Lightning Talk by Elizabeth Baron​

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[Music] foreign [Music] and I'm a senior manager leading solution architecture for Enterprise at unity and so um I'm really honored to talk with you today to be here to share my experiences about working in industry and the digital Transformations that can be realized and I know that digital twins at Unity enable many Industries to realize benefits for not only this transformation for their business but also making an impact on the efficient use of resources for product creation and Manufacturing and I'll definitely show some examples of that but I'm very uh I was always very mindful about the resources that were being squandered building prototypes that did not need to be built so there's um you know a very heavy impact regarding sustainability so uh one of the cool things about digital twinning is you can create anything you can use any platform to visualize so like you can use your Mobile you can you know use a headset a desktop a tablet is like a window into the world and what's cool is you can free your imagination and you can um on you can be unbounded by the constraints of the natural world and what I mean by that is you can really ideate you can look at many things that maybe aren't even possible to produce but you're like the the resource impact is very low but the creativity aspect is very high and I just think that's absolutely phenomenal that that amount of goodness that we have to change the natural world and understand things and end up producing something that's very delightful and efficient patient or whatever the things are so I want to take you through some examples and this one is for Insomniac and they're using digital twins to build like a cross-platform metaverse capability that could be uh on PC mobile or like a game console and they have festivals around the world and thousands of events globally and the the idea is that you can kind of um be here there so you can immerse yourself in an event without necessarily being there but also get ready for the event and then using the these metaverse experiences you can do like real world concerts and in Real Time 3D and kind of have like a more immersive surround feel and look at streaming and avatars and I have some cool avatars to show too but um you know you can do that part participating in the event or remotely and then augment the event and this also brings people with disabilities um into the mix that maybe they couldn't physically attend but now they can still have these amazing experiences and and be entertained as well um and another aspect and I might I come from Automotive um which Kat uh mentioned but I'm I'm kind of like building up to that so like that the thought of all of the uses of the twin um are pretty awesome and so one of them with uh the fashion and consumer Industries is like every product can have a digital twin of it and now you can experience personalized products um from and and follow it from the con like the Inception the idea of you know the materials that will be used and and how it's produced all the way to um how it appears on a site so if it's a handbag or shoes or whatever those things are um and also do some um augmented reality try on and digital Tryon is a big Focus now in the fast fashion industry because there's tremendous waste in returned items and so a 3D digital twin of every brand asset enables this realistic representation and products can be sold through these interactive media and you know basically deployed and embedded across you know web mobile AR on social and all of those good things and so the the digital twin of the product and then a digital twin of the process applies uh throughout multiple Industries which I think is really cool and then um things can become more personalized by creating um like virtual tryons with digital humans that represent the person's real self so you can have like multiple images and then just like actually make an avatar of you and uh make purchase decisions that are more accurate to limit returns and mitigate the environmental footprint of e-commerce um and then to take part in these tailored experiences you can have that your own personal Avatar and then you can use that to try things on and there's actually technology that will drape fabric on you and give you more of a form so it's like another version of it digital twin that is um like more personal because it's you and then more personal because it it fits your body so that the clothing industry is um really going toward this to try to like I said mitigate that uh the amount of returns that they get and the um I think a lot of that those returns aren't resold so there's a you know a huge impact that way and so um this is a digital human and I do I think this is um I don't know it's really awesome I'll just say that like if you just look at her and like what she's you know how she's moving and and just think that all of that is a digital human and none of it is real and this person doesn't exist like and and we can get to the point where we can scan us like I'm just shocked my my new iPhone has a 48 megapixel camera like there's a lot we can do to make these things uh really exciting and then the environments that you go in can be pretty cool too with digital twins so like in this is an experience um that Unity did with Dyson and it's basically you you um put on a VR headset and you're in this environment and you can choose like which uh of their uh vacuums that you might fit your need and then it can go into an augmented reality environment and let you like experience your home and like see how it you know fits and gets under things and um there's actually a tent one where you can lay in the tent and see it overhead and you know for a different customer but all kinds of things that allow you to bring the the showroom to you instead of like going somewhere and you know uh you know spending that time and the energy to do that so there's a lot of cool things there and then um like the the idea of the the like the paper circular in you know newspapers or um not out there much anymore but you still get those uh circulars but a lot of uh grocery uh stores are using augmented reality and they're tailoring the the um purchase decisions of their customer with recipes and then suggesting quantities so that they don't so they buy the right amount and they limit food waste and of course limit paper to you know not present these circulars anymore to homes so uh hopefully we're all getting less of those in our mailbox and then um there's also an aspect of digital twin as a storytelling platform and I love this because I think that everything is a story like the what uh during product creation like my work I did at Ford it was like the story of engineering the story of design and then the customers have stories as well and so for Lululemon they were looking to Branch out into the um Male clothing market and they had very high success with women and they were looking at how can we engage men and talk with them about the um like the different aspects that you might wear their clothing and so they had this um experience for uh like a a peaceful experience that would be like mentally strengthening and emotionally fulfilling and it was like this mindfulness approach that you can go into the store and and experience like the what you would do when you were wearing their um clothes and I think that was actually a very um very successful and it was deployed in the Vancouver Canada area and it was um I think it's still being used it's it's pretty great and then there's uh things for like furniture and Appliance you know to do they fit in your home and can you you know this is a digital twin of a microwave and like um you can do it in augmented reality through your tablet all of those good things and then also navigating through the store like this an efficient way to allow somebody to move from place to place where where do I go for um different things that I need when I'm in the store and then um that's also very exciting and now in the medical industry their digital twins of humans digital twins of equipment and then the processes and the experiences are also twinned so the digital twin is their approach in medical is to really form a partnership in the ecosystem so that the ever that it can be used for training so you you twin a uh an operating room for instance and then the equipment that's in it of course and then the people and their functions come together and then perform their functions and they can be trained in those environments and they also digital twins of real people are used from um like Diagnostics the tests that you get to do pre-surgery so that when surgery happens like especially brain surgery you the the brain surgery has already happened in the digital world before the brain surgery happens in the physical on the physical patient to allow that um you know not practice but I don't know what they call it but just a a um doing it once so that when it it happens it's um you know very smooth and you know you know the surgeon knows what to do and that's very common now is is making a twin of somebody's anatomy in order for them uh for the physician and the surgeon to practice and understand what's coming when the surgery does happen and then um also for training in high stakes emergency scenarios this is like multiplayer so if you think about like Unity is a like a game engine but it's um very much more than that but it does allow multiple people to act and so part of twinning an environment a world is also twinning um you know the roles that multiple people have and so when collaboration is absolutely necessary that people all understand their role because um you know this is an emergency situation that's it's this is a really good use case for a digital twin so that you can monitor like the people's judgment the prioritization of care delegation of tasks and how they perform under stress and then use that training to uh improve like the responsiveness and in these critic critical situations because when there's so little time to act okay and so yeah oh there's the sorry I didn't do the video um okay I have to all right so on to Ford so I I worked at Ford for like 30 years did lots of stuff and I just want to provide a very few examples but one is like the amount of realism that you can get so um what what I pioneered there was using digital twins before they were you know kind of cool and using also using something called real-time Ray tracing and Global illumination which is basically the way of saying it looks really real and it responds appropriately so when you're like it and doing that in a virtual environment so there'd be like this empty room but it was filled with this virtual car and teams could get in and evaluate the vehicle in the immersive environment and see it with proper lights and shadows and as they turn and move the lights and shadows change ever so slightly like you would expect them to in the real world but like I said when I first started talking about how to cheat the natural world so to speak you can have this vehicle and then modify it again and put it in um like next to the um like on the Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu on a um overcast day and then put it in um downtown Berlin at night and then you know put it in all these different lighting conditions and then see how the the vehicle looks under those different conditions then you can also say okay now I want to change this and make it three sigma capable of a manufacturing process instead of Six Sigma so what happens when quality starts to deviate and then what is like a show stopper like we can't go beyond this so now you can start checking the manufacturing process and put it on the design and so if you think about all of the stories I told ahead of this that same those same Concepts hold true whether it's a vacuum cleaner you know items in a grocery restore like shelfing placement or cars like that digital twin um is is there for everybody to see understand and then collaborate and come together and and I just wanted to show this picture really quick but this is like where my roots are so this is 19.99 and that's a that's me that's a wood car that I'm sitting in because uh the tracking was magnetic so you couldn't have any metal in the environment which is a problem with cars and then if you look on those screens look at how like awful the data looks like it was really uh you know I've been doing this stuff for a long time and I'm I I understand the benefits and I just I love the tech and I've loved it like for decades but um the the way that if I was going to show one chart that kind of represented what a digital twin can do for um like for industry this is it you just basically take all of the people all of the work that they're doing and all of these vertical functions and then you you represent their function in the context of everybody else's function and that's incredibly powerful because now design can understand something that manufacturing is trying to say and the way they say it is through how it appears on the product that's being twinned and that's that's just so cool because what it provides a holistic interface and it provides um a common language that everybody can understand everybody else's point of view where normally an engineer would have an Excel spreadsheet and somebody who's an artist would go you know whatever that doesn't mean anything to me because that's not my world and I don't understand your numbers but now when those numbers get applied to the design and they see how it changes the final product and you haven't built a prototype that's just that's super cool and now that these conversations can happen amongst all of these teams and you can build up an experience and then break down an experience and so I wanted to show like kind of like a before and after thing using um digital twins so like automotive design notoriously relies on physical models and for design throughout the product development process it used to be like when I started doing this um digital twinning it was a hundred percent everything had no decision was made at any point in the process without building multiple of these models which are extremely costly um resource intensive labor-intensive and usually inaccurate by the time they're built because the the data has actually the geometry has actually changed but with the digital twin you can provide this really great mix of techn of those verticals like I showed in that one slide and now a bunch of people can see the same data in many different ways and so now it's design and user experience and customer clinics and engineering and quality and training and marketing and sales and and you can represent things that are that can be so personal that tell that story like I talked about so now the you can take users on a journey you can even provide heat for that fire like we've we've done that we've done scenarios where there's this heat lamp there representing where the sun is because the the truck is in the desert and it's very real when you when you start you're like adding those cues it's like a lot of emotion but it really brings um the design to life and then you can think about adding that engineering integrity and now you're just representing so many scenarios so quickly and so accurately with such emotion and and such accuracy that it's it's just fantastic so the idea is I'm gonna jump in here Elizabeth I'm so sorry I just want to make sure that we have time for questions okay my last slide oh wonderful thank you yeah no worries at all Yeah so basically trying to bring all of these groups together you can see that um representing each one to the other and then connecting those dots it's kind of taking that vertical and bringing it and showing that connectedness between all of those different approaches and and that's the power of a twin no matter what industry that it's in and so yep that's it I appreciate your time and I would love to uh answer any questions foreign


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