Leverage ChatGPT & AI for Job Search Success

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okay so hi everyone welcome my name is okay so hi everyone welcome my name is Patrick Holton I'm the executive Patrick Holton I'm the executive Patrick Holton I'm the executive director of graduate business career director of graduate business career director of graduate business career relations that's Lauren Moy in the back relations That's Lauren Moy in the back relations that's Lauren Moy in the back if you haven't had a chance to meet If you haven't had a chance to meet if you haven't had a chance to meet Lauren yet either uh welcome to your Lauren yet either uh welcome to your Lauren yet either uh welcome to your first week of class hopefully classes first week of class hopefully classes first week of class hopefully classes are going well so far if you've had them are going well so far if you've had them are going well so far if you've had them or if tonight's your first night or if tonight's your first night or if tonight's your first night hopefully you have a good set of classes hopefully you have a good set of classes hopefully you have a good set of classes ahead of you for both this evening as ahead of you for both this evening as ahead of you for both this evening as well as for the rest of the semester so well as for the rest of the semester so well as for the rest of the semester so what we're going to do is talk for a bit what we're going to do is talk for a bit what we're going to do is talk for a bit about how you can use Chachi PT other about how you can use Chat GPT other about how you can use Chachi PT other sort AI sources both for resume sort of AI sources both for resume sort AI sources both for resume preparation as well as job search itself preparation as well as job search itself preparation as well as job search itself throughout the evening I'll be talking Throughout the evening I'll be talking throughout the evening I'll be talking about some of the tools that we utilize about some of the tools that we utilize about some of the tools that we utilize here as well that you'll have access to here as well that you'll have access to here as well that you'll have access to that you can use to both help build your that you can use to both help build your that you can use to both help build your resume practice your interview skills as resume practice your interview skills as resume practice your interview skills as well as then work on your LinkedIn well as then work on your LinkedIn well as then work on your LinkedIn profile and a number of other things profile and a number of other things profile and a number of other things along with it as well so what we'll do along with it as well so what we'll do along with it as well so what we'll do is is I'm not going to kill you with is I'm not going to kill you with is I'm not going to kill you with PowerPoint to start off your uh your PowerPoint to start off your uh your PowerPoint to start off your uh your semester I only have like two or three semester I only have like two or three semester I only have like two or three basic slides to use then I'm going to go basic slides to use then I'm going to go basic slides to use then I'm going to go in and utilize the tool to walk you in and utilize the tool to walk you in and utilize the tool to walk you through seeing how you find the tools through seeing how you find the tools through seeing how you find the tools how you can utilize them and show you how you can utilize them and show you how you can utilize them and show you some of the ins and outs of working with some of the ins and outs of working with some of the ins and outs of working with them as well as then some of the pieces them as well as then some of the pieces them as well as then some of the pieces of working with of working with of working with um doing some searches for things within um doing some searches for things within um doing some searches for things within things like Chachi PT as well as I was things like Chat GPT as well as I was things like Chachi PT as well as I was playing around with Bard a little bit as playing around with Bard a little bit as playing around with Bard a little bit as well that Bard wasn't really giving me well that Bard wasn't really giving me well that Bard wasn't really giving me too much different information on the too much different information on the too much different information on the career side from than what I was getting career side from what I was getting career side from than what I was getting from chatgpt so I'll probably mainly from Chat GPT so I'll probably mainly from Chat gpt so I'll probably mainly stay within chat GPT but just know a lot stay within Chat GPT but just know a lot stay within chat GPT but just know a lot of those same parameters a lot of the of those same parameters a lot of the of those same parameters a lot of the same search you can run on any one of same search you can run on any one of same search you can run on any one of those open AI pieces or solutions that those open AI pieces or solutions that those open AI pieces or solutions that you might be more comfortable with at you might be more comfortable with at you might be more comfortable with at this point in time they're all doing uh this point in time they're all doing uh this point in time they're all doing uh pretty much the same things in this in pretty much the same things in this in pretty much the same things in this in this space so again these are some of the pieces of so again these are some of the pieces of what we'll be talking about tonight for what we'll be talking about tonight for what we'll be talking about tonight for you and one of the big things that you and one of the big things that you and one of the big things that you're going to want to do that you can you're going to want to do that you can you're going to want to do that you can do your general LinkedIn searches your do your general LinkedIn searches your do your general LinkedIn searches your general company searches to find out general company searches to find out general company searches to find out information on what companies are information on what companies are information on what companies are looking for what skills people are looking for what skills people are looking for what skills people are looking for inside of their inside of looking for inside of their inside of looking for inside of their inside of those both on the job postings that those both on the job postings that those both on the job postings that people have out there as well as then people have out there as well as then people have out there as well as then looking up people and their information looking up people and their information looking up people and their information and one of the things that you can do and one of the things that you can do and one of the things that you can do and I'll show you from some of our tools and I'll show you from some of our tools and I'll show you from some of our tools on the career Hub which I'm not sure if on the career Hub which I'm not sure if on the career Hub which I'm not sure if many of you have had the chance to many of you have had the chance to many of you have had the chance to access yet how you can access things access yet how you can access things access yet how you can access things like forage management consulted as well like forage management consulted as well like forage management consulted as well to build some of the skills and enhance to build some of the skills and enhance to build some of the skills and enhance what you're what you're looking to do as what you're what you're looking to do as what you're what you're looking to do as you go forward as well as then what you you go forward as well as then what you you go forward as well as then what you can do as you enhance your skills make can do as you enhance your skills make can do as you enhance your skills make sure you're utilizing and putting them sure you're utilizing and putting them sure you're utilizing and putting them on to LinkedIn so say for example if you on to LinkedIn so say for example if you on to LinkedIn so say for example if you go out there and get any type of a go out there and get any type of a go out there and get any type of a certification if you're going through on certification if you're going through on certification if you're going through on like I said on forage you get a search like I said on forage you get a search like I said on forage you get a search you get a certificate of completion from you get a certificate of completion from you get a certificate of completion from the company so if you complete that the company so if you complete that the company so if you complete that you're going to want to make sure that you're going to want to make sure that you're going to want to make sure that you're updating that information both on you're updating that information both on you're updating that information both on your resume as well as on your LinkedIn your resume as well as on your LinkedIn your resume as well as on your LinkedIn profile as well because the recruiters profile as well because the recruiters profile as well because the recruiters and companies are going to be running and companies are going to be running and companies are going to be running searches against searches against searches against specific criteria that they're looking specific criteria that they're looking specific criteria that they're looking for as they're looking to hire people in for as they're looking to hire people in for as they're looking to hire people in many cases companies are going mainly many cases companies are going mainly many cases companies are going mainly doing things where they're searching on doing things where they're searching on doing things where they're searching on the back end to find people more so than the back end to find people more so than the back end to find people more so than reading the applications and resumes reading the applications and resumes reading the applications and resumes that are coming into them before I came that are coming into them before I came that are coming into them before I came over into the higher ed side Iran a over into the higher ed side I ran a over into the higher ed side Iran a staffing function for a finance firm and staffing function for a finance firm and staffing function for a finance firm and at that firm what we did I hired a lot at that firm what we did I hired a lot at that firm what we did I hired a lot of quantitative risk folks a lot of of quantitative risk folks a lot of of quantitative risk folks a lot of credit Market Risk Managers and a lot of credit Market Risk Managers and a lot of credit Market Risk Managers and a lot of Technology people and I had a series of Technology people and I had a series of Technology people and I had a series of bullying searches that I just kept in a bullying searches that I just kept in a bullying searches that I just kept in a Word document and anytime I needed to Word document and anytime I needed to Word document and anytime I needed to look for a market risk manager or a look for a market risk manager or a look for a market risk manager or a credit risk manager I just copied that credit risk manager I just copied that credit risk manager I just copied that bullying search put it right into the bullying search put it right into the bullying search put it right into the top of the LinkedIn profile into the top of the LinkedIn profile into the top of the LinkedIn profile into the LinkedIn search category ran the search LinkedIn search category ran the search LinkedIn search category ran the search would identify who the top 50 people would identify who the top 50 people would identify who the top 50 people were that came up on the score were that came up on the score were that came up on the score out of those top 50 people I would click out of those top 50 people I would click out of those top 50 people I would click a button right next to their name and a button right next to their name and a button right next to their name and I'd shoot them a quick message saying I'd shoot them a quick message saying I'd shoot them a quick message saying are you interested in this opportunity are you interested in this opportunity are you interested in this opportunity you're learning more about it and that's you're learning more about it and that's you're learning more about it and that's how I hired the vast majority of my how I hired the vast majority of my how I hired the vast majority of my positions I got down to a point where I positions I got down to a point where I positions I got down to a point where I could run a search that to find could run a search that to find could run a search that to find candidates where it would start off with candidates where it would start off with candidates where it would start off with three or four million people and I'd be three or four million people and I'd be three or four million people and I'd be able to call that down to a list of 100 able to call that down to a list of 100 able to call that down to a list of 100 people in probably about 45 seconds to a people in probably about 45 seconds to a people in probably about 45 seconds to a minute just being able to look by minute just being able to look by minute just being able to look by certain criteria that you set so it's certain criteria that you set so it's certain criteria that you set so it's important when you think about it a lot important when you think about it a lot important when you think about it a lot of people are applying to certain of people are applying to certain of people are applying to certain companies where you may have 10 000 companies where you may have 10,000 companies where you may have 10,000 applicants and when I just said that I applicants and when I just said that I applicants and when I just said that I was looking at 50 of them right so was looking at 50 of them right so was looking at 50 of them right so 9950 resumes were never looked at by 9950 resumes were never looked at by 9950 resumes were never looked at by anyone because I looked at the top 50 anyone because I looked at the top 50 anyone because I looked at the top 50 reached out to the top 50 and hoped that reached out to the top 50 and hoped that reached out to the top 50 and hoped that I could hire that position out of those I could hire that position out of those I could hire that position out of those 50 people if it was more than those 50 50 people if it was more than those 50 50 people if it was more than those 50 people I would maybe go down to 75 people I would maybe go down to 75 people I would maybe go down to 75 people I rarely had to go beyond 100 people I rarely had to go beyond 100 people I rarely had to go beyond 100 candidates to find or fill a role so candidates to find or fill a role so candidates to find or fill a role so that's why all of these pieces of what that's why all of these pieces of what that's why all of these pieces of what we're going to talk about tonight are we're going to talk about tonight are we're going to talk about tonight are important for you to find those important for you to find those important for you to find those opportunities because you want to make opportunities because you want to make opportunities because you want to make sure that you get to the top of those sure that you get to the top of those sure that you get to the top of those lists for you lists for you lists for you so that's why it's going to be critical so that's why it's going to be critical so that's why it's going to be critical to use different pieces on the res on to use different pieces on the res on to use different pieces on the res on your resume making sure that you're your resume making sure that you're your resume making sure that you're using the skills section not only are using the skills section not only are using the skills section not only are you going to put the skills in there but you going to put the skills in there but you going to put the skills in there but you also have to put them into the base you also have to put them into the base you also have to put them into the base of your resume as well where you've of your resume as well as where you've of your resume as well where you've actually worked on it right you can't actually worked on it right you can't actually worked on it right you can't just list a whole bunch of programming just list a whole bunch of programming just list a whole bunch of programming languages a whole bunch of these other languages a whole bunch of these other languages a whole bunch of these other things that you have technically and things that you have technically and things that you have technically and then not show somewhere else where then not show somewhere else where then not show somewhere else where you've actually utilized it when you've you've actually utilized it when you've you've actually utilized it when you've actually done something with that even actually done something with that even actually done something with that even if it's just doing one of those projects if it's just doing one of those projects if it's just doing one of those projects I mentioned on forage that you're going I mentioned on forage that you're going I mentioned on forage that you're going to be able to do that the more you look to be able to do that the more you look to be able to do that the more you look you're going to be able to find your and you're going to be able to find your and you're going to be able to find your and incorporate keywords you're going to incorporate keywords you're going to incorporate keywords you're going to have to look at two the different pieces have to look at two the different pieces have to look at two the different pieces when you're looking at your keywords when you're looking at your keywords when you're looking at your keywords that different companies use different that different companies use different that different companies use different terminology terminology terminology so especially in different sectors so especially in different sectors so especially in different sectors you'll see things that where people call you'll see things that where people call you'll see things that where people call Project life cycles by different terms Project life cycles by different terms Project life cycles by different terms so if you see in the job description so if you see in the job description so if you see in the job description where they're referring to everything as where they're referring to everything as where they're referring to everything as Project Life Cycle versus project Project Life Cycle versus project Project Life Cycle versus project management you better make sure that you management you better make sure that you management you better make sure that you have the word life cycle inside of your have the word life cycle inside of your have the word life cycle inside of your resume in having worked on projects resume in having worked on projects resume in having worked on projects because otherwise you're not going to go because otherwise you're not going to go because otherwise you're not going to go up to the top of the list for it so up to the top of the list for it so up to the top of the list for it so you'll want to have a a baseline of you'll want to have a a baseline of you'll want to have a a baseline of utilizing both for you utilizing both for you utilizing both for you and again I'll show you some of that and again I'll show you some of that and again I'll show you some of that through Iration when we get into there through Hiration when we get into there through Hiration when we get into there and then also make sure that you're and then also make sure that you're and then also make sure that you're quantifying everything right it's not quantifying everything right it's not quantifying everything right it's not that you were responsible for doing that you were responsible for doing that you were responsible for doing something that you just did something something that you just did something something that you just did something it's how much how many what was the it's how much how many what was the it's how much how many what was the outcome of it if you were if you were in outcome of it if you were if you were in outcome of it if you were if you were in sales sales sales not I beat tar sales targets how much not I beat target sales targets how much not I beat target sales targets how much did you beat your targets by what was did you beat your targets by what was did you beat your targets by what was how much did you increase Revenue by if how much did you increase Revenue by if how much did you increase Revenue by if you were in roles where you had to cut you were in roles where you had to cut you were in roles where you had to cut costs reduce expenses talk about how costs reduce expenses talk about how costs reduce expenses talk about how much you were able to reduce look at the much you were able to reduce look at the much you were able to reduce look at the things that you were able to identify in things that you were able to identify in things that you were able to identify in the way of things such as say for the way of things such as say for the way of things such as say for example if you were on a technology side example if you were on a technology side example if you were on a technology side right and you were looking at QA or uat right and you were looking at QA or uat right and you were looking at QA or uat how how many how were you able to work how many how were you able to work ]how many how were you able to work on refining that right how how many bugs on refining that right how many bugs on refining that right how how many bugs were you able to catch and fix before were you able to catch and fix before were you able to catch and fix before things hit this hit the production sites things hit this hit the production sites things hit this hit the production sites so you really have to look at and think so you really have to look at and think so you really have to look at and think of all of these different things to talk of all of these different things to talk of all of these different things to talk through and put out there on your resume through and put out there on your resume through and put out there on your resume as you go through and as I said I was really only going to and as I said I was really only going to show you a couple little slides on there show you a couple little slides on there show you a couple little slides on there how many people have seen this screen so how many people have seen this screen so how many people have seen this screen so far okay so this is when you go into your my okay so this is when you go into your my Hofstra account you'll be able to see in Hofstra account you'll be able to see in Hofstra account you'll be able to see in I believe the easiest way to get to it I believe the easiest way to get to it I believe the easiest way to get to it is either on the student from the is either on the student from the is either on the student from the student services section or some will student services section or some will student services section or some will see it on the front page it's the career see it on the front page it's the career see it on the front page it's the career Hub if you don't see it anywhere just Hub if you don't see it anywhere just Hub if you don't see it anywhere just type in career Hub in the search and it type in career Hub in the search and it type in career Hub in the search and it brings you to this page this gives you brings you to this page this gives you brings you to this page this gives you access to all of our tools that we have access to all of our tools that we have access to all of our tools that we have available to you to utilize navigate the available to you to utilize navigate the available to you to utilize navigate the first one here in the middle is where first one here in the middle is where first one here in the middle is where you can schedule appointments with us you can schedule appointments with us you can schedule appointments with us Lauren and I have appointments five days Lauren and I have appointments five days Lauren and I have appointments five days a week two evenings a week that were a week two evenings a week that we're a week two evenings a week that we're available for appointments so you could available for appointments so you could available for appointments so you could just click on there to schedule just click on there to schedule just click on there to schedule appointments with us the AI based resume appointments with us the AI based resume appointments with us the AI based resume feedback is high ration that we're going feedback is hiration that we're going feedback is hiration that we're going to be going into handshake on the bar to be going into handshake on the bar to be going into handshake on the bar side is where when you're looking for side is where when you're looking for side is where when you're looking for jobs internships looking to find out jobs internships looking to find out jobs internships looking to find out event about events like tonight that if event about events like tonight that if event about events like tonight that if you've gotten an email and that's how you've gotten an email and that's how you've gotten an email and that's how you decided to come to the event great you decided to come to the event great you decided to come to the event great but you can also look on handshake and but you can also look on handshake and but you can also look on handshake and see the whole list of events and see the whole list of events and see the whole list of events and opportunities that are going on for opportunities that are going on for opportunities that are going on for throughout the semester management throughout the semester management throughout the semester management consulting is another tool you can consulting is another tool you can consulting is another tool you can utilize to help you build your build up utilize to help you build your build up utilize to help you build your build up skills especially in the way of if skills especially in the way of if skills especially in the way of if you're looking at consultative skills so you're looking at consultative skills so you're looking at consultative skills so problem solving if you're looking at problem solving if you're looking at problem solving if you're looking at enhancing your mental math skills any enhancing your mental math skills any enhancing your mental math skills any Finance people here that are looking to Finance people here that are looking to Finance people here that are looking to get into Investments get into Investments get into Investments if anyone is that's something that if anyone is that's something that if anyone is that's something that you're going to want to do because you're going to want to do because you're going to want to do because you're going to get problem solving you're going to get problem solving you're going to get problem solving questions asked by companies and firms questions asked by companies and firms questions asked by companies and firms in the interview process and during in the interview process and during in the interview process and during those things they're going to ask you those things they're going to ask you those things they're going to ask you mental math based questions so they're mental math based questions so they're mental math based questions so they're going to ask you to calculate things and going to ask you to calculate things and going to ask you to calculate things and work through problems in your head and work through problems in your head and work through problems in your head and out loud to work through them so out loud to work through them so out loud to work through them so management consulting is incredible to management consulting is incredible to management consulting is incredible to help you with that it also helps there's help you with that it also helps there's help you with that it also helps there's another whole tool on it that can take another whole tool on it that can take another whole tool on it that can take you through and help you to build on you through and help you to build on you through and help you to build on your skills in the way of Excel and your skills in the way of Excel and your skills in the way of Excel and PowerPoint and it's not just genetic PowerPoint and it's not just genetic PowerPoint and it's not just genetic they have the generic PowerPoint but they have the generic PowerPoint but they have the generic PowerPoint but it's also for things like if you're it's also for things like if you're it's also for things like if you're working on a presentation that's working on a presentation that's working on a presentation that's boardroom style presentation if it's a boardroom style presentation if it's a boardroom style presentation if it's a large group presentation if it's a large group presentation if it's a large group presentation if it's a one-on-one sales based presentation that one-on-one sales based presentation that one-on-one sales based presentation that you can go on and you can look at those you can go on and you can look at those you can go on and you can look at those anyone that's looking at accounting or anyone that's looking at accounting or anyone that's looking at accounting or Consulting Consulting Consulting they actually utilize if you have to they actually utilize if you have to they actually utilize if you have to create presentations for any part of create presentations for any part of create presentations for any part of your hiring process they actually give your hiring process they actually give your hiring process they actually give you the deck strategies and styles that you the deck strategies and styles that you the deck strategies and styles that firms like Deloitte PWC KPMG Bain firms like Deloitte PWC KPMG Bain firms like Deloitte PWC KPMG Bain McKinsey Accenture they give you all of McKinsey Accenture they give you all of McKinsey Accenture they give you all of their presentation models so sometimes their presentation models so sometimes their presentation models so sometimes during the interview process the during the interview process the during the interview process the interviewers will say create this deck interviewers will say create this deck interviewers will say create this deck for us and come and present it to us for us and come and present it to us for us and come and present it to us instead of then just using a generic instead of then just using a generic instead of then just using a generic PowerPoint presentation isn't it great PowerPoint presentation isn't it great PowerPoint presentation isn't it great if you show up with that firm's if you show up with that firm's if you show up with that firm's presentation style which will lead to presentation style which will lead to presentation style which will lead to the question well how'd you get that oh the question well how'd you get that oh the question well how'd you get that oh I utilized this tool that I have at I utilized this tool that I have at I utilized this tool that I have at school to prepare for this so it shows school to prepare for this so it shows school to prepare for this so it shows that you've used and done a little bit that you've used and done a little bit that you've used and done a little bit of extra steps in order to work your way of extra steps in order to work your way of extra steps in order to work your way through the process for it then we have through the process for it then we have through the process for it then we have other tools on here I'm only going to other tools on here I'm only going to other tools on here I'm only going to click on to forage for a second just to click on to forage for a second just to click on to forage for a second just to show you what that looks like but again show you what that looks like but again show you what that looks like but again I'm just going to click on that one for I'm just going to click on that one for I'm just going to click on that one for a quick minute just so that you see it a quick minute just so that you see it a quick minute just so that you see it and how it operates for you as we were and how it operates for you as we were and how it operates for you as we were talking about how to build your skills you can either do a careers you could you can either do a careers you could look through the interesting careers or look through the interesting careers or look through the interesting careers or you can take a look by company you can you can take a look by company you can you can take a look by company you can see that there are a number of different see that there are a number of different see that there are a number of different projects that you can work on so just projects that you can work on so just projects that you can work on so just say for example if you want to work on say for example if you want to work on say for example if you want to work on building your data visualization skills building your data visualization skills building your data visualization skills and you're looking at Consulting what and you're looking at Consulting what and you're looking at Consulting what you can do is take a look at here where you can do is take a look at here where you can do is take a look at here where everything why you do this job everything why you do this job everything why you do this job simulation with them it tells you the simulation with them it tells you the simulation with them it tells you the skills specifically that you're going to skills specifically that you're going to skills specifically that you're going to be able to build while you're working on be able to build while you're working on be able to build while you're working on there and not only do you work on this there and not only do you work on this there and not only do you work on this but you will also be sending it forward but you will also be sending it forward but you will also be sending it forward to in this case Tata which is one of the to in this case Tata which is one of the to in this case Tata which is one of the largest consultancies in the world their largest consultancies in the world their largest consultancies in the world their recruiting team will actually see the recruiting team will actually see the recruiting team will actually see the project that you create so this isn't project that you create so this isn't project that you create so this isn't just like a classroom project that just like a classroom project that just like a classroom project that you're working on just to learn the you're working on just to learn the you're working on just to learn the skill and have it go nowhere it actually skill and have it go nowhere it actually skill and have it go nowhere it actually goes and they utilize this as part of goes and they utilize this as part of goes and they utilize this as part of their selection process there was their selection process there was their selection process there was actually we had a student who actually we had a student who actually we had a student who interviewed him was fired by JP Morgan interviewed him was fired by JP Morgan interviewed him was fired by JP Morgan this past spring that during part of this past spring that during part of this past spring that during part of their recruiting process they actually their recruiting process they actually their recruiting process they actually had him go out onto here and complete had him go out onto here and complete had him go out onto here and complete one of the forage practices on there so one of the forage practices on there so one of the forage practices on there so they look at this because what it they look at this because what it they look at this because what it enables you to do is when you look at it enables you to do is when you look at it enables you to do is when you look at it what will you learn it breaks down what will you learn it breaks down what will you learn it breaks down everything for you what you're going to everything for you what you're going to everything for you what you're going to learn so it's essentially the project learn so it's essentially the project learn so it's essentially the project that you would be getting as either a that you would be getting as either a that you would be getting as either a summer analyst or a first year analyst summer analyst or a first year analyst summer analyst or a first year analyst to work on so they're giving you this to to work on so they're giving you this to to work on so they're giving you this to work on so it's better than you having a work on so it's better than you having a work on so it's better than you having a great resume that you've gone out and great resume that you've gone out and great resume that you've gone out and built through working with us at Career built through working with us at Career built through working with us at Career Services utilizing everything online and Services utilizing everything online and Services utilizing everything online and having this great resume but only being having this great resume but only being having this great resume but only being able to tell a great story this is able able to tell a great story this is able able to tell a great story this is able to actually see how you can actually to actually see how you can actually to actually see how you can actually work what you're able to accomplish and work what you're able to accomplish and work what you're able to accomplish and what you can get done on there so this what you can get done on there so this what you can get done on there so this is what you can utilize for this tool is what you can utilize for this tool is what you can utilize for this tool they also tell you how long it takes they also tell you how long it takes they also tell you how long it takes that it's generally this one's three and that it's generally this one's three and that it's generally this one's three and a half to four hours four and a half a half to four hours four and a half a half to four hours four and a half hours of work some of them can be hours of work some of them can be hours of work some of them can be upwards pretty much the longest ones upwards pretty much the longest ones upwards pretty much the longest ones I've seen take about six hours total of I've seen take about six hours total of I've seen take about six hours total of work and just so you know if you start work and just so you know if you start work and just so you know if you start one and then you're going to go to one and then you're going to go to one and then you're going to go to submit it make sure you're ready and submit it make sure you're ready and submit it make sure you're ready and have the skills kind of a little bit of have the skills kind of a little bit of have the skills kind of a little bit of knowledge on it before you go forward knowledge on it before you go forward knowledge on it before you go forward with it because the company sees when with it because the company sees when with it because the company sees when you start and how long it takes you to you start and how long it takes you to you start and how long it takes you to do it so if you click on just say I do it so if you click on just say I do it so if you click on just say I already go click on this now already go click on this now already go click on this now leave it sit open till December and then leave it sit open till December and then leave it sit open till December and then go back the company's going to see that go back the company's going to see that go back the company's going to see that I had that open for 15 weeks and then I had that open for 15 weeks and then I had that open for 15 weeks and then decided to come back to it so if I'm a decided to come back to it so if I'm a decided to come back to it so if I'm a recruiter and you apply for a position recruiter and you apply for a position recruiter and you apply for a position you take 15 weeks to do this do I really you take 15 weeks to do this do I really you take 15 weeks to do this do I really think you're serious about my company think you're serious about my company think you're serious about my company not at all so I'm not going to even not at all so I'm not going to even not at all so I'm not going to even really look at it at that point in time really look at it at that point in time really look at it at that point in time because you're going to go for the folks because you're going to go for the folks because you're going to go for the folks that are going through and working on it that are going through and working on it that are going through and working on it at a more realistic pace for you so just at a more realistic pace for you so just at a more realistic pace for you so just keep all of those things in mind for you keep all of those things in mind for you keep all of those things in mind for you and again I was only going to take a and again I was only going to take a and again I was only going to take a minute or so in here because the biggest minute or so in here because the biggest minute or so in here because the biggest piece of what I'm going to be going into piece of what I'm going to be going into piece of what I'm going to be going into and looking at is both on the Chachi BT and looking at is both on the Chat GPT and looking at is both on the Chat GPT side as well as high ration has anybody side as well as hiration has anybody side as well as hiration has anybody used tyration yet used Hiration yet used Hiration yet okay so a few hands have gone up how do okay so a few hands have gone up how do okay so a few hands have gone up how do you like it has it helped your resume you like it has it helped your resume you like it has it helped your resume okay good glad no one said no because okay good glad no one said no because okay good glad no one said no because then I'd have to turn around and walk then I'd have to turn around and walk then I'd have to turn around and walk out in it but so what this tool does for out in it but so what this tool does for out in it but so what this tool does for you for anyone who hasn't been in and you for anyone who hasn't been in and you for anyone who hasn't been in and there's a new piece that the students there's a new piece that the students there's a new piece that the students haven't seen yet that we're just haven't seen yet that we're just haven't seen yet that we're just launching as a beta project with them launching as a beta project with them launching as a beta project with them this year so when you would log in what this year so when you would log in what this year so when you would log in what you would see the first time as you come you would see the first time as you come you would see the first time as you come in here you'll see the button up here to in here you'll see the button up here to in here you'll see the button up here to create a new resume or you'll see at the create a new resume or you'll see at the create a new resume or you'll see at the bottom you'll see more of a bottom you'll see more of a bottom you'll see more of a a block so you have two options from a block so you have two options from a block so you have two options from here first you select your template that here first you select your template that here first you select your template that you'd like to use and I'm just going to you'd like to use and I'm just going to you'd like to use and I'm just going to pick any one then what it's going to do pick any one then what it's going to do pick any one then what it's going to do is ask you do you already have a resume is ask you do you already have a resume is ask you do you already have a resume that you want to upload the information that you want to upload the information that you want to upload the information or if you just want to start over start or if you just want to start over start or if you just want to start over start from scratch utilize a template that from scratch utilize a template that from scratch utilize a template that we've worked on and created if you do we've worked on and created if you do we've worked on and created if you do create a new resume there are actually create a new resume there are actually create a new resume there are actually templates that are here both for mbams templates that are here both for mbmas templates that are here both for mbmas students experienced mbas as well as students experienced mbas as well as students experienced mbas as well as undergraduates so that you can actually undergraduates so that you can actually undergraduates so that you can actually click on here and if you were to click click on here and if you were to click click on here and if you were to click on any one of these what it's going to on any one of these what it's going to on any one of these what it's going to do for you is provide you with the layout of a is provide you with the layout of a resume resume resume as well as put in some helpful as well as put in some helpful as well as put in some helpful information and tips for you to information and tips for you to information and tips for you to customize and change customize and change customize and change and when I say that to customize and and when I say that to customize and and when I say that to customize and change change change you have to change almost all you have you have to change almost all you have you have to change almost all you have to change all of this right because to change all of this right because to change all of this right because they'll get to know if every student they'll get to know if every student they'll get to know if every student from Hofstra that's looking for an from Hofstra that's looking for an from Hofstra that's looking for an accounting starts sending out the same accounting starts sending out the same accounting starts sending out the same exact resume with only their name exact resume with only their name exact resume with only their name changed at the top in the email address changed at the top in the email address changed at the top in the email address separated so their analytics can tell separated so their analytics can tell separated so their analytics can tell all of that so they'll be able to see if all of that so they'll be able to see if all of that so they'll be able to see if everything starts churning out the same everything starts churning out the same everything starts churning out the same information so be careful of that I'm information so be careful of that I'm information so be careful of that I'm going to go back to a different one that going to go back to a different one that going to go back to a different one that I was using before that I was using before that I was using before that you can use and just to show you through you can use and just to show you through you can use and just to show you through if you run into a situation where if you run into a situation where if you run into a situation where your resume when you put it in here it your resume when you put it in here it your resume when you put it in here it starts showing that your resume is too starts showing that your resume is too starts showing that your resume is too long one of the great pieces to it you long one of the great pieces to it you long one of the great pieces to it you know how if you're working in say in know how if you're working in say in know how if you're working in say in Microsoft Word or something you have to Microsoft Word or something you have to Microsoft Word or something you have to highlight the whole document to change highlight the whole document to change highlight the whole document to change the the text sizes to change your the the text sizes to change your the the text sizes to change your formats and everything on here if you formats and everything on here if you formats and everything on here if you just click on the line spacing it just just click on the line spacing it just just click on the line spacing it just automatically moves everything it automatically moves everything it automatically moves everything it changes everything for you it changes changes everything for you it changes changes everything for you it changes your margins it changes your fonts you your margins it changes your fonts you your margins it changes your fonts you don't have to go through and highlight don't have to go through and highlight don't have to go through and highlight and change everything it just makes and change everything it just makes and change everything it just makes those edits and changes for you what those edits and changes for you what those edits and changes for you what you'll also see is it's storing your you'll also see is it's storing your you'll also see is it's storing your resume everything from the structure of resume everything from the structure of resume everything from the structure of it and from structure is the length it and from structure is the length it and from structure is the length that's in there as well as all of your that's in there as well as all of your that's in there as well as all of your the skills that it's showing what skills the skills that it's showing what skills the skills that it's showing what skills you're utilizing as well as which ones you're utilizing as well as which ones you're utilizing as well as which ones it's using it's going out and looking it's using it's going out and looking it's using it's going out and looking and saying okay you're a marketing and saying okay you're a marketing and saying okay you're a marketing person so what other skills should you person so what other skills should you person so what other skills should you have so it's going out and essentially have so it's going out and essentially have so it's going out and essentially going in the background and seeing what going in the background and seeing what going in the background and seeing what other people in marketing are utilizing other people in marketing are utilizing other people in marketing are utilizing as skills for it and it's telling you as skills for it and it's telling you as skills for it and it's telling you these four critical skills are missing these four critical skills are missing these four critical skills are missing from your resume so you want to figure from your resume so you want to figure from your resume so you want to figure out how you can work and get those in out how you can work and get those in out how you can work and get those in there for you it tells you the 25 that there for you it tells you the 25 that there for you it tells you the 25 that you have that are good it scores you on you have that are good it scores you on you have that are good it scores you on your contact info reverse chronological your contact info reverse chronological your contact info reverse chronological order meaning that you have your newest order meaning that you have your newest order meaning that you have your newest experience first going back to your experience first going back to your experience first going back to your oldest experience then what it also does oldest experience then what it also does oldest experience then what it also does for you is it's going to rank and score for you is it's going to rank and score for you is it's going to rank and score it's going to rate and score each and it's going to rate and score each and it's going to rate and score each and every bullet point that you utilize so I every bullet point that you utilize so I every bullet point that you utilize so I just highlighted this one bullet point just highlighted this one bullet point just highlighted this one bullet point here right my score here was an 83. here right my score here was an 83. here right my score here was an 83. so it's telling me that

I'm not quantifying information right I'm not quantifying information right that was one of the things they talked that was one of the things they talked that was one of the things they talked about it's really they don't care that I about it's really they don't care that I about it's really they don't care that I granted these reports that I draft one a granted these reports that I draft one a granted these reports that I draft one a couple times or was I really doing how couple times or was I really doing how couple times or was I really doing how much was I doing and who was it going to and right away it automatically scores and right away it automatically scores you so as I'm working on it on screen you so as I'm working on it on screen you so as I'm working on it on screen it's actually saving your resume and it's actually saving your resume and it's actually saving your resume and it's re-scoring and updating and it's re-scoring and updating and it's re-scoring and updating and analyzing everything as you're working analyzing everything as you're working analyzing everything as you're working on it so it's giving you that feedback on it so it's giving you that feedback on it so it's giving you that feedback on your resume as you work live real on your resume as you work live real on your resume as you work live real time on there for you so it's telling time on there for you so it's telling time on there for you so it's telling you what you might be missing what you you what you might be missing what you you what you might be missing what you can do and it's great because all you can do and it's great because all you can do and it's great because all you have to do you make all your edits in have to do you make all your edits in have to do you make all your edits in here it automatically saves it when here it automatically saves it when here it automatically saves it when you're finished you can just hit the you're finished you can just hit the you're finished you can just hit the preview and download and then you can preview and download and then you can preview and download and then you can choose if you want to download it into a choose if you want to download it into a choose if you want to download it into a Word document or into a PDF file I Word document or into a PDF file I Word document or into a PDF file I suggest unless the company's asking you suggest unless the company's asking you suggest unless the company's asking you to submit a Word document submit a PDF to submit a Word document submit a PDF to submit a Word document submit a PDF file file file because if you send a Word document make because if you send a Word document make because if you send a Word document make sure that you scrub the history out of sure that you scrub the history out of sure that you scrub the history out of that word document I don't know if that word document I don't know if that word document I don't know if anyone's ever used that inspect function anyone's ever used that inspect function anyone's ever used that inspect function that's important to use it's in the top that's important to use it's in the top that's important to use it's in the top left when you go down and you pick left when you go down and you pick left when you go down and you pick inspect document it pulls out all the inspect document it pulls out all the inspect document it pulls out all the history and when that's critical is for history and when that's critical is for history and when that's critical is for a cover letter right because how many a cover letter right because how many a cover letter right because how many people use and just make little edits to people use and just make little edits to people use and just make little edits to a cover letter before you send it out a cover letter before you send it out a cover letter before you send it out right you change the company name and right you change the company name and right you change the company name and the job title if you don't inspect and the job title if you don't inspect and the job title if you don't inspect and pull that out if the company turns on pull that out if the company turns on pull that out if the company turns on track changes after you send it they'll track changes after you send it they'll track changes after you send it they'll see that you sent I want to be a summer see that you sent I want to be a summer see that you sent I want to be a summer investment analyst for Morgan Stanley investment analyst for Morgan Stanley investment analyst for Morgan Stanley for Goldman Sachs for JP Morgan for City for Goldman Sachs for JP Morgan for City for Goldman Sachs for JP Morgan for City for everyone else so they're able to for everyone else so they're able to for everyone else so they're able to then see what you're doing and sending then see what you're doing and sending then see what you're doing and sending out there and it'll happen because out there and it'll happen because out there and it'll happen because they'll just open the document and many they'll just open the document and many they'll just open the document and many of them they put on those track changes of them they put on those track changes of them they put on those track changes so they can see that type of thing so so they can see that type of thing so so they can see that type of thing so it's critical that you're making those it's critical that you're making those it&


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