CIO Leadership Live with Frankie Shuai Former Director Cyber and Technology Risk at UBS

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hello and welcome my name is Chris  Holmes editor at large for CIO   and I will be your host today I'm pleased to  be talking to Frankie shway former director of   cyber and Technology risk at UBS as part of  our Tech leaders in conversation discussion   so Frankie thanks ever so much for joining us  today so there's really three areas we want to   discuss the first one is your career you know and  how you've actually become to be a tech leader and   also to get into that sort of um uh the jump you  made from being on the technology vendor side to   actually joining financial institutions become you  know on the end user side secondly to really talk   about technology management and third to talk  about people leadership so maybe you can just   start by giving us a little bit of background  about your career to begin with sex Grace first   of all I will say thank you the Aggies key here  or receive your RCL award in 2012 well with the   director of cyber Integris UBS and prior to that  I was also with Citibank Microsoft and HP so all   in all I have about 20 years that was leadership  experience in both I.T and the financial industry   so let me share where I am today and where I  started so academically my education background   actually was engineering background I studied  my bachelor degree in electric Engineering in   National University of Singapore here and I'm a  master's degree also in the same field from Nyan   Technological University here so the good thing  about the university system in Singapore here is   the education is a very broad actually coverage  so that even as engineering students we have a   lot to explore to the computer to the I.T from the  software programming to the computer networking   so that's why it's quite a seamless experience  for us to join the I.T world after graduation   so after joined I.T world for a few years  actually I grow and learn quite a lot from  

the system design to the project management from  Team Management to the external client engagement   obviously that kind of experience is very  useful and benefit me until today not just on   the tagrangi side but also the experience on the  people engagement people engage with both internal   stakeholders and external clients as well after  span a few years in the IQ work I am fortunate   to join I.T to the financial industry still  artillery the first bank I joined it was Citibank   so just now you asked about the difference  between actually the it and financial industry   obviously let me share one quote here what was  in Citibank at the time our group CEO Michael   shared one statement it is Citibank is not a  bank it is I.T company with banking license   so this statement is aspiring so yes it's true a  lot of variety Industries actually after a lot of   I.T industry talents they have moved away from I.T  to the financial and still leverage whatever the   expertise they have built in argue world and a lot  of actually the banks of financial institutions   they have hired so many other talents in Singapore  and in the region here and financial industry is   also a large actually player to adopt new type  range from old days the ATM machine to online   banking from Mobile Banking to the high focus  Trading from the blockchain asset tokenization   to the machine learning AI usage all this kind  of actually the new use case and the Showcase of   how financial industry has  been adopted new technology   as you may know sorry sorry let me just uh  frankly that's very very interesting that   that's great to hear so I'm also interested  as to what got you interested in security okay great question as you may know ID has  many sub domains security is part of it I mean   there's an interesting area we have seen a lot of  actually the tech service has been expanded when   the whole world entered the digital world going  to the digital transformation especially during   the past few years during Korea pandemic time  people are working from anywhere using any device   at any time connect to a network the internet  what so-called Triple A so the involving of the   technology from cloud computing to AI from  blockchain to Quantum Computing on one side   creates a new opportunity new use case but on the  site including more digital touch points increase   more attack service that's why as a subsequent  professionals we're more busy than ever it's   interesting but challenging areas but on another  side there's also more sophisticated cyber attacks   in the past few years there's no denying that  while we're on the digital transformation Journey   actually does better guys they also own their  digital transformation Journey they may also use   AI machine learning to as actually as a weapon to  make their attack is more personalized to you many   years ago you may receive one fishing email type  to you took you to go to some fake website provide   a login or no credential that may be written  by a real guy sitting in front of a PC type the   email to you nowadays all this work actually  could be done by robotics got it but could be   powered by the AI and machine learning and this is  true that we can study you very well they will do   personalization study on you to connect all your  networks around you connect your personal life in   a professional experience so that make this kind  of the email fishing email very personalized to   you this is called spearfishing so so that we  have to tackle this kind of increase challenge   fantastic so I don't I don't want to ask you who's  winning whether it's the attackers or whether it's   the security uh because I think that's just  going to be a constant battle that we're going   to see going on for uh well forever really but  um I think you bring up some very interesting   points there and it's a nice segue into our next  conversation which is really about managing new   technology I mean we've seen you mentioned sort  of quantum Computing you mentioned uh AI you know   we've got uh chat GPT we've got generative AI all  over the news as we as we as as we speak today   um you know how do you as a technology leader  a technology professional really decide which   Technologies are worthwhile investigating and  investing in um for your organization okay   thanks for the question so is enabler and it's  shipping our future so it is runtime now it is   not just a it's it is not tomorrow it is today  that adopts new technology that's one thing that   if you cannot beat your anime you will be either  part of them or be part of them so that you can   win them so this is actually the game this kind  of the win-win game here so adopt a new Target   since I'm in the financial industry people might  think financial industry is a slow adapter of new   technology so there's a big art Innovation  actually it's not from financial industry   it is not true look at the ATM machine it was  invented 50 years ago by the financial industry   Citibank was the first global bank at the time  largely deported the First ATM machine networks   in the New York City in U.S and in the past 50  years it has bring a huge convenience for the  

people and ask your grandfather grandmother in the  old days how they deal with those cash elements   after the salary building they have to rush to the  bank branch to kill for the long queue to get the   money out pay the bill and remember in the old  days those are bank branch is not operating 24x7   and there's a limited number of branches in the  city so the coming the inconvenience is there with   the invention of ATM machine people could easily  do the cash deposit cash withdrawal Bank challenge   or discover the basic Financial transactions at  any machine you do not have to rush to the branch   people nowadays people may think oh ATM still  is old everything we're doing is online we're   using smartphone we use the application we can  do stimulus payment seamless transaction but do   not forget in the past 50 years how much more  convenience ATM machine has brought to us has   brought to the financial industry this is just one  example and similarly like the first generation   iPhone Apple has generated or the current the  LGBT integration the real value has bring to   us so all this kind of disruptive technology has  really bring the new value do actually the market   entry for us and not just it but also financial  industry as well let's look at the chuck gbt   we have accumulated 100 million users within  two months to reach this kind of 100 million   users for digital they have spent nine months for  Instagram they have spent two and a half years   so now back to the question as a  leader how do we identify and I keep   up with this kind of new attack range simple  advice I could think of is just do not go   for something because of eating something here  something could be any buzzwords cloud blockchain   or captivity still have to find the relevant  value behind the religious case you could adopt   new organization then look into how to integrate  these kind of things into your whole ecosystem   who organization may claim okay we have x y z  percentage of our systems and data on the cloud   where the leader in the cloud migration another  organization say no we are the creation we built   everything from cloud main mucus of the cloud  advantage of the AI the machine learning robotics   automation so actually there's a difference of  these two kinds of the organization for the first   one I shared one real actually practical example  here we know for the ID systems under one system   there are many sub components from database to  web server from the production stance to test   instance you may just put one component out of  the kind of components of this system into the   cloud while remaining 99 still remain on premise  you claim oh my system is cloud on the cloud yes   it's true but the fact is you still have 99  of the workloads on premise you have to still   have to do cut those cut off to the actually the  traditional work maintenance on your traditional   database on a traditional Data Center and there's  a great additional actually the change for you to   manage the data communication on the cloud an  office Cloud encryption and decryption and all   kinds of things so you have not really unlock  the value of cloud computing could bring to you   that's actually the the collaborative Advantage  like the automation data analytics all this you   have not fully utilized so that's one thing about  Cloud migration the proper planning another thing   about cost management although customer supplier  may tell you their usage the the building model   is payers usage you just pay whatever you have  put on running on account sounds great but do   a dirty leader will surely have to sit up look at  all the things that are put on the cloud whether   if we are still running but there's if there's  no business value behind There's No Business   case your ideal resource is just running for  itself that's a waste of money that's why   your CFO may come to you every month why your  Club bill is so high why is keep increasing   you have to justify you have to break it down  tell yourself your karma question is really bring   the economic value to the organization it's  not just go for cloud because it is a cloud   same thing not only apply for the term migration  but also for other things like blockchain token   addition like HTTP integration you really have  to sit down and find the real use case and then   scale up by modus case for the organization really  bring the value to your business to your clients   increase the CX ux increase CX means for you  customer experience ux means internal employee   use experience so that you people will really  think technology department right department   is enabler it's partner for them it's not just  okay help desk or showstopper or call center   so very interesting there so I mean how do you  how do you yourself keep abreast of those newer   Technologies I mean you know um did you go out  and listen to seminars do you do you um you know   regularly engage with vendors and get them to  update you on what's going on I mean how how do   you actually identify what are those technologies  that you should be looking at and considering   for me personally I always believe sharing is  learning leadership is not Silo so I I would   like to make use of time it's not the back  time because we know we're all busy because   of fragmented time slots try to rate those cards  that are new articles and new blocks to understand   what the things going on what are people getting  the people's eye and what's the the use case they   have actually the same industry the link to my  daily work that's very important the linkage to   my dinner work and I think whether it could be  adopt partially or fully and talk to my partners   they hold us in a complaint as well as my pattern  networks in the industry so that it's a two-way   communication so that share whatever I have  learned whatever experience also listen to them   what's up good story use case they have shared  so that as a community so we could grow together   well very interesting and then that brings me into  the conversation around actually bringing that new   technology into into the road map you know and  actually making sure that that road map you know   is taking in the uh the business requirements  but it's also having that sort of the the the   newer Technologies coming in and again we we  we're starting to see a lot more conversation   around this idea around sort of um you know  business pull so business saying we want to   be able to achieve these particular use cases  but even more so this idea of Technology push   where we start to see newer Technologies enabling  different use cases and the business may not have   actually considered so how do you organize that  and manage that uh in in your in your experience   so this is a two-way communication traditionally  actually it's a one-way Communication business   we have the use case then they will have the FID  functional requirements documentation passed to   the it the I.T based on business requirements we  come out ik design plan then we do the development   testing then roll out let's say traditional  workflow project management model but now   more cases we have seen is another way which  means especially for this kind of new Target to   come to the picture is I.T the adopts new targets  they do some sandbox then find some use case then   they sell internally to the business user saying  okay there's something new so we would may need   to spend more money this is a small use case in  the sandbox we do some demonstration to you see   whether it can fit into our business ecosystem to  come up with a new business product a new business   model so that most of time business partners they  work quite Keen to listen and attend this kind   of seminars and Conference in the dialogue  with it partners because they know actually   if just using the current actually the I.T  technology I think infrastructure whatever   the business product is actually is horizontal  or maybe this kind of growth minia grows if you   want to have exponential growth or break  through learning you need to find some new   times could bring the value to you that's  why they also want to listen and sit down   with the ID patterns that's why I see this kind of  two-way communication more and more happening now   excellent excellent yeah and I think that's a  very interesting point about looking for that   um well let's call it transformational growth  you know the digital transformation uh Journey   that so many organizations are actually  on but I think there's also something   um again you talked about the 2A conversation  something about the the education side of things   as well because again there's a lot of hype out  there as to what the Technologies are capable of   and again I've been seeing a lot of conversations  been involved in a lot of conversations which is   really talking about uh talking to the business  about what the technology is capable of but   also what the technology is not capable of  there's that kind of Education yes great so   to not be too negative so we have to acknowledge  the constraints but let's turn try to see not just   talk what cannot be done we talk to business  it's more like what can be done how it can   be done it's more to get the engagement it's  more positive and another thing actually I can   share here is about the shift the mindset shift  for our artist leaders from the project-based   it management or planning to the business  product or Business Service Focus ID planning   um personally I'm not against the typical  IIT project management actually maybe you   know I was a vice president of project  management Institute Singapore chapter   so PMI actually is a global Institute to issue  the PMP certification which is the most recognized   actually programming during specification  worldwide so um a restaurant advocate of project   management but since has been changed solution  has been changed we cannot just always just   look at okay time cost Rock IG red Amber growing  status of the project then to the dashboard to   the plantation to the management that's the always  ID project leaders they used to do to balance I'm   also part of the a few years ago but nowadays as  I said the world is changing and for the business   the product time to Market is very short time we  have to be at jail we have to be nimble we have to   do more with less so that as it leaders we should  think how our ID project is put into the Business   site are more aligned to their product and service  and how to increase the ux user experience or   CX client experience I know it's hard to measure  all the things we're doing is unlike the old ways   to do the project management but the more you can  do discover the linkage and the more language you   speak in the shoes of your business partners or  and clients the more easy you will get actually   the conversation with them and it's more easy  later on when you want to plan for your ID budget   so it's the change effect here so we really have  to think out of our box how to move our our let's   say not just the it guys only we should be part  of the eye business support nowadays so much more   integrated much more chemically connected yeah  yeah absolutely and it's something I'm I'm hearing   a lot so I'm hearing a lot of conversations around  this how to break down those barriers and how to   have that integration I mean it's interesting  as soon as we talk about it there's almost   a barrier being drawn around that but we're  actually saying we need to move beyond that   yes so Frankie um just coming on to the third part  of our conversation and that's about um leadership   in the in this uh uh period of uncertainty I mean  you know the the banking the financial industry   is going through some um challenges literally  again as we speak I mean just in the last week   two weeks there's been a a a bit of concern  across the across the industry so you know   how have how have you as a technology leader you  know kept the team focused kept the team motivated   thanks for the question so to balance  is challenging nowadays it's not just IT   industry it is overall worth so there's certain  things we cannot control we have to acknowledge   exactly leader for example we can forecast  the interest rate by the way cannot control   the interest rate right how much the best point  they won't increase but within our boundary as I   teach us there are a lot of things we can do so  first is mindset change I know a lot of people   will describe us as a manager it manager nothing  wrong about this description of management but   I would more prefer the world leader leader I.T  leader it's more for me it's more important than  

it manager why for the manager it's more like the  top down approach okay you get the direction or   instruction from the top layer by layer Cascade  down tell the ground staff to do certain projects   then just focus on exclusion that is a top-down  that is the always the management but for the   leader the leadership actually is a two-way  you have the top down approach communication   but you also have the Baltimore approach bottom  feedback and then you have the strong team body   and you have the actually The Continuous feedback  continuous appreciation to your staff by the way   this patient appreciation should not be just  once a year before the year and Appraisal it   should be continuous Journey during the project  at the end of project beginning of the projects   anytime once I stopped doing something great doing  something actually achieved beyond your Expedition   you should not should not actually be silent you  should be more energetic and should cheer this   kind of achievements from stuff another thing  at the leader we should do is as a translator   good leader is a good translator to translate your  company's Mission creation strategy to the ground   staff's execution so that the ground staff they  will feel powerful they will feel whatever they   do on a daily basis is part of the big picture  they know their contribution is part of the group   achievement in the direct way or indirect way so  this kind of the communication and the feedback is   very important another thing is about the training  training it's we know that leader every year   we have to spend some time on the budget for the  training for the staff training for the technology   training or soft skill training so do not  constrain ourselves into the classroom training   those kind of formal training only there's one  famous rule in the industry about it's called 70   20 and 10 rule is means effective training is most  of 70 percent OJT and job training 20 mentorship   informal training and the remaining 10 percent  is a formal trading either in the classroom or   online led by the professional trainer so make use  of these all kinds of trainings not just the last   10 percent but the first 10 70 10 so that Empower  your staff to do this kind of the job training   Explorer such as on the technology side but on  a soft skill side so that it could even be more   resilient be relevant especially in the current  uncertainty environment and the last but not least   and the leader and we should also take care of our  staffs in the cares not just physicals but also   the mental health and the leader we should set our  own self as a good example so I may be not a good   example about some in some business experience  I can share is I like the Outdoor Sports so it   really makes me feel energetic during the work  and take away the stress to a certain extent and I'm also the actually the Asia highest jump  finisher a few years ago so that's really make   me associate energetic Network so when I face the  next couple of challenge that's fantastic thank   you yeah and I think there's some uh very uh very  uh good ideas and good tips and again I think that   that one of actually um the staff mirroring how  you actually act um that's much more powerful than   being told what to do um so yeah so Frankie thank  you ever so much we've come to the end of today's   conversation again I'd like to just you know say  thank you for sharing your career Journey you know   your your thoughts and thinking on how to sort  of manage technology going forward and also your   guidance on leading in this uh era of uncertainty  my name's Chris Holmes I'm editor at large for   asean CIO and I've been talking to Frankie schwa  as part of our leadership in Technology Series   if anyone's got any questions or comments  please feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn


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