Life-Saving 3D Ultrasound Tech - Cool Stuff: How It Works - S01 EP05 - Science Documentary

Life-Saving 3D Ultrasound Tech - Cool Stuff: How It Works - S01 EP05 - Science Documentary

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on this episode of cool stuff what's more  amazing than the human body this is so   bizarre The Secret of human Bionics this  artificial knee can think for itself king of the   world then to Save a Life we're headed deep inside  a living patient Richard what's the temperature   it's medicine's version of The Big Chill but this  freezer works from the inside this device is is a   true innovation in terms of being able to cool  the brain quickly and safely and the technology   that's revealing our most precious organ how 3D  ultrasound is replacing a scalpel giving doctors   a home video that could very well save your  life this is truly like having the heart on   your hands and I'm getting my palm red but it's  not to see into my future it's for my identity   just like that second and a half as quick as  a handshake as precise's DNA it's got about   300 times the size of information as a fingerprint  the Palm secure even distinguishes identical twins [Music] how come I'm not feeling any heat  and I want to know how it works   I'll be riding the Leading Edge of innovation   pulling apart Today's Hottest Technologies and  presenting them in ways you've never imagined join me on a journey into the  Hidden World of cool stuff sure we're all humans but the more science  explores our bodies the more differences   it's finding that's just as well for lots  of reasons but in the security business it's   opening up a whole new world of biometric  profiling where your body becomes your key fingerprints we're all familiar with they've  set the biometric standard for a century   but with today's technology  all those loops and whirls   of my skin can be copied if someone's  determined enough to steal my identity of security is going deeper to a part of our  bodies I never even thought about [Music] I'm in Fujitsu just south of  San Francisco to test out their   security system that actually reads the  veins in your hand we'll give it a try access denied please try again okay work so far  it doesn't recognize my hand so I don't get past   first base but systems manager Joel Hagberg is  going to sneak me through security to show me how   it works and the Palm secure product is vascular  based security it's inside your body so it's very   hard for someone to be able to do quit or copy it  because it's inside it's just inside your hand so   this is not only The Cutting Edge this is the  end-all be-all this is this is one of the next   great secure products for the future the Palm  secure is looking past my fingerprints past the   creases in my palm and deep into my vascular  system registration complete it does this by   using near infrared light it passes through  my skin and is reflected back to this sensor   so it comes up hits your hand the blue veins that  are taking the blood back to your heart actually   absorb the new infrared signal the rest of the  signals bounce back to the camera and it takes a   pattern works every time sure as long as you're in  the system so it's seeing my veins not my arteries   that's because near infrared is only absorbed  by Blue Blood as we know arteries carry bright   red blood full of oxygenated hemoglobin to every  inch of our bodies but once the oxygen is used up   our blue blood makes its way back to the Heart  by a different pathway and that's what the Palm   secure sees a detailed pattern unique to every  individual just like the branches of the tree according to Joel the veins in my palm are  far more secure than my fingerprints okay it's got about 300 times the size of information  as a fingerprint so you think of the complexity   of the vein pattern in your hand it's much more  complex than a simple fingerprint pattern so it's   a much higher level of security it's my unique  code and just as no two trees are identical in   every branch and Twig no one has my vein pattern  we've tested it with a wide range of population   many sets of identical twins and identical  twins have similar Iris similar fingerprint   but unique vein pattern in their hand because  it's what's inside that counts and that means   not even Cuts scars or aging can screw up the  system it's quick painless and pretty cool   access granted yeah just like that now you're live  in the system can I access try to go and see if   I can actually access sure we can go to the front  door you can take a walk into our building Fujitsu   say the chances of a misread are one in a million  that's why Japanese Banks already use the Palms   secure at more than 3 000 of their ATMs okay well  let's log in as a guest all right go ahead and try assist Grant this is the sort of palm  reading I can really believe it [Applause] brain surgery even with the best  physicians and Facilities it's   delicate and it's dangerous but  there's one Cutting Edge technique   that's improving a patient's odds of  survival Richard what's the temperature cold hypothermia is the absolute best protective  agent we have against injury in the brain low   temperatures make our bodies sluggish we don't  just feel lethargic our inner chemical workings   also known as our metabolism actually slow down in  the cold and because our brain is a chemical hot   house the less activity the less chance of brain  damage a story about a young boy that had fallen   through a frozen lake and had essentially drowned  and he was submerged for about 45 minutes and The   Rescuers pulled him out and they resuscitated  him and he was fine he had no damage to his   brain [Music] though back was inspired by that  newspaper story and decided to invent a machine   that caused hypothermia and this patient is about  to feel its benefits he has a cerebral aneurysm a   weakened blood vessel in his brain that could be  fatal surgeon Gary Steinberg needs to fix it fast   and the old method of cooling is just too hit and  miss the reason we don't simply pack the patient   in ice or use a cooling blanket on the surface is  because it's not efficient what we found is that   obese patients or patients with a large body mass  did not cool down very quickly and we couldn't   control the cooling but the inner cool gives  Steinberg ultimate control it's an exceptionally   designed catheter that uses cold saline  solution to cool his patients from the inside   all right yeah and here's how it works a gold  medal tip is inserted through the groin into   the femoral vein this is effectively a highway to  the patient's heart and the Heart Is intercool's   Final Destination that's because the heart  will pump the cold blood around the body   but getting a 10 inch metal shaft through  a patient's femoral vein requires some cool   engineering gold is a great thermal conductor but  it also needs to be Supple enough to snake its   way through the femoral vein the way we did that  was by taking a piece of metal and putting these   little what are called Bellows these little  ribs in it and they're actually flexible and   by having these little segments here that are  flexible the metal the whole metal tip becomes   very flexible the cool design doesn't stop there  the grooves are specially designed to move through   the blood very gently remember blood is really  a soup of blood cells and they damage easily   finally the catheter reaches the inferior  vena cava a one inch diameter vein inside   the heart that retrieves used  blood from our bodies foreign cold saline is pumped into the catheter right up  to the gold tip the heart does the rest pumping   cool blood around the body and dropping the  patient's core temperature to induce hypothermia   Dr Steinberg lowers his patient's core temperature  of 98.6 degrees by 10 percent our thermal camera   shows the patient's brain as a cool blue it took  intercool just 20 minutes now surgery can start from here it's up to Dr Steinberg  as he repairs his patient's weakened   blood vessel and saves his life the  whole time our thermal camera shows   the patient staying at the perfect  temperature in manageable hypothermia when surgery is done a flick of a switch turns  inner cool into inner warmth heated saline is   pumped through the system and the patient  gradually warms up a successful operation brain surgery will always be a risky business but  today intercool is reducing some of those risks   this device is is a true innovation in terms of  being able to cool the brain quickly and safely   and in that sense it will revolutionize I believe  the way we practice certain types of neurosurgery October 3rd 1993 Mogadishu  Somalia we're all familiar   with the infamous Black Hawk Down incident no one is closer to the events of that day  than 44 year old U.S special forces veteran   Brad Hawley a Purple Heart recipient Ryan see ya  he lost his left leg when his Chopper went down for years Brad's walked with  a conventional prosthetic limb   but in 2006 he swapped it for  the world's first Power knee nowadays brat doesn't reminisce much  about his experience on the battlefield   that you don't talk about what happened to  you like do you uh not too often other than   to say that it was you know it was a combat  injury and it's hit by a rock-papel grenade   much rather talk about the cool  new technology in his power knee from the labs of the oser  corporation this is 10 pounds   worth of state-of-the-art prosthetic Wizardry closest we've come to a bionic limb in my  opinion they're the million dollar joints   atosur Corporation I was pretty Keen to find  out how this amazing artificial leg worked   and Asura's head of Prosthetics Ian  father Gill was happy to demonstrate   the power knee is the first knee that generates  positive power so we have the possibility when we   bend the knee of it actually to straighten itself  back out it actually has a motor in there and it's   driving it into a bent and straight position  powered by 42 volt Lithium Polymer batteries   the tiny but incredibly strong electric motors  inside can Propel a 265 pound person it generates   as much torque as much power as as the normal  human quadriceps and hamstring muscles but the   power knee can also think for itself it's onboard  computer holds a huge database on human locomotion   but here's the really clever feature pressure  sensors under the heel and Toes of the intact foot   detect what sort of stride is being taken [Music] status is sent to an ankle  strap transmitter that in turn sends   a wireless Bluetooth signal to the power  knees waiting microprocessors [Music]   they interpret the data and tell the motors  how to power the knee through its next step   and each power knee is programmed  personally for every user   it would start off by installing a database of  information on the knee that incorporated the   body weight the height the side of amputation  of the user and then we would go through each   setting one by one personalizing it so they  felt it was in symmetry with their Locomotion   I wonder how it would feel walking with one  of these potentially you can try the powerny   on yourself or I want to do it definitely  I'm powered up and ready to go good that's   a good start it's more difficult than I thought  it's me it's not it it's me but I'm starting to   get the hang of my extra legs incredible  power assisted step this is so bizarre   but it's working what I really want to test out  is Father Gill's claim that the power knee is   the first prosthetic device ever to power a  user upstairs so rapidly in their abilities   but first some fine tuning to  check the symmetry of my stride   I'm tagged with infrared reflectors so the  computer can track how evenly I'm walking   what we're trying to do is evaluate symmetry  from left side to right to see how the knees   moving in conjunction with the rest of your body  so when I'm programming the knee I can use this   kind of data to actually help me evaluate your  gate and actually update the settings on the   knee so that they can be a little bit a little bit  improved from where we are just now now the stairs   forward toe step very close just  trying to get a little bit more   fluid the more fluid it is the  better the clearer the signals it's amazing the leg is sensing how I  point my toe and it's incredibly strong   motor Powers my artificial Lake into  the air up the stairs that is so cool   king of the world king of the world you made it up  how about that now can I get down each power Knee   will set you back one hundred thousand dollars  it's a far cry from traditional prosthetic limbs   their major disadvantage is the wear and tear on  joints and muscles simply because the body has to   lift it every step not so with the power knee  but when I first got it uh it's it felt as if   I was constantly uh fighting the power because  uh I was so used to voluntary control now that   Brad has adjusted to his power knee his body is  really feeling the benefits there's no work at   the hip there's no lower back strain trying to get  up over the prosthesis super Prosthetics are here   above the knee amputees like Brad already have  the power need who knows bionic fingers legs and   Toes may become the everyday appendage for  the one in 200 Americans who've lost a limb there's nothing quite like seeing your  child's first baby picture months before birth   we've had 30 years to get used to 2D ultrasound  images the science of seeing the sound now very cool 3D ultrasound techniques  are revolutionizing medicine   this is a major advancement you're not  penetrating the body in any way and you   can get these fantastic pictures just by using  sound waves on the surface of your chest [Music]   more importantly 3D ultrasound is saving lives  Mr Johnson has a heart defect five years ago he   received an artificial heart valve that probably  saved his life [Music] now Physicians are afraid   it might be leaking blood Dr Roberto Lang wants  to find out without resorting to the scalpel   an ultrasound image is helpful but a 3D ultrasound  is that much better the surgeon can look at the   valve exactly in the same manner as he or she  will encounter at the time of surgery they   can mentally practice what type of operation  they're going to do the next day on a patient   this is truly like having the heart on your hands  Mr Johnson's suspect valves examined simply by   placing a transducer on his chest instantly Dr  Lang sees an accurate three-dimensional picture   of a living beating heart he can even see how  the blood is flowing through Mr Johnson's valve   now you see here the the color going through that  valve looks really really good and you see the   three struts this is excellent excellent beautiful  pictures here we're getting of your heart   so how does 3D ultrasound work it combines  two-dimensional picture slices of body organs   obtained by conventional 2D ultrasound techniques  every second millions of high frequency sound   pulses Way Beyond human hearing are blasted  through the body the reflected Echoes are   detected and analyzed to build a sound picture of  any soft or fluid-filled organ within its range 3D ultrasound goes one step further  by capturing several 2D images from   different angles and combining them using  the computer's specialized software [Music]   then as a 3D composite image it can be rotated at  any angle and we're going to see the blood going   through there we can see now the the turbulence  as the blood goes through this artificial valve   the smoothness of the blood flow through Mr  Johnson's heart valve is immediately apparent   blood under pressure starts off blue then turns  red as turbulence builds in the valve in this case   the absence of turbulence means the artificial  valve is working perfectly no leak in sight the news is good the size of your heart is normal  the way your heart is pumping is   only slightly reduced but we can make  you feel better with some medication   it's a diagnostic godsend and today 3D ultrasound  transducers have been miniaturized to the point   that they can be used inside the body during  surgery this little Imaging sensor here has the   equivalent of a hundred of these boards right  here all miniaturized into the size of a dime   the new 3D version has 25 times the processing  power producing a far clearer picture with   height depth and breadth and it's small enough  to slide down your throat it actually goes down   the food pipe and actually sits right behind  the Heart during heart surgery nestled in the   esophagus the miniature ultrasound probe  provides the physician with a close-up   detailed image of the heart without getting  in the way of the surgeon's scalpel [Music] of patients like Mr Johnson can now be  super accurately assessed without drawing   a single drop of blood looks normal it  really there's no leakages around the   valve like thousands of other patients he can  trust in the new technology and breathe easy [Music]   technology merges ever closer with flesh and blood   it's hard to improve on nature but we  could certainly give it a helping hand by cooling the blood to give us the best chance of  survival by Imaging live organs in amazing detail   and by building artificial limbs that  are almost as good as the real thing   see you next time on cool stuff foreign [Music]

2023-11-11 06:48

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