Customer Evaluation2 Loto OSCA02X USB Oscilloscope Function Generator & Logic Analyser

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] hey there i'm ugoo from techcorner tv and today i will continue my oscilloscope saga with a new review that's right i have here sent by loto instruments for review the osca 0 2 x if you don't know lot of instruments let me tell you they are manufacturers of modular usb oscilloscopes it's a very interesting concept because you expand your oscilloscope with different modules that can be bought with the oscilloscope or individually at a later time the expansion interface is open source so anyone can develop expansion modules the model that i have here has a bandwidth of 35 megahertz also lotto instruments has models up to 100 megahertz and it is delivered with a function generator and a channel logic analyzer but let's not waste any more time and allow me to show you all the features and what's in the box let's jump into it [Music] do [Music] i have here the oscilloscope for opening with the box it came this envelope that has a letter from lotto instruments uh a thank you letter by using their products it's just marking but it's a nice touch yeah you have here the email contact so yeah so it seems okay uh we also have in here okay let me take this out this is the osc a 0 2 x oscilloscope the x defines what comes with the oscilloscope this is a modular oscilloscope so the x means that you have a logical analyzer and a function generator we have here the channel a and channel b we have the the output for the logic analyzer and other probes that you can use it other modules also in here you have the connection for the for the function generator it has these bands these rubber bands around it it's pretty cool because it will not allow you to to slide on the bench and yeah on the back side you have i think this is the resets button you have the normal usb connection to the pc and the power and the status led yeah that's it let's see what else we have in here okay in this box let me take everything out we have the normal probes this is the 16 100 probes not sure but i believe they are 300 volts or something like that 10 times yeah they go up to 200 hertz megahertz and i think they are cut too yeah rated one time few uh 150 volts 10 times 300 volts pretty standard uh let me take this out of the way so we have also packs with the oscilloscope bnc2 crocodile tweezers also a usb cable type 2 to type a to type b to connect to the pc we have the quality assurance yeah and we have here the the cable uh with the grabbers for eight channel logic analyzer these are well shaped grabbers they are losing the caps you have the the 15 sockets to to connect in here and yeah and last we have also the function generator this is a 13 megahertz sine wave function generator it can go up to eight megahertz in triangle wave and in square wave you can go up to one megahertz it's a modular design as i told you before we connect it here and we have two buttons also let me put two buttons first [Music] okay and this one also yeah with the amplitudes and offsets we have two channels and let's before we connect here this is the module s02 okay well right now i will open this and see what is what's inside [Music] okay i have here the oscilloscope already open the board seems okay it has here two two points for to notice the disk jumper cables that connect to the function generator are glued with silicon or something like that it's not the the polish and that this oscilloscope deserves but yeah it's what it is we have here glue so we can not the cables will not disconnect in terms of ics we have here the altera max2 it's the the logic of the oscilloscope logic unit i have here a 64k memory ram and also a apron here with 64 uh k also this is the insulation the current insulation component we have here two relays in here we have the mxt 2088 it's the adc two channels uh 100 milli samples per second and in here we have the controller for the usb a crystal oscillator and yeah it's pretty much uh what we have here well this part it's a little weird we have here a d25 female and mild connector to to connect those two boards well in this oscilloscope has two shells the one i have here is the one that is more robust it's metallic but but there is one that is in plastic and that one has this part of the board it's mobile you can turn it so it has a mobile connector here so they uh they use the same board for this and use this hack to know to connect both boards you can see here that this board was made on 13 july 13 one year ago it's the version 3.0 and yeah it seems okay the the structure doesn't seem nothing bad here other than these two connectors yeah it's simple 35 megahertz okay i will now turn the close this and let's do some tests [Music] i have here the oscilloscope ready for the the review the first thing we do when we have a oscilloscope a new oscilloscope is to calibrate the probes as you can see we don't have the square wave the square wave outputs the connector for calibration but don't worry we there is a small trick to to it just take the tip off the the probe and connect the probe to the this but this hole here in the socket in dbe 15 socket and connect your probe to the oscilloscope after that you will do the normal let me just show you okay we have here the software uh to to calibrate the probe you just need to start the device here on the bottom go to the frequency generator setting the pull suite modulation start to pull suite modulation and do a auto okay now that we have here our square wave the probe is well almost set you have just do a small adjustment it doesn't seem to i think this key is already messed up and [Music] okay the key that i have here is already not in perfect conditions and we just calibrated our probe so now we just close the pwm pulse generator and let me show you what's on the screen to show the the oscilloscope working i will use my function generator my two channels function generator let me connect it connect it okay first one and second channel also [Music] let's set up two square waves let's do auto and here we have two sine waves and they seem pretty good okay so we have the signals here let me start by saying that for a pc software this is pretty good compared with normally exists even my rival has a very bad software okay it's a bench uh oscilloscope but even so the software is it's well it's it's nonsense this one's it looks like they thought a bit about it it says it is filled with functions and features and yeah it's quite nice to to work with so on the right you have here the vertical column width voltage the vertical division the amplitude we have here on the bottom the horizontal divisions for the timestamp in the in the bottom we have a small column a small line that has the channels and it has the auto measurement it's always measuring and giving you the results for the main values like rise time a peak to peak everything else and here you have if the the channel is working in dc or ac if you change it here it will change on the bottom on the on your right you have this column with several icons i will just do a quick uh go through each one but i will explain later some of the functions well this one i can explain now it's it's a zoom you can go here and zoom whatever you want to better analyze the signal then you have well this is only to open and close this right column you have also the cursors you have several cursors that you can use for example like this and like this and you have the deltas for each one and from for for example from d to e from c to d you have several deltas that you can have also horizontal cursors in here with the deltas informing the difference other than the cursors the courses we have the x only zoom you press here and you can zoom only the x or this means only the time to go back you just press here and it's again in the same we have here the fast fourier transformation fft the map functions and this ones i will leave to the end of the this video we can save as text the waveform or as picture a bmp or jpeg we can change the the color mode i prefer the dark mode it's less aggressive and we can also take the grid out of the screen we have here also a measurement tool you can measure something like this and in the end we have the function for the mouse wheel if you notice the time i i'm gonna move my mouse wheel on the right you have in here you have you can see the time moving this is done with the mouse wheel i'm gonna change now press once it changed to channel a and if you notice here i'm gonna move my mouse fill it will change the amplitude of channel one and of channel b or second channel channel b okay time again and it will change the time set in the bottom you have here the stop device and start device when you start working you even if the it is connected to usb you have always to to do a start device in this this screen you can take it out of the screen it's it's the e3 or the buffer with the memory of the oscilloscope but you can only navigate when the the device is stopped okay you can go through all the memory let me take that out of the way yeah the measure and yeah you can navigate this but only when it's stopped it doesn't make much sense in a normal well a bench oscilloscope this is a normal oscilloscope it's a usb oscilloscope but on a bench oscilloscope you normally can do it even without the oscilloscope with oscilloscope running in here you have to to have it stopped you can also have a pc cache let me show you that will create several image and you can when you stop again you can then see what was the the image you can browse export and so on moving on on the on this on the bottom to the side of the stop-and-start and stop button you have here the refresh rate i will start by not yeah it can be this one to sweep the channel one and let's slow this down and you can see that the refresh rate is much slower right now yeah this is the minimum and this is the maximum i use it always in the maximum i don't see any and you use for the minimum we have here a statistics i will show you in a bit calibration this one is custom curves we already saw here the pwm usage we also have digital filtering i can show you right now we have two sets you have here some examples and you can set some values to the filtering in the scene in the signal and we have a reset button that will put everything to the defaults let's do auto i believe that i have to yeah and turn this channel on also okay so right now this is almost done we have here the normal for the the signal we can do a peak to peak detection and uh high-res if you activate the high-res you can see that the signal is uh with less squares look take a look right now it has yeah less definition and right now it's smoother the the lines so in here if you press in this zone you will have the help the domain of lot of instruments has changed so the software is not updated yet at least my version you can press here to open the offline manual and it will open a window with the pdf of the manual yeah that's well that's uh some kind of help okay so let's start by examining this this zone uh in here we have and i will talk about the tabs uh in a moment in this zone we have the time control you can change it by dragging the wheel but i prefer to click on the time it's faster and it seems to work better you can also use this for presets and choose the the timestamp that you want okay the time division that you want we have also the auto and we have this kind of modes that show you uh well in a different way the the signal to to be easier to to work with the controls you have also this knob here this manual control that will allow you to have a better definition in the in the time that you select in the you have also here a reset button that you can use to put it in the default uh resolution uh so in in the in the bottom below this time control you have the amplitude control of channel 1 and of channel 2. it's simple it's the same same way you just press on the voltage that you want and it will change you have also some fine adjustment here that you can do you can control here if it's using ac or dc the probe if it's one time 20 times well 100 times right now it's a cable so i'm using one time you can invert the signal okay and you can remove the baseline the the curious part is that if you take this it will take the baseline from both channels and there you will notice there is some controls that are associated to a channel or to the other we have also the ghost modes as they call it normally this is called the persist as you can see it will persist the color in here they call it ghost mode but normally in the oscilloscopes it's referred as the persist and you can have time to to the drag and everything else in this second channel you have something that is only of this channel is the logic analyzer the logic analyzer when used it will disable the second channel and will you will allow you only to use the logic analyzer this device comes with uh six logic analyzer channels and you can use also the pro for the sixth one seven one sorry um yeah that's it it's simple let's take a look in the in these tabs on the right the first one is the controls that we see we have a second one that allow you to change the sample rate for four mega mega samples 2.4 or 500 k and also the fifo size it's right now on one megabyte megabyte but can go up to 250 megabytes the third step allows you to save your signal let me sweep again and let's start it will say 50 frames but this can be configured and i will show you in a bit how it can be configured when it stops it shows this message i will stop this and you will have that the what we saved here in the in the disk and we can play back to see what happened we can stop yeah and start again to configure the frames you just need to come here and change it to whatever you want okay you can also set the path for the the video and yeah that's it so in terms of tabs in the time that's what we have on the on channel one or channel a we have the trigger also it's triggered it's like a single trigger okay we can have the the trigger mode that it's always triggering or just disabled uh also external trigger we have here to also the the configuration for differential probe it's the model idm01 and we can have custom probes we have here the configuration for some of the probes they provide but you can design your own and the configuration of your own if you come here to the directory of the probes we can open these let me just show you open with the notepads and this is an xml file that you can configure to your own probe and that's something they they incentive you to do to create your own probes and that's cool that's very cool okay so moving on on channel b you have some different configurations since you have the logic analyzer you also have a tab for selecting the channels for the logic analyzer and you have the configuration also for different differential probe and also a custom probe and that's it for this configuration one cool thing that we have here on the file menu we don't have anything special but on statistics you have some stats that you can select for example pick to pick for channel one and we can also have the rise time and i don't know the fail time and something like vrmys okay if we go here on this chart and press it you will have the the values for the well for this kind of values that we selected the peak to peak the frequency rise time it's in here and it will create a graph with the oscillation of those values that we selected to to be mentioned in this graph so this is pretty cool it's a very nice information i selected several values but you can have only for one of them i like this and you can export this information in text file so yeah you can select here the the seconds or milliseconds that will fulfill the the graph i will disable this now we have here the calibration for the the oscilloscope the normal calibration and we have the customer curves it's something that i have not the time yet to test it so there is a video on the tao tv that's the lotto instruments channel but i i i tell you to go see it because i to be honest i i didn't have the time to to test all of this we already talked about the pwm and we have also the for digital filtering that i already show you right now it's the time to show you the top steps we have the well this this one that is the main one after that you have the function of signal generator i will talk about the signal generator in a moment but you have also the input output do it yourself where you can have several pins that you can use for a probe or for output as you wish and you can configure that in here and again that's pretty cool they give you this this kind of control over the oscilloscope and another tab is the protocol decoder yeah you have a protocol decoder with five options you can decode word pc can spi and lin and yeah it's it's very nice for oscilloscope of this price range to have its protocol decoder and you have also advanced functions advanced measurement and i love this this has a problem i cannot select all of them for example now i i select the options i want but if i want to disable all of them but not losing the options that i selected like activate and deactivate this function we don't have that we have also a deep measurement that will record record every values and you can export everything but i love this this is awesome this kind of information it's it's big it's visible and well i i really love this information but we now have a problem i if i want to disable all of this at the same time i cannot i have to go each window and close it one by one and that is well that sucks because if i want to use this in a few moments again i will have to select all of these values again and that is uh it's not user friendly to be honest i i really like this the way they they show the information but have to it should have a global uh channel on and measuring so channel one measurement channel one channel two on and off but i don't think this is a button here no it's just an indicator so yeah it's not perfect but it's pretty cool but it can be improved so mike if you are listening this is a suggestion of improvement to turn this on and off all of at the same time the last one is the well i don't know what comp means but i know what is this and let's turn this on and press here the screenshot okay so let's take a screenshot of our screen and right now we will browse the screenshot we took and we will be able to let's grade this out to differentiate one and the other and we'll be able to move the image as you can see we can move the image and place it we can also zoom in and zoom out as you can see they the image grabs the manual and also the the the left column with the vertical values from for voltage uh i have a critique to do this doesn't make sense to be saved uh it will should only save the signal so we can align the signal with the one we have on the screen and compare it to to have this kind of information or the or the menu here it's it's it doesn't make sense really none so maybe you should correct this i don't know but yeah it's it's a nice function other than this well this problem it's a very nice function you can use this to compare the signals and everything else you can yeah so moving on uh right now let's talk about something like i didn't show before but you can move the signal both signals to be honest just like you do on a bench oscilloscope but right now i will show you the fft let me modulate some signals uh yeah i have modulation the signal we can also see the face here okay on the uh fft mode and we have cursors and one cool thing that we have here it's we can see the signal in 3d we can even add more or less lines of 3d and we can change the perspective of the signal more or less space it's pretty cool to see really we have here also some information about channel one channel two the colors you can define uh the the kind of fft that you want henning for example but rectangle it's the normal one let's put this again into the okay it works pretty well uh i like it you have several modes adding hamming in black men or fft and yeah let's see what else we have here let's text this out or the next one i will stop the modulation in just a second and we will do something different i will show you okay we have the math functions a plus b a minus b times b and we have division i believe also yeah so the last one is the let me take this out just makes sense last one we have it's the xy modes it's called here the a b x y so for this one i will just do a change here on my function generator and here it is it's already moving it seems okay let's change the amplitude okay [Music] it's pretty fast i can speed this up even more [Music] and yeah [Music] i was trying to see if the persist mode works here but it doesn't uh so it seems okay you can use it to to print the 3d designs i can modulate the signal and we have a complete different figure let me just [Music] yeah so as you can see we have also xy mode and it seems pretty fast uh it's okay for me let me take this out and what else i have here to show you i think that we are okay just to wrap these things i know okay i still have to show you the function generator and the logical analyzer just to show you these steps also the advanced configuration nothing special here but you can configure the pc page count cache count or i show you before the cache the configuration for the calm internal comp and multi-channel if you have more than one board you can connect it uh yeah so let's now test the signal generator i will show you okay let's take this out we'll not need this anymore and we will connect here the signal generator let me just disconnect this cable and connect this one in here i will activate the signal generator and we have a square wave a sine wave okay let's do auto just to adjust better high res yeah as you can see here in the camera i'm changing the amplitude of the signal and right now i will change the offset so it's pretty fast to respond we still we have here uh yeah an effect and yeah it's it's fast it's pretty fast to respond we have also the triangle and the square wave what's going on here let me put this down this one doesn't seem to to be working no let's bring it up okay let's make auto much better much better and now we can change the amplitude yeah and the offset we have here also uh the frequency sweep and yeah it's scanning from zero to ten thousand okay we don't need to wait for all of this it's simple we can go up to 30 i believe 13 megahertz let's just put this at one megahertz one million set frequency and we need to do a auto set yep not perfect signal but [Music] still works [Music] yeah it seems okay don't forget this with the signal generator and the logic analyzer is something about 100 and well i i will leave the price on the on the bottom of the screen so i i don't give you wrong values but yeah it's much cheaper than a bench one so you will have those three things in a few few hundred euros or dollars yeah that's it let's move on to the logic analyzer let's just just take this out yep it's not and we have here the logic analyzer for the logic analyzer i will use my oscilloscope square wave generator [Music] okay it's connected we have here a setup i don't know why i i tested before i recorded before this video the portuguese version and i tested before the only one three probes working are these it should be have six working so i don't know why but i only have this these probes working let me just disconnect this and go back to in here and activate [Music] okay channel one off [Music] so you have here it's easy to measure let me just trigger [Music] okay you can easily measure the the signal the signal that i'm using it's only a square uh a square wave it's not a coded signal like i2c or spi or can or something else but you can see how it works as i told you only three channels are working for me probably a problem in the cable or the connections inside i don't know what but only three channels work but that's not my critique because i i know that something is wrong with my device but the the problem is the colors that you see in here are not the same that we see on the on the cable so it will be quite confusing to to use for example right now i disconnected the channel one i believe let me connect it again yeah the channel one it's gray the cable but in here it's orange so it's quite confusing and that's that kind of stuff should be easier to to work with because after we don't know which cable belongs to which and it's recipe to to disaster anyway you have a logic analyzer you have a decoder protocol decoder that you can use it so yeah i think this is a a very nice deal i i have this problem with the logic analyzer but it was the only thing that it was not on spot everything else is it's it is very accurate and works pretty well the version of the oscilloscope that i have here is 30 megahertz so i will connect it again to to my function generator only to see how it handles at the maximum but i cannot use it to to measure the rise time or something like that because it doesn't have enough well it doesn't do a rise time below one nanosecond that will be the ideal for that but i already ordered some equipment and i will do a video comparing this equipment with my rival with owen that i have here and also with the hand tech pretty soon right now i have a sine wave one couple hertz i will increase it too slowly until the 35 megahertz sorry let me just start by changing these two megahertz i want this in one megahertz okay right now it's one megahertz let's do auto nice this is one megahertz and let's start increasing the signal another alto yeah right now it's 20 megahertz up to 35 megahertz so right now we have these at 35 megahertz the sine wave it's usable it's not perfect as you can see the the samples are are not enough but you can use this you can use this let me just change this one fold to one volt [Music] and no two volts it's it's the minimum yeah let's bring this down you you see a lot of edges because you don't don't have enough samples but yeah it is what it is this is the signal at 35 megahertz the maximum of the oscilloscope let's put this at 10 to see how it handles right now it's at 15 almost off and this is 10 megahertz and one megahertz well yeah i have to say that i seem worse and it's not perfect it isn't but yeah we can understand this as a sine wave so yeah it's not the best but yeah we can understand this as sine wave okay that's it okay let's wrap this up what can i say about this oscilloscope let's start by the price uh the version that i have here 35 megahertz bandwidth with 100 mega samples per second costs about 133 euros something like 140 140 dollars 45 dollars and for that you will have the oscilloscope the function generator and the logic analyzer don't forget that you have also decoding protocol decoding in the software and yeah it's pretty good it's pretty good for what you get the price is pretty good if you go to the 100 megahertz one giga sample per second oscilloscope the same model but with a higher speed and sampling you will pay 197 euros uh something like 220 dollars 230 dollars more or less depending of the time of the year on aliexpress if you have a sale running or whatever that price is almost the same of the hand tech dso 200 but it's a different product you have a lot of functions in the software for example the fft has a 3d printing of the the bandwidth of the signal that is being analyzed and you have a lot of functions in here the second part of advantage of this is the uh workbench space with this you don't need a workbench but you can put it here on the shelf and it will take almost no space to to work and yeah if you are starting and want all the stuff for the bells and whistles uh in here this is a good product i like very much the the parts that they they want you to develop using the the interface the open source interface that they provide you can create your own probes they have documentation for that and incentivize you to create your own probes and to connect using the interface to the oscilloscope they even have a do-it-yourself kit that costs 10 euros 12.30

to make that you will assemble the kit and connect it and you can expand the oscilloscope with that kit the the probes that they sell for example the current probe because it costs about eight euros ten dollars give or take you have even isolated probe for high currents and everything else the probes go between 10 and 50 10 euros and 15 in euros 60 dollars and you have a very good one that is a probe that allow you to transform this oscilloscope in a spectrum analyzer well analyzer well with some functions of a spectrum analyzer for 80 euros that probe and that is amazing man it's for that price you will have the functions of a spectrum analyzer with it with the the spectrum analyzer probes already included so yeah it's a different product we have markets for every every kind of people i think there is a very good market for for these products i like bench work uh oscilloscopes but i couldn't i could use this also to be honest uh it's a very nice product it impressed me uh i i like i love to to do this review and work with it um the software needs some corrections and some improvements why it's not so user friendly as it should be but all the functions are there and it's a matter of improving the software that's a good part of this kind of products the hardware is also is always the same you just need to improve the software and that's easy because it's a windows software we it's not an in-bed software it's not a firmware and it's pretty simple to to correct some of the the problems that the software has overall i think it is a good product it's it's a accessible product uh i think and yeah i'm pretty glad that they sent me this for review as i told you in the beginning i didn't pay for this it was sent for a review but i'm glad that i did it because uh it was a pleasure to to review this this equipment so yeah i i think this is a nice product that's my overall opinion okay that's what i have for you today and if this video in any way was useful to you don't forget give a big thumbs up and why not subscribe the channel and if you do don't forget to hit that bell so you can be the first one to be notified every time i have a new video i hope to see you in my next video stay safe bye


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