LiveWorx 2021 Episode 3: Digital Transforms Physical

LiveWorx 2021 Episode 3: Digital Transforms Physical

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[Music] whether you're around the corner or anywhere around the globe welcome to liveworx 2021 i'm elise kulak and i'll be your host for this final installment of our limited series on digital transformation we've taken our show on the road and are coming to you live from ptc's headquarters located in the beautiful seaports of boston massachusetts welcome to ptc [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] today's episode features a true technology visionary who believes the goal of digital transformation for industrial companies is not to become digital but rather to capitalize on digital technologies to defend and advance their competitive advantage in the physical world highlighting cad plm industrial iot augmented reality and sas he will share some of the countless ways digital transforms physical across your entire business ladies and gentlemen it is my distinct pleasure to introduce ptc's president and ceo jim heppelmann thank you elise wow and thank you all for joining us as you can see from that incredible flyby tour our headquarters in the boston seaport innovation district is a great place to work and things are returning to normal as the pandemic winds down here covet is on the run in boston and the state and city have fully reopened and at ptc we have a growing number of vaccinated employees returning to the office every day it's really exciting to see everybody again i hope you see this happen soon at your location till as we can all clearly appreciate now what we may think is normal at any point in time can be disrupted by pandemics and supply chain problems not to mention earthquakes and storms and riots and unrest no matter the nature of the disruption digital has proven to be a powerful mitigation force to both survive and thrive amidst the chaos and changing conditions more than ever the pandemic has helped companies see the tremendous value of digital and what we've experienced over the past 15 months has accelerated the digital transformation journey of every company by years to help better quantify the business value of digital transformation we've been working with hundreds of our customers worldwide the cumulative impact we've seen runs into billions of dollars as companies use digital strategies across the product life cycle to increase revenues improve operating margins and increase acid efficiencies the benefits are found up and down the supply chain and across engineering manufacturing and service let me share three quick examples that make it clear why companies are increasingly committed to digital transformation improvements gained by using digital to transform engineering are estimated at around 45 million annually for a company with 10 billion u.s dollars in revenue nydec corporation is one of the biggest motor producing groups in the world and it fits that mold the company has a presence in eight countries including 11 manufacturing plants in over 50 research and design locations faced with global competition supply chain disruptions and new regulatory requirements related to the energy consumption of its products nydec has had to find a way to bring new markets new products to market faster and to introduce these products with high quality nydec turned to ptc to launch their enterprise-wide plm initiative to create a single source of truth with a digital thread knitting together the value chain from upstream suppliers to downstream oem customers the results speak for themselves a 50 percent reduction in time to market for new products and a doubling of the number of new projects they're able to handle nydec not only benefited from the improvement in engineering performance but the cost of poor quality was reduced by 40 percent the double-digit impact on their bottom line helps nydec remain competitive in the global marketplace now downstream in manufacturing operations customers are seeing average operational improvements of 30 million dollars per year across each of their plants a great example of this is barat forge a global leader in metal forming based in india bharat's chairman challenged his team to have zero unplanned downtime in the next one and a half years to retain their global leadership position brought turned to ptc for their industry 4.0 initiative to improve their oee or overall equipment effectiveness by over 15 percent in their forging lines which gives them an immediate roi to brought forge's success was winning the hearts and minds of their workforce as industrial engineers learned what was possible with digital they became the ones pushing for more changes on the shop floor but change is hard you guest zolp the chief digital officer at bharat estimated that 70 to 80 percent of their digital transformation efforts have gone into changing people's mindsets meanwhile customers are also driving differentiated service offerings with a 2 billion revenue company generating about 15 million dollars in annual benefits through operational improvements and the ability to drive new revenue streams sometimes the dollars and cents impact to the p l is incidental to the real purpose sometimes value can be measured in more significant terms like when it affects people's lives electa is a european customer who's a leading global manufacturer of medical technologies for treating cancer and brain disorders every year over 1 million patients are treated on their machines elect has been at the forefront of incorporating new technologies into their business so they can better serve their customers and patients electa turned to ptc to help make their products smart and connected the result is that 20 percent of service issues are now resolved remotely without dispatching a technician that means that in four months electas saved their customers over six thousand hours of downtime due to the system's predictive maintenance capabilities but what does that mean for their patients according to paul bergstrom elect as evp and head of customer services avoiding downtime with predictive maintenance during this period meant that 18 000 patients could have their treatments as scheduled without all the negative impact that rescheduling might imply the importance of not missing a single treatment is absolutely paramount to the patient on both the physical and emotional level as you can see the power of ptc's technologies creates a big financial and human impact for our customers and that's why ptc is so dedicated to our mission of digital transformation for industrial companies this mission of digital transformation is actually built into the design of the ptc logo i love this logo not only does it look cool but it speaks volumes about our strategy which is to use digital to transform the physical world digital and physical aren't just coming together it's bigger than that the power of digital is being used to transform what is and what must remain physical the products our customers make are physical and they always will be for example you can't just make a digital airplane and use it to fly to another location you'll need to have the physical version that uses aluminum or composite fuselage and wings to get you there you'll need a physical factory to build it and technicians and spare parts on the physical tarmac to keep it flying the physical world is never going away and making it better and more efficient and greener will never become unimportant physical is never going out of style so ptc isn't telling our industrial companies to become digital companies that would be silly you don't really go to bed as an industrial company and wake up as a software company at ptc we're showing our customers that by embracing digital technologies you can transform the physical aspects of your business and gain a real advantage at the highest level ptc's entire strategy comes down to three simple words digital transforms physical and it literally jumps out at you from our logo today i plan to share with you my perspective on three areas of digital transformation first how digital is transforming physical second how digital is transforming itself and then third how ptc is transforming itself now there's tremendous excitement about digital transformation all around us but there's a lot of noise and confusion too on one hand it's obvious to everybody that digital is transforming the world but it's an abstract concept and sometimes it's hard to discuss because these words mean so many different things to different people but for industrial companies ptc's strategy of digital transforms physical is clear it's tangible it's demonstrable it's exciting and it's very valuable let's take a look at how digital transforms physical with our cad technologies we help customers use digital to define physical with plm we help customers use digital to manage physical with iot we help customers use digital to connect physical both for the products they make and for the assets they use in their factories with ar we help customers use digital to augment physical for the benefit of their workers and with sas ptc is at the very forefront of thinking about how customers will use digital to disrupt physical in terms of taking an entirely different approach across the hardware software and administration of their i.t systems stay tuned because i plan to show that digital transforms physical is both tangible and demonstrable coming up next jim explores how digital transforms physical with cad and plm technologies we'll be right back after a word from some of our live work sponsors it all starts with a push of a button your manufacturing process begins and the smart devices in your system begin to pull data the information from your smart devices starts to flow generating real-time diagnostic data the information you need to keep you informed and your operations running to make smart decisions rockwell automation can help you transform your machines and equipment to be smarter smart starts here it all starts with a push of a button [Music] with a bang energy and change came to every part of our universe seismic or small [Music] it continues change is all around us shaped by technology and human ingenuity we can make it work for you and your business i told you up front that ptc's strategy was clear that it was tangible not abstract that it could be demonstrated and that it was powerful and valuable and exciting i want to pay off that iou now by showing you what i'm talking about let's start with cad which was one of the first true digital transformation technologies that many of us ever experienced and one that so many of you have embraced cad always was and still is about creating digital prototypes that replace the need for physical prototypes and drawings in a quest to save vast amounts of time and money while avoiding costly mistakes and rework if we look deeper into the area of cad which for us means both creo and onshape i would say that digital models physical digital generates physical digital simulates physical digital specifies physical and digital even produces physical there's more that cad can do as part of a digital transformation strategy but let's take a look at these key examples obviously digital modeling physical is what 3d cad was born to do right here at ptc cad allows us to iterate with colleagues and suppliers and come up with a very accurate description of our product idea a 3d model whose his fidelity is so high that the concept in our head becomes completely unambiguous we can explore all the different variations of the idea too because change is easy when we're on the digital side of the fence we can generate photo realistic experiences to test our ideas with customers or even create hologram prototypes that can be placed in the real world at life size using augmented reality and ultimately we will produce a final description that's so detailed that we can provide it to the factory and say make me one of these but cad is no longer just a documentation tool to capture ideas from engineers now it's out front feeding new ideas to them that's why we say that digital generates physical generative design technology removes the constraints of human ingenuity next time you look at a tree or a bird or a dinosaur skeleton notice how mother nature makes designs with very complex surfaces highly variable cross sections and complex internal geometries mother nature is a very efficient engineer and all of her designs are built via an additive process called cell division we human engineers are a bit less creative and tend to think in terms of blocky solid shapes and right angles because we're working backwards from the subtractive manufacturing process we've used for many millennia if you turn generative design loose on this chair for example you get a very innovative and efficient design that looks like mother nature was involved whether we elect to use an additive or subtractive manufacturing to ultimate process to ultimately produce it the combination of a human engineer aided and coached by the power of generative design simply makes for a better solution now before we get too committed to the design we'll need confidence that it will work in the real world which is why it's important that digital simulates physical fundamentally this is what our ansys partnership featuring creo simulation live and creo ansys simulation is all about in this example of a car chassis it's invaluable to understand what each digital change made with the mouse or keyboard would imply to the performance of the physical product in the real world being enlightened by the consequence of each change in real time is the very essence of an agile development process talk about a small batch size if we subscribe then to the belief that digital can define physical then we can agree that it's time to get rid of 2d drawings be they paper or pdf many of you know that eliminating drawings from the manufacturing industry was the plan all along but it's proven much harder than anticipated because drawings contain incremental important information beyond size and shape that might be needed by a supplier or downstream in the factory but now the technology is here and with model based engineering approaches we can finally have digital fully specified physical by capturing and communicating all of that incremental information as annotations on the 3d model in a standard way this breakthrough means that finally the manufacturing industry can move beyond drawings just think how many millions of times have 3d models been reduced to 2d drawings and those 2d drawings sent to a supplier who manually recreated them as 3d models to drive toolpaths or whatever now we can leave those value destroying processes behind the supplier can find all of the information on the 3d model and they can drive their toolpaths off at till when our digital specification is complete digital can be used to produce or actually manufacture the physical product it's becoming almost like sending a word processor document to the printer in order to make it physical using creo additive manufacturing for example we can 3d print this very sophisticated and efficient heat exchanger design that was created through the collaboration of a human engineer and generative design then using creo's subtractive manufacturing capabilities we can machine the connector fittings with precision just like that the design that was on the screen a short time ago is now a physical product here in front of us ready to be put into use the idea of creating physical parts directly from the digital model is perhaps the clearest and most obvious manifestation of digital transforming physical it's such a powerful concept those are just five of the many ways that cad enables digital to transform physical let's hear from a great ptc customer xavier serra head of racing at cupra who will share with us how coopra creates value by using digital to define physical in the products that drive the racing world i'm chaby serra head of racing at cupra cupra is an unconventional challenger brand based on stimulating style and contemporary performance that inspires the world from barcelona with motospore at its core the creation of cupra eraser the world's first 100 electric touring car was the initial proof of the technological capabilities of the brand at cupra we use ptc software to model simulate and produce our racing cars for cupra digital models physical everything including the drive train to the body lines of our racing cars since the whole car is digital creo enabled us to actively move forward the development teams in parallel which is key in successful transversal collaboration and time frame goals by using digital to simulate physical we can adopt very sophisticated simulation driven design practices these enable us to very precisely replicate all the kinematics of our race car including suspensions and very other complex mechanisms way before we produce a single part this dramatically reducing the amount of physical fine-tune loops in a later stage we also use digital to produce physical including design for additive manufacturing this enables us to accelerate the aerodynamic packet development of our race cars by designing and producing dozens of aem parts to test them directly in the wind tunnel within a very short time frame all in all ptc allows us to do everything in one single package and leverage the power of digital to power our innovation thanks xavier for sharing your perspectives on how digital transformation is having such a big impact at cupra next in our exploration of how digital transforms physical let's take a look at how plm both wind chill and arena enables digital to manage physical by that i mean how digital catalogs physical how it configures physical synchronizes physical relates physical and even how digital mirrors physical let's take a quick tour of these powerful concepts in the category of digital catalogs physical plm provides companies with a single authoritative source of truth it's like the digital equivalent of the card catalog in an old-fashioned brick and mortar library plm makes sure that every single user throughout the extended enterprise is accessing the right version of the right data in order to avoid the cascade of costly mistakes that happens when you use the wrong information as a starting point i'd argue that digital cataloging physical is a critical aspect of any digital transformation strategy in the industrial world plm is the system of record for your products just as crm is the system of record for your customers just how far down the path of digital transformation could you go without your digital product data being managed in under control now unlike books in a library physical products don't come in a single configuration thanks to plm digital configures physical by combining a point in time with the options you wish to include or not and your role and perspective in the value chain do you want to see this year's product or next year's do you want to see it with or without the turbo option and are you an engineer or a service technician it all matters greatly plm understands all of that variability and more and guides you to the right answer a great example of the power of configuration management can be found in ptc's huge project with the us navy to enable their quest for model-based product support the navy has over 7 000 ships each is unique and each is massively complicated physical asset with a mountain of support documentation the best way to find the information you need to maintain the ship's systems and keep it fully operational would be to organize the maintenance information according to how the ship itself is configured that way you're assured of quickly getting the right information with this model based technique you can navigate virtually to the section of the specific ship of interest and then expose all of the maintenance and support information that would be relevant there with so many ships in the fleet and so many people involved the u.s navy is becoming one of ptc's biggest plm customers thanks to this digital transformation project as the navy example shows today's products are far from simple most products contain not only mechanical systems but electronic and software systems as well all of which are developed separately but must work in harmony in the physical product fortunately digital synchronizes physical across these different design domains by managing top level requirements allocating the requirements across systems and design domains enabling systems engineering and then ultimately providing full traceability from the physical product back to its requirements to ensure that these processes that cross different domains have all converged and been tested to meet the requirements now bringing a product to life isn't just cross-discipline it's a cross-functional effort it requires a coordinated data sharing across the different tools and systems used by engineering manufacturing and service organizations how do we understand how different sets of data are interrelated across these organizations and whether everybody's building off the right versions and configurations of the data well thanks to the power of how digital relates physical we have the concept of the digital thread here's a fun example using ar to augment related digital data from engineering plus the religion related digital telemetry data from iot onto a physical product by pulling on that digital thread while ar provides the sizzle an example like this plm is the brain in the background that understands the product configuration and relates all of the data together across different systems perhaps the ultimate state of digital transforming physical is achieved via the digital twin here digital mirror is physical thanks to plm and its ability to relate information from multiple sources including the physical product and to orchestrate how data streams are processed to create a real-time digital mirror image of what's happening out in the physical world the digital twin concept shown here with the robot using a combination of cad plm iot and even ar technologies is a powerful way to understand customer usage to optimize product design and even to anticipate and prevent down times thanks to proactive service interventions the use of a digital twin to represent your products out in the field is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of how we can use virtualization and virtual reality as a tool to transform how industrial enterprises operate those are just five of the many ways that plm enables digital to manage physical i'd like to invite a great ptc customer amir mazucci from seagate to share with us how digital managing physical creates value in seagate's world of data storage solutions i'm amir mazucci technologist at seagate and we are a leader in global mass storage seagate designs and manufactures a variety of storage devices and cloud solutions that help reduce the cost and complexity of a storage infrastructure we allow you to store more for less through a combination of hardware software and services we embarked on a journey to modernize our system many of which were acquired through mnas to enable mass configurations become more agile and collaborative cross-functionally and do all of these within our margin intensive industry for seagate digital catalog physical means that we are able to manage 800 000 documents and now have a single authoritative source of truth for product data with full visibility to more than 300 000 change notices digital also configures our massively complex physical product line allowing us to engineer four choice supporting hundred thousand customer configuration and over 1 million parts digital synchronizes physical establishing a digital thread across 35 upstream and downstream system multiple business units worldwide disciplines from engineering mechanical electrical software simulation to manufacturing service finance and into the supply chain manufacturing partners and our customers digital has enabled us to connect people and processes across functional units with a digital threat for innovation it's all about using technology to change how people work maximizing the data in business decisions and enabling greater efficiency and collaboration in the entire value chain [Music] thanks amir for sharing just a few of the ways that digital transformation is having a big impact at seagate i've shared with you a handful of examples showing how cad and plm power digital transformation but there's more to see with iot and ar after this quick break when we come back jim spotlights how digital transforms physical with industrial iot and augmented reality don't go far you won't want to miss it [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] cad and plm both pioneered here at ptc have proven to be key technologies for digital transformation i'm excited to explore now how two new breakthrough technologies also pioneered by ptc are becoming critical elements that power how digital transforms physical first we'll look at how digital connects physical thanks to the industrial internet of things and then how digital augments physical for the benefit of frontline workers and customers let's start with iot whether you're trying to optimize across the fleet of physical products out in the field at your customer sites or across all those physical assets you use in your own factories there's no better way to find efficiencies than to connect these assets and leverage their telemetry data thanks to the power of iot we now have the capability for digital to sense physical to translate physical to monitor physical to predict physical and of greatest importance for digital to optimize physical let's take a look at a few quick examples we'll start with the fundamental building block of digital census physical this welder from esab is a smart product connected to the internet with thing works and so all of the telemetry data about the voltage and the amps and the runtimes and even the consumables is being supplied to the cloud so that we have data that tells us what's going on with any of thousands of such welders out in the field of course if we take this idea and apply it to a factory which is a messy brownfield environment we're likely to run into a diversity of automation systems but with the help of iot digital translates physical and we can easily deal with all the different brands different vintages and different protocols found in a factory if we want to collect data from all those different assets we need the capabilities of thingworx kepware which can convert all of these proprietary protocols back to a single unified stream that represents the vital signs from all of those different physical assets this telemetry data is precisely what we need to power our applications the first and perhaps most important application is simply monitoring what's happening across the fleet of products or across those assets that drive your production process the power of digital to monitor physical is highlighted by a great example from our customer bid group who manufactures and installs automated sawmill equipment the use of thingworx real-time production monitoring dashboards helps bid to understand sawmill activity and trends and has become the core enabler for the lifecycle services that bid now sells with their sawmill solutions monitoring what's happening is key but because digital can also predict physical there's an opportunity to get ahead of the curve and circumvent problems before they ever occur in the physical world in this particular example using thingworx analytics machine learning technology we're combining telemetry data from a series of pumps with service and history records from other business systems thing works is watching for any situation where streams of telemetry data begin to match those profiles that were previously correlated to service down times because most problems build over time we now have an early warning system in place we all learned long ago that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and the ability to have a timely service intervention to prevent a costly unexpected downtime from happening is precisely what that proverb is referring to if you can imagine now how sensing and translating and monitoring and predicting might be strung together in a closed closed-loop continuous improvement process then you can appreciate how digital optimizes physical continuous process improvement is precisely what our new digital performance management software does by allowing you to monitor a process in an industrial setting identify the largest bottleneck drill down into the time loss waterfall of that bottleneck generate the lost reasons pareto chart to help you understand the nature of the problem then implement and track changes designed to improve the situation thanks to the closed loop nature you can step back and verify the efficacy of those changes using the real-time process monitoring dashboards you probably know that in any complex process behind the worst bottleneck stands the second worst bottleneck that was previously invisible but now steps forward so we can move on and apply the same methodology to each next worst bottleneck in a continuous process improvement methodology that will dramatically improve the efficiency of that industrial process the internet of things is a truly transformative technology and if you want to learn more about how iot can impact your competitiveness and even your organization structure please take a look at the two articles on our website that i authored with professor michael porter of the harvard business school on this topic well these articles are certainly not new anymore they've proven timeless and i was pleased to see our iot work has been selected for republication in a summer 2021 harvard business review special publication on building digital intelligence in your organization the other major digital transformation topic where i've benefited from collaboration with professor porter is augmented reality ar has many parallels to iot in fact i like to say ar is iot but for people people don't have an ethernet port like machines do because ar turns bits and bytes into sounds and sites that we can perceive as being part of the physical world digital truly can augment a physical experience but there's a little more to it than simply augmentation first digital has to recognize the physical environment using computer vision technology so it knows where you are and where to place that digital information with that in place digital can guide physical work in that environment digital can also capture physical process expertise from an expert and pass it on to a newbie if the newbie needs more help in the moment the expert can use digital to remotely support the physical work and if you really want to push the envelope digital can be used to virtualize the entire physical work site so that you can explore and interact with it from anywhere in the world ar is such an exciting topic let's take a look at some of the power of ar based digital transformation as i mentioned ar starts with digital being able to recognize physical simply put you can't augment what you can't recognize so ar is only as good as your computer vision engine fortunately the euphoria computer vision engine is best in class especially for the type of industrial use cases we're focused on i'm showing you here some of our latest state-based 3d object recognition technology in viewforia engine which uses ai-driven computer vision capabilities to recognize individual components as well as the product at various states of assembly if you think about a typical assembly process in a production setting like you see here or perhaps a disassembly process in the service department you quickly realize that in order to guide you through the process ar has to realize that after each step i'm now looking for something different the euphoria engine technology is so powerful and there's really nothing like it some of you might be wondering where did euphoria get all that information how does it know that well credit the digital thread euphoria pulled on the digital thread to draw from upstream cad and plm sources and it reused those 3d models including all of the configuration and state-based manufacturing process information in plm to train its ai algorithms to be able to recognize the real world objects from any angle and in any state of assembly because euphoria can see and recognize the physical world it can then map and transpose digital guiding guidance into that physical setting in effect we're publishing step-by-step instructions the type of stuff you're used to seeing in paper manuals or in pdf documents but we're using a much more intuitive augmented reality format the example you see here is a new euphoria application we just launched called euphoria instruct this instruct app not only guides the worker through the process but in parallel it provides analytics that collect pass fail timing quality and other types of critical process information rather than staring at a paper document or computer screen then trying to understand what that information means in the physical world we are simply decorating the physical world with simple graphical depictions of that same information formal instructions are necessary for many use cases but every company has a multitude of processes that are not and will never be formally documented i'm referring to all those situations where an experienced employee first demonstrates a process and then mentors and supports new employees until they come up to speed the challenge is that this approach requires inefficient double parking of workers and of course they both have to be in the same physical location but now thanks to ar we can use digital to capture physical process expertise in a way that eliminates the need for double parking in physical proximity in this example showing some of our latest euphoria capture technology we're able to separate an expert and his work product from the background setting he's in and capture what's going on in the foreground then later for the benefit of a new employee we can pull that digitized expertise down from the cloud and re-inject it into the current setting so we can watch the experts avatar guide the newbie through the very same process just think how transformative it is to be able to use the phone in your pocket to quickly and easily transfer process expertise from the brain of one worker into the brain of another of course circumstances vary and when you encounter unexpected situations digital can remotely support physical work too using the power of remote assistance that we have embodied in our euphoria chalk application here's an example of a technician working in a complex manufacturing setting and the expert a thousand miles away in her office coming into his world with augmented reality technology so that she can see what he sees and while talking to him can also mark up the physical environment in which he is immersed this ability to project expert assistance over a long distance is another powerful concept finally if you really want to push the envelope rather than supplying information into the physical work siting you can use digital to virtualize the entire physical work site and dive right into it from your office using virtual reality here we start with a view of anna working in this physical environment but using euphoria spatial toolbox we have digitized and virtualized this worksite so now you can enter this environment using vr perhaps more importantly we can utilize spatial analytics to help us sense monitor and ultimately optimize what's happening here in this example the different rectangular shapes are virtual sensors that detect motion in a space envelope that we can correlate to various steps in the process that anna and the agv robot are performing together that allows us to see and better understand how much time is spent in each activity across each pass of the process and then aggregate throughout each work day frederick taylor the engineer with the stopwatch who pioneered the principles of scientific management and the entire field of industrial engineering more than a hundred years ago would be proud what excites me most about these examples is how ar engages and empowers humans particularly those frontline workers who make up the majority of the global workforce by giving them the superpower of digital in the right context and at the right time i've discussed the transformative impact of digital technologies like cad plm iot and ar but the interesting thing is that digital isn't static in fact these digital technologies are themselves transforming this transformation is called sas and i'll be right back to talk more about it after this quick break jim delves into how digital is transforming itself with software as a service technologies and explores ptc's sas roadmap and its powerful atlas platform stay tuned [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm excited to talk about sas because this digital approach is new for our industry and new for ptc and many of you it's extremely transformational and in a good way i'm going to show you how by embracing the disruptive power of sas digital accelerates physical it economizes physical it mobilizes physical it democratizes physical and digital even socializes the physical world first when i say that with sas digital accelerates physical it starts with the idea that you can deploy digital solutions into your work environment so much faster there's no need to spend time preparing the on-site infrastructure and performing software installation and setup or on-site integration that's all built into the service perhaps more importantly there's no longer any need to perform on-site patches or upgrades everybody's always on the latest version and the versions come quickly for example with onshape last year there were 16 major releases of the software plus patches and at all times all customers were on the latest version that means that new innovations move quickly from the keyboards of our software engineers into production use at your companies moving to the next version involves no friction no cost no planning or budgeting and no delay it just happens i'm sure this approach seems unthinkable for the entire engineering software universe out there who's used to carefully planning and budgeting and justifying a big upgrade every two or three years let's hear from a great customer somologic who relies on the velocity of sas in their arena deployment to expand their lead in a highly regulated and competitive industry i'm lucas fernandez senior director of quality and regulatory at sumo logic in boulder colorado somologic is a leading commercial stage proteomics company we have built an integrated proteomics platform that can simultaneously measure 7 000 human proteins our platform produces health information that is provided through a global network of partners working in a highly regulated and competitive industry we need to be able to both move fast and ensure a robust system of controls sas product life cycle and quality management tools are essential for our team as our workforce and supply chain partners cover more and more geographies throughout the world the move to digital and specifically sas accelerates our ability to deploy new applications and work processes in a fraction of the time without being concerned about base infrastructure and cyber security issues this was never more essential than in the past year as the coveted pandemic moved most of our staff to work from home sas enabled this global workforce mobilization to happen without us missing a beat on productivity ptc's arena sas technology has enabled us to disrupt their own process and accelerate innovation in pursuit of our mission to unlock the latent power of proteomics in order to facilitate a more complete understanding of the human biology and contribute to the relief of suffering and the extension of healthy meaningful life [Music] thanks lucas for sharing your insights on the benefit that the arena sas plm solution is bringing to somalogic in addition to saving time sas saves money that's why i say that with sas digital economizes physical with sas there's no need to buy a server and no need for a system administrator to set up and do the ongoing care and feeding of a complex on-site software system that all costs money year after year sas software is already running in the cloud you just climb onto that running system and use it you never do an install you never do a patch or an upgrade you never do a backup it's all part of the service that's delivered to you your system will be upgraded frequently but that'll be done very carefully in a way that's largely invisible to you and it won't cost you a penny in a full sas system like our on-shape software there's no data and no application on the client-side device which means you can use a pc workstation or laptop or a mac or a phone or a tablet and you can move between them and instantly find your data in the exact state where you left it on the last device with sas the ability of digital to mobilize physical is a perfect fit with the hybrid mobile workforce we're now planning for in the new normal that follows kovid for all of you who had to bring your office workstations home when covid lockdown started or perhaps had to set up software systems and licenses on your home computers you're going to love this now you'll have systems as mobile as you are you can access your product data from a pc workstation on monday from a mac at home on tuesday or from your phone at the airport on wednesday with sas the barriers to entry and participation in the product lifecycle are gone because everybody can participate without any preconditions there's no need for a special software setup or a special hardware configuration just jump in and collaborate that's true across your company's functions around the globe and up and down the supply chain if you want somebody to participate they can just log in from wherever they are using whatever device they have most readily available that's why i say that digital democratizes physical because like in a democratic system everybody can participate on equal terms we saw this democratization effect play out in a big way during covid many high schools and universities teach cad or use cad in their classes but they've been doing so in a dedicated on-campus computer room because traditional cad only runs on pcs but most students don't have a pc these days but kovid shut that computer room down and cad classes were dead in the water more than a million students switched to onshape in the past year because it was the only way they could continue to collaborate and do their cad work in the context of the pandemic restrictions they used onshape on chromebooks and macbooks and phones and tablets and they did their work from home or on the bus or in the dorm it didn't really matter onshape was a big hero that literally rescued thousands of stem programs the way users participate works differently too while all cad and plm systems support dozens hundreds or thousands of users today those users are generally working alone on copies of files and data sets that they've checked out and downloaded from the server for their exclusive use but with sas there is no check in and checkout function because everybody on the team including suppliers is working on the same data in the cloud at the same time fully aware of each other's presence and changes sas makes engineering applications feel a bit more like instagram or twitter or slack that's why i say that with sas digital socializes physical because suppliers and customers and employees are always working together in total alignment on the same master data subject of course to access control rights there are real advantages to this approach and it's a key driver of an agile process we move quickly everything's real time we're always synchronized and can see and explore the impact of each other's work every day we can quickly bring anybody onto the team whose expertise we need nobody is ever working on an out of date version and nobody's ever waiting for someone else to check in a file with their changes this notion of having an entire supply chain work together in real-time harmony is a big competitive advantage let's hear from a great ptc customer chris mead who is senior director of engineering at garrett who can speak to the power of sas to transform how work gets done i'm chris mead senior director of engineering at garrett advancing motion garrett differentiated technologies and innovations are used by almost every global automaker with over 100 million vehicles on the road today using our products we launch over 100 new applications annually spanning gas diesel electric and fuel cell powertrains in order to meet consumer demands and environmental concerns the global automotive industry is rapidly transforming to develop electrified powertrains and increasingly connected vehicles as a technology provider delivering innovative solutions to the transportation industry garrett has been extending our core hardware competencies while growing new capabilities in electrical and software domains at garrett digital socializes physical by streamlining how we work internally and with our partners through onshape we've increased the number of team members working with the solid models from 200 people per month to over 800 people per month while breaking down the functional barriers between teams it has not always been easy to change the way we work however today the cross-functional teams review and edit the designs together simulation engineers visualize and extract the geometry directly from onshape and manufacturing engineers are creating tooling using the product definitions software as a service models have enabled us to rethink how we develop new products and transform how we work at garrett as a result we have improved collaboration and speed of reducing effort [Music] thanks chris it's clear that sas in the form of onshape is having a big impact on the way garrett is working both internally and with your partners the power that sas brings to the party represents a potential force multiplier effect on the digital transformation power of ptc's portfolio what customer wouldn't want our cad plm iot and ar technologies to be faster to be less expensive to be more mobile to be more democratic and to be more social because all of pdc's applications would benefit from these advantages of sas we are doubling down on sas and embarking on a journey to be the sas leader in this market with sas deployed across our entire product portfolio sas is effectively a case of digital transforming itself i love that the digital technology that transforms the physical world is going through its own transformation at ptc we see sas as the future and the sas platform we're adopting across our portfolio is called atlas atlas came to us through the onshape acquisition where it was years in the making because cad itself is a family of applications john hirshtick and john mcelaney and the whole onshape team started with a focus on building an extensible sas platform that could be the foundation for a suite of applications this team knows what they're doing and they built an awesome platform today all of the software engineering teams across pdc have embraced the power of atlas and are working to make it central to the future of creole windchill thingworx and euphoria let's explore some of the benefits that atlas will bring to the ptc portfolio let's start with availability and mobility atlas based applications can be accessed from anywhere on any device at any time and you always find your latest data it's completely mobile next is the benefit of lower total cost of ownership all of ptc's applications will benefit if you don't have to buy the big servers and you don't have to carry the system administration workload then secure and scalable who doesn't want software systems that are maintained on a professional cloud by a professional sas operations team who has unbelievable tooling and lots of thought given to availability and security plus infinite scalability thanks to the elastic compute model of the cloud all of our products benefit from a great user interface and if an atlas helps because we can get a lot of feedback as customers use the products and we can very quickly make changes to address any sticky points in the software that can make it hard to use the nature of replacing that upload download and check in check out model with a model where everybody works in real time on shared data in the cloud would bring a whole new level of collaboration to all of our users inside a company and up and down a supply chain and finally everybody benefits from the accelerated innovation that allows systems to go into production much quicker and then be upgraded on a very frequent basis with all customers always on the latest versions with those great advantages at our disposal we now have a roadmap to bring the benefits of sas to the entire ptc portfolio in a consistent way over time it starts with atlas which will be the common sas platform for the next generation of ptc's product portfolio atlas is by far the most advanced sas platform in the industrial world naturally onshape is already fully based on atlas we have already re-platformed most of the euphoria suite onto atlas including euphoria expert capture and the new euphoria instruct application that we recently introduced they look and work great we already have the first creo deliverable in the market in the form of our atlas based generative design extension which really leverages the elastic compute power of the cloud we're making great progress to unite arena and atlas which it turns out is quite easy to do given their native sas architectures wind chill and thingworx are making great progress as well as we refactor those applications onto atlas as our applications all incrementally embrace atlas we'll move toward having a totally integrated totally unified pure sas portfolio the power of having such a broad and deep digital transformation suite sharing a common sas platform is unprecedented in our industry we frequently measure the receptivity that our customers have towards sas and i can tell you it has increased dramatically since the pandemic started in a single year receptivity more than doubled and we went from a minority to a strong majority of customers who are interested a key part of our strategy is to ensure upward compatibility of the data and functionality and user experience of our core products as we bring them onto the atlas platform and so you don't worry we'll continue to offer core products like creo and windchill and thingworx in an on-premise configuration to accommodate those customers where sas is not the preferred option at least not yet including our military and dod customers we're going to offer that for a long long time a decade or more no doubt as a common platform atlas offers many new capabilities that benefit all of our applications capabilities that work seamlessly across the applications like search or automation and scalability or operational management analytics common usernames consistent entitlement management data orchestration content management real-time collaboration and even regulatory compliance pdc and our customers will both benefit from all of these capabilities coming into our product portfolio over the course of the next few years bottom line if you believe sas is the future and i know a majority of you now do you'll find ptc out front paving the way and leading the industry to this better destination atlas is one more big way that ptc is embracing digital transformation but after a final quick break i'd like to come back and share with you even more changes at ptc that are having a real impact for our customers our employees and our partners up next jim highlights how ptc is transforming itself to help you not just imagine a better world but create it we'll see you back shortly at calypso we find smart changes for our clients every day using ai we optimized how tires are assembled which kept production lines humming and put millions more tires on store shelves each year by building extra training we hold on to decades of manufacturing sme knowledge so new employees can see through experienced eyes we implemented remote service for a medical device which lowered the cost of ownership with the right partner you get smart changes and big impacts calypso a rockwell automation company [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're approaching the end of our session and so far i've talked about how digital transforms physical and how digital is transforming itself but now i want to close on the topic of how ptc is transforming itself if you work at ptc or if you work closely with ptc or depend on ptc you know we are a very different and i'd argue a much better company than we used to be under prior administrations there are many big changes in the rearview mirror but we see more big changes ahead as we look out through the windshield looking backwards one of the biggest changes of course has been to our portfolio as customers you expressed concern at times that iot and ar might be a distraction but you gave us the benefit of the doubt and helped us carve strong leadership positions with both of these important new technologies i trust you've seen the new ideas have only reinforced our heritage products and propelled them into stronger leadership positions we've proven that the whole of our portfolio really is greater than the sum of its parts on top of that we have together weathered ptc's transition from a perpetual model to a subscription model which is really a healthier licensing model for all of us these changes have been good for our business which has made us a stronger more stable partner to you our customers our investors have cheered as ptc's growth rate has expanded from low single digits into the mid teens with our profitability expanding in parallel in the combination moving ptc toward top quartile performance among public software companies our shareholders have enjoyed a strong return and that's helped encourage and fuel our drive for continued innovation across all fronts today you've heard about and i hope you're intrigued by our vision for the power of sas and all of the benefits it will bring to the ptc ecosystem but it doesn't stop there we have more work to do more challenges to address and more opportunities to capture we find ourselves thinking a lot these days about how can we better engage that whole ecosystem around us our employees have embraced a new purpose statement which is the power to create which by the way happens to have the convenient acronym of ptc of course we at ptc have the power to create great digital solutions and we have the power to create a great business and the power to create a great company culture but our software transmits a tremendous power to create to our customers and partners and those million students i've told you about today one of the ways we can use this power to create is to create a better world around us which means we need to step up and do our part to advance the social justice movement as a first big step forward ptc is making a strong effort to embrace diversity equity and inclusion in our work environment we have a robust dei program led by our new chief diversity officer camila benjamin fuller we know it's hard to change the world so we plan to start by changing ptc with the goal of making ptc a model company that others would admire which helps us to continue to attract the diverse and talented workforce we need and to create a flywheel of progress we also look for ways to project our power to create into all of those disadvantaged communities that could benefit from it our stem education program is the main focal point of this effort and we were very pleased to see that thanks to the democratization power of sas technologies like onshape those million students who adopted the on-shape technology in the past year contain a good representation of schools from underprivileged communities many of the teachers told us that to them this wasn't a better way of teaching cad it was for the first time a way of teaching cad that fit within their infrastructure limitations and budgetary constraints if we look ahead and focus on the customer front for a minute we know we still have a lot of work to do to improve our customer engagement model as such we are reorganizing our customer facing organizations to have fewer customer touch points across sales renewals success management and technical support and better coordination between them these improvements are being led by our new chief operating officer troy richardson you'll hear more and see more about these changes in the coming months the pandemic certainly dominated a lot of our collective thoughts and energies over the past year beyond the terrible human toll that's not yet fully under control the pandemic taught us a lot in terms of efficient new ways to work and to engage employees partners and customers digital has given us a new way to communicate and to drive alignment across groups who are spread around the world even in events like this remember the big physical live works events that we previously held at the boston convention in an expo center about two blocks from where i am nobody loves those events more than i do they were great and we look forward to doing that again but i also appreciate the efficiency of communicating using this type of digital medium and we want to preserve a place for it well beyond that time when we can all travel again at ptc we envision a new and completely different way to communicate with our ecosystem one that's loosely modeled after how netflix works netflix offers a vast amount of high quality digital content and you pick and choose what appeals to you similarly across ptc's various digital transformation topics and product lines we plan to publish high quality regular interactive digital content so it feels much like watching your favorite series on netflix you can tune into those series you like and skip the ones you don't find interesting you can watch the episodes as they come out or you can binge watch whenever the topic becomes key to the work right in front of you you'll see our regular shows that span our technology portfolio like the on shape live and vuforia live shows that we produced earlier this year plus an occasional keynote on key topics like how digital transforms physical as we've covered today in closing ptc has been on its own journey of digital transformation joined by the customers and partners that make up our ecosystem this journey is far from over i reflect that i graduated from the university more than three decades ago with a degree in engineering and a minor in computer science i went right to work focusing on how engineers can use software to be more capable and more productive and i've been doing it ever since i might have thought that after all these decades the idea would be getting old and stale but it's more exciting than ever the industry is changing faster than ever right now and while we are together achieving big breakthroughs i don't think we're even close to realizing the full power of digital to transform physical across the entire product life cycle this journey will continue and the pace will accelerate i want all of our customers and partners to know how deeply i appreciate the support and loyalty you've shown to ptc over the years i ask for your continued support as we together travel this journey into the future and i look forward to our mutual efforts to show the world how digital transforms physical thank you and have a great day thank you jim for sharing your insights and perspective on the positive impact of digital transformation before i wrap things up on behalf of the entire liveworx team i want to take a moment to thank everyone who worked tirelessly over the course of the last year to bring this limited series to life as you can imagine it takes a small army to all of our featured guests sponsors ptc's executive leadership team the ecosystem of creative and content experts and our production team a big thank you we couldn't have done it without your talent and support and finally to you our liveworx audience thank you so much for sharing your time with us we hope that you found this series to be enlightening educational and entertaining if you missed any of our previous episodes the entire series will be available for you on demand for the next 12 months at

be sure to check it out oh and don't forget to fill out the survey it'll be coming to you shortly via email and we'd love to hear back from you well that officially brings liveworx 2021 to a close i'm elise kulak and i hope you have an amazing rest of your day and remember when you lean into digital transformation your possibilities are as endless as your imagination goodbye for now [Music] so so [Music] [Music] you

2021-10-03 12:31

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