the sanctity of life from womb to the tomb and Beyond back to the States yeah so that has happened abortion is still legal in America but abortion actually needs to be unthinkable if the hearts of the people change then the laws will definitely follow and so we've got to begin to see each other as brothers and sisters yeah and the more we do that the more Humane we become again and I was reading about your testimony and just did it as a young lady you had a forced abortion by a doctor and the doctor didn't even understand didn't even know what was going on and then you made a decision to abort a child and I had a miscarriage because my body was damaged from the abortion and you said it made you ill for it affected every aspect my spirit soul and body for years and years until I repented in the early 80s and I asked God to forgive me of all my sins including the abortions he did and then he allowed me to become a voice for the sanctity of life from the womb to the tomb and Beyond and I'm still that today along with many many other things I I you know I re-recorded Impossible Dream and at the end it says With God all things are possible people yeah and we have we redid we shall overcome deep in my heart I do believe we shall overcome one day but then we now have we have overcome yeah I no longer am a slave Christ is risen from the grave Christ is Lord I'm saved and I'm free so in my music God my films my speeches my books you have a new book right I do have a new book and I'm working on even a newer book with Father Frank Pavone he called me the other day at the national director of priest for life and he says are we going to ever do our book uh abortion in black and white I said yeah now let's just do it now I love it he's I love he's a great guy but I love what you were saying you know about how you know you you took your pain from that abortion God doesn't waste our pain does he he uses it as a testimony you know and when you give it to him he can he can bless others that entire interview is available on the prayer link and you can see it on the CBN News Channel at 6 30 Eastern you can also see it on the CBN News app or watch it on YouTube time now for your Tuesday tweetable and today I share this thought in hopes that you will post tag tweet and share it with those in your Circles of influence God is calling on Believers to advance his kingdom here on Earth we hear it and say it in the Lord's Prayer thy kingdom come on Earth as it is in heaven this is the season to see the kingdom seek the kingdom and share the Kingdom so the will of God can be done on Earth as it is in heaven well that will do it for this edition of CBN News watch I want to remind you that you can always find more of our programs on the CBN News Channel at any time as well as online at we would love to know what you think about the stories you've seen here today or any day you can email us Newswatch you can also reach out and touch us on Facebook Twitter and Instagram we hope you'll join us again right back here next time I encourage you to make this a terrific Tuesday and join us right back here same time tomorrow we so look forward to seeing you goodbye God bless we'll see you then thank you


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